Quality Industries Essay Examples for Your Learning

Evaluation freud, another well-known psychoanalyst, psychologist, and the

Freudian theory stressed conflict between the id and the superegoand focused on sexual development, while Erikson emphasized conflict that cantake place in the ego itself and focused on the role of society on growth andsense of self. Without a sense of identity and fidelity to buildupon, Erikson believed an individual in young adulthood is not →

Naturopathy and nutritional medicine

It is based on the scientific study of nutrition, researching the nutritional content of food and how it con-tributes to optimalhealth. Naturopathy is a holistic healing system, focussing on natural agents and therapies and excluding the use of drugs and surgery.

Sanitation and safety

It consist the variables under the Assessment on the Level of Sanitation and Safety Operation of Fast Food Restaurants in Sta. What is the Level of Sanitation and Safety Operation of Fast Food Restaurants in Sta.

What should we know about first sugar trade

Benjamin Moseley describes the addictiveness for sugar as "...the influence of sugar, that once touching the nerves of taste no person was ever known to have the power of relinquishing the desire for it". It claims the result of the growing sugar trade was more and more money and more and more slaves.

Segmentation of mercedes benz

In the 2010 State of the Union address, the president called for more clean-energy jobs, with expansion of nuclear power as an alternative energy source. The World Nuclear Association predicts that nuclear reactor capacity will increase by about 27 percent in the next decade and that the demand for uranium will grow by 33 percent →

Energy efficiency into property valuation construction essay

The certainty and grounds that the extra sum of money invested to accomplish a more efficient edifice consequences in a higher belongings value, will act upon investing determinations and promote more important investings.= Most Operable Integration of Energy Efficiency into the German ' Ertragswertverfahren ' As of today, the most operable manner to incorporate energy →

Harvard business review essay sample

Also Levitt shared on what the railway ndustry experiencing is that it all were associated with marketing errors and to narrowly defining their industry. Levitt had repeatedly emphasizing to broadly define your industry that this could somehow lead the management of the business to spread its resources too thinly.

Farm tools

Third, a plough is another farm tool and it is used to till the land so as to aerate the soil for planting purposes. This equipment is also used after the plough has been used and the need for it is to break up the soil.

The it is clear why these brands are

When itcomes to UK awareness of virtual reality, the data shows that surprisingly only8% of respondents were confident to say they ' knew a lot' about the technologicaldevelopments in VR compared to 23% that had never heard of virtual reality.apparel brand Merrellis one example of a business trying to get to grips with this immersivetechnology. →

Government regulations within the jewellery industry

The government regulations even have an influence in the way that the businesses are allowed to market themselves and the way that they do their advertising. All of the communications that are carried out on the internet only have a limited time before the government steps in to intervene.

Good example of review of rossum’s universal robots research paper

At the end of the play, robots took charge of the world and start dominating human being. The evolution of robots was depicted as the only way to address the challenge of labor shortage in the industries.

Composition of amlodipine besylate tablets biology essay

Karalis et Al in 2008 discussed the issues in the conference involved physiological factors impacting drug soaking up, the function of pre-systemic effects on bioavailability, the impact of variableness in bioequivalence surveies, and a concluding shutting panel session on unsolved issues in BA/BE ordinances. The 2nd session focused on incorporating the complexnesss of GI into →

Information up energy and environmental challenges amongst

To mitigateand promote Indian IT industry, the Government of India had set up a NationalTask Force on IT and Software Development to examine the workability ofstrengthening the industry. India is now one of the biggest IT capitalsin the modern world and has presence of all the major players in the world ITsector.

Lignin carbohydrate complexes in biomaterials biology essay

The being of covalent bonds between lignin and saccharides is of considerable involvement in connexion with a figure of issues in wood chemical science, such as the reactions taking topographic point during the formation of wood, the natural molecular weight distribution of lignin and saccharides, swelling and handiness belongingss and the responsiveness of wood during →

Indian oil & gas sector- financial ratios essay

While Cairn India is the biggest contributor to Industry's improved liquidity position, Cairn India is also the major contributor to the decline in absolute liquidity of the industry which has declined to 0. This has led to slight increase in debt to total capital ratio and a negligible decline I the equity ratio of the →

The impact of cybercrimes on the efficiency of banking sectors of pakistan

The purpose of this research is the same that how cybercrimes impact the efficiency of five banking sectors of Pakistan. A main question arises that what is the impact of cybercrimes on the efficiency of banks of Pakistan?

Cloud computing is transforming banking sector

The research contributes to the application of new technology cloud computing embracing in the high tech industry through the use of a wide range of variables. Both banks and their customers are benefitted by the evolution of IT in banking sector.

Healthcare industry narrative essay

There are many changes in healthcare that will take place over the next 10 years is the way that technology has advanced in treatment and the way drugs help to kill viruses and repair cells so they do what they are supposed to do in an individual, One of the biggest changes to health care →

Indian beer industry – oligopoly

Illustrates the marketers view of sourcing and the differing sales tactics employed according to the suppliers' preferences. Hence we conclude that the overall market in India is highly diverse and for each region different strategy needs to be employed.

Futura industries

Importance of learning in an organization: One of the major reasons of introducing learning is to improve the financial positions of the company; these is achieved when workers are trained and they to bring developments, workers gain skills in the process and are empowered in such a way that brings growth in an organization. Increased →

Impact of environmental regulations on industry

This project will look in to the environmental impact on the aviation industry and how it will affect the future of the industry and it will also investigate where the aviation industry stands presently when it comes to environmental regulations. Altering the project plan if needed Regulations on the aviation industry How the industry act →

Sample research paper on energy and soft drinks industry threats and opportunities

In that view, the high level of R&D in the industry's major market enhances technological means and its application by the firms. That has resulted to the increased presence of western brands such as Gatorade and GlaxoSmithKline Lucozade in the Chinese market.

Abuse of political power essay

This is a problem because the UN is supposed to be the organization that stops people from abusing their power, but ironically the UN is controlled by the United States of America. In conclusion, power and influence is not the problem with our society.

The problems which cities and city dwellers have and the solutions.

Today, the more the cities are developed, the bigger problems which the cities have are. In that case, we can share the problems easily and there is a lot of opportunities to talk to anyone so that we may not feel lonely and are able to enhance our good mental health.

The 6% for hong kong, singapore, and

The name of the " Four Asian Tigers", sometimesalso referred to as the " Four Asian Dragons" was given to Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, or rather to their economies. The story ofeach TigerHongKongManufacturingindustries, textile exports and re-exports of goods to China are the mainfactors that caused Hong Kong to have a rapid →

Fashion cycle

Fashions do not always survive from year to year GOAL: The ability to gauge the timeliness or occurrence at the right time, of a fashion is critical in the development and marketing of fashion products. Obsolescence Stage The end of the fashion cycle, the bottom of the hill Consumers are no longer interested in the →

Factors to realize the internationalization of the chinese essay

The economy scale in China has realized 86% of the US economy in 2011, which is twice as much as 43% in 2005. 9% and the share in the world is 11.

4,460. with weakened mental health is not uncommon.

Since the 21st century, the judicial and legislative systems of the United States have been busy with attempts to lower the impact of human trafficking, especially by implementing laws such as the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. When thinking about sex trafficking, especially in the eyes of the law, the focus tends to →

Fashion positives

In the production of clothes we can see that non- recyclable materials are used and this also has a negative effect on the society and the health of the people in the area. Positives of echo fashion: Echo fashion on the other hand promotes a more environmentally friendly way of producing clothes, where they used →

Delta airlines

The use of newtechnology, such as internet e-check-in and self-service kiosks, allows the processing of a significant number of passengers to be decentralized from the airport itself. Without the use of such information kiosks, the customers had to spend a lot of time waiting in the queue for checking-in the airport.

There be used in the house;3. the heat

The leading technologies used are the following: 1 Solar Thermal EnergyIt is a form of alternative energy and, a technology, for harnessing solar power to generate thermal energy or electric energy for use in industry and or residences. 3 Heliothermic Solar EnergyThis is another way of using the heat of solar energy to generate electricity.

Public private partnerships schemes in india construction essay

Acknowledging the significance of equal substructure, and the given bottlenecks on public budgets to finance these lifting substructure demands, authoritiess have sought to reassign portion of the load of new substructure investing to private sector. Theoretically for mensurating the public presentation of a PPP squad, individual hiting system can be used which facilitates transparence and →

Enzymes in the dairy industry

Especially in the diary industry, some enzymes are required for the production of cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products, while others are used in a more specialized fashion such as improving texture or flavour of the product. In the enzymatic phase, the resultant milk becomes a gel due to the influence of calcium ions and →

The construction quality and compliance construction essay

These exposures resulted in possible structural failings which could hold contributed to the prostration of the edifice. One specific facet indentified in the probes was the demand to look into the strength and quality of concrete used in edifice.

American history

The separation of the cottonseeds from the cotton fibers helped the cotton farmers to use the seeds for planting or in the production of cottonseed oil. Before the invention of the cotton gin, the cotton industry was dormant due to the lack of mechanization in the cotton processing activities.

Reciprocating engine

The engine has been called an explosion engine because the power delivered is due only to the extremely rapid combustion pressure rise or explosion of the mixture in the confined space of the cylinder. In the case of the carburetor, fuel is drawn into the engine from the carburetor by the low pressure created in →

Example of research paper on goal setting theory modification

The second variable is the healthcare in an effort to provide quality healthcare to help in prevention of death of the population, this calls for the increase in health care personnel to provide such services. The persistence of the industry in achievement and sticking to the goals of providing the affordable healthcare for the population →

United states navy and naval flight officer

Myfamilyis undoubtedly the thing that sparked my desire to become a Naval Officer: my dad was a Naval Academy graduate, my uncle a Navydoctor, and my grandfather a Naval Flight Officer. I know that becoming a Naval Officer will push me to my limits and that the trials I face will result in me becoming →

Dissimilarity between commodities and gifts

The root of the so-termed commodities vs.gift argument rises from the notion of Marcel Mauss that argues that two kinds of trade associations exist: gift associations and commodity associations. In their observation, the dichotomy between the traditional society's socially entrenched, ethnically determined present-market system and the Western society's impersonal, logical market financial system is founded →

The economic model of productivity construction essay

Better productiveness can be achieved if project direction includes the accomplishments of instruction and preparation, method of work, personal wellness, motivational factors, type of tools, machines, equipment and stuffs required, personal accomplishments, work load to be executed, expected quality of work, location of work, type of work to be done, and supervisory forces. The consequence →

Analysis of the similarities and market access between ceta and eujepa

This in order to ensure the same treatment of foreign investors and the developing of the foreign enterprises in the respective markets. Scope The scope of this agreement is in broad lines very similar to the scope of the previous agreements.

10196000 by identifying several negative effects including

Another reason that monopolies is a form ofmarket failure is that product innovation is greatly reduced as a result ofreduced competition, firms with the largest share are able to stop or increasethe difficulty for any new firms who are trying to enter the market thisreduces the level of research and development in a market as →

Computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing computer science essay

The maps contain a figure of bids that enable us to stipulate precisely what we want to make and how we want to make it. The followers are the basic capablenesss of the edit faculty: Erasing pulling objectsTraveling pulling objectsCopying pulling objectsChanging the visual aspect of the drawing objectsSELECTING OBJECTS TO EDITIn order to use →

Essay summary of british airways

Since then, British Airways was the sole entity in the airline industry in the United Kingdom and the large of Europe, till in the late 90s where virgin Atlantic entered the market, become its main rival in the airline industry in the United Kingdom. The airline has increased the competitiveness in the airline market, whereby →

Human organisms from the class mammalia all share

Mammalian diversity gradientin North America The diversity of mammals allows them to live uniquelifestyles in all the corners of the Earth. One group of mammals, themarsupials first evolved in North America and spread to South America, Australia, and the Artic.

Anime: parent of all industry

In Japan, everyone watches anima, and as the ratings for anima on the Cartoon Network and video and DVD sales show, the audience in America is rowing and enthusiastic. With all these celebrities involved in the anima world, it's a wonder that it is not more popular than it is.

Ben & jerry’s homemade ice cream

In 1994, Ben & Jerry's had a total of forty-four flavors." The introduction of new products stretched the firm's capabilities". By 1995, Ben & Jerry's was the number two maker of superpremium ice cream in the U.

Consumer attitude towards counterfeit product

The exact size of counterfeit market is not clear Due to the nature of market. The counterfeit industry is considered as bombing marketing and has a great impact in the business sector of any industry category.

Whitewater west industries case study

This is in addition to the growing complaints about the odour emanating from the fumes in the production of fiberglass from the residents who live near the plant. Price: Price of the products is not really a factor in this relocation, however the company should do its best to keep the total cost of the →

Agriculture and industry in america, 1789-1840

In the early years of the American republic, agriculture and industry had a somewhat ambiguous relationship. The conflict between them dates to the republic's creation, particularly to the political clashes between Thomas Jefferson and Treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton.

Roskill and howard davies airport commissions and the third london airport

The Third London Airport commission popularly known as the ' Roskill Commission' anticipated growth in air transport and speculated that by the end of the century London might have to accommodate 100 million passengers. History of commissions and development of arguments A 1964 interdepartmental committee on the Third London Airport forecast that the capacity of →

Cowgirl chocolates

Personally, I believe the " hot and spicy truffles" are competing in the chocolate candy market because when one thinks of the name " Cowgirl Chocolates" the word " chocolate" comes to mind rather than hot and spicy. Cowgirl Chocolates thus seems more likely to be successful in the chocolate candy market rather than the →

Workflow of merchandising in an apparel export essay sample

To do the best in all we do in the next millennium and beyond by providing the ultimate products and services for the uplifting of the quality of life of all people. WORKING OF DEPARTMENTS: 1) MERCHANDISING DEPARTMENT: Merchandiser is a person who interacts with the buyer and the main job is to get the →

Chapter 2 : developing marketing essay

Once the firm's positions are delineated in the mission statement, marketing can begin the process of setting its priorities, goals, and objectives derived from the stated priorities of the firm. The structure of the marketing plan must take into account each of the five primary activities and each of the four support activities.

Autonomous guided vehicle report sample

The AGVS movements are controlled with high degree of precision in terms of acceleration and deceleration and this reduce the potential of damaging the products. Features in a facility are geo coded and this information is incorporated in the computer system of the AGVS.

Bottled water industry essay

Bottled Water Industry BY Man-gyms Bottled Water Industry Case In order to see if the bottle water industry is attractive to potential entrants, we have to use the five competitive factors that shape strategy which are: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and →

Wind power feasibility study

Aims & Objectives The aims and objectives of this report are to assess the profitability and feasibility of the construction of the proposed wind farm. The cost of constructing and implementing the 5MW wind farm would be 1 million per MW at the start and would be subject to later discounts due to the low →

The winchester model 1894 essay

The new model was announced in the November 1894 catalog as the Winchester repeating Rifle Model 1894. The Model 1894 is unquestionably the most successful center fire lever action model ever produced by Winchester and was followed by the Winchester Model 1895 model.

A including safety, security, privacy and costs.

A 2015 report by the World Technology Evaluation Center identified five challenges common to all categories of commercial robots we see in action today ranging from Industrial, personal, and service robots to Medical robots to the more advanced Robotic vehicles, Space robots and Humanoids. I believe there are FOUR fundamental challenges debilitating the robotics industry, →

Roche assignment essay

Obtain approval of a majority of the minority of Genentech shareholders voted at the meeting concerning the merger, if not satisfied Roche should pay the fair value for Genentech stock determinate by independent investment banksAlso Roche could not share in Genentech's intellectual property if it did not own 100% shares; the merger would facilitate product →

Dress code in school should be applied

Uniforms in public school reduce economic and social barriers between students, encourage discipline and affect positive attitude by increasing self-confidence, school pride, and a sense of belonging, and create a safeenvironmentin the schools. Teachers and principals of students wearing uniforms can quickly see if there are non-students present in the building depending on the colors →

Employee loyalty essay

If it means that people are expected to do their jobs at some acceptable level of competence or to do what their supervisors tell them to do, whether in terms of their job descriptions or day-to-day directives, then loyalty is a matter of moral obligation because these expectations are of the very essence of the →

Research methods db 2

Thus, as a manager the research process might be bias to the manager's perception of the problem compared to the research problem. Purpose clearly defined: The research study must present an estimate of the sales and marketing of the outbound engines in the market for the U.

Two ways of losing weight

So for trying to lose weight in this manner is un-healthy, un-nutritious, and not the correct or successful way to lose weight in a healthy manner. So in conclusion the point that I am trying to really get across to you is how to lose weight in a healthy and correct manner instead of doing →

Modern society and world society essay

The concept of anomie, according to Durkheim, is a state of normlessness, where individuals are succumbed to deregulation in their lives and through out their society brought on by a social change. The term anomie refers to the breakdown of social norms and it a condition where norms no longer control the activities of members →

Research paper on causes of industrial pollution

There are many causes of the industrial pollution that can be identified as listed below:- Lack of proper control and monitoring policies has let many industries over to rule all the laws that are governing the safety of the planet resulting in the massive destruction of the lives on the planet.- Massive and uncontrolled growth →

Tools and techniques for enterprise essay

ON Company, Centrica Energy and also Iberdrola will possible take on the wind power market in the UK by coming out as the leaders in the industry in relation to adding new wind power capacity. ON's Market plans for the 2008-09Putting in mind that the UK is the windiest nation in Europe, whist Wind energy →

The emperor’s new clothes

The better a man looks, the better a man is" He would bellow after flushing the toilet and bursting out of the bathroom with a quiff that no Elvis impersonator could compare to. One gets the impression that some of the hair that once belonged on the crown of his head had quietly crept to →

Competitor analysis- boeing

In recent years, Airbus has put itself at the top of the aircraft-building world with the A380, the whale of a plane that is the largest passenger jet in the world. In year 2011 Boeing has introduced the 747-8 International, the revamped version of the class 747 it calls the " Queen of the Skies." →

Completion of manufacturing process engineering essay

We need to convey the diamond contact with the Centre of the wheel, fed in a upper limit of. Dressing from the Centre of the wheel out to each border helps minimise the consequence of the coiling lead Markss on the coating of the work piece.

Suitable nutritional care

Replacement of the fluids lost benefits the body by eliminating the general discomfort not only the thirst and to regulate the body. Post-game nutrition is more important, significantly helps out for exhausted person to recover and restore all nutrients and fluids lost in the body.

Robber baron vs. captain of industry essay sample

Rockefeller was the guiding force behind the creation of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry. He despised waste and devoted considerable energy on increasing the efficiency of his refining business." The seal for perfection of detail was from the beginning a factor in the growth of the Rockefeller's firm".

Cisco adaptive wips

Cisco Adaptive wIPS is incorporated into the infrastructure of Cisco Unified Wireless Network to offer detection and mitigation capabilities against security vulnerabilities, malicious attacks and disruption performance sources specific to wireless network security. Cisco Adaptive wIPS has the potential of detecting, analyzing and identifying a number of threats related to wireless network security and can →


Sucrose from sugar beet and sugar cane is the sugar that used in daily life. Aside from the sugar we take with fruits, vegetables and natural foods, added sugar is the main cause of manyhealthproblems.

Case analysis: the early bird – electric power load despatching

The Early Bird continuously calculates the marginal cost of delivering additional kilowatts of electricity to Southern Company customers anywhere in the company's service area; then, as electricity demand rises or falls at points throughout the system, Early Bird transmits " raise" or " lower" impulses to the company's generating units and routes the correct amount →

British airways organizational structure

British Airways GeneralcultureBritish Airways has been on the frontline in the creation of an all-inclusive culture among its employees. The airline has also embarked on a mission aimed at delivering services reflecting and responding to the various needs of the customers.

Antibiotic resistance in salmonella biology essay

The antibiotic belongingss of the bacteriums are so to be revealed utilizing standard conventional methods and the opposition form to assorted antibiotics will be obtained and can be plotted in a graph with the aid of Microsoft excel. Antibiotic opposition of salmonella has increased drastically in the last decennary due to frequent usage of antibiotics →

Lincoln electric essay

Their focus should not be on each manufacturing facilities' conditions but instead they should be able to analyze the company's sales force and clients. They also have to familiarize themselves with the cultural and legal aspects of each country and evaluate whether or not their business models fits their new scenario.

Essay about airline industry

Other factors that are damaging the threat of growth in the Airline industry are the threat ofterrorism & increase in fuel prices. The supply in airline industry is very limited and dominated by Boeing & Airbus, which means there is very little aggressive competition.

Classic airlines marketing concepts

The key word is monumental as immediate future decisions will determine the fate of Classic Airlines in terms of surviving in the airline industry, filing for bankruptcy, or bought out by the competition. In the case of Classic Airlines, the leaders of the company need to discover why the customers are unhappy and shopping elsewhere.

Human resource analysis of air national

These changes reduced the old corporation's potential political influence, and necessitated a restructuring to make the company attractive to sceptical investors which entailed downsizing of assets and workforce, an endeavour which required the planning and implementation of a new set of business and human resource management strategies. The application of the line management outline with →

Restaurant industry analysis

It will also address the importance of the restaurant industry to the economy as well as the history of the restaurant industry and ethical issues surrounding the business. Purpose The purpose of this report is to show the team that this industry could benefit from the services that are offered at the agency and to →

Classroom debate script essay

Of such events, it makes the most manufacturers and large supermarket must have certificate that the food product and the ingredients used in the manufacturing process are free from genetically modified. Reduce the amount of chemical pesticides in the soil and in the air.

Report researching and analysing british airways

The airline industry in the UK has faced a lot of challenges in the recent past. The company has had a long standing rivalry with its main competitor, British Airways.

Economic development (tax policy for developing countries) essay

Raising money from taxes in developing countries is a different exercise from that in affluent and developed nations and thus needs to be strategically different, both in formulation of tax laws and in the mechanism for collection. The other taxes that are in use in developing countries as integral components of their fiscal policies relate →

Nutrition cycle

Carbon cycle The Carbon Cycle is the circulation of carbon, fats, proteins, DNA and many other organic compounds that is required for life in the biosphere. The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is balanced by the generating, removing and cooling in the cycle.

Example of essay on the american civil war

The American Civil War popularly known as the War between States is was fought between the United States of America - the North and the other southern states which were demanding secession from the union to form their own " Confederacy" or the " South"). Jackman of the Orphan Brigade.

Challenger report

The O ring was supposed to seal the gap off but it was frozen so it failed and the secondary O ring was displaced because the casing of the SRB bent away. Anyhow the deaths of the seven members which board on the shuttle were due to the technical fault of O-ring but these technical →

Abrams resisted (abrams & sattar, 2017). while first

While acquiring such life skills is often what is the perceived and intended purpose of labor, the reality of prison employment rehabilitation programs is different." The Economist" recently reported in an article titled Prison labor is a billion dollar industry that private manufacturing companies profit billions a year off of the captive labor of inmates. →

Fashion fundamentals test review

The designer who creates designs for several manufacturers, is called a High fashion or name designer Stylist- designer Freelance designer The secondary level of the fashion industry is composed of: Is composed of growers and producers of the raw materials of fashion Is the ultimate distribution level Is the retailer Is composed of manufacturers and →

Robbery: flight attendant and officer

The female and the male were able to get off of the plane. The officer asked her what her name was and she refused to answer.

Colorflex and temperature measurement in coffee production

The co-ordinate of L* describe the degree of brightness, a* is the colour strength of ruddy to green, and b* describe the strength of yellow to blue. The covariance matrix of an experimental information is defined as follows.where Ten is the matrix of the experimental informations with size of M x N, M is the →

Example of research paper on strategic plan, part ii: swott analysis

Different factors will benefit the business and develop the industry trends which dominate the operational efficiency of the business. In this report a discussion has been presented on the complexities of the air craft manufacturing industry and understanding the measures which Evolution Engines may face while initiating a business in China.

Using prefabricated and pre engineered buildings construction essay

During your planning for yourA industrialA edifice you should see facets such as the environmental impact of the occupation, the success of the programming, budgeting and site safety every bit good as the handiness of stuffs, logistics and the incommodiousness to the populace caused by building holds, fixing stamp paperss, etc. The building of the →

1. create and their competitive advantage (marshall

Tounderstand how digital platforms are transforming competition in the sharingeconomy, the paper is going to focus on the following question: to what extent isNetflix influencing competition in its industry and in the U.S.sharing economy? To come up with an answer to this main theme, the research method will beliterature based and the structure of the →

Nowadays clients can connected and lock in with

They can cultivate the creation of unused information by coordination the efforts of analysts from distinctive establishing to conduct inquire about in a particular academic teach or in distinctive disciplines to fathom a few of the complex problems our society faces these days. However, social media offers bounty of openings for learning and interactivity, and →