Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Suggestions on the strategic quality

It should also encourage its employees to develop new ideas and products so as to excel in the business market. McDonalds Defender strategy Organizations that adopt the defender strategy are companies that produce a restricted set of products directed at a very constricted section of the total market. If the firm is threatened by β†’

This is international management

Management Topic: This is International Management Table of Contents Management Topic: This is International Management 1 Table of Contents1 Globalization and Regionalization2 Globalization2 Regionalization2 References3 Globalization and Regionalization Globalization Globalization is perhaps the buzzword for business organizations operating in the present business environment. Globalization involves a phenomenon β†’

Creative destruction & learning/innovation perspective

Balance scorecard is often used to measure the performance level of the management as well as of its individuals to have a critical understanding of the company's performances, and further use those attributes in controlling business simulation in favor of the business. In comparison to other tools used for market simulation through competitive advantages when β†’

Gender based conflict management

Gender Based Conflict Gender Based Conflict Conflict Management Strategy that may Work for Men According to Valentine , on his journal, " A gender perspective on conflict management strategies for nurses," women bring many different conflict resolution approaches to the workplace than men. In this effort, female nurses are seen to view conflict management β†’

Developing an alternative strategy

Many of the users feel that Dubai One has monopolized the sector by making it hard for the new entrants to penetrate the market. Situational analysis Strengths The company has a huge financial base which enables it to remain competitive in the market. This would enable the firm to penetrate the global β†’

Barriers to personal growth and development

This also puts me in a better position to disseminate the information I have gathered to the people who need urgently. I can also use the internet to improve my professional abilities by searching for the information that I need.


Handshake A handshake is a form of an etiquette that involves shaking someone's hand for the purpose of greeting. This essay explains the different forms and uses of handshake between Saudi Arabia and the united state of America. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country where culture and norms are highly enshrined on the religion.

Resistance to change and rapid change

Resistance to change can be at the individual, group or larger system level. Strategies to overcome resistance to change Leaders can employ any of the following strategies to overcome resistance to change at the organization : Education: Educating all the parties who will be affected by change about the reason why change is β†’

How standards set improve organizational performance

This creates hard work and motivates the staffs even more since their productivity would be reorganized. Role of managers in team effectiveness In any organization, managers play a key role in the success of the company. Managers also provide a working example to other teams as shown by helping in times of emergencies hence β†’

Applying motivation theories to compensation

The sixth reason could be due to different company loyalty; Pat might have work longer for the company than Chris. The seventh reason could be due to difference in the level of responsibility; Pat's job has greater responsibility than that of Chris.

Mba strategic managment

So the classic management question, ' to make or buy,' has shifted in a refined sense, ' to acquire or to ally?' I believe, the middle-ground approach of corporate alliances, is playing safe; lowering " I" and increasing " R" of ROI. Hypotheses The hypothesis I developed in synthesizing my questions in this area β†’

Motivation and job performance

Motivation and Job Performance Discuss the job performance model and compare and contrast Maslow's and McClelland's need theories. The four intrinsic rewards underlying intrinsic motivation include sense of meaningfulness, sense of choice, sense of competence and sense of progress.

Organization external operating environment reflection paper

This consideration is a remarkable influence as to how Apple substantially promotes its product and service offerings. In addition, the technological consideration is an intense area of concern due to the advancing technology in Apple's industry due to the prevailing tough competition in it. As a response to this, Apple remarkably settles not just for β†’

Personality type assessment

The results were as follows: Extraversion , iNtuition , Thinking , Perception The results represent the following : Extraversion prevails over Introversion Intuition is of moderate preference to Sensing Thinking is of slight preference to Feeling Perceiving is of slight preference to Judging β†’

Boeing porter’s five forces industry analysis

This is because the industry comprises of large airline companies offering the same services. US Airways was facing bankruptcy charges because of the high competition it was experiencing in its markets, and its inability to post profits because of this competition. Because of this intensity of competition, the airline industry is characterized by low profits, β†’

Lvmh: strategic integration

Spinning off is a matter of huge concern for the shareholders because it is not easy for the smaller and medium-sized companies to branch out and establish their independent identity in the market with a retail presence without ending up overextending themselves. Spinning off will reduce the value of shares of the shareholders as many β†’

Pros and cons outsourcing to china

For instance, the shipment could be too heavy to be shipped by air making it fair for production to be outsourced from China. Benefits and Risks The benefit achieved in importing products from China is that the inspection is carried out by a third party so as to enable the mistakes in the products β†’

Information systems – ups

Aside from being able to communicate better with other UPS staffs and its global business partners, the use of a highly reliable networking technology made it possible for UPS to create competitive advantage by allowing its customers track down the status of their packages. To improve the efficiency of its delivery services, UPS decided to β†’

Describe the most significant position of leadership you have held to date. how did it expose skills/attributes you would consider strengths and those that need further development

The paper will explore my most significant leadership position and analyze my exposed leadership skills. The most significant leadership position My most significant leadership position is that of an administrative supervisor at STC Company. The process and results in resolving these challenges facilitated identification and evaluation of my leadership skills.

No need for a topic

12 8/10 4/10 5/10 8/10 Innovation 0. 1 7/10 4/10 7/10 8/10 Reputation 0.

Labor laws and unions

It is usually the responsibility of the union leadership to ensure that they adequately bargain on behalf of the employees, who are members of the union. The American Federation of Labor.


It will help the student in understanding the course itself and conceptualizing what the course involves; Allegation It is an accusation from one person to another in elaboration why the accuser thinks the one party is guilty of breaching the law. It is the convincing of one individual to issue information or material that was β†’

Event this week

The price falls came after recent increments that took place in the past months after pledges by the OPEC to stabilize the markets. The context of the article is relevant to the past years when oil prices rose to unexpected levels, leading to low productivity and high cost of goods. This is because of the β†’

What i learned in the class

As the word TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More, a team leader needs to be proactive for efficient management of the relationship among the teammates and with the external members. Duties and responsibilities are defined by training, teaching and developing each worker to do the right job. Business environment is dynamic, and managers need β†’


Essentially, this paper will argue that on a combined utilitarian ethics and business sustainability standpoint, it would be wise to discontinue marketing Nike products until such time that the issue has been addressed by the supplier. ANALYSIS From the utilitarian ethics view, a decision is made based on which outcome would favor the majority β†’

Case study, sensible life products

There are numerous suitors for SLP owing to the fact that SLP is the only accredited producer of environmentally friendly disinfectant. Generally, market for disinfectant products has been increasing steadily owing to the increased awareness from campaigns focusing on the importance of cleanliness and disinfection. This is seemingly in line with all expectations and wishes β†’

In the instructions

History of Worker's Compensation This essay discusses the history of worker's compensation and its provisions in Indiana today. Because of this it became apparent that workers should have some level of security from the trouble of injuries or damages on the job. In Indiana, the current worker's compensation system is obligatory, implying that companies are β†’

Independence, ambition, and reliability at workplace

It limits a person to what the environment offers rather than an interaction with the environment to make impacts." I will see it when I believe it" is, however, a proactive approach of an explorative mind that develops and implements ideas in an environment. Question 3 Examples of differences in expectations across generations in β†’

Organization improvement project

Formerly a successful organization leading in the business of water, gas and electricity, Enron was transformed into a credit laden and failed company due to unaccountability, corruption and failure to apply ethical principles. Problem Identification Unethical and corrupt leadership was the greatest recipe for Enron's collapse, which for years, the company tried to hide β†’

Communication and decision making

Such aspects help in developing several important aspects in a human being's life and in determining the behavioral aspect of a human being in the long term. In my personal scenario, the 2 highly defined strategic aspects are logical processor and hypothetical analyzer. Such technical aspects help me to find the core aspect of problem-solving β†’

Black& decker-eastern hemisphere and the adp initiative,

He wanted to change the culture and build a company which could be flexible enough to adopt to different values and management practices applied throughout different other parts of the world also. b) Through ADP, Lancaster wanted to actually improve the employee development as he wanted employees in Eastern Hemisphere to be more trained and β†’

Business planning

For any new business venture, marketing, operation, and financial plans are all related and fundamental. An operation plan gives a vast organization structure of the business, including information on workers, location, and the outline of goals and the missions. The plan help in establishing and to control perfect operations of the business.

Scope management plan for your personal project

The weather stations will receive the upgrades to the new technology of rainfall intensity gauging network and also ground water monitoring equipment. Milestones The milestones mainly include the high cost materials needed, as well as the human labour needed to set up a weather station and run. The actual prices cannot be provided at β†’

Evidence based management practice

The basic concept behind this practice is, doctors or psychologists or practitioners would chose the best evidence possible or the most appropriate information obtainable, to make an optimal or thorough clinical decision as part of the decision making process, for the individuals - the individuals whom they are treating or helping to manage." Evidence based β†’

Definitions and typologies of the family business

Definitions and Typologies of the Family Business The Concept of Socioemotional Wealth The concept of socioemotional wealth attempts to explain the role played by family emotions in managing and controlling their businesses. People's perception of the family business greatly affects the image and reputation of the family members since the personal pride and self-concept of β†’

Dq week 8

In the present era, where world is now considered as a global village, Organizations and its management have accepted the fact of embracing people from all around the world to come and work together for a single goal. However a better option is given by Jeanette Millard that Jack should continue analyzing the reaction of β†’

Principles of compliance gaining

The principle of authority works best in people who are under a given authority. The principle of reciprocity makes us indebted to return a favor.

Discussion: the sustainability of organizational change and has two components

To do so the change covers a diverse number of fields to bring about a holistic effect of the change. During the period of change, the employees should perceive supportive leadership concerned and dedicated to their wellbeing. In short, there is a need to have trust among between the leadership and the employees for accelerated β†’

Operations management course. memo

One of the surest ways of achieving stability is diversifying into the automotive industry. Analysis of the situation Although CX Technologies has been able to maintain its position in the market, growth has plateaued and with the incoming recession, business is set to go down further. Venturing into the automotive industry seems like a β†’

Diversity management: the culture shock

Some people often choose to immerse themselves completely in the new culture, which they have encountered in an attempt to fit into the fabric of the new society. These often create their own settlements or sectors within the society in which they have gone to live and it is only on the rare occasion that β†’

Systems engineering management

In spite of that, the major shortcoming of the Techno University subcontractor was the high cost of the SASS function needed in the primary program. Question 4.3. The ethical concern facing Jim is the rational of proceeding with the project amidst the threats facing the program and the lack of an adequate solution for the β†’

Kfc vs mcdonalds

Yuva Chu Maniche Technologies [email protected] KFC vs McDonald's KFC KFC introduces itself as a company that has been ranked amongst the top 50 best places to work at all over the world for the third consecutive year, and has a clear vision for the future. KFC invests in the workers' β†’

Who moved my cheese by johnson spencer

This calls for the release of the old cheese to enjoy a new one. This calls the rearrangement of the staffs to face a new change for managers.

Week 4 dq 7

The readings have provided a good learning experience in understanding the meaning of power and its influence on political behavior. Forms of Power Researchers John French and Bertram Raven have identified formal power and personal power as the two major forms of power. Upward influence refers to the capability of the people at the β†’

Expectancy theory of motivation

Montana & Charnov note that in the first phase of expectancy theory of motivation an individual need to be pursued that he will be able to perform a particular task ; b) expectancy reflects the relationship between performance and expected outcomes; this means that if the rewards related to a particular task β†’

Healthy behavior

Building a team will help to ensure that people feel as part of the project and will become effective. The fourth step in assuring success in the program is to understand the financial aspects of the campaign project.. The fourth step is to decide the amounts of resources to be used in the strategy this β†’

Teams progress

Please complete the questions by yourself. Rate your team on the following... Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1 Our team worked well together 1 2 3 4 5 2 Our team was committed to goals 1 β†’


In order to make the most out of a restaurant business and make a name in the industry, it is advisable for new entrepreneurs contemplating to establish their businesses in the food industry to conduct a detailed study of the success stories of the past. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for McDonald's β†’

Industry analysis

This was a challenge and I was not able to come up with useful metrics to measure the success factors and how they contribute to the success, or failure of a firm in the industry. Looking into the future One of the things which I would like to achieve in the future is the β†’

Leadership legacy

In this paper, I will focus on how Jesus' styles of leadership will transform my leadership style. The opening chapters of the book disclose various advances towards leadership, but insist that the leadership ought to be " transformational". As a leader, I will set the destination and course on how to get where my subjects β†’

Kotter 7 and 8

These are critical parameters that reaffirm Haddad's strategic partnership to embrace technology for optimal performance. In the article, ' Why Change Programs Do not Produce change' by Beer et al., has raised critical issue of change that must start from the bottom and needs to be supported by the top management to make changes effective β†’

The organizational project management maturity model and the phenomenon of the uk multinationals which use the outside consultancy services though they hold their own

The use of maturity is in reference to the requirement that the capacities be increased to meet the ever growing demand. Another approach by multinational companies in project management, the PMI-driven approach only pays attention to managing of a project on the macro-level.

Supply chain sustainability & humanitarian logistis

Either being forced by legislation or voluntarily, many companies have begun to adjust their supply chain strategies to sustainability principles and to adopt closed-loop supply chains (Krajewski, Ritzman, & Malhotra 2010). A closed-loop supply chain is a supply chain, which " focuses on the complete chain of operations from the birth to the death of β†’


In a way, it is seen that motivation influences the outcome of people depending on the type and amount of the motivation in question. In such a case, their performance will definitely improve much to the interest of the organization.

Case bmw

Finally, BMW needs to have a huge pool of capital to venture into such as business. The aerospace industry rates among the most expensive in the world, and; therefore, any firm willing to venture into this business should have a wide pool of capital. The aerospace industry is highly rated.

Leadership roles and management functions in nursing

After letting go the old habit the change stage comes in, people are then thought to embrace the new habit in their behavior. According to Marquis this stage requires that individuals prepare mentally to receive the new habit and let go the old.

Organizational power politics in devil wears prada

The argument Andy overhears between Miranda and her husband when she went to deliver the " book" as well as the confession of a pending divorce by Miranda to Andy is an indication that all is not well and all because of the power base. Andy's power has benefitted her as her trust from Miranda β†’

For strategic management

A good example could be, in the year 2008 August; the company initiated international cooperation with the Google Company. The main competitive advantage of the company is its network effect. The brand is well established in the international market with many clients across the globe as compared to its competitors.

Harmonized code

In the case of the united states, the units will have to be a net foreign exchange earner however, they will not in any way be subjected a pre- determined value addition or any form of minimum export performance. In terms of the domestic tariff area by the special economic zones have to be a β†’

Women in general management

Over the years, some organizations has been in the forefront to fighting for the rights and space of the women. Because of this dilemma, most women have remained stagnant in the career ladder or shown little progress because of the dilemma that general managers have on them. The Goodpaster article tries to outlines some of β†’

3: fedex in the chinese express delevery market: face-off in the forbidden city

In the year 1997, the Asian currency crisis had resulted in steep currency devaluation which had also negatively impacted on the operating profit of FedEx (Darden Business Publishing, " FedEx in the Chinese Express Delivery Market: Face-Off in the Forbidden City"). The other significant problem recognized in the case for FedEx is high level of β†’

Mgt wk3 dq 1

The manager needs to clearly state the desired outcome, constraints and boundaries and this lays down the authority and responsibility assigned to the staff given tasks. It is advantageous as it allows for tasks to be assigned to those with more skills and also helps in nurturing skills of the less experienced staff.

Corrective and preventive action

Corrective and Preventive Action of Affiliation: Why is prevention better than correction? Surely, other than differentiating the two, professionals in technology management need to realize the merits associated with prevention as compared to correction plans. Technologists need to fill in separate forms for different actions. Interestingly, prevention action helps a specialist to take proactive steps β†’

Followers and organizational problem solving

Upward communication is generally a neglected sphere of research in the area of leadership in organizational behavior and functioning. An effective line of authority and meaningful leadership evolve in an organization when there are multiple types of information channels even going much beyond the ' two-way flow' of information within an organization.


The poor performance of the Varsity team shows the numerous disgruntles in the team and their ability to perform despite the fact that the team comprises of the best rowers in the academy. The poor organizational culture is among the key factors that contribute to the consistent failure of the team.

The strategy virgin group

The ownership group of the company believed that the normal pressures of the shareholders for instant results along with the added cost associated with the reporting requirement of institutions such as the London Stock Exchange inhibit the ability of the company to grow. The management of the company established a business strategy for β†’

Evaluation and performance measurement of research and development

With performance measures, change signals in the time sequence of quantitative data are vital. Key benefits of using performance measurements as part of the program evaluation process Performance measurement is not a part of the assessment. Performance measures consequently necessary in order to know whether the program is performing where it ought to be.

Business process change

The main purpose of a business process is to reduce distribution errors and enhancing the quality of output. Suppliers contribute to the process by bringing in the required inputs. The product or output is the result of a combination of inputs and the process. Consumers initiate the process by ordering products.


Management should be aware of and recognize the employees' motives in order to guide, lead and direct them properly. Therefore, the performance of employees could be improved by setting clear objectives and standards and enjoining the employees to achieve these goals effectively.

Personality testing

Due to this fact, the introversion trait of my personality can be hidden in a social situation. Managers are required to have skills that can allow them to develop good relationships with their employees. However, the assertive trait of my personality can negatively affect the way I relate to employees, as it would not allow β†’

Strategic management

The workers are made to corporate in the work place to ensure smooth work flow in the organization since shared productivity is key to any success in a company. The company has also decided to create fair business environment in the society. The organization would have hired mixed workers so that the inexperienced can learn β†’


Having good negotiation skills can help a person obtain better deals and influence the behavior of others in different situations. A lack of communication can be a barrier that hurts a negotiation. A second component of communication that can facilitate the negotiation process is having good persuasion ability.

Self assessment in memo style

Therefore, in this paper, I discussed my strengths band weaknesses of communication that would allow for my consideration after the interview and formed an action plan for improvement. Strengths I am usually a quick learner, and I believe would master the organizations processes faster. I am also an honest person, and I believe to β†’

Human resource problems – google

The Google Human resource team face a few problems of managing their personnel, through this text some of the challenges they face will be identified and the remedy to it being discussed. Given that Google Company was trying to find ways to improve its workforce performance this could be effective through smart hiring, Google has β†’

Vision statement

We will be setting the stage for a new era in the industry of transport and communication through with the incorporation of most sophisticated technological means; so that comfort, efficiency, and accessibility by the masses is guaranteed, and in the event heritage is preserved. Meaning of the Vision Statement The vision is essentially captivating β†’

Information system (it)

Another secondary activity used by the company is the procurement of resources such as acquisition of aircraft and their parts. Some of the technologies that support this organizational structures and designs is the Intranet.

Implementing innovation in organizations

IMPLEMENTING INNOVATION IN ORGANIZATIONS Significantly, the idea of competing among other activities in the business world has affected corporate innovation practices; in fact, most of the organizational leaders and management teams are unaware of approaches to implementing innovation in organizations. Nonetheless, different people have dissimilar concepts on how to implement innovation in an organization and β†’

Employee portfolio motivational plan

She wants to excel, prefers to work alone, and is extremely driven to accomplish tasks. Emerick Peace Emerick has all the qualities of any organization's ideal employee. He is motivated to achieve, wants to be in control, and also has a propensity to identify with the group.


They ventured in the 1980's and the 1976. In 2012, Aldi was seen to pay the U.K.a tax of 30 million.

Wolfgang keller at konigsbrau-tak

This shows when there is a change in formula or the brand. Distant management style of Brodsky does annoy Keller and he points it out. Keller is not supposed to fire Brodsky, as finding a replacement would be much harder and expensive than working on the current commercial director.

Create a crisis action plan

As such, this paper seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented in order to handle the crisis of sexual harassment in the organization. Managing crisis in an organization is a process that requires a holistic approach by the responsible authorities. According to Armstrong , there are mainly four stages that are involved β†’

Reflection on course paper

As part of the reflection paper therefore, I am going to discuss and scrutinize some new ideas and perspectives that were learned as part of the readings, writings and discussions on the course that was undertaken. The studies showed that one important reason the leader must be the one who influences his people with his β†’


Therefore, the lack of use vastly recognized understanding is associated to the reluctance of the textbook authors in the usage of " strategic management accounting". Question 2 There are different ways through which Chief Financial Officers determine management accounting innovation in an organization. Therefore, management accounting is necessary in the provision of β†’


Introduction The Dark Continent and the third world are some of the euphemisms used to depict the underdeveloped continent of Africa, home to numerous underdeveloped and poverty stricken countries. However, most of these resources are often exploited by foreign investors eventually resulting in a situation where the rich get richer and the poor continue impoverishing. β†’

Managed care backlash

Managed Care Backlash Impact of Managed Care Backlash on Reimbursement The backlash of managed care was witnessed in the late 1990's, which imposed extensive impact on healthcare quality that was being delivered to patients and overall healthcare obligations. On the other hand, the practice of utilization review denotes submission of the proposed processes to the β†’

Hotel management front office operations questions

This is for documentation and safety of the hotel and guests. What are some possible security repercussions? The front desk agent might also offer to contact another hotel on behalf of the displaced guest. When do you upsell a guest and what is upselling?

Strategic management

Kramer's " Creating Shared Value" proposes a move from the common conception of capitalism and its stigma toward the need to incorporate shared value as a new way of doing business. In this regard, it is not uncommon to ascribe the characteristic of a dog-eat-dog scenario in the name of profit to the β†’

Written assignment

Based on this, this essay will delve in to Sun Tzu statement that an army man tends to be the man in charge during a war and the fate of the people meaning that they fall under the mercy of the general in charge. In any war, consequences or effects are inevitable and the people β†’

Leadership underperformance: the impact of the lack of knowledge management in municipal police agencies

These among other issues in the police agencies play a big role in determining the quality of life that a nation expects to have, quality systems mean better quality and standards of life. Information and effectiveness of police agencies It is a common observation that information sharing is the backbone and lifeblood of policing, β†’


It is worth to note from the movie that the company upholds participatory decision making in which the divergent views of all stakeholders is taken into consideration. This is critical management principle that emphasizes use of communication to facilitate efficiency in the organization structure. Work cited Schaeffer, Robert K.

International management

International Management Internationalization is a process that leads to collaboration and cooperation of firms, both local and international in their line of business. Many local companies are hardly exposed to the operations and modes of business of industrious multinational companies.

Nanda home case auysis

How did she obtain the initial funding for the company? Gauri Nanda launched her business through free publicity that she had gained from websites, online bloggers and mainstream media, over the clocky product she had developed and retained in her closet without any thought of further advancement into commercializing the product. This in a way β†’

Reflective paper

When analyzing at an organizational level, the reward power improved the profitability of the organization due to the improvement in the performance of the employees. One of the notable positive behaviors of my team was that there was a clear division of duties and each one of us was able to complete the duties on β†’

Cases for management education

An ISO certification is also required as a quality assurance to the market. He should also engage the services of professionals in Human Resource management.

Article – evaluation methods

With the company attempting to expand its medical products portfolio, the management ought to evaluate the viability of acquiring the heart-product business from Johnson & Johnson rather than the figures in terms of profits. The author illustrates that Cardinal Health Inc.establishes standards of performance by setting fit and culture first to evaluate performance. In the β†’