Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Analysis of leave your name at the border by m. munoz

One of the reasons the Mexicans prefer to adopt the English names when they get to America is to make it easy for people who cannot easily pronounce Spanish names. Munoz thinks that alteration of the way Spanish names are pronounced is not just meant to make them pronounceable but it is a way of β†’

Social change within developmental psychology

Social Change within Developmental Psychology Developmental psychology is the study of psychological emotions, perceptions and cognitive changes that occur in human beings. Official approaches to implementation of social changes often succeed because the people in power are overprotective of their interests.


Choice of the primary care Physician is one of the greatest issues in the current debate of the US health care reforms. Allowing the people to select their own doctors will increase the quality of health care since the Physicians will have more information on the disease history of the patient and medical attention needs.

Post war era, 1946-1954 – written assignment

The quickness in its rhythmic patterns classifies Choo Choo Ch' Boogie with the jump blues style since Louis Jordan made it popular during the latter part of the swing era. While Choo Choo Ch' Boogie would normally target to have frolicking listeners, Hoochie Coochie Man is equivalently expected to play in front of a somewhat β†’

Stetson-eshelman act

The historical event proceeding Frank Norris writing " The Octopus: A Story of California" The Stetson-Eshelman Act " The Octopus: A Story of California" presents to readers the American history at the time when California state was a new open land that was full of promise. The ability of the country to produce agricultural products β†’

The financial aspects of health care

Likewise, employers affect the cost of healthcare due to the fact that they seek to defray the overall cost that an individual employee must pay by paying a percentage of the salary that they would otherwise devote to the employee as a function of bringing down the cost of the premiums. The underlying reason for β†’

Entertainment at the beach

The beautiful environment is significant in providing fun and relaxation to the people at the beach. Entertainment on the beach of Zrce Novalja.

Deaf president now

The protest resulted in the resigning of the newly elected president who was replaced by a deaf president. Deaf President Now: The 1988 Revolution at Gallaudet University.

Bachelor of applied science -supervision and management program – how this program will enhance my career

The program will enhance my career by allowing me to express my skills I have learned raising my family, develop my leadership abilities, and give me the ability to confidently follow my dreams. My experience in the Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management program will allow me to refine the talents I have β†’

The number nine in vita nuova by dante

of the paper: The Number Nine in Vita Nuova by Dante of your school: of the The Number Nine in Vita Nuova by Dante The influence of Beatrice di Folco Portinari on Dante Alighieri's works is very visible. La Vita Nuova was written in the year 1295 and is a collection of courtly love poems β†’

Challange for cause and a peremptory challenge

Challenge for cause and a peremptory challenge Challenge for cause is the request made by the defendant or victim " that a prospective juror be dismissed because there is a specific and forceful reason to believe the person cannot be fair, unbiased or capable of serving as a juror". The major objective of peremptory challenge β†’

Business administration

In addition to the operation, the ethical ways in which the people with knowledge in business administration execute tasks draw me to pursue a Masters of Business Administration. A number of factors have motivated me to choose to pursue Master of Business Administration in the future.

Tesla analysis

One of the reasons is the focus on the market for high-performance pure electric vehicles ensured Tesla lacked direct competition from established rivals allowing Tesla to be far much ahead of electric vehicles in the electric vehicles market. There has been low allocation of research and development funds by established automobile companies to electric vehicles β†’

Brief justification for selecting cantonese cuisine

This cuisine is applicable in this region because of the abundance for the ingredients of the dishes. Second, the major focus of Cantonese cuisine is on the heating temperature applied in the course of cooking the dishes.

Examples of sadhu and sisyphus stories in business

The myth of Sisyphus is a story published in 1942 in which the author depicted the contrast of happiness and of the absurd. Each of the individual presented in the story was well aware that the Sadhu needed a level of care and attention.

External and internal environmental analysis of caribou coffee

External and Internal Environmental Analysis of Caribou Coffee Overview Caribou Coffee Company is an American branded coffee and espresso dealer established in the year 1992. Although Caribou Coffee followed the rules and regulations of American government in an efficient way, the introduction of disabilities act affected the functioning of the organization to a considerable extent.

Bppg part i, personal and professional ethics

As a leader, in the approach, I can ensure that my business and related activities are ethical in order to set an example to other people for emulation. I can similarly use organizational culture approach to improve ethics in my own business and to use the achieved level of ethical practice to advocate for ethical β†’

Postcolonial literature

Majority of post-colonial literature addresses the colonial interactions between the Europeans and those whose who were colonized, therefore, using the term postcolonial is not entirely accurate since most of the texts in the postcolonial literature refer to issues that occurred prior to independence. Lastly, postcolonial literature should be assessed in a detailed manner to identify β†’

Should the eu be involved in a battle against the piracy problem in somalia

The European Union Naval Force Somalia-Operation ATALANTA, launched by the European Council on the 8 of December 2008, aims to deter, prevent and repress acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast, and is a part of the global action conducted by the EU to deal with the Somali crisis. Under the operation β†’


In this respect, presenting the gospel must account for Islamic views and the Muslim beliefs. Basic Principles of the Islamic Worldview.

Discuss briefly the need for citation and referencing, and describe the main characteristics of the harvard system of referencing, the style favoured by this un

Discuss briefly the need for citation and referencing, and describe the main characteristics of the Harvard System of Referencing, the style favouredby this University Introduction A perusal of academic articles will show that citations and referencing is a common feature, and there are several kinds of citations and referencing used. In the Harvard System the β†’

Persuasive speech on drilling for oil in alaskas wildlife refuge

The planet is a single entity that is suffering the devastating consequences of the industrialization movement of humans during the last 100 years in which humans failed to adequately protect the earth's natural resources and innocent wildlife. The levels of pollution an oil operation would release in the ecosystem can cause great damage to the β†’

Gaining knowledge by communicating with people

I used to suppose that ' being real to oneself' simply meant going by the nature I am without needing to pay regard to the impact of society, thinking that the concept of self is understood just once in a lifetime. Until I had come to the point of discerning that ' sense of self' β†’

Baptism and confirmation

Through the sacrament of Confirmation, those baptized are perfectly tied to the church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the basis of the entire Christian life, an entrance in to the spiritual life and a door that prepares one for inception of the other sacraments.

Animal euthanasia

Since this action endangers the lives of the animals to suffering and painful death, it is better to apply euthanasia because the method is fast and painless. I agree with the main argument of the article that the animals are supposed to be protected from pain and suffering.

Business communications

In the email, I will briefly indicate the contents of the employment offer letter, such as the salary, the benefits, and the company policies. One day after sending the email, I will give Smith a call to confirm that he had understood the terms and conditions as well as what is required of him in β†’


In the era of the fast advancing technology and rapid globalization, population plays a vital role in the overall socio-economic growth of the nation. The population grows exponentially till the resources are available and the life cycle of the man follows a set pattern.

Demand media

Technologies like mobile apps have hit the market and have been a challenge to Demand Media. If this numbers continue to grow at the same rate, then it means that demand media will have a more promising future.

Emergent bilingual

In contrast to other groups of bilinguals, the deaf bilinguals use two different languages; that is a sign language and the oral language. A new curriculum and pedagogy that is equitable must adapt to the needs of emergent bilinguals.

African traditional religions

This festival is celebrated in the honour and recognition of the power of women. Yet, Gelede festival significantly portrays the influence and inevitable need of women in African society for the sake of progress and harmony.

Fourth grade ratio and proportion lesson plan based on ratios and proportions by bickman

The method makes it possible for students to participate in the learning process through the adoption of a learner-centered approach that involves the participation of the student in the process. The author also advocates for the need to develop a well-informed system that uses the experiences of the students to explore the fundamental questions and β†’

Contract law

Agreement is one of the elements of a valid contract and defines willingness and commitment by each of the privity parties to be bound by the contract. Acceptance exist when a party to whom the offer is made agree to be involved and to be bound by terms of offer.

Case study

The Person to Person or P2P business model was the most innovative and radical of the changes that eBay implemented on its platform. The changes to the completion were mainly from Amazon which entered the market for online auctions and the entry of other smaller players who cloned eBay's business model.

The four parts of the s.a.r.a. problem-solving process

Scanning is the realization of a cluster of related incidents by conducting the information's preliminary review as well as selecting the crime problem for examination in the future. Analysis is the use of different informational sources to find out the cause of a problem, the responsible parties for it, the entities that are affected, the β†’

Four major forms of ethnic violence

For instance, in a rage on a film allegedly made by a westerner Coptic Christian pertaining to the life of Muhammad in a film " Innocence of Muslim," people who represented the religion of Islam gathered and flocked to embassies of United States of America bearing placards that assaulted the sensibilities of diplomats and its β†’

Critical thinking assignment on jacob ind

A Jacob Ind is one of the youth the PBS website profiles as serving life without parole. There is enough evidence of the motive of the criminal offense, and it was plainly because of the torture from his parents.

Sherlock holmes

Sherlock Holmes was an independent investigator because of the fact that he was a consulting detective. In the story, The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Sherlock Holmes investigated the death of Julia Stoner independently.

Generate ideas fr future

Generate Ideas for Future Research of the Topic The topic, which ignites my passions or triggers my enthusiasm is the fact that in the recent decade, many changes were observed in leadership practices in the healthcare sector with a wider scope of future progression. Description of the Plan In order to conduct a research based β†’

Ethical and legal implications of medical errors

Hospital Acquired Infections are common, with hospitals and healthcare facilities being solely responsible for the underlying errors and/or practices that lead to their occurrence within the caregiving process. Medical errors affect different patients in different ways, and so are the legal processes that different patients will result to in times of medical errors like Hospital β†’

Response to play: for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf by ntozake shange

Ntozake acts as a voice of these women in order to show the world the relevance of human rights in terms of gender equality within the black population across the globe. Consequently, the focus on different stories by the seven women of color in the poem enables a diverse range of women to link to β†’

Using technology within the prescription and medication process

When the process was computerized and prescription for medicine and treatment was entered into computer, prior to the delivery of drugs, the complexities in retrieving the prescription of the precise patient turned to be a difficult process. The flexibility in approach is vital ingredient within the organizational changes that requires constant involvement of the management β†’


Autonomy and Workload in Relation to Temporary and Permanent Workers' Job Affiliation) According to Cuyper et al, the main purpose of the study was to research the importance/influence of the type of employment on the link between job involvement and workload and autonomy, by using Finland and Belgium as the sample groups to investigate β†’


In this case, each and every person should acknowledge that there is a large number of cultures and ways of life in the entire world. In this case, I think that with the wake of globalization, it is the high time that individuals and society embrace that the entire world belongs to a large number β†’

I just need the bibliography to be done

17 Dec.2007.13." THE ROOTS OF HIP HOP". 17 Dec.2007.

Cellular pathology: fine-needle aspiration cytology of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast

Review Cellular Pathology: Fine-needle aspiration cytology of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast In this study, the have made a novel attempt to study the cellular components of metaplastic carcinoma of breast by histological examination of the fine needle aspirates. As the study was dependent on fine needle aspirates, it could provide a misleading picture of β†’

Communication concept

The processes of communication require comprehension of the behaviors associated with the receiver and sender of the information. Mass and group media have an enormous role in communication especially in facilitating the achievement of the objectives of communication.

Tort law

In the case, the plaintiff sued the original owner of the machine for negligence that resulted in his injuries. The basis of this case was the fact that Shama LLC made new modification to the original equipment without informing him.

Cancer elimination and reduction

The other strategy is to prevent illnesses and disabilities and this is done through awareness which is carried out by the departments of health in the various states and other private agencies in their own small or large capacities. Finally, the screening test is done especially to the at-risk patients like family members and this β†’

The benifits of online shopping and why it shouldn’t be banned

Benefits of Online Shopping Online shopping has emerged as a new and very beneficial form of shopping over the last two decades. Major benefits offered by online shopping for buyers include convenience and economy; " Why pay money for gasoline and deal with the hassle of parking and crowds if purchases can be made in β†’

The pros and cons of hosting major sporting events on sunday

Such a revolution has brought about the pros and cons of hosting sporting events on Sunday. Through hosting sporting events on Sunday like the Super Bowl, the non-observant persons cram in for a spectacle.

How police officers might be held criminally liable for their misconduct

Criminal Liabilities of Police Officers [Pick the How police officers might be held criminally liable for theirmisconduct Have a look at the world right now, not only individuals but nations also trying to be rich and powerful. These people were erroneously convicted by torture by the Metropolitan Police.

Constitution – separation of powers and checks and balances

US Constitution Separation of Powers Check and Balances US Constitution Separation of Powers Check and Balances Introduction According to the Constitution of the US the government of the US comprises of three branches including: legislative, judicial as well as the executive branch. Body The legislative branch of the government of the US has the legitimate β†’

Sports coaching developments

Further, a coach's philosophy, which depends a lot on their personal values and culture, has a lot of bearing in the sense that coaches influence the quality of an athlete's experience with a sport and in this way can motivate or demoralize an athlete in pursuing their dreams. The Coaching Process: A practical guide to β†’

Homodyne receivers

The Construction The architecture of homodyne receiver comprises the basic RF circuits which ensure the work flow of the equipment namely Band Select Filter, Low-noise amplifier, active mixer, oscillator and a Channel Select Filter. The Principle of Operation The primary principle of operation of a direct conversion receiver, is the down-conversion of incoming RF signal β†’

Collection planning and strategies

The process is based on the analysis of available resources, examination of internal and the external environment where the competitors operate. The strategy-to task management serves in other settings and conforms to vision, objective, planning and performance assessment.

Sopa and pipa

In order to make the legislation more acceptable to the technology community, content industries should have designed the legislation in such a way that it does not raise concerns about its ability to censor lawful activity. The money that piracy provides technology companies is a lot and this will make it difficult for the technology β†’

Summary chapter 1 soci 1001

It also discusses on the concept of social inequality and argues that this book primarily looks at the power and its relationship with the social inequalities. This chapter also discusses about the consumption of images and how they are related with various social actions and interactions within the society we live in.

Hypothesis concerning holocaust presented by david cole

David Cole's approach to dealing with the holocaust is similar to many other revisionists. In most other cases, Cole is presenting refutations of evidence presented to support the holocaust theory.

Disliking books

22-23 Summarize/Retell Para The atmosphere that was provided for the students in the school could not allow them to like books because in case a person should an interest in books they were labeled sissies. However, the author focus is on disliking books in case the author added solutions to help the reader towards a β†’


When Principal Warren is summoned by the board to a meeting he is questioned about the discipline levels of the school. Despite the fact that paddling is against the school's policies he does this because he had done it a number of times before and the principal had always come to his support.

Curriculum planning: the human dimension

Curriculum Development of 9th February Curriculum development Human dimension Curriculum development is theplanned effort of a duly organized group that seeks to make intelligent decisions in order to effect changes in the curriculum. Curriculum participants play roles as administrators, students, teachers and lay people in the curriculum development process.

Humanities course project

Differences between Oedipus and Gilgamesh Oedipus and Gilgamesh kill monsters that threaten the human community; Oedipus uses his mind to save the people from the Sphinx, a creature with the body of a lion, wings of an eagle and head of a woman that used to kill men that did not answer her riddle. Their β†’


As a result, the Native Americans migrated to this region and adapted to various cultures depending on the climatic conditions of the region. The occupants of the Eastern woodlands adapted hunting and gathering of fruits in the forest.

World slavery

Describe the problem of slavery in the world. With most countries in the world joining the neo-liberal bandwagon, the power of money has established itself as the most potent instrument of perpetrating slavery.

Crime scene documentation

In any scenario if the evidence involved is classified as materially exculpatory it is not the defendants duty proving that the state acted in bad faith to the court destroying the evidence however, the defendant only needs to prove to the court, it was the sole duty of the state to preserve that particular evidence β†’

Research methods in starbucks’ case – dissertation example

Yes, observation method would be highly relevant to determine the reactions of the consumers to the new gourmet coffee with strong aroma, prior to its national launch that Starbucks is thinking of introducing. This research technique would enable Starbucks to anticipate the success or failure of its new gourmet coffee that it would like to β†’

Discussion fourm 6

Mobile hotlines will enable people to communicate directly with health care workers, in case of the emergence of an infectious disease. This is an efficient and easy method of identifying the source of a disease.

Law enforcement investigators (traditionalist vs. revisionist)

The revisionists, on the other hand, make what they believe are substantial revisions to the view of the traditionalists. It is not impossible to put the two schools of thought together.

Analytic review

The difference is Cleon acknowledges the desire and builds his erotic relationship with the demos on this, while Pericles does not, although he also acts in the same paradigm. In the last section of the chapter, Cleon's political style is analyzed in terms of his rhetorical eros and then compared with that of Plutarch's Pericles.

Most important system of critical national infrastructure

However, if security has been guaranteed and if the governments are several steps ahead of the criminals with regard to computer technology, the country's security would have been catered for from the perspective of information technology. On the other hand, with respect to food security, governments must also ensure that they have adequate food reserves β†’

Discuss an economics-, business- ,or finance-related book you have read all the way through and its influence on your thinking

I was able to understand that the financial assessment can help identify areas of wastage and thus plan for the money effectively in future. The most important idea that I was able to learn from this book is that I do not need a lot of money to begin saving.

Exam questions

One may use index options to hedge when there is need to protect the value of the portfolio of mixed stocks in case of a market decline. The hedging of foreign exchange risk refers to procedures carried out by a firm in order to mitigate the impact of adverse exchange rate fluctuations on the value β†’

New jersey health care

New Jersey Health Care New Jersey has a mandatory overtime law for a number of reasons. According to the State of New Jersey, Workers in a health institution are not allowed to work overtime so that they can protect and maintain their physical conditions in regard to fitness, competence, their overall welfare, and also β†’

Dd121 tma01

It is normal practice to structure the main body of the essay by preceding it with a good gentle introduction to acquaint the reader with what is to be expected, and followed by a solid conclusion that briefly summarises and articulately encapsulates the main thrust of the essay. The title should reflect the nature of β†’

Climate change patterns around the world

Public Health Changes in Developed and Developing Countries The effects of climate change on public health in developed and developing world differ because of the economic and social deference. The severe impacts of climate change in developing countries.

Survey for neighborhood housing service (nhs)

The purpose of the survey is to ascertain awareness of the Neighborhood Housing Services, to find out how access to affordable housing can be improved, to know which infrastructure and economic services need improvement, and so on. Although the majority of the surveys were completed at the Gun hill location, the survey covered the entire β†’

Chen sanmai

Accordingly, the writer has used various metaphors, symbols and his own imagination to probe into the inner life of people with the aim of finding their reaction to social customs and obligations. Hence, the pursuit of escape from social and cultural obligations gets expression in characters like Chen Sanmai.

David christopher

The timetable for the surgeons in this case be divided into two; the active hours in the surgery is computed to be from Monday to Thursday in which they work for 11 hours a day and since one hour is for lunch between 12 noon to 1 pm. This is the case of the complimentary β†’


Entrepreneurship Many entrepreneurs tend to develop a liking for the products that they wish to offer to the market, and hence they focus more on the product they are developing than the needs of their potential customers. The video top ten business model pitfall by Ash Maurya seeks to draw the entrepreneurs' focus from the β†’

The short story and poem: a comparison of literary forms

On the other hand, short stories and poems are different in their use of rhyme and rhythm. The use of alternating syllables provides for greater absorption when compared to a short story of any kind.

Perform a task analysis

Performing a Task Analysis Lecturer Performing a Task Analysis A task analysis breaks down the functions that a product or a system performs into a number of tasks or subtasks with the aim of describing how the product or system works. The objective of performing task analysis of a given product is to understand how β†’

Religion and morality

If religion is taken as a basis for morality, morality is strengthened because religious faiths are significant in offering morality direction and guidance of actions that are virtuous in a materialistic and corrupt world. In addition, morality is strengthened because it is via religion that the platform of determining what is good or bad is β†’

No title

After an item has been completed, it can be marked as complete to avoid repetition of the same task or to avoid mixing of the complete items with those that are still on the process. Shifts to operating cash increases this principle is based on the idea that under certain circumstances, it would be important β†’

Why should organizations retain employees with performance or discipline problems, rather than just fire them

As per the requirements of a well-established judicial system, it is imperative that the employers validate the usefulness of termination and provide the court with proof that the employer's decision of termination was not biased in any way. At times, there are orders for reinstatement or re-engagement included in the rights for the employee stated β†’

History of american literature

In late 1500s, Thomas Harriot wrote a significant piece of literature, ' A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia' that brought the American literature in the 16th century. In the year 1616, Captain John Smith wrote, ' A Description of New England', and he became the founder writer of the β†’

Social capital rate

Putman and Skocpol speak on a general decrease of social capital in American society: there are less actually working communities, and less permanent connections between members. Putman defies trust as one of the main features of social capital, and when trusting less to members of community a social capital inevitably decrease.

Global logistics

The Copper is then loaded at Winnipeg Manitoba port and Transported by sea to the port of Nanjing in China. From the airport the goods will get transported out of China by Air to CentrePort in Canada, a leading port for cargo in Canada.

Let3 (leadership)

Leadership: The Five Basis of Power Leadership: The Five Basis of Power A.' The five bases of power' was developed by the social psychologists French and Raven in a new classic study conducted in 1959. As per this theory, the five bases of power are positional power, reward power, personal power, expert power, and coercive β†’

Emerging technologies in business communication

The constant posting of new content about the brand regularly, when the target audience is most active on social media, helps in the attraction of new users. New users frequenting the brand site should be confident about the authenticity of the site in order to ensure that it runs on a genuine platform.

Discussion questions

Improvement in the quality of life Lecturer The quality of life has deteriorated globally. Our Government Recognizes that Education is crucial to improving the Quality of life.

Sociological analysis of movie higher learning

The scene which has been selected for this paper consists of two of these characters, Kristen and Malik. The movie and this particular scene also reflect these different agents of socialization which are color, creed and gender.

Finance memo

March 4, A comparison of Term Securities Lending Facility and Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility Term Securities Lending Facility and Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility are two of the monetary policy tools which are used by the Federal Reserve in order to maneuver the monetary policy with respect to grant of loans efficiently. The prime β†’

The man nobody knows: a discovery of the real jesus

" The Man Nobody Knows: a Discovery of the Real Jesus"." The Man Nobody Knows" is a historical tale portraying the biblicalworks of Jesus Christ as the " founder of modern business". In this article, the attributes of Jesus are clearly underlined to match those of a successful businessperson of the modern world.

3-d printing and its opportunities

The printing press revolutionized the world in the 15th century when it was designed by Gutenberg, but 3-D printing has the power to take printing to a whole new level. Although there are some downsides to the use of 3-D printing, I can see that it will also impact the world for good in the β†’

Music, performance & production

It lies in the very nature of music that it takes several people to compose a song and then present it in front of masses. It is the variation in the pitch of voices of different singers in a band that gives the song that rich spice.