Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

History term paper example

In short The Armada gives a good analysis of the whole event of the naval warfare and the individuals involved in it. The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada.U.S.

Sample essay on colonial america

The Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern; 1492 - 1800. The Story of American Freedom.

Good essay on american civil war

Marx argues that the first excuse of the war was the differences between the free trade and the protectionist system that was supported by the Northern states. In the secession congress in came into the attention of the southern legislators that the Louisiana sugar was most affected by the tariffs that were imposed by the β†’

Example of equianos thoughts and feelings about england essay

Right at the beginning of the book, when he writes that, " when I compare my lot with that of most of my countrymen, I regard myself as a particular favourite of heaven,", there is a ting of sadness in his tone, nit because he is lucky enough to escape the hardship he faced in β†’

Essay on a review of the situation

The main concern that teachers address is not whether EAL students are academically competent or if their English is just not on par to accomplish goals; but rather the question of how to cater to both EAL and non-EAL students at the same time without compromising on the both of their quality of education. To β†’

Concert details essay example

The former received a jolly and volatile performance with Haitink whipping up the tempo to quite a frenzy towards the end and everything sounded very well indeed. The slow introduction came through quite absorbingly and everything was carried out with a panache which was interestingly disarming on all counts.

Example of comapare european law to uk law critical thinking

In view of the difference in legal systems and the way in which different countries operate their property market, examine how Great Britain may not sit well in the European Community. In addition to that there is the idea of, or form of entrenchment of, either the constitution itself or of, any of its special β†’

Israel-palestinian conflict research paper sample

Despite the fact that the religious events have not been linked to the 1948 occupation of Israelites, and the dating back of religious activities before this event, it is still considered a factor of note in analyzing the constant conflict between Israel and Palestine. Grievances on due to the deprivation of human rights and essential β†’

Argumentative essay on experiments in fiction 2

Clarissa Dalloway is a major character in the story and her experiences reflect a broad perspective of the situation in the post-war period. It is in this respect that the first time in the century having the English even vulnerable to their individual pieces of land.

Good example of essay on (no need to have a topic)

According to the critiques, Foucault brings out the male gender to dominate over the female gender in the analysis and this is very evident in both the past days when women were perceived as a subject to their husbands. The repressive attitude to which she considered sex with, led to the regimes majorly concerning gender β†’

Sentence outline

There are two effects of English Literacy in our country based on the researcher's knowledge and research.A. The problem of this thesis is the value of English language becomes one of the major controversies in our country.C.

Free book review on new haven: yale university press. 1977

The thesis of the book is that women used the opportunities they had in society to move from the home sphere out into the world. Cott's book New could be thought of as a product of the time because the subject is women and women's spheres in the home and finding ways to create spheres β†’

Critical thinking on history

Catherine of Aragon was the first wife of Henry VIII and mother of Mary 1. Finally, the last wife of Henry VIII was Katherine Parr who was widowed after the death of Henry.

Americas perception of europe essay examples

As a result, the American government and the Founding Founders placed the country in a state of isolationism to protect them from European influence and threat. American Views of Europe and the World.

Example of benjamin franklin and sam prescott essay

He road much further because he was determined not to let the country fall into the hands of the enemy which were the British. Revere had been seized by the British both Prescott was able to make a run for it and the escaped out of the clutches of his enemies.

Should visitors follow local customs and behaviors?

Increasing number of entering tourists to a country is one of direct impact of allowing them to feel relaxed in host countries. Thus governments are required to make some limitations in order to respect the beliefs and cultures of host countries.

Example of electoral systems in the uk and one other country with a pr system essay

Introduction Definitions First past the post Proportional representation Comparative analysis Compare and contrast the merits of First Past the Post and Proportional Representation Electoral Systems in the UK and one other country with a PR system Introduction-Definitions The provocative argument informing this discourse on first past the post and proportional representation emerged from a recently β†’

A comparison of the new england and the chesapeake bay colonies essay sample

Beginning with the first season of the New England colonies, the Indians were essential to the survival of the New England colonies. The climate of the New England region was especially harsh during the winter; the storms brought forth by the winter were severe and often.

Essay on psychological warfare

This phrase might have been taken to mean that the war was to go on, but looked from the modern perspective, it is clear that the prime minister implied that they could use any means possible to win the war. The source of the propaganda is known and the information is not hidden.

Modern british history argumentative essay

Orwell also attempted to demonstrate conflicts and divisions in British national character, the class divisions, the decay of the ruling class, the extension of the middle class in the context of the left wing intelligentsia and anti militarism throughout the country. The group was critical of the military decisions, the empire and the ruling elite β†’

Example of british invasion essay

The year 1964 is often attributed as the inception of the complete British Invasion, as a result of the unique live performance showcased by the then popular band. The recording companies in the United States of America were forced by the British invasion to find rock bands from Britain with a sound pattern similar to β†’

Good the importance of thomas paine’s “common sense” in american history literature review example

The ideas of Natural Laws, and the roles and limitations of the Government, which are expressed in this document, were in wide circulation in the educated circles at the time, and even the common people with little education felt the injustice of absolute rule and lack of rights. Therefore, the role of Paine's " Common β†’

Comparison of education in the uk and qatar essay examples

In Qatar, the education system attempts to serve the purpose of preserving the Qatari heritage and respecting the personality of the people. However, the government has been reducing funding to the ministry of education and this has consequently led to the ministry losing a significant control of the education system to the supreme education council.

Institutional transformation of public secondary schools in the division ogf gingoog through school based management: an anthology of best practices

1: Summary: The study dealt with the extent of School Based Management Practices among Public Secondary School Administrators and the extent of the School Improvement among Public Schools in the Division of Gingoog City. The researcher used the comparative research design in which the primary tool was the Assessment of School Based Management Practices to β†’

Literature review on afghanistan

Therefore, the individuals of Afghanistan have been subjected to provincially defined understandings of themselves, and have yet to get the social and intelligent devices important to oppose and reject the inconvenience of the other's perspective of self. The consequence is that the larger part of performing artists in and eyewitnesses of Afghanistan are trapped in β†’

Example of book review on british in the middle east between 1798 and 1914

It is aid that the main aim of the British venturing into the Middle East was to gain control of the trade routes and the oil in the area. The British in collaboration with the French and the Russians collaborated to enhance the technology of the Middle in a quest to subdivide the empire among β†’

Historical figures essay sample

Foreign intervention was important in the American cause because it helped the Americans to eliminate some of the traditional values that were not promoting the national development of the country. Wisconsin University Press Wood W.

Mel carter

He has the ideas and theme in his mind, but he cannot write the whole of it, for he is afraid of the thougth that rest of the lecture will not come out, which makes him " immobilized" and desperate. Martin's not knowing German and Oskar's inability to talk English bring about the trouble of β†’

Loyalist argumentative essay example

The Loyalists also referred to as Tories or King's men were opposed to the Patriots, who supported the revolution, while the Patriots on the other hand rebelled against the British control. The Loyalists chose to support the authority of the king rather than the power of the parliament.

“on seeing england for the first time” by j. kincaid essay sample

In the opening of the passage, Kincaid uses plenty of imagery to illustrate how England was first shown to her. In the case with her mother, she was taught how to eat properly with eating utensils.

Who has been the most successful prime minister since 1945 and why essay examples

The first section of this paper discusses history of Blair's political life and his achievements, followed by general achievements that made Blair successful in political history of United Kingdom. He won the seat of Sedgefield in 1983; in 1992, he fought for a seat in the cabinet and won the role in Shadow Home Secretary.

Example of essay on implementing the united states constitution

The US constitution is the oldest written law in effect and has served as a prototype for various constitutions in the world. In 1777, this compact; referred to as the " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union", was accepted by a congress of the member states and in 1778, it was formally signed.

Example of london history essay

Despite these archeological finds, Romans were the first founders of London who made it their capital; in time the city expanded a lot and became the sixth by size in the Roman Empire. It is the home of the Bank of England, founded in 1694.

Arrival of the europeans essay sample

During the time of arrival of the British, the average temperatures in Australia were 20 degrees Celsius which were quite higher than the temperatures back home. It talks about the lives of the convicts that were deported to Australia to provide labor to the European settlers.

Report event of story telling

Objectives The Story Telling competition is to encourage the pupils to develop their speaking skills and build their confidence in using the English language biside draw the interest of the pupils in English Language 3. Strength The strength of the story telling competition is that the pupils are able to tell their story according to β†’

Female genital mutilation research paper examples

Female genital mutilation or female circumcision/female genital cutting, pertains to the partial or total removal of the person's female genitalia and the injuries in the genital organs. Today, female circumcision or female genital mutilation is still a trend that serves as a tradition for many African tribes and in some communities around the globe for β†’

History final exam essay example

Under the provisions of the League Mandate, Britain had the legislative and administrative power in Palestine, with a promise of eventual self-government in the future. In other words, Palestine was a British colony in everything but name, although the Mandate also promised " respect for the personal status of the various peoples and communities and β†’

The importance of the english legal system

I think English Law is very important and it is neccesary to learn it for becoming a jurist, because English Law is the legal system of England and Wales and is the basis of common law legal systems used in most Commonwealth countries and the United States except Louisiana. I want to be a succesfull β†’

Article review on history comparison

Here, the Balfour Declaration, Henry McMahon's Letter to Ali ibn Husain, and the British Mandate for Palestine are all compared and contrasted in terms of how they affected the area, as well as other important questions relating to their role in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. In the Balfour Declaration, UK Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour describes β†’

Good the british occupation of egypt 1882 research paper example

In fact, all of imperial history from the 18th century to the outbreak of the Second World War, albeit a physical reality of expensive wars, was also the push and tussle of economic games, of a hegemony born out of the need to take over lands before anyone else did. Yet in the words of β†’

History essays examples

Among the new systems that emerged because of the Agricultural Revolution in Europe were the open field system and the enclosure system. This law extended the period of time to enforce the tax on sugar and molasses products.

Globalization and ethical issues regarding adidas

Just like the Nike swooshes, Adidas' 3-stripe pattern is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. The 3-stripe pattern is very recognizable that even if one is to see it on any type of apparel, they may automatically assume that the brand is Adidas.

Case study on france and tallyrand

Napoleon lost the war and the winners wanted to divide up France. It was sure the others would be happy to divide up the spoils in pieces of France if given the chance.

Values-these are principles, norms and standards of behavior as shaped by culture essay

What is similar about the environments in which many Muslims live in the UK, and the environments out of which rap emerged in the US? What do you see as similarities between rap in the US and rap as practiced by a new generation of Muslim in the UK?

Argumentative essay on herbert wells machine imperialism and classism

According to Luckhurst, The Traveler is a victim of the dogma of " Survival of the fittest", and as a result, the inability of man to control himself and science leads to the demise of man. In the story, Wells documents the adventure tales of the Eloi and of a new underworld people called Morlocks.

Essay on romanticizing leaders

To them, it is the responsibility of their heroes to maintain the perfect life at all times. People should consider the acts of these great heroes, use them as an example, and appreciate the long-term effects of these acts of greatness.

Good british history: social sphere of the popish plot research paper example

Towards the end of the seventeenth century, Protestants greatly feared Catholics " overthrowing the Church of England in Church and State", their concerns were heightened by " The king' s evident sympathy for France; the Catholicism of his consort, Catherine of Braganza; and the apparent conversion to Rome of the King's brother and heir James, β†’

Play report essays example

The physical conflict is clearly highlighted by the view of the sudden and abrupt change of ideologies of a man who on the previous day truly believed in the presence of God only to change in one morning. The director brings in the various transitions in the view that staging of the whole play is β†’

Importance of language in the development of the nation state or cultural identity essay sample

Whether this language is used by large percentages of the world's populations, such as English, or by significantly smaller groups, such as ethnic minorities who may speak a language of their own, it is undoubtedly a cornerstone of culture and vital to the development of a nation. From this, we can see that language certainly β†’

β€œconstitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough” discuss

Labour's first major reform to the UK constitution was the introduction of the Human Rights Act. And so, it can be seen that although there was a change to the UK constitution, the lack of an entrenched bill of human rights shows that the reform did not go far enough.

How the jamestown settlers of 1607 overcame the research paper samples

In 1606, a group of settlers boarded three ships, ' The Susan Constant', ' The Godspeed', and ' The Discovery', financed by the King of England, King James, and they headed toward what they had deemed, ' The New World', supposedly filled with prosperous land to farm on and most importantly, gold. Chief Powhatan's tribe β†’

Thesis on letter of elizabeth sprigs: a primary source analysis

This is the content of the letter she wrote to her father in September 22, 1756. Since she is a female servant, she is also subject to sexual abuses of the master as indicated in the phrase " after slaving during Masters pleasure".

Social classes essay

Since it is expected of an individual of Rogers's social class, he washes up after the people, remains to clean up in the downstairs after others have gone to rest, and early in the morning the following day rises to chop the firewood. Agatha has therefore described about the concept of social class is a β†’

Political and economic developments in south american systems essay examples

Its study can be understood as the progression of the edifice of a state in correspondence with the changes that take place in the economic and social dimension of the populace. The political executive in Britain consists of the cabinet and the prime minister, and the cabinet includes the heads of major agencies and departments.

Good report about thames tunnel: engineering wonders

With London rapidly expanding, and with the amount of commerce at its ports growing in parallel with the size of the city, the spans traversing the breadth of the Thames-the London Bridge and Blackfriars bridge- were being overwhelmed. Once the earth was removed, the panel could be reintegrated and moved forward, holding the rest of β†’

Example of essay on frontier development

The second stage was the search for links with the Native Americans, which could facilitate economic activities in the region. The third stage in the development of the Oregon frontier was the construction of forts and settlements in the Oregon region.

Free essay on dow chemical

A leaking insecticide tank caused the death of over 10, 000 people in the northern area of the country. Purpose: 5/5 reminds the world that the Bhopal disaster is still a problem in India and citizens have yet to recover Citation 4: Sharma, S.

Critical thinking on the mysterious indus civilization

Whoever these people were who resided in the Indus Valley so very long ago, we can tell that they were civilized and highly advance people. The people who populated the Indus Valley citadels were also musicians.

Critical thinking on what is the biotic potential of a population

When studying diseases, biotic potential can be compared to the infection force, which is the number of organisms each infected organism infects in a population. However, there are places where populations of organisms are close to the biotic potential.

Essay on the first world war

The French and English quarreled between them on the specifics of the conflict whilst the Germans were also confounded by the scale of territory which they had to cover. Russia was certainly one of the peripheral players in the war and could not really be considered as one which could have had the spoils of β†’

Free essay about cyber crime

The computer misuse act of the United Kingdom was established in the year 1990 due to a commission from the law that surrounded the misuse of computers and because of the big pressure that the government was receiving from its citizens about the same act. The recent case of a journalism hacking into the phone's β†’

Essay on united states introduction of african slavery

John Rolfe's letter to the Virginia treasurer notes that the presence of slaves in the North American's colonies began in 1619 even though the African slaves could have been present in the colonies earlier. Before the introduction of African slaves in the British colonies of North America, the practice was common in the Central and β†’

Example of research paper on the vernacular language

In the Anglo-Saxon culture, the strong influence of the church brought Latin to the center stage, but Alfred The Great caused the publication of works in a vernacular language called Old English, like texts from the Bible, religious commentaries, or even histories. In the 14th century, vernacular language was now frequent and usual in literary β†’

Repurposing a wheelchair: reshaping a life article review sample

Seeing her life slip away and become restricted, Austin's new wheelchair gives her an exhilarating feeling having the mobility to whiz around, roam the streets, and feel the wind on her joyful face. In 2005, when she began to dive, she realized that scuba " extends her range of activity" bringing a sense empowerment to β†’

Opportunities action plan report sample

I believe that by studying in the UK I will be able to learn from the new people that I meet and the places I visit. Through my experience studying in the UK, want to be able to not only expand my intelligence, but I also want to be able to develop my people skills β†’

Free essay on pastoral life and marvells mower poems

The author is in defense of the pastoralists on the issue of conflicts in the society. 2013, the poem: The Mower, London, United Kingdom, London.

Book review on evidence, argument and conclusions

Introduction and Thesis Robert Remini was correct that the War of 1812 was mostly a disaster for the United States except at the very end, when Andrew Jackson defeated a superior British force at the Battle of New Orleans in January 1815. Remini's narrative of the battle and the events leading up to it β†’

The battle of cowpens essay samples

Cornwallis, in the wake of gathering solid safety in the Carolinas, chose that a way to reduce that opposition was to thump Virginia out of the war. With Charleston in British hands Clinton came back to New York, leaving Cornwallis in summons in the South, and in August of 1780 he moved Horatio Gates' guard β†’

Blacks in latin america research paper example

A Comparison between the Cuba's Development of Slavery and North America Differences i) Slavery in Spanish America began earlier and was more intensive than in British America. Those in North America were fairly treated and some of them gave birth and multiplied.ii) In Spanish America, slave trade was well coordinated and involved African rulers who β†’

Queen elizabeth i: defeat of the spanish armada

The defeat of the " Invincible Spanish Armada" in 1588 cemented Queen Elizabeth's place in history as one of the most important and greatest rulers in England's history. Elizabeth was imprisoned for two months in the Tower of London, and many tried to have her removed from the order of succession, but she was allowed β†’

Stonehenge assignment essays example

The remains of the Stonehenge structure is a ring of standing stones planted within the earth. The second stage is when the Bluestones arrived and is considered the most dramatic phase of construction.

Example of low carbon transport systems essay

Low Carbon Transport: A Greener Future This strategy document published by the Department of Transport for the UK government set out the UK's approach to reducing CO2 emissions, to avoid climate change by meeting an overall global target of a 50 percent reduction by the year 2050. Regarding electric and plug-in hybrid cars, the report β†’

History of english language

The transformation was caused by two further waves of invasion: the first by speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic language family, who conquered and colonized parts of Britain in the 8th and 9th centuries; the second by the Normans in the 11th century, who spoke Old Norman and ultimately developed an English variety β†’

Good the beginning of a short story essay example

He was constantly brooding over the fact that his father had not bothered to look for his mother before leaving the United States." Get in here and eat your supper," Dave would shout, making Wanja, the village cook he had hired, wince at the sharpness of his voice. Although he had stopped beating his son β†’

Example of essay on patriot father, loyalist son: benjamin and william franklin

The author of the book describes the reasons of American Revolution using the examples of father and his son Benjamin and William Franklin. He was illegitimate son, who did not know his mother, and he rejected the role of Benjamin in his life but he was loyal to his king as he was the father β†’

Free mahatma gandhi research paper example

This paper intends to elaborate the reason as to why he is recognized as an important figure in India and the impacts that he made to the Indian region as well as the whole world at large. This indicated that he was from a lineage that was categorically wise owing to the fact that his β†’

Problems and solutions to kenyas land reform issue under current politics essay examples

The last time the country went to the polls certain regions of the country descended into a violent chaos that it is still recovering from. The primary cause of the problem is the disruption of land ownership that the British colonizers enacted justified by their right to acquire the land.

Republic act no 1425

The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. As such, he β†’

Characters of the woman who had two navels

His parents were Don Leocadio Joaquin, a colonel of Philippine Revolution and a prominent lawyer during the 1920s; and Do a Salome Marques, one of the first teachers to be appointed to the public school system set up by the Americans. There, Connie Escobar, a character in the story, represents the Philippines and the characters β†’

The effects of filipino-chinese parenting essay sample

The objectives of this paper are to describe the Chinese-Filipino style of parenting in connection to their cultural orientation, explain why too much parental involvement can be a factor which can affect the child's development, and analyze the negative effects of cultural differences among Chinese-Filipino children. This paper encourages the parents to understand the value β†’

History of 2go travel essay sample

The company has been a vital link in the economy of the Philippines as it made possible a much efficient shipping of passengers and cargo between the islands. Eventhough majority of the stockholders were from Jaro, Iloilo City and the company's main office was in Iloilo, it is said that the company adopted the name β†’

Reaction paper in jose rizal movie

It introduced us to the life of subjugation of the Filipino people and that is the reason of the rebellions. One of the strengths of these 2 novels is the incorporation of the characters in the life of Rizal and of the Filipinos in general.

A philippine hero

And throughout his life, he had theloyaltyand devotion of the those who belonged to the League of the Veterans of the Revolution. Antonio Luna which was a great blow to the military viability of the forces of the Republic, may forever bar him from reaching the same exalted place in the affections of the Filipino β†’

Digital martial law in the philippines essay sample

The Philippine Government's intention in passing the bill as law maybe purely for the intention of providing adequate security to the Filipino " netizens" in the cyberspace, however, we think that those who crafted the law did not really considered the pulse of the public with regards to passing it as law, more so to β†’

On the concept of national community essay sample

After supper I expressed to the hero my desire to talk to him in private about a most interesting affair, and told him that the treatment of the blind man was only secondary to the purpose of my visit to Dapitan. Effect the separation of the Philippines from Spain by force of arms, the only β†’


Also, Jollibee is well-known to most Filipino children with it's "Be Happy" trademark. That's why, aside from the children, even teenagers, adults or I may say the whole members of a family would love to come and eat at Jollibee.


Maranan The Mercado - Rizal Family The seventh of the eleven children of Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonzo. PACIANO RIZAL Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child.

Resume of joe rizal

Sort and file the medical records of the new pupils.5. Classify and file the medical records of the pupils according to their sections for the next school year.


The history of Filipino fashion is made up of the mixing of cultures and the intentional separation of social classes. The History of Filipino Fashion.

Philippine literature

The May 2010 election was considered to be the cleanest and fastest elections in the Philippines since the restoration of elite democracy after the dark Martial Law years of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos. This is despite the controversies looming on the automated elections, the system glitches during the elections, the failure of elections in β†’

Martial law and the fourth republic (1972-1986) essay sample

1081, which he signed on 17 September, the same day.[42] Marcos, who henceforth ruled by decree, curtailed press freedom and other civil liberties, abolished Congress, shut down media establishments, and ordered the arrest of opposition leaders and militant activists.[43] The first years of Martial Law saw an increase in military hardware and personnel in the β†’

Movie analysis of rizal

The film starts with Jose Rizal in Belgium where he was writing his Novel, but I think the most appropriate setting is the place where our National hero was born, and it was in Calamba, Laguna. He was the one sent Rizal to Spain and instructed that he should write everything to get the attention β†’

Reaction paper

The museum had a good props and presentation, including the sounds and lights, and in every part of the museum had a some puppets and images that portrayed the life of the Filipinos accompanied by sound system narrator. Visiting the museum was a great help in our course RZL10 because the museum main topic was β†’

Style of living of badjao essay sample

The group of the Sitangkai builds permanent homes on the shore whiles the group live in the houseboat called sakayan. The construction and launch of these craft are ritualized, and the vessels are believed to have a spirit.