Genuine Research Paper Examples

Leadership principles for healthcare

A role is informally negotiated between each member of the work group and the leader, and an active exchange of inputs and outcomes occurs between the leader and each follower. According to Graen and Uhl-Bien, the development of a leader-member exchange relationship " is based on the characteristics of the working relationship as opposed to →

Regulatory paper: emtala

In the following the EMTALA law will be explained with its purpose, how it is enacted, key points of information about the law, consequences for failing to abide the law, and how this regulation affects many different aspects, including the management of employees, resources, patients and the health care sector itself. Investigations of violations of →

Universal healthcare: the pros and cons

Presenting both arguments for and against the Patient Protection nd Affordable Care Act allows one to draw a conclusion on whether the new program will benefit or hinder the citizens of the United States. The cost of health care will be greatly reduced by the PPACA, and this will have a chain reaction on big →

Volunteering at east lansing health care for elder people

When I first started working at East Lansing Health Care for elder people, I met a resident named He was very friendly and keen to socialize with me. Conversations like this really make me feel involved and I get personal satisfaction from the time I am devoting to volunteering.

Example of information technology and nursing research paper

With respect to importance of technology in nursing profession, it is undeniable that computers and other new medical equipment have elevated administration and execution of clinical practices. The advantages of computers in nursing.eHow.

The american health care system’s limited access

According to a published Guidebook for providers entitled " Achieving Cultural Competence: A Guidebook for Providers of Services to Older Americans and Their Families ", there are two general and primary factors that limit certain groups of the American population in their access to appropriate health care. These are the External barrier factors such as →

Problems that face managed care organization (mcos)

The article proposes a strategy that will respond and conform to the needs of the patients and the society at large. Instead, what the patients would like to have is more accessibility to health care services, freedom of choice, better services emphasizing on perfect diagnosis tests, reduction in cost of this services as well as →

Moral theology of health care

The sanctity of human life demands that it must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of a conception. As such it is morally evil and it should not be in any way legalized and liberally permitted in the laws and constitution of the nation as well as in the ethics of the health →

Homeless in cincinnati

Harmonizing to the article, Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness, one of the biggest challenges today is the medical status of those persons who find themselves stateless. Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness.

Orem’s theory and nursing practice

Another major strength of Orem's theory is it's advocacy for the use of the Nursing Process. Limitations The ambiguity of applying theory to nursing practice may lie in the fact that one theory does not always specifically support all aspects of nursing care.

Sleep deprivation of college students

It is understood that going to college probably is the first time students will be in charge of their sleep habits. A study on the sleep patterns and problems of university business students in Hong Kong.

Global healthcare

The benefits associated with the use of EDI such as cost reductions and reduced time of transactions has helped improve the acceptance of thistechnologyin the healthcare market. In this report the global healthcare EDI market is broadly segmented by components, type of transactions, end-users, and mode of delivery.

Example of essay on research question

In a retrospective study carried out in Perth, Western Australia, of the Emergency Department Information System for three main central metropolitan EDs, the correlation between access block and ED overcrowding was found to be the highest of all the correlations between access block and other variables. Efficacy of a holding unit to reduce access block →

Political science research paper sample

In the enactment of the bill, the proposition is to state an average amount of budgetary allocation below which the government cannot fail to allocate to the veterans' health care. The legal course of action is the best approach to better the availability of healthcare to the rising number of veterans in the country.

Quality management and performance improvement research paper example

This is because the analysis would give them a reflection of the nature of the health care system in the country. One of the main benefits that has been realised due to the development of this system is the increase in the level of accuracy within the health care sector.

Health care

Confidentiality: this must be done for the reason that participants in some cases want full discretion of what goes on throughout the research and case studies. The three main functioning areas of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.

Department of veteran’s affairs’ health care delivery system

The core mission of the VA delivery system is to provide primary care, specialized care, and related medical and social support services to veterans. As improvements in health care become more necessary and evident, the VA system will continue to improve the standards of health care for all veterans.

Good example of geographic information system (gis) is used in health care today research paper

The understanding and the knowledge of the primary health care services and population distribution are very crucial in the planning and allocation of available health resources. Geographic Information System health data provides a comprehensive solution to the health care providers and answer some of the basic questions such as: where is the source of the →

Cultural diversity in the healthcare field

For the most part, religious beliefs can delay the care and health of the patient, and leaves the health professionals with a huge dilemma about what to do, and greatly delays the healing process. The care plan should be discussed with the patient and family to assure that all aspects of their cultural practices have →

Pharmaceutical companies

A main argument against this is that the treatment for AIDS is very expensive to provide to a whole country for free.2. The principal arguments of pharmaceutical companies that oppose making exceptions to IPR law for developing countries are national treatment that is equal of foreign and domestic nationals.

About effect of salt on rusting

The chemistry is relatively simple, rust is Solubilised by the acid and citrate ion coordinates to the iron-forming soluble iron citrate. The chemistry is relatively simple, rust is Solubilised by the acid and citrate ion coordinates to the iron-forming soluble iron citrate.

Determination of kf for naphthalene

To determine the Kf for naphthalene, we need to find the difference in the freezing point of pure naphthalene and the solution of 1, 4-dichlorobenzene in naphthalene. What is the molality of the solute? msolute= molality of solute = moles of solute/kg solvent moles of solute = 1.

Mercury effect on seed germination


The effect of different isotopes on atomic mass (chemistry lab)

Find the mass of each cup of beans and subtract the mass of the cup. To find the average atomic mass of beanium, use the following formula: percent of balckium atoms average mass of blackium percent of brownium atoms average mass of brownium +percent of whitium atoms average mass of whitium atomic mass of beanium →

Bubble lab

In addition to this, a larger quantity of salt and sugar could be added in order to make the changes more drastic and easier to see. Then, a straw would be dipped in the solution and blown through in order to make bubbles.

Notes on aryl halides

Chemical tests: Test Reagent Br2/CCl4 KMnO4 AgNO3 Result Metallation Reactions for aryl halides without reactive groups Grignard Reaction: IR Spectroscopy C-X absorptions lie in the fingerprint region? not useful for analysis 1000 1350 cm-1 C F str. 500 680 cm-1 C Br str.

Ap bio lab

Part B of this lab involves differing variables of light and carbon dioxide and the effects they have on the rate of photosynthesis. Part A: Plant Pigments and Chromatography Observations: The plant produced five visible bands of color: dark green, light green, green, light yellow and dark yellow.

Applied chemistry: rbst and chlorpyrifos in food

In relation to the commonly used food chemicals, this study aims to closely examine the nature of rBST and the chemical composition of Chlorpyrifos. About rBST As a type of artificifical growth hormone, the rBST is actually a kind of peptide hormone that is normally produced the the pituary gland of a cow.rBST can be →

Thin layer chromatography

The method used to separate the components was Thin Layer Chromatography with silica adsorbent as the stationary phase and 0. The results of the lab showed that the unknown tablet had an Rf value of 0.

Examine the reasons why some sociologists choose not to use experiments when conducting research

Field experiments are an experiment carried out in a ' natural' setting; that is, unlike in the case of laboratory experiments, the setting is not created by the researcher. So sociologists will usually avoid experiments because of the practical, ethical and theoretical issues.


Checked the alignment of the shell with the Piano wire arrangement. Preheat the joint area of the shell to 150 deg Welding electrodes are to be preheated Complete the root run on the outer surface of the joint side with 2.

Extraction of trimyristin

After most of the product was filtered an additional 2 mL of TBME was added to the RB flask to wash any remaining product from the nutmeg powder, the additional product was then filtered and added to the previously obtained product. Melting point tests of the purified trimyristin was determined to be between 52-55 C →

Chemistry experiment- calculating enthalpy change

The reaction between copper sulfate and zinc is exothermic as the energy required to form the bonds of the products is greater than the energy required to break the bonds of the reactants. 5 C The volume of the copper sulfate solution used was 25cm3, thus the mass of the solution is 25g.

Enthalpy lab background

If the reaction is endothermic, the enthalpy would be positive and if the reaction is exothermic, the enthalpy would be negative. H is the change in enthalpy in kJ/mole, and?

Chillers – the main characteristics and types

Absorption chillers utilize water as the refrigerant and rely on the strong affinity between the water and a lithium bromide solution to achieve a refrigeration effect. The water flows from the chiller to the application's point of use and back.

Blast furnace

Blast furnace consists of five constructive elements: top cylindrical part is top throat, that is necessary for the charging and distribution of burden in furnace; the highest splayed conic part is shaft, where the heating process of materials and the reducing of iron from oxides pass; the widest cylindrical part is belly, in which the →


2)What is the relationship with sodium and water balance, and how is that relationship monitored as well as maintained in the body? Therefore the amount of water and salt excreted in urine and the amount of urine excreted is adjusted to meet the needs of the body.

Laboratory protocol for carbohydrates

Add 1 ml of the solution to be tested to 5 ml of Benedict's solution in a test tube and mix well. Add 10 drops conc HNO3 to 3 ml of the solution to be tested and mix well.


Krishna Janmashtami, also known as Krishnashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti, Sree Jayanthi or sometimes merely as Janmashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Krishna, an Avatar of the Hindu deity Vishnu.[1] Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of →

The importance of the water budget

The aim of this research was to appreciate the biophysicalenvironmentand relate the importance of the water budget concept to their understanding of the hydrologic cycle, water resources and water resource management. One of the aims of the research was to determine the factors that influence the productivity and management of these water resources and to →

Water crisis

People are dependent on the rising and setting of this huge, flaming star; but withpollution, littering, and soaking up all of the natural resources, the world will cease to turn. The author details that water is the gateway to human development, and the lack of water in third world countries is what is slowing down →

Water and vinegar egg

8gEgg was on topPlus the egg swelled the liquidMass of the water; 98.gEgg was in its biggest state Mass of the eggMass after vinegarMass after waterEgg was seen throughIn white orange dots all over the egg 3From: vinegarTo: salt-water -Height increased from the vinegar that egg was in for 2 days From: 16. 5cmNormal eggTo: →

Good research paper about pagan religious traditions

It is joining the idol to inebriate the mind with wine, to distend the stomach with food, to rack the limbs with dancing and to be so engaged in wicked actions that you are forced into ignorance of the nature of GodIf we are the temple of God, why is the festivity of idols worshipped →

Desert hikers

Many inexperienced desert hikers know that it is blazing hot in the desert, but may not know the hours which to hike. These are just a few elements of dangers due to the scorching heat in a desert.

Global warming and ocean acidification research paper example

The cause of global warming has been mainly due to the effect of greenhouse gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation coming from the sun increasing temperatures on the surface of the earth and the lower atmosphere. In conclusion, the causes of ocean acidification and global warming range from artificial to nature.

Water shortage

Therefore, recycling water is a efficient approach to help the Australia government to address the water scarcity. Adopting both of solutions that are recycling water and changing the farming form is a viable strategy to address the water scarcity problem.

Rough water ahead

The following are the required steps to identify, recognize and measure the impairment of a long-lived asset to be held and used: * Indicators of impairment consider whether indicators of impairment are present. Measurement of an impairment If the undiscounted cash flows used in the test for recoverability are less than the long-lived asset's carrying →

Free research paper on natural resource policy wetland issues

The act also calls for a continuous inventory projects by the National Wetlands in relation to the preparations of mapping wetlands for all the states by the year 1998. The act requires the Department of Interior to submit reports to the Congress regarding the status, trend and conditions of the wetlands and to gauge how →

Carbene addition lab

A solution of cyclohexene, aqueous sodium hydroxide, and benzyl triethylammonium were used to synthesize 7, 7 dichloronorcarane by the following reaction:+ CHCl3 + OH - H2O + + Cl - After completion of the experiment, the percent recovery was calculated to be 46. Because the benzyl triethylammonium chloride has both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, it →

Example of bony fish research paper

The most common shape of the bony fish is the roughly cylindrical form, which tapers at both the head and the tail. The skeleton of the fish is made up of the vertebral Colum, the cranium, the jaws, ribs and the intramuscular bones.

The feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water to arid regions in the world

UNESCO and the Italian Ministry for theEnvironmentand Territory have launched " The Water Programme for Africa, Arid and Water Scarce Zones", which seeks to develop the potential management of water resources to protect the fragile environment of water scarce regions. In Africa is the greatest percentage of people lacking access to safe drinking water, there →

Calcium carbonate and ca2+ ions

The table below shows the degree of hardness of the water in terms of its calcium carbonate concentration in ppm and grains. The ions in hard water are bound to the EDTA and cannot interfere with the cleaning action of the soap or detergent.

Going green and environmental issues research papers examples

The natural factors which are external to the climate system and can affect the climate of the earth include but not limited to changes in solar output, orbit of the earth around the sun and volcanic activity. Changes in solar radiation and changes in volcanic activity affects the energy balance of the earth in the →

Bridge damage

The study also examined various causes of bridgefailuredue to hydraulic damage and tried to determine factors such as what would be the best shape for the bridge to avoid hydraulic damage, the most useful types of materials for constructing bridges, and the methods of construction most conducive to protecting bridge piers from this type of →

Sterilization of water

The process of killing the harmful bacteria by some suitable treatment of water is called sterilization of the disinfection of water. From the reading in 2 and 3, the amount of chlorine and hence bleaching powder required for the disinfection of a given volume of the given sample of water can be calculated.

Interstate construction norms – buildings and premises

1 Design, construction and refurbishment of buildings of institutions will be in accordance with the requirements of this document and other codes and standards stipulating rules for design and construction and on the basis of Permit to Construct confirming the right of owner, user or lessee of the land plot to carry out development as →

Acid-base tests research papers example

The shampoo liquid changed the blue litmus paper pink while the red litmus paper remained red. The lemon juice turned the blue litmus paper red while the red litmus remained red.

Chemical and physical properties of water

To understand why these properties exist in water and why they are essential to life on earth it is important to look at the shape and bonding patterns of the molecule because the uniqueness of water is a direct result of its shape and bonding patterns. The shape of the water molecule In the water →

Benzathine benzylpenicillin

As a result, the job of this researcher would be to coat the benzathine benzylpenicillin with different polymers in order to slow down the dissolving process. Then, this researcher will use a visible spectrospectry to determine the concentration of the drug in the water.

History of photography research paper example

The titles of the pictures are the Pool, the bathing pool, the sycamore, the camp, and white river from Curtis. Therefore, the overarching theme that is presented in these five pictorials is the idea of environment's aesthetic beauty and the fact that the environment is a fundamental source of resources.

Manchester united finance

However, there are other ingredients of the product including merchandising such as the sale of shirts, and a range of memorabilia. The balance sheet gives a one-time snapshot of a company's assets and liabilities.

Good example of facilitator research paper

The process of paper making is responsible for the release of major greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is one of them. Going Paperless and Helping Environment The first major benefit of going paperless is the notion of saving trees, which are responsible for sustaining the natural environment in the world.

Complexometric determination of water hardness

Create a standardized EDTA solution for use as a titration solution to determine the hardness of water from a single random sample. Essentially the Na2EDTA solution reacts one to one with the mineral content of a sample of tap water and by use of a standardized solution a ppm estimation can be obtained for the →

Nice guys always finish last

Although many people would agree with the generalization of " nice guys always finish last" I would disagree and side with nice guys because bad guys may get the girls and sleep around but in the end of the day they end up with the nice guy. Bad boys or jerks do always get the →

Example of research paper on science activity: magnets and magnetism (grade i)

The same activity can be repeated using a variety of other things instead of water glass. In order to let the children learn about things that are not attracted by a magnet, the teacher can drop a variety of things at the same time.

Marketing strategy of fiji water company

And Question 5: Are the FIJI government's concerns about the " negative" contribution of the FIJI Water to the localenvironmentjustified? The ads highlighted FIJI Water's contribution to creating new jobs, improving education and raising standards of living in Fiji.

The elements trilogy in films of deepa mehta

Transnationalism, Diaspora and Post-colonialism: According to Caren Kaplan and Inderpal Grewal, the primary aspects of transnationalism are " migration flows; the demise or irrelevance of the nation-state and the emergence of alternative identities that are not primarily national; the existence and study of diaspora; a form of neo-colonialism that implicates the transnational in movements of →

Spiral concentrator

The duty of the feedbox is to dissipate some of the energy in the feed slurry and present the feed to the top of the separation trough in a homogenous and quiescent slurry distributed across the width of the spiral trough. At the end of the spiral there is a Splitter and discharge part Repulpers →

Shark attacks

The attacks of Lester Stilwell and Stanley Fisher show that thetechnologyof this era was very un-advanced, this was also the first recorded shark attack in fresh water, and the amount of time it took for adoctorto reach the place of the attack was lengthy and costly. The death of Stilwell was definite, due to the →

In blackwater woods

I had put them in a jar with sticks, leaves, and I even poked little holes in the lid so they could breathe. If you really love something or someone and the time comes to let it go, you will let it go, or you will live in the " black river", and never cross →

River rother

Rye Harbour, for the lower course The purpose of the study is to find out if our hypothesis proven correct or not, 'The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' Collecting data from each of the location hopefully will prove our hypothesis correct. We will measure ten meter →

My thoughts on race

I know in my early school years we were taught that Martin Luther King Jr.was a hero to this country in a manner of speaking, but we learned little about people of color in general beyond the fact that they were brought to America as slaves hundreds of years ago. I think the long term →

African american racism in the past historical era research paper examples

Investigating the origin of the African continent, the demography, the cultural, economic and institutional aspects derive great strength and notion in value. The following are the sources from where critical information and details of the African American slavery has been found.

Last chance for eden

I feel as if someone were to bring up the topic 'race' it is easily discussed but then when asked about racism 'racism' that is when the room becomes quiet and feel as if they cannot really fully express their own opinion about racism for fear of being in a conflict of a sort. However →

Black like me research paper sample

In his experiment, black was subdued to stereotypes of the black man being of a lesser caliber than a white man. This picture of the existence of a rift in America between blacks and whites conforms to a dominant idea of the existence of a rift.

Free research paper on racial and ethnic differences

From the traditional perspectives, race refers to the physical appearance of any person which includes the color of the skin, hair, color of eyes and even the structure of the bones or jaws; whereas, the ethnicity refers to the nationality, ancestry, values, beliefs and the language of the individual which also includes the culture. This →

Research paper on racial discrimination against hispanics

Just like other minority groups such African-Americans and Native Americans, Latinos has continued to face discrimination in the work place for long time and the situation is expected to worsen with the recent increase in the rate of unemployment in the country. The late of enrollment in schools for Hispanic population is low compared to →

Racism in haiti

It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another - or the belief that another person is less than human - because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person.but in Haiti and the Dominican republic it is a very →

Racism and anti-semitism

Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. Of the agreements presented, there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States.

Murmuring judges: public and the police

Here, Hare is perhaps consciously suggesting that the people dislike the police as they are the ' face of justice' and thus perceived by the public to be the ' enemy'. This is strengthened by Hare's presentation of the public, as they are shown to be non-cooperative or " grovelling".

The evolution of racial inequality

Jumping over to America, slavery of the African American race and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Today, racism is not as harsh and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less →

The negro movement

After the AmericanCivil Warthere was a spark within the African American culture to diminish the legacy of slavery. The Harlem Renaissance is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the 1930'sDepressionera.

Free research paper on the browning of america

However, with the increasing calls for equality by many ethnic minorities, and the increasing population of minorities in many areas of the country - more than half of the population of California is now Latino or Hispanic - one wonders if America will still be seen as a white-centric country. The cultural power of many →

Difficulties interracial couples experience

The interactions with people that mixed couples experience can be viewed as symbolic interactions because the gestures and words that are interpreted often in negative ways can contribute to the difficulties faced. This generation is commonly the population participating in interracial unions and they are often more accepting." Their parents however, are not as educated →

Good research paper on race bias, facial recognition and recall: the effects of race on memory

The researchers determined that individuals who were of the same race as the subject were assigned a higher " value" to learn by the subject, and those who were of a different race were assigned a lower " value" for the completion of the task. According to the literature, own-race bias is a psychological phenomenon →

Racism: theoretical perspectives and research methods research paper

The few cases of racism in the current generation occur because of the desire to have the best at the expense of feeble people. Racism is the discrimination of people in the workplace, in schools and in the society because of their ethical background.

The actor-observer effect research paper examples

As the given definition of actor-observer bias explains, when judging ourselves we become the actor, we tend to attribute our behaviors to external factors, such as other people, our luck, the situation, etc.while others who may be judging us, the observers, attribute our behaviors to internal factors that are closely associated with the actor, such →

The historical roots of racism in australia research paper

No matter the given justifications, the underlying reason for racism is belief that people of one race are inferior to others of another race. In the new forms of racism, people who do not belong to the majority culture are looked at as aliens and treated with some disdain.

Research paper on gender issues and discrimination in the workplace

In general, gender discrimination include behaviours occurring in the workplace that limit the target person's ability to enter, remain in, succeed in, or progress in a job and that are primarily the result of the target person's gender. This research will try to identify and assess gender issues and discrimination in the workplace by looking →

Problem of racism in america

In 1860 the Missouri Compromise was passed which prohibited the holding and ownerships Of slaves in the territory of the United States north Of the line. This acts helped crease the amount of segregation and racism in America.

Booker t. washington and w.e.b dubois views

He was convinced that the first step that was to be taken by the Blacks in order to prosper was to create a strong economic foundation for them. He was convinced that the Whites were superior to Blacks simply because they were able to work hard and that if the Black Americans embraced the same, →

Research essay on marriage

In Zhao Xu's essay " Marriage is the Grave of Love", he writes " Marriage is the manifestation of love when two people are just getting married, and it is a killer of love as well when they have got married. Marriage is destiny, and it will not be out of style forever!

Love and tradition in “marriage is a private affair”

The following story focuses on a conflict between a father and son about the choice of the son's marriage partner. He is first introduced to the readers from the very beginning of the story in a conversation between Nene and Nnaemeka.

Chinese traditional wedding

The groom arrives at the house of his bride on the way to the wedding chapel. A piece is then cut for each of the parents and for the grandparents, who are fed by the bride and groom holding the cake together.

Marriage customs

As long as arrange marriage is considered to be the custom of the old days, it is immediately rejected as unacceptable in the free social norms, in which we live. Importantly, arrange marriage is not viewed as a historical disadvantage: the progressive character of the Korean society is in no way diminished through the fact, →