Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Chapter 9

On the other hand, motivational strategies are important to the employer in the sense that the work environment is friendly in that they can interact with their employees freely and also share ideas on how to improve the business. This motivates the employer to invest more resources in the business since he is confident in β†’

Who should maintain the parks and ballfields

The parties agreed on the following issues to be decided: " Is the maintenance of lawns and ballfields in the town parks bargaining unit work? It is clear from the case that the maintenance of the lawns and ballfields in the town parks is the bargaining unit's work.

Cleanliness is next to godliness

The solution to the problem will result in several advantages for the community. Another advantage is that the cleanup drive will also promote camaraderie among the members of the community.

Hedge fund- long/short equity strategy managers comparison

Comparison of Park Capital and Crawford Capital Partners' Hedge Fund Reports Qualitative Comparison The Park City Capital Hedge fund report provides a summarized background of the Company at the introductory section, basically pointing out the objectives of the Company. Quantitative Comparison Both the funds indicate the annually management fee; according to the report given by β†’

Prove why this merger would be beneficial for the company

Additionally, the individual company may fail to provide a variety of goods and services due to the costs involved. It will significantly reduce its costs of operations hence allowing the company to cut prices on goods and services, thereby attracting more customers.

Customer relationship – discussion

A good sales person to me is one that approaches me in a way that makes me feel that I am not being sold to, but I am buying. I listening, the person is actively engaged in the conversation, and has a purpose for engaging in addition, listening is a skill, as not all β†’

Absolutism in france

It had become the practice to anoint kings with holy oil when they were coronated and so the natural assumption from this symbolic act was that a king was actually a representative of God placed on earth to fulfill the duties of a protectorate of the people within the earthly domain. At the same time β†’

Dq – 480

The strong expression of a panic attack may necessitate the use of faster and stronger medication while a less strong exhibition may lead to the use of weaker medication or the lack of medication at all. As indicated by Sharp, Power and Swanson, it has been found to be a cheaper and more effective alternative β†’

Explain in detail what constitutes effective and appropriate parenting. address stages of childhood from infancy to young adulthood. reference erik erickson and jean piagets theories

Good parenting requires being consistently responsive to the child's needs, so that the child learns the world is a place where needs can be satisfactorily met. Supporting the child in homework, involving them in conversations, games and story-telling, and exposing them to math and science are important for good parenting.

Behaviorism and social learning

Through this, only the group of individuals responsible for the economy will have access to the knowledge, and as such, this would be in line with the principle that advocates for limiting information to result in the reinforcement of responses. The reliance of the society on a cognitive therapy guided platform would ensure that the β†’

The concept of privacy under the fourth amendment

In the court, Katz challenged the court when he claimed the FBI trespassed into his privacy, and this made the Supreme Court rule in his favour. Analysis The right to privacy is stipulated in the 4th amendment of United States Constitution.


A successful teaching process is one in which both the teacher and the student end up satisfied with the action. The whole objective of the teaching process is to ensure that the student becomes a helpful and responsible individual in the society.

Product evaluation

Dell is a good brand of choice because of its affordability at high level of functionality, customer support, availability of spare parts and long-term usage. The case of Dell is different because it tries to create its market share by ensuring affordability while maintaining high value for customer support and availability of spare parts, which β†’

Key drivers affecting health care organizations and the u.s. health care delivery system

There is a need to try and find the right policy plans in order to allow these healthcare organizations to improve on healthcare delivery in the United States. That being said, it is crucial to look at some of the drivers affecting healthcare organizations, and the implications that these drivers pose to the healthcare system.

Target corporation financial analysis and interpretation

To calculate the current ratio we divide the current assets by current liabilities. In 2005 and 2006 the current ratio is 1.

Redefining hijab

Droogsma explains the veil to be critical in displaying one's identity while highlighting their affiliation to the Muslim religion. Mitigation measures ought to be in place, to eliminate the discrimination of the Muslim women within American society.

Us government / public policy

of the of the Concerned 22 November US Government/Public Policy It is but obvious that the primary functionof the governments is to govern and good governance requires the contriving of apt and effective public policies. The framing of public policy by the government is sequential in its scope and the first step in this sequence β†’

Defining sports

Therefore, professionalism is required to keep the legacy in sports alive and help athletes get value of their time and sacrifice. Sociological approach Sports sociology defines sports from a social perspective in the sense that sports is directly linked to society norms and expectations.

Behaviour management statement

An educator has to grasp the needs of the students to be able to gain understanding of their behaviour. Personally, I consider the responsibility of the teacher to present varying forms of lessons and activities to reach out to the needs of every student.

A letter to my first-year roommate at babson

I am sure one of the things that concerns you most is what it will be like to live it with me as a roommate. One of the reasons that I will be easy to live with is that I am a fairly laid back person.


In the poem " Marriage", from the 1960 volume ' The Happy Birthday of Death', he has addressed a very strong desire for spiritual union and love. In the poem, the poet explores the courtship procedure and the forms of matrimonial state.

Tarp report…project scope

As such, the paper addresses the issue of lack of diversity in the group with reference to its functional and cultural skills. Thus, the project is limited to providing solutions and recommendations on how No Kurfew Entertainment group can achieve internal diversity in terms of functional skill and talent.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression in adolescents

The eight week MBCT program participated by a group of adolescents yielded six major themes that were true of the participants after partaking in the mindfulness based cognitive therapy. From the conclusion of the study, the adolescents appreciated the social and emotional value that had imparted on them through the study.

“noble action, sacred call, or desire” week 3 discussion

Indeed, from the early childhood this person knew nothing, but the best side of the world and when he saw the ugly reality, his heart told him that there should be something that was able to explain the inequality of life. That is why the actions in question would be a target of criticism in β†’

Pro/cons of international investing

Pros and Corns of International Investing Before buying a foreign company, the management has to heed its genuine concern to various advantages and disadvantages of international investing. Given below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of buying a foreign company.

Customizing bonus pay plns

The use of incentive programs can be designed to allow employees to benefit and receive incentives if the performance of the company goes up. One of the cons of the use of individual incentives is that it can create interpersonal conflict due to competition among the workers.

Speak like a chemist

The same smoke causes damage to crops in that the fine carbon particles finally rest or settle on the leaves of the plants within the locality and cover tiny pores on the leaves referred to as stomata. These tiny pores are very essential for the plants and help the plants to lose excessive water while β†’

Desert exile

The author gives an account of what took place in his life before the war started and the experiences of Japanese-Americans during the war. In addition, the author highlights the reactions of the Japanese-Americans to their situation during the war.

Yes, there is a war on advertising by morrison

The emerging intensified applications to block ads in mobile operating systems affirmed the conformity to consumers' preferences to ultimately experience an ad-free navigating experience. Given the creativity and imaginative talents of advertisers and marketers in contemporary global sphere, one would not be surprised to see a viable strategy to address efforts of ad blockers and β†’


A reader who is enjoying a book from a spiritual plane may not require marking a book as he automatically gets involved with the metaphysical components of the book. A brief estimation of the theologies It is unquestionable that Adler develops & procreates the unique phenomenon of book marking.

Swa 43

The issue for determination in the case is whether there was infringement of intellectual property right to warrant a remedy. There exist three classes of intellectual property rights: patent, copyright, and trademark, for which a property owner is protected.

Intercultural communication

The American culture is the dominant culture in the group. On the other hand, the member from the Asian culture is more inclined to the cohesiveness of the group by putting the group's needs before those of the individual.

Position of industrial engineer in the plant – resume/cv example

I also took an internship at Acme Company as an Assistant Industrial Engineer and the experience provided me with valuable insight into the real world of engineering where my knowledge was used in a real-world work setting. I have been a President of the club manifesting my leadership skills and ability to work with others.

Personalized medicine and its using for predicting disease

However in order to make the personalized medicine a reality, the ' doctor' should have sufficient information about the patient, generally in the form of his genome. Personalized Medicine: How the Human Genome Era Will Usher in a Health Care Revolution.

Case study example

This is a mode of advertisement and has led to an increase in overall revenue for not only Lonely Planet but other competitors in the market. All relevant information should be on the website only for a small amount of time.

Alien culture

For a moment I thought he wanted me to know how difficult it in the work environment so that I could have a change in heart and follow a different profession. Before I slept, I sent each and every one of them a text message requesting them to come early in the morning for I β†’

Describe a place or enviroment where you are perfectly content what do you do or experience ther and why is it meaningful to you

We often stay there, and though I love my house, my grandparents' house is my place of happiness and contentment. I am perfectly content in my grandparents' house because it is a place that encourages long conversations and symbolizes the role of family as a permanent source of support, guidance, and inspiration.

What repercussions do you think would happen to robert

In his mind, he had found a way to feel important in the society. This is a disappointment to him because he had embraced the movement wholly.

How to play soccer well

The necessity for passing and moving the ball in the running game is very important for a successful game tactic. The more the game is kept in the run, the higher the chances there are of scoring a goal.

Case study

Asia does not manufacture a microcontroller making the company purchase it from America causing much delay and in effect raising the cost of acquisition. 4 Bella India should take on project TKO and develop EKG because of the fast growing market despite the competition faced.

Vicarious liability -legal aspects in health care

Running Head: Vicarious Liability Legal Aspects in Health Care The essence of this paper is to explain the medical concept, vicarious liability; its definition and case, particularly one based on medical negligence in a hospital or health care organization. Even if the defendants were not directly employed by the hospital, it was the hospital's responsibility β†’

Learning and memory

This indicates that a vocal-processing preference is attached to the left hemisphere of the brain. This part of the brain is the auditory cortex.

Observation of the day in court

The case was criminal, with Robert White, as the accused and the nature case type identifies the state, represented by the prosecutor, as the other party to the case. The judge also demonstrated competence, by ascertaining that White was sure of the charge to which he pleaded guilty, and White affirmed this, respectfully.

Experimental design

It has been documented that the age of the child at the time of divorce [ Barber & Eccles, 1992; Forehand et al, 1991; Shybunko, 1989], gender effects, i.e, whether the child was raised by the parent of the same sex as the child or not, whether the child was involved in a custody litigation β†’

Business expansion: arbitration clauses for international contracts

Both firms may be required to correct the deficiencies inhibiting the effectiveness of the distribution agreement. New Jersey Inc.should ensure that the products delivered to Castilla the quality standards stipulated in the agreement.

Global teams case

James even takes the initiative to travel to the foreign countries to resolve customer related issues with the team base in those countries. Synergy will eliminate friction in correspondence between the customer and Sun Microsystems company sales team.

North korea

S media This article clearly depicts the fallacious nature of the western media for one it only portrays the Asians as the villains and also it shows the reporters on bias towards the Americans, holding it till the end of the article to show that the Americans also failed to meet their end of the β†’

Poetry when spring arrives by fernando pessoa

There is a point that Pessoa brings to the mind of the reader and it is in the harsh reality that life goes on, even after the death of someone that is perceived to be influential to life itself. The author also reminds readers that, death is inevitable as it is an end to life β†’

Catholic pro-life declaration of rights for unborn babies

Declaration of the Rights for Unborn Babies When, in the process of man's quest to progress, that he now seems to forget what is the most cherished and important in this existence, that without it his endeavors will all be naught, it is now become necessary to assert the importance of human life and let β†’

Give an example of such an ideology and explain why it is an ideology in the above sense. how does it distort our understanding of reality who benefits from this distortion

Firstly, the socialization of the person into intellectual beliefs and secondly, the person's structure of social and moral implication. Literary ideology is a supplementary basic evolution in the configuration of moral judgment and refers to beliefs norms, and principles that subsist separately on a single individual and that are common in a cluster as an β†’

Business intelligence (slp)

In such a situation, the key to success lies in the speed of response which is determined by the access to critical business information. Business Intelligence is a component of business decision making which involves the use of information to take decisions.

Whey protein by optimum

Whey has a predominantly high concentration of proteins and in particular, whey protein contains the vital proteins needed by the human body in a globular form that is easily absorbed by the body. Whey Protein by Optimum is thought by most medical experts and health enthusiasts as the gold standard in whey protein concentrate.

Ben and jerry’s homemade

Do you think that, in general, it is possible for a for-profit company to be committed to " improve the quality of life of a broad community" and still maximize shareholder value? In general, it is not possible for a for-profit company to be committed to improve the quality of life of a broad community β†’

The correlation between electromagnetic radiations and cancer

It is not about a particular smoker but rather a unique relationship exists between the property of smoking and of getting a lung disease. As a causal articulation, this shows that there is more relationship between the two properties.

Small businesses using social media for marketing

Using placards: This form of advertising is good for a small business since it provides a detailed summary about the business. Best Recommendation The best recommendation for marketing a small business is by using the social media.


According to Barett, the greatest danger is not the the technology but the way of implementation and failure of acknowledging geoengineering cannot determine the emission reduction by the government. Barett in 2007 said, " The challenge posed by geoengineering is not how to get countries to do it.

Internal analysis

The price increment had detrimental effects on the company's profitability and reputation as portrayed by the ratios in exhibit 3. The company's greatest weakness is the increase in marketing cost and the undue increase in product prices that increases its operating expenses without a corresponding increment in revenues and equity as explicated by the ratios β†’

Huntsman school of business

Lastly, the customer service seminar aimed to help the participants broaden their scope and enlarge the customer base through the delivery of world-class service. Specifically, the seminar aimed to equip participants with knowledge of successful incentives and loyalty programs and how to develop a profitable relationship with the customer.

Labor market and minimum wage

Your first and sur Your Due Labor Market and Minimum Wage Setting up of a minimum wage standard by any government has huge impact on the country's labor market accompanied by international repercussions due to the current trends in international migratory workforce and globalization. Thus more emphasis on quality labor rather than the quantity factor β†’

Current events

Current Events: " Fla serial killer executed for girls 1983 death" " Fla serial killer executed for girls 1983 death" The article published by the Associated Press on the 12th of April, 2012 entitled " Fla serial killer executed for girls 1983 death" and accessed online through the Fox News proffered the final outcome of β†’

Financial crisis in the year 2008

of the of the Roll: Three essays Essay Introduction The graph given in the figure shows the rise and fall of unionized workers from 1930 to the period of 2003. The reason that was cited by Keynes for such a behavior of the economy was that the level of employment and output in an economy β†’

Thematic data analysis, paramedics

Unsatisfactory education of mothers and lack of resources are the barriers to emergency maternal health care delivery. Poor hygiene and health education and lack of adequate health resources are the barriers to emergency maternal health care delivery.

Designing and conducting mixed methods

The researcher used mixed methods design in order to broaden the research questions and get more insights into caregiving services to rural parents. I would have chosen the mixed methods approach in order to provide strong proof for a deduction through corroboration of findings.

Interpeting financial statements

Coca-cola Pepsi: Coca Cola has a better profit margin of 22. Pepsi has a lower margin on its sales compared to Coca Cola, but this results in a higher dollar sales of Pepsi.

Humanities 100 class, book required:demian by hermann hesse

They did not encourage him to go beyond the limits of his private domain because they considered that the same is enough for a child to understand the world. In the beginning, I was forced to believe that human beings must try to follow the traditional belief system and related values.

Reflective jornal

Reflective Journal: Concept of Race Due: Reflective Journal: Concept of Race Race is considered to be a collection of people who have some similar biological characteristics. Personally, I agree with the notion of race being a division of a particular species that is different from the rest of the divisions by the constancy with which β†’

Current legal event

The subscribers alleged violation of the Sherman Act through the decision by the company to undertake clustering. In response, the Supreme Court rejected the plaintiffs' pledge on a five-four ruling that favored the corporation.

History of texas: forming community in san antonio

This led to the emergence of several expeditions on the Texas region by majority of the Spanish. As such, buildings and construction works started in the region courtesy of the missionaries, and this made San Antonio to grow to be one of the biggest Spanish settlements in Texas.

Similarities and differences between subcultures and countercultures

Similarities and differences between subcultures and countercultures A subculture is a grouping of individuals who share some qualities that are shared by the majority of society. Counterculture refers to a subculture that entirely ignores the norms and values of the society and creates its own.

Knowldge sharing case

When a company implements the strategy of KM into the business the company is attempting to improve the culture of the business. This is why it is difficult to implement the strategies of Knowledge Management within a company.

Interview with manager of not-fo-profit organization

The most interesting research results achieved that were associated with the Salvation Army and its organizational mission was the depth to which psychology is utilized as part of regular communications between mid-management team members and lower-level support groups. What is your position and role at the Salvation Army? 2.

Macy’s short-term debt and shareholder’s equity

It is also important to check on the financial health of Macy's Inc.due to the short-term debt. The financial health of Macy's evident through increase of short-term debt from the year 2011 to 2012.

The case for and against control on advertising aimed at children

FOR CHILDREN'S ADVERTISING Advertising is not the only influence on children's diets and their health. There are many spheres in the advertising world, and creative advertising for children is one of them.

See intructions

Intermodal Transportation in the US and EU Intermodal Transportation in the US and EU There have been both positive and negative implications of regulation and deregulation on intermodal transpiration in the United States and European Union. Regulations in the United States and EU use statutes to enhance a competitive setting in the intermodal transport through β†’

Edu 636 db 5

Running head: Gagne and Technology Gagne's Events of Instruction and Technology First and Abstract The introduction of technology to the classroom has brought about many changes to the learning environment. To demonstrate this, an in-depth look into the difference between the following will be investigated in accordance with how they tie into Gange's events of β†’

Educational differences as a result of governmental measures

Since education is one of the most significant pointers that a society can focus upon, the need is to understand that education will be imparted to all and sundry without any barriers, differences, disparities or distinctions. This is because education is a right of everyone and no one can deny the very same to anyone.

Foreign security analysis

Question 3B If the margin call is received, it means that the investor losses a 48% of his cash investments and he or she have to pay back the margin loan in addition to the interest. On the side of the brokerage firm, he or she will pay nothing since the investor has a negative β†’


Tourism This essay looks at the whole field of tourism in my hometown of Mombasa, Kenya, its benefits to the community, the various ways to promote it and its social, economic and environmental effect on the region.I. The basic goal of promoting tourism, in Mombasa, is to develop the local economy, improve the infrastructure, bring β†’

Writing response 7: introduction to the pre project

While earlier proponents had little idea of the central role it would participate in the music industry, success stories and the big names the show has created over the years speaks it all. With their TV coverage and the huge masses that the show always draws to its side is ever fascinating always up front β†’

Using mcewan, a., & tsey, k. (2009) as a starting point, explain the importance of spirituality in a social and emotional wellbeing framework as described in current literature

Religion and theology Purpose of spirituality to social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Emotional wellbeing is the ability of an individual to understand and give meaning to emotions and apply them positively in life. In spite of these setbacks, their spirituality is deeply rooted in their culture and the land β†’

Employee job satisfaction in the uae

Some of the important areas that the research has highlighted include the role of gender, job stress and the role of high-quality management in mitigating job dissatisfaction and preventing turnover. In this case, the journal has explained the effects of feeling and emotions in job satisfaction.

Summeriza article

He says that ' reverse expat' has become need of the hour because they are able to understand the market pulse of the emerging market and can easily identify with the demands of the people. The article is succinct in its philosophy that local managers can be trained under different functional areas in the organization's β†’

German versus american traits

On the other hand, Americans tend to relax and socialize during working hours and they prefer working in a relaxed environment. On the other hand, Americans tend to be polychronic and they work on multiple things at the same time.

Business ethics

She should have gone for a robust action against the company had she at least been sure that the practice of dumping the hospital waste in the landfill is potentially dangerous for the community. Had Deborah been in a position to make the decisions, she would have never allowed the dumping of waste in the β†’

Current trends in college teaching or challenges facing college students today

Article Critique This paper presents a critique of the article " A Question of Honor: Cheating on campusundermines the reputation of our universities and the value of their degrees, Now is the time for students themselves to stop it" by Chase William. In the first paragraph, this paper presents the summary of the whole article β†’

Nietzsches genealogy of morality

Name Tutor Course Date Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the highly influential thinkers of the past century especially in the field of understanding morality. In the book ' On the Genealogy of Morality', he writes about work and ethics, questioning and offering critiques on the value of our moral judgments β†’

A right to life but not to stay alive

The ruling by the judge to defend the right of life of Jodie is ethical even though it caused termination to the life of Mary. The decision of the judge had no violation of the law because even without conducting the surgery, Mary would still not survive.

Martin luther as a prominent figure in the world

Martin Luther was able to change people's opinion on matters of life through his speech. In addition, his speech opened up people's minds and their view on the Roman Catholic Church.

Education: a silent killer of the intellect

Education: A Silent Killer of the Intellect Education: A Silent Killer of the Intellect The excerpt from Howard Zinns " A Peoples History of the United States", focuses on the way education system has been utilized by the state for centuries to mobilize the common mass in its favor and maintain law and order. There β†’

Future career goals

I know I have to work really hard to outshine my competitors once it comes to job and therefore, I am working very hard. Therefore, I write and consider it a practice that is favorable to the realization of my dreams.

Literature review

The synthesis of both of these articles therefore would suggest that though the transsexual children are ignored by their families, schools and even the department of children, however, they have the capability to develop their own internal images of how to deal with the different difficult and easier situations. Menvielle also argues on the role β†’

Discussion- ch9

The employee, through the support of the management, engages in appropriate actions that are directing towards achieving the desired need. The motivation levels of the employees are very diverse, and unique to individual employees.

Democracy in china and india

The economic growth of China and it's being ahead of India has significantly been contributed by the level of economic growth of the capital cities, Mumbai and Shanghai. The comparison made between India and China is justified with facts and aspects of economic growth in the China and India.

Writers inventory letter

I have learnt to that every article or letter that I write has a targeted audience, and that different audiences have certain unique characteristics that I must always take into consideration before starting to write. I have also learnt to organize my writing such that the main ideas I write about are grouped in paragraphs.

A fresh take on cheerleading

This is further supported by the fact that today, there are already competitions that validate it as a sport. This is important because it will help to correct mistakes and develop cheerleading further as a sport in the future.

Case study example

Low cost broadband and phone service providers such as TalkTalk is a potent threat to BT's market position that in March of 2010, TalkTalk announced a 115 million profit before tax while BT suffered a loss for months. Being a first mover nor its size does not ensure its dominance in international market because there β†’