Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Soccer or hunger

It turned out that being a soccer player is a decent occupation; at least the salaries of the soccer players in some parts of the world, are higher than those of the doctors or lawyers. It's a well-known fact, that lots of the world's most famous and prosperous players were born in Brazil, a country β†’

The developmental stage of a learning team

It is, therefore, the objective of this paper to identify the factors which contribute to the cohesiveness of our team and thereby assess the effectiveness of a performing team. The extent of cohesiveness that a team develops influences the level of performance of a group.

Nosocomial outbreak of aspergillus fumigatus infection

The infection was never discovered in the patient's septum but his condition improved with liposomal amphotericin therapy. The investigators admit the findings are inconclusive especially since they did not test the air.

Significance of the thinking and writing on education

Thomas Jefferson, on the other hand, regarded education as a key factor for the smooth function of democracy and he laid emphasis on education for all. The four principles that governed Jefferson's views on education were: " democracy cannot long exist without enlightenment", " that it cannot function without wise and honest officials", " that β†’

Individual savings account

Costing 117, 000, the house could be paid in a year or two with the income from the students' rent. It is a fixed type of mortgage, meaning that monthly repayments will remain constant regardless of the standard variable interest rate.

Terms (short_story_terms) literature

This was a connotation of the attorney's impatience to the long and defensive explanations of the sheriff's work.3. The words are a denotation of a picture of an old woman wearing a long dark striped dress.4.

Worksheet 6

The particular motivators for the client are; first is to return to the proper shape by losing weight. The Following Is the Three Weeks Diet Plans for the Client Step 1: Elimination of Sugars and Starches from his diet.

Crime: compare and contrast data

The last ten years data that has been presented in the Uniform Crime Report regarding the cases of robbery has reduced by 0. Similarly, National Crime Victimization Survey reports even reflects the fact that violent crime like robbery has been reducing over the tenure of last five years.

Construction safety theories and human factors theory regarding quebec bridge

The design problems and stress overloading that resulted in the failure of the bridge were part of the management faults since through proper design; the situation could have been rectified. Kranakis explains that the design drawings and the plans of the bridge were reviewed by a single engineer before the project was started.

Piaget’s early theory of the role of language

Each of these periods is associated with mastering certain skills and abilities such as the use of symbols, abstract thinking, etc: Sensory-motor: during this period intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity without the use of symbols; Pre-operational stage: intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, improvements in the use of language, development of memory, β†’

Paradise bites report

The finance manager is of the view that although the overall market demand is currently low due to the recessionary phase, the uniqueness of the flavors and marketing strategy will still boost up the demand for chocolates to the extent that the company will start generating profits in its first year of operations. The policy β†’

World religon

The creator is believed to be perfect in all aspect of existence and is the main cause of the entire world activity. The arrival of the messiah and the existence of the messianic era are a belief presented in the Judaism.

How to bake lemon cookies with icing

Process Mix all of the ingredients for the cookies together in a big bowl. For the icing, mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and add more or less lemon juice to achieve the desired consistency.

Tragic shades of grey

Antigone's role as heroine of this tragedy seems rooted in the idea that she remains loyal to her slain brother, Polyneices, even in the face of imminent and most horrific execution by the way " Stoning to death in the public square". In her rash act of defiance, she causes the deaths of her two β†’

The analysis of the poem eating poetry by mark strand

Mood: In the poem, silence in the library creates depressed mood in the minds of the readers. In the poem, the dog is not aware of the significance of the poems within the context of literature.

Components of a research proposal

Significance of a formal layout for research papers First, it is of essence to acknowledge that research in itself is a process that goes through numerous stages and therefore, to record about the different stages of a research it is significant to have a formal layout for research papers. Significance of stating the research problem β†’

Charlotte bronte jane eyre

In the start of the novel, Jane has often told people, like her cousin, to stay away from her, and even tried to attack him when she felt insecure. The insanity and fierce desire to be free comes out when she finally claims her freedom from Rochester after which she leaves him.

Organizational interview paper

Recently, I interviewed a top official in Coca Cola Company in order to learn more about the extent of changes happening in the organizational world. This paper briefly introduces Coca Cola Company, analyses organizational change issues, the vision of the interviewed manager and the comments about the manager's actions." In May, 1886, Coca Cola was β†’

African hunger

This paper thus intends to study the effect of climate change on agricultural production in Africa as a direct cause of low food production and the subsequent menace of hunger. The basis of this study is on the question as to how much the problem of hunger in Agriculture in African can be blamed on β†’

College admission

While I recognized that in implementing these methods, the story would potentially be made more difficult to read, I felt they were necessary to add a touch of originality and fresh perspective to my work. I then began to consider the nature of work and entertainment that has popular appeal.

Pros and cons of diagnosing children

They are deprived the right to study, the right to marry and the right to ownership of possession. The family becomes the laughing stock in the society and they are tempted to segregate the sick child for such fears.

Decision tree

Decision tree The company should not give in to the union demands because it increases the unit cost from 3. By giving in, the company is disadvantaged to clinch the first contract unless other bidders place their bids far below their new unit cost.

Late adulthood and end of life

Late adulthood and end of life Late adulthood and end of life Life expectancy refers to the number of years an individual in a country or a population in a country is expected to live. Cultural Interpretations of Dying and Death in a Non-Western Society: The Case of Nigeria.

Give a topic

China and Japan from the 17th to 20th Century China and Japan are countries in the Asian continent, separated geographically by a narrow expanse of ocean. This paper will outline the differences and similarities between the two countries from the 1600s to the 1900s with a focus on the political and socio-economic factors.

Social death

Focusing on the evolution of American history since the time of the Declaration of Independence, the author charts a cogent description of how the socio-polity resisted progressive changes. Possessive individual traces its origins to the framing of the constitution, whereby, only the propertied white males of the new country were accorded citizenship.

Reflection paper

The main aim of the Lions Club international is to aid students develop their leadership skills and still make a positive impact to their community. As a Leo in the community project of green team recycling our main motto was to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Swot analysis strategy

This analysis gives the strategic position of the business and the environment by identifying the strategies creating a firm specific business model that best aligns the organization's resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which it operates. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the business entity directly controlled by it while opportunities β†’

Jen chelei standards of performance

Through competition, students might think of each other as rivals and may get so involved in plans to ruin the chances of the others. Although some wholeheartedly believe competition is one of the only ways to hone creative skills, it affects the general welfare of society and may marginalize certain students.

World bank

Furthermore it provides advisory services that are reimbursable in nature in these services it provides advice and assistance to member nations in matters that may exceed the budget of the World Bank. The bank even partners with member organizations in order to provide them with research and analysis on different sectors of a nation.

How nike fueled exploitation of workers manufacturing its products

In the 1990s, workers in these countries for the first time talked of the ills of the Nike management. In the global eyes, Nike is back to the status of a prestigious manufacturer.

Three religious traditions

Therefore, in a profound analysis of the history of origin and faith of the Christian, the Jewish, and the Islam traditions, I am greatly convinced that the Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God. There are a lot of Jews, Christians, and Muslims who claim that they all worship and believe in the β†’

Blackboard on line #3

a) An element of the web page There is a video on the webpage that talks about how potential employees can make a difference in a company as big as Walmart Canada. Page 356 of chapter 12 talks about how to recruit employees from a diverse population, something that Walmart is trying to do in β†’

Conflicting obligations

In inquiry number 8, the researcher has the obligation of reporting to the police the theft of car rings in the slum and the researcher has the obligation of not reporting to the police. In inquiry number 15, the psychiatrist has the obligation of informing the police of the crime committed by the violent man β†’

Discussion unit 9 public health

The agency of " Healthcare Research and Quality" or AHRQ is one of the key divisions of " the Department of Health and Human Services" in United States. AHRQ is the leading agency to provide support to the research works in " patient safety" and to build public- private healthcare relationship.

Correlational methods

Section/# Correctional Article Review and Methodological Understanding The study in question discussed the need for correctional officers and other corrections stakeholders to analyze the psychological and acute medical needs that the inmate population might have experienced in the past; as a means of effectively creating a strategy by which their individual correctional needs could be β†’


The story of Cephas in the " Rites of Passage" raises many different controversies and illustrates some of the root problems of the society. The workers of the welfare centre who were mentioned in the story all seemed to have no interest in their job and no desire to do their job.

The potential effects of radiation poisoning due to the earthquake in japan

The Potential Effects of Radiation Poisoning Due to the Earthquake in Japan The radiation brought by the recent catastrophic damage to Japan's nuclear power plant due to earthquake and tsunami in abrupt sequence entails a range of hazardous impact upon the health of Japanese individuals who have been exposed to the leaks of radioactive substances. β†’

Significance from seven simple words

It means that there is something better and this is not the best of all possibilities. It is in the thought that riches perish do we find the reason why we have to work hard to take care of it.

Organized crime: profits from pornography and prostitution

They are considered as illegal acts that spoil the morality of the people and communities in particular. Usage of drugs and alcoholics that are prohibited by the government is also considered to be victimless crimes.

The 32nd president of the united states

Franklin Roosevelt is considered one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, owing to his popular reforms and measures, to counter the Great Depression and to provide relief to the citizens. He supported the Allied group of countries and the United States Army became one of the main suppliers of armament to the β†’

Cash in hand

Thompson should have minimized his tax liability through legal tax planning whereby the government provides various tools and mechanisms to reduce tax returns such as exemptions, rebates, deductions, and allowances. Information sharing and modernization of international tax laws are ways that can reduce tax evasion.

Novel mobile devices

20 February, Novel mobile devices What are novel mobile devices? Novel mobile devices, as the name indicates are mobile devices that are essentially atypical, unique and conform to the modernistic standards.

Supreme court of the united states

17 February Supreme Court of the United s Differences between the of Michigans use of race in its undergraduate admissions process and its use of race in its Law School admission process that led the Supreme Court to rule the former unconstitutional and the latter constitutional The difference between the two cases to warrant different β†’

Question 2

However, despite even its unfavorable investment climate, according to the UNCTAD, in the first half of 2013 there was recorded the second biggest FDI inflow to the Philippines among ASEAN countries. Investment Climate Assessment in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand: Results from Pooling Firm-Level Data.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The actions of the victims have been associated with being a perfectionist and being keen to details due to the actions of repeated confirmations. Biologically, the neurotransmitter serotonin abnormalities have been linked to the OCD as serotonin is believed to have a role in controlling anxiety, as it has to attach to the receptors of β†’

The development of canadian television

In 1929 the Liberal government of Mackenzie King commissioned three men to study and report on the state of broadcasting in the country, beginning a relationship between the state and the media that has not weakened since. As a consequence, the government called upon Vincent Massey, brother of the actor Raymond Massey, to conduct an β†’

Divorce: causes, psychological impact

Thus, divorce is not a problem of a husband and a wife; it is a problem of the whole society. A family is very important for the society, thus psychological work should be done in order to reduce the number of divorces.

Administration dichotomy

In this case, the administrator should strive to win the support and approval of the legislature for the program of his administration. The use of the politics administration dichotomy as a way to advance in the study of public administration can be advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time.

Compare and contrast

The role of the parents is to learn the behavior expectations and communicate with the classroom teacher to make sure their child is following those expectations. The role of the teacher is to teach behavior expectations and consequences to the students.

Conflict of interest

I telephoned the retail store and explained my dilemma, but was informed that without a receipt, I would not be able to return the product unless it was a credit or debit card purchase. Once again, I explained my dilemma and was likewise informed that in the circumstances I was not entitled to return the β†’

Kurt lewin and group dynamics

Kurt Lewin and group dynamics Kurt Lewin and group dynamics Who was Kurt Lewin and what were some of his key contributions to the study of group dynamics? On the other hand, Lewin's contribution to group dynamics is strongest when considering the arguments on task interdependence.


The leadership profile is therefore one that is transformational style of leadership where managing diverse groups of individuals is the key through decisions and undertakings which safeguard the interests of the sportspersons and athletes. They are being managed properly by sports management firms which have understood the premise of transformational leadership which has brought success β†’

What factor was ultimately more responsible for the deaths in the late 19th century famines: el nino or human choices

The human choices which so seriously aggravated these losses were inspired by a dogmatic adherence to popular notions related to free-market economics, to institutionalized tendencies towards corruption, and to an imperial arrogance which preempted more rationale responses to the El Ninos. It is, therefore, given the evidence provided, quite fair to argue that human choices β†’

Disorder and theraphy

Various researchers have tried to come up with a number of remedies aimed at mitigating the challenge that has become a reality in the American Society. The patient can share out the mental problems that they have to a team of professionals that is always ready to listen to them.

Short answer questions

Where in the stress continuum would you like to be? This is because coping strategies differ from one person to another, depend on the stressor, and keep changing with time.

In cold blood

The tumor developed in his brain over the years, and he transformed from a gay and obedient child to a violent adult with the passage of time. I made him return the wallet to the man and asked him the reason of his sinful act.

Intro to business

Starbucks, in the specialty of food and beverage, targeted the largest segment of disposable income spending i.e, food and beverages, and recorded a steady growth; in a way it invented a new market structure through its monopolistic structure, a thorough competitive activity, industry costs and capital structure, all achieved through a systematic approach and healthy β†’

Advocacy letter

Various studies have established direct correlations and causal relationships between the consumption of sugary beverages on the one hand and obesity and the onset of metabolic diseases such as diabetes on the other hand. The Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health has also stepped forward to point to the large and growing public costs β†’

The natural direction of evangelism

A friend of mine who spent some years of College inside the seminary told us of a system, where a senior seminarian is assigned to guide a neophyte through the process of adjustment; from a life of ease to a more restricted one. In the process, camaraderie is strengthened as the neophyte gains confidence and β†’

Gay rights movement

The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical discussion on the role of identity in the gay rights movement. In conclusion, it is difficult to measure the effect of identity on the gay rights movement because so many different strategies have been employed by such a diverse group of people.

The meiji restoration

The period began with the opening of Japan by Matthew Perry's Black Ships in Tokyo Bay, and effectively ended with Japan on the verge of the becoming the single most important colonial power in Asia. The emperor gained a lot of power from the landowners during this period.

Lockerbie blast culprit freed

In view of this, the release of Mr. The Scottish government made a unilateral decision to release Megrahi, who was received with immense jubilation and festivity in Libya.Mr.

Reflection/participation paper

The author wants to introduce the necessity of a supply chain manager in an organization. In explaining the importance of supply chain management, he negates the common notion that supply chain management is restricted to logistics and transportation companies.


Electronic crime Electronic crime also gets referred to as cybercrime or stylized as e-crime. It is vital to maintain the devices used to commit the crime as evidence when reporting electronic crimes.

Management principles

Managers are responsible for a variety of activities and functions like performance management, employee motivation, customer satisfaction, as well as production activities and quality management. Management is the process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals.


The behavior of an animal can be determined by making observations on how the animal responds to a certain set of stimuli. A reflex arc is a neurological pathway that involves a motor and a sensory neuron to effect a response to a stimuli.

The metamorphosis by frank kafka

The giant bug here is symbolic of the mere prettiness of this mammoth world, where life has been transformed and rendered nothing but a social circus of activities! However, with the advancement in the conditions of living, man's life has become contrastingly empty.

The broken windows theory

In Sir Robert Peel's Principles of Law Enforcement, the first principle is a very strong argument for the " Broken Windows" theory in that the role and mission of the police is to prevent crime and disorder within a neighborhood as opposed to the military version which represses crime and disorder through force and severe β†’

Why i want to have a career in computer information system

In this case, a major in Computer Information System would help me achieve my ambition in life by enabling me to become equipped to join the information and technology world and develop the technology required to continue making the life of human beings better on earth. While emphasizing on the importance of changing my major β†’

Child observation

The girl is riding a small bicycle and the boy leaves his mother and joins the girl, apparently wanting to snatch the bicycle from her. His interaction with the mother is bold and this provides him with the opportunity to interact with others and the environment.

Advantages and limitation of international trade

This paper will also list the finding of the team's debate surrounding international trade, the concept summary results of the assessment and the findings from the evaluation of the effect of government policy on economic behavior. International trade will tend to equalize the relative prices of the two factors in the two countries.

Scientific discoveries and breakthroughs

NASA specially modified this pad for the erection of this rocket, which is purposed to carry astronauts to the moon. Thin and exceptionally tall, the Ares I-X depicts the actual Ares I rocket which will carry the astronauts into the orbit, possibly by 2015.

Prenatal development process

The five things I learned from this topic are genetic disorders, a period of prenatal development, general risk factors, chromosomes and alleles and teratogens. The number of alleles or the state of the chromosomes has been known to be the cause of these disorders.

Phil102 – knowledge and reality assignment 2

The " veil of perception" conversely, refers to the belief that, indirectly, our perception about the world is passed through the channel of our ideas. In this paper I will discuss the skepticism hypothesis in the " veil of perception," the importance of the " veil of perception", and the opposition of simplicity to the β†’

Book review:

Book Review: War of the Worlds The passage in the first paragraph of the first chapter; " The Eve of the War" of the book The War of the Worlds by H.G. The most interesting aspect of it all is that, just like the statement in the first sentence of chapter one of the book β†’

Wk4 discussions

Some of them might not be conscious of the dynamics involved in the investment of securities. This technique is used to calculate riskier division is the security market line while for conservation division subjective approach technique would be used to estimate the cost of capital.

Assignment example

Additionally, one of the main reason why some of these people are homeless is due to the fact that they spent their early part of their life in foster cares. One of the unfortunate impact of withdrawing this facility is the youth ending up in the streets homeless and jobless.

Emmanuel kant

One of Kant's works, the Critique of Pure Reason, is an attempt to answer the problems of the nature of knowledge-what it is and how it is obtained. Kant, whose epistemology is a form of idealism, holds that what we refer to and perceive as the external world is an artifice of the mind.

Career counseling in the workplace

Running Head: CAREER COUNSELING Career Counseling in the Work Place of Incorporation of Holland's Theory John Holland's theory of career choice explains work-related behavior about which career choices are likely to lead to job success and satisfaction. Holland' Theory and Application One career counseling deficiency seems to pertain to the trait-and-factor theory as Bob seems β†’

Physician assisted suicide as an ethical issue in health care

Physician Assisted Suicide as an Ethical Issue in Healthcare Introduction The article addresses the reviews of judicial and legislative developments to be able to establish a context for physician assisted suicide. The legal counsel and the health care practitioners who are expected to provide advice on this issue have therefore, to have a clear understanding β†’

Compare and contrast of affordable care act and clinton healthcare reforms

Conversely, the step i.e.modernizing as well as upgrading the existing healthcare system in the US eventually emerged as one of the success factors of the Affordable Care Act. Stakeholders of Each Policy The stakeholders of both Clinton Healthcare Reforms and Affordable Care Act can be ascertained as corporate leaders, industry shareholders along with centrist academics β†’

The restaurants vendors in casa brusco

I interviewed Diana Bonsignore, the general manager who explained that because the restaurant just opened, there is a tight budget and therefore much of the work falls upon her shoulders. I think that Diana should discuss and outline her responsibilities with the owners because she is stuck doing everything and not receiving the appropriate compensation.

Justifying beliefs

A great part of philosophy lies in the justification of the ideas and beliefs that is found in the search for life's answers. The justification of different beliefs is not just a matter of credibility, but also to try to promote an understanding of diverse schools of thought.

Direct request

We want you to get a new level in understanding of problems and potential of suppliers you are working with. Answers should be directed to your department and then to a manager of a corresponding project.

The program meet the press with david gregory

He, however, did admit that some steps by the Tea Party Activists were excessive and not supported by the Republican Party, like the racial and bigoted comments made to some of the Congressmen. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine supported the bill, and said that the people's support would be won once the bill came β†’

Mobile dry cleaning business

The keys to success of this company includes the quality of the service, convenient locations, and friendly staff, express service cleaning, best rates and prompt response to the customers. Also, the company needs to maintain the quality of service, management of finance and controlling of costs to get success in this venture.

Discussion 4.1

DISCUSSION 4 and Number of The policy clearly addresses misconducts that may occur atthe university that will disrupt the harmony between community members, this principle mainly points out that discrimination, assault, harassment and consensual relationships are not allowed in the university and anyone found guilty of any misconduct will be dealt with accordingly, for example β†’

Introduction to global business

Since Porter's theory explicitly states that the comparative advantage needs to be created, if the government encourages tourism, by building proper safari parks, and marketing the tourism industry of Botswana in the international arena, then the conditions of Porter's diamond theories will be fulfilled. Fisher and Clark's structural change theory also suggests that in the β†’

Resistance to civil government by henry david thoreau

It is particularly interesting to note his being a tax resister but not an evader for at length, he argued in his essay why he refused to become a part, to say the least, of a government which he dislikes, or abhor. He proposes a government with officials or those beholden to it to follow β†’

Substance-related disorders

Substance-related disorders al Affiliation) Substance-related disorders In the recent years, there have been rampant cases of use of injurious substances, which have an impact on the normal working of the psychological system of the user. Researchers Kleber and Galanter have noted that, the continuous use of materials such as alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, cigarettes, and other β†’

North and south korea

This caused Korea to divide into North and South Korea with North becoming the communist under the influence of Russia and South becoming democratic like US. On 25 July, 2010, while military drills were taking place in the demilitarized zone of Korea which makes the interface between North and South Korea, it was quite unexpected β†’

Hard-path versus soft-path energy development

Larger insulated windows will be installed in strategic areas of the house to reduce the need for the use of electric light sources during daytime as the windows will serve to brighten the interiors of the house. Relationship of the Global Water Shortage to Food Production Rapid and growing changes in the natural ecosystem affect β†’

Six key points in teaching us history

Point 4 - The Jazz Age & Prohibition Following World War 1, the 1920s came to be known as the Jazz Age, after the music of the time. The U.S.economy quadrupled, and the real income of the average American family doubled.

Psychodynamic personality theories overview

The understanding of psychodynamic theories improves our interpersonal relationships because this enables us to understand other people better and become less judgmental. In sum, by understanding people's behaviour through Freud's psychodynamic theories, we become less judgemental and tend understand people more which helps our interpersonal relationships to be better.

Improving teen driver safety

Taking the issue of speeding as an example, the important point to emphasize is that the faster you drive, the higher the impact of a crash, and the greater the damage that is done. The important aspect of the program is that it is an interactive one that maintains interest and allows teens to make β†’

Definition of culture

Included in the concepts, wherein culture in the said period can be considered recognizable, are related to feminism, roles of nuns in the society and the reshaping of the popular culture. The changes in the culture can be related to the effects of war in American society in the 1950s.