Genuine Research Paper Examples

Swastika–a symbol of good and evil

It is interesting to contrast the viewpoints of the Chinese community versus the enormity of human passion that ensues in a Jewish community when the symbol is displayed. The swastika is seen as a symbol of luck and life.

Byzantine art

At first, it is very obvious that these two structures; the Dome of the Rock, and the Great Stupa in Sanchi, are physically very different form their local surroundings. The Dome of the Rock is covered with Gold, a symbol of wealth and honor, and can be seen for miles.

Research paper on the virtue of love

It is important to be of a strong character to be able to resist temptations and distractions, and be of a clean heart and mind, to be able to show love to all. Since love is the greatest of all virtues, one can surely be a successful individual by showing love in all actions and →


Like the distinguished Christian reformists known as the Puritans; the Jewish sect of Hasidism transpired from the dissatisfaction of a small minority who sought to improve the individual's religious experience by assuming more stringent methods of observations and religious rituals and practices. In his essay; East European Jews In Two Worlds: Studies From the Yivo →

Sachin – the god of cricket

Apart from the staggering achievements and brilliant technique, what puts Tendulkar in a league of His own is the kind of impact and influence He has had on modern-day Cricket. The humility and modesty He has displayed during the enthralling journey has ensured that He is not just followed and loved, but worshipped by the →

Example of research paper on mesoamerican artifact from the museum of natural history

Puebla was an arid area and therefore, such artifact were used to pray to Tlaloc, the god of storms and rain, and a necessary god to worship continuously in the Teotihuacan valley due to the region's dry climate. Children at this time were seen as part of the man's property and the bigger the family →

Cormac mccarthy’s the road- theme of hope

The setting is the main antagonist in the book, because it is the number oneadversitythe father and son have to endure. The father says nothing to oppose the statement and seems to push it in to the back of his mind.

Free research paper on bridging the spiritual and the rational

Kant's profound contributions to the system of logical inquiry and to understanding the nature of consciousness and experience is on par with the foundational writings of Plato and Aristotle, who invented what has become the Western tradition of philosophy. As such, Kant's core work stands as a distillation of Enlightenment concepts of progress and of →

Example of research paper on perspectives on salvation

The death of Jesus was in accordance to the will of God despite this Jesus trusted his father for the good of man, this shows that Jesus is indeed the son of God. All through the gospel of John, the need of believing in the name of Jesus and believing that Jesus is God in →

Robespierre – evil or virtuous?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man proclaimed freedom, propriety, the safety of the individual, resistance to oppression, the sovereignty of the nation, the participation of all citizens in the drawing up of laws, and the admission of all to situations and honours, with no other distinction than that of their virtues and their talents. →

Evil doers or evil genes

Like all personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder Is a deeply Ingrained and enduring behavior pattern, manifesting as an Inflexible response to a broad range of personal and social situations This behavior represents an extreme or significant deviation from the way In which the average Individual In a givenculturerelates to others. The variations could easily be →

Do god exist ?

Traditionally, there have been four major arguments for God's existence: the cosmological argument; the teleological argument; the ontological argument; and the moral law argument. All it shows is that there is some powerful being that created the universe, but this does not necessarily mean that this creator was the God of the Bible.2.

An action research to demonstrate the sustainable advantage brought

This article is mainly talking about an action research that aims to demonstrate the sustainable advantage brought by continuous improvement in the supply chain by analyzing the characteristics of CI programme of two Spanish companies in thefoodindustry. The mainresponsibilityof the implementation team is planning the process and monitoring the achievement of thegoalsbeing sought; while the →

Sanctity and stewardship: judaism, hinduism and the catechism of ecological preservation research paper

The Torah makes it clear that Nature is God's creation and that the relationship between God and his earth is sacred." The formation of the Earth is a matter of Divine concern, and therefore the preservation of that Earth must also be a matter of Divine concern". It is a credo reminiscent of American Indian →

Comparing david as an author of psalm

Psalms 23 I find in the historical background of the 23rd Psalm that David was the author. It states " The Lord is my Shepherd, I will not want" meaning that he had the Lord and was not in need of anything.

Nietzsche on power

This ability began to efface the dominion and power of the Christian God, and this led to the existentialist idea that man lives alone in the world and must rely only on himself. According to Nietzsche, this occurrence places power squarely in the hands of man, and the possession of this power leaves him with →

Research paper on a about the titanic myths

Another myth that the numerous movies featuring the tragedy of the Titanic is the fact that the band onboard the Titanic kept on playing despite the fact that the ship was already sinking. In the numerous portrayals of the story of the Titanic, one of the most famous is the character of the company president →

We grieve that the innocent have suffered but we are satisfied that evil has been defeated

In the play 'Othello' by William Shakespeare it could be said that in the end, despite the killing of Desdemona, Othello and Emilia that, " we grieve that the innocent have suffered but we are satisfied that evil has been defeated", but to what extent is this actually true? As well as the circumstances it →

Sample research paper on the book of job

The book goes on to explicate the motive of God as well as the various lessons that can be learnt from the description of Job's life in the course of the writing. Bibliotheca Sacra 154: 436 51.Web.

Migrants to the coast

Eder was able to get both the fishing peoples and the government official's perspective of the coastal zone, and how they can preserve the area. The fishing peoples used the resources of the coast in a way to build their economic culture.

Unicef in togo

Similarly, this organization also aims to decrease and ultimately stop the raising number of children infected by educating the parents. From health and nutrition up to education and child welfare, UNICEF was able to make the children's lives a lot better.

Magical urbanism

1.' Magical Urbanism' is the term that Mike Davis uses to describe the situation of the Latinos in urban America. Immigrants tend to be poor because of the social factors that are inflicted on them at the time of arrival in their new country of residence.

Sample research paper on effects of neo-liberalism the middle east and egypt

On the contrary, neoliberalism has resulted in the exploitation of the poor by the rich minority group in the country. The existing gap between the rich and the poor has widened and is expected to grow wider as the inefficiency in the market persists.

Future india

Where is the twenty-first century India, how, how is going to be, where to reach - it is a vivid theme. Highway, Expressway talks to the smooth air vehicles on the roads." Forlen the word the child - Bchchee is up to the tongue.

Reflection on sona

They all have told pretty much the same common and general thing, that they being the president of the country for this year have done so much to help the Philippines. For once in my lifetime I really want a president to say where and what the Philippines is at.

Back ground of venezuela

The capital city of Venezuela is Caracas and other major cities in the country are Valencia, Maracay and Maracaiba among others. With the growth in the economy, most people have moved from the rural areas to settle in the urban centers leading to congestion and increasedpollution.

Abdominal ultrasound for pancreatic adenocarcinoma detection research paper samples

The quality and efficiency of the imaging is dependent on the expertise level of the US technician. In order to properly receive a diagnosis, the scanning of the entire pancreas should be carried out in both transverse and longitudinal planes, which includes the head, the neck, the uncinated process, the body and the tail of →

Hunger in america

Another high profile reason for this wide spread problem is due to the direct relationship between the increase in the cost of fuel and how it affects the price of food. In light of the facts as stated by our government's Department of Agriculture and in the minds of all hungry persons in this country, →

Sample research paper on public health policy

In the health sector, the poor members of the society need the assistance of these representatives to pass health policies that are geared toward ensuring they access equal consideration in solving their health needs. In this research study, Scott and Theodore put emphasis on the poor members of the society to measure and explain the →

Tnc and globalisation

The movement of capital away from the USA and Western Europe after the 1970s was also partly to do with the difficulties of securing high profits and subordinating the labour force in the industrialized countries. The reason for this is because the transnational corporations are able to export jobs to parts of the world where →

The recent history of the bolivian economy research paper sample

Furthermore, when the populace found out that the government was planning to take much of the new natural gas reserves that had been discovered, the widespread protests led to the cancellation of that decision. The prices of cotton and tin were still extremely low, and the government's attempts to right the economic ship led to →

Free research paper about the effects of debt on children

The effects of the rising debts in the developing of Africa and Asia, and the developed countries of the West including the United States and United Kingdom are experienced at different levels on the family. The experiences within the family have a lifetime effect on the children families in debt usually have several problems associated →

How the nine principles of catholic social teaching relates to the book of john research paper example

As such, the principles of the Catholic Social Teaching include the respect of human dignity, respect of human life, association, participation, preferential option for the needy and the weak, solidarity, stewardship, subsidiarity, human equality, and common good. Jesus demonstrates this principle in the book of John 4: 1-42 when he breaks the religious and societal →

The relationship between tuberculosis and poverty research paper examples

Arguably, tuberculosis is a cause of poverty to the same extent that poverty is a cause of tuberculosis. The second way in which poverty can lead to the occurrence of tuberculosis is through the fact that the immunity among the poor people is exceptionally low following such things as malnutrition.

Why is college important

The education system needs to be reformed so students have the opportunity to choose whether they want to go to college or do vocational tralnlng Instead. High schools need to start preparing their students for the years ahead in college.

Homeless children research paper samples

It is very unfortunate that several countries lack the suitable organized scheme to attend to the needs of these homeless families and most particularly the essential needs of the children involved. The scarcity and destitution that numerous children in the United States encounter contribute to the enormous statistics of homelessness and children living on the →

Problems with access to higher education research paper sample

To ensure there is an equitable distribution in the number of students in institutions of higher learning, many nations practice the quota system so as to make sure that at least there is a student from every administrative region who is government sponsored to go for higher education. On top of the government failing in →

The fortune at the bottom of pyramid

In his seminal work, CK Prahalad asserts that multinational corporations can stimulate commerce at the bottom of the economic pyramid to improve the lives of the four billion people in the world living inpovertyand turn a healthy profit along the way.i This assertion is supported by various case studies, suggesting that the bottom of the →

Organ selling

The following aspects of such a market were explored: the ethical pros and cons; the current price ceiling for a legal kidney; the current supply and demand of donor's kidneys; the fair market price; and the effect on supply and demand in a legalized market. The third reason to permit the sale of kidneys is →

The struggle of the working poor

The Struggle of the Working Poor Revised EssaySociology113 Yvonne Barney October 19, 2012 The Struggle of the Working Poor Society often describes the impoverished with one word, lazy. Chapter 1, " Moneyand Its Opposite," explains the workings and effects of tax payments and refunds, the abuse of the poor by public and private institutions, the →

Research paper on age of extremes: affluence and poverty

This research will discuss what led to the age of affluence, the promises of the period and the impact that the age had on the lives of the people. During the age, United States had just got out of the great depression and it was benefiting from the fact that the expenditure was less considering →

Rebecca riots

The area had no policing or local government to stop the injustice of the turnpike trusts, this is the reason for the many protests on toll gates which were unguarded." They say there is not a bye-lane of any sort by which a cart can get to the lime-kilns which has not a bar or →

Causes and effects of poverty

There are many reasons for poverty, but most of the causes are the unemployment rate. Many children in poverty are about 75 percent less likely to graduate high school than a child that is not poor.

Rethinking poverty

The world economic and financial crisis also is threatening to wipe out progress in the reduction of poverty, asclimate changeremains the main threat to the lives of the poor people. The world strategy towards economic growth is essential in the reduction of poverty.

Global poverty trends and global trade challenges

Poverty and its Causes As mentioned in the previous section of this report, poverty is the deprivation of basic material and non-material needs. In a report by the UN that explored poverty trends between 1981 and 2005, the findings indicated that even though the developing world still has the highest poverty levels, there has been →

What would be the global benefit?

Additionally, the upper 1% of the world's adult population, as of the year 2000, owned about 40% of all the worlds' assets. According to the World Economic and Social Survey carried out in the year 2006, the growth of the world's developing countries is dependent on domestic policies as well as the regionalenvironmentand global economic →

Learning-centered organization

Thus, through learning, members learn to accept the reality that ignorance and temporary incompetence will always be present; it is the role of the learning organization to remedy this problem through the learning-centered management, or by adapting the systems perspective. The second characteristic of the learning organization, according to the Galilean model, is that there →

True life experience of value conflict in an organization

The senior staffs that are natives raised an objection to this, arguing along a rational path insisting that since the facilities are located in their country and they are citizens of such country and workers, working for the good of the company they should be entitled to such facilities. In this situation, the value conflict →

The organization of a business

Taken from the oxford dictionary, 'Rationalisation is the organization of a business according to scientific principles of management in order to increase efficiency'.'Bureaucracy is a system of Government by departments which are managed by state officials, not by elected representatives'. The 'McDonaldisation of society' is a key theory that develops the concept of rationalisation.

Models of organizational change

A situation in which most of the people in the organization are required to learn new behavior and skills is considered as major change. A useful organizational model is one that " simplifies and at the same time represents reality i.e.a framework that makes it easy for the employees and employers to understand and organizations →

Leaders creating value in organizations

Creating a vision that encompasses the ultimate goal of the organization gives direction to the purpose, processes, and employees. In order to be classified as a leader, one must have a sense of drive, leadership motivation, integrity, self-confidence, and knowledge of the business.

Four forms of business organization

Sole Proprietorship This is a form of business run by an individual, who owns the business, and has all of the profits and losses of that business. The owner also has all the control and all the liability from the business operations.

Conflict in organisations

This approach encourages a minimum level of conflict within the group in order to encourage self-criticism, change and innovation, and to help prevent apathy or too great a tolerance for harmony and the status quo. Management can attempt to resolve these harmful effects of conflict through the following methods and approaches.

Types of organization

The information needs of an organization affect the design of information systems and an organization must be open itself to the influences of information systems in order to more fully benefit from new technologies.[pic] This complex two-way relationship is mediated by many factors, not the least of which are the decisions made or not made →

Organizational cultures in canadian

Romanow as mandated in the bylaws of Canadian Nexen Petroleum have the power and prerogative to set the " tone" in the leadership and management of the whole corporation. The Differences in Organizational Culture of Different Offices under one Company: the Case of Canadian Nexen Petroleum and Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen This research paper will →

Eta organization

According to historians and politicians, examples of ETA's ideological basis were denunciation ofracism, defense of the Basque language, national rights and history and ultimate commitment to the Basque working-class. This paper aims to analyze the political and organizational dynamic binding the Basque nationalism and Euzdaki 'ta Askatasuna, in both their non-violent and violent manifestations, from →

The importance of learning organization

In the article " Is yours a learning organization" the authors David Garvin and Amy Edmondson described the three building blocks of learning which fosters the creation of a learning organization which are as follows: a.) A supportive learning environment b.) A concrete learning processes and practices c. As an organization the only way to →

Serving organizations

Since it is a common knowledge that the natural Canadian work force is dwindling, and so, will no longer be in position to meet the growing needs in terms of skills and expertise that is needed to inject into the labor work force, every company and business must then look out to the international immigrants →

Measuring organizational performance

In order to survive and thrive in this competitive global age, performance measurement systems must be put in place and executed. Bateman and Shell state that in a bureaucratic control system, which is how most organizations are structured, organizational performance, is managed to ensure that functions are in line with the organizational objective.

Tactical leadership vs organizational leadership

When we think of leadership in the Army we automatic think of the process of influencing soldiers to accomplish a mission by providing directions, purpose andmotivation, but when dealing with tactical or organizational leadership a leader has to think about a different role and take into account the time frame and how they are going →

Benefits of recycling in your organization

Whereas recycling program involves investment of finances for equipment, labor and marketing for resale of recycled products, although the raw material for recycling need not be purchased as it is available as waste.[e.g.waste water, cars for recycling etc,] Potential gains of recycling program One of the biggest gain that can be derived from recycling program →

Culture within organizations: southwest airlines

Within an organization, culture refers to values and norms that are prevalent throughout the workplace and amongst the employees. It is the result of management's beliefs and values and employees' implementation of those beliefs and values.

Approaches to organizational behaviour

Both are working towards the realization of thegoalsand objectives of any organization, and a close and fruitful coordination between the two is one of the major factors towards this realization. They are: Human resources approach Contingency approach Productivity approach Systems approach Interdisciplinary Approach Scientific Management Approach Human Resources Approach The human resources approach is concerned →

Service organization

But they were waiting for the rare opportunity, when they all would be out of the jail at the same time. Alex dug a tunnel in his shop and the mouth of the subterraneous passage he created, opened right below the petrol tank of the car.

Data warehouse vs data mart research paper examples

A data warehouse is a database scheme that stores metadata and historical information from the operating system so that it can facilitate the analysis and reporting of data, while a data mart on the other hand, is a layer which is normally referred to as access layer that is used by users to get information →

Administrative matrix

You are expected to identify and explain the functions and roles of management. Function Role of Management Example Leading This includes interpersonal roles, subordinates within the A manager has theresponsibilityto lead by example within the organization, and persons external to the organization.

Individual organizational structure paper

Facebook is a strong organization, and it will remain that way for years to come. Social-networking sites are here to stay and Facebook is leading the way.

Boundaryless organization

In order to achieve that and to enable the information age to realize its full potential, we need to allow " Boundaryless Information Flow" a continuous secure stream of information seamlessly flowing within and among enterprises, across permeable boundaries. If we take the case and strategic history of JetBlue and put it in the concept →

Ethical issues faced by global organizations

The issues that may arise in the ethical context of business are multifaceted; they can be interpreted in the way desired by organizations. At the time of selling the product to the customer's sellers agrees that we are providing good after sale service and warranty to the product but after the sale they are not →

Consumers’ perception about different research organizations

To identify the strengths and weaknesses of various research firms.4. To compare the capability, efficiency and performance of various research firms.5.

Nehru yuva kendra sangathan

NYKS is the largest grass-root level apolitical organization in the world, catering to the needs of more than 8 million non-student rural youth in the age group of 13-35 years enrolled through 2.lakh village based youth organizations called Youth Clubs in the areas coveringeducationand training, awareness generation, skill development and self-employment, enterprise creation, thrift and →

Purchasing and supply organization department

It would not be prudent to reduce the number to a handful of suppliers, what with the market what it is, but there is certainly no need for a great number of suppliers. According to Malley, the Internet is a viable tool for purchasing departments.

Pfizer organizational structure

According to RTT News dated April 7, 2009, Pfizer has a new organizational structure concerning the Research and Development Division to further strengthen the scientific capabilities of the two companies. In summary, Pfizer's goal and values are integrated successfully with the company's organizational structure.

Limitations of the six sigma system approach

Another limitation of the use of the Six Sigma System Approach is that the system relies heavily on the Human Resource department of the company in order for the various methods and processes would be properly be executed and implemented in the different departments and divisions of the business organization. This is especially true when →

Haier mgt6204 – managing organization

At home and abroad economic of rapid development, expansion of the enterprise and the bankruptcy of enterprise exist at the same time, the survival of the fittest, polarization is very obvious. 2 The diversification strategy stage Through the development of brand strategy stage of the first phase, Haier has a good brand image, Haier is →

Work organizations shifts in economic

If economic policies are directed towards the creation of full employment and the maximizing of economic growth, this weakness the bargaining power of the employer relative to that of the employees. On the other hand if macro economic policies are directed at restraining economic growth the demand for labour services falls resulting perhaps in redundancies →

Perceived diversity and organizational performance

It also aims to investigate the perception of these employees with regards to the effects of diversity on the performance of the organization. According to Richard, the paper uses a survey as a means of acquiring information on the subject of interest with the aim of generalizing the findings.

Open organizational systems

The following discussions expound upon the characteristics of Rational, Natural, and Open organization systems included real-world practical examples of the systems and processes employed to address organizational challenges that face entities seeking collectively to influence the behavior of a group individuals toward a collective goal. Open organizational systems adapted to existing complexities of the 21st →

Business and organizations

PCMag's homepage provides the user with an overview of their whole site, which is vitally important as explains " The homepage is your company's face to the world." As recommended by Nielsen PCMag has used a tagline to capture and communicate the essence of the company; making the sites purpose immediately clear " The →

How would you evaluate an organization’s hrims?

Therefore, this paper will have an overview about benefits and barriers of HRIMS, after that there will be the analysis the effect of HRIMS on organization's performance and job quality, and the value it brings to company. Besides that this system can help the staff increases the abilities and knowledge through the details of individual →

Discuss how training at wegmans’ is related to its organizational needs

Read about Wegmans SocialResponsibility Even though e-learning reduces costs and learning times, and allows employees the opportunity to self-pace their learning, it might not be the best training option for Wegmans. Therefore, with the introduction of e-learning, they will be required to let go of this practice and adopt another approach to training employees for →

Effective human relations in organization

The goal of this dress code is to create the effect that he employee is a professional, and will deal with the client as a professional. A professional financial representative will be able to ignore the commission issues in favor of suggesting a product that meets the needs of the specific client.

It’s your ship

He dedicated a chapter to each lesson and explains the importance of each and how to apply them to any business. Abrashoff said " the key to being a successful skipper is to see the ship through the eyes of the crew".

Lsi – gm591 leadership and organization behavior

I also agree with the affiliative style being my back-up personal thinking style because I do not have a hard time meeting people, I do not lack effectiveness at work, I do not avoid group activities, I am able to relax around people and I do not feel unimportant or disliked. I would love to →

Neoclassical organization theory – big box retailer

Big box retailers currently use the Neoclassical Theory, and much is present in regards to the relationship between the staff and organization/behaviors, but there are areas that work well and do not too. What works for the theory is that there is a bureaucracy, and in the midst of it, the individuals' needs are met.

Cisco’s it implementation of an organizational change

There are many CEO's of the business world today that suggest the top priority of an any organization is to possess the ability to develop a sense of new ideas and innovations. The term " innovation" used by organization's simply illustrates the invention of a new product, processes and systems that which are simply created →

Technology and organizational structure

How Structure Affects the use of Technology and Technology Decisions Technology plays a crucial role in today's organizational structure. The Watson's on the other hand believe that technology decisions are based the decentralization of power and control and a higher level of informality and a organic organizational structure was the best fit for their company.

Organisation culture

The merits of this type of culture are it unifies the each one's effort behind the vision of the leader as everyone strives hard to please the leader. The role of climate and culture in productivity.In B.

Organizational culture of at&t company

This paper will evaluate the the organizational culture of AT&T company withrespectto visible and invisible cultures, key elements of the culture, the way its organization is, the company values, the internal and external environments and their impact on a manager as well as evaluating whether the company's current strategies are consistent with its objectives and →

Adept organizational flexibility

The essence of this paper dwells on the perception that the strategies used and make good use of by a certain company is the leading factor on how it will be assessed as well as with the ability of the company to meet organizationalgoalsand strategies. With that, the cited strengths of the company will then →

The organizational implications of robotics

Instead it is the relationship between characteristics of the robots, the people who operate and maintain the robots, and the organizational arrangements that support the robots that affect the putrescence of o" sanitation" s. The Office of Technology Assessment reports a similar change with the introduction of welding robots in the automobile industry: the introduction →

Reduce cost

For instance if your main objective is to surge sales it is important that the dollar expense is kept the same, by implementing this method you have actually decreased the expense of sale as a percentage which will eventually manifest itself in the form of increased profits. Pros and Cons of Outsourcing One of the →

Taking command: the crew is only as good as the captain

I made my way to the boat and presented my military ID and ship orders to the petty officer of the deck, who stands watch on top of the submarine hull and controls access. While the price of an error can be extremely high, an overly conservative approach means that the crew does not accomplish →

Motivation paper – organization behavior

In organizational behavior the principles in the study of behavior, especially on motivational theories, are applied in the workplace. And managers in work settings can implement interventions in their workplaces based on their understanding of human behavior according to the hierarchy of needs.

Sturata inc product launch planning

Organization structure: The purpose of the Staffing management plan is to know and determine the required resources types and quantity for the project.1. Sharing the objectives of the company and clarifying the roles and responsibilities for the new team members as a project manager will build up trust between you and the team manages expectations →

Tesco: organizational management

Types of Information Example Description Purpose Sources Verbal Detects verbal Information could be a Tests Sales Assistant Interacting with a customer by trying to persuade the customer to buy one of their products and another example could be Tests staff making an announcement over the Tanana system about a lost child. The purpose of written →