Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

A story of sibling rivalry and oedipal conflict

The fairy tales provide children with an outlet for their thoughts. And it is for this reason that parents and teachers try to relate life to children by using and applying fairy tales in real life.

Develop a strategy for the wii’s next product life cycle phase

The Nintendo Wii is currently at the maturity stage of its product life cycle. The Wii should aim to match the likes of Quaker Oats in maintaining its consumer appeal and market share for the next couple of decades.

Capital projects and strategic direction

The ultimate aim of the management of the firm is to add value to the shareholders and the firm and therefore all the decisions made by the management of the firm always revolve around the maximization of the firm's value. If the net present value of the project is positive it adds value to the β†’

Federal election commission 558 u.s

310 Rule of law The federal law, as amended by 203 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 disallows both " corporations and unions" in utilizing " their general treasury funds" to independently spend for speech considered as an " electioneering communication" or for a speech that explicitly supports " the election or defeat β†’

Emerson and thoreau

Emerson and Thoreau Part I: Explain the implications in one or two sentences of the following ment from Thoreaus Walden The sentence implies that the narrator will not exist with regard to the world since he is the center of the universe. As the opening day is coming to pass, the narrator believes that with β†’

Individual action plan on cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is common in children whereby one party, mostly the ' stronger' party uses information technology to harass or threaten the ' weaker' party. Cyber bullying is the worst form of social decay as it progresses to cyber stalking when the ' stronger' party is an adult.

Young peoples relationship with and attitudes toward the old in qatar

Attitudes and Relationships toward the old The attitudes of the younger generations toward and relationship with the old in Qatar are quite varied and are affected by various factors. The factors that affect the young people's attitudes toward the old are not reserved to the state of Qatar but commonly applied to other parts of β†’

No child left behind act

The Department of Education gave similar reports on the statistics submitted in favor of the act and these were applauded during President George W. Another effect of achievement tests noted by Clinton is that, students are encouraged just to follow instructions and not to think critically because the primary aim of the NCLB is to β†’

Watsons theory

Her ability to arrange for a visit between the dog and the patient allowed her to open up the door to the positive, and thus assisted the patient with gaining a solid feeling of positive hope.6. By arranging for her patient to visit his dog, she was able to overcome the initial problem and allow β†’

Gary hess the united states at war, 1941-1945

Defeat is clearly highlighted in the second chapter where the author chronologically narrates the successes of the Axis powers, both in the European and the Pacific stages. The advance of democracy is, thus, silenced in the outbreak of the European and the Pacific campaigns.

Mathematics project

35 This data shows the trend of domestic crude oil products in the United States over the course of 24 months. The data shows that there is a strong, but not perfect, correlation that as we progress farther into development, the price of oil will increase.

Why we’re paid what we’re paid

My ultimate objective is to land a gourmet sausage job. The strategy is to ensure my knowledge and skills align with the key qualities and/or values that define a gourmet sausage job.

Osha legal aspects of safety and health

Running Head: DISCUSSIONS IN THE OPENING CONFERENCE Discussions in the Opening Conference Module: Lecturer: The opening conference offers a chance for OSHA inspector and the safety and health or environmental manager to interact in respect to various issues regarding inspection. They are supposed to inform the manager of the scope of their inspection and criteria β†’


This is because it limits the budget of the developing countries that cannot raise the required funds to initiate investments in the developed economies. The pros and cons of currency unions.

Words dont mean what they mean by s. pinker

The human hypocrisy is depicted on how to disguise is done to make others do the same yet we seek the plain truth. It is the essence of professing the truth and seeking to extract information that people mind.

Competitiveness: airlines

Poh and Mohayidin have studied the pricing strategies of low-cost Malaysian airlines to survive in the competitive market. Unlike low-cost strategy, the best-cost strategy focuses on a broader market and adds value to the product.

Discussion 10.2

According to Schunk and Zimmerman, some of the fundamental critical thinking skills that are taught to learners in the early stage of education include the reading, writing and speaking skills. As the learner advances from the basic primary stage of education to the secondary and tertiary levels, the academic skills that they are expected to β†’

Enhancing the teaching strategies through innovative education in missouri

The main core of the program is the application of technology in different activities through the learning process to be able to enhance the learning experience of the learners. In addition, the program targets the improvement of the performance of the students, the involvement of the parents and the efficiency of the different instructional educational β†’

Resolving conflicts at work

When the anger comes out, it may often be lashing out at something that really did not seem to be a serious concern in the first place, which may confuse the individual that is actually the target of the anger. Therefore, it is important to remember that there are so many reasons why a person β†’

Response to students’ posting on undercoding

Under coding of Medical Treatments Response to Ginger Rappley The argument developed by this is based on the observation of a real situation, in which physicians do not record the procedures properly, the patient has undergone, because they are not paid for them. However this undesirable practice is not helpful, because the remuneration of doctors β†’

Identifying and managing project risk

It is the product of these two factors: the expected consequences of the event and the probability that the event may occur[Ken09]. The use of Project risk management has been very important in the project in that it assists the team leader to plan for the occurrence and probability of certain risks in the project.

Environmental interest groups

Sale of NWF's Nature Education Merchandise constitutes one of the main revenue sources of the organization. The organization's main areas of focus are " connecting people to nature; revising global warming; and protecting and restoring critical wildlife habitats".

How does culture affect empathy

Three that stick out above the others are awareness and acknowledgement; empathy and sensitivity; and empathy, understanding, and compassion. 9) What is assertiveness According to Saulters-Pedneault, " Assertiveness is a form of communication in which needs or wishes are stated clearly with respect for oneself and the other person in the interaction.

Unit 4 discussion social problems

Obviously, the purpose of punishment is to make the offender and the general public aware of the " cost of crime" and to prohibit such future actions. In Banks, The Purpose of Caqpital Punishment.

Drinking alcohol

Most of the people give alcohol a try in the parties. Drinking alcohol may cause the consumer to involve in violence and crime.

Cutting edge technology that involves thermodynamics or thermodynamics processes

Hot water systems thermodynamics involve transfer of energy as work of heat, through which particles are insulated from the environment to maintain the particles in a constant impermeable state, by which thermodynamic heat is generated before the system closes. Thermodynamics processes in cooling Machines Laws of thermodynamics are an exploration of the relationship between heat β†’

Liability of law enforcement officers wk7

The mother filed a lawsuit against the city, its police and three officers that she was talking to on the phone; however the judgment was in their favor, and all of the lawsuits were objected. Police is indicated that the law in their hands and no one recalls that it is not the Law who β†’

Read articals and answer in discussion

In the dynamic business world, there are newly emerging needs of information technology that continues to raise the new needs of information System solutions. There should be a continuous review of the risks to identify the most critical dangers that the information system exposes the organization to.

Biblical interpretation ephesians 2:1-10

Readers should remember as well the historical context of the period the epistle was written to understand further the rationale of the letter. The Holy Bible.1980.

Jose marti: cuban patriot by richard butler gray

The first part of the book is dedicated to Jose Marti's biography and methodically exposes his political, economic and social views. Part Three of the book deals with influence Marti is still exerting as a symbol and us of his ideas to gain popular support for some political action.

Electronic business

Running Head: Electronic Business Electronic Business [Institute's Electronic Business Electronic business or E-Business as itis widely known is the process of employing information technology to business. An example would be e-commerce business risk that entails the threat of adverse effect of e-business strategy on the good will of the company.

Spiritual truth in literature of shusaku endo

But he is not handing her a copy of the Bible and telling her she should read it. He is more of a believer that the human spirit is powerful and can do almost anything.

Why courage matters: the way to a braver life (study questions)

4) McCain's decision to stay behind with his fellow soldiers brought him physical harm and included the risk of death, so in terms of physical courage, he is a brave man who physically suffered from his valiant act. He preserved the virtues of camaraderie and constancy through his moral courage.

Speech disfluencies in individuals with tourette syndrome

In particular, the authors analyzed self-reported data obtained from a group of children with Tourettes syndrome and without in order to determine whether there were significant differences between groups in terms of developmental stuttering and other kinds of speech problems. The authors concluded that, despite there being no difference in self-reporting, the children with Tourettes β†’


I also went through a tough emotional phase when all of a sudden I was posed to the situation which I never dreamt of in my life. It was really a fun and frolic time for me and I became the part of the function.

Answer the question

The propositional content of a message serves to make an explicit claim about the subject or the aspect of the message. The relational content serves to indicate the kind of relationship existing between the person originating with the message and the recipient.

Qualitative versus quantitative research methods

A research practitioner using qualitative data will rely on their experience in a specific field of study to make determinations about the data achieved, often with a focus on sociology or psychology to emphasize the phenomenon of human actions and emotions. Through data modeling or correlative research, the researcher can determine whether specific characteristics or β†’

Police cadets

While direct evidence is generally described as being the physical evidence or testimony of a given fact, as is seen in the event that a witness happens to assert actual knowledge of a given fact, the evidence provided by this witness is perceived to be direct evidence, however, circumstantial evidence is regarded as being evidence β†’

Application for a doctorate program in special education

I am requesting for a chance to participate in a doctorate program in Special Education, not because I have a yearning for a master program graduate title, but because I have a passion of delving into this field thus accomplishing my career objectives to teach, become an administrator in the educational field and eventually teach β†’

Overweight, underweight, and obesity

The fat settles on the outer lining of the heart, which leaves little room for the heart's activities. Similarly, the fat in the body builds the lining of arteries and veins.

Paper 2

The Chinese Zodiacs Astrology has been around for quite some time already; the usage of stars and other celestial bodies to predict the future and to show a glimpse of what the behavior of the person would be like. Chinese Zodiacs has traditionally been used by the Chinese to count time the lunar year and β†’

Using correlations

My hypothesis suggests that people have become more social, and this has really affected their Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior and performance in their different areas of work. When Pearson Correlation tests the relationship between the development of social networking, Interpersonal Behavior and Performance, The results are likely to be positive.

The hilton new york

The Hilton New York The hospitality industry has been thriving in New York for a long time. Hilton New York is known to offer a wide variety of services characteristic of major organizations in the hospitality industry.

Introduction quiz

According to Bouvier, Craig & Gossman, the collaborative interest of the three cities to protect their autonomy from external forces and to secure its people provides that the sovereignty lies in the autonomy. The 16th century reformation of the three cities continues to shape the culture of Switzerland.

Analyzing simple machine parts

The disadvantage of this section is that it may not prove beneficial to show full internal details when the solid to be cut is asymmetrical from inside. This is used to show the transverse section of one part of an object.

The concept of sex education

I strongly feel and say that sex education is effective, but not in the way that it is taught in many schools across the country. I know that it is difficult to understand the trauma and embarrassment of the girl who finds herself in such a situation, not to mention the feelings of her parents β†’

Social data in context

The median follows the principle of arranging the data in ascending order which makes it relevant in getting the middle data in the distribution.b) The median population in the map above is 37. 2 c) The above value means that incase the age structure of US is arranged in ascending order, the age structure which β†’

Capstone project

Gun Violence Instruction Paper Gun violence in Arkansas Violence is the use of either physical or psychological forces with the intention of hurting, damaging or killing someone or something. This book had the steps to follow in confronting violence in the community.

The issue of pornography

It should be noted that adolescence is a period in which sex hormones are developing rapidly and therefore the chances of derailing are more in the case of children if they were exposed to too many sex materials. The majority of religions oppose pornography since they believe that pornography is a sin.

American women

The men ran the farm or the shop while the women cleaned the floors and washed the clothes. When the men went to war the women would manage the farm or the shop.

Informal interview

In this regard, the paper will emphasize on the qualities of the individual and its significance in bringing efficiency to the designation. Thus, the detail of the interview session is depicted in the further discussion, highlighting various attributes in the process of interview.2.

3th article that pertains to my reserach proposal

Humor in the Foreign Language room Main Problem in Study and Purpose The study by Rafiee, Kassaian and Dastjerdi the main purpose of the study was to identify the effectiveness of using humorous songs in an EFL classroom. The purpose was to understand the effects of using humorous songs to teach listening comprehension and immediate β†’

Making hotplates

Making Hotplates Making Hotplates Changes in the Work Situation The changes in the work situation that accounted for the significant increase in productivity and decrease in controllable rejects was having the finished product directly identifiable to the specific worker's performance. Unlike the first process where parts of the hotplates were manufactured through an assembly line, β†’

Life experience

In my earlier years, I dropped out of high school then ultimately obtained a GED so that I could pursue my dream of going back to school and study to become a nurse. Wong ultimately instilled a new confidence in my approach to life and made me feel as if I could achieve anything.

Going to mediation problem solving

Problem determination The first step in the meeting is calming the involved parties to a rapport. In this situation, there is need to focus on the hiring technique of the corporation.

Low carbon building portfolio (briefing reports)

The water consumption levels are determined from the manufacturer's product data in order to determine the water consumption level of every building component such as the taps, urinals, showers, the baths, dishwasher, washing machine, and the waste disposal machine. Each of the meters gives a reading based on the consumption level and each pulse water β†’

Types of speech within the first amendment

Types of speech within the first amendment Some types of speech get clearly protected within the first amendment coverage while others get entitled to less protection and get excluded altogether. Freedom of Speech and Press: Exceptions to the First Amendment.

The legality and constitutionality of cameras in courtrooms

According to this perspective, the constitutionality of cameras in the courtrooms stems from the fact that the U.S.constitutional and legal frameworks emphasize, not just the importance of transparency but the necessity of it, as a strategy for allowing the public, through the media, to oversee the workings of the government and to access whatever public β†’

Effects of early stimulation or deprivation

This topic is extremely important in the context of Human Growth and Development when seeing how impacting the raising and the environmental setting of the child will either inhibit certain trait development and influence the development of others. The movement and behavior of the child began to resemble that of the dogs.

Working conditions

New York Smoke Regulation in Working and Public Places New York Smoke Regulation in Working and Public Places Smoking has been prevalent in the whole world as proven by history. Despite of the popularity of cigarette and tobacco, it remains a public health enemy number one because it is the leading cause of death in β†’

The awakening by kate chopin

Her devotion could not make her a true artist though the painting was a passion to her. Though her passion for painting only brought misery to her at last, she as the above lines suggest was able to realize and bring out her real nature.

Logistics and multinational association safety authority

The report offers a candid and comprehensive analysis of the security situation and the welfare of security dogs at Widgets ltd. The report also outlines the services offered by Happy Pets ltd, an organization that has been identified to be of utter importance in helping Widgets ltd improve the status of its security dogs and β†’

A day in the life of a phlebotomist

A Day in the Life of a Phlebotomist of the Subject Name of the Concerned Professor July 28, 2009 A Day in the Life of a Phlebotomist To most of you, perhaps the word 'phlebotomist' may sound strange and peculiar. A phlebotomist is a professional who specializes in the task of drawing out blood from β†’

Dq1 comments nm and dq comments st

The government is responsible for finding a way to pay for the expenses of those uninsured people. Companies can not use the money from one business to finance the operations of a separate business.

From world war to waldheim

The purpose of the study was for healthcare ethics." The majority of the essays examine the intersection of social ethics and bioethics in terms of the influence of culture, political theory, and legislation on the valuing of life, but they rarely relate these topics to healthcare ethics in particular. The authors compared parent-perceived communication behaviors β†’

Retaining key employees in times of change

The companies are rewarding the high performers while overlooking the normal performers who can also play an important part in the success of the organization when the change occurs. The first step is to identify the key players and target the ones who are the most important and the ones who are at the risk β†’


While individuals have expressed discrimination on religious grounds outwardly in the past, there seems to be a shift in this form of discrimination as people seek to justify their religious beliefs as an indirect way of dismissing the beliefs of other groups. This case demonstrated that despite the tremendous efforts made by both the government β†’

Characteristics of unreached perfection in life

The only difference was Merrick had a physical deformity, whereas Dr. Treves leaves the play with a better understanding of life through Merrick.

Origins of business

Running Head: Origins of Business Insert His/her Origins of Business The origins of business are those factors whichare needed to start a business. Therefore, an asset is a very essential element to start a business and it will always be having a positive impact on the business.

American products vs foreign products

On the other hand, Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW produce their cars in America making use of American plants aided by American based research and development facilities and with American workers, and yet, they are considered as foreign since the percentage of domestic parts in them is less than 75. Tomatoes grown in β†’

Biblical interpretation john 15:1-11

Gospels contain the story of Jesus' life and what he has done to save the people from their sins as the Son of God. Like in the given passage, Jesus claims to be the vine and his people likened to the branches which when they are cut from the vine, will die and not bear β†’

The impact of shifting cultural trends on public education

Some schools have introduced prekindergarten programs to prepare children for preschool and subsequent levels of education. Policy makers in public education sector have tried to bridge these gaps for future well-being of the United States.

The federal reserve: monetary policy

The Federal Reserve: Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy refers to the various measures the Federal Reserve takes to influence the purchasing power of money, to ensure sustainable economic growth." The Federal Reserve defines Monetary Policy as the actions it undertakes to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help β†’

Child care for babies

Thinking of the direct relationship between the baby's mood swings and a caregiver's mood swings makes them forecast the possibility of a caregiver's outburst of frustrations and inability to fulfill the task. To give them a good outlook of the care the center is providing they will be given an opportunity to interview the caregivers β†’

Cofidis strategic management

Cofidis Strategic Management To secure the place of Cofidis in the future consumer credit market, the company must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs. Summary To secure the place of Cofidis in the future credit market, we must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs.

Exclusionary rule

658 Facts Aclass of female employees in the New York's Department of Social Services and Education Board, in July 1971, complained that the Department and the Board, as a matter or of official policy, had compelled pregnant female employees to go for unpaid leave of absence before the leaves were need as a result because β†’

How the usa became a world leader

To begin with, there is the reality of Puritans and the motives of imperialists in the perpetuation of the pre-conceived notion of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. As a leader, he was able to shape the country into a force to be reckoned with internationally in terms of political and economic prowess.


The underlying instrument is only used to provide the cover as the shares are at certain times delivered to the buyer of call. The payoffs on the covered call position are related to the short put standing, the premium is the same as of the naked put.

Humor in islam

Use of Humor in Islam Humor is a great way to diffuse a bad situation or ease an uncomfortable one but it must be used appropriately. Conclusion It is clear that humor or jokes are permissible but one should understand the people and the situation before cracking jokes or playing pranks.

Identification and analysis

This book brings together writings in poetry, fiction, and drama written by authors who lived in the twentieth century from different parts of the world. Excerpt three These words come from the Marguerite Guzman Bouvard's book that goes by the title of, Lanscape and exile.

A successful teacher. what are the ideal qualities of a good teacher

A modern teacher is a professional able to approach any child, selfless, gentle; moderately strict and with a good sense of humor; s/he knows what and how to teach the present generation. Today and in the future, teachers' main task becomes more than just to teach different subjects, but teach to learn, that is, to β†’

Principal of finance

Which one of the following is a source of cash? A.repurchase of common stock B.acquisition of debt C.purchase of inventory D.payment to a supplier E.granting credit to a customer 8. I, III, and IV only D.

The process of mate selection

When I questioned my friend if she had marriage interests in the young lad, she said that she was considering marrying him because he was handsome and well-off and belonged to the same community as hers. After a couple of weeks my friend proposed to the young man and both of them claimed to each β†’

Village hotels

Individuals These are the people who work hard the whole week and come to hotels to relax and leave the hotel afresh. They are source of primary income for the village hotels.

Three privai products and three ingredients per product

It is a significant to antioxidant products because it helps in moisturizing the skin. Salicylic acid is useful in the treatment of acne as it helps to clear and prevent pimples and skin blemishes.

Life in the u.s

As per the findings of Holm et al, 80% of all smokers in the United States begin smoking even before the age of 18. According to the statistics of National Cancer Institute, tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States.

Has the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill worked

The paper " Has the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill Worked" is an outstanding example of a psychology book report. So far deinstitutionalization has not worked to the expectations of the people.

Asc: methods and evaluation

The assumption believes that behavior is manifested in the physical body. It leads to the relaxation of both the body and the mind.

Child, hot rod, and computerworld

Parents are denoted from the point of view of the child: "...being taken to bed by Mommy or Daddy at the same time every night can be the sequence of events...".. The use of the verbs " sleep" and " wake" in examples and are different, because the first one describes literally what a baby β†’

Code of ethics for psychologists

01 or Informed Consent to Therapy which s that " when obtaining informed consent to therapy, psychologists inform patients as early as is feasible in the therapeutic relationship about the nature and anticipated course of therapy, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality and provide sufficient opportunity for the client/patient to ask questions β†’

The documentary blood in the mobile

The Documentary " Blood in the Mobile" How do the consumers promote the problem of conflicts of Minerals? The problem of conflict minerals runs deeper to the consumers of cell phones in that Eastern Congo is the main source of the minerals used to manufacture the gadgets.

Life in prison walls

The losers he refers to here are the prisoners and the confinement is a euphemism for a prison sentence. A person incarcerated for days, months or life, is set to lead a life of despair behind the walls of the prison, where he lives out the sentence for his crime.

What is a principle

Principles hold a key value in the life of a person. I abide by my principles because they are the real gems of my life.

19th century americas affect on native americans

Another tragedy of the Plains Indians inflicted by white settlers was the destruction of their primary source of food, the American Bison. The rationale was a lack of food would further dehumanize the Indian population and force them to the reservation.

Should standardized tests be eliminated from school

Standardized Tests Should Be Eliminated from School A standardized test can be described as one that is given in a similar manner to all individuals to which the test is administered to and is graded on a previously agreed upon basis. Using the standardized tests to grade a student's potential may lead to the β†’