Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples


THE INFECTIOUS STAGES AND QUARANTINE Point of agreement with the article The part of the article that I absolutely agree with us under the problems associated with quarantine in which it is argued by Curtis that the it offers the best means through which the spread of a disease can be contained while at the β†’

Descartes discourse on the method

Descartes reaches the point that as he could prove his existence from the fact that he is thinking and that this " I" or his mind is totally different from the body. One reaches the realization that Descartes is going to deviate from the claim that in order to prove one's existence, one should accept β†’

Sigmund frued’s theory

His character results in his isolation from the social scene and he persistently maintains poor relationships, even when he thinks his actions and choice of words are right. 4 An example of regression in the case study is the habit of Hank eating and smoking to relieve his stress.

Reflection paper

Therefore, one should use this information to encourage a child to play with toys that change figure as it will help them develop conservation also supporting children of the same age group to play together. The child also develops the ability to symbolize objects mentally and to identify them in their classes however they cannot β†’

Toxicology and terrorism (the threat of chemical wepons and there effects)

Toxicology and Terrorism Following the September 11, attacks the US not only suffered loss of life and destruction of property but also the risk of intoxication. In addition, large quantities of heavy metals such as mercury and lead were also produced from the site of explosion.

Look at the upload file the article title is smarter grids are more efficient

If there will be a reduction in losses of electric energy that occur during the distribution process. It is therefore significant that the use of smarter grids be implemented because they are efficient in saving electric energy.

Auditing(control activities and related assertions)

The above is A 2 because it controls physically the inputs to the system, that is, the voucher needs to be approved before any checks are processed by the system. The assertion here is existence because this verifies the physical existence of the cash as of the date of the count.

Week 4 forum

The evolution of Jazz music and Blues gave more options to the American population in terms of their entertainment choices. The Oxford companion to politics of the world.

Listening report: body language

In particular, Cuddy explores the non-verbal expressions of power and dominance to establish the reality of a variety of influences exerted by body language of a person. Here, she claims in agreement with what is professed by Cuddy in her lecture that a person should never make the mistake of forgetting his/her body language.

Business taxation

Definition of Tax Avoidance Tax avoidance refers to the term when the tax regime is legally used to the tax payers advantage to reduce the amount of tax that is to be paid to the government but this is all done while staying within the boundaries of law, just the tax regime is manipulated in β†’

New world order

The end of the Cold War has sparked a flurry of new theories about global politics and history. The most persuasive analysis is provided by Huntington, who likewise acknowledges that something has changed in world politics since the end of the Cold War, but defines this as simply the latest in a long history of β†’

Coaching ethical behavior

A leader in any organization is regarded as the face of the organization and how the organization members conduct themselves affect the image of the organization. The following are ways in which can coach ethical behavior: Setting guidelines and refreshing team members-As a leader, the team member should know what is expected of them.

Discern the legal relationships between landlords and tenants

The lease, therefore, covers the duration when the property is on lease, and no factor should change it not even the activities of a competing business. The landlord can only ask the tenant to leave or give the premises to a new party only when the terms of the lease have been broken by the β†’

Pyramids at giza

5 tons is estimated to have been used for its construction and how these blocks were moved up to the top of the pyramid has been the subject of major archeological research studies. In addition to the crane theory, several ramp theories have also been proposed to explain the construction of the pyramids.

Hsco 500 db2 replies

That said, the Golden Rule, Mathew 7: 12, which states, " So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets," to be the guiding idea on the topic. The Golden Rule, Mathew 7: 12, states, " So whatever you wish that others β†’

Credit cards: advantages, disadvantages, and personal opinion and analysis

One of the advantages is that the lender or the issuer of the card has no right to increase any rates of one's existing balance. The lender of the card has no right to change the limit credit of the borrower unless the owner agrees and approval is done.

Sandusky motion for a new trial

Sandusky Motion for a New Trial Sandusky Motion for a New Trial The arguments presented for and against Sandusky's motion for a new criminal trial is that his lawyers filed a suit that they were not given humble time to fully prepare for the proceeding that found Jerry Sandusky guilty of forty five counts. The β†’

Feature story base on interview

This can be justified with reference to the fact that the notion of PR is recognized to be one of the emerging concepts, which is embraced by every organization, government and educational along with financial institution for accomplishing predetermined business or operational targets. In precise, it can be affirmed that the accomplishment of the above β†’

Job description

Sports Medicine is one of the professions that are gaining prominence in today's world as more and more people are involved in professional sports. Professions in this field are referred as sports medicine doctors and it thus follows that I will be referred as a sports medicine doctor.

Ethical decision for business case

The quandary lies in the fact that the Chinese partner in the joint venture wanted Gao fired however it is the case that whilst Gao may have violated Chinese religious laws three provisions in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicate that everyone has a right to freedom of thought & religion, wither β†’

Reaction paper on movie

Rebel without a cause A 1955 American drama film directed by Nicholas Ray, ' rebel without a cause' portrays the lives of emotionally unstable and confused suburban teens. From the film, a majority of the teenagers cut across as delinquents, bullies, and lack respect for their parents.

Tlmt312 week 4 forum

The goal of the assessment is to establish the appropriateness of classification, routes, rates and carriers' actions. Rating determines the appropriateness of classification and rates.

The destruction of the united states

Letter to the Editor: The Barack Hussein Dream Transformed In recent months, just viewing the manner in which the Democrats have attempted to discredit Republican Senator Marco Rubio has brought back images of similar attempts made towards Sarah Palin in the run up to the 2008 American elections. 22 February 2013

Product impact statement: leather shoes

Leather is the material that will be used to make the outer covering of the shoe. Another piece of tough leather will be used to make the welt that joins the upper part of the shoe to the sole.

Customer service course

My philosophy of customer service is based on the belief that customers are crucial in determining the success of an organization. As such, employees of the customer service department should possess the requisite knowledge on how to handle customers.

What coding means for reimbursement in a physicians office

Importance of Medical Coding Importance of Medical Coding Medical coding is of vital importance to medical practitioners. Buck is of the opinion that medical coding, in this case, is needed to ensure that proper checks are conducted3 and thus to make it easier for the insurance companies to review and assess the patients' claims.


History of Measurement and Measuring Systems Introduction Units of measurements are among the oldest inventions by humans. The prehistoric societies inclusive of the primitive humans used different measurements for purposes such as construction of their dwellings to ensure that they were of apposite shape and size.

Newspaper article

Cuba vis-a-vis the U.S.with a per capita income that is less than a fifth of that of the U. The newspaper, The Hindu, carrying the article is one of the leading newspapers of India with a circulation of 1.

Discuss the following statementcarbohydrates are not considered to be an essential nutrient

253235 No.of pages: 2 Premium 6530 Carbohydrates are one of the six essential nutrients that are indispensable to the body because they help to regulate the different body functions. However, according to Westman in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, " Carbohydrates are not essential nutrients in humans: the body can obtain all its energy β†’


Problem at hand: The increasing visibility of the vagrants is negative impact on outlook of the community and thereby distracting the investors and overall process of attracting tourists. Similarly the outlook in terms of the temporary resorts and tent houses occupied by the vagrants also reflect upon the overall stability of the society and the β†’

Global undergraduate exchange program

Though I have never been in the United States, I have an idea of how the universities have a strong reputation in the courses that they offer and I have heard a lot of positive comments from people that have had the opportunity to go there and see firsthand what they have to offer. These β†’

The behavior of a nonverbal student with autism

He knows the geometric shape of the circle only; he cannot distinguish the rest of the shapes. Furthermore, in public places and in the classroom, the child screams and cries very loudly when he wants to get certain things or wants to do a specific activity whether the thing is important or not.

Business law: the good, the bad, and the ugly

To understand these boundaries, it is essential to first have a basic understanding of the law and how it affects businesses and business practices. To understand these boundaries, it is essential to first have a basic understanding of the law and how it affects businesses and business practices.

Single-case design

The Single case design method is considered a good example of human studies that has been so called because of the nature of human research and its use of individual samples i.e, only one or few numbers of participants. A Brief Comparison between Single-Case Design and Group Studies In order to gain deeper understanding of β†’

What is the threat to the us from north korea

North Korean Threat to the United States Introduction Since the end of the Korean War that ended during the period of 1945 and resulted in the separation of North and South Korea, North Korea and United States have consistently been in conflict with each other. North Korea and South Korea have been in continuous β†’

Self-build play equipment for children

Self-Build Play Equipment For Children The concept of the project is to develop such playing equipment for the children through which energy can be generated to cut down the energy bills of the households. Some of the playground equipments which can be used to utilize energy and which can be offered to the customers β†’


Hence the greatest danger by anthrax lies in its inhalation which is the most lethal, and also the most difficult to detect and treat making it the " preferred portal of entry for biowarfare and bioterrorism". Terrorist Use of Anthrax in 2001 The most recent incident of the use of anthrax in bioterrorism occurred in β†’

Representation of men and women on tv

Another pattern of the voice-overs, in advertisements along with the TV shows, the count of that of males, is a little higher than that of females. The Portrayal of Men and Women in TV Ads.

Pepsi co

Conclusion Report Pepsi Co.has the main mission to become the world's premier consumer product company and is aimed to grow in all those aspects in the world in which the company is operating. The key vision of the company to achieve is to execute different programs related to the food and refreshing beverages, and excel β†’

The importance of society and related theories according to religions

Hinduism and Jainism are particularly specific about it and take a stance that our lives/ souls are eternal that can be showing various transformations in the form of other living things whereas Buddhism accepts presence of soul in the form of energy. Careful analysis of these religions would reveal that all of them support the β†’

Reading assessment

Question C John Amagoalik quote emphasizes relevance of Nunavut to original inhabitants of Australia and Greenland, Canada. Amagoalik argues that preserving Nunavut would assist Inuit and Aboriginals in protecting the erosion of their culture and history.

Us history

America grew less optimistic about the future of the society in the 1970s due to the increased inequality that was witnessed in the society decades after the end of the Second World War. The main goal of the feminist movement was to eliminate discrimination against women and increase a woman's part in the building of β†’

Strategic alternatives for marvel

The competition strategy also ensures is that Marvel ensures that there are no conflicts concerning originality of products. The other strategy is that of management.


Diabetes The last decade has seen a renewed interest in the epidemiology of diabetes in the United s. This has the effect of increasing body weight and, as suggested by many, contributes to diabetes.

What’s the difference between a liberal and a conservative in 2011 american politics

Liberals feel that it is their responsibility to make decisions for the American people, while Conservatives believe that the American people should be empowered to solve their own problems. In the end this writer hopes that whatever their differences, the Liberals and Conservatives unite to bring forth on this continent a once again, " United β†’

Analysis of how i learned to sweep

The girl in the short story is given order after order by her mother and is subject to a lot of criticism and abuse. From the series of long sentences that she uses in " Girl", Kincaid manages to create a tone of repressiveness and obedience.

Inspirational books

The most meaningful message relayed by the author was embodied in the ideals of its main character, Howard Roark: to remain steadfast on one's convictions and have the courage to fight for one's philosophies in life. The field of architecture has persistently intrigued me in terms of providing opportunities to express one's innate talent, creative β†’

Are teachers obliged to supervise students in the cafeteria

The union, on the other hand, asserted that cafeteria supervision was mentioned in the agreement for the secondary teachers only and due to lack of any past practice, assigning these duties to the elementary teachers was against the contract. Reference Case Study: Are Teachers Obliged to Supervise Students in the Cafeteria?

5 practice problems

Both expropriation of assets and adverse change in tax rules fall under political risks Expropriation of assets This is simply a situation where the government takes over a privately own business with the aim of benefiting the public. This is an example of b.political risk It does not matter the exchange rate, what counts is β†’

Data as an asset

Senators also proposed the amendment of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act that will forbid the use of identifiable student information for marketing. In addition, the changes will give parents the freedom of accessing and amending the information about their children.

Church in controversy

The main reason why the author has chosen to write this article to allay the misunderstandings that are there concerning the controversial issue of women ordination; the author, therefore, has written this article to explain the main reason why the Catholic Church is opposed to women ordination. First, the author lays bare the flaws in β†’

Writing response 4: brainstorming for community writing

The purpose is to show the reader how production styles and materials have changed in the last 82 years, as well as the type of people who have evolved wanting this style of automobile. It is to gain support for the decision and get people interested in attending, since it is a dying art-form.

Risk takers

Risk-taker A risk-taker is a type of an entrepreneur who decides to involve oneself in a risky venture without necessarily taking consideration on the extent of the harm that the venture will cause. Risk-neutral A risk neutral person is neither a risk-taker nor a risk-averse entrepreneur; he operates comfortably in all the environments and is β†’


The one that I liked more is automated cars since I was able to understand more about how they operate and other research that need to be conducted on automated cars in future. One of the engineering projects that I found interesting is automated cars.

Fight or flight

In the case of Coleen Colombo and colleagues resisting mortgage fraud, it is a fight response. Colombo and his colleagues have perceived a threat in the form of mortgage fraud.

Human services: quality care agency

We have also learned that there has been increased attention to the religious dimension of our patients and families. We would also like the community to volunteer as foster parents and take care of children whose parents are under palliative care.

Common chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning

Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning affiliation Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning The home, as argued by Turkington & Mitchell, is full of products that comprise of substances that contain household toxins. Turkington & Mitchell indicate that acids are one of the common chemicals in the home that β†’

African-american culture and reconstruction in america

African- American culture and reconstruction in America The African American culture found in the United s typically includes the various forms of cultural traditions in connection with the African ethnic groups. The development of the African American culture was as a result of the process of giving and taking.

Security standards: technical safeguards

HIPAA provides national standards so that it can " protect the privacy and security of health information" and gives individuals the rights in relation to their health information[Sec07]. Differentiate information privacy and security HIPAA information privacy establishes standards so that it can protect medical records and the related health information that applies to the β†’

Writing assignment #2

But as close students of economic history know, the greater threat to freedom on the Web would be for the government to decide which companies are good and which need to be broken up or punished. The result often is that " the markets invisible hand waves in some great mogul" who promises a more β†’

Project management

The first facet of project management that can be quite challenging is quality, especially to the owners of the project. The costs estimates for the project would be lower than the costs that can be used to bring to a completion the project.

Three strikes law

Three strikes law The ' Three strikes law and Youre out Law" are statutes that were passed in the United s that gave courts from all states freedom to sentence law offenders who have convicted more than three criminal offenses. Moreover, ' the three strikes laws' are constitutional laws because the government passed them, and β†’

Variations in the university degrees

Such degree courses that do not pay more should be offered so as to increase the range of majors to students can select so as to diversify their talents and abilities. The outcome of degree courses vary in terms of earnings and chances of securing job opportunities, some tend to earn more while others are β†’

Compare and contrast the critiques and solutions proposed by the reformers of the progressive era to those of the new deal era to the problems posed by political and economic inequity

The Progressive Era and the New Deal Era Introduction The two eras were critical in the American history as they majorly focused on helping the American economy that was speedily disintegrating. The progressive era comprised the period between the mid 1890s and early 1920s which is often referred to as the bridge to modern times, β†’

Psyc 430 db2

Stress Disorders Stress Disorders People cannot avoid stress in their lives. According to van der Kolk et al, inability to cope with extreme stress or overwhelming amount of stressors which appear simultaneously leads to the development of various stress disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Compare and contrast the role of women in chinese society with their role in japan for the period from 300 a.d. to the middle of the thirteenth century

Essay: Compare and contrast the role of women in Chinese society with their role in Japan for the period from 300 the middle of the thirteenth century. Japanese and Chinese societies have many things in common and the overall role of women in both countries has remained the same throughout history.

Edo period

The period began with the consolidation of the political reigns of power by the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu and effectively concluded with the opening of Japan by Matthew Perry's Black Ships in Tokyo Bay and the Meiji Restoration. Much of the key modernization of this period was economic, and the most important aspect of this was β†’

Outline the key topics that underpin the study of social policy

THE STUDY OF SOCIAL POLICY Social policy is defined as making processes or policies for the society. Social policy covers the study of social relations necessary for betterment of the human being in the society.

Comparing and contrasting two people

The two girls were born in the same year, shared the same womb, born on the same date, same mother, and father and also the same hospital. Although they are identical twins, they have a time interval of two minutes, Mary was the first one to be born and Jane came two minutes later.

Reflecting on creative writing piece

Till looked up from his homework and glanced at an image forming on the screenabove the breakfast bar."...discovery of a Goldilocks planet has just been announced at the southern space observatory..".intoned the newscaster." Experts estimate that the exoplanet measures about one sixth the size of our own globe and is probably made of solid rock β†’

Business school networking refelction

Moreover, I attended the simulation with the aim of identifying my weak points as I interacted with people during the simulation. I also attended the simulation process since it is one of the areas I always feel I can perform better than the rest of the class members.

Customer care

This acts as an opportunity for the company to introduce a new product or service, an aspect that would increase the overall revenue by the business. Complaints by the customers create an opportunity for the business to initiate a research on how to satisfy the interests of the target market.


The increasing economy of China, where the company has a base, accelerates the company's growth. The company, over the years, uses a technique that enables it to produce different products other than the PCs.

If it’s legal, it’s ethical; and besides, everyone does it

The outcomes of such behaviors were costly legal suits by the SEC, loss of investor confidence in the industry. Some of the negative consequences for companies that adopted industry practices include costly suits by the SEC, loss of investor confidence and bankruptcy.

Thiel fellowship

This in my view renders Thiel Fellowship irrelevant in any contemporary society. In my view, Thiel Fellowship may not be an alternate path to real and sustainable success.

Sociological research methods

16th October Sociological research methods Question With respect to race, Penner & & Saperstein indicates that social position of individuals is a major determinant of how they perceive their own race and how it is viewed by others. The relationship between the variable is positively strong since each one of them makes the other to β†’

Essentials of health information management

When the information is released publicly and available for scrutiny by various people, it improves the quality of the health care organization even more due to the lack of secrecy. If the quality measurement report is too superb and opposite of what is the reality in most health care organizations, the report may be jeered β†’

Educational leadership

An effective leader can successfully resolve disciplinary issues and advice and direct teachers to abide by policies that can create a positive impact on the performance of the school and institutional climate. The main factor of SBM is the decentralisation of administration by encouraging the participation of parents, staff and community in the school, thereby β†’

Interview paper

She says her employer is making sure that the child gets the instructions she is not able to provide while she is away from her child, working at a bank that is why she hired Montes who recently graduated her BS in Education. From the interview, I have seen that the mother knows the importance β†’

On liberalism and realism of international relations

On Liberalism and Realism of International Relations There are two differing point of views in the field of international relations that have distinct perspectives on the way they view international politics, diplomatic affairs, and warfare or conflict. On one side of the spectrum is the school of thought called Liberalism, and on the other side β†’

Mind-body problem summary

Descartes discussed mind-body issue in the different dimension that came to be known as dualism in the philosophical arena. The approach of ' mechanical philosophy' began emerging during the 17th century that was based on the premise that objects interact through direct contact; however, Descartes tended to emphasize that language did not lie within the β†’

Discussion questions week 1

The knowledge of various strengths and weaknesses of the technologies help us to evaluate its appropriateness within the work environment of the organization such that its implementation is able to promote better efficiency in the delivery of the organizational goals and objectives. Answer 4 Though all the phases of pre and post implementation processes of β†’

Browning ordinary men

For the existence of conceptual and situational difference among the soldiers and the Germans, the former played a significant part in the execution of Jews. The reason of committing the mass murder by the help of the soldiers is Germany was to uphold Germany's superiority against other races.

Business ethic

The support of life after the war is a social responsibility of the United Nations but the actions of the international organization and the Australian Wheat Board led to the ethical issues. The dilemma in the case was whether to support the current government or to enter into war with the challenge of supporting the β†’

Ethical issue – propertry plant & equipment

In this case, the management of the business fails to make full disclosure of accounting information to the accountant with intentions of paying less tax. In this case, the accounting entries should be similar to those of any other machinery and equipments.

Business law – the law of contract

The contract also clearly states that " This document supersedes all the prior promises relating to the sale". By this virtue, furniture is part of the sale.

History of how cars are made

These sources have clearly established historical facts on what the first cars were, who made them, and how they were made. These sources are found through the Google search engine by typing the words ' history of how cars are made'.

Outlining area that would like to pursue for my doctoral dissertation

A Research Proposal on the Effect of Servant Leadership in Creating a Peaceful Political Environment and Conducive Environment for Economic Progress Introduction Robert Greenleaf, who was an acclaimed researcher in the 20th century, first coined the term ' servant leadership' and based on his definition of the term it can be stated that the term β†’

Roles of a mentor

She has been a real mentor to me and has portrayed excellent positive qualities of a mentor. She is such a caring and responsible adult.

Business models and planning

With the rise in e-business, organizations also had to change how they communicate with clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders in the businesses, and distribute their products, which led to the establishment of new business structures. A Brief History of the Business Model Concept, in Nielsen, C.

Climate change

The impacts of global warming have been seen in the changing climatic patterns around the world with the climatic seasons becoming less distinct as they were in the past. Human activity has been the leading factor in the issue of global warming.

Week three discussion questions

The main value of using the horizontal analysis is it provides a clear trend of the statements. The ratio analysis is of great importance, as it is the most effective method to estimate a firm's performance and also compare it with that of its competitors and the industry on the whole.

Reading response papers

While Marinetti's manifesto is obviously motivated by the desire for change, it has the tone of a call-to-arms! He rejects the past and disregards the future, living only in a hedonistic present.

Coping processes

Additionally, coping can be constructive in the sense that it has the nature of reducing the stress levels. As such, constructive coping is basically coping strategies that result in reduced stress levels and the general betterment of the individual.

Personal statement

I need to develop a comprehensive awareness of my attributes so that I can create a sound blueprint to guide my personal and professional growth. I have also learned that I need to improve my presentation skills so that I can communicate clearly and concisely.