Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

General health

Safety points or issues when a patient is on: STRETCHER Lock the wheels of the bed and stretcher before the client transfers in or out of them; Fasten safety straps across the client on a stretcher, and raise the side rails. This position protects the client's head in the event of a collision; If the →

Advances in the prevention of infection-related preterm birth

The main cohort studies from Europe, North America, and Indonesia and three case control studies from the USA, Sweden, and Australia have used different methodologies to examine the association between abnormal genital tract microflora either in the form of bacterial vaginosis or the presence of BV-associated organisms and adverse outcomes of pregnancy. If BV is →

Interventions for autism spectrum disorder: evidence-based interventions and intervention outcomes

Most of the research in ASD intervention practice research has been focusing on pre-school children with outcomes of social skills, communication, challenging behavior and social readiness skills and approximately 2% of the ASD intervention outcome has been about cognitive performance, such as intelligence, theory of mind, attention or executive function. VR technology is aligned with →

Health informants and their importance

Health communication and information provided by health informants have really been applied in hospitals in a number of ways. By health informants providing information on the effectiveness of certain drugs, doctors eliminate some prescription mistakes they commit.

Grand challenges in plant nutrition

One leg is anchored in plant physiology and explains the fundamental processes underlying and regulating the acquisition, allocation, and utilization of mineral elements in plants. Recent progresses in physical and analytical chemistry, molecular biology and genetics have opened a large array of opportunities for plant nutritionists to address questions going beyond the fundamental processes of →

Editorial: danger signals triggering immune response and inflammation

Chen et al.demonstrated that a novel subset of IL-10-producing CD1d hi CD5 + regulatory B cells modulates immune homeostasis in patients with silicosis, a condition of chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the lung. The ST2/IL-33 axis has recently been shown to be a potential novel checkpoint in the development of tumors, as reviewed by Wasmer →

Covid-19 as a harbinger of transforming infrastructure resilience

Conditions in the coming decades will be unlike the past, and a clear framing of major infrastructure challenges during COVID-19 can help illuminate the research and capacities for resilience in a dynamic and changing world. Traditional infrastructure responses and operations to extreme events are complicated by the scale and scope of a global pandemic, and →

The issues in deaf education impact the latinxs d/deaf students

Thus, the white, temporary abled-bodied hearing people who took over the positions in the Deaf Education curriculum to design the education curriculum was not successful in supporting the student of color through learning in education, languages, embrace the identifies. This is difficult for the Latinx d/Deaf students to stay motivated and success in education.

Colon cancer

The first step is to conduct a study on the foods that causes colon cancer and their components. Unagi Soy sauce, mirin, sugar 3.

Emergency preparedness and response

Response is the action to prevent more damage and save lives once a disaster hits. Recovery is the immediate action to stabilize a community following a disaster, for example, restoring critical services and supplies of disaster to the victims.

Optogenetics to help exploring the cerebral blood flow regulation

It suggests that functional hyperemia, the " overflow" of blood to a brain region during neural activity, provides a spatially and temporally correlated source of regulation, modulating the excitability of the local circuit. To test the last hypothesis, Urban et al.used the optogenetic tools for activating specific local neuronal networks and monitoring whether this causes →

Urinary tract infections attributed to diverse expec strains in food animals: evidence and data gaps

A continued reliance on phenotypic traits, such as VF and AR, and the use of study designs inappropriate for documenting frequency and direction of transmission, has resulted in the propagation of the ill-defined inference that animal ExPEC cause a substantial fraction of human ExPEC infections, including UTI. 1206316 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full →

To vaccine or not to vaccine, is that even a question?

The goal of this paper is to summarize two textual pieces from the pro-vaxxers and two from the anti-vaxxers, analyze which argument is stronger, and synthesize the essay from a certain stance. In his essay called " Benefits of Vaccines are a Matter of Fact", his main point is that the efficacy and safety of →

Editorial: “recent advances in gamma/delta t cell biology: new ligands, new functions, and new translational perspectives”

The initial excitement over the unexpected discovery of a second T cell receptor was followed by years of uncertainty as to the biological importance of these ambivalent T cells. Bekiaris et al.focus on the cytokine control of innate T cells, and discuss the role of IL-7 in being critical for thymic development of T cells →

Medically documenting disability in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (me/cfs) cases

The physician should request the patient keep a daily journal of complaints and limitations to ensure the medical chart documents the actual state of the patient's health, and the functional limitations which result. The symptom/limitation journal can therefore provide a more accurate picture of the patient's symptoms and limitations and, when given to the physician →

Corrigendum: rheumatoid synovial fluids regulate the immunomodulatory potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells through a tnf/nf-κb-dependent mechanism

A correction has also been made to the Author Contribution statement, which appears below:" SS designed the study, performed experimental work, analyzed and interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript. NA and J-LD designed the study, interpreted the data, and critically revised the manuscript.

Editorial: glutamate-related biomarkers for neuropsychiatric disorders

Physiological studies with agonists and antagonists of the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR in the pig ileum have shown that these receptors are similar to those characterized in the CNS. In a brief review, Astrocytic Regulation of Glutamate Transmission in Schizophrenia, Mei et al.updated findings on the crucial role of glutamate uptake and astrocyte-derived D-serine →

Introduction to medical technology

These people do not get to take a bow at the end of the show, but they are very important to the success of the play. In the hospital, the medical technologists are like crew members in a play.

Interventions for hiv / aids prevention education

According to the results from this research, it was identified that most of the respondents were adolescents whose ages are in the range of 14 and 15 years. There was also a control group that did not take part in any of the interventions.

The digital phenotyping project: a psychoanalytical and network theory perspective

However, following the criticisms of the DSM and the observation of certain limitations linked to scientific investigations in recent decades, new methods and programs are being developed to support the improvement of digital technology, a process which deserves to be examined, taking into account the recent extrapolations identified in our field. The modeling of relevant →

A food safety expert health essay

The food safety is the extreme importance of the people health and the only way for to prevent the incoming of the bacteria. Soall of the people need to be take care of the food safety and need to clean properly all of the food and also any place of the kitchen.

Circadian clocks, feeding time, and metabolic homeostasis

PubMed Abstract Google Scholar Chaix, A, Zarrinpar, A, Miu, P, and Panda, S. 20460 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Karlsson, B, Knutsson, A, and Lindahl, B.

Editorial: recent advances in voltage-gated sodium channels, their pharmacology and related diseases

In this second issue, we publish new insights in VGSC gating mechanisms, the role of 1-subunit, the involvement of VGSC in pain, encephalopathy, and cancer, and the molecular mechanism of VGSC drugs. The prevailing view is that conformational changes in the binding site associated with the voltage-dependent activation and inactivation of channels enhance drug binding →

Mechanisms and therapeutic targets of cardiac regeneration: closing the age gap

Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms that regulate complete cardiac repair and regeneration in the neonatal-infarcted heart could provide the basis for novel therapeutic approaches for cardiovascular regeneration following MI in the adult. This review illustrates the current understanding of the most important mechanisms that regulate cardiac regeneration in the neonatal mammalian heart and →

The digestive system

Most of the food digestion happens in the small intestine that comprises of three parts, the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum. Colon and Rectum form the parts of the large intestine, where colon absorbs some of the water, vitamins, and minerals.

From farm to fork: growing a scottish food system that doesn’t cost the planet

As of 2017, the agriculture and related land use sector was responsible for just under a quarter of Scotland's total GHG emissions, and this contribution would be higher if the wider food manufacturing and processing emissions associated with getting the food from the " farms to our forks" were included. The UK's Committee on Climate →

Iknowushould2: a youth-driven social media campaign to promote sti and hiv testing among adolescents

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia lunched the IknowUshould2 campaign from September 2012 August 2013 and focused on youth with age 13-17 years old in Philadelphia, also included in the campaign are youth age 18- 24 years old, this campaign focuses on enhancing the knowledge about expanding the testing for STI and Human immunodeficiency virus. The →

The effects and implications of using ergogenic aids for exercise and sports performance

Blood doping therefore allows extra Oxygen to be transported to the working muscles, resulting in a higher level of performance, without the use of the anaerobic energy systems. They used to have the weigh in on the day of the fight.

Interpersonal coordination: methods, achievements, and challenges

Other studies using this type of analysis have explored the co-regulation of arousal in dyads of parents and children, infant helping behaviors, interpersonal synchrony and its relationship with self-reports of rapport in adults, the mutuality of mother infant interaction, the relationship between synchrony and psychotherapeutic outcomes, the relationship between parent child synchronization and the diagnosis →

Editorial: untangling the role of tau in physiology and pathology

Editorial on the Research Topic Untangling the Role of Tau in Physiology and Pathology We are pleased to present a Topic Research and e-book specifically devoted to the role played by tau protein both in physiology and pathology. In this Research Topic, Barbier et al.reviews the many advances have been made in the understanding of →

Corrigendum: under glass weathering of hemp fibers reinforced polypropylene biocomposites: degradation mechanisms based on emitted volatile organic compounds

Affiliation 2: Instead of " IPREM, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, E2S UPPA, CNRS, Pau, France," it should be " PCH, IMT Mines Ales, Ales, France". Affiliation 3: Instead of " PCH, IMT Mines Ales, Ales, France," it should be " IPREM, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, E2S UPPA, →

Ebola, through air or not through air: that is the question

Being so, precautions are presented as one or the other, airborne particles come in two sizes those 10 m in size or less that stay in the air and those over 10 m in size that fall after about 6 feet; either could occur and be infectious in late stages of diseases. Transmission of Ebola →

The savages (2007, tamara jenkins) on aging related discussion

Movie Review- The Savages " The Savages" a movie that is eye opening about the predicaments of the old age and also the eternal relationship between the siblings, wonderfully nuanced, a tragicomedy movie about two wallowing souls and their ailing father. The movie sends the message that ole age is the age of helplessness when →

Plastic surgery research paper

Socio-cultural influences higher women interest in pursuing plastic surgery in order to transform their bodies.-The extent to which young women impute media messages about physical appearance issues will be examined as a predictor of their interest in cosmetic surgery. An important reason that pushes women to pursue a plastic surgery is the opinion of other →

Basal ganglia vulnerability to oxidative stress

044 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Jansen, C, and Kliaan, A. 004 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Sultana, R, Perluigi, M, and Butterfield, D.A.

Corrigendum: phylogenomics and comparative genomic studies robustly support division of the genus mycobacterium into an emended genus mycobacterium and four novel genera

Based on the branching position of Mycobacterium vulneris in different phylogenomic trees and on multiple identified molecular signatures that this species shared with a clade of rapid growing mycobacteria, we proposed a reclassification of M.vulneris, into a new genus, Mycolicibacterium, corresponding to a clade of rapid-growing mycobacteria. Tortoli also reported the sequencing of the type →

Red blood cell oxidative stress impairs oxygen delivery and induces red blood cell aging

This pool of un-neutralized ROS in the RBC has been shown to damage the RBC membrane impairing the flow of RBCs through the microcirculation and the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and to be transferred to cells, which come in contact with RBCs resulting in tissue damage that induces inflammation. 756138 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed →

Editorial: innovation in cements for sustainability

Editorial on the Research Topic Innovation in Cements for Sustainability Sustainability is trying to balance economic growth, environmental protection and social progress with future technologies, while supporting innovation, and not compromising the way of life for present and future generations. The Guest Editorial team is confident that this collection of papers will be of benefit →

Healthcare labor unions: pros and cons

They should organize themselves into unions that will be responsible for championing for their rights and these unions should have the mandate to take the government to court if they do not listen to them or fail to obey their agreement with the government. Hospitals also do not set tie for doctors they do not →

Health economics

Number: Term and Year Health Economics of the Submarket of Long Term Care Facilities In our society, there are some people, who cannot take care of themselves. The impact of aging on long-term care in Europe and some potential policy responses.

Substance abuse treatment

Many of the counselors at GCASA revealed that they actually prefer to work with mandated clients because, even if they initially resent having to come to treatment, they eventually are more motivated to continue with treatment and get something positive from it.Dr. Likewise, the employee will feel more loyalty to the firm than the average →

Behavior therapy: basic concepts, assessment methods, and applications

ABA refers to the application of the principles of learning andmotivationfrom Behavior Analysis, and the procedures andtechnologyderived from those principles, to the solution of problems of social significance. Role playing is a technique used in behavior therapy to provide partaking and involvement in the learning process.

What are the grand challenges for plant conservation in the 21st century?

Data on distribution, changes in abundance and genetic diversity can inform the prioritization of conservation funding and effort, and research aimed at advancing conservation and management of plants and the processes that maintain healthy ecosystems. Both correlative and mechanistic approaches to modeling the distribution of species and ecosystems are advancing rapidly, and are invaluable in →

Commentary: wild psychometrics: evidence for ‘general’ cognitive performance in wild new zealand robins, petroica longipes

Of particular relevance to this commentary is the fact that Shaw and colleagues identification of a complex structure to exist within avian intelligence offers a new research area for facet theory. By using a mapping sentence to design research and non-parametric statistical analyses this allows the investigation of the structure of avian intelligence in a →

Traumatic injuries in the nervous system

Originally, the institute was located in central Stockholm close to the Royal castle, but it moved in the late 1940s to Solna, on the north side of the city. We are delighted to present a cross section of the presentations from the Karolinska anniversary symposium in this Research Topic and its associated book.

Extracellular chromatin traps interconnect cell biology, microbiology, and immunology

Darrah and Andrade present an analytical comparison of different modes of cell death and contrast the potential contributions of apoptosis, necrosis, and NETosis to the release of nuclear autoantigens. The large number of autoantigens that are integral components of NETs provide a compelling argument for NETosis' role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders and the →

Action-based effects on music perception

In essence, the theory states that the planning or execution of an action, and the mere perception of the sensory consequences of that action, are similarly represented in the brain, thereby recruiting both sensory and motor brain areas. Important in this theory is that the integration of motor and sensory representations leads to internal models →

Commentary: a neurodynamic perspective on musical enjoyment: the role of emotional granularity

It is the world of purposive action involving executive functions, acting bodily with intention in and on the world to fulfill goals; the self is the historical self with a remembered past and an anticipated future and includes judgments of self-esteem and self-efficacy. The music world in sad music is safe; the everyday self with →

Editorial: targeting monocytes/macrophages to treat atherosclerotic inflammation

In this picture, cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules associated with components of the vessel wall, as well as the immune/inflammatory cell types intervening in the lesions monocytes/macrophages in the first place become the natural subjects for investigation, being the likely responsible of altered arterial biology. To start with, the paper by Flynn et al.provides an →

Cellular stress responses in cancer and cancer therapy

The Research Topic titled " Molecular mechanisms of cellular stress responses in cancer and their therapeutic implications" features 11 articles that reflect the broadness and complexity of the processes induced by cellular stress. In their article, they highlight the interactions of Pin1 with key proteins relevant to cancer and cancer therapy and discuss how Pin1 →

Arm and hand movement: current knowledge and future perspective

Reaching with the arm and grasping with the hand and fingers is a complex behavior that appears in utero, is elaborated over the first few years of life, and serves useful everyday functions throughout the course of human life. Vicario provides a personal commentary on a paper from Hayashi et al.and, in a review article, →

Editorial: lipids in the brain

The potential role of the up- regulation of a family of lipid transporting proteins containing StAR-related lipid transfer domains, by different mechanisms in the two diseases, is discussed. Recent studies have shown that SphLs play a decisive role in the neuronal function due to regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and death in the CNS.

Origin and spatiotemporal dynamics of the peroxisomal endomembrane system

They discuss the recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the formation of a receptor/cargo-complex in the cytosol and its subsequent docking at the peroxisomal membrane, the translocation of the cargo protein across the membrane and its release into the peroxisomal matrix, and the recycling of receptor molecules. 201310148 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full →

Conservation benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to marine mammal science

In evaluating the various alternative regulatory and negotiated measures for mitigating marine mammal bycatch, economists would include not just the costs to fishery operations but also estimates of the benefits, to the ecosystem and to the public, of reductions in marine mammal mortality. Over the longer term, these higher costs would be expected to create →

Editorial: acoustical impact of ships and harbors: airborne and underwater n&v pollution

Editorial on the Research Topic Acoustical Impact of Ships and Harbors: Airborne and Underwater N&V Pollution Aim of this Frontiers research topic is to analyse the different aspects of the impact of noise emitted by human activities and ships in particular. As regards airborne noise, sources are represented by the funnels, air intakes, and discharges →

Esports: the chess of the 21st century

1016/0010-028590004-2 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar C te, J, and Abernethy, B." A developmental approach to sport expertise," in The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology, ed.S.M. Practice and play in the development of sport expertise.

Editorial: exploiting dna damage response in the era of precision oncology

The scopes of the research and review articles included in this collection are described below:- Mohiuddin and Kang discuss in their review the biologic rationale for DNA-PK as a target in cancer. Endogenous DNA Damage as a Source of Genomic Instability in Cancer.

Gastrointestinal disorders

These include the following; Upper endoscopy The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and down the stomach to look for the nature of the gastric mucosa. Blood tests The red blood cells count is determine to rule out anemia that can be a complication of gastritis due to excessive mucosal bleeding.

Human development critical essay

Two key features of behavioural approach is Behavioural and Consequence, Behavioural meaning if a child wants something and takes a tantrum, and Consequence meaning if they are giving what they want then they will think that it is the correct way to behave and there for do it again.6. From the case study you can →

Editorial: human disorders of pi3k biology

Cannons et al.provide a perspective piece on the survival, differentiation, and function of CD8 + T cells in APDS. In addition to the effects of APDS on the function of B cells, macrophages, and various other T cell compartments, recent studies have begun to elucidate the nuanced relationship between metabolic pathways and the function and →

Brain-state-dependent non-invasive brain stimulation and functional priming: a hypothesis

00122 The aim of using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques in neurorehabilitation is to improve neurological function by modulating brain plasticity in the specific areas of the brain. Similarly, the effects of the stimulation depend not only on the predefined parameters but also on the state of the brain before and during the stimulation.

Who am i: the conscious and the unconscious self

In this article we suggest the idea that the processing of self-referential stimuli in cortical midline structures may represent an important part of the conscious self, which may be supplemented by an unconscious part of the self that has been called an " embodied mind", which relies on other brain structures. What are the structures →

Making choices guide

When it is the question of aged people, care givers should understand their physical needs and religious needs in choosing a living environment. Care givers need to assess the financial capacity of the old people and select a living environment which is simple but health providing.

Grand challenges in pediatric endocrinology

There is increasing evidence that the hypothalamus is involved in the regulation of energy balance and glucose homeostasis and, ultimately, in the occurrence of diabetes. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Prodi, E, and Obici, S.

Innovative treatment of arthritis versus the classic one

The article that I chose is called " Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing land and aquatic exercise for people with hip and knee arthritis on function, mobility, and other health outcomes". This article is about the investigation of the effects of aquatic therapy compared to land based exercise on function and mobility for people with →

What i can offer the nursing profession essay sample

I have come to the realization that having a nurse willing to educate and be a patient advocate makes the best registered nurse. This is what I desire to, and will, bring to the health care profession as a Registered Nurse.

Rh bill position paper essay sample

Proposition Statement: I am not in favor of the Reproductive Health Bill because it strikes down our morality and our conservative culture, allows the use of abortifacients which may increase the incidents of abortion, and it includes the use of government funds for contraceptives which I think is not justifiable.I. Main Argument A.strike down to →

Systems biology of microbial infection

It aims at describing and analyzing the confrontation of the host with bacterial and fungal pathogens, and at modeling and understanding the interactions of the immune system of humans and animals, with pathogens. Today, systems biology of microbial infection considers molecular, cellular, and even organismic levels of the pathogen and the host's immune system and →

Precision medicine and global health: the good, the bad, and the ugly

A lot of the promise of precision medicine has yet to be realized, so, it is important that the global health community, itself facing challenges, enters this new era with its eyes wide open. There are concerns that a focus on precision medicine may detract attention from the need to tackle the social and environmental →

The development and design of an interactive digital training resource for personal tutors

This chapter explores the context for the development of the Arts Faculty Personal Tutor Training Resource in relation to changes in the Higher Education sector and the particular arrangements, cultures and practices of personal tutoring at the University of Warwick. The design and development of the Arts Faculty Personal Tutor Online Training Resource aimed to →

Functions of music making under lockdown: a trans-historical perspective across two pandemics

In the shock of novelty and uncertainty, of having nothing quite like the current situation in our collective memories, we have exhumed narratives of past medical calamities the 1918 Flu pandemic, for example, or the three pandemics of plague in search of cultural signposts for the present. This paper will examine, from a musicological perspective, →

Prevention and control of diseases and health conditions

The main aim of screening is determining the probability of having a disease. Therefore, a screening program that will find diseases that affect people less often in the community could benefit few people, thus why the most important aspect to consider before carrying out a massive community screening, considering relative costs and resources is a →

Can neurostimulation prevent the risk of alzheimer’s disease in elderly individuals with schizophrenia?

These treatment modalities show promise to decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease in elderly individuals with schizophrenia, but in order to optimize their benefits it is essential to recognize the differences in the cognitive pathology involved. Overall, neurostimulation in schizophrenia may be neuroprotective and prevent the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Commentary: why your body can jog your mind

0000000000000285 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Pistoia, F, Carolei, A, Sacco, S, and Sara, M. 2010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Pistoia, F, Sacco, S, and Carolei, A.

Editorial: computers and games for mental health and well-being

Ebert et al.reviewed the evidence for the effectiveness of such Internet and mobile interventions in preventing the onset of several mental health disorders. Nguyen et al.presented the development of a short, easy-to-use, group-based intervention to improve pleasure and motivation in individuals with schizophrenia, called " Positive Emotion Program for Schizophrenia".

Biocontrol of carp: the australian plan does not stand up to a rational analysis of safety and efficacy

In a recent opinion letter published in Frontiers in Microbiology, McColl et al.presented a series of arguments in favor of the use of CyHV-3 as a biocontrol agent against invasive carp in Australia. An analysis of the temperature variation in the Australian freshwater environment suggests that this key environmental parameter is likely to negatively affect →

Mosquito spray from akapulko essay sample

Unlike the commercial mosquito killer, the Acapulco plant extract cost less and the plant is very abundant in our country. In 50 ml, the mortality of mosquito is 3 minutes.


Water is essential for the body functions this is because every organ on the body depends on water. For the body to function properly, water is an essential element.

The conserved function of skp1 in meiosis

The first similarity is that the numbers of spores produced by a meiocyte range from two to more than four spores in ask1-1 and the yeast skp1 mutants. Lastly, the underlying cause of the chromosome entanglement may be attributed to the presence of unresolved recombination intermediates in ask1-1 and the yeast skp1 mutants.

Corrigendum: the benthic megafaunal assemblages of the ccz (eastern pacific) and an approach to their management in the face of threatened anthropogenic impacts

A corrigendum on The Benthic Megafaunal Assemblages of the CCZ and an Approach to their Management in the Face of Threatened Anthropogenic Impacts by Tilot, V, Ormond, R, Moreno Navas, J, and Catala, T.S. Corrections have been made to three paragraphs and to the acknowledgements as follows: Introduction, paragraph 4: We had the opportunity to →

Transcranial magnetic stimulation as an interventional tool for addiction

The 11 papers range from empirical studies with rTMS applied to treat cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, and eating disorders; reviews on rTMS as a treatment for cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, and gambling disorder; and two commentaries discussing the potential of motor cortex stimulation as a target site for intervention. Also, the authors measured a proximal and targeted →

Early and late selection: effects of load, dilution and salience

Conceptual and methodological concerns in the theory of perceptual load. Beyond perceptual load and dilution: a review of the role of working memory in selective attention.

Personalized medicine in cerebrovascular neurosurgery: precision neurosurgical management of cerebral aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage

The result of inappropriately generalizing the ISUIA data of a preselected subset of aneurysms has nonetheless had the important effect of at least temporarily discouraging the treatment of many unruptured cerebral aneurysms. Quantitative characterization of the hemodynamic environment in ruptured and unruptured brain aneurysms.

Editorial: dynamic emotional communication

Here, we introduce these articles and discuss them in the context of related studies by grouping them into the following four areas: decoding of dynamic emotional signals, moderators of dynamic emotional signal decoding, encoding of dynamic emotional signals, and other dynamic aspects of emotional communication. Other studies have shown that, compared with static expressions, dynamic →

Rehabilitation therapy which aids stroke survivors relearn lost dexterity

Time is therefore of the essence when handling stroke survivors hence as more time passes the risk of death from stroke is reduced. Outcome After Mobilization Within 24 Hours of Acute Stroke A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Extending the reach of mousetracking in numerical cognition: a comment on fischer and hartmann (2014)

01315 In a recent article, Fischer and Hartmann present a brief methodological review of the use of computer mousetracking in analyzing the processes involved in numerical cognition. It is on this note that we feel the review of Fischer and Hartmann unintentionally limits the utility of computer mousetracking to only providing evidence of continuous competition →

Editorial: metabolic shifting: nutrition, exercise, and timing

Editorial on the Research Topic Metabolic Shifting: Nutrition, Exercise, and Timing From the teleological standpoint, metabolic shifting evolved due to the periodic nature of the environment, circadian cycles being one of the conditions the life on Earth confronts. Food intake, fuel selection, and exercise capacity depend on the circadian clock and are time-of-day dependent.

Health problems among teens and young adults

Violence among young adults and increased levels of suicide also worry families and the community. Teenagers tend to get involved in gang violence, drug trade, drug abuse, and other unlawful activities due to the social and economic status of the marginal population in United States.

Editorial: understanding immunobiology through the specificity of nf-κb

Even though NF- B constitutively shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, NF- B dimers are efficiently retained in the cytoplasm by the inhibitor of NF- B proteins in a resting state. As discussed extensively in the Review by Brignall et al, the dimer specificity of NF- B proteins and its functional relevance are poorly →

Systematic occupational health and safety management

President Bush, the Congress and the American people are united in efforts to eradicate trafficking in persons internationally and within national borders because this global crime opposes the universal value of freedom. The traditional system has been for companies to retain the services of company physicians, with a relationship to corporate management.

Is literature the expression of the human condition

Is Literature the Expression of the Human Condition Oh yes, is literature the expression of the human condition or is it not? Charley insisting that Willy a salesman and no matter he always will be, his dream will never die, and even when your salesman and it's not going the best it possibly can or →