Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Film review: the simpsons movie: a mixed blessing

Ostracized by their neighbors because of Homer's idiocy, the Simpsons find their way to Alaska, only to return to save their town from destruction. Lexically-rendered movie field: The family patriarch inadvertently sparks an environmental disaster. The environmental disaster causes the government to lower a giant dome over the town.

The arts and crafts movement

These are the guidelines that he considers fundamental to the practice of art. The author perception on an ideal book is because of the type of printing that existed in 1843 that was primarily for communication in adverts and was a practice of the unskilled people. According to him, the text designs during that period β†’

Manets painting the ragpicker

Overall, these differences change my understanding of the piece in the sense that, little emotional perspective is evoked on the on-screen image as compared to the live one. A number of issues of class and Realism are presented by the readings: " The Eyes of the Poor" by Charles Baudelaire and also the manifesto of β†’


In general, the organization has an effective approach in management of content. Did the information flow well? As seen in the document information flow in the article has been very precise. The paper has began by outlining the research subject followed by a deep analysis of the necessity information security in an organization.

Running a business on smartphones

Through the use of eTrance, the company was able to reduce the number of hours of the accountant per week, lowering their wage bill. The use of smartphones helped reduce the amount of time needed to solve an issue and serve a customer. This translates into more transactions hence more profit for the company. The β†’

Information technology management

From this aspect, the researcher anticipates to carry out research in the field of technology management while focusing the advantages of technology management, and at the same time, analyzing and scrutinizing different management principles of the field in light of environmental expectations of the business world. Finally, the researcher will focus on the β†’

Computer science extra credit

It allows mobile payments and is considered to revolutionize the modern day e-commerce. (Below points are copied from " Who benefits from near field communication ? Busy moms checking out at the grocery store Businessmen and women riding the subway to work Businesses looking for faster, more secure payment methods for customers β†’

Sew what inc

Owing to its intention to give the best of their products via the technological knowhow, clients were able to learn more regarding the business besides making contacts when they needed. iii. However, the business ought to consider the cost and effectiveness of the information technology prior applying it.

Browser-specific web sites. good or bad

Browser-specific web browser Introduction According to Welling & Thomson , browser specific web-sitesare designed to use specific tags, style-sheet, and scripts for visitors who wish to use the browser. The browser specific design techniques differ and individual users' are left to choose which browsers they prefer. The development of browser specific websites has come β†’

Computer software review

Windows 8 is a software package that is produced by Microsoft, and it is an upgrade of windows 8. This software package is freely available for individuals who have a retail copy of windows 8, and their intention is to upgrade it to windows 8.1.

Network topology design

Lastly, it is projected that in the second year, the number of employees will again rise by one hundred. As indicated in the network topology diagram below, the initial computer network configuration at the company is composed of ten user computers. This is because, as indicated in the diagram, all operations are within a network β†’

Mastercard risk assessment

Risk management usually promotes cost cutting in terms of insurance costs and operational costs that any financial organization often deals with when it comes to identifying and curbing fraud within the MasterCard financial systems. The BRAM (Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation) program was developed by the MasterCard Company in order to minimize the industry and β†’

Key challenges and pitfall to virtual team performance

Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Apparently, creating and maintain virtual team performance due to inconsistent communication demean virtual team performance. The inconsistent communication used by the virtual teams generates the challenge of misinterpretations that limit virtual team performance.

Appendix :a pestel evaluation for intel

School/College PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL By Your's PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL Political, economical, social and technological analysis shows that how Intel Company has been affected by the external factors to manage its development. Political Factor: Major considerations in the semiconductor industry are the individual and corporate taxes. Intel is an international working company and keeps β†’

Data warehouses

Additionally, a data warehouse contains past data which is retreived from processing transaction data, however it combine data coming from a variety of sources. Another most important function of data warehouse is that it establishes a boundary between analysis workload from transaction capacity and allows a firm to combine data from different sources.

Agile methodology in the realm of e-commerce

One of the best elements of Agile is the fact that one can prototype. It is clear to understand that Agile enhances the churn by reducing defects and defining the product resourcefully.

Impact of communication and ethics on professional life

Therefore, when professional adopt accountability ethics he or she will be able to practices confidentiality that helps a lot in maintaining the privacy of customers and holding confidentiality of information that might be obtained during the professional service. Professional competence has also been seen as ability of being committed in providing the quality service expected β†’

Looking for a position in it field in a dynamic working environment – resume/cv example

nExtract of sample " Looking for a Position in IT Field in a Dynamic Working Environment" n nCOMPUTER & OTHER SKILLS n nGood at generic, common Office software applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) n nGood at basic computer Hardware and software skills.n nEnglish and Arabic Keyboarding: Typing speed in both: β†’

Why is it beneficial to have both it & management skills together

Information Technology & Management Skills in Business Introduction According to Dinsmore & Brewin, , Information Technology refers to the application of telecommunication equipment and computer in the storage, retrieval, transmission and manipulation of data in the business enterprise. Management tasks include marketing and improvement. It is therefore important for an organization to train β†’

Examine the internet and social media use in a foreign country (report)

The internet and social media use in UAE will be discussed in below. Internet is quite popular in United Arab Emirates and many residents like to use the internet in their free time. All these restrictions of internet use come under internet censorship. Use of social media is also very popular in the country and β†’

Operating systems

The Linux I/O service mainly offers the tools used for program profiling and monitoring the performance of the computer CPU. This is because during an I/O operation, such as disk read information, the operating system kernel checks for data in the page cache to facilitate fast reading of the data. The advancements in the Linux β†’

It solution for corporate financial and inventory management

In the area of finance, each of its operations currently uses a different financial system and the consolidation of the information is very time consuming - lasting for up to four weeks at a time. They include having all IT aspect of the business managed internally; establishing standard procedures for the management of inventory; and β†’

Scoring cyber competitions

Each of these machines should always be made available and actively maintained throughout the competition. Besides, I would like to recommend that the competitors should be equipped with both the offensive and defensive skills. The machine chosen should be in a proper condition to help in awarding and deducting points from the competitors depending on β†’

Information sytem

After that, Microsoft Office Suite 2010 will now install and you can check the progress of the installation through the status bar. After installing, click on close and you can begin using the Microsoft Office Suite 2010. References " How To Install Office 2010".

Cis 273 7,8,9 questions

Events, properties and methods for the element are a definition of the document object model by HTML5. C) For the case of the muted audio file, predictable problem would be a missing plugin solved through manual installation or the code on the web page works only with a specific browser such as Internet β†’

Information security: law and policy

The aim of the document is to highlight the legal environment such as laws, regulations and policies and its impact upon how an organization puts measures to achieve information and information systems confidentiality, integrity and availability. There is a need to ensure information is secure while ensuring that the policies and legal guidelines of the β†’

Bro: a system for dectecting network intruders in real-time

Most importantly, it enables the reduction of kernel-filtered network traffic stream into series of high level events. Body The growing internet connectivity has created growing opportunities for attackers to unlawfully get their way in computers over the networks. Additionally, this system has the most impressive record in the way it is able to avoid β†’

Using facebook to teach rhetorical analysis

The ethos which is to make the user feel likeable is done through the use of the like button under each and every post and status. Logos is said to persuade the logical side of people, which is again a trait of Facebook as people make logical statements which are then liked by people and β†’

Cis 375 1 week 3: using technology as experience framework

The web interface acts as a platform through which a story is told to the world, through this platform the donor is engaged and can validate the need to make a donation. A well designed web interface combines several elements that ignite appropriate emotions, effective storytelling and an interactive and welcoming atmosphere that appeals to β†’


All the requirements for signing the tax return and completion of a paper of declaration and timely submission of the rejected timely filed tax return has to be followed to for the electronic postmark to be reflected the date of filling. The introduction of electronic postmarks will reduce the congestion in the IRS servers.

Vulnerability scanning

d: Vulnerability Scanning Vulnerability scanning deals with the staple information for security as no software is perfect for the security purposes. The Pros and Cons of Vulnerability Scanning,.

Perform a limited risk managment study

This paper is going to discuss a risk management study of some of the security threats. Risk Identification and Estimation Malicious codes: when connected to P2P networks, or using P2P applications it is hard to identify the source of the files, and even the credibility of the sender. This may restrain the user's internet β†’

Telecom eireann

Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond β†’

Computer security

First, I discovered that I was a bit careless with storage of my personal computer which is portable since I often leave it on top of the table when out of the house and whenever I carry it around or when travelling I normally left my computer bag unattended. Fourth, I would ensure that my β†’

Validation guidelines

Content validity is concerned with representation and the essential question that it poses is if the instrumentation pulls in a representative manner from all the ways that could be utilized in measuring the content of a particular construct. Type I and Type II errors are classic violations of this kind of validity. The article by β†’

How will professional organizations play a role in your professional life

IT in the Modern Life DeVry This paper was prepared for CEIS-100 taught by Project Week #: 7 IT in the Modern Life Computer input devices: Mouse; Keyboard; Scanners; Microphones; Touchpads; Video and webcamera. Output devices: Monitor; Printer Speakers; Headphones; Drives; Hard drive Storage devices: Hard drive; DVD; CD; Diskettes; Portable β†’

Discussion 2

The former functions in a software system is merely confined to addressing the requirements needed to design, implement, and monitor the software system; and does not require ensuring that the software system is effectively interconnected to other users in the organization. The persons involved in the activities include the systems and network engineers, IT personnel, β†’

Dq1 week 1

This essentially means that an ordinary Internet search will miss out on the vast resources hidden within the deep Web. To appreciate the importance of the deep Web one has only to look at Bergman findings. To begin with, the deep Web is not only 400 to 550 times larger than the surface β†’

Creational and behavioral design pattern: commands in the function

The square view model is related to the composite class in the algorithm which in turn is related to the color background and the square state of the game. The square view model object is able to position the board which is then passed to the composite class which sets the required state of the β†’

Paper for class mis 2100

Overall, by taking this class, I have learnt not only how to use information systems to carry out daily business activities but also use them to set the business ahead of the rest in the market. Such formulas can be used to give specific values that help in understanding the performance of a business and β†’

Ethics in it assignment

Software's are designed for the purposes of meeting a specific need either in the business or entertainment world. Once an engineer has designed software for a given purpose, it will not make sense to discriminate on the type of warranty that it can be given. It will be senseless to distinguish software as the same β†’

Cis 498 discussions

This allows the IT professional to deal with different clients in a business unit with different ideas. Question 3: Project Management Skills and Formal and Informal Project Management Project manager's skills and training are changing because of new technology and customer preferences. The advantage of hiring a consultancy company is that it becomes easy β†’

Be part of something that counts: rehabilitative probationary services

Thus, it should be part of the decision-making in policies on offender re-entry programs. Rehabilitation is beneficial to everyone. They get to take part in the policy-making process.

Society is dead, we have retreated into iworld by andrew sullivan

Editor of, an essay writer at Times and an analyst, Sullivan in this essay describes his visit to the once known as city of lights and life, a city which never sleeps, New York and record his observation in a beautiful way by describing how the city has changed with technological advancements and generally β†’

Quiz 5

Political science Domestic issues in the forefront of national agenda in the USA elections differ according to the yearly changes. Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific the Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions.

Inside the walls of isis: the making of a radica

Social media has been a may drive and an instrument that in draws the youth and women around the world in joining this extremist group. For a group of radical Muslim extremists, ISIS has been successful in luring youths into its ranks. Issues of youth Muslims joining extremists groups such as ISIS is a threat β†’

Edward snowden: the inside story

Reporter's privilege or the protection given by the law to reporter's not to divulge their source or be compelled to give out confidential information must not be abused. Reporter's privilege should not be therefore abused because it is the reporter's defense against the tyrannical tendency of the government not to be mention that it is β†’

Controversy analysis of the articles about abortion and gay rights

Of these 3 possible research questions, which one interests you the most and why? The research question that interests me much is the one that tries to explore the positive and negative effects of abortion (Do the pros of abortion outweigh the cons of abortion to support its legality?) The reason behind this is that β†’

Global issues

For the correct decision regarding foreign policies to be reached, the following steps should be taken; Step 1: Examining the political environment internationally and locally For the best policy, the political environments for the two should be well understood. Step 2: Goal setting The goal that affects international and local political environment is determined. Step β†’

Population and migration

Population and Migration The world's mega cities are emerging from the huge mega-regions, which have become home to the growing population. Cities that which are polycentric and well managed have invested heavily in the infrastructure are able to contain problems that may arise upon a mass of people and industry. The development of the mega-cities β†’

Justice & institution building in the uae

Justice and Building in the UAE Justice and Building in the UAE The tension between the western ideologies and the Islamic perception of the judicial systems and the nature of the legislation has been in existence since time immemorial. The paper seeks to analyze the Zayed's conception of justice with the aim of establishing whether β†’

Communications & it technology and its impact on poverty

In addition, the shortage of skilled and qualified ICT experts and personnel affects the uptake of new technologies in developing countries. Finally, a lack of follow up to ICT projects by international NGOs prevents the scaling and replication of successful programs in other areas.

Against the patenting genes

Gene patent should not be legalized so that more knowledge can be created for the benefit of mankind. Myriad Genetics Ic.used the patents to determine the typical nucleotide sequence of the genes. It is, indeed, sad, that " some genetic tests cannot be done in Canada because U.S.companies hold patents on the tests and the β†’

Graffiti as a spatial practice

College: GRAFFITI AS A SPATIAL PRACTICE According to walking in the interesting practices such as graffiti would be used to pass across messages between members of a certain group or even belonging. Graffiti cannot be related to a given group of people because it's universally applicable across the globe.

Political system

The role of oil and Islam in Arab countries Islam constitutes a source of both legitimacy and illegitimacy to some Arab regimes", discuss this statement" The established role of Islam in Middle East societies has contributed towards most regime's desire to control the religious sphere. The regimes acknowledge the probable danger of Islamists movement and β†’

Foreign policy towards russia

The main focus of the book, conflict and cooperation is to acquaint students with the basic principles of theory of international relations. In addition to that, it also acquaints the students with different treatises which have been published from the ancient days to contemporary readings which offer a balanced view of theory of international relations.

Reflection on the cultural interview

Judging from his answers I can say that he is very proud of his native country and everything connected to it. Frankly speaking, I had and still have no preconceived ideas concerning my interviewee and his answers.

Human trafficking

It is a touching movie, which gives an insight about the modern world, and how even if he think that we live in an educated society, where people have freedom and there is no slavery, there are people who sell human beings, to earn profit. The way the three women were lured into the world β†’

Volunteer- united way of northern utah

This goes a long way to helping the needy in society by being uplifted financially and also helping them to have a good meal. United way also looks at minimizing the level of school dropouts by helping them to solve issues that affect them. As well as he was arranging book fits for boys and β†’

Public transportation versus driving a car

Public Transportation vs Driving a Car Every day people use transport as the main means to get to the necessary place. As it follows from the above-mentioned, public transport appears to be more appropriate for use in terms of cost, safety, and harm to the environment.

Intelligence analysis as a profession

These agents go through observation, hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion processes as a means to collect the information they have collected on training, this processes are also done in other professionals such as medical training and even law, making intelligence analysis a profession. Like this other professions, intelligence analysts use technological tools to in assisting them β†’

The presidency

Lecturer Essay # The Presidency Although the ' presidency' as an entity includes a large group of people, the president personifiesand leads this entity. The song, while recognizing the respect associated with the presidency, is a direct attack on the then president Richard Nixon, who resigned in office.

Pierson and the secret service scandal

Julia Pierson finally resigned from her position of Director of United States Secret Service, a position which made her responsible for the security of the President and the first family. Julia Pierson to quit from her position. It was not far away, 19 Sep '14 to be precise, when a man who was equipped with β†’

The substance of justice – sex offender records

Due Sex Offender Records Like other counties in the Harris County has 63 sex offenders who are in the records of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The offenders are documented according to the type of sex offence he or she committed and the magnitude of the offense (Texas Department of Public Safety n.p).

Describe how social theory helps you evaluate contemporary challenges related to your chosen problem/policy area

The destruction of the character of the poor neighborhoods denounces the ignorance of factors other than market forces that determine the movement of the social groups and the use of land. The culture of poverty is an influential theory that suggests the norms and behaviors of the poor in distinction to a subculture of the β†’

Engineering ethics

Engineering ethics is the rights and responsibilities of engineers and personal commitments and desirable ideals in engineering. Codes of ethics are the moral responsibilities of engineers as observed by the profession and presented in a professional society.

Characteristics of civilized societies and civilization

A shared system of religious belief, whose officials or priests often play a significant role in community affairs. How was national unity maintained in ancient Egypt, despite the differences between the regions of the Upper and Lower Nile? " National unity was maintained by a strong central government firmly controlled by the Pharaoh who was regarded β†’

Week 6 bus

WEEK 6 BUS Distinctions among the real e contract, a deed, and a mortgage, and how these legal concepts played a leading role in the real estate crisis in the United States A real estate contract is a contractual agreement between two parties in the sale and purchase of a real estate. Conversely, a β†’

Employee motivation

The three authors discuss related matters of human behavior in comparison to the immediate effect on company performance. The article Employee Motivation by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee is a projection of the authors' opinion with regards to organizational performance. The authors have failed to provide alternatives to extended institutions. Conclusion In my β†’

Is collective violence on the decline across the world

Besides many people killed annually in violent conflicts, there is a huge number of people who are physically injured, permanently mutilated or disabled. The genocide was at a high rate that millions of people died in it.

Ethical philosophy in lives of the people

In this paper I will provide an account of my ethical philosophy, utilizing Kant's moral philosophy. The first aspect that should be mentioned with this regard is that I act in a manner that if my actions become universal law, this would not harm anyone. This means that lying should not be made a universal β†’

Use of cell phones while driving

Human brain is not capable of doing multi-tasking to perfection, all are not Leonardo da Vinci to write with one hand and to paint with the other. Most of these accidents are caused by ignorance and one of the most important causes of accidents is the use of mobile phone while driving.

An epidemic of fear

An Epidemic of Fear From the first reading it can be concluded that Wakefield and his colleagues rigged the results by altering facts about the patients in the study. He took the risk of giving his teen children the flu-vaccine even before it was recommended for children of their age group.

Hearing child of a deaf parent and a deaf child of a hearing parent

At a tender age, she would receive calls with her parents' telephone, and her deaf parents would ask her to interpret what it was about. She was vibrant in using the sign language, and understood her bilingual and bicultural identity.

Text analysis of the discussion on kalw, local public radio 91.7 fm

In summary, police and community relationship improvement can only work better if poverty issues among the youths are addressed, and economic injustices solved. Evaluation of the Text The text is useful because it presents opportunity and resolutions for the improvement of police and community relations. Besides, economic justice among various people in the community β†’

Key notions in astronomy

Trillions of other stars of the same size as the sun and even bigger than it are scattered around the universe. Our earth and the remaining universe are also made out of these elements which came from stars.


The term polarization or polarized light refers to the waves that are travelling only in one plane, and this light is known as polarized light. The sun is a spherical source out of which a large spectrum of electromagnetic waves is emitted. Since the waves are travelling in all sorts of planes, the light from β†’

Assignment example

5 90 39 90 0 -90 -66. 5 23.

Application of qualitative methods in a research setting

Ethnography: If I could, experience a different culture it would be to work in the organization in the case study to understand the company's culture. 4. The grounded theory- I would choose to discover the theory of social relationship in the organizations.

Indigenous identity

African Americans derive their social and cultural values from the religion, and with the majority of them being the followers of Abrahamic religions, African American communities are generally more conservative in their stance on homosexuality and thus condemn gay marriages. According to Jones, the most significant changes in the traditional indigenous identity of the African β†’

Teams in organizations

Teams in Organizations s Teams in organizations can be based on their objectives. Work Groups and Teams in Organizations.

Best practices in leadership development and organization change

A responsible team of management should always involve shareholders in all stages of important decision making. Organizational management must be extra careful while making vital decisions on behalf of the stakeholders more so on matters of new technology otherwise the project may not succeed. The genesis of this problem was on the failure of the β†’

General motors: solving the high turnover challenge

The following are ways in which General Motors can solve the increased turnover challenge at the company. Since subcultural differences are the main cause of employee dissatisfaction and consequential turnover, the management should strongly focus on finding a solution to the differences. Such a setup is necessary to create coherence among the divisions and a β†’

Presentation skills

A good presentation incurs distinctive elements including the objective, subject, and the nature of the audience, the place, time and length of the talk which makes a presentation successfully. Terry, however, at the start of her presentation would have critically articulated clarity on whether and when she should be answering the questions from the audience. β†’

Motivation and performance in washburn guitars

This firm has structured its working environment in a way to reward behaviors for work and discourage negative thoughts for work in order to boost its performance. The employees at Washburn guitars feel motivated because of their love for the music and the care they have when making the musical instruments. The top musicians in β†’

Health care marketing

Health Care Marketing Positional pricing in marketing is a process whereby the markers of a product or a service create an image in the mentality of their customers and the targeted market for the organization, brand, or the product or service. Pricing in health care institutions should be a passive part so that the health β†’

Wild planet

The buying behavior of consumers is influenced by a set of factors, thereby determining how a consumer chooses what to buy and what to leave. This helps in determining which cultural setups demand toys and which do not, so that toys are not offered to cultures that do not need them. Social factors High β†’

Global trade and distribution strategy

In order to cut costs, the distribution strategy that would work for this target market is that the company performs the distribution of the products itself. After the products have been manufactured, the company ought to identify the channels through which the products will be distributed.

Relations of marketing with my major

In addition, the management trains the marketing team on the marketing strategies to use and the marketing language to use. The management determines the products of specialization and hence the products for marketing.

New ideas of 15 groups of people in retailing

PAST CUSTOMERS We can value past customers, motivate them, and encourage them to come back in the following two ways: a) Do not give up on past customers and keep communicating with them Past customers are the most essential people in retailing because they bear the goodwill and history of the retail. We β†’

Our project is doing on this particular product: sunsilk weather defence and frizz control

Brand Character and Personality Brand personality and characteristics take takes in to consideration different aspects of a brand and relates them with human traits or qualities. These traits will go hand in hand with other qualities of the brand such as scent and affordability that all play a role in ensuring success of the brand β†’

Designs by kate: the power of direct sales

Designs by Kate: The Power of Direct Sales A: What are the key elements of the DBK model in terms of sales force selection, motivation, and support? Majority of the sales team has been hired by existing sales personnel. Motivation The lucrative, slab based commission payout provided the motivation to the sales β†’

Cover and thank you letter

Despite my lack of hands-on experience in a work environment, I have developed technical skills and the ability to present details to a large environment required in the business environment. In order to attain the objective of working in a challenging and interesting environment, I am requesting for consideration in the aforementioned position in your β†’

Describe one way that you, as an esl teacher, might support a mainstream teacher who has english language learners in their classroom

This method would determine whether the ESL student would learn effectively with individualized focus or effectively within the group to maximize learning comprehension. I would also develop a co-teaching evaluation template that would provide a checklist to ensure that individual learning occurs with a focus on ESL learners. These findings would be shared with the β†’

My story – why i need to study

The photographs were of me and my parents in which I was very young, but I realized so were they. My parents loved me and it was because of this, that they did not want me to struggle like them to make ends meet.

Imitation a story

The purpose of this article is to identify the unique writing styles in a news script and to imitate these writing styles to develop an interesting script. The main objective of writing a script is to be clear, concise and accurate. First, the headline is expected to give a summary of the story and catches β†’