Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples


As a leader, I had to make sure that we all knew that we were all team members and played accordingly to beat the opponent team. As a team leader, I have had to assume these different roles.

Cells, tissues, movement of molecules & action potential physiology

These hormones that regulate the blood sugar levels interact with other hormones within the human body such as the liver, pancreas and skeletal muscles in order to convert these sugars as fuel for the human body. The role of skeletal muscle in glucose transport, glucose homeostasis, and insulin resistance: implications for physical therapy.

Community policing

Community Policing 2007 The California Attorney Generals Office defines community policing as " a philosophy, management style, and organizational strategy that promotes pro-active problem solving and police-community partnerships to address the causes of crime and fear as well as other community issues". Unlike the traditional policing approach it recognizes that crime is a community and β†’

Annotated bibliography

Cook also analyses the different version of the film that were shown in the US and the different, edit both for time and content, and the reactions each received. There are also excellent publicity posters throughout the book as well as descriptions of the cutting-edge film processes of the time that were used in the β†’

Economics (twin deficit)

Large US Budget and Current Account Deficit The US budget deficit for the last 20 years has been rising steadily and has now assumed a gigantic proportion. Several major policy decisions may account for the large deficit but the main area where the allocation of fund has steeply risen is the defence budget.

Car buyers dilemma

Thus, the negotiation process focused on getting the price of the car below the capital budget. Such includes inspection on the quality of the vehicle.

Leadership dyad outline

Different types of leadership styles include: leader member exchange, authentic leadership, servant leadership, distributed and share leadership, self-leadership, identity theory of leadership, and the importance of emotions to affect the leadership behavior. The result of the research shows that the emergence leadership style 100% effects on the emotional intelligence of the leaders.

Voices of the americas

Love in the Time of Cholera Question Symbolism is predominant throughout " Love in the Time of Cholera". Love in the Time of Cholera.

Right to die

Right to Die Rachel's Use of Golden Rule in Deciding Euthanasia Issue Rachel's use of golden rule entails discussions on the morality of Euthanasia. Therefore, according to Rachel's arguments and use of the golden rule, Euthanasia only applies when one person admits to treating the other with the same measure as he or she receives β†’


Therefore, there is a considerable decline in prices and rise in number of buyers. CSPs provide services by utilizing carrier network infrastructure and have different levels; mobile telecommunication carriers in Australia are; Telstra, Vodafone, Optus, and Hutchison's ' 3' and Orange.


If a packet that is pertaining to to be transmitted is larger than that, the router that is pertaining to to transmit the packet over that transmission connection will fragment the network transmission packet i.e.the router will break up the packet into lesser messages that are very small sufficient to be sent over the network β†’

Human nature

With all the concepts constituting human nature, I believe there are several flaws in the determination of the core of all human beings. The sole characteristics of what I tend to believe in the consists of human nature; I personally believe are part of what is making it improbable to determine if there exist any β†’


Thus, it must be noted that any dialogue is exchange of opinions, but one of the essential parts of this process is also the presence of a certain party that is willing to articulate its position. Another important element of the process of speaking for others is the negative impact that this practice has on β†’

The metamorphosis

At first, he is represented as a human-sized insect, but over the course of the novella, he becomes small and loses all that is left of his humanity. He is motivated by his need to fit into the role of being a family man.

Overview of the campaign at the battle of king’s mountain 1780

The Battle of King's Mountain, fought on 7 October, 1780, was a decisive American victory in the Revolutionary War or the American War of Independence. The Battle of King's Mountain was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

International marketing w6

In light of this, it is the duty of the business entities' managements to be on the look out for new technologies. As a result, it should be sought in order to advance the goals of business.

The american tradition in literature

The title Janus is also used to depict the " two-faced" attitude that Andrea's lover accused her off, of her inability to make a decision and move on instead of being stuck at the crossroads. Andrea is increasingly estranged from her husband, and yet she is addicted to the stability of her marriage.


In order for the aboriginals to feel superior, the best way would be through humor that addresses some of the things they undergo, such as aboriginal ethnicity. This means that the aspect of the manner in which aboriginals use humor is for the provision of healing powers that are applicable to social interaction as well β†’

What you learned

Philosophy What I Learned Major Lessons Learned Basic directions of philosophical thought were formed in Ancient Greece, so I will mention Socrates' and Aristotle's ideas as most important that I have learned. Aristotle's confidence in importance of practice for human well-being's another idea I want to admit.

Mr. flood’s party by edwin arlington robinson

Flood's Party depicts the life scene of a lonely man with the aid of a collage that describes his past and present. Description of the " before" The " before" or past scenario of Mr.

Edo period

One of the reasons for this peace and prosperity was the cultural unity that prevailed during the period, and the most representative example of this was the Shinto Revival, which occurred in the 18th century. It was during the revival period in the 18th century that Japanese practitioners began to try to put a more β†’

Ideas about parenting by reilly, a

The attachment parenting theory is influenced by the attachment theory which states that all children create a very strong connection with their parents and caregivers and this attachment can have a lifelong impact. I have to be positive about the entire situation and inform her that there is nothing to worry, being positive about a β†’

The world is flat

Globalization and the technological advances are the drivers that made the world flat. What are the potential impacts of a flat world for a student performing a job search?

Week 5- cross-cultural negotiation and learning cultural practices

Week 5- Cross-cultural negotiation and learning cultural practices This learning report refers to cross cultural negotiations, with specific focus on the Chinese form of negotiation This has been specifically done, keeping in mind the increasing number of American-China business partnerships in the recent years, and the completely opposite cultural traditions of these two countries. This β†’


787026238 If we look at the trend of the current ratio for the company the current ratio has declined as compared to the previous year. 746501769 If we look at the trend in Debt ratio the company has seen a decline in its debt Ratio as compared to the previous year.

Classical and operant conditioning

ICAL AND OPERANT CONDITIONING The two important concepts of the psychology of behavior are the ical and operant conditioning. The operant conditioning focuses on association between a free- will behavior and a consequence of such behavior.

Cultural and business impressions of brazil

The Brazilian society is a flourishing synthesis of the African, Portuguese, and the native Indian impacts. The class discrimination in the arena of business is slight now.

Soci 200 db2 replies

I agree with you that social classes exist within different departments in the military. Marcie Clark I agree with you that social classes in the United States exist in different societies depending on the amount of wealth held by several individuals.

The dream is now

One of my friends has completed his university studies last year but up to date he is unable to secure any job of his dream in the government or high ranking agencies in this country. In most cases, this goes to the extent of some candidates giving up in life if they are not strong β†’


4 October 2012. 4 October 2012 Hyatt.

Critical thinking

In places such as long lines in the market and in jams, I will always fight against those negative thoughts that tell me to overtake others in the line, and it makes me to tolerate the long lines and become patient. This means that being good sets a good example for others to emulate and β†’

Layoff protocol assignment

The criteria of selection will be pegged on four major benchmarks that will include the years of service, the nature of work, performance appraisal records among other factors like recommendation by head of departments according to fairness and the organizational policy. The order of priority will be given to technical employees, those who have served β†’

Health care organization

AMN's Sales per FTE has increased a bit in 2011, due to Revenue increasing the same year. Lastly, AMN's EBITDA has increased to a positive figure in 2011 from 2009, which is a significant improvement as AMN has been able to bring its operating income to positive figures.

Mis 2200

For these students, the greatest frustration is the walk from the approved parking area to the Campus Center. All of the parking in the lot closest to the Campus Center is handicapped accessible.

Psyc 320 db replies wk6

The psychology of prompted prayer. The psychology of prompted prayer.

Zimbardo and his iconic experiment

Stanford Prison Experiment The hypothesis of Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment was to prove that the innate personality attributes of prisoners and guards are the primary reasons surrounding abusive behavior between the two groups in prison. Zimbardo was successful in obtaining his subjects, putting the experiment together, and implementing beneficial methods to acquire his data; as β†’

My favorite institution

The campus is a historic spectacle for one to just have a chance to view. Having a chance to visit the campus for me is a step closer to my dream of attending Harvard School and emerging a better person to change the world to be a better place.

General motors transnational strategy

Objectives To indentify GM transnational strategy To investigate how the implementation of GM international strategy has affected Its different stakeholders Research Design The data needed for this research will be collected by analyzing different papers that have been written regarding the strategies written by general motors and also scrutinizing its financial performance from the company β†’


The higher the risk in an investment provides the opportunity for the investor to obtain larger financial returns. Appendix A shows a ratio analysis comparison of the company and the airline industry.

Institutional affiliation

Break-even point = Fixed cost / contribution Fixed cost = + = $120000 Break-even point = 120000 / 11. 60 = 10345 units Break-even point is 10345 units Operating Income Calculation: Revenue = = $240000 Less: Variable Cost = = $8000 Fixed Cost = $120000 Operating Income = $ 112000 The operating income is $112000 β†’

Self-reflection paper

The QRB lays down the quantitative aspect of business problem solving and the emphasis is on using mathematical and quantitative methods to problem solving. Careers in finance and accounting depend on the managers and the employees employing the latest in trend forecasting and other kinds of analysis to fit the models at hand.


An organization will need to have visionary leadership in which members are made aware of the goals, mission and the vision of the company. Candle Light Company threatened by a leadership that has no vision and has no commitment to the vision of the company.

Phenomenology approach

Inability to manage muscle in the hand is an example and it affects people's performance in academics, and in sports that involve fine movements. This research explores effects of technology in empowering people with fine motor skill disabilities in graphic design and is significant because an identified association will add value to the victims' lives β†’

Blaming the victim by william ryan

In studying the home life and background of blacks versus whites, the research conducted blames the victim by saying the under-educated black child is at fault, due to life circumstances. So not only is the child and his upbringing blamed for the lack of education, the inequality is justified by finding defects in the child β†’

Smith: herskovits at the heart of blackness

Herskovits can be said to be a social and academic paradox because his interests conflicted with his own identity and the interests of the academic community at the time. These ideas conflicted at a time when identity was key and the definition of the self was perhaps the most important newly afforded right to the β†’

Sociology applied 4 (social class and stratification)

There are certain game rules which provide a mirror reflection of the real circumstance of the people that belong to the lower class in the society. In the game, the lower class has the least amount to inherit to begin the game with.

Bpr and information systems

Overview of Strategic Information Systems: Strategic Information systems are the ones that are developed to give a competitive advantage in response to corporate business initiative. The IT based services should not lie in their technological sophistication or in the format of the reports they produce; rather, it is to be found in the role played β†’


The above excerpt ushered in the 3rd battle waged by Beowulf in the eventful saga that spanned his life wherein he defeated three monsters Grendel, Grendel's mother and the dragon. The affair with the dragon was an entirely new story; same as the way Grendel and his mother each were different plots to Beowulf's adventures.


It is important in improving the organization's competitiveness through ensuring that the customers are loyal to it as well as the optimization of innovative products and services from the organization. The success of the organization that can be attributed to the technology can also be an indicator of whether it is the core technology.

Analyzing project feasibility

The resolution to capitalize in a certain project is dependent on the criteria that a firm selects to be applied in the evaluation of the project. Consequently, the choice of the criterion may be based on the availability of personnel resources, time and expertise required to analyze the project as well as the capital constraints β†’

Timeline of abnormal psychology – 410

The change experienced is part of the development stage of abnormal psychology. In the 18th century, asylums conditions are improved as policies and regulations are created.

Analysis on thucydides: pericles’ funeral oration (greece)

Pericles uses his opportunity to talk about the successes of their nation brought about by the good will and democracy among the citizens and the government. He says that no condition can obscure a man to become a leader in Athens; all he has to have I the gift of leadership and the will to β†’

Us criminal justice system and deal with justice

US Criminal Justice System and Deal with Justice The of the reading source " Understanding World Religions: A Road Map for Justice and Peace", Smith and Burr, reveal the problem why our world abounds in various problems and disguises and why it is erroneously believed that it is the God who is guilty of that. β†’

Martin luthers ideology and life facts

The selling of indulgences was an act of paying to the Church for the forgiveness of sin. The Protestant Reformation was a struggle to change the ways of the Roman Catholic Church and to unshackle the people from ruthless leaders who hungered after the expansion of their domination at the expense of the Church.

Women in american literature in the 1800’s

Full " The Flesh and the Spirit" A Close Analysis of the Puritan Debate by Anne Bradstreet " The Flesh and the Spirit" is an enlightening piece of lyrical poetry by Anne Bradstreet, a greatly accomplished ' New-World' poet from colonial America. In the second part of the poem, there is a shift in narration β†’

Historic richmondtown in staten island ny

The site represents a joint venture between both the city of New York and a the Staten Island Historical Society and it is through this joint venture that Richmond Town is able to maintain the townships historic character. Without question the physical maintaining of the historic properties is a daunting task insofar as according to β†’

Reading responses to a poem

The poem has setting, form, and symbolism that portray the power of a fleeting childhood experience in developing abilities that enable them to surmount challenges which consequently develop their identities, and these elements affected my reaction to the content of the poem by making me appreciate the beauty and meaning of life's little moments. The β†’

Clinical experience for howard university school of medicine and the chicago medical school

My volunteer experiences with volunteer groups such as the Making Changes Freedom School, Tutor Experts, and the American Red Cross Blood Mobile has given me through exposure to the plight of the underprivileged. I consider this a temporary hiatus, where my desire to go back to school was strengthened; this sense of renewal brought me β†’

How christian leaders can inspire others

In this case, the leader should make it easier for believers to relate to the word and also draw it into the context of their life. Ultimately, for a believer to feel truly a part of the Christian community it is imperative to value the gifts on board.


It is the collective effort of the parents that gives a balance to the development processes of the child into a responsible adult. Love and caring is a very strong factor in the development of the personalities and character of the child.

Role of law in society

Role and Functions of Law al Affiliation: Role and Functions of Law All the laws are contained in the constitution, and they are contrived in such a way that they benefit all people in the society. The major functions of the law are equating all people and maintenance of peace and harmony.

Creating the instructional technique

The instruction is brief and touches upon the basics. The lesson is partially successful as it only touches upon the basic and gives a theoretic explanation.

America gets very involved

The Buddhist crisis was a result of the repressive reforms of the President Diem in South Vietnam. This event was precipitated as a result of the oppressive reforms and rule of President Diem and the event was significant in showing to the world the disdain and dislike his own people had for him.

Dealing with stress and violence in the workplace

The critical incident management tool is composed of systems of interventions that are supposed to prevent the negative psychological reactions that arise from dealing with many critical incidents in the line of duty. The management tool also assists in the identification of personnel within an organization who need further attention in emotional support services or β†’

The privacy on a workplace legal aspects

Although it may be tempting, it is unfair to the employee to be judged by merits of their life outside of the workplace. In this way, it is illegal for a firm to profile and/or monitor an employee based on such metrics due to the fact, among others, that if a lawsuit were to come β†’

Jane’s asylum research

First, there is the issue of how the petition will need to be filed. This will be done in the following ways: I will first conduct research on who is to file the petition for Jane.

Ch 41 dis

In the case of Alcan the competent court rejected the government's arguments that hearing is not imminent since Alcan has admitted that its emulsion was diluted with the other wastes. In this case, the court held that since Alcan was amongst one of the 20 defendants, hence liable for payment of USD 473, 790.

Why cristiano ronaldo is a hero

Having deep love for his father, who had inspired him much to the footballer that he is today, he made a decision that alcohol was not good and therefore he would not take it. This to me is a heroic deed, because the reason behind his decision was the love he had for his father β†’

American war

The United States intervened in order to prevent the flow of Communism along with the defense of South Korea and their people. Due to the United States' intervention, the people of South Korea experienced a decrease in human rights violations and their quality of life increased.

U.s. health care system vs japan’s

The level of quality of the health care services in the US can only be said to be satisfactory in terms of the technology used and the level of qualification of the physicians but not in terms of the number of people who benefit from the service. The financing systems of the US health care β†’

Dido and aeneas

Dido and Aeneas Dido the Queen of Carthage is portrayed as a woman of her own being and a strong one for that matter. Nausicaa goes to the river to meet a man and with great charm and humility walks Odysseus to the edge of her city.


The expected sales of the first forecasted year are expected to be the 4% of the current value and then will increase 1% every year and by the end of 2016, sales growth will be 8% of the current value. Due to increased expenses, the profit margins of the company will be affected and expected β†’

Cla labor of hero

This paper compares and contrasts the labors of Herakles and Theseus, and various mythologies that espouse the role of male heroes and foster the understanding of hero-myth. The labors of Herakles and Theseus Herakles and Theseus were great Greek heroes who achieved feats considered to be beyond the realm of humankind.

Rule utilitarianism according to mill

The principle of utility which forms the cornerstone of utilitarianism states that the degree to which an act increases people's happiness, or minimizes their pain, is the measure of morality, and such does not involve the motives or intentions of the agent. As the principle of utility explains, the motivation of a person is doing β†’

Business models and planning

And the relationship with both is of utmost importance. Key partners And cost structures The major partner is tourism ministries in different countries.

Physical activity and health and physical fitness and exercise

Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness and Exercise Lack of exercise is an habit that may be very vital to us, yet sometimes it seem to us like we are enjoying life when we can do most of the things we want at a sitting without much movement. E, & Stanley, B.E.

In the news

American history unfolds in ' Assassin's Creed 3' Larry Frum, CNN October 19, Summary Assassin's Creed 3 is the newest installment in the action adventure franchise set during the American Revolution. This game had to overcome the challenge in trying to fit a fictional character into such a well-known part of history, so Steven Masters, β†’

Alison barnard

In fact, in the case, it is pointed out that apart from being a daughter of a serial entrepreneur and an enterprising mother, Alison always had the passion for management, characterized by how much she desired to pursue a career in brand management, retail consulting or marketing. Alison has a huge opportunity for growth and β†’

The battle of new orleans

The Battle of New Orleans The Battle of New Orleans has had a great impact on the outcome of the War of 1812 as it was the last large-scale battle of the campaign. The significance of the battle could be explained by the fact that it has brought a decisive and unappealable victory to β†’

River of shadows verses the eiffel tower

There are pictures from the book that shows the development of the film industry that led to the current Hollywood." Eiffel tower" is a book about the thrilling story behind the construction of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. The story about Hollywood and the Silicon Valley is a story that came to be β†’

Diagnosis of an infected patient

In the case of the three kinds of bacteria in this paper discussion, it is the differential stain that is used to determine the specific infectious bacteria of the patient. References Lindh, W, Pooler, M, Tamparo, C, & Dahl, B.

Not a fit or the bosses fit

In your case also you found that the Hispanic candidate to possess the skills and background needed for the position of marketing manager. In fact you must be able to prove your case in front of higher authorities that the candidate you selected has all the capabilities and is the most suited candidate for the β†’

There are four important factors that cause international migration flows: economic pressures; social networks and connections between migrant sending and receiving countries; immigrant admissions and immigration control policies; and cultural perceptions

S Overview The United s is commonly tagged as the world's premium nation of immigrants, on illegal immigrants in the United States, it was reported that " the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in January 2010 was 10. The rate of immigration to the United States has created a phenomenon of β†’

Critical analysis of the article from both positive and negative aspects

The article " How to design a Service" has been written by Shostak, L and was published in European Journal of Marketing 2007) in volume 16 issue The author basically aims at developing the understanding of how services and products combined together to provide a different and unique experience to the customers. The author therefore β†’

Chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a dilapidating condition where a person experiences overwhelming and massive fatigue which is not relieved by bed rest, and gets worse with physical activity or mental exhaustion. Social determinants of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Though the medical field has not identified and proved the main causes β†’

Briefing a —near v. minnesota

Constitutional question presented by the case: The Court had to decide if the authorizations to stop the Press were in line with the freedom of the press as guaranteed by the Constitution. The Court was of the judgment that the restraining order violated the First Amendment of the Constitution.

A genocidal policy against the jews

By capitalizing on public discontent, it was able to sell its ideology by pandering to the popular sentiment and the growing dissatisfaction among the German public. As he took the reins of power, Hitler was able to immediately launch a genocidal policy against the Jews.

Life span perspective paper

And this underscores the idea that development is a life-long process - the cornerstone of the life-span development concept. And so, the study of development from a life-span perspective is multidisciplinary involving both biological and social sciences.c.


The difference in Australia was little tangible proof of the atrocities toward the Indigenous people, these people were terra nullius, and they were treated as " invisible", living as hordes in tribal form. The difference is the publicity of the Holocaust versus the Indigenous Australians.2.

Report on the donner party disaster

This created the first problem, which was a delay because of an uprising in the river and which caused many to reconsider the approach needed to cross the river. Combining this with the circumstances of the weather and several drawbacks can also be attributed to the problems which arose.

Postmodernism as philosophical style

The main principles advocated by this philosophical direction include discrediting the use of weapons of mass destruction, the wasteful consumption of the earth's resources, and the manipulation of economic mechanisms to satisfy the needs of the few within the society. In addition, postmodern philosophy tries to re-analyze the ideas concerning the aspect of truth as β†’

Case study example

With his engaging personality and involvement in community outreach, he has been able to improve the reputation of the center in the surrounding neighborhood. The Center wants to change for the future because of these changes in the surrounding community and the impact that resulted out of the financial base.

I answered an ad for a job as a data-entry clerk at a faith-based charity, but i stopped filling out the application when it said i could not work there unless i signed a statement of faith, affirming that i had evangelical christian beliefs. is this reli

Requiring an applicant to sign a ment of faith to affirm his or her evangelical Christian beliefs should not be viewed as religious discrimination because the intention of the charitable institution may be viewed to be for the benefit of both the institution and the applicant. The applicant should have expected that the kind of β†’

Organizational theory and design

For example, in the banking sector the services are custom made according to the needs, age, gender, and income levels of its customers.# Chapter 7 Superior management in any firm involves the managers personally coping with situations that ought to be learned through the help of their experience and interpretation of the surrounding environment. The β†’