Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Factors impacting ethical behavior in a chinese state owned steelcompany

Work environment To a larger extent, it can be observed that the work environment significantly impacts on the ethical behaviour of the employees in the organization. The ethical climate that exists in the organization greatly shapes the ethical behaviour of the Chinese employees.

Socrates view on death

SOCRATES' APOLOGY Introduction The apology by Plato gives an in depth account of the trial and death of Socrates who was being tried on two accounts of corrupting the young minds with his philosophies and failing to honor the gods being worshiped in Athens. Death to Socrates is a transformation from one life to another β†’

The spirit catches you and you fall down

These immigrants are different from the rest of the refugees living in the US since their admission to the country has been controversial. In 1980, Refugee Act was passed and this granted the rest of the family members the permission to join their male counterparts in the US.

Control room – a video by al jazeera

It was all about the news coverage of the network during the onset and the progress of the conflict between the US and Iraq which led to an offensive military action due to the unwillingness of Saddam Hussein's regime to allow the US to conduct inspections that will prove the absence of weapons of mass β†’

The importance of glasses according to the famous theorist of rhetoric

The various types of glasses tend to provide a variety for customers to choose. In the end, the wearing of glasses has to some extent altered our perceptions concerning reading culture.

Business communication

Main idea Julia's speech was about the number of casualties in the Queensland flood and what the government is doing to help the families affected. In Anna's speech, the main idea was to tell the world to come together and help the public who were submerged by the flood in the capital.1c.

Organisational behaviour

This remote environment would offer independence to the IT and a sense of autonomy. Besides the financial benefits, this business is human relations focused in every dimension and would establish guidelines for organisational members to interact at the interpersonal level.

Rhyme and reason show

One of the contestants would then choose a celebrity panelist to complete the rhyme. He will then choose a celebrity who would complete the rhyme.

The federal registers executive order in public policy

The Federal Register's Executive Order in Public policy Executive Order 13536 of April 12, by President of the United States, Barrack Obama Summary of the executive order The issuance of this order took place on April 12, the year 2010 and issued by the president of the United States, Barrack Obama. Implementation of the order β†’

Theories of public policy and administration

Theories of Public Policy and Administration Critical social theory developed in 1937 by the Institute for Social Research in the Frankfurt School in Germany, is one of the theories of the public policy and administration. Critical social theory and the end of work.


The poet argues that his white community is privileged to enjoy the benefits of English language in a " rigged game" where they learn their mother tongue whereas the aliens are denied the opportunity to learn their mother tongue more. Garity's " Rigged Game" is an interesting poem that tacitly calls for the reform of β†’

Western civilization

Western Civilization Civilization refers to the advancement of a society to achieve a higher level of development and organization. One of the defining characteristic of western civilization is recognition of individual worth; moreover, the importance of an individual is granted priority and is believed to have worth, deserving a life of dignity.

Target corporation financial analysis and interpretation

The higher the current ratio, the more capable the company is of paying its obligations. Based on the current levels of Assets and Liablities, it is recommended to invest in the company as it is expanding its inventory levels and can be believed to be on the growth trajectory in future.

What is the connection between renaissance humanism and the protestant reformation

due Connection between Renaissance Humanism and the Protestant Reformation It is usually common knowledge that Renaissance humanism and protestant reformation are co-related. The Renaissance: The Protestant Revolution and the Catholic Reformation in Continental Europe.


I was aware of the theoretical nitty-gritty of all these but lacked the proper synchronization of all these rules in order to organize my planning and create something in letters. During my reading of any book, if any sentence captures my interest I always underline that part and try to recollect and reproduce the same β†’

A special agreement as to the national prize

The Court of Session considered the critical issue to be ' Whether the talk between the parties amounted to an agreement with binding effect or a ' statement of future intention of a non-binding character?' The decision of the Court of Session was that there was a special agreement as to the national prize on β†’

Psychology of diversity

Psychology of Diversity Samson Varghese Psychology of Diversity Psychology of Diversity 2 Summary The blacks enjoyed considerable freedoms, in the years in which Native Americans Frenchmen, African-Americans and a few British and white Americans mingled in the Illinois society. But the ouster of French and British from the Illinois by the white Americans later, resulted β†’

4th admendment issue: computer forenics analysis of thumb drive

The contents of the drive are, however, considered as per the sub-container perspective. According to the sub-container perspective, a thumb drive consists of subfolders.

Codes of conduct for lawyers

Nevada stipulates specifically in " Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct: Adopted by the Supreme Court of Nevada 2006; amended 2007" the non acceptance of the ABA preamble and scope but effectually uses the ABA as a ' skeleton guide' unless amended and noted and suggests a future use of the ABA Model for, "...may be β†’


These traits were first suggested by Costa and McCrae based on their Five Factor Model which they formulated in an attempt to understand the correlation between personality and the performance of an individual. Research indicates that this trait contributes so well to the performance of an individual.

Short stories snow white, cinderlla, hansel and gretel

Short Stories Snow White, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel Question The outstanding character about snow whiteis the fact that she was splendid and beautiful and still had a humble soul. When she was taken to the forest by the hunts man, it was obvious that she could not survive since she spend all her life in β†’

A people and a nation: a history of the united states

In this paper, I will discuss some of the most important American values, how they have been instilled in me and the reasons why they are significant in my life as an American. The pursuit of happiness as a value is very significant in my life.

Electric cars in the us

A piece of news from the article that was discouraging was the fact that gasoline prices are not going to go down even if the demand for gasoline does down because the demand for crude oil worldwide is going up. If a project has a budget that is not accurate it is possible for the β†’

Critical summary of a recent journal article in cognitive psychology. the aim of this is to help students in their critical reading and note taking

The subject of Psychology helps to determine this effect in children and also helps to determine if the adults can realize when one child is lying or not. This article describes the different psychological aspects of how children tend to lie and whether the adults are able to determine if the child is lying or β†’

Recommondation letters for university application

With innate enthusiasm and genuine interest on the subject, I am confident that Name of Student would continue to exhibit exemplary academic performance, in conjunction with the knowledge, abilities and skills gained in the course and in other course modules of the identified academic level. In this regard, I am sure that your institution would β†’

Sx wk2

He believed that no matter what the sexuality, it was a healthy outgrowth of development. Paragraph Freud was a very interesting man and it is known that he studied mostly the people who were in mental institutions where he worked.

American old film class gone with the wind and red river

The participation of the characters, to be more precise the black men and women in the film, do reflect a Civil War time. This aspect seems to be missing in this film, though the term ' darkies" has been referred to the black slave characters who appear in the screen, is one of the influences β†’

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth

The study conducted by Alliance point out that dropouts are a drain on the economies of each state and the nation. For the individual with a vision to excel with the ultimate goal of being instrumental in the future progress of one's nation, education is the best alternative.

International business environment: russia

These changes in the external economic environment meant that McDonald's had to adapt to the local conditions where shortages were the order of the day, prices were controlled by the government, and inefficiency was the hallmark of the economic system and finally, challenges in procurement of raw materials for its products. Further, with price control β†’

History discussion

In my opinion limiting the number of people coming to the country was a thoughtful thing as it could help many people from our own country establish themselves in a much better way. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

The modern world: politics, economics, conflict

The declaration of independence The first two paragraphs on the document acknowledge the importance of a government and the governance structure, which are instituted to protect the common interest of the people, which include unalienable rights such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Bill of Rights, Rights of Man, and β†’


The lobby was busy in the middle of the afternoon with little room for anyone to walk, yet she stood alone in the center of the room in a circle of sunlight coming in through an atrium skylight. Everything about her seemed to indicate that this was a woman not accustomed to finding herself in β†’

Continuity of care in mental health (australia)

Running head: Continuity of Care within Mental Health Services in Australia Continuity of Care within Mental Health Services in Australia Wierdsma, Mulder, de Vries & Sytema educate that continuity of care is a concept that constitutes elements of care that are associated with various levels of connectedness with the patient, while offering care services on β†’

Slp assignment- trends in health information systems and applications

As far as the evolution of the system is concerned, it can be said that the system has been taken through a very rapid transition where it has evolved from a static table top system to what it now is, a hand held system that can be carried about everywhere within the facility. Today, there β†’

West indian literature

Language in the poem Survivor Inserts His/Her Inserts Grade Inserts inserts Language in the poem Survivor Survivor assumes a notable position is the poetry of Lorna Goodison as it involves a very good language and the presentation of its theme. The language of the poem reveals the suppression and sufferings of Caribbean people with all β†’


Realism Module Module ID: Realism Answer Renowned and analyst Kenneth Waltz has elaborated the term anarchic structure in his theory of international relations, which refers to the rule of vae victis or might is right prevailing all over the globe, where the weak states and nations undergo sense of insecurity and lack of protection in β†’

Business finance week 5 discussion post

First, the practice of gearing the bonuses of corporate executives to short-term results. Such executives tend to adopt short-term orientation to get the bonuses.

Christian world veiw

On Creation The Book of Romans begins with Paul claiming that the creation of the world allowed us to see the divine power of God, which have been invisible u until that point. On Eschatology The Book of Romans teaches us that God's ultimate goal is for us to be his Sons just as Christ β†’

Case problem

Whilst it may not be very obvious that Jones will win the case against his employer, what is important is the fact that his case can be enforceable since the court of law is mainly there to solve such kinds of disputes between the employers and the employees. Over and above, it can be noted β†’

Change process and models

With the present scenario, fairness and equity can be judged from the fact that the employees of the organization who were promoted can be labeled as resources because they form the basis of the human resource of their organization. This is because the leadership had a perceived goal of using the promotion that brought about β†’

Mtv networks – the arabian challenge

However, by entering into partnerships with other local broadcasting companies such as ATN and clarifying that the company was not in the mission of exporting American culture, MTV was able to eliminate this challenge. By so doing, MTV realized that none of the stations in existence provided the youths with a global aggregation of musical β†’

Questions 3 and 4

In the case of the partnership business, a lot of factors can be considered. E = a + bN where E is total earnings of the motion picture industry measured in dollars per year and N is the number of tickets sold in December.

Response paper

Response Paper If you believe that there is a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and concerned with justice and the well-being of humanity, explain how there can be so much evil and suffering in the world. There is evil in this world because God wants human beings to differentiate between the good and the bad.

American children addicted to fast food

The effects of fast food can impact the children on a long term basis and therefore it is important that the habit of the intake of fast food should be avoided by children. American Children are getting addicted to fast food as it is becoming one of their usual habits and likes for having junk β†’

Immersion program

In addition, by placing the language instruction in the context of other academic pursuits, the main focus on learning is not placed as severely on the language acquisition itself, but on the academic subject matter, with language acquisition merely a part of communicating information about this subject with the teacher and with other students. Despite β†’

Poems about blackberries

The Contrast of Nature in Blackberries Sylvia Plath's " Blackberrying" and Galway Kinnell's " Blackberry Eating" are two poems that utilize the same theme of nature to present contrasting views. The link in the poem is obvious in the way Kinnell describes the way one enjoys blackberries to his enjoyment in using words to describe β†’


Descriptive and Normative claims Normative and descriptive claims are often misinterpreted by the people." In normative claims, a conclusion is drawn from the observation made above, namely that some action is wrong in one society and is right in another. In other words, surface level analysis will not help a person to classify the claims β†’

How does our design fit in with the design challenge

Our design responds to the need to empower and motivate mobility from the features of the product. These two features give due empowerment and motivation to the elderly, enabling them to use less energy as they cycle during old age, thus satisfying the requirements of the design challenge.

Week 2 assignment


Paul’s life in the acts vs the letter

Pauls Life in the Acts Vs the Letter The life of Paul as portrayed by Luke in Acts and in his epistles can be harmonized especially, in regard to his earlier life and faith. Ultimately, in the book of Acts the life of Paul was characterized by threats and arrests from the Romans.

You are the judge papers

The main elements to prove negligence are duty of care being owed; breach of that duty which results in injury to the plaintiff and proximity between the act and the injuries that is the injury caused was a foreseeable consequence of the negligence. It can be seen from the facts that Corrigan was responsible for β†’

Critical thinking

Is the main point of the article the same as the conclusion as expressed in the last two sentences? The main the writer is trying to convey is that from the beginning of the days when videography, or motion picture, as it is said in the passage; was established, it has created a significant impact β†’

Fashion businesses

Apart from this, Paris is a hub of established brands in the world- a factor which is not allowing young designers and creative persons to actually become famous amid tough competition from top brands. Besides, it needs to encourage the new talent through financial support and international exposure at other leading fashion hubs of the β†’

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Because of the multiple evidences implicating BDNF to BD, several studies have looked into BDNF in a genetic level to better understand the disease. Many studies have found that a change from val66val to val66met is highly critical in the development of BD.

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is not necessarily a violation of the eighth amendment because of the abstract scope of the amendment on the cruel and unusual limitation of punishment. I however agree that life imprisonment without parole is a better alternative because it keeps criminals from the society and because death penalty proved ineffective.

Current trends in adaptive hardware/software for handicapped students:

It is in this direction that laws have been in place for such physically and mentally challenged students This essay is to briefly describe the various aspects of the needs of such handicapped students and the laws to assist them Identifying the particular needs of ESE students and the electronic tools available to address these β†’

End-stage renal disease facilities

This may be for many of the operations that are undertaken in the facility. This may lead to the expansion and growth of the facility.


These changes ranged from the use of new material used in building to the knowledge on the construction styles that was ready accessible at the end of Second World War. Finally, it is arguable that mid-century modern design was prosperous and affluent with a resurgence centering on the design of the environment.

Summarize dream act or arizonas sb 1070

Contextually, the Dream Act came into existence to safeguard the existence of the illegal immigrants in the nation. SUMMARY OF THE ACT In general, the Dream Act provides permanent residency and other amenities to the illegal immigrants of the US.

A letter to my friend

It was a blessing to get the chance to interact with awesome ladies like you. I hope the retreat will provide a much greater experience, and you will make new friends who will have a positive impact on your life.

Biblical narratives

Instead of reading the entire bible narrative in order to understand the major theme, purpose, flow and plot of the narrative, majority of us just read through to catch the drama, as well as the power of the story. Finally, it costs nothing to believe that the effectiveness impact of God's word in its narrative β†’


Carbon Nanotubes Discovered by Sumio Iijama in 1991, carbon nanotubes have been widely studied and researched for their significance and applications. The types of energy storage for which carbon nanotubes are used, their modeling aspects and storage features, have been taken into account.

Analysis of health worker motivation in africa by mathauer and imhoff

The article titled Health worker motivation in Africa: the role of non-financial incentives and human resource management tool suggests that the motivation level within workers of health care system needs to be enhanced. The result of the study was that health care professionals act in a professional manner because of their professional consciousness.

Analysis and response assignment of joan didion’s on going home

So, from her nuclear family life in Los Angles, Didion visits her extended family in Central Valley, California to celebrate the first birthday of her daughter and importantly to connect with her childhood life and recollect the nostalgic memories. I keep on having nostalgic memories about my past life and childhood in South Korea and β†’

The relationship between poor european americans, poor free whites,african americans and the native americans during the early colonial period

The Relationship between Poor European Americans, Poor Free Whites, African Americans and the Native Americans duringthe Early Colonial Period During the early colonial period, approximately one-half to two-thirds of European who migrated to the American colonies had arrived under indentures, meaning they had to work pay for passage to the New World. With regard to β†’

Rip van winkle

I believe Washington Irving's purpose for writing ' Rip Van Winkle' was teaching that idleness is the biggest hindrance in the path to modernization, and elaboration of political importance in America. He sleeps through the time for full twenty years in an attempt to escape the cost of his idleness and does not wake up β†’

Politics of war extra

Politics of War: War of 1812 The participants in the War of 1812 are the United s of America on one side and the British Empire on the other. The United States was composed of the different states signatories to the union, and the British Empire was allied with its Northern territories in Canada and β†’

Development as transformation of participation in cultural activities, from the cultural nature of human development, by barbara rogoff

Other Development as Transformation of Participation in Cultural Activities The chapter titled " Development as Transformation of Participation in Cultural Activities" in the book " The Cultural Nature of Human Development", by Barbara Rogoff primarily focuses on the relationship between individual development and the various psycho-cultural processes. According to the cultural historical theory, human development β†’

Electoral college

The Electoral College is an illustration of an indirect election, unlike the popular vote as the measure for electing the president. Furthermore, the Electoral College has survived and is still flourishing for over a period of 200 years in electing the president and other government officials.

In technical and ethical issue of financial accounting

Ethical Issues of Financial Accounting Ethical Issues of Financial Accounting Accountants have high technical knowledge relating to the general concepts and accounting principles. The transactions have an adverse effect on the financial information of the company because of lack of compatibility in the business accounting reports.

Write it right

According to POWA the four elements of the " writing context" are Content, Purpose, Writer, and Reader. When you revise a written message, what is the purpose of " tightening"?

Dual task experiment proposal

Firstly, the controls are advised to seat in the class room and a question paper is given to list out news items and the meaning of the each stanza in the song. Then the song is played for 3 minutes and at the end 5 minutes time is allocated to write the meaning of the β†’


Thus, the status of a leader as a sole decision maker is the strongest in the charismatic leadership style and the weakest in the servant leadership style. A transformational leader is in between the two.

Week 1 discussion questions

The advancing technology and the advent of computers have greatly influenced the changing paradigms of the business strategies. According to Marrow ' the changes required by the welfare of the business become everybodys business and get made'.

An analysis of aggression

There are three types of hostile aggression according to Berk: verbal aggression, physical aggression, and relational aggression. While all three varieties are rampant in schools and in other social settings, statistics shows evidence of dissimilarities when it comes to the number of people involved in each type of hostile aggression.

International relations

Within the section, three of the fund's articles for Agreement IMF undertake to dictate to the borrowers some of the conditions that have direct influence in the economies these countries. Additionally, the initiative will stipulate the IMF and encourage the borrowing countries to affect their policy changes in a way that may help the country β†’

Swine flu

Swine Flu Vaccination of Pregnant Women Arguments for Compulsory Swine Flu Vaccination in Pregnant Women Pregnant women belong to the high-risk groupfor developing complications from swine flu with the CDC reporting about 28 deaths and about 100 hospitalizations from swine flu In about 25 women who were given the swine flu vaccine in September, about β†’

Identifying and exploring security essentials

Among the factors that influence that decisions made by law enforcement officers regarding crime prevention include the nature of emergencies, the availability of community policing, the emergency response protocols and the activities of community management organizations. The integration of private security professionals in prevention strategies is beneficial.

Hiring and training key staff of community organizations

Pharmaceutical deals agents get one of the best beginning and continuous preparing projects found in any industry. Notwithstanding, to expand the estimation of the experience that you have procured amid your time in therapeutic deals there are a few profession ways to consider where you will have the capacity to utilize this experience Graduates with β†’

Antitrust and competition in health care markets

Recommendations: It is important to control the increased physician prices to maintain balance in the economical structure of the society which would result in the improvement of the structure of physicians' service market. Physicians should be compelled to practice and provide their services out of competition and it is highly important to monitor and control β†’

Transformation at the irs

According to this model, change can be successfully developed in organizations only if the following actions take place: a) the emergent character of change needs to be made clear to the members of the organization, b) a group of people who can cooperate effectively need to be formed, c) the vision on which change will β†’

Critical analysis

An interesting feature of the film is the story that utilizes surprise as a means of grabbing the viewer's attention. This is not in accordance to the expectations of a viewer, so the film surprises the viewer.

Death rituals

It implicates for empathy on their part that they understand the situation and are ready to be a part of the death rituals that the family is undertaking at the present. The death rituals did not change at all, and this strengthened my belief that the same steps and processes were going to be followed β†’

Your own contemporary utopia

This is a Gay Spiritual Community that seeks to guide and inspire gay identified individuals to life enlightenment as well as to provide humanitarian services to community members. Overall, Ashram West gay spiritual community inspires social change in regard to fostering acceptance of gay people in society.

Reflection paper

Reflection Paper: Being a Traveller, Not a Tourist Being a Traveller, Not a Tourist The essay is based on the article ed by Philip Caputo and William Least Heat-Moon The article details a conversation about their travelling experiences across America and elsewhere. In their discussion, they try to show how a traveller is better than β†’

Human resources management (hrm)

Globalization has the effect of making goods and services more efficient as countries are enabled to capitalize on its comparative advantage. In the case cited, the electronic manufacturing of the world's leading electronics and information technology companies has sourced out their products to Foxconn which is based in China because of its cheap labor which β†’

Arauco (a): forward integration or horizontal expansion

Therefore, through adopting the horizontal expansion strategy, the company will be in a good position to continue enjoying the advantages of the economies of scale of production that it enjoys right now, thus making it possible for the company to reduce its costs of production and thus earn higher profit margins. The company, through its β†’

American government branches

American government branches The American government system, based on the doctrine of separation of power, is organized into three branches, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The legislature, also directly elected by people from all parts of the nation, is representative of the American people and their diversity and represents electorate's interest in ' β†’


IN RELATIONSHIPS The article talks about interracial love relationships and marriages commonly known as miscegenation which were outlawed by majority of the states in the United States of America. The main purpose of including the box in the textbook is to give the reader a clear demonstration of the main subject being addressed by the β†’

The importance of understanding what constitutes plagiarism

Spender asserted " that what is dubbed plagiarism is just part of the way students learn". Keller furthered that it is this originality of thought which is at the root of plagiarism.

Case study example

The session has instructional strategies where the teacher takes a bean bag and demonstrates the movement with one of the students. The physical exercise of throwing and catching a bean bag improves the developmental needs of students involved in the 45-minute session.

Image of christ

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Francis of Assisi put more emphasis on Christ's incarnation while the earlier Church stressed on the divinity of Christ. In his other painting the infant Christ is lying in the lap of Virgin Mary and the look on her face suggests that she knows the fate of her child.

Analytical and critical questions

What are the important implications of the author's position? Are the arguments adequate to support the claims?