Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Reaction paper one

The Cannon-Bard Theory of emotions Human's emotions represent the psychological process of the ive reflection of the most common humans attitude toward the objects and phenomena of reality, toward other people, and toward him/herself. Further the psychologist Philipp Bard proved the theory of the simultaneity of the physiological and subjective manifestations of the emotions.

Compare two different

How the Cases Are Different The cases are different in that in Bombliss v. Marshall, Internet Solutions Corp is the plaintiff and Tabitha Marshall, the defendant.


The concept arose when most of the Texans were in favor of the war with Mexicans and believed that it is wise enough for their country to take such actions in order to make the US bigger and stronger, and it is also favored by US destiny. So overall, there had been a great importance β†’

Mobile and wireless technology: trends on the rise

These factors actually show us the trends of mobile and wireless technology that are on the rise and pave way for the future of these technologies as an integral part of doing business in the times to come. The trends of mobile and wireless technology continue to rise as the technology becomes more advanced and β†’

Generally accepted auditing standards paper

Auditing constitutes an independent examination and evaluation of financial statements of a legal entity to determine whether the statements and the books of accounts reflect the true and fair value of the organization as at a given day. In Mobitech Accessories Ltd, auditing is crucial as it increases the value and credibility of the management's β†’

Sources of capital

Sources Of Capital For Profit And Not-For Profit Organizations Sources Of Capital For Profit And Not-For Profit Organizations Introduction There are various sources of finance through which both the For Profit and Not-For Profit organizations can raise capital to finance their operational and profitability needs. Equity finance is the capital that is raised by both β†’

Childhood autism

The thesis statement of this paper is that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which can be diagnosed and treated effectively at the early stages of a child's life". Diagnosis of autism includes various methods such as observations and interviews to determine whether the signs of autism exist in a child or not.

Discussion questions week one

The approach limits the physical interaction of the seller and the buyer. Development of media images and trading sites evidence the assumption that the United States is a postmodern society.

Human service

The essay primarily aims to proffer one's thoughts and personal opinion of grandparents parenting, issues facing grandparents who parent, and the type of services they may need to help them parent in their later years. They might be busy and could not fully attend to the needs of their grandchildren if their minds are focused β†’

Business law: the written agreement

Frank can only have an enforceable security interest if three conditions are fulfilled: the written agreement includes the value of the car that has been given as collateral, Eddie has rights over the car or has the ability to have rights over that car and also Eddie must have authenticated the security agreement with a β†’

Aquina paper

These are the truths that go beyond human reason and required for our salvation, which are the truths from God or " sacred science learned through revelation". He used the example of a musician who trusts in the teachings of a mathematician by reason of authority; the same can be said of sacred science, which β†’

Financial issues

There is also the existent issue in modern days with regard to financial instruments that brings up the question of disclosure in the relevant industries and a case in example is what happens in Brazil mostly. Financial reporting is also important as some people fail to offer the important information that is necessary for financial β†’

Compare and contrast wilson and truman

He refused to build up the military forces in the United States in anticipation of a war threat. President Wilson approach to military affairs was based on his neutrality position and the decision of not taking the U.

Quantitative and qualitative wk3

A spanning tree, in this case, is that part of the tree that contains all the vertices and is in the form of a complete tree on itself. On the other hand, minimum spanning tree refers to the sub-graphs that have the least summation in terms of weight and lengths.

Business law (downey v. bobs discount furniture holdings, inc.)

The exterminator compiled a report regarding the issues and sent s copy to the defendant explaining his findings The defendant only retrieved the infested bed that he had supplied and was unwilling to cover the cost of extermination. Downey was requested to identify an expert of extermination and submit a written report of what the β†’

Brazil – individual vs collective

With regard to Brazil, its culture is among the world's most diverse due to many years of being under European domination and the aspect of slavery, which introduced many African immigrants who brought their various cultures and influenced the ideas and ways of life of the Brazilians. Choice Reviews Online, 37, 37-1720-37-1720.doi: 10.

The regulatory policies for higher education in mauritius and its contibution to the making of a knowledge hub. a comparative st

Higher Education Policies in the Emergence of Two Knowledge Hubs: Mauritius and Malaysia Introduction Becoming a knowledge hub would mean a concentration of development in the education sector in such a way that mastery would be the desired primary effect resulting to the improvement of economy as a whole. Mauritius is no longer just a β†’

The story of the stone

09 February Analysis of a Scene from the Story of the Stone " The Story of the Stone," also known as " The Dream of the Red Chambers," is a novel written by the greatest novelist of China, Cao XueQuin, and a classic work of literature. The main purpose of the scene is to illustrate β†’

Article summary for criminal justice class

In the true essence, pleasure and freedom from pain are the ultimate desirables according to the theory of utilitarianism. I think it would be wrong to differentiate between utility and pleasure in the theory of utilitarianism because utility only exists when an approach brings pleasure.

Summary for chapter 10 in the power and everyday practice

For instant, the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States changed the perception of the citizens. The chapter analyses the types of power that exists in a society and how power is obtained.

Louis vuitton (lv) in japan

Louis Vuitton in Japan The reason why Louis Vuitton has been so successful in the Japanese luxury market is that Japan is the capital of luxury goods. In response to this, Louis Vuitton has started to change its marketing strategy in the Japanese market.

Critical summary

Ming was faced with a crisis that was caused by the dominion of the eunuchs and the corruption of the court officials. This trend towards political despotism led to the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Tesk of product

These include the cell phone set, battery for charging the cell phone, charger for charging the battery, connection from the service provider and rechargeable talk time for the purpose of talking over the cell phone. The various steps to be followed for using the cell phone are: Insert the battery into the cell-phone set.

Access to care

Access Care The article highlights Massachusetts' experience with health care reform especially by examining data on employment in the healthcare industry to ascertain the impact on the health workforce. Health Care Reform and the Health Care Workforce - The Massachusetts Experience.

Summary article

The material reality of the world around the citizens of the US may not be treated the " real" as there is always the presence of the " real reality" that may be experienced on the awakening, just the way the hero of the Matrix experienced the desolate landscape littered with burned ruins. The ironic β†’

Case research

Hogan made a proposal that- 1.the revenue for membership be recognized when the fee for membership 2.the revenue from coupon books be recognized at the time of selling the books, and 3. The down payments that are made for purchase of equipment, and expenses that are associated with the guaranteeing the cross-country and rowing machines β†’


These strategies include the reduction of the number of materials for packing used, the use of packages that are environmentally friendly, use of reusable containers and giving support to the services that involve the collection and recycling of packages. Moreover, the classification of unified logistics structure is based on the quantity and the action given β†’

Arrest by force: k-9 bite & hold

Bite and hold vs find and bark affiliation Bite and hold vs find and bark All over the domain of police force K9 training, each individual involved seems to have different opinions on the right, or proper, way to deploy a police force dog in the constraints of an illegal apprehension situation, in case it β†’


I have believed God for an entrepreneurial idea and the process has strengthened my faith through challenges that I faced and biblical knowledge that I developed. I have approaches few people that have products, discussed my plans with them, and I would be an agent and offer strategy and agreement between the product owners and β†’

Art history

Amongst these artist of this time is Peter Paul Rubens, a man with not only a talent, but a passion for the art of painting. Art is the constant state of change and this is why are is create by experience and others.

The sports restaurant (final paper)

The critical skills and abilities needed to start and run the proposed business would come from the management team with the following skills: entrepreneurial, leadership and management, communication, problem-solving, conflict-negotiation, and genuine enthusiasm as well as knowledge in running a restaurant. What needs to be accomplished in order to get the business up and running?

Multiracial and monoracial

To understand this, it is important to consider the various studies conducted on the matter. There is the logic of hypo descent which was a political measurement of racial blood composition used to separate blacks from whites in the population.

Foundation of the american constitution

Foundation of the American Constitution Affiliation: The first constitution was d the Article of confederation and it was drafted between 1776 and 1777 and it was ratified by 13 states. The Bill of rights borrowed heavily and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights and was included in the constitution in 1791.

Industrial design history

Another element included in the Art Nouveau style was the use of new materials. Randolph was a lover of the Chippendale style.

A troubled territory: mexican california

In California, the Mexican governors took control over mission land from the missionaries. The leading rancheros established their authority in overseeing that California achieved.

Health psychology

Health Psychology Understanding and Improving Personal Health While it is important to study the way people respond to issues relating to health in general, and the ways in which the overall health conditions can be enhanced for all individuals; it is equally important to understand the value of the different domains of health for a β†’

Week 6 organisations and structure

The chart suggests that Mercy Family Services, Brisbane's structure of the organisation is organised in a hierarchical manner with power and information flowing both vertically and horizontally. Question 3 One of the classical, organic and alternative organisations that service my local region is the Leukemia Foundation of Queensland.

“favourite university experience moment to date”

Thereafter, he produced twos: one written by Socrates and the other one he had written in the late 1990s and the essence of liberties and inner human understanding. Additionally, I started believing in myself because he told the class self-confidence and self-esteem were vital instruments of excellence in the world.

Film analysis on product development (of the film kinky boots)

As it was that men of their persuasion are forced to buy women's shoes that are not sturdy enough to withstand the weight of a full size man. Being that he was the best person for the job, Lola became the designer of the new line of boots which the factory produces.

Reaction paper

The resulting video was a reinterpretation of the standard historical consensus which defined the Holocaust as " the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers". Franciszek Piper, curator of the Auschwitz State Museum, is the focus of the video.

What happens to a monopolys revenue when it sells more units of its product

Since there is only one supplier in the monopoly market, therefore the demand curve of the single supplier is the market demand curve. When the number of units sold increases the revenue increases; primarily because the supplier is the only one in the market and there is little option available to the consumers.


Ethical use of power of a hard situation to determine ethical use of power Such is a situation where an individual uses his authority in an unethical way. Abuse of power Abuse of power is a scenario whereby a person in power uses his power to exploit the subjects.

Assignment #2, leadership issue,

Obama is trying to solve America's problems with the help of economic theories and principles published through books. In other words, Obama has given false promises to the people and he failed to rise to the expectations of the people.

Where in the u.s. constitution is the necessary and proper clause found what authority stems from the clause include proper in-text citations in apa format to support your answer

Necessary and Proper Clause- US Constitution Necessary and Proper Clause- US Constitution The necessary and proper clause is also known as the Elastic Clause or the Coefficient Clause. The eighteenth clause gives the government authority to make any law that would be necessary and would enhance the execution of the seventeen laws.

Hsa 535 wk& db2tracking vaccine preventable diseases

The HPV vaccines are given through a series of three shots over a period of 6 months to protect the individuals from the infection and any other health issues that may be brought about the HPV infection. To increase the number of children and adults vaccinated the government has introduced a policy, even in school β†’

2nd reflection paper

As far as the skills are concerned, I have understood that these disabled people are no less than any one, and that they can contribute to the society in a much better manner than us. My experience has affected my ideas as per my future in the wake of my comprehension with regards to the β†’

Psychology and personality

From the point of both aggression and withdrawal, the section of Genesis in which the Lord expels Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is applicable." Because thou hast...eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt, β†’

Personal fitness program

In the second week, I will introduce a treadmill and in the third week, I will drop the treadmill for jogging while at the same time doing Yoga and aerobic. Muscular Strength and Endurance I will do cranches at least 50 repetitions for a start and increase it by five days with an ultimate target β†’

Religion and theology

Reform is futuristic and will attract more Jews since it basically changes with the times and is flexible in terms of the beliefs and teachings of the Jews. This is another rationale behind why the Reform movement will be present in the next 100 years.

Exam practice

The forecast sales are about $14500 with a capacity number of 7% High end segment: the customers seek cutting edge technology and new designs. The forecast sales are about $16000 with a capacity number of 8% Size segment: customers seek cutting edge size technology and young designers.

Film review(last train home)

Last Train Home of Last Train Home Competing with some of China's best documentaries like West of the Tracks, Disorder, The Gate of Heavenly Peace, the amateur Chinese-Canadian filmmaker, Lixin Fan begins his documentary, Last Train Home, with a scene where a huge crowd clogs the screen with which the viewers are informed in subtitles β†’

Economics 5100

History of Economic Thinking Economics is the science of studying the characteristics and behavior of production, development and management of material wealth and products in a country, business or even a household. It has been studied and developed over time leading to the development of theories and topics over the same from the dawn of β†’

Depend about the topics will be chosen

The theme of tragedy is the rising action existing in both Oedipus and Hamlet. In both Hamlet and Oedipus, there is also the theme of disease in both stories.

Case analysis

Running Head: CASE STUDY FACEBOOK Case Study: Facebook Faces Up Case Study: Facebook Faces Up Identification: Facebook, the social networking website, originally began life as a way for college students both nationally and internationally to network with each other. Recommendations: While Facebook is certainly growing by leaps and bounds it may be time to consider β†’

Press release / boeing announces first drone passenger jet

In a surprising turn of events, the world's largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft announced the debut of the world's first drone passenger jet, in the fall of 2012. People are familiar with the concept of flying and do not need to be baby-sit on a plane".

What is the relation between the divided line and the allegory of the cave from books 6 and 7 of the republic do you find this to be an accurate representation of the process of learning

On the other hand, the allegory of the cave explains the divided line simile in that the line simile simply implies that there are four types of knowledge that range from those which are less dependable in terms of giving the truth, all the way to the best. The allegory of the cave explains the β†’

Promoting better patient care

If there is any conflict in the decision making process then they can put it across to the experienced and reliable person in the committee or seek the help from the associations that work in the similar fashion. This way the team can get cross trained and work with the common mission to help the β†’

Prototyping and rapid application development

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design In object-oriented analysis and design, the processes include planning, testing implementation and documenting and deployment and maintenance. The summarized process of business process engineering is identifying processes, reviewing updates, designing and testing.

What is stress

Write 1 properly phrased SMART learning objective, relevant to your professional life that you personally plan to achieve upon completion of this course. Write 1 properly phrased SMART learning objective, relevant to your personal life, that you personally hope to achieve by the end of this course: Specific: Joining a yoga class.

Culture/interaction in every day life

This clip therefore supports the argument by John Dovidio that we stereotype to distinguish who is a friend and who is not. This clip therefore shows that stereotype is natural and supports the idea of John Dovidio.

Pepsico team-board of governance

PepsiCo Team-Board of Governance The board of directors is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the activities of a company. The activities of the board of directors are only delegated by powers that are outside the organization itself, which have authority given to it by the bylaws of the organization.

Basic principles of mr imaging

T1-weighted image contrast is premised on the difference in the T1 times of the tissues in the particular region. This is the achieved result:- Pixel shift = Pixel shift = 3 = 2.

Today’s germany

Todays Germany Part Miniatur Wunderland, based in Hanseatic and opened in the year 2000, is the largestmodel railroad in the world and is one of the most significant tourist attraction features in Germany. Adidas's headquarters has remained in Herzogenaurach, Germany since its incorporation and is a major player in the world of sport.

Use of forensics in the court system

Use of Forensic Science in the Courts Introduction Forensic science entails the application of science to solve legal questions. Appropriate and ethical application of forensic science enhance the effectiveness in criminal justice, and powerful in seeking justice and truth.

Organisational design

However, if they seek to get the competitive edge, especially if they are in the technology business, then they need to give more autonomy to respective departments and teams"....a routine technology and a stable environment all tend to be associated with organizations that have greater formalization, specialization and centralisation" If the managers are in a β†’


Marketing to Digital Natives DBQ After reading the six tips on marketing to digital natives discussed in the article, the two tips that I found important are Tip 1) Cater to Their Needs, and Tip 6) Be Everywhere. Part II: The other student found Tip 5 and Tip 6 to be the most important for β†’

Global warming

Evidence on global warming has influenced the public's understanding of the need for a solution by communicating adverse effects of global warming and associating it with some of the dangerous phenomenon that have occurred across the globe. Evidence on rising temperatures and have informed the public of the need for a solution because of effects β†’

Substance requirement in global tax planning

It is in light of this that the research paper highlights the need and possibility of companies to use substance planning as a mechanism for undertaking tax planning as the amount of substance they hold gives a clear cut indication of the quantum of tax they may be expected to pay. Part from the setting β†’

Health assessment

Suggestions for Improvement Given the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, I ought to minimize the time that I spend indoors. I will also diversify the varieties of fruits to ensure that I gain multiple nutrients and vitamins, for a healthier life.

Industrialization and the gilded age

Considering the events in the story, it can be said that although the Gilded Age contributes to the development of American industrialization, it also brings out the bitter circumstances of the working class. In The Jungle, Sinclair establishes that the Gilded Age is the cause of the unfavorable working condition and unequal opportunities of the β†’

Justify punishment in modern society

As a deterrent, the existence of the punishment prior to the crime is supposed to prevent people from committing the crime since they will be afraid of the punishment involved. Instead, the extent of the guilt of the person based upon the gravity of the offense and victim characteristics, cruelty of the offender, circumstances of β†’

Cold war 1989-1991 under bush’s administration

The period 1989-1991 was the crucial one for Russia, and for the ideology of Communism in particular, when the churning process was going on. The strife at far-off places was not of consequence to the national security of U.S.and the vital interests were more or less secure, with no compelling reasons to intervene.

Interview summary and reflection

The school has taken the initiative of providing a safe and secure environment for its students. One assumption which the interviewer made was that he thought that the rules and measures the STL schools applied were not effective due to untrained security guards and some people got away with stuffs prohibited by the school.

Cultural foundation – i will upload them in word document

In the Iliad, the author brings out Achilles as a character full of rage and anger. In the Iliad, Homer also depicts love as one of the major themes.

Resilience and the in individual (assignment 2 paper)

Methodologies used, the importance and nature of samples, the impact of mediating factors as well as the universal definition of resilience are some issues which research can easily identify and improve upon. Methodological Issues One of the key methodological issues to deal with and which further signifies the importance of the research methodologies is the β†’

Reading, writing, and critical thinking

What we write depicts the things that we know and learn which is largely generated by the things which are perceived by our five senses. As a student, I can say that what I write is a product of the things which I ingest.


Through the family of the major character in Emhoff Beth, the plot of the movie is developed to explain the effects of a major outbreak of a deadly viral infection and its implication to the public. This paper analyzes the events of the movie, Contagion to address its teaching on the response to the scene β†’

Answer 3 questions about multilateral clearing arrangement

If it is a proprietary default, as when it involves the member's own funds and property, the liquidator can initiate the transfer of customer funds and positions to members of good standing, take control of or liquidate the customers' positions as well as the proprietary positions, apply the member's margin to the default and if β†’

Health care finance

A variance is a term used to refer to the difference between the expected results and the actual results. When the actual results are preferable than the expected results, the variable is favorable.on the other hand, if the actual results are not as good as the expected results, the variance is an adverse.

Action plan

The Technology Integration Planning Model Checklist For Phase 1 of the checklist, the aim is to determine relative advantage. For Phase 5 of the checklist, the aim is to evaluate and revise integration strategies.

Balancing life and responsibility

How I balance my professional identity and my personal identity and difference between the two identities I balance my professional identity and personal identity by avoiding conflict of interest in my professional scope of work and avoiding personal attachments to involved processes. A manager's responsibility to listen and incorporate others' views of right and wrong β†’

Intercultural communication

On the other hand, speech act may only be avoided if the people involved in the communication process should take time in analyzing first the culture of the speaker in which the speech is delivered. In Wei's study of Chinese and the American intercultural communication, culture plays a big factor in the negative transfer of β†’

Department of state

Both of these related to the Peace Corps. I wanted to know what the average salary of a Peace Corps volunteer was.

Business law

Another reason why the minimum wage should not be raised is that low wage workers will lack the incentive to educate themselves further. Finally, minimum wage should not be raised because raising minimum wage means that more money will be pocketed by the poor people at the expense of the employer.

Innovation report

My friends and classmates perceive the definition of joining the course as a great opening for my scope of focus with much variance in the perception of entrepreneurship. I feel that the group members and me could have achieved even more in terms of succeeding the products and the company in the event that we β†’

Yankee fork and hoe company production

According to the information given by Phil Stanton, the important faculty of marketing, Yankee does not have a formal method of production planning. The production forecasting depends on the information given by the marketing section.

The indian american community in new york

The percentage of Indian Americans that engage in criminal activities is nil. Some of the Indian Americans occupy top posts in the Democratic Government of America.

Correct weaknesses in freeze-times system

Furthermore, procedures should be established for approval and recording capital and expense items of any stocks returned to the supplier due to poor quality, inadequate specifications etc. Retired and disposed assets should be appropriately authorized in addition to being accounted for prior to disposal or removal from inventory listing.

Managed care

Further, the care of each patient is assigned to a case manager to oversee the rendering of the care, and to ensure that neither the services nor the days allocated to the intervention exceed the allocated DRG. Also, the definition of managed care suggests that a physician is no longer free to allocate resources and β†’

Exam 3

Since the city will not undertake projects that are not worthwhile, the new town hall building will not be built anytime soon' is the most syllogistically parallel to the given statement, ' Columbus and Akron cannot both be included in Carly Simon's tour route. The given statement signifies that ' Simon cannot be in Columbus β†’

Comparison of editha and the war prayer

Comparison of Editha and The War Prayer In looking at the context of The War Prayer, by Mark Twain, it is easy to make a comparison to a story by William Dean Howells entitles Editha. As they observed the country falling prey to the call-to-arms and whipping itself into a mob of patriotic war-mongering, they β†’

Superior strategy execution

The recruitment will assure that you get the right talent for the job and experience. The way they dress to the interview will also determine who is the best for the job.

Strict and limited inerrancy

Strict and Limited Inerrancy It is often said that the Bible holds a specific feature such as inerrancy. When one develops this idea, one will be able to come to the following inclusion: if a piece of knowledge is not found in the text of the Bible, then it probably never existed.

Case study

Because of its extensive reach and strong customer patronage, Wal-Mart virtually controls what goes into the households in the areas it dominates. The main problem of Wal-Mart is that it tries to use American formulas in Asian or German markets.

Graff, gerald and birkenstein, cathy – they say -the moves that matter in academic writing

People do not look at the broader perspectives of the author's ideas and perspectives but summarize them to suit one's own narrow views. A summary is somebody else's ideas which the person uses to not only support his/her point but also to explain as to how it actually does so.

How brands win by listening

In this regards, the power of listening through social media stands out to be one of the effective marketing strategies in the 21st Century. That is; you have to be in the social media to know how it works and the views of the customers towards your brand.