Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

The policy of imperialism

The U.S.wanted to build the Panama Canal because they gained control over Puerto Rico and the Philippines. So the Panama Canal benefits the allowing warships to pass between the two oceans, helping the growing trade of Asia, and making it easier to defend the United States.

Free essay on french vs us constitution

Amending the constitution without sentimentality may however be important if the government believes that the amendment is for the benefit of the majority of the citizens in the country. In addition, the feelings of the people are considered if the constitution is to be changed.

International students essay examples

The paper will address the impact of international students in medical schools in the USA. The paper will examine the policies and rules for international students who want to study in medical schools in the USA.

Ps 102

In Huntington's article, One Nation Out of Many, Huntington chronologically goes thru the immigration of the United States detailing how early immigrants had a desire to become American in both nationality and core culture. The decline of this belief in Core Culture is explained by way of Government trying to move to a multicultural position β†’

Research paper on the washington monument

People of the Federal City founded the Washington National Monument Society in the early 1830s, as a private establishment, the main aim of which was to provide fundraising and watch the erection of the monument to be done from the funds provided by the general public. When the shaft height had reached the point of β†’

Nichelle heard

Then I realized that this was his job, to document the activities of the Emperor, and I got a little less excited about the drama within the reading but focused on the material. He was trying to rule a nation and eventually graduate to the world in the eyes of the way that one person, β†’

Sample research paper on the effect of deployment

An analysis of PTSD across the service personnel of Canada, US and Australia reveals that the service personnel of the USA suffer the most from PTSD, probably because members of the US Armed Forces have been deployed for longer rotations and in closer proximity to the enemy. The US Government constituted a Task Force under β†’

Topic: visiting forces agreement (balikatan)

Balikatan exercises can affect the peace and order situation in the country.a. Balikatan exercises can affect the industrial and agricultural sector.a.

Resurgence of conservatism

The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government in the years 1964-2005, was caused in reaction to 1960s liberal political, economic, and social policies as well as the rise of religious political groups and the controversy over theVietnam War. Consequently, the failures of the policies of liberal presidents like Carter and the success of β†’

America & germany

Preferring to remain isolated from the war, America tried to broker peace between the allies and the axis, the war was in Europe; America did not need to get involved. General John Pershing was appointed head of the American Expeditionary Force and led the first troops to France Then, on April 6th 1917, America declared β†’

Case texas instrument

The major management system of TI is OST System, which is Objective, Strategies, and Tactics System. Planning and control system on TI encourage the development of new product.

Doma: support or repeal?

This debate argues that the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed because its definition of marriage is heavily based on values of tradition in this country and because the definition violates the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The language, taken directly from the law itself, is defined as follows: " In determining β†’

Materialistic or what ever is easyer on you essay example

That said, one of the culture that has become dominant in American way of life related to the peoples' physical appearance especially, the men. In the agricultural world, labor is intensive and masculinity is determined by the ability of the man to provide for the family.

Exotic animal trade laws argumentative essay

When considering the problems of importing exotic animals from foreign countries, it is necessary to evaluate the laws that currently exist, and determine whether or not they provide an effective means of safeguarding the animals in question. The basic tenets of these laws is to make sure that the native environment is protected; the safety β†’

Nursing and health policy in america and canada literature review samples

The policy of global health and the responsibility of nurses in Canada are different from the one of the United States. The policies on global health of America and Canada have a similarity because they both provide education that creates awareness in the society.

Slavery arguments and american civil war essay

On the other hand, Lincoln argued that he was against the act of slavery even though the constitution was in support of the law. In the debate, Douglas argued that democracy was of the essence in determining the institution of slavery and that people would protect and promote the law if they wanted.

Capital crisis in 1793

Capital in crisis 1793 In the summer of 1793, Philadelphia was in midst of a political crisis. Secretary of State Tomas Jefferson and his Republican Party were passionately in favor of France, while Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and many other Federalists felt Britain was a bulwark of civilization against the rising tide of β†’

Example of research paper on financial crisis of 2008

During the elections of 2008, it was President Obama's message of hope and change that mostly contributed to him being elected as the American forty fourth president and the first African-American to occupy the oval office. One of the main issues the president talked about was the financial crisis that gripped the nation and whose β†’

It period where we rebuild and unite the

Abraham Lincoln was the president during reconstruction he wanted to heal the nation quickly because he wants to end the war and hold the nation together. Others might argue that Reconstruction live up to its promises and it gave African American all the rights because now they got a right to be a citizen and β†’

Cruzan v missouri case edited

Noting that the State's interest " weakens and the individual's right to privacy grows as the degree of bodily invasion increases and the prognosis dims," the court concluded that the state interests had to give way in that case. Distilling certain state interests from prior case law - the preservation of life, the protection of β†’

County and city governments in texas

The oldest and most common form of city government is the mayor-council government. This makes cities weaker than counties in Texas since the powers and responsibilities of counties are clearly outlined in the Texas Constitution.

Thomas jefferson’s second inaugural address

He gave the speech to all of the people in the United States of America, and the people might not have understood his elevated vocabulary. The power of three phrase is one that he may have wanted his audience to remember most out of the speech because of its importance.

Chapter 7 summary

On page 136, Zinn expresses how the U.S.lied in the statement: "'a permanent home...which will under the most solemn guarantee of the United States be and remain theirs forever.' It was another lie." This movement to get rid of the Indians was aided by General Jackson, who set the Indian removal into effect in the β†’

A problem of madagascar fireweed species

Getting rid of the invasive species is not only beneficial to the government but to you directly and indirectly. The main infections of the Madagascar Fireweed are on the Big Island and Maui.

The historical significance of christopher columbus term paper

Columbus appeared in the historical ground at his youth age when he engaged in various activities that realized substantial historical relevance in future. The first trip in which he mishandled the Tainos is documented in the historical scripts as a remarkable incident of racial injustice.

Mexican independence day

Our commander in chief, the president of the nation, orders our forces: marines, army, police, and the air force to organize a mega event every September 16th, this is a holiday everybody enjoys. This main plaza of every town and city is the place where the great 16 De Septiembre celebrations take place.


What is seen as one of the biggest differences from the 1964 and 1968 Newsweek articles in comparison to the 2007 Newsweek, that that a larger percentage of the magazine in 2007, deals with Sports, Entertainment and popularculture. Due to the fact that the election is near, the next issue of Newsweek, deals with the β†’

Good womens army corps – wac research paper example

The main purpose of the WAC was to enable women to help the American war effort individually and directly. The transition in 1943 from the auxiliary status to women's Army Corps was a de facto and recognized for their valuable service.

Puritan essay

When one thinks of the pilgrims, they will think of how they were one of the first people to colonize on the East coast and of the men and women who feasted with the Indians nearly 400 years ago. Due to the inability to learn of the truth, the puritans would be lenient on handing β†’

Las vegas: geography, history, culture, tourism

Las Vegas is situated in the southeastern area of Nevada state in the United States of America. And the meaning of Las Vegas is " the meadows".

America’s policing role: policy of interventionism essay

The self-imposed role of the " the policeman of the world" has resulted in numerous international interventions that draw either the ire or the appreciation of various states. America's post-civil war foreign policy was largely influenced by the desire to sustain the security of the union as well as uphold the tenets of democracy β†’

Manifest destiny

Independence had been won in the Revolution and reaffirmed in the War of 1812. The spirit of nationalism that swept the nation in the next two decades demanded more territory.

Impact of the media to us politics

S populations are Internet users, meaning that the majority of the population relies on the Internet to read the news and current events. INFLUENCE OF THE MEDIA ON POLITICS According to Laura Lane from the University of Southern California, " The media helps influence what issues voters should care about in elections and what criteria β†’

Usfk (united states force in korea) research paper examples

During the Korean War between the North and South Korea, the United States decided to step in and provide security for South Korea. South Korea' s Navy is stronger than North Korea Navy and therefore if a there is an outbreak of war between North and South Korea, the South is sure to win.

Good whatever happened to inflation essay example

The Federal Reserve stayed silent for a while after the crisis started in 2008, and the Federal Reserve has helped the American government to stimulate the economy by implementing the expansionary monetary policies. The individuals were losing their trust in the American economy, and the Federal Reserve could not take the actions to lead the β†’

The progressive era and its technological inventions essay

The Progressive Era refers to the period in American history, which lasted from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Moreover, the period marked the shift from the agrarian to the urban society, and many critics referred to it as the age of reforms in American history.

John quincy adams essay

As indicative of his deep commitment to his country, on January 1, in 1825 he wrote in his Journal, " At the beginning of this year there is in my prospects and anticipations a solemnity and moment never before experienced, and to which unaided nature is inadequate.". 1825 when he describes how " The intenseness β†’

Firstname lastname argumentative essay example

There are a few circumstances that allow a nation to go to war immediately and at the same time some circumstances insists the country to make decision and not to go to war. The first prerequisite would be that as the cost of war is quite overwhelming therefore even if there is a very conflicting β†’

13th, 14th, and 15th amendments essay

The 13th amendment was necessary because even though the Emancipation Proclamation declared slaves in the South to be freed.the southern provinces refused to liberate them.and the amendment encompassed the full U.S.and it's districts. I feel the amendment was a success.because it gave the authorities the ability to implement it as a jurisprudence.

Richard branson wants to get you from new york to london in 3 hours

Branson's Virgin Group has taken an option in Boom's first 10 planes, according to. Branson is not the only one investing to bring Boom's vision to life.

Topic essay # 93

While I was growing up in Colombia my idea of fun was going outside to the park either with my cousins or friends to play until it got dark and my mom would call me to go back inside the house. My afternoons during the week would always have around the same schedule as I β†’

Free term paper on 1932 election, compare and contrast paper

According to Hoover and the Republican Platform of 1932, the people are able to exert personal responsibility and resolute hard work to solve the crisis of the Great Depression, and that it is the goal of the Republican Party to assist these independent workers toward this goal. To that end, it is clear that Roosevelt's β†’

It’s their culture. but even culturally, ethiopians

There have been many allegations made in the past about the adoption facility's putting forth children to be adopted that were not orphans, this would sometimes be called " child harvesting", and a lot of the time with these cases the parents would not be able to afford helping their children and giving them the β†’

Jesse owens annotated bibliography

It shows how he had to quit running because he tookmoneyto run but even though his career in running was over he was forced to do plenty of other jobs. He was a speaker for the Republican candidate and was good enough to start his own public relations firm.

An argument against drilling in the arctic national wildlife reserve

The founding fathers of this great nation had excellent insight into the authority that America would one day possess, and thus they attempted to set many precedents that would lead the way for the nations that would choose to follow America's example. Thus, drilling for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve would be a β†’

Good example of research paper on how african american

It is thought that the hip hop culture during the 1970s was a mere declaration of the African American's sense of a fad and that it will soon come to pass, however, the popularity if the culture today speaks of the fact that is more widespread as ever. During the early days of the rap β†’

Reflection paper: sociology of food

The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment. Following the Food Chain Back To Iraq.

Perspectives of the american dream

The virtuous trip of many comes in search of the mystical treasure known as the American Dream. The American Dream to me is a luxury for a single mother to care for two kids and have a house, and maintain a job.

Why i should be chosen

I really want to snorkel, I have never done that, and being a good swimmer, I believethat I would really enjoy it. I would like to learn more about the City of Refuge, what happened to it, and what it was used for.

Latin girl

But " Maria" had followed me to London, reminding me of a prime fact of my life: you can leave the island, master the English language, and travel as far as you can, but if you are a Latina, especially one like me who so obviously belongs to Rita Moreno's gene pool, the island travels β†’

Geography of the palestine-israel conflict and the usa essay example

The reason why the United states support the Jewish Israelites, who do not believe in Jesus Christ against the Christian Palestinians and Muslims, is many of the Americans in support of the Jewish aid have a corrupted and rather perverted interpretation of Christianity. In the statistics in What Every American Needs to Know about Israel/Palestine, β†’

The women who resisted the movement were called anti-suffragists besides the national essay examples

The women's suffrage in the United States is guaranteed by the Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constituion. However, it is the Lucy Burns, who helps and supports Alice in difficult moments and persuades her to continue the fight for freedom of voting Carry Chapman Catt was the leader of the NAWSA as well as one β†’

Iran hostage crisis essay examples

The hostages were released into the custody of the United States after the signing of the Algiers accords. The prestige of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the political power of the people who opposed normalization of relations and supported theocracy of the west were strengthened.

Irish influencing america ways

The Irish traditions influence many things in American that we Americans really barely even realize The annual celebration of Saint Patrick's Day is a generally known as a sign of the Irish existence in America. The learning and playing of Irish music by first and second generation Irish-Americans helped the spread of Irish music.

Example of acclaimed among the critics with his role in american beauty. in the year 2002 once essay

In the movie " Money Train", he played the role of a psychotic pyromaniac and as a ruthless CIA operations director in Chris Cooper, an Oscar-winning actor has a theatrical background, and a slight Southern tilt that even more becomes visible in his performance as Charles Aiken in " August: Osage County". At the beginning β†’

Nsa leaks research paper examples

The best example that has currently strangled the government and the international media is the case of Edward Snowden who is the person behind NSA leaks. On this matter, the American government claims that on the basis of theft of government property and the unauthorized communication of information which was passed on to unauthorized people, β†’

Example of article review on the beginning of the cold war

Whereas Shilling identifies the start of the policy change at the time the U.S.A.government learned that the USSR exploded the H-bomb; Sherwin identifies the development of the H-bomb for military use rather than a pivotal policy issue during WWII. Sherwin explained that in general the Americans were concerned that the British wanted the scientific information β†’

The overview of cultural case studies

Based on the synopsis of the provided " World Ship" case study, the US-American values or assumption on policy changes is that the same will help the organization become far more productive. However, it is worth noting that the addition of customers will lead to the growth of any business and that is the most β†’

Free experience in america as a utopian essay sample

This paper aims at analyzing one can think of America's way of life if he or she originates from a Utopian Society One of the conclusions that the Utopian would have made after the brief visit and stay to America is that life in America is quite different from that which is found in Utopia. β†’

Education from past to present

The type of education that was taught to the people was based on beliefs and spiritual practice. The establishment of the system of education in the United States of America in the Philippines was under the context of a wide collective struggle to topple down the marks of colonialism left by colonizers.

Movie review on final film critique – american psycho

However, as the film progresses, it is clear this is a self-perception which is not shared by others as he is mistaken for another man by other people who say, to his face, that Bateman is " such a dork" and is actually thought of as being boring and rigid. The film's storytelling revolves around β†’

Death of children across the world critical thinking

With the start of the 21st century, children's death across the world had become a controllable phenomenon, mainly because most of the killer diseases that took away their lives especially in the developing and underdeveloped had already found cure, vaccines as well as preventable measures all across the world. A convention held in Geneva by β†’

Free solving usa’s health care crisis essay example

These also bring ethical dilemmas afloat, with those that argue for universal health care decrying that not doing so is inhumane, and those that rally against it saying that it is not fair for the others to have to pay for one person's health. However, the way of doing this is also important; a voucher β†’

Β· the person whose is responsible for

International Civil AviationOrganization The ICAO sets the ground rules for how investigationswill be performed as per ICAO annex 13, although the ICAO rarely has physicalparticipation in the investigation Investigator-in-Charge The personwhose is responsible for conducting/supervising the investigation National Transportation Safety Board The NTSB is an independent federal agency responsible forinvestigating all civil accidents. Insurance β†’

Cigarette taxes in the united states

Cigarette tax is paid once on each pack of cigarettes, generally by the wholesale vendor, who passes the cost on to the retail buyer through the price of the cigarettes. The reason for giving a high tax for cigarette in the European Union is to prevent lung cancer and to encourage smokers to quit, especially β†’

Doc 100d essay

The insufficient funds represent how the life of the African American was still not free even to the point of finding himself in exile in his own land. This argument is vital because it has managed to explain some of the promises and problems that are, as a result of unresolved historical contradictions.

Native americans culture course work

However, the removal of the Indians did not benefit the native people; nonetheless, it was to the advantage of the greedy as well as the land grabbers. The attempt to remove the Indians did not materialize and the Indians continued with their culture, irrespective of the pressure to abandon it.

Gerrymandering: united states house of representatives and election district boundaries

The main purpose of gerrymandering is to increase the number of legislative seats that can be won by the political party which is in charge of redrawing the district boundaries during that period of time, and to create " safe" seats for the party's incumbent legislators which are seats in which the incumbent will always β†’

Emma toomey

12 Written Analysis #4 The Missouri Compromise had many effects on American culture, including an economic effect by prohibiting slavery in the unorganized territory north of Missouri's southern border, a political suspicion between those representing the south and those representing the north as well as a balance of slave and free states, and had a β†’

Free essay on argument

If President Obama said that anyone who would question that the perpetrator of mass murder on American soil did not deserve what he got needs to have their head examined, then killing the perpetrator of mass murder was right. I = If President Obama T= said that anyone who would question that the perpetrator of β†’

Mount st. helens essay

Helens, a British diplomat who was a very close friend of George Vancouver, the explorer who made a survey of the area and discovered the mountain in the late 18th century. The Eruptive History of Mount St.

Inter-community wars: formation of the united states essay

The narrative explores the various instances where the conflicts worked against the wellbeing of the minority groups. Finally, the American Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy is another battle that ultimately resulted in the formation of the United States of America.

The usa 1945-70 : a divided union

However the SU encouraged the people of Berlin to vote to become communist in the ' free' elections and as a result of this, they closed ll transport links out of the communist side of berlin cutting off supplies to the British, American and French sector. The war dragged on until 1954 with the country β†’

Censorship in media essay

It only reminds those people who cross the lines of humanity and morality in the freedom of expression and makes them to fear not to write or publish the things that violets the rights of people. Thus this makes them to fear that media censorship may led to some secrets of the government and high β†’

What is the “current macroeconomic situation” in the u.s. (e.g. is the essay example

The positive aspects start with the normal tendency of the economic situation to expand. This sluggish growth is attributed to the rough winter snow that hit the country during the last period of 2013 to the early part of 2014.

Role of the united states constitution

Role of the United States Constitution The role of the constitution plays an important part of the everyday life in the United States. The executive branch is designated to provide the election of the president and vice president.

Thomas jefferson resume

In 1760 I went to college at the College of William and Mary and graduated two years later with the highest honors. C, VirginiaPresident, Vise President, and Governor Served as the third president of the United States with my first Vise President as Aaron Burr, and my second as George Clinton.

Good example of windtalkers critical thinking

The second problem is in the fact that the assignment to save the code by killing a code talker is not based on any historical date and is a pure invention of a playwright. In one of the scenes Ben swims in the river and when he gets out of the water, Chick confronted him β†’

Travel wise case study

Given the size of Travel Wise I believe a Joint Venture would be the best route for the company to enter the clothing business in the U.S.and foreign market. A joint venture will allow Travel Wise to attain knowledge on the clothing business and how to be successful when working with a company already involved β†’

Readers guide article review example

First and foremost, it is important to agree with the presenter for arguing that the National Parks and the designated wildernesses are some of the most important preservationist class of land in the country. Therefore, the conservation of National Parks and wilderness plays a fundamental role in sustaining these areas so as to continue sustaining β†’

Persuasive speech sample outline

We have also learned that the US government knowingly twisted information to both the American public, and the world regarding how much of a threat Iraq ever was. In this speech, I will expand on these issues, and hope to persuade you to oppose the war in Iraq.

The controversial langston hughes essay example

The intent of this paper is to describe the controversial character of Langston Hughes. Berry suggests that this disagreement was the chief inspiration for the maturity of Langston Hughes.

Yitzhak rabin

The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was a shock for most of the Israeli public, which held rallies and memorials near the place of the assassination, his home, the Knesset and the home of the assassin. There is some disagreement on the relation between his untimely death and the ensuing halt to the peace process and β†’

History of american conceptions and practices of freedom essay

The government institutions and political regimes have been accused of allowing ' marginalisation' to excel in the acquisition and roles assigned to the citizens of the US on the basis of social identities. This meant that the right to citizenry was controlled by the males in the society since the patriarchal position defined the status, β†’

Memorandum case study examples

The current crisis can be attributed to a combination of ill-advised decisions made during the founding of the detention centers in Iraq, a persistent, high command level inconsistency in the legal status of the detainees within those centers, and a lack of effective communication up the chain of command concerning the seriousness of the situation β†’

Facilitator article review examples

Instead of declaring the position in the conflict, the United States of America should rather shape the minds of the people to the causes of the uprising in the country. The cries of the people call on the United States of America to come out and use the military prowess of the country in the β†’

Minor parties or a common feature of united states politics

Minor parties make important contributions to the United States political system in spite of the institutional obstacles to their candidates' success. Describe two of these contributions.a)Describe the point of view expressed about minor parties in the political cartoon above.

Smacking essay

My second argument is that smacking is the violation of the human rights of the child. In essence, it is evident that the act of parents smacking their children should be illegal.

Good essay about policing and ethnic groups in america

To accomplish these goals, one of the things that distinguish police from other groups involved in the preservation of order is that police are allowed to make arrests and police are often allowed to use force. The interaction of police forces with different groups of people throughout the history of this country and other countries β†’

Gay rights in america

Massachusetts is the first state in the country to legalize gay marriage, but not the first place in the world. Times are changing, and the world is opening their eyes to a great deal of things.

Ap essay redo

With judiciary, the real revolutionary happening of the time period was with the Marbury vs. The succession of Republicans contributed to it being called a revolution.

Too young to drive?

The part of the brain that weighs risks and controls impulsive behavior is not fully developed until about the age of 25, according to the National Institutes of Health In North Carolina you are able to take a driver education class at the age of 15, although not able to get your license until you β†’

The use of judicial waivers and remand to adult court:

According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention judicial waiver is the most popular." 47 States and the District of Columbia provide judicial discretion to waive certain juveniles to criminal court. Using a judicial waiver allows the juvenile court judge to pass the case over to the subsequent federal or state adult court.

The search for three truths in the united states

I felt overwhelmed when I left Vietnam for the United States because not only did I have to learn a new language, I needed to learn a newphilosophy, one completely the opposite of what the communist had taught me. My family fled to the United States with a dream to search for three truths: life, β†’

Emilio aguinaldo

He was nominated president of the new republic after the Filipino declaration of independence in 1898. As head of the Filipino provisional government in 1899, he resisted American occupation; he continued to lead the struggle against the United States forces until March 1901, when he was captured.