Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Ways to stay healthy nowadays

However, one hour of exercise is acceptable on a daily basis as a way of staying fit and healthy. It is important to watch out what one eats or drinks in order to stay healthy.

ο»Ώthe importance of teen health

If teens do not pay attention to what they eat, the amount of exercise they get, and avoid drugs, the health issues with teens will keep increasing. Teens must avoid drugs in order to have a healthier life than the teens that use drugs.

Commentary: how child’s play impacts executive function-related behaviors

In support of this proposal I review the executive function construct, the relationship of emotion regulation to executive function, and the observed similarities between the implicit branch of emotion regulation system and defense mechanisms. The interpretation of a child's defenses against unwelcome affects may promote development of the implicit emotion regulation system and a subset β†’

Editorial: interdisciplinary approaches to improve quality of soft fruit berries

In this article collection authors have discussed the importance of developing chemical and molecular markers to assist breeding selection, in particular for three main features: controlling of the flowering period, improving quality and storability, and increasing the nutraceutical content. The studies of Farneti et al.and Mengist et al.were mainly focused on discovery the metabolic and β†’

Cu06-1004-induced vascular normalization improves immunotherapy by modulating tumor microenvironment via cytotoxic t cells

Additionally, in a model of tumor angiogenesis, CU06-1004 normalized the tumor vasculature and improved delivery and efficacy of the anti-angiogenesis drug sunitinib. Conversely, NK and T cell depletion experiments showed that the CD8 + T cell population in the tumor was important for the combination of CU06-1004 and ICB therapy.

Cocaine epidemic in the usa in 1980s

Cocaine Epidemic in the USA in 1980s The extent of psychostimulants use cyclically varies in contrast to the relatively constant level of opioids use. Due to this fact the popularity of use of cocaine among pregnant women was high.

Editorial: computational methods for understanding complexity: the use of formal methods in biology

The Editorial on the Research Topic Computational Methods for Understanding Complexity: The Use of Formal Methods in Biology The functional properties of living organisms have a complexity exceeding the human capacity for analysis. We can also find discrete and Boolean models, and the use of both simulators and model checkers.

Monogenic immune diseases provide insights into the mechanisms and treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease

With these principles in mind, the purpose of this review is to use our evolving understanding of monogenic immune disorders to provide a rationale for previous and ongoing therapies in cGvHD and potentially provide new avenues for intervention based on the pathophysiology of cGvHD. The proportion of Treg cells is increased in patients with mixed β†’

Dietary diversity and its contribution in the etiology of maternal anemia in conflict hit mount cameroon area: a cross-sectional study

Notwithstanding, in low- and middle-income countries many women living in under resourced environments, suffer from undernutrition and pregnancy presents an additional burden on the women's nutritional requirement to meet the needs of both mother and the developing fetus. Farming and business constitute the mainstay of the town.

Good example of cardiovascular diseases essay

STROKE It is a severe health condition that happens wherever there is cut off in supply of blood to some parts of the brain. Occurs when a blood vessel ruptures and bleeds into the brain factors that increase the risk of stroke Obesity and diabetes Binge alcohol drinking and excessive use of cocaine high levels β†’

Brain tumour glioblastoma multiforme problem health and social care essay

The trouble to digest with the side effects of the medicines such as sleepiness and hair loss may do GBM patients to experience down and hurt. Some claim that the development of toxicity by avastin may shorten endurance in some patients when it is added to radiotherapy and temozolomide.

Taking the perspective that a depressive state reflects inflammation: implications for the use of antidepressants

Since the brain is supposed to be impervious to the entry of cytokines, the question of how cytokines in the periphery communicate with brain has been a subject of inquiry. In addition to the data on behavioral impact of IFN- , several conditions are associated with a rise in inflammatory cytokines.

Adding enzalutamide to first-line treatment for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis

The aim of this study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of adding enzalutamide to first-line treatment in men with mHSPC from the US and Chinese payers' perspectives. As shown in Figure 3, the utility for the PFS state and the cost of enzalutamide were the most influential factors both from the US payers' perspective and β†’

Bayes or determinables? what does the bidirectional hierarchical model of brain functions tell us about the nature of perceptual representation?

More specifically, Clark makes three strong philosophical claims about how we should revise our philosophical theories of the mind in general and the concept of representation in particular in the light of the empirical evidence that supports the " bidirectional hierarchical model of brain functions": The " bidirectional hierarchical model of brain functions" shows that β†’

A review of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from the perspective of brain networks

The macrostructural and microstructural abnormalities of corpus callosum in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a combined morphometric and diffusion tensor MRI study. Cortical thinning of the attention and executive function networks in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Editorial: the vascular niche in tissue repair: a therapeutic target for regeneration

Editorial on the Research Topic The Vascular Niche in Tissue Repair: A Therapeutic Target for Regeneration In mammals, although regeneration is quite restricted to a number of tissues and organs, this particular healing process is possible through the existence of tissue-resident stem/progenitor cells. Hutter-Schmid et al.present organotypic brain slices cultures as a tool and a β†’

Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy and Physiology Question One Bony Callus refers to the deposits of bone that is formed around and between the edges of fractured bones during the fourth week of normal fractured healing processes. The main symptom that was use to identify this disease was the swelling and the speed of onset as well as the β†’

Human resource team

Performance examination will be done throughinterview, which consists of two parts: the initial interview with the Human Resource Manager and panel interview to be conducted with the supervisor and members of the team, although, some may require the presence of the CEO. Panel interview allows the interviewers determine the candidate's suitability for the position specifically β†’

Human trafficking in brazil

He is called the " Father of the Poor", because of the fact that he brought social and economic changes that helped modernize the country. Utilizing vast natural resources and a large labor pool, it is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader, one of the first in the area to begin β†’

Melanoma genetics/genomics

Melanoma genomics on the other hand is the study of genomes of melanoma cells and other cell types and their role in melanoma onset and progression. The potential for targeted therapy of melanoma brain metastasis through in vivo modeling and molecular characterization is the subject of a Review Article by Gaziel-Sovran et al.

Challenges in determining whether creativity and mental illness are associated

In addition to both a more explicit definition and operationalization of creativity and investigating its associated cognitive correlates, a study would be clearer about why a certain type of mental illness is being investigated in relation to that type of creativity. The role of schizotypy and creativity in a group problem-solving task.Pers.

Aspirin desensitisation on asthma health and social care essay

In this reappraisal, I will measure and rate of the available evidence-based informations for the value of aspirin desensitization on asthma and rhinosinusitis. The Left of 44 documents could be grounds the value of AD for direction of asthma and rhinosinusitis The ratings will be depending on: Diagnosis Efficacy andfailure Safety Cost-effectiveness Other indicants The β†’

Gene and drug delivery system and potential treatment into inner ear for protection and regeneration

We will try to regulate the Notch signaling and overexpress proteins, such as Atoh 1, that can increase the regenerative properties of the sensory epithelium of the cochlea. The members of the Notch signaling pathway also play key roles in mediating HC differentiation in the developing cochlea.

The uniquely predictive power of evolutionary approaches to mind and behavior

While we appreciate Barrett et al.'s enthusiasm for an interesting and relatively new approach to understanding mind and behavior, we argue here that, independent of the veracity of the concept of massive modularity, an evolutionary approach provides a substantial advance in the understanding of mind and behavior. While Barrett et al.assert that the primary advance β†’

Editorial: microbiotechnology based surfactants and their applications

This editorial is an annotation on the exciting research topic " Microbiotechnology based surfactants and their applications" that covers a compilation of original research articles, reviews and mini-reviews submitted by researchers enthusiastically working in the field of biosurfactants. Madsen et al, compared the impact of anionic biosurfactant rhamnolipid and the synthetic surfactant SDS on the β†’

Global access to health care and well-being: a place for policy and science

This inevitably calls for a coherent global health access policy that ensures the adequate provision of care, and considers the impact of medical travel on the health and well-being of patients and other stakeholders. Health Policy.doi: 10.

Human development index

India's position in the world India ranks a low 134 among 187 countries in the list that is headed by Norway and in which the Democratic Republic of Congo is at the very bottom in terms of the human development index. By the turn of the century, a middle class had developed that was leery β†’

Emerging immune functions of non-hematopoietic stromal cells

One of the earliest motives that have fueled the study of immune stroma has been the interest in immune system development and the quest to define the action of a set of molecules required for primary and secondary lymphoid organ formation. J Exp Med 185: 2111 20.doi: 10.

Editorial: genetic regulatory mechanisms underlying developmental shifts in plant evolution

Embryo patterning required the diversification of cell types, the polarization of stem cell niches in the diploid axis and the occurrence of lateral organs in response to auxin peaks to form leaf primordia. DNA methylation plays a role in enlarging the potential of phenotypic expression and the authors argue for the emergence of the novel β†’

Application of phase-only correlation to travel-time determination in gnss-acoustic positioning

The slant range is calculated from the two-way travel time of the acoustic wave and the sound speed of seawater along the ray path. Possible causes for the distortion of the cross-correlation are the degradation of the signal due to the frequency and phase characteristics of acoustic devices through electro-acoustic transformation, distortion of the returned β†’

Brain age prediction with morphological features using deep neural networks: results from predictive analytic competition 2019

One of the most promising uses of the brain age prediction is its relevance and use as a biomarker to assess the risk of an individual to develop cognitive decline and propensity to neurodegenerative diseases. Another fundamental objective of the work is to provide a robust statistical evaluation of feature importance for the explanation of β†’

Initiation of post-primary tuberculosis of the lungs: exploring the secret role of bone marrow derived stem cells

The primary objective of this review is to discuss the significance of the adult stem cell niche as a protective site of TB dormancy and reactivation that allows the pathogen to initiate PPTBL in an immunocompetent adult and subsequently to transmit Mtb in the community. It is presumed that the endogenous source of the replicating β†’

Endurance training improves oxygen uptake and endurance capacity in patients with moderate to severe valvular disease

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12 weeks supervised aerobic endurance training in patients with moderate to severe valve disease on the primary outcome peakVO 2 and secondary outcomes maximum working capacity and endurance capacity. Calculation of sample size was based on the primary efficacy endpoint, which was defined β†’

Cu2624 essay sample

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that as of 2011[update] defines the fundamental structure and authority for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare within the United Kingdom. The aim of the legislation is to reform the law relating β†’

How much data does linguistic theory need? on the tolerance principle of linguistic theorizing

The history of modern science is a clear illustration of the primacy, in the realm of the natural sciences, of the deductive method, generally known as the hypothetico-deductive model. If we consider the specific issue that concerns us here, that is, the possibility of collecting and manipulating enormous amounts of data on linguistic variation, the β†’

A concise review on the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the development of autoimmunity in vitiligo pathogenesis

The accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER lumen and its dilation are the characteristics of ER stress. In this review, we will emphasize on the potential role of ER stress in the development of autoimmune/inflammatory responses in vitiligo.

Accreditation of healthcare institutions

ACCREDITATION Accreditation is the assessment of health care s and providers of how well they comply with the standard procedures of providing facility and care to the consumers of those facilities. The Value and Impact of Health Care Accreditation: A Literature Review.

Why i want to do my rural rotations in western australia and my rural location of preference

I have, in my entire life, been fond of rural life and the rural environment in general, a fact that has developed my desire and commitment to participate in rural rotation. This will, as a result, facilitate my ability to learn and to deliver in the region.

The role of prediction in social neuroscience

The ideas just expressed here illustrate a generalized description of the role of prediction in cognition and the brain, and is becoming the consensus on a general and universal principle of how the brain works. Given the broad scope of the implications of prediction in fundamental cognitive and neural processes, and in light of the β†’

Exercise, physical activity, and sedentary behavior in the treatment of depression: broadening the scientific perspectives and clinical opportunities

To date, the strongest evidence on the benefits of physical activity in depression comes from randomized controlled trials, in which changes in depression severity have been assessed before and after a prescribed exercise intervention. The mechanisms underlying relationships of exercise, physical activity, and sedentary behavior with improved depression remain understudied.

P.e standards

However, some form of exercise and physical activity is mandatory to lead a healthy life! Why Exercise Classes' Improvisation of body: Joining physical exercise and activity classes results in the improvement of body shape, strength and fitness levels.

The role of periprostatic adipose tissue on prostate function in vascular-related disorders

The enlargement of the transition zone is considered the main cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia in ageing men and is one of the main causes of lower urinary tract symptoms. Therefore, this review is divided into two main parts, one highlighting the role of adipokines in the context of obesity that can lead to LUTS/BPH β†’

Microbiota and lung cancer. opportunities and challenges for improving immunotherapy efficacy

Here after a brief summary of the main experimental evidences relating microbiota with lung cancer development, we will discuss the relationship between the composition of lung microbiota and the efficacy of ICIs and the opportunities that this connection offers to exploit microbiome analyses and modification in the prediction of ICIs efficacy. The development of lung β†’

A narrative review of stigma related to infectious disease outbreaks: what can be learned in the face of the covid-19 pandemic?

Self-stigma happens when the stigma is internalized, so it affects attitudes, emotions, and even beliefs of individuals and forms the behavior of the people who are stigmatized. Although there are arguments suggesting that the stigma related to the disease might have some evolutionary functions, that is, avoiding the source of infection, and staying safe by β†’

Friendship importance around the world: links to cultural factors, health, and well-being

In the current study, we examined how the importance people place on friendships varies across cultures and whether this variation is associated with differences in the health and well-being of the people living in those cultures. In the context of friendship, people in masculine societies might be more self-reliant and do not depend on or β†’

Mechanisms of antibiotic failure during staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis treatment is complicated by a number of factors, including: widespread antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic tolerance as a result of metabolic changes and/or biofilm formation, the inability of antibiotics to penetrate infected and damaged bone, and the colonization of potentially antibiotic-protected reservoirs within the substructure of bone. As such, the contribution of the diffusion barrier to β†’

Editorial: metal biology takes flight: the study of metal homeostasis and detoxification in insects

Editorial on the Research Topic Metal Biology Takes Flight: The Study of Metal Homeostasis and Detoxification in Insects Like all animals, insects must acquire nutrient metals such as copper, iron, manganese, and zinc from their environment or their hosts for essential growth and metabolic functions. Studying metal imbalances in insects provides a number of opportunities β†’

Editorial: progress in translational neuroimaging: integrating pathways, systems, and phenomenology in neurology and psychiatry

Editorial on the Research Topic Progress in Translational Neuroimaging: Integrating Pathways, Systems, and Phenomenology in Neurology and Psychiatry Classification is taxonomic nomenclature system established for the purposes of statistical analysis of the phenomena and in order to facilitate and uniform the language of professionals in different countries. In this fashion various papers contribute with neuroimaging β†’

Sars-cov-2 genomes from oklahoma, united states

The huge repository of sequence data in open-source databases such as the GenBank-NCBI and GISAID has facilitated the identification of numerous mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. SNPs in the genome that result in commonly reported non-synonymous mutations such as P4715L in ORF1ab, D614G in S gene, R203K, and G204R in N β†’

Corrigendum: de novo assembly of the japanese lawngrass ( zoysia japonica steud.) root transcriptome and identification of candidate unigenes related to early responses under salt stress

00610 Due to an oversight by the authors, data from a different study were incorrectly reported in the Abstract and Conclusion of the manuscript. All conclusions were drawn using the correct data and, as such, these are unaffected by the above changes.

Culture and psychopathology: new perspectives on research, practice, and clinical training in a globalized world

It presents a conceptual framework for clinicians to identify the role of culture on the patient's clinical presentation and care, in four domains: cultural identity of the individual; cultural explanations of the experienced signs and symptoms; cultural factors that may be associated with the psychosocial environment and levels of functioning; and cultural features involved in β†’

“whatever did ever happen to the likely lads”? social change, mobility, class, and identity in the uk 1969–2019.

Although It can also be argued that social improvement had increased across the board between 1945 and 1969 but it was only those in certain industries and parts of the country who were able to withstand the economic pressure of the 1970's after the 1973 Oil crisis, the coming of Thatcherism and the economic recession β†’

Overcoming chemoresistance: altering ph of cellular compartments by chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine

Furthermore, the acid-base microenvironment adaptation occurs in subcellular organelles including endolysosomes and Golgi; changes known to contributes to the survival of cancer cells, malignant progression, and the development of chemoresistance. Observed by Warburg and Pasteur in aerobic glycolysis and hypoxia, the physiological pH of the extracellular microenvironment of normal tissue becomes acidic in tumor microenvironments β†’

Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings

1 A duty of care is to make sure that you are paying a certain amount of attention to everyone you are working with including; mangers, children and parents, making sure they are happy and satisfied and you take caution to avoid negligence that will lead to harm others. Without this you are not safeguarding β†’

The lived body in schizophrenia: transition from basic self-disorders to full-blown psychosis

Traditionally, in the field of phenomenological psychopathology disorders of the self have been stressed as the essential clinical characteristics of schizophrenia. At the time of the interviews, the patients were receiving the usual pharmacological treatment for the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Inhibiting the nlrp3 inflammasome with methylene blue as treatment adjunct in myelodysplasia

Cytosolic NLRP3 activation and the flood of cytokines consequent to its activation play a major role in death of in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells seen in MDS. Of note this effect is independent of MB's anti-plasmodia effects with a parallel anti-inflammation action in minocycline's effect in cerebral malaria as predicted in 2008 and experimentally affirmed in β†’

The e-twenty-six family in hepatocellular carcinoma: moving into the spotlight

TABLE 1 The expression of the ETS transcription factors in HCC and their association with clinical-pathological features and patients' survival. BET inhibitors, some of which have been in clinical trials, could suppress the transcriptional activity and expression of ETS factors.

The fragile x syndrome–autism comorbidity: what do we really know?

First, we have explored the individual symptoms leading to the diagnosis of ASD in FXS and the non-syndromic case; in essence, searching for evidence of similarities and differences in the symptom profile " earning" affected individuals the diagnosis. The fact that the relationship between cognitive ability and ASD symptomatology differs for FXS and non-syndromic ASD β†’

Would the dog be a person’s child or best friend? revisiting the dog-tutor attachment

In the child-caregiver attachment, two behavioral systems, namely the attachment system and the caregiving system, are combined to increase the chances of survival of the offspring. If we compare the dog-tutor bond to the child-caregiver attachment, what would be the role, and the weight, of the attachment system, and caregiving system that the tutor and β†’

Michael moore: sicko

Moore's film highlights how the US health care system appears to have lost this respect for human life as shown through the failings within the different arms of the healthcare system. This is one of the areas that " Sicko" exploits as a possible cause of the failings of the current American health care system.

A commentary on theory of mind

Antonietti, A, Liverta-Sempio, O, Marchetti, A, and Astington, J.W." Mental language and understanding of epistemic and emotional mental states: contextual aspects," in Theory of Mind and Language in Developmental Contexts, eds A. Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?

Silencing of viral elements: an available cure for schizophrenia?

HSV-1 is indeed abundantly present; up to 80% of adults harbor the virus and it is the only known virus, which has specific neurotropism for the limbic regions of the brain involved in the inflammatory pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The transcription repressor REST in adult neurons: physiology, pathology, and diseases.eNeuro 2: 1 15.doi: 10.

Editorial: fusarium wilt of banana, a recurring threat to global banana production

Editorial on the Research Topic Fusarium Wilt of Banana, a Recurring Threat to Global Banana Production This Research Topic contains a selection of papers dealing with Fusarium wilt of banana, also known as Panama disease, that investigate the epidemiology, distribution, infection biology, and diversity of the pathogen, management practices, and ways to identify and screen β†’

Gambling-specific cognitions are not associated with either abstract or probabilistic reasoning: a dual frequentist-bayesian analysis of individuals with and without gambling disorder

In the context of the Gambling Space Model [GSM, ], more dysfunctional cognitions and stronger gambling-related biases are not hypothesized to originate in weaker domain-general reasoning processes, but in domain-specific motivated reasoning. With the exception of Lambos and Delfabbro, the moderating role of gambling-related cognitions in the association between general reasoning and gambling problems was β†’

Acute stroke biomarkers: are we there yet?

Indeed, biomarker stratification of the different classes of stroke patients in a pre-hospital setting would facilitate directing them to a hospital where thrombectomy is performed without losing crucial time by performing brain imaging in the nearest hospital and then transferring the patient to the comprehensive stroke center. This is especially important with respect to the β†’

Computational efficiency of a modular reservoir network for image recognition

Regarding the second question, we investigate the impact of the Hough transformation, a model consistent with the mechanisms of information processing in the visual cortex, on the classification performance of image recognition tasks. The connection map of input synapses is predefined to make the firing rates of post-synaptic neurons consistent with the Hough transform of β†’

Toward a new conception of habit and self-control in adolescent maturation

Amygdala by its relations with hippocampus and prefrontal cortex is part of the process of knowing how to wait and not to be hasty, and also for taking on disadvantages because there is a later reward. A, and Merten, M.

The protective hiv-1 envelope gp41 antigen p1 acts as a mucosal adjuvant stimulating the innate immunity

Accordingly, in a study using the HIV-1 envelope gp140 as antigen, TSLP acts as a strong mucosal adjuvant in the mouse model. In brief, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were separated from healthy donors blood, and monocytes were purified from PBMCs by negative selection according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Hydrogen oxidation pathway over ni–ceria electrode: combined study of dft and experiment

By comparing the electronic properties of Ni YSZ and Ni CeO 2 interfaces, Shishkin and Ziegler demonstrate that the formation of the surface vacancy is much easier in the case of Ni CeO 2, while oxygen vacancy can only exists at 3PB for Ni YSZ. Based on this, the pyramid-shaped Ni 10 cluster is constructed β†’

Editorial: seed dormancy, germination, and pre-harvest sprouting

Editorial on the Research Topic Seed Dormancy, Germination and Pre-harvest Sprouting Seed germination is the first critical step of the plant life cycle and the foundation of agricultural production. Shorinola et al.analyzed a causal relation between TaMKK3 and PHS in the global germplasm and confirmed its significance for seed dormancy.

Subgroup splits in diverse work teams: subgroup perceptions but not demographic faultlines affect team identification and emotional exhaustion

Moreover, in the long run, the recent flow of refugees in many parts of the world will further intensify the current level of diversification of ethnicity, religion, and the nature of prior work experience and education. This design allowed us to investigate the effect of faultlines and perceived subgroups on emotional exhaustion via team identification.

Stroke imaging

But the use of MRI can be potentially significant if the patient is a late comer after the stroke and if it is to determine whether the tissues are still treatable or the infraction is already at end stage and nothing else can be done to salvage it, it is because of the same reason β†’

Grand challenges in astrostatistics

Cosmology can be seen as the more spectacular demonstration of the usefulness, and even the absolute necessity, of sophisticated statistical analyses; it first started with the determination of the structure of the cosmic web, but a more popular outcome emerged in the derivation of the properties of our Universe through Bayesian analyses. In the same β†’

Principles and policies of health promotion

It mainly started in 2 parallel directions: Within the HIV/AIDS vertical project developed before the introduction of ART? e used to develop prevention project to reduce the spread of infection in the general community and amongst target groups Within the Water, Hygiene & Sanitation project, hygiene promotion activities were developed to promote the use of β†’

My tribute to mary ellen avery

She and her colleagues had been studying the effects of glucocorticoids on fetal lung maturation and surfactant production, and had stumbled onto a curious " neighbor effect" when they treated one of the fetal rabbits in the womb by direct injection, they found an effect on the maturation of the lungs in the collateral pups. β†’

Editorial: inflammation in cardiovascular diseases: role of the endothelium and emerging therapeutics

Editorial on the Research Topic Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases: Role of the Endothelium and Emerging Therapeutics Endothelial cells, lining the interior surface of all blood vessels, not only participate in the maintenance of the delivery of blood to all vital organs but are also involved in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis. The role of endothelial β†’

Advanced healthcare management

The three approaches of motivation covered in Burns, Bradley, & Weiner are as follows: the theory of work motivation which was described as assuming that " individuals value and seek fairness, or equity, in their relationship with employers "; the expectancy theory which reportedly assumes that " people make rational calculations about how to expend β†’

Mechanisms of embodiment

The idea of sensorimotor simulation is that there are neural correlates between the content of what is being read and represented and the areas in the brain being activated. Previous studies have demonstrated that participants tend to simulate the shape of the object, being slower in the yes response of the object having occurred in β†’

Editorial: the janus face of language: where are the emotions in words and where are the words in emotions?

Editorial on the Research Topic The Janus Face of Language: Where Are the Emotions in Words and Where Are the Words in Emotions? Several studies investigated the neurophysiological and psychophysiological correlates of emotional word processing to determine whether the processing of emotions from words and the processing of emotions from pictures or faces share the β†’

Editorial: progress in reproductive neuroendocrinology in vertebrates

As in birds, mammalian and fish GnIH peptides inhibit gonadotropin release, indicating the conserved inhibitory role of GnIH in the regulation of the HPG axis. The first review article by Tsutsui and Ubuka summarizes the discovery of GnIH and progresses of GnIH research.

Neurobiological mechanisms of transcranial direct current stimulation for psychiatric disorders; neurophysiological, chemical, and anatomical considerations

Therefore, the current review aimed to provide an overview of the actions of tDCS, especially anodal stimulation, on neurotransmission and neural networks in the brain, to help understand the mechanisms underlying its therapeutic effects. Anodal stimulation with tDCS by itself is not strong enough to depolarize the membrane potential of neurons to the firing threshold, β†’

Ramp2-as1 regulates endothelial homeostasis and aging

For example, the laminar and pulsatile shear stress in the straight parts of the artery not only causes an elevated expression of anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory genes, but also suppresses pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory genes, thus contributing to a potential anti-aging effect. The eigengenes were ranked in descending order by absolute value and were used to project β†’

Open source software development for neuroinformatics

A commentary on Concierge: Personal database software for managing digital research resources by Hiroyuki Sakai, Toshihiro Aoyama, Kazutsuna Yamaji and Shiro Usui According to the Mission Statement of this journal, neuroinformatics is a field " devoted to the development of neuroscience data and knowledge bases together with numerical models and analytical tools for the sharing, β†’

Editorial: advances in mechatronics and biomechanics towards efficient robot actuation

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the Research Topic, it is organized under the sections " Humanoid Robotics" and " Robotic Control Systems" within Frontiers in Robotics and AI as well as the " Bionics and Biomimetics" section with Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Several articles in the Research Topic are devoted to the potential and β†’

The veterans health affairs handbook

Ideally, the letter opposes the draft VHA Handbook with a view that the proposed changes may significantly undermine the delivery of care within the VHA while disregarding the states' role in regulating the health and safety of their residents in the delivery of health care services. I strongly agree with the letter in calling for β†’

The social and ethical implications related to genomic and genetic medicine

The paper " The Social and Ethical Implications Related to Genomic and Genetic Medicine" is a worthy example of a term paper on medical science. Despite the aforementioned benefits of social and ethical issues relating to precision medicine, several drawbacks challenge such a major advancement in genetics sciences.

The grand challenge for frontiers in genetics: to understand past, present, and future

For decades now, scientists have waxed poetically about the excitement of the fields of genetics and genomics, about the bright future ahead, about the exciting times given the advent of new technology and the rapid pace of new discoveries, and about the intense challenges facing us as we think about the ever more enormous quantities β†’

Examining the current and future scientific field of antidoping: “cheaters should never win”

Obviously, with the importance of the World Anti-Doping Code and disputes before the Court of Arbitration for Sport, the importance of the legal field seems natural. The example of blood doping illustrates a change in paradigm in favor of the ABP with a strong contributions of scientific research to the fight against doping.

New investigation on the generalized -fractional integral operators

Then, the left- and right-sided generalized K -fractional integral operators of a function Q 1 in the sense of another function of order > 0 are stated as:= 1 K K 1 - ) K - 1 Q 1 d , 1 and = 1 K K 2 - ) K - 1 Q 1 β†’

The network theory of psychiatric disorders: a critical assessment of the inclusion of environmental factors

Whereas proponents of the traditional view typically argue that the causes of psychiatric disorders are localizable in the brain, the network theory moves our focus from the brain to psychiatric symptoms and their relations. Next, we will examine the claim that the network theory can explain the dynamics of psychiatric disorders by referring to the β†’