Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Temporal cognition: a key ingredient of intelligent systems

Formally speaking, we define TC as follows: Definition: Temporal Cognition encompasses the set of brain functions that enable experiencing the flow of time and processing the temporal characteristics of real world phenomena, accomplishing the perception of synchrony and ordering of events, the formation of the experienced present, the perception of different temporal granularities, the conceptual →

A critical examination of subgroup analyses: the national acute spinal cord injury studies and beyond

The National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies of the 1980s and 1990s promoted the use of high-dose methylprednisolone in acute spinal cord injury but were widely criticized in subsequent years on aspects of methodology and statistical analysis. In 1988, the authors of the Second International Study of Infarct Survival made a point of examining →

Corrigendum: sol-gel synthesis of tio 2 with p-type response to hydrogen gas at elevated temperature

A correction has therefore been made to theFundingstatement:" This research was financially supported by the Funding of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province and National Natural Science Foundation of China. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Advances in translational biomedicine from systems approaches

The proposed Special Topic on " Comprehensive Systems Biomedicine" overviews the path of progression of the field along three main axes: Data: once the accessibility is guaranteed and the dimensionality is managed, these will require novel generation analytics to discriminate between signal and noise and thus reveal with accuracy the inherent verifiability, relevance, completeness, prediction →

Editorial: inhibiting parp as a strategic target in cancer

Beginning with the more mechanistic contributions, " The Elephant and the Blind Men: Making Sense of PARP Inhibitors in Homologous Recombination Deficient Tumor Cells" by De Lorenzo et al.provides an excellent review of the main models proposed to explain the synthetic lethality seen with PARP inhibition and deficiency in homologous recombination. They have contributed an →

Dreams as a source of supernatural agent concepts

For over a century anthropologists working in every part of the world have amply documented the importance of the dream as a primary source for religious ideas and practices of traditional peoples. All the world's religious traditions have pointed to dreams as spiritual events of extreme importance in the transformation of the self and with →

Editorial: the alzheimer’s disease challenge

The authors reviewed evidence from the literature on the influence of low quality sleep, including apneas or disordered breathing, on the circadian fluctuations of the concentrations of A in the interstitial brain fluid and in the CSF related to the glymphatic brain system, which could be associated with cognitive decline and AD pathology. Baig et →

Corrigendum: self-criticism: a measure of uncompassionate behaviors toward the self, based on the negative components of the self-compassion scale

In addition, theAcknowledgmentswere incomplete and did not include funding from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

The moral gatekeeper: soccer and technology, the case of video assistant referee (var)

The expectation from the referees in the game therefore is to whistle according to the events, without taking into account extraneous considerations, which can impair the accuracy of the decisions. The argument is that the use of technology takes a long time to decide and impedes the flow of the game.

Role of allied professional (slp) module 4

Duties and Responsibilities of a Pharmacist Duties and Responsibilities of a Pharmacist Pharmacists bear responsibility of exercising trust in their area of expertise without which a large number of people is under the risk of harm or loss of life. Pharmacists' judgment should and only be in the paramount interest of the patient and not →

Sleep and β-amyloid deposition in alzheimer disease: insights on mechanisms and possible innovative treatments

In this context, the role of sleep in relation with A is increasing in importance: sleep disturbances are present since the occurrence of A accumulation, denoting a strict bidirectional relationship between sleep and A. The glymphatic system is a perivascular network diffused in the brain that has the role of achieving the exchange in interstitial →

Commentary: on the interpretation of the normalization constant in the scaling equation

3390/systems2040425 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Glazier, D.S." Clutch mass, offspring mass, and clutch size: body-mass scaling and taxonomic and environmental variation" in The Natural History of the Crustacea, Volume 5: Life Histories, eds G.A. The intraspecific scaling of metabolic rate with body mass in fishes depends on lifestyle and temperature.Ecol.Lett.

Editorial: impact of cancer plasticity on drug resistance and treatment in solid tumors

Editorial on the Research Topic Impact of Cancer Plasticity on Drug Resistance and Treatment in Solid Tumors The Research Topic " Impact of Cancer Plasticity on Drug Resistance and Treatment in Solid Tumors" consists of 32 articles contributed by more than 270 authors in the field of oncology, pharmacology, and translational research. The current state →

Editorial: macrophage metabolism and immune responses

Two of the articles in the topic are specifically dedicated to the role of macrophage metabolism during infection. The review also summarizes the available knowledge regarding the role of macrophage metabolic regulation for metabolic diseases and, in particular, obesity, also addressing the importance of niche determinants for this metabolic tuning and for the overall function →

Children with asthma who take budesonide and who take nedocromil

Importantly, it is necessary to discuss the relevant terms used in this study. Key words that have been used in this study include; sodium cromoglicate and budesonide.

Training to improve language outcomes in cochlear implant recipients

Instead, our aim is to orient the reader to these deficits relative to auditory and cognitive performance in NH children to support the claim that language deficits result because language depends on auditory and cognitive skills and to suggest that auditory and cognitive training could improve language performance. However, because the age of hearing onset →

Alzheimer’s patient feedback to complement research using model systems for cognitive aging and dementia

013 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Murakami, S.C.elegans as a model system to study aging of learning and memory.Mol. 1007/BF02700625 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Murakami, S." Age-dependent modulation of learning and memory in C.elegans, Ch.

Editorial: brain-mind-body practice and health

Editorial on the Research Topic Brain-Mind-Body Practice and Health Currently, increasing number of human studies emerged to demonstrate the association between " brain-mind-body practice and health", which is of great implication for understanding basic scientific issue " mind and body" and providing efficient strategy for clinical practice and health promotion. The intervention pattern consisted of →

Development of holistic vs. featural processing in face recognition

The authors suggested that the emergence of the inversion effect at the age of 10 might reflect the development of the ability to represent upright faces using configural information. Face recognition in 4- to 7-year-olds: processing of configural, featural and paraphernalia information.J.Exp.

Methamphetamine effects on blood-brain barrier structure and function

In this review, the focus will be on the effects of Meth and comorbid factors on blood-brain barrier structure and function and how the mechanisms of Meth-induced monoaminergic damage can also contribute to BBB damage. In addition, potential consequences of Meth-induced BBB disruption and the importance of further research regarding Meth-induced BBB disruption will be →

Deception as a derived function of language

Further, despite the existence of a large body of relevant theoretical and empirical research in favor of the social bonding hypothesis as a direct function, there is nonetheless still considerable debate over the issue as to how and why language originated exclusively in the human species. According to this perspective, animal communication is defined solely →

The value the ich guidelines bring to the field of clinical research

ICH Guidelines have helped in creating the benchmark for quality, safety, efficiency, and the involvement of other fields of study in the research. In conclusion, ICH guidelines are valuable to the field of clinical research.


THE CURANDERO/A From your perspective, would the Curandero's practice interfere with or compliment Western medicine practices? The Curandero's practice is likely to interfere with the western medicine practices.

What makes deeply encoded items memorable? insights into the levels of processing framework from neuroimaging and neuromodulation

Studies that investigated the effects of pharmacological interventions on LOP vary with respect to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug, the dose, and time of administration with respect to the memory phase, and the memory test used to probe memory. Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory.

Does cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder qualify as a diagnostic intermediate phenotype?—a perspective paper

Cognitive impairment is also prevalent in schizophrenia and unipolar disorder, and there is no specific neuropsychological signature that can facilitate the diagnostic differentiation between bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and unipolar disorder, notwithstanding, neuropsychological deficits appear more severe in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: a systematic review of meta-analyses.

Black swan pandemic and the risk of pilot suicide

The medical risks to pilots, whether to their physical or mental health, are clearly theoretically raised during the COVID-19 pandemic for the reasons outlined in this paper, and access to medical and psychological support should be improved in order to address pilot stress, distress and the potential for increased pilot suicides as a direct →

Personality science: exploring boldly, integrating creatively

Considered as a collective intellectual venture, the research agendas advanced by personality scientists have three overarching concerns: exploring the nature of human nature, the sources of variability in thought, feeling and action, and the roots of human individuality. Organizations such as the Association for Research in Personality and the European Association of Personality Psychology have →

Awareness shaping or shaped by prediction and postdiction: editorial

To this end, we collected the latest research focusing on the role of the temporal aspects of neural processing, such as prediction and postdiction, in shaping conscious experience. The experience of agency: an interplay between prediction and postdiction.

Indian pharmaceutical companies essay sample

INTRODUCTION An important aspect of the policy reforms in the Indian economy since 1991 has been the change in the perception on the respective roles of the public and private sector industries. In the pre-liberalisation phase, public sector industry in the pharmaceutical sector was assigned the leadership role and the private sector was required to →

Herbal remedies

Herbal medicine Lecturer The use of herbal medicine among African Americans and Italian Americans has become increasingly popular in the United States. There are racial differences in the use of herbal among the African Americans and Italian Americans.

The confluence of radiotherapy and immunotherapy

Regardless of the overall contribution of adaptive immunity to RT, at the very least the immune system is poised to be a powerful ally with a demonstrated capacity to augment the anti-tumor effects of RT. Local radiation has been shown to facilitate the recruitment of activated T cells to the tumor and induce changes in →

Editorial: cancer diagnostic and therapeutic target identification and verification based on the regulatory functions of micrornas

In this research topic, a review presented the current knowledge about the mechanism of miRNAs release into bloodstream, the cell-free miRNAs as the circulating NSCLC biomarkers, and their limitations. As AKT is the downstream molecule in the signaling pathways, and the expression level of its phosphorylated form was the lowest in the dual inhibitors group →

Antibiotic development challenges: the various mechanisms of action of antimicrobial peptides and of bacterial resistance

In this sense, the sensitivity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is directly related to the different physicochemical properties of the lipids found on both cell membranes. The interaction and action of AMPs with their target cells depends largely on the cell surface as well as on the amino acid composition of these peptides.

Human–animal interaction and older adults: an overview

One particular area for continued growth is the role of HAI in healthy aging, given the potential for HAI as a key component of understanding health and well-being in older adults. In addition to evidence of the therapeutic effects of AAA/T, some findings have indicated a link between pet ownership and reduced depression for older →

A new development in front group strategy: the social aspects public relations organization (sapro)

In summary, four main issues underscore public health fears about the adoption of a market approach to alcohol CSR: that the alcohol industry's facilitated CSR attempts fall short of the WHO's call for CSR that has been proven to be effective; that CSR attempts could have negative effects; that a common-sense conflict of interest exists →

A case of medical ethics: henrietta lacks’ cells sampled without consent led to medical discoveries

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks details the life of unwitting tissue donor Henrietta Lacks and the ongoing influence of her cancer cell line HeLa. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks makes cell biology accessible to a wider audience through an engrossing and emotional narrative.

Human endocrime system

The endocrine system is composed of many glands which produce hormones and communicate with the rest of the body. The pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain is stimulated by chemical messages from the nerves of the eyes and helps regulate sleep cycles though the production of the hormone melatonin.

Love advices and investigations suggested to a 40 years old man who is preparing for a full marathon game in 6 month time

Each and every one of those people run for different reasons; some run to win the medals and the prestige that comes with it, others run to keep fit, others for fun and others run for a course. The key to performing well in a marathon is to plan.

What would be the risk to society if doctors were to participate in physician-assisted suicide

If the doctors were participating within physician-assisted suicide, then morality would cease to exist and the field of medical science would be deemed as somewhat of an inhuman one. The risk to society would be in the form of injustice meted out on to the people because these doctors are taken as the messiahs who →

Individual predictors of sensorimotor adaptability

An interesting parallel is seen with individuals adapting movement control to the microgravity environment of space; there are large inter-individual differences in both the degree of sensorimotor disruption occurring upon initial exposure and in the recovery rate of sensorimotor control upon return to Earth. In other studies, the investigators found that when crewmembers on the →

Editorial: the trigeminocardiac reflex: beyond the diving reflex

Editorial on the Research Topic The Trigeminocardiac Reflex: Beyond the Diving Reflex The trigeminocardiac reflex is a well-described and also well-known brainstem reflex that is extensively researched and reported in clinical neurosciences during the last nearly 20 years. 74 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Filis, A, Schaller, B, and Buchfelder, M.

The new frontier of host-directed therapies for mycobacterium avium complex

As a whole, the role of mTOR and autophagy in MAC infection remains largely unexplored, and further research is required to evaluate its suitability as an HDT target. The potential of anti-PD-1/PDL-1 therapy to improve the immune response to MAC remains to be investigated, both in vitro and in vivo.

Infrastructure interdependency failures from extreme weather events as a complex process

Though there are many interacting parts including sedimentation rate, concentrations of chemicals and organics in the water, and the communities of microbes treating the water, the interactions are well-characterized and the outcomes, the pathogens removed, is predictable. In an effort to manage the complexity of interdependent infrastructure systems, the predominant approach has been to employ →

Meaning-making through creativity during covid-19

Therefore, the two chief aims of the present work are to connect different levels of creative behaviors with our attempts to make meaning of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and to suggest how engaging in creativity can be used to shield against the negative consequences of this outbreak. The significance of the creative economy and of →

The position of medical assistant

Contact; I am writing to you pertaining to the job opening posted at healthcareerweb.com for the position of a medical assistant. Therefore, being a medical assistant can turn out to be a lucrative career for those involved in it in the future.

Motor skill depends on knowledge of facts

It is quite natural to read much of the literature on the cognitive psychology and neuroscience of skill as mirroring much of the philosophical literature's repudiation of the view that skilled motor behavior is the application of knowledge. In such cases, it is clear that part of having the skill is having the knowledge of →

Cpr child

If a child is unconscious, first check for imminent danger to you, to the bystanders and to the child. A stands for airway: Look into the airways and if there is something, roll the child over to one side and then clear up the airway by putting the finger into the child's mouth and pulling →

Possible causes of vertigo and lightheadedness

Both vertigo and lightheadedness are mainly characterized by the feeling of passing out or fainting and this is often manifested by the loss of balance resulting in spinning, whirling and in extreme cases falling. In some case, damaging the inner part of the ear that controls body balance may result in cases of lightheadedness that →

New array approaches to explore single cells genomes

With the advent of array CGH, the resolution for single cell analysis was further increased revealing, in addition to the whole chromosomal imbalances, segmental rearrangements in a large number of embryos. The resolution of the array depends on the size of the probes and the distance between the probes in the genome.

Corrigendum: assessing metabolism and injury in acute human traumatic brain injury with magnetic resonance spectroscopy: current and future applications

We neglected to include the Medical Research Council in our list of funders in the Acknowledgements section. We neglected to include the Medical Research Council in our list of funders in the Acknowledgements section.

Emotional trajectory at different career stages: two excellent teachers’ stories

Naring et al.claimed that " the work of teachers is being evaluated in more and more detail and this has also led to an increase in the emotional demands of teaching". Hence, it is an urgent agenda to provide support to the teachers' emotional side in order to make their teaching career more manageable and →

A review of the role of soluble fiber in health with specific reference to wheat dextrin

The health benefits of soluble fiber EFFECT ON LAXATION AND REGULARITY The formation of SCFAs helps to improve laxation and regularity by increasing fecal bulk and weight and increasing the waterholding capacity of feces. 0, 46 The increase in fecal bulk and weight results from the presence of fiber, the water that the fiber holds →

Corrigendum: determinants of vaccination coverage and consequences for rabies control in bali, indonesia

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Editorial: reassessing twenty years of vaccine development against tuberculosis

Editorial on the Research Topic Reassessing Twenty Years of Vaccine Development against Tuberculosis Tuberculosis remains the most threatening bacterial infection worldwide with 10. The role of polyfunctional CD4+ T cells in immune protection against M.tuberculosis is summarized by Lewinsohn et al.

A brief history of pacemaking

The discovery of I f and the reinterpretation of I K2 showed that the mechanism generating pacemaker activity was the same in different myocytes and represented a unifying theory of pacemaking. The I f discovery in 1979 and the reinterpretation of I K2 in 1981 paved the way for a large number of worldwide studies →

Stigmatizing media portrayal of obesity during the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic

Media reports about COVID-19 and obesity have increased alongside the timeline of the pandemic and increasing number of deaths and ICU admissions reported for people with obesity throughout which, a steady undertone of stigma toward people living with obesity has been evident. Indeed, media portrayal of obesity has long been identified as one of the →

A history of undergraduate education for public health: from behind the scenes to center stage

The rapid growth of majors and minors in public health was occurring in 2011 as schools and programs of public health prepared to examine the future of education for public health in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Welch Rose report in 2015. Back to the pump handle: public health and the future of →

Rebounds are structural effects of infrastructures and markets

The political idea of conserving energy was central in the 1970s but has been progressively erased in favor of the idea of " energy efficiency," more and more present from the 1990s and much in line with neoliberal policies based on innovation. The IPPC recommends a series of energy efficiency measures to combat climate →

Editorial: fractional calculus and its applications in physics

The authors proved that the dynamics of the individual is obtained by using the theory of subordination to be a tempered fractional differential equation. The authors reported the exact solution of fractional differential equation in the form of Mittag Leffler function and computed the numerical results.

My days jenny craig essay sample

The Jenny Craig Program claims weight loss success due to the various short-term success stories. For the most part the same cannot be said from majority about the long-term loss of a Jenny Craig dieter.

Editorial: origins and domestication of the grape

1093/jhered/esn084 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Grassi, F, Labra, M, Scienza, A, Imazio, S. 1007/s00294-019-01004-7 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Zhou, Y, Muyle, A, Gaut, B.S." Evolutionary genomics and the domestication of grapes," in The grape genome.Eds.

Mechanical force in t cell receptor signal initiation

The authors suggested that TCRs work as anisotropic mechanosensors and postulated that while a T cell is crawling on the surface of an APC, a pMHC bound to a specific TCR may bend the TCR and push it against the membrane distal lobes of CD3. The kinetics of two-dimensional TCR and pMHC interactions determine T-cell →

Chemical pesticides and human health: the urgent need for a new concept in agriculture

The type of pesticide, the duration and route of exposure, and the individual health status are determining factors in the possible health outcome. Taking into consideration the health and environmental effects of chemical pesticides, it is clear that the need for a new concept in agriculture is urgent.

Dealing with rejection: an application of the exit–voice framework to genome-edited food

Regardless of underlying differences in the process involved, and in contrast to the approach set forth by the relevant authorities in the United States, use of any mutagenic 1 technique to alter genetic material " in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination" is now likely to require the same →

Psychology and health problems

The multifunctional model can be used in aiding diagnosis as the factors correlate to illness and health. The multifunctional model is used to analyze the correlation of the interaction of different factors to aid in diagnosis.

Toward a molecular understanding of adaptive immunity: a chronology, part iii

Further progress in this area had to await the identification of surface immunoglobulin as the molecular basis of the B cell antigen receptor, and the elucidation of the molecular nature of the TCR, which required another decade. Noteworthy, the presence of the transgenes inhibited the expression of the endogenous and TCR genes, with the result →

Digital scholarship: identity, interdisciplinarity, and openness

For example, the Digital Scholarship project conducted by a team at the Open University from 2009 to 2013 was developed in order to understand the changes in communication and publication practices of academics in higher education due to the impact of the information age [see, e.g, Castells ]. The purpose was to engage academics in →

An asset to st. christopher iba mar diop: school of medicine

When I entered the University of Houston, I have gained so many experiences such as helping people through campus-sponsored events and through the Fraternity I have joined with. Christopher Iba Mar Diop School of Medicine through the experiences I have gained at the University of Houston.

The “instinct” of imagination. a neuro-ethological approach to the evolution of the reflective mind and its application to psychotherapy

In the attempt to answer to this question, an increasing body of human studies has shown that the DMN are crucial for self-specific processing, that is the elaboration of stimuli and activities related to the self 2. The product of this reflective instinct is a pouring out of images that, like jets of clear water →

Editorial: new insights and updates on the molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of mrsa in humans in the whole-genome sequencing era

The research topic consists of seven original research articles and two descriptive reviews which focus on up-to-date perspectives in the areas of molecular epidemiology and spread of MRSA and highlights how WGS has revolutionized the epidemiological and phylogenetic investigation of specific MRSA clones in different parts of the world. Two of the studies highlight the →

Editorial: pain management in clinical and health psychology

Psychological approaches in managing pain have evolved considerably and now understanding and managing the cognitions, emotions, and behaviors that accompany the situation of discomfort can actually reduce the pain intensity and the interference of pain with daily life. Further research is needed in the clinical health psychology and pain management area, also studying the role →

The many faces of obesity and its influence on breast cancer risk

The complex interplay of diet and physical activity, together with the role of adipose tissue, pose challenges to our understanding of the mechanisms by which obesity confers increased breast cancer risk. The focus of this review is on the relationship between obesity and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.

Book review: games and society in europa

A short preface, written in three languages introduces the reader into the subject of traditional sports and games the movement of their rediscovering, re-appreciation and promotion, starting from the 1980s and presenting its constant development until the special project, entitled " Juega con tu corazon, comparte tu cultura", successfully carried out by the above-mentioned European →

Challenges for quality assurance of target volume delineation in clinical trials

The delivery of radiotherapy treatment has long been subject to careful measurement and evaluation of the causes and magnitude of systematic and random errors. The Vinod et al.review reported that the number of imaging datasets in the studies on TVD variability varied from 1 to 132 with a median of 9, while the number of →

Corrigendum: interference with coagulation cascade as a novel approach to counteract cisplatin-induced acute tubular necrosis; an experimental study in rats

In affiliation 1, instead of " Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nahda University, Beni Suef, Egypt," it should be " Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nahda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt". In affiliation 2, instead of " Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt," →


The main subject of the study consists of patients with COPD, how they manage the condition, the challenges they encounter and the importance of having the support of family members. The aim of this study is to understand the experiences of individuals with less severe COPD and the challenges they face while undergoing self-care.

Data, information, and organizational knowledge

Figure: Different Factors of the Contingency Theory In relation to the above mentioned theory it has been viewed that technology is considered to be a vital factor that heps in the achievement of the desired organization goal. In both the healthcare organizations, it can be viewed that one of the major factors to have contributed →

Commentary: the development of gonadotropins for clinical use in the treatment of infertility

With their recent article, entitled " The Development of Gonadotropins for Clinical Use in the Treatment of Infertility," Lunenfeld et al.provide an overview of the major milestones in the development of gonadotropin products. These citations were used to support the premise that non-inferiority was not demonstrated for women aged 37, and that the dose in →

Corrigendum: antibiotic resistance in salmonella typhimurium isolates recovered from the food chain through national antimicrobial resistance monitoring system between 1996 and 2016

00985 In the original article, the Acknowledgments section was not included. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

The ugly side of sports: how do you deal with injuries?

However, our bodies do not give a damn about our wishes, so injuries happen all the time, especially in the professional sports, when athletes push their bodies to the limits without too much consideration about their health in the future. Now he knows it was stupid, but at the time he was young and could →

Nutritional claims of omega-3

Supplement: Omega-3 Link: http www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/omega-3-fish-oil-supplements-for-high-blood-pressure Nutritional Claims of Omega-3 1. The study is controlled in that the conclusions are drawn from the comparison of the health of people using Omega-3 and those not using it as a dietary supplement.10.

The effects of 17β-estradiol in cancer are mediated by estrogen receptor signaling at the plasma membrane

Each domain has autonomous functions: the N-terminal portion plays a role in protein protein interactions and in the activation of gene transcription; the DNA binding domain, also known as the C domain, directs receptor dimerization and binding to DNA in the gene promoters containing the ERE; the D domain, which works as an hinge and →

Nonhuman gamblers: lessons from rodents, primates, and robots

Some pathological features of gambling are similar to those of drug addiction, such as the need to gamble increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement or " rush", the irritability that accompanies the abstention from the activity, the failure of attempts to control or stop the behavior. In view of the →

Primary care: mental and behavioral health and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Individuals with IDD are uniquely positioned to benefit from the coordination of care that emanates from integrated medical and mental and behavioral healthcare, as well as other specialty care disciplines, long-term services and supports, and other health, health promotion and wellness support systems and providers. Barriers to integrating care include reimbursement systems that preclude payment →

Hallucinations as a trauma-based memory: implications for psychological interventions

The paucity of studies in this area may, in part, be due to the methodological difficulties involved when assessing a direct link between the content of a current intrusive sensation and the content of a past traumatic event. The provision of a rapid response to danger has the consequence of a vulnerability to experiencing intrusive →

Persistent and recurrent bacterial bronchitis—a paradigm shift in our understanding of chronic respiratory disease

In parallel, our concepts of the behavior of bacteria in a biological niche, such as the conducting airways, have changed fundamentally with the belated recognition that the lungs are not a uniquely sterile environment and a recognition of the importance of bacterial biofilms in persistence of bacterial communities. He observed that " the chronic catarrh →

Editorial: gastrointestinal hormones

In the current Research Topic, we picture our current understanding of the enteroendocrine cell system, with new layers of complexity, covering not only the physiology and pathophysiology of the most well-characterized gut peptides Glucagon-like peptide-1 and the Gastric insulinotropic peptide, but also many other mediators of central metabolism. This powerful gut axis is another tool →

Editorial: immuno-epigenetic markers for infectious diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Immuno-Epigenetic Markers for Infectious Diseases The ability of microorganisms to infect and cause disease in higher organisms depends on: the nature of the infecting organism, the route of infection, virulence factors, which enable long-term survival within the organism, and the immune defense mechanisms of the host. While classic immunogenetic biomarkers →

Slp assignment- trends in health information systems and applications

As far as the evolution of the system is concerned, it can be said that the system has been taken through a very rapid transition where it has evolved from a static table top system to what it now is, a hand held system that can be carried about everywhere within the facility. Today, there →