Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Innovations in policing

The realization of effectiveness depends on the response and willingness of the force to approach old issues with new methods. According to Antony and David, the enhancement of technology set the police organizations in a strong position to fight against crimes committed in the society.

Essay on organ donation

In " A Moral Solution to the Organ Shortage" written by Alexander Tabarrok in 2001, the author argues that the " no-give-no-take" rule is the best solution, proposing that only people who agreed to be organ donors can have organ transplants in return. Currently, over 116, 000 patients in the United States are in need →

The careless society—dependency and care work in capitalist societies

In the following, I develop the Marxist-feminist concept of " value abjection" to illustrate and analyze the " abjection" of care as a necessary condition of capitalism. In the following I shift the focus from the productivity of housework as the central concern of the domestic labor debate and instead assume a value theory perspective, →

Are certain foods addictive?

Preferably, future studies that investigate the food addiction model should include individuals who actually receive a food addiction diagnosis and a control group of individuals who do not receive a food addiction diagnosis. Food addiction: is there a baby in the bathwater?

Corrigendum: cognitive investments in academic success: the role of need for cognition at university

00790 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder German Research Foundation/DFG and the Chemnitz University of Technology, who accepted to fund our publication. Therefore, the following statement should be added to our article:" The publication costs of this article were funded by the German Research Foundation/DFG and the Chemnitz University of Technology →

Editorial: murine models of leukemia and lymphoma

It is therefore impossible to fully understand such a dynamic relationship between tumor cells and their surrounding microenvironment, and the events to transformation in leukemias and lymphomas without an in vivo, or murine model. All of this knowledge is useful in determining the etiology of the tumor cells, the plasticity of them, their relationship with →

Day one:

I felt that the strategy that I used was fairly effective in that it took my mind off the situation and let me enjoy the rest of my night. I feel that some of the methods that I use to cope with my stress are healthy.

Hp5s: social program evaluation of big brother/big sister

Potential Ethical issues of Concern to Big Brothers Big Sisters and their Impacts on My Evaluation Process Potential Ethical issues of Concern to Big Brothers Big Sisters and their Impacts on my Evaluation Process Introduction Rhodes, Spencer and Liang define ethics as the norms or values that relate to human conduct, which enables an individual →

Time for new thinking about sensitive periods

The broad concept that the timing of individual experience interacts with brain development and might even guide it is illustrated by articles examining both lower and higher-level brain functions, such as the effect of age of start of music training on brain stem responses to speech sounds; the effect of age of language acquisition on →

Blowing on embers: commensal microbiota and our immune system

Shortly after birth, the mammalian mucosal tissues are exposed to the environment and colonized by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, resulting in the formation of complex populations of microbes, collectively called the commensal microbiota. Group 1 ILCs, such as NK cells, are characterized by the expression of the transcription factors T-bet and/or Eomesodermin and the →

Corrigendum: expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo

A corrigendum on Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo by Olley, R, Xavier, G. 00445 The author Ryan Olley should appear as Olley RC on the published article " Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo".

Governing cities for sustainability: a research agenda and invitation

The Governance and Cities section of Frontiers in Sustainable Cities is the first journal section to focus explicitly on governance for urban sustainability, and its goal is to understand and advance cutting-edge developments in this field from around the world. Hosting research on cities in the Global North and Global South is integral to the →

The history and philosophy of ecological psychology

The main aim of this article is to offer a systematic introduction to the history and theory of ecological psychology, highlighting the academic biographies of the main proponents of this framework and the philosophical concerns that guided its genesis and development. In section The Establishment of the Ecological Account, we sketch the main principles of →

Editorial: animal toxins as comprehensive pharmacological tools to identify diverse ion channels

The abundance of ion channels necessitates a search for new toxins, which may serve as specific and selective tools for particular ion channel investigation. Altogether, the publications in this Research Topic issue demonstrate that animal toxins are widely used for ion channel studies and continue to serve as important pharmacological tools for the characterization of →

Effects of fungicide and herbicide chemical exposure on apis and non- apis bees in agricultural landscape

Determining the impacts of fungicides and herbicides on bees is a new area of major scientific interest given that the global market value and quantity of these chemicals sold and applied outnumbers insecticides. Currently, less studies on pesticide toxicology to wild solitary bees have been done as a result of their not being regarded as →

Editorial: properties and applications of ionic liquids in energy and environmental science

Editorial on the Research Topic Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids in Energy and Environmental Science Ionic liquids are salts comprising cations and anions, and usually liquids at or below 100 C. 1039/C9CP05905A PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bhattacharyya, S, Filippov, A, and Shah, F.U.

legalizing marijuana essay sample

One of the issues most overlooked in the legalization of Cannabis, is the beneficial influence it would have on our economy. Taxation on the sale of Cannabis, similar to alcohol and tobacco, would also generate more revenue for every state.

Program proposal for health disparity: hiv

The goals of the program consist of reducing sexual transmissions thus leading to prevention of HIV and elimination of new infections specifically among children. Conclusion HIV may be a known health disparity but with combined and continuous efforts of the government and private sectors, in time, the reduction of cases may be foreseeable.

Research on non-verbal signs of lies and deceit: a blind alley

Research on the detection of lies and deceit has a prominent place in the field of psychology and law with a substantial research literature published in this field of inquiry during the last five to six decades. In evaluating the reliability and the truthfulness of a testimony, the court considers other evidence presented to →

Current understanding of the glial response to disorders of the aging cns

Early and progressive accumulation of reactive microglia in the Huntington disease brain.J. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Wild, E, Bjorkqvist, M, and Tabrizi, S.J.

Why we should talk about option generation in decision-making research

A statement like " I think the suspect has a gun" is in their study counted as an option because it is a statement that is relevant to the attainment of a certain goal. This does not mean that evaluation must be finalized during the phase of option generation: in most stage models, the evaluation →

Prediction of response to anti-egfr antibodies in metastatic colorectal cancer: looking beyond egfr inhibition

One of the most successfully approach in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer is the inhibition of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor pathway by antibodies. The evolving role of monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer: early presumptions and impact on clinical trial development.

Making worlds in a waking dream: where bion intersects friston on the shaping and breaking of psychic reality

As she writes, only when separateness is accepted in the working-through of the depressive position does the symbol become " a representation of the object rather than being equated with the object," the latter of which refers to the kind of symbolic equation synonymous with paranoid-schizoid functioning. As he puts it in his paper on →

Editorial: social and emotional influences on human development: perspectives from developmental neuroscience

Editorial on the Research Topic Social and Emotional Influences on Human Development: Perspectives From Developmental Neuroscience The relevance of emotional and social processes in human development is a central focus in developmental psychology. Overall, an examination of the developmental significance of particular emotional and social processes has led to a more comprehensive understanding of human →

Assignment example

Vaccination protects the old, children and those with chronic illness who are more vulnerable to being very ill from flu. Q3 Flu vaccine is a vaccine formed from killed influenza virus to induce immune response against influenza virus infections.

Editorial: cancer nanotheranostics: what have we learned so far?

The novel physical properties of inorganic particles at the nanometer size scale, combined with the high specific surface of polymeric nanoparticles and the possibility to engineer stimuli-respond drug release strategies, have provided new tools to physicians for the diagnostic and the therapy of diseases such as cancer. At the present time, there is a growing →

Editorial: immunogenic cell death in cancer: from benchside research to bedside reality

The Editorial on the Research Topic Immunogenic Cell Death in Cancer: From Benchside Research to Bedside Reality Immunogenic cell death has emerged as a cornerstone of therapy-induced antitumor immunity. These observations have encouraged the increased usage of ICD-associated DAMPs as predictive/prognostic biomarkers a point discussed in detail by Fucikova et al.

Commentary: il-21 receptor antagonist inhibits differentiation of b cells toward plasmablasts upon alloantigen stimulation

One of the earliest discovered functions of T cells was to help B cells, which led to the coining of the term " T helper cell". IL-21 is also the signature cytokine of TFh cells with broad pleiotropic actions including the regulation of B cell differentiation.

How to read your palm print

On the contrary, if you have insular prints on your wisdom line, it means you have a bad memory and it is hard to concentrate for you.4. If your health line is off and on, it means digestive system is not good.

Health promotion

Running Head: Health Promotion Health Promotion Health Promotion Introduction This paper is focused on controlling obesity through diet and exercise, which is a major practical aspect of health promotion. Thus health promotion involves various positive health practices; controlling obesity through diet and exercise is a major aspect of the subject.

Creative argumentation: when and why people commit the metaphoric fallacy

The first premise of the syllogism contains the term " shark," used with a metaphorical meaning, which also acts as middle term of the syllogism, i.e, the term that appears in both the premises of the syllogism, but not in the conclusion and that connects the premises. In other words, because of the shift in →

Should vaccination be mandatory?

However, immunizations should become mandatory in order to prolong the existence of the human race and avoid the potential death of millions. The majority of the 69% of survey takers believed that an individual should not have the ability to risk the health of the public by not receiving a vaccine shot.

What make you capable to be a nurse

The field of nursing has a variety of issues involved and I believe that I can bring justice to these issues if provided with the right chance. Although nursing is a field that requires physical and emotional stress, I believe that I can handle the stress because of the passion that I have for this →

Editorial: computational learning models and methods driven by omics for precision medicine

Editorial on the Research Topic Computational Learning Models and Methods Driven by Omics for Precision Medicine Due to the high experimental cost and the exponential decline in the cost of high-throughput sequencing, computational models, and methods are preferred by scholars. The curse of dimensionality is the primary obstacle to dealing with the explosive growth of →

Editorial: pseudomonas and acinetobacter : from drug resistance to pathogenesis

When studying pathogenic behavior, Lopez et al.investigated the effect of bile salts on the growth, virulence, and gene expression of A.baumannii clinical isolates and isogenic mutant strains that lack the AdeABC efflux pump. In a different light, Du et al.demonstrated the bactericidal activity of the human salivary protein Histatin 5 against ESKAPE pathogens, especially P.aeruginosa →

Psychiatric advance directives under the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: why advance instructions should be able to override current preferences

With the notable exception of the United States, all these states have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adding up to a total of 177 ratifications of the convention to date. In the meantime, critics have raised the concern that the radical CRPD model developed by the Committee and →

Addendum: molecular generation for desired transcriptome changes with adversarial autoencoders

An Addendum on Molecular Generation for Desired Transcriptome Changes With Adversarial Autoencoders By Shayakhmetov R, Kuznetsov M, Zhebrak A, Kadurin A, Nikolenko S, Aliper A and Polykovskiy D. The authors proposed a conditional model based on the generative adversarial networks Goodfellow et al.

Corrigendum: mediterranean sea: a failure of the european fisheries management system

The authorship list is therefore updated to be: Massimiliano Cardinale 1 *, Giacomo Chato Osio 2 and Giuseppe Scarcella 3 1 Department of Aquatic Resources, Marine Research Institute, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lysekil, Sweden 2 Directorate D - Sustainable Resources, Unit D. 02 Water and Marine Resources, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy →

Editorial: multi-omic data integration in oncology

Editorial on the Research Topic Multi-omic Data Integration in Oncology In the next few years, we are going to witness changes in the treatment of cancer patients due to molecular and personalized medicine. One of the major challenges in the analysis of multi-omic data is how to integrate the different data modalities.

Gay men discrimination continues: fda’s laws preventing homosexuals’ blood donation

The AABB, America's Blood Centers, and the American Red Cross released a statement regarding the FDA's policy regarding the deferral of gay and bisexual men, saying that the deferral is " medically and scientifically unwarranted... This behavior is " the riskiest behavior of all, whether between two men or a man and a woman," and →

Virtual reality exposure therapy for anxiety disorders: small samples and no controls?

Virtual reality exposure in the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia: a controlled study.Clin. The effects of a treatment based on the use of virtual reality exposure and cognitive-behavioral therapy applied to patients with agoraphobia.Int.J.Clin.

Forests and decarbonization – roles of natural and planted forests

A little less than half of the CO 2 that is emitted by human activities remains in the atmosphere, due to the uptake of C by the oceans and land. The effectiveness of tree-planting efforts to create new forests hinges upon three critical parameters: the choice of site; selection of species and site management; and →

Commentary: robotic vs. standard laparoscopic technique – what is better?

We had recently compared the surgical value, which is defined as the outcome of the procedure divided by the cost to achieve that outcome, of traditional laparoscopic cholecystectomy to the robotic approach. Some studies claim a lesser cumulative cost due to a reduction in the hospital length of stay, but at the same time the →

Health policy brief

Teacher Policy brief on how to protecting healthcare workers will diminish the spread of Ebola to the rest of West Africa To effectively draft a policy on how to protect healthcare workers will diminish the spread of Ebola to the rest of West Africa, it would be necessary to mention that Ebola has no known →

Contests versus norms: implications of contest-based and norm-based intervention techniques

In contrast, a norm-based intervention would frame a normative goal, leading people to construe the targeted pro-environmental behavior primarily in terms of " appropriateness" and " oughtness". Drawing on GFT, we suggest that engaging in a norm-based intervention frames a normative goal, making people think about the targeted behavior in terms of obligations, and making →

Phenomenological skepticism reconsidered: a husserlian answer to dennett’s challenge

He defines phenomenological skepticism in terms of the current debate about the relevance of phenomenology, and first-person methods in general, in the context of cognitive science and the science of consciousness:"[P]henomenological scepticism [is] the long standing objection that the traditional conception of phenomenology falls short of the basic requirements of science, because it cannot provide →

Editorial: non-dopaminergic systems in parkinson’s disease

The noradrenergic system issued from the locus coeruleus can display severe damages in the disease, presumably before the dopaminergic neurons according to the hypothesis that the disease progresses from the caudal to the rostral parts of the brainstem. In fact, the authors recall that the noradrenergic system exerts anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect on the dopaminergic →

Principles of humanitarian action health and social care essay

In 1949, a Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, held in Geneva adopted four Conventions, which codified the human-centered action of soldiers in times of war. Nature of the struggle The 2nd class of analysis is to set up the nature of struggle, and why human-centered →

Grand challenge: accelerating discovery through technology development

In subsequent years, coupling of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay with microarray analysis allowed mapping of the locations of many different gene regulatory factors across the genome, leading to the birth of epigenomics and a new era in the study of gene regulation. Yet we still have a long way to go toward understanding all of →

Reconsidering the usefulness of adding naloxone to buprenorphine

Naloxone is added to buprenorphine to decrease the likelihood of diversion and misuse of the combination drug product. Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction.

Book review: clés des songes et sciences des rêves. de l’antiquité à freud

The aim of this paper is to analyze the western tradition of studying oneirocriticism: the book of interpretation of dreams, cles des songes. In the introduction, the authors highlight the work of Aristotle as the two different representative points of view of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: dreams as a natural phenomena and dreams as →

Research paper: cryonics

Cryonics advocates counter that demonstrably reversible preservation is not necessary to achieve the present-day goal of cryonics, which is preservation of basic brain information that encodes memory and personal identity. There is good reason to believe that current cryonics procedures can preserve the anatomical basis of mind.

Should we aim for genetic improvement in host resistance or tolerance to infectious pathogens?

The diverse contributions to this topic: Provide an overview of the state-of-the-art understanding of resistance and tolerance in domestic livestock populations, with a focus on the application of genetic and genomic tools for host genetic improvement of either. The molecular pathways underlying host resistance and tolerance to pathogens.

Insights gained from the study of pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus

More recently, whole exome sequencing was used to identify mutation in PRKCD as the genetic defect underlying a family of siblings with early onset SLE and lupus nephritis. The French GENetic and Immunologic Abnormalities in SLE study is a longitudinal cohort describing the genetic and laboratory features of children with SLE.

Iturralde v. hilo medical center usa

Ricketson was informed of the missing titanium rods prior to the surgery beginning; he chose to proceed with the surgery with the knowledge that the kit was incomplete.Dr. Ricketson violated the trust of his colleges when he ignored the warning of the missing equipment prior to the start of the surgery.

Commentary: merging of long-term memories in an insect

But is this preference for the conjunction stimuli in the second half of the experiment evidence for a memory conjunction error? Feature and conjunction errors in recognition memory: evidence for a dual-process theory.J.Mem.Lang.

Tubular support reduces symptoms of knee oa compared to exercise

Objectives of the assessment The study was aimed at comparing the effectiveness of using proprioceptive training, which means the use of weight bearing exercises with occupational therapy by giving tubular elastic bandages to the two groups of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Both the experimental and control groups were exposed to regular exercises and tubular elastic →

Peptides and food intake

The hormones released from the gut and the adipose tissue play an important role in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. In this context, the gastrointestinal vagal afferents are activated by mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, and converge in the nucleus of the tractus solitaries of the brainstem.

Commentary: using virtual reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure

Given that S tfeld et al.'s answer to the moral design problem depends on the plausibility of this inference, they owe an account of why this inference is plausible before we are justified in accepting their answer. And even granting the truth of particularism, it is unclear why we ought to take human snap-decisions in →

Healthcare and social media

Purpose In this research paper, the objective is to identify the different functions of social media and accordingly, analyze the impact of social media on the healthcare industry. Figure: 1 Involment of Social Media in Healthcare Industry Source: The Benefits and Risk of Using Social Media According to report of KPMG International Cooperative, social media →

Technical description of the process of sleep

Technical Writing September 13, 2006 Technical of the Process of Sleep Unlike what most people believe, sleep is not a passive state of our body, but instead it is an active process involving changes in body mechanisms, particularly the brain and our endocrine system. The NREM sleep and REM sleep occurs in a cyclic manner →

Editorial: microbial taxonomy, phylogeny and biodiversity

In fact, the application of genomics is helping not only to provide a better understanding of the boundaries of genera and higher levels of classification, but also to refine our definition of the species concept. Rubio-Portillo et al.study the differences in the microbiome and pathobiome associated to Cladocora caespitosa, a coral species abundant in the →

Health information confidentiality

The benefits of collecting the confidential data of patients are more than the risks. Improved technology and the current development of security software have made it possible for health care organizations to protect the private data of their patients and reduce the risk of data breaching.

Beyond the status-quo: research on bayesian reasoning must develop in both theory and method

Facilitating Bayesian reasoning, ultimately, requires an understanding of the " cognitive tools" people need in order to make such judgments, and how these are applied when engaging in the mental process of Bayesian reasoning. Psychol.Bull.Rev.doi: 10.

Type ii nkt cells in inflammation, autoimmunity, microbial immunity, and cancer

In contrast to the germline-encoded TCR chain in type I NKT cells, only about 14% of TCR V and 13 27% of TCR V chains in type II NKT cells are encoded by germline gene segments. We hypothesized that sulfatide-mediated activation of type II NKT cells and pDC results in the induction of anergy in →

Editorial: sudden cardiac death and channelopathies

In young patients, in whom the incidence of sudden death is 100 times lower than in the general population, arrhythmic etiology, mainly from channelopathies, in the absence of structural heart disease is much more common and is the predominant cause of sudden death in patients aged between 14 and 25 years. The evidence of the →

Good example of essay on use of technology in investigation of cognitive processes

The detection of an increase in deoxygenated blood in specific parts of the brain indicates increased mental/cognitive processes in that part of the brain. PET scans apply extensively in the study of brain disorders and tumors, and largely in the study of nature of the Alzheimer's disease.

Corrigendum: pharmacokinetic interactions of clinical interest between direct oral anticoagulants and antiepileptic drugs

The manuscript states that " Apixaban and edoxaban need to be administered twice a day" whereas Edoxaban needs to be administered only once a day as stated in the European Product Information and Summary of Product Characteristics. The latter have a very high oral bioavailability, compared with apixaban and edoxaban"." Apixaban needs to be administered →

The meanings and implications of receiving care essay sample

The objective of this essay is to demonstrate my insight and grasp on the art and science of mentorship practice and the issues encountered during mentoring. A misunderstanding occurred between the two of them when I was not on shift leading the colleague to view the student as unreceptive to learning opportunities being provided, and →

Commentary: the embodied brain: towards a radical embodied cognitive neuroscience

Drawing upon the work on functional connectivism, they suggest a paradigm shift in brain research from neuroscience focusing on how the brain implements narrowly defined cognitive functions, to one in which the locus of explanation is determined by the dynamic interactions between the brain and the non-neural body embedded in the organism's ecological niche. Our →

Recurrent violent behavior: revised classification and implications for global psychiatry

This discrepancy in research populations misrepresents global psychiatric epidemiology, and creates a significant gap in knowledge of mental health, and in the viability, delivery, and effectiveness of assessment and care of mental disorders. Therefore, we propose that a subsequent, logical step would be to incorporate a definition, and recommendations for resources and services necessary for →

Mind the map: technology shapes the myeloid cell space

To understand the individual role of each of these subsets, it is crucial to understand the full heterogeneity of these cell types and their subsets to pinpoint the dedicated functions. In the first part of the review, we discuss the current principles and strategies of defining cell types and subsets, while highlighting the different aspects →

Traditional societies in many developing countries health essay

A rise in the incidence of CVD in the early half of twentieth century and a subsequent decline in the later half have been documented in the industrialized countries. The deaths due to MI in India were 32% of all deaths in 2007 and have increased from 1.

Editorial: the individual microbe: single-cell analysis and agent-based modelling

Editorial on the Research Topic The Individual Microbe: Single-Cell Analysis and Agent-Based Modelling The field of microbial individual-based ecology, or IBE, is grounded in the notion that to truly understand the interactions of microorganisms with their biotic and abiotic environment, one cannot ignore the scales at which such interactions occur. Such context can help with →

New methods for assessing rapid changes in suicide risk

These include: ecological momentary assessment and digital phenotyping approaches for identifying real-time markers of change in SI and risk factors; cognitive markers of suicide risk, including implicit biases and markers of decision-making associated with suicide risk that could be used to support clinical trials of rapid-acting interventions; and neurobiological markers of suicidal thoughts and risk →

Weightlessness and cardiac rhythm disorders: current knowledge from space flight and bed-rest studies

The combination of these adaptations suggests that modifications in the cardiac structure, together with adrenalin/neurohormonal changes and stress related to space flight, could also alter electrical conduction increasing the inhomogeneity of electrical repolarization, and thus potentially increasing the risk of inducing cardiac rhythm disturbances. These findings were in agreement with the changes observed after 30 →

Repetition and emotive communication in music versus speech

In a plea to abolish the practice of " part-repetition," a tradition in eighteenth century music whereby performers would repeat large sections of the piece during performance, Ferdinand Praeger appeals to the unpalatability such a practice would have in speech: Would ever a poet think of repeating half of his poem; a dramatist a whole →

The evolution of bladder augmentation: from creating a reservoir to reconstituting an organ

Observations derived from the outcomes of enterocystoplasty dictated reconfiguration of the segment should be in the form of a U-shape in order to create a sphere and maximize the final storage volume. Detubularization and augmentation of the bladder with a refluxing megaureter in the presence of poor compliance was found to be of little benefit.

To be oats or not to be? an update on the ongoing debate on oats for patients with celiac disease

They observed a trend toward a higher Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale in the oats group, and the symptoms of diarrhea were more severe in the oats group at the end of the study. Cooper et al.showed no change as well in the level of mucosal tTG and smooth muscle alpha actin expression in small bowel →

When the antibiotics quit working

The emergence of drug resistance within the populations of organisms is a logical consequence of the theory of evolution. Nowadays the excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics led to the emergence of new bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics.

Cellular imaging and emerging technologies for adult neurogenesis research

The first report on the generation of new neurons in the adult mammalian brain occurred in the early 1960s, however, nearly 40 years passed before the scientific community generally recognized the existence of adult mammalian neurogenesis. In a further refinement of genetic approaches, the review by Arenkiel describes approaches to reveal connectivity of newborn neurons →

Book review: language teacher cognition: a sociocultural perspective

A Book Review on Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective Li Li, 2020, 353 pages, ISBN: 978-1137511331 Written by Li Li, Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective, as the title indicates, explores the topic of teacher cognition from the perspective of sociocultural theory, aiming to theorize and analyze what teachers think, believe, know, and do →

Liver-inherent immune system: its role in blood-stage malaria

Indeed, the fetal liver is the primary hematopoietic organ of mammals, and, postnatally, the liver has retained the capability to exert important functions of both innate and adaptive immunity. Liver-resident lymphocytes, i.e, NK cells, NKT cells, T cells, and B cells, account for about 25% of the non-parenchymal cells of the liver.

Pharmacological classes that extend lifespan of caenorhabditis elegans

The genetic data we considered include mutations in target proteins that either cause a lifespan extension or, as is often the case, abrogate the lifespan extending effect of the compound. Because of Harman's theory of oxidative stress, antioxidants were some of the first compounds to be tested for their ability to extend lifespan and, as →

How to have (critical) method in a pandemic: outlining a culture-centered approach to health discourse analysis

While the deep furrows of neoliberal capitalist globalization have undoubtedly accelerated the global spread of the virus, the arrival of the pandemic coincides with the recognition that the neoliberal consensus that has dominated global politics and thereby global health politics over the last few decades is giving way to a new political moment. The resurgence →

Future scenarios for levodopa-induced dyskinesias in parkinson’s disease

One of the most recently proposed mechanisms emphasizes the role of proprioceptive and sensorimotor deficits associated with the impairment of the posterior parietal-ponto-cerebellar pathways, as nicely tested in a sample of PD patients with and without LIDs in the study by Stevenson et al. The role of cortical areas such the IFC and the primary →