Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Human growth and development

Human Growth and development In the adoption of an infant, it is important to have the proper and complete information regarding the infant. One of the questions that should be asked is the health history of the family.

The vaulting ambition of americas lady macbeth

He was the President of the US for eight years, and she the First Lady; if her attempt to become the President in 2008 meets with success, this would give them an indelible place in the history books-a couple who were at the helm of affairs in a country that plays a leading part in β†’

Infectious diseases and the immune system

Whooping Cough Whooping Cough Role of the Immune System and the pathogenesis of whooping cough The immune system develops antibodies to the disease-causing bacteria after the vaccine is introduced into the body. The pertussis toxin causes the disruption of the phagocytic activity in the respiratory system.

Assessing a person’s social class

A person's pose can also tell the social class they belong to. Question 3 A person from the upper social class always wants more security compared to people from the lower social class, therefore they will request for more police to patrol the town.

Politics 1920’s

The prediction was right; this is because, in the 1920, the fragmented Republican convention appointed Warren, a United States Senator of Ohio origin, as the presidential candidate. The presidency of Warren Warren is perceived as the nastiest leader in the history of US.

Functional analysis

Land-use planning is an activity that integrates physical, social and economic factors in systematic assessment criteria in order to enhance productivity and sustainability of projects in a society, prior to the activities undertaken by land users. The assessment of land-use plans is done in the light of circulation systems that are already in place.

Alternative water resources for cress growth

2) 300ml of each water sample was used to water seeds of two pots for the accuracy of results. The recordings are tabulated as in the following order Growth in height Growth in Number Tap water Fountain Pool water Laundry and pool water Laundry Sewage Fountain Tap La combe Kitchen La combe Analysis of results β†’

Sex offenders: when both parties are victims

The Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences has published a paper entitled " The Christian Response to the Phenomenon of Violence in South Asia" that encouraged the use of nonviolent actions to address diverse types of violence in societies. 2: The Methods of Nonviolent Action.


He believed that the key to understand human behavior is to first unravel the reasons behind the same and the consequences of that behavior. He introduced the term " reinforcement" as a core element of his theory and a tool to modify or encourage the kind of behavior that causes the desired response.

Conflicts between the advice-seeker and the daughter-in-law

The situation shows high consistency in Bernice's and Simon's behavior thus implying that the root cause of the conflict between the marriage is Bernice's behavior towards the advice-seeker. This leads to the conclusion that the marriage is continually being destroyed because of the behavior and actions of the mother-in-law and the husband's low response with β†’

Comparison and contrast of the characters ichabod crane and brom van brunt

Comparison and Contrast of the Characters Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt The characters of Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt are created by an American author named Washington Irving in his short story known as " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" which was first published in Birmingham, England in 1820. Crane tries a β†’

The best vacation: trip to china

I had always envisioned the path at the top of the wall to be a smooth walking surface. As I reached the top of a section of the wall, I had to stop and appreciate the spectacular view.

Analysis of psychological background in rodgers case, the character of sykes from sweat by zora neale hurston

Rodger's case is one event that has shocked the whole world because he was the son of a famous director. There is hardly any doubt about Rodger's motives for his murderous actions; he sent 107, 000-word story to his parents, therapist and some others right before he carried out the shooting.

Dimensions of culture

The power distance dimension measures the inclination of the poor citizens of a country to accept power is distributed unequally. The country with the highest masculinity index in the world is Japan.

Possible uses of a hammer

This technique of listing the different possibilities can be used in a variety of other situations to help simplify data for the user. To simplify this charges for customers, banks can prepare a matrix indicating the range of money that is to be sent in a specific country on the vertically and the amount charged β†’

Special primary school complex in the united states

Merging Special Education Program into the General Education Program A closely related issue that according to the article by Education Commission of the States is the current merger of the special education teacher program into the overall education program. The Kunskapsskolan: A Personalised Approach to Education Education Commission of the States.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism

It explores different issues related to alcohol abuse that helped in the definition of alcoholism. The article also explores other alcohol-related issues that do not fit into the context of alcoholism.

Medical eligibility enrollment

The implementation of the AB-50 bill will lead to an increase in information pertaining to the nature of people's income. The implementation of the AB-50 health care bill will also lead to equal amounts of false information being submitted by to the concerned authorities.

Thinking critically about ethical issues

Looking at the natural and social factors determining the shaping of an individuals conscience, one brought up in an apathetic society and under an environment perverted of what is right is most likely to participate in unethical actions. 7) Thus, it is unethical for a cosmetologist to use the clients in order to make high β†’

Event in history that had lasting impact on american culture (jfk assasination)

Apart from the shock and horror that the assassination of president Kennedy caused at the time, there has been a raft of conspiracy theories which claim to explain what really happened, as opposed to the official version of events. Who's Who in the JFK Assassination: an A-to-Z Encyclopedia.

Violent media is good for kids by gerard jones

The article, which is a very good and flowing piece of prose, presents the case well and utilizes ethos, pathos, and logos in a bid to persuade the reader that violent media is actually good for the children. After all, he is someone involved in the media he has chosen to defend, therefore, it is β†’

Armed services vocational aptitude battery review

Both CAT ASVAB and P&P ASVAB consist of the same number of sections, that is, 10; while the category of population is generally limited only be eligibility for enlistment in the Armed Forces. Computation of AFQT and ASVAB scores is performed according to the standard formulas.

Request for my passport

I acknowledge the existence of fears that I might flee out of the country due to the trouble that I got involved in. In addition, I am committed to going through the entire judicial process for the interest of my Canadian citizenship and the plaintiff.

Assisting divorced women in society

Legally speaking, divorced women face problems related to child custody and the stigmatization within the society owing to the divorce. As accented to by Hetherington, for instance, a divorce subsequent to a long marriage results to emotional distress on the part of the woman.

Racial discrimination

Also, the same segregating category was explicitly shown through the fourth selected sign where a big ' COLORED DINING ROOM IN REAR' was posted at a rest stop. Finally, a fifth sign had big painted words that indicate that the theatre was for colored people; also evidencing racial discrimination.

Sovereignty, globalization & democracy

The relationship between public policy, trade regimes, global trading, and global economy can be illustrated as follows: Public policy and Trade Regimes are intertwined. Together, they directly influence Global trade, which eventually affects the global economy.

Warren court

Carr Introduction Earl Warren was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United s from 1953 to 1969. Carr has led to the most profound change in the way people enjoy their rights as citizens of correct.

Letter of request

The facility is unique in the sense that it caters to the elderly and vulnerable in the community. In addition to this, an interview with the institution's security manager will be essential in providing a concise complete picture of the state of security within the institution's premises.

Summarization of article application 1wk3

ICT Here Walden ICT The present age is the age of science and technology. Last but not least thanks to " Information and communication technology" to become a part of student life in the initial stages of school life.

Vark learning style

Perhaps one way of adapting to this method is informing the professor ahead of my learning style so that I can still ask for a personal consultation. I also need to manage my time well so that I can adjust to the pacing of the lesson and turn my work in time.

Teamsters union

Teamsters Union Organizational structure Teamsters Union Organizational structure Teamsters Union Administration and Membership Overview Teamsters Union was established in 1903; since then, the Union has developed strong conflicts for supporting the rights of its members, i.e.of employees in all industries across USA. The departments of Teamsters are several; reference can be made, as examples, to β†’

Types of sections view

There are different types of sections chosen according to the shape of the object as described below: Full Section When the cutting plane extends through the entire object, along with the center line, the section is described as a full section. Hence, the advantage of this section is that it can be easily used for β†’

Precise software

Analysis: Precise is still under the planning and development stage and the product is a novice in the market. They should try to maintain that strategy and make sure the product placement of insight is similar.

Rapid colony transformation of e -coli with plasmid dna – lab report example

Incubation: The DNA is added and the cell suspension is kept at 0C.the cations are thought to neutralize negatively charged phosphates in the DNA and the cell membrane.3. Samples of both the cell suspensions, one with just the E-coli and the other with E-Coli with added plasmids-are put on two plates with two types of β†’


Week 5 - Short-Paper #5: Incoterms A transaction wherein an American seller is to transport the goods by sea from the port of Oakland, California to Vancouver, Canada and the Canadian buyer's ole obligations are to arrange for import clearance and purchase insurance against loss from the moment the goods cross the ship's rail. CIF β†’

United states history

Identify and give the historical significance of the following: Church Puritanism: The puritans were a group of people, holding fundamentalist views and who were extremely dissatisfied with the workings of the churches in England. The colonial charters held a very important position in the colonial society since they were the most basic charters of law β†’

The effects of water diagrams

The movement of the wind coupled by the extreme temperatures in the deserts are the key causes of desert landscape. The poles are the origin of dense air descending due to the high pressure.

Participating in athletic programs

During my grade school years, I easily convinced them to enroll me in various local athletic programs that aim to improve the skills of participants in soccer. Through the guidance of trainers, I developed my belief in my skills as a soccer player, student, and individual who is part of a team.

Gerontological project

In order to promote health and wellness in the elderly population, the focus will be on the three levels of prevention to result in a healthier lifestyle and reduced symptoms caused by a person's co-morbidities. In this patient, the primary prevention goal is to encourage regular exercise to prevent the occurrence of heart and kidney β†’

The environment of knight

The environment of Knight Knight's essay is vehemently aimed at indicating how good people are at violating even the simple rules that have been put in place to ensure the existence of a peaceful and harmonious society." They are merely pieces of paper for which the violators feel outright contempt". The use of vivid β†’

Tyranny and human rights in the scope of jefferson and orwell’s works

Man is to err & the other is Divine Right to live is certainly associated with the right by birth and is one of the laws of nature. The Declaration of Independence is certainly a desire to live in the present and in the future.


Girl-Humans We live in a world full of " do's" and " do not" because this is how we function, this is how we survive. In " Girl" by Kincaid we see that an authority figure is giving a list of rules, and regulations to a young girl who seems to be just coming into β†’

The economics of men, women and work

The chapter reasserts that the significant contribution of gender stratification to the economy within and outside the family. The chapter four elaborates that in the home economics of the changing society, the distribution of time between household and labor market is closely linked to home labor time where the market goods are changed into commodities β†’

Different types of data in criminal justice

Qualitative data a) The percentage of females involved in substance abuse This could be found by tabulating the number of female and male respondents who are engaged in substance abuse and then finding the ratio and expressing it as a percentage.b) The amount of substance abused This could be found by tabulating the frequency of β†’


The concept of deviance is complex because the behaviors that people consider being deviant vary from one culture to another. Labeling Theory According to this theory, individuals become deviant because of two reasons; the society labels a deviant label to an individual, and the individual adopts the label by showing the behavior, attitude and actions β†’

Ethic and emis perspectives

Kincheloe, in their book " Critical Thinking and Learning: an Encyclopedia for Parents and Teachers", children's development, be it physical, cognitive and emotional may be understood in the context of the formative environment in which they are in. Ideology and method in the discovery of a down syndrome person's competence 1992, in F.M.

The progressive movement

Most Americans felt Teddy Roosevelt was the ideal president for America at the beginning of the 20th Century. After eight years of President Bush, I do not think another hard-charging leader would be good for the United States.

Historical interpretations of the new deal and the great depression

HISTORICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE NEW DEAL AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION Outline Introduction The introduction consists of; the effects of the great depression. The programs applied by the government leaders in order to neutralize the effects of great depression are also highlighted.

Football envy at the un by kofi annan critical summary

In general, the World Cup is described as an event that reaches all of the goals it sets, so Annan wishes the UN, as well as world governments, also worked in such a way in terms of making the world more united. Annan recommends global societies to look up to the World Cup and cooperate, β†’


The Heart and Pacemakers The heart is one of the most important organs in the body, but it is also one of the most complicated. An electrocardiogram is usually taken in order to determine if the rhythm of the heart is normal or if is following a normal pattern.

Dual relationships

Engaging in dual relationships leads to loss of objectivity of the counseling problems and clients may encounter problems when counselors evade their professional responsibility. Counselors can also have problems in keeping client information confidential and respecting the privacy of clients, which may lead to exposure of personal problems in the workplace.

System analysis and design course

To model my life professionally as a system analyst, I will employ the waterfall model. This is because the waterfall model is easy to follow and stick to.

Recruiting and ad

Invest the time and effort into developing, delivering, and improving a recruitment process and you will have a constant flow of quality candidates. Timeline The general timeline will move backward from the search start date to the selection of candidate, and finally to the candidate hire date.

The archetypal hero of the odyssey

For Odyssey, his journey consists of: love of Calypso and building of a ship to escape; trials with the Cyclops and the Phaeacian princess, love with Circe and journey into Hades, and battle with Scylla. In this case, the role of Athena is very important because she helps Odyssey to 'escape' from the island and β†’


It is thus a figure of inevitably, sense that the moral worth of an action is resolute by its outcome the ends validate the resources. But get into contemplation the life With all of this in brain one can end that a) It is ethically wrong to kill human beings.

Speech, language and the developing child

Parents and caregivers are a very important part of this theory, as it focuses on how the child and the adult interact with each other, and how the adult in the exchange is responsible for the acquisition of language by the child, whether they realize they are doing it or not. It is a theory β†’

Week 2 discussion

Pavlov would use a different approach to teach a child the skill of avoiding phobia. Thus, Ivan Pavlov would be the most effective behaviourist for teaching an adult and a child how to avoid hydrophobia.

Murder in the cathedral by t.s. eliot

Eliot Part Question The mood created by the chorus in the beginning of the speech is serious and somber. Despite the women's and priests' fears that the return of Thomas will trigger war in the community, he stands out and advices the Archbishop to proceed and meet the king, and even have dinner with him β†’

Judea war and jews role in first two wars

With organized narration of the accounts of the pre-WWII particularly of Benjamin Freedman and supported evidences, I agree with the bias-state of the sites as well as the analysis of Freedman that Jews had brought themselves into the tragedy brought by wars that German executed to most of them. Freedman, Germany and the Jews: The β†’

Criticism or feedback

Feedback or Criticisms As I moved to New York, one of the most difficult criticism or feedback I have received relates to my language and communication skills. It gave me an impression that to achieve set personal and professional goals, I must strive hard in every endeavor, especially in learning a second language and in β†’

Why abortion care must be fully funded

Women's rights are protected in the Canadian constitution that's the reason why the government is reluctant to touch the topic regarding the unborn since it would be a violation of the women's constitutional rights to do so. In contrast to Canada allowing the use of public funds, the use of public funds and facilities for β†’


His impact on Jews and the Christian fraternity was purely based on the role he played in the society and the activities he engaged in, not forgetting his subsequent works in that line. However, the practices of both Christianity and Greco-Roman humanism were based on different beliefs.

Psychotherapy of the 21st century

With practitioners equipped with various counselling techniques and skills learned from different approaches to psychotherapy and counselling, they are often well placed to construct meaning from the lives of their clients more effectively during sessions unlike in cases where the therapist specializes in only one approach to therapy. In other words learning different approaches to β†’

Ferguson’s article diglossia, is his prognosis for arabic accurate today (50 years later) is arabic on its way to becom

ARABIC DIGLOSSIA Ferguson defined Diglossia as " a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language, there is a very different, highly codified, superposed variety, the means of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is β†’

Responses to readings and analyiz with compare

In Hope Leslie Digby is suspicious about Magawisca only because she's a daughter of tribe chief Mononotto. When Khan is in the airport, and explains that he came to see the president, Khan is brutally checked and questioned, and later arrested only because of his suspicious belonging to Islamic religious tradition and his inability to β†’

The cycles of american history

A more enforced adherence to the Treaty of Versailles and not to a theory of appeasement by the victors of WWI would have prevented Germany's breach of the treaty and the start of WWII. The progress of Civil rights from the Civil war to 1974 generally assumed a trend of separation of the Black people β†’

Freshmen in the university (problem and solution)

24 April Freshmen in the Problem and Solution Introduction: The first year, and particularly, the very first days of a student in a university are the most important days for a variety of reasons. They are a trailer of the years that have yet to come in that the level of comfort a student is β†’

Personal financing , income tax

Problem 2 Mohammed has a yearly income of $48000 and he must add to that his income of $1000 from his investment interest leaving a yearly income of $49000. His safety deposit box is a personal item and is not tax deductible.

Writing as conversing – what amateur writers should pay attention to

Understanding the elements of writing situation can improve the author's ability to keep abreast with the needs of the readers. The author would like to emphasize that writing situation is about writing effectively through analyzing all the elements of an article.

News from the frontier post of pakistan

38 insurgents were killed while in the other two attacks on Saturday and Sunday in the south and north of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan. In a news reported from Peshawar, the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ameer Haidar Khan Hoti repeated the commitment of his government for wiping off terrorism from the state and β†’

People who have unhealthy habits should not pay more for health insurance

Hence, once addicted, a persons capacity to choose not to smoke or eat or drink is further diminished by the physiological, neurological, and psychological nature of the bad habits. Punishing justice states that an individual should be responsible for the results of his or her actions, except when the person is ignorant about the action β†’


Programmable Matter Programmable Matter is a term used to refer to those elements that has the ability to alter their physical outlook in a Programmable way and this matter is said to have the ability of processing huge amount of information. The concept of programmable matter is being used to create items such as robots β†’

Report on an engineering hero

One of his greatest achievements was the exploration of the hypothesis that electric energy was the force that caused the outcome of table rapping. An instance of his psychic power was that he experienced almost three shocks of revelations and later he went to find his wife where he found that the nurse of his β†’

Constitutional interpretation

With this view in mind, the constitution must be interpreted with the needs of the people it is supposed to govern in mind. With these views in place, it is clear that non-originalist interpretations of the constitution are more favorable.

Understanding van de graff generator

It is found that the balloon hung with a thread tried to go away from the other balloon. Then another rod is charged by rubbing with the silk cloth.

Police and a depressed person

As with all situations, the officer must be mindful of the way in which he/she interacts with the citizen; however, with the depressed person, the risk of self-harm, or harm to others, is greatly increased. The underlying reason for this is that they provide the officer or officers in question with a reliable and assessment β†’

How to be a chicana role model

A man disagrees, relating how his mother eloped with a lover when he was very small, never to return, and how much he hated her. He recounts that when he was wounded in a war and was about to die, his mother's apparition came to him, but he rejected her his hatred being that strong.

Discussion forum post

The conversation about the roles of men and women is, therefore, necessary in the sense that it helps in developing an understanding of the relevance of attitude and relationships in shaping the interactions of the two genders. Cultural issues, norms and way of life determine to a great extent human behavior, attitude and the nature β†’

Protecting homeland security

With the Pentagon already engaged in expensive, armed conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries invaded by U.S.-led forces as part of the war on terrorism, many wonder whether the U.S.can afford to implement major reforms in its military ranks. Since there is no clear answer to that question, efforts to institute far-reaching structural and β†’

Native americans and criminal justice

What they might believe to be wrong in their eyes might hold a different opinion in a court of law, in the present time. They are now engaged in a war to prevent the erosion of their culture, by struggling to survive as a distinct, cultural community.

Mathmatics in our world

Oneof they types of equations, which are extremely emphasized, is the quadratic equation, because it can be used often in the business world. In this problem, it is useful to try and find descriptive data in order to see the pattern in the quadratic as a model of predictability.

The most embarrassing moment

I am not a great singer, so I quickly dismissed the idea, telling them that they could perform it if they wanted, but to exclude me. I agreed on the conditions that I would only be singing backup and nobody would have to hear my voice.

Music discussion morality plays then and now

The old beggar woman, symbolic of death, led the Groom to the Bride's Lover. It resulted in the death of the Groom and Leonardo, the Bride's Lover, who killed each other.

Theory of deviance

According to labeling theory, the deviance is a label that is assigned to the individual's behavior by the society. It is the stigma that converts the behavior of a deviant person into the primary deviance, then secondary deviance and ultimately the crime.

Desiree’s baby and the raven

The Raven does not go out of the current situation that the author is in.he is faced with a sad and lonely situation, and the birds' presence irritates him more and more. In The Raven, the rhyme scheme is so evident with the flow of the story.

Mendelin and cellular genetics

Mitosis is initiated in the prophase when the nuclear envelope dissolves and the chromosomes condense and attach to the centrosome through the microtubules and kineticores. The last phase that is, the telophase, is the physical division of the cell into daughter cells brought about by the re-formation of the nuclei and nuclear envelope around the β†’

Film critic – choose one movie: lawrence of arabia (lean, 1962) 227 min. or my name is khan (johar, india 2010) 165 min

The social aspects in the film include the emotional turmoil faced by Asperger's syndrome patients, prejudice against Muslims after 9/11 terrorist attack and the social responsibility to render help to the needy. The film was released in the year 2010 and the director gave ample importance to the history of racial prejudice faced by Muslims β†’

Security operations management practicum

If I was an adjudicator and considering the investigative report done by the Special Agent, FBI, on Smith Ronald James Smith DPOB: 2/5/1976, I would have not granted her the security clearance request According to the investigative report gathered, the credit agencies had no unfavorable financial information on Smith. However, the date he indicated on β†’

Potential costs and benefits to henley manufacturing

Other costs under this category would be cost of auditing the reports before announcement, the cost to accounting staff tasked with maintaining the firm's financial statements, as well as the cost of printing the same and mailing to all the shareholders before the annual meeting day. Recommendation to the CEO In line to the above β†’

Concept of self-fulfillment

Therefore, it is imperative for me to take appropriate steps in order to achieve my goal which would lead to my ' Self-fulfillment' and the achievement of' Ideal-self'. Thirdly, in order for me to succeed in my professional life, I must be sincere and dedicated to my work and must contribute to society effectively with β†’

The literary work by assia djebar

This is an instance where imagery is used to showcase the state of a woman's education in the society as being a struggle. It is also notable that symbolism has been explored by this literary icon in the form of a veil women have to be in against all temperatures and occasions.

Employment law

It would be best to thoroughly review the laws governing independent contractor categorization before the audit process begins to ensure that the independent contractors are properly classified. As far as the school bus accident is concerned, it would again be best to review the laws governing the liability of the organization when an accident involving β†’

Jane addmas

If men were seeking the Franchise-Jane Addams If men were seeking the Franchise-Jane Addams Through Jane Addams' article If Menwere seeking the Franchise, it is clear that she presented quite a clever critique of the patriarchy which was centred on not only the dynamics associated with the gender roles in the industry but also in β†’

Business letter

Wells, We sincerely apologize for the delays in payment that we have recently caused. We at Oracle are intent on improving Sun's system and consequently in reviving the company but while we are on the process of overhauling the system, I am afraid that we have to defer from settling Sun's past accounts.

American honda motor corporation incorporated

The satisfaction of the customers is what Honda and its dealers from around the world hope to achieve. That is why in order to gain popularity and a good reputation the sales and after-sales services of their branches are prioritized.

Mcdonald’s is healthier than burger king

While the calorie count of cheeseburgers of McDonald's is less than that of Burger King by 60, the content of carbohydrates and fat is almost half that of the cheeseburgers of Burger King. Concluding, most of the food items available at McDonald's are healthier than those of Burger King.