Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

The truman doctrine

According to Lykogiannis, Truman believed that the war was a threat not only to international peace but also to the national security of the United States. According to President Truman, the doctrine was for the best interest of the United States at large.

Country study: norway’s case

Norway is a popular tourist destination mostly because of the large glaciers found in the country. The websites are used in schools as teaching aids on the country's culture and history.

Human factors and ergonomics

Raise the work to a better view where he or he will be aligning with samples to avoid bending head.iii. This is to the extent one is capable of turning the way he or she wants besides a clearing that allows one to hold a baby in his or her lap.iv.

Presentation reaction

In the minds of this reviewer, perhaps the greatest strength that the presentation provided was the fact that it was able to integrate with the listener the understanding of how technology has positively affected the ability of the individual to communicate remotely such that they were unable to do in previous years. As such, a β†’

Organizational communication

I usually consider the basics of a successful meeting such as arriving in time before the commencement of the meeting. Almost always, I take my time to find the agenda of the meeting, in order to conversant with the objectives of the meeting.


Evolutionary Psychology Meta theory is a concept that analyses the methods, structure and properties of another theory usually referred to as the object theory. Evolutionary theory can be used as a meta theory for a unified psychology because as asserted by Buss evolutionary theory explains the process of natural selection that is applicable to any β†’

Civil rights movement- the book march: book one

The American dream speech by Luther love and the integration of the different races in America and included the need to evaluated the people in the basis of their principles and not the color of their skin. The book addresses the action and role of Lewis in the non-violent confrontations and movements.

Mind you own business

The suppliers in the industry are the doctors, nurses and technicians while the consumers are the patients or anybody seeking health care. The current economic status in the world has spear rocketed the cost of medical care.

Business ethics and social responsibility of coca-cola company

The CSR implemented by Coca- Cola Company in this case is both a matter of ethics and strategy. The Company identifies HIV/ AIDS as a world epidemic and observes the role of the workplace in preventing and limiting its spread.

Sgt rome award

Topic: SGT Rome award As a Plans and Programs Team Leader for the PSYOP detachment, SGT Rome was instrumental in the success of the detachment's mission. SGT Rome's dedication to the mission and unwavering passion for his soldiers is an attribute that cannot be denied.

Technology in the next 50 years

While most people generally considered technological innovations in the next half of the century to be beneficial, 59% thought that human life will be impacted in a very positive manner while 30% think that the technological advancement will lead to more social negatively impacted population than it is today. Many Americans believe that scientific revolution β†’

The law under the alabama limited company act

Fiduciary duty Fact: The case that was presented to the law court of Alabama was about the breach of fiduciary duty with the plaintiff being Suzy Strickland Harbison and the defendant being Bonnie Strickland. 1425, 20 of the Alabama limited liability act, the court analyzed the liability of a manager of a company in relation β†’

Organizational communication

In written communication, the body language of the author of the written document is not revealed to the readers of the document because of which the actual meanings and accent do not become clear. These are some of the main reasons why a presentation is more effective as compared to written communication.


Acceptance of a philosophy or a theory and the knowledge of that theory depends on the reality. But in certain situations, he appreciates the concept of myth and defines it in a cosmological and philosophical way.

Key characteristics of bureaucracy

And in the case of the government, it is through bureaucracy that it interacts with the general population. Weber associated the rise of bureaucracy with the industrial revolution and the attendant flourishing of the capitalist system.

Performance and career management

This needs to be explained at individual level and this is where the individual session is helpful. The diversity needs to be handled like this and appraisal for them would also be on different basis.


Because of the wide range of risk factors of teenage suicide, any preventative measure must suit the situation of the teenager at hand. On the other hand, benzodiazepines are used to prevent anxiety and a lack of sleep.

The problem of cyber security in north korea and china

The fact is that cyber attackers can launch cyber-attacks in a place far from the organization they are attacking. It is true that cybersecurity is a challenge need to be addressed by the government.

People of jewish heritage

People of Jewish Heritage People of Jewish Heritage Part The Jews believe in one God who is the creator of heaven and earth, andthe giver of life. The Jews also believe God is the giver of life and can also take it.

Reaction outcome evaluation

With the outcome of the training, it is still safe to assume that a supervised training is still advisable for the employees of the company. As a result of the training program conducted, one can say that it was not successful if the aim of the company is to let their employees to be fully β†’

Which u.s. states are the oldest

Like in Lowa state, the population is mainly composed of youth due to the increased fertility rate. This has attracted many young unemployed Americans in these states thus leading to an increase of the young group in these states.

Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory

It is difficult to find out the organization of people involved in crime since this would require me to interact with criminals on a personal basis who may find it difficult to trust me. This is because doing away with crime entirely would mean that people go back to the days of communal wealth but β†’


In this urbanized society of chaos, fear is used as a way of coercing the collective will of its citizenry. In both the cases of fiction, the natural conditions for a psychologically healthy living are not provided to the people by the state.

Discussion 4

To solve the issues crippling the healthcare system, all Americans should have access to healthcare insurance coverage. To save all Americans from unexpected medical costs, healthcare insurance coverage should be made accessible to all.

The causes of the war of 1812

The war indicated the tensions that already existed between the British Empire and the United States after the Treaty of Paris in the year 1783. The next tension was that between the Indian Americans and the government of the United States.

Old testament wisdom

The calling to the creation of one state for two peoples can destroy the state of Israel. The only state, which is the motherland of Jews, will disappear.

Cis management information system

In this case, especially with the advent of the internet and computer network systems involved, it is possible for different individuals to access various musical files for free without paying any money as well as without seeking any permission to do so from the rightful owners especially of the music. In the outlined case above, β†’

Sankin kotai

SANKIN KOTAI The Sankin kotai was a military service to the shogun and helped ensure that the daimyo of the period did not gain too much power. Its added benefits were the establishment of Japan's extensive road network during the Edo period as well as ensuring the daimyo was visible in various regions of the β†’

Assignment example

In doing so, it focuses on the capital employed and manages to assess how effective the firm's ability to maximize on the resources available. The Capital Light strategy seeks to make available larger sums of capital all in the name of taking advantage of the way in which potential investors will hold the fort in β†’

American constitution law 4 paper

367 Facts: After being denied the right to appointed state counsel at his expense the appellant was convicted of the offense of shoplifting after a bench trial in the Circuit Court of Cook County and fined $50. The Supreme Court of the state of Illinois also rejected the appellant's argument and stated that it was β†’

Culture latinos

A counselor's role in Ana's case would be to help her have care and compassion for herself and expect it significantly from others. Question four I would help Ana to cope in a better way with her husband's abusive manners.

Annotated bibliography

After all the other girls failed this test, the disfigured poor girl, with a rough face from tending to the fires is the only one who can see the mysterious young man and marry him. Use in the Classroom: This book can be read in the classroom and used to explain the life of the β†’

Dead poest society & john dewey

Dead Poet Society & John Dewey Chapter In a traditional school like Welton's, Dewey accepts that the purposeof the curriculum is far much different to that implied by Keating in the movie. In which case, the traditional curriculum tends to tame the students to the customary ways of the society to ensure conformity.

Protecting a child

After the court grants the Baldinucci family the custody of the child, they return to the United States with the child whom they have not legally adopted. In case of any problem, the safety of the child would be at stake since it is not a citizen of the states.

Absolutist approach

In spite of the fact that loosing weight is not illegal, it is illegal to use drugs that need prescription to do it. In other words, it is quite possible that having learned about it, her coach may keep silent about it as one is convinced that a true athlete should not hesitate to perform β†’

Week 6: global supply chains

Supply Chain Management Affiliation Risk sources in supply chain management encompass all the activities that set in toaffect and influence the success of the chain. Further, supply risks relates with the disturbance of the product from from the source to the end consumer.

Acer analysis

The emerging motivations strategy was the key motivator for its move abroad The era of rapid growth of communication systems, technology and logistics have made it imperative for companies to constantly expand and spread outside the home country to have a sustainable business model. Once the company succeeded in these markets and gained a strong β†’


The process of using this science of life is a tool to change our future in all walks of life. A Cell A fundamental unit of life of all living creatures is a cell.

Control mechanisms paper

Feedforward and feedback control influence selection of techniques and methods of organizing. Starbucks managers first of all are aware of the limitations of the job: they are essentially coordinators and influencers.

The history of ebags

The success of eBAGS as a consistently thriving and profitable dot-com company may be unprecedented but this is not a guarantee that the same outcome will be realized when they venture into the European market. Their entry to the European market would be a promising new move that could yield positive results and increased β†’

Topic draft

A good research topic concerning the gender and sexuality can be summed up as ' Gender Bias: The different treatment of men and women in media, law and social interaction.' In this research, the important discussion points include; how the media portrays women; the different forms of discrimination in law and judgement; and the limitations β†’

Senior capston project

People at the work site can convey the effects of the health education program to the members of their family, be it school children or even members of the community. Health education program need to be planned according to the age of the group it is to be implemented on.


As a grown up, I have discovered that some of the activities I did not pay a lot of attention to while growing up since, were not readily accessible to every other person as they grew up. Even though sometimes I missed my friends and people that I was familiar with, I still got a β†’

Does business benefit from the proliferation of regional trade agreements

Two variables that influence the trajectory of a company in the international scene are its leadership capabilities and the chosen organizational structures. The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans.

What sorts of ethical problems are posed by the fact of cultural pluralism and how might the ethicist (that’s you) respond to them

In the contemporary environment of fast globalization, the social and political constructions of identity and changing pattern of societal norms and structure have produced complex dynamics of human interaction and relationship. The cultural differentiation in the fast transforming political system has become a reality, As such, the autonomy of individuals irrespective of their color, race β†’


A-Plus Battery Company, being a private company has employees who are guarded by OSHA and so it has to follow the regulations set to ensure they safety is not compromised. The employees are working in a risky environment and so it's important to follow the regulations.

Why claggart is down on billy

When responding to the reason why Claggart is " down on Billy," it is important to look at the background information about Melville's ironies. Dansker is the first person to suggest the notion that Claggart is " down on Billy".

Financial problem

of project: Managing Financial Resources and Decisions and number: submitted: Task 1 Task One Part A a) Identify and describe at least six sources of finance that are available to C and C Hydraulics Ltd.b) Assess the implications of the chosen source of finance on the legal status; dilution of control; and tax effects of β†’

Chinese history: from the late ming to qianlong

Dynasty Systems and Assumptions Canton System The governments used Canton system for limiting international and regional trade using Hong merchants as agencies. Qing and Qianlong Emperors also believed that the system would protect erosion of Chinese trade culture.

Analysis of the capstone vacco versus quill

Thus in suing Attorney Vacco, Quill and his colleagues argue that New York's ban on aiding suicide violates the application of the equal protection clause. The district court opinion argued that the New York law placed a burden on the physician's right to aid in committing suicide of terminally ill patients.

East asian civilization: japan

At the bottom of the social class was the commercial class. Social and political stability came to be influenced by the absolute dictatorship of the Shoguls.

Media analysis

A love intertwined in the labyrinth of tradition, religion, culture and a generation of tribal hatred that exists between the Jews and the Pakistan Muslim. The fathers of David and Fatima show it by washing their hands to remove the " filth" of the other, after greeting each other.

Account of the hall of the old drunk

In " Account of the Hall of the Old Drunk", the drunk is shown as insignificant human. It is not going to hurt anyone in the grander scheme of things.

Our world in 25 years

However, in the next 25 years, the world will have the pleasure of using the AIDS vaccine, as the scientist will make a major breakthrough in their research. However, similar to the development of the polio vaccine several years later, the scientist will develop an AIDS vaccine in the next 25 year.

Operative mechanics of juveniles courts

Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts Similar to the adult court structures, juvenile justice systems serve to secure public safety. Overall, age is the principal determinant that separates the juvenile justice system from the adult criminal court.

Sensory perceptions

Some of the reasons to believe in accuracy of sensory information include placing a hand on fire, eating food and crossing of the road. Placing ones hand on fire, the sense of feel will detect the temperature and pass the information to the brain, which perceives it as hot.

Role of philosophy in ancient greece

Thus, a conscientious section among learned men of the times deemed it necessary to invoke the gods, goddesses, the consequences of evil, and the trysts and involvement of the divine beings with the lives and affairs of men. Hesiod and his ilk understood the influence of the divine beings on the people and the rulers.

The externalities of education

The Externalities of Education 7th, August, The Externalities of Education This paper identifies three positive externalities of public education as higher income, social cultural diversity, and better work force. According to National Education Association of the United States, public schools have charter schools that help students learn the trade and this shapes them to face β†’

Synopsis 3

Forms of tort can be categorized based on the following elements: bodily integrity, personal space, possessory interests, freedom of choice and contract, and one's standing in the eyes of others. Torts violating possessory interests infringe upon the interest in ownership of another person such as trespass to land, nuisance and conversion.

Finance 5

In the United States, the established stock and money markets are one of the most advanced and sophisticated systems in the world. For foreign companies, it would be in their best interest to become a part of the U.S.securities marketplace due to the fact that it is the biggest marketplace in the world and it β†’

Self-reflection paper. self-assessment need this by saturday3/ 31/2013

I am familiar with the ethical codes and even the ethical principles according to APA and always strive to attain them. It is also the best reference and tie breaker when I am faced with situations that seem to deviate from the norm or ethical codes.

Journal assignment

The attitudes are the basis on which the science method is affected, and one that provides room for the establishment of the truth. When riding a bicycle, the medulla oblongata is responsible for increasing the heartbeat and number of breaths in order to supply the muscles with adequate oxygen.

Earnings management: the continuum from legitimacy to fraud

To focus on the basic concepts and to clearly be aware of the essence of the concepts is the first and foremost step in research development. It is very easy to understand and discuss the concept of fraud in relation to earnings management and refer to it as to cheating the process of gains management β†’

Write a sonnet and 150 words why you did same

SONNET As the day gives way to the night And the darkness embraces the light I whisper a silent prayer To the star that shines so bright And wonder why he gives us pain Then fill our hearts with glee I wonder why he gives us dismay And fill our souls with melancholy But he β†’

Legal issues – medical

LEGAL ISSUES-MEDICAL Your School of Nursing Number and of Paper This paper will present a logical answer involving a legal-medical problem involving a doctor, who violated the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, particularly the Privacy Rule of the HIPAA, when he disclosed a medical record abstract of his former patient. This β†’

Definition of terrorism in contemporary society

Strategies that destinations can adopt to eliminate terrorist attacks The major strategy is to create awareness among the public and the tourists of terror attacks and encourage the spirit of cautiousness and personal initiative in the reduction of terrorism. It is also pertinent to involve the media and ensure that terror attacks are properly covered β†’

Business law

Mediation: In mediation, unlike the case with negotiation, a neutral person is a characteristic feature and is involved in facilitation of communication between the parties while at the same time offering suggestions to possible ways of solving the dispute at hand. However, it is also noted that the choice of an arbitrator is a process β†’


In this case, the life of a woman is given a priority over the life of a fetus since it would be wrong to force a woman to risk her life while denying her the right to make decision and save herself. Subsequently, keeping in mind that death is the worse outcome, it can be β†’

Cultural studies

Michel DeCerteau, " Walking in the De Certeau, in his essay ' Walking in the, introduces New York as seen from the top of the WorldTrade Center and formulates some abstract general theories to understand everyday life in the city.[91] The writer believes that one needs to get down to the street to obtain a β†’

Free topic

She has to resort to the lonely moments in her closed room to revel at the secret joy that the death of her husband brings. She is aware of her social responsibility to appear grief-stricken, but her heart longs for the days without her husband in her life.

Therapy dog visits cancer patients at cone health

The patients have the opportunity to hold the dog, which reminds her of her dog pet that she left at home. This article is linked to the idea of bringing animals and human beings close, an important topic in the contemporary studies.

Business email (100 words) and attachment (400 words)

Business Email and Attachment - Letter to Persuade the Manager with Regards to the Team's Capability in Conducting a Sales Presentation in South Korea - Student's Name Instructor's Name Subject / Course Date Business E-mail June 12, 2008 Re: Sales Presentation in South Korea Dear George; I would like to inform you that our sales β†’

Qualitative methods for social health research

In an attempt to understand the experiences of the current crop of students, this paper will analyze the themes of stress, academic performance and coping strategy through a focus on the interview results of four students who responded to questions that are related to the themes. When asked on How satisfied the participant is with β†’

Psyc 320 wk5 db replies

PSYC 320 WK5 DB Replies Response I agree with your post and support the use of your child's attempts to learn to ride her bicycle without the training wills to be a fantastic one. Shaping to me is about positive reinforcement, like rewarding a toddler for using the potty, or B.F.

The ways in which emily and bartleby have altered the theme of acceptable behavior

Topic: In 2-3 pages, I want you to write about the misfit characters we have encountered in Bartleby , The Lady with the Pet Dog , A Good Man is Hard to Find , A Rose for Emily and How to Date A. Pick two or three of these stories and explain what these Instructions: β†’

Analysis of can gun control work by james jacobs

Jacobs approaches the volatile issue of gun control from a dispassionate analytical perspective with a focus on the details of implementation. In doing so, he provides a useful contribution to both the literature on gun control and to the broader literature on policy.

What is breakeven point in the organization

One of the ways through which an underperforming organization achieve the breakeven point is that it needs to make efforts to increase its number of sales with the assistance of marketing techniques while ensuring that the variable cost is kept low. Secondly, the organization can reach the breakeven point by decreasing the variable costs of β†’

Persaude people to travel to walt disney world

Among its main attractions are the amazing Magic Kingdom, the Epcot building, Disneys Hollywood Studios and Disneys animal Kingdom, each allowing the visitors to get a real live view of either the creation and animation of cartoons, the history of the earth as it was formed and inhabited life form, an inside look to the β†’

Police administration discuss/complete 5

From these results, it can be said that the data is NOT normally distributed because of a skewness of 2.000. It is interesting to note that a huge chunk of data is missing and this also contributes to the level of skewness.

Analyzing arguments

In this example, the first premise is that all students must take a humanities class The next premise is that critical thinking is a humanities class The conclusion is that college students must take critical thinking. The first premise is that all students study the second premise is that Henry is a college student The β†’

Policy responses during the great recession

The economic recession affected the housing and labor market that led to the increase in the housing prices. The professor further indicates that the majority of the home owners were unable to settle their mortgage debts because of the increase in interest rates imposed by the financial institutions.

Miranda priestly’s personality in the devil wears prada

Neuroticism refers to the degree to which a person tends to be generally calm or excitable and nervous; therefore highly nervous people have a tendency to suffer from neurotic problems which may lead to obsessive forms of behavior. Applying this to the character of Miranda Priestly in the film " The Devil wears Prada", the β†’

Plea bargaining assignment

When he got to the scene, Pomona officers, Hamilton and Tucker, hulled him to the ground and handcuffed him despite explaining to them that he was an LAPD officer off-duty. He was awarded $260, 000 in damages and the LAPD offered to reinstate him.

Arrest and stop under the fourth amendment

The Public Duty Doctrine was set into place in order to prevent the death of an individual or individuals who have come to the police officers for help due to previously related crimes or violent acts, as in the case of Domestic Abuse. The failure of the police in this instance, to not only enforce β†’

Edwards investments

The questionnaire had a series of five questions on the facility and the proposed center. The first question that sought to know the possible rate of application of the center identified the employees' desire to use the center often with a high preference for a daily application and 2-3 days per week application.

Do’s & don’t for educational facility planning project

Dos and Do nots for Educational Facility Planning Project Dos and Do nots for Educational Facility Planning Project The dos and do nots for the educational planning facility should go in line with standard educational requirements, and be reasonably justified. The educator has the requirements in a theoretical perspective and should not be involved in β†’

Operations and project management

The low score can be attributed to the fast scheduling of the orders due to the short-order lead times. It may change customers perception of the firm and classify it as unreliable to deliver a particular service on time.

Lon chaney and films freak possibilities

The article gives a history of Chaney's acting career in the age of freak show embodiment in movies, and his apparent liking o playing morbid and unusual characters in the movies. It is evident that Chaney attracted a lot of interest from the male population because of the unusualness of his movies and frightened away β†’


Al Smith was a candidate for the presidency of the United States in the 1928 General Election. The first computing machine emerged as the ENIAC, and it originally came out at the US base in Maryland, Baltimore.

Designing and writing a report

In fact, his is more than just seeking attention, he is a nagging boy who requests something from the parent and keeps on asking and mentioning the same thing once he sees the father. George was the youngest of them and he witnessed all the occasions when his father abused the mother.

Market analysis and marketing plan

Focusing on low-price of Samsung mobiles for the lower end of the market enabled Samsung to compete in the lower market. Samsung mobile phones are of cheaper and affordable prices therefore making them to sell more and increase penetration of the smartphones in the market.

Competitive strategy-car industry in china peugeot/aaa-diversification and integration-competitive advantage-absolute advantage

The level of the duo in the car industry in China has been described as representing the level of the country's economic development, which attract the colossal world attention. Another area of integration is the direct investment, global production and cross border which lead in a dramatic boom in the sale of the vehicles in β†’

Possibility of agency in modern literature

The novel opens with an old man who demonstrates a need for agency when he wants to exercise his impulse to stay late in the bar. Compared to the other novel, characters in A Clean, Well-Lighted Place have a minor possibility of agency.

Managed care and quality of the healthcare service

This shift has damaged the purpose of managed care, now the goal has shifted from providing quality care services to managing costs. Physicians also found it hard to agree with managed care organizations on the quality of services, these organizations are providing.