Genuine Research Paper Examples

Pin hole camera

The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura. The image outside the camera is projected through the pinhole where it is reversed and shown upside down on the rear of the box.

Bright light therapy

Although light treatment can be dated all the way back to Aristotle, who suggested treatment for certain diseases by lying in the sun, modern methods began in the 1950's Originally, light was used as a device for the removal of skin acne until research on the subject of light therapy was conducted by Dr Lewy β†’


British and European code provisions for shrinkage curvature are essentially the same Effective stiffness, calculated according to AS 3600, Recoded 2, BBS 5400, and BBS 8110, and with no tension stiffening, is plotted against bending moment for the same concrete section used in the crack width analysis. The cracking moment and curvature of cracked sections β†’

Surface areas and volumes

5 cm? Height of the cone = cm = 12 cm Slant height of the cone = G O Diameter of the hollow cylinder = 14 cm 14 Radius of the hollow hemisphere = cm = 7 cm 2? Diameter of capsule = Diameter of hemisphere = Diameter of cylinder = 5 mm 5 Radius β†’

Global heat exchanger market

The new emerging technologies and the government support in certain regions will also act as drivers for the global heat exchanger market. The global heat exchanger market has shown remarkable progress In the recent years and Is also showing attractive global market potential In the future.


Then, using the clinometer, the observer measures the angle a between O and the top of the object. Multiplying D by the tangent of a gives the height of the object above the observer, and by the tangent of b the depth of the object below the observer.

Nutrient density

Nutrition Density Essay After having calculated the nutrient density of sevenfoodgroups in a spreadsheet, the food group that came to have the highest Nutrient Density was the vegetable group obtaining an average of 7. One of the factors that contribute to foods having low cost per 100 Calories is because foods such as grains and β†’

Suboxone: neuron and post-synaptic potentials

The synapse can be found as a tiny gap found in the middle of the axon terminal and the neuron next to it. The brain and spinal cord are called the central nervous system while all neurons that connect the CNS to the muscles, glands, and sensory receptors are located in the peripheral nervous system.

Restoration of rauza sharif, sirhind, punjab

Hence our purpose is to document the present conditions of the impact zone, in footings of Architecture, planning, stuffs and engineering and place the lack on assorted foreparts, based on this analysis of the impact zone, place the potency of architectural intercessions and consequently propose appropriate design solution to turn to the concerns of today β†’

How to make steak, mashed potatoes and green beans

After you have done this, you can fill the pot up with water and bring it to a boil. You then drain the water from the pot and put the potatoes in the standing mixer.

The gravity model of trade

By testing the model it can be observed that the trade relations of Japan are being influenced by the size of the economy and the distance to the trade partners. 00 Distance Source: Data retrieved from the 2011 International Trade Statistics Yearbook of the United Nations 7 Figure 1.

New productive forms of atomic theory

Their contributions, The Fundamental Idea of Wave Mechanics and the Theory of Electrons and Positrons respectively were accounted for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory. It is in here that the theory of relativity comes in with regards to particles having velocities comparable to the speed of light.

The physics of a truss bridge

Before I get into the physics of the bridge you need to know what a truss bridge is and how it works. An easy way to understand how a truss bridge works is to use a nutcracker and a string tied to the ends of the nutcracker.

Fried chicken and macaroni and cheese recipe

I will be analyzing one of my kids favorite meals which is fried chicken and macaroni and cheese When preparing this meal I like to make sure that I have all the ingredients needed for this. I look forward to hearing from you concerning the exchange.

Dangers and hazards of nuclear power

Nuclear power is much more than just bombs and destruction, bombs barely even take up a percentage of the total amount of nuclear energy used in the world today. Most all of the nuclear energy used today comes in the form of production of electricity.

Laminar forced convective heat transfer

Aim of the research: The aim of optimization is to find the number and shape of the fins and the way of placement beside each other in a way that achieve the most rate of heat transfer. To determine the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristic of an internally finned tube for changing the flow β†’

Nuclear power plants: public perception of the risks and threats

The dissertation looks at the way the public perceive the risks and threats offered by nuclear power plants within the UK. The study examines the ways in which the media are able to influence public perception strongly, and in a negative way.

Projectile motion lab: using a toy gun

Hypothesis: The shape of the path travelled by the projectile, in this case the bullet of the gun, is a parabolic. As the height of the bullet's release increases the the time to reach the ground will increase, and therefore the range of the bullet will increase.

Projectile motion

Measure the distance from the edge of the table to the end of the ramp. We measured the horizontal and vertical distances that the projectile traveled from the end of the ramp to when it hit the floor my using a meter stick to measure.-The correct equation for the horizontal motion used was: V=?

Counter-productive behavior indexβ„’

High scorers have attitudes and behaviors regarding sexuality that are likely to be considered as harassment by the opposite sex. High scorers report a wide range of deviant behaviors in the workplace and are likely to be problematic employees.

Cognitive behavioral therapy research paper examples

During the first two to four sessions, the therapist confirms that the patient is fit for the therapy. The therapy is not a quick fix to the patient's problem.

Obsessive compulsive disorder research papers examples

According to the DSM-5, there are three general criteria that must be met in order for an individual to receive a diagnosis of OCD:- Both obsessions and compulsions must be present;- The life of the individual must be significantly impacted by the obsessions and compulsions; and - The recognition by the individual of the excessive β†’

Nature or nurture controversy

The other process of development that occurs through the medium of the environment is called learning. According to research, the growth and development of a child is modified incessantly by the influences in the environment.

How poor education, dropouting of school and the environment can lead to deviant behavior

Deviant behavior refers to any behavior that is not generally acceptable within the values of a given people and society. This in actual sense amounts to deviance as these are social conflicts not compatible with the values and norms of any modern society.

Behavior & teams

The reading also made me realize that in an organization there is both a team and a group. The presence of dependence and independence makes a team something far better and more useful in an organization especially since in a team everyone could meet in the middle and discuss their own ideas which one could β†’

Nature vs. nurture

According to the textPsychology: " The nature- nurture issue-the controversy over the relative contributions of biology and experience. We simply do not have the answer except to say it's the combination on nature and nurture that shape us.

Organizational behaviour management

The hard skills are what would have led to the person getting the opportunity in the first place, but if a manager is unable to deal effectively with his peers, bosses, and subordinates, then that person is not effective. Notes_In times like these it is important for a manager to understand and realize the value β†’

Individual behaviour

Characteristics Remain unchanged for a long period - unless influenced by external forces * Evaluative statements - favorable or unfavorable Components * Cognitive - the opinions, values or beliefs of an individual * Affective - the feelings of a person towards something * Behavioral - the intention of a person to behave in a particular β†’

Organizational behavior final project

The page tells the viewer about the league and our project; the page features pictures and a link to a fundraising website. In our group we valued the promise to every member to share the work equally and did not violate our contract.

Bandwagon and snob effect

In The Theory of Consumers' Demand, there are three importants and different items: the Bandwagon, Snob and Veblen Effects. This is the major objective of marketing and advertising campaigns For example, the influence of football players on the young men.* If the network externality is negative, a snob effects exists.

Nature-nurture and the cloned human

However, if a person wanted to be cloned, the person and the clone should be genetically identical, i.e, a result of the first level. There have been consistent findings that 40-50% of the between-individual variability in personality characteristics is attributable to genetics, and the percentage of variability accounted for by genetics depends on the characteristic β†’

Organizational behavior

Elements of Organizational Culture In the context of organizational culture, values are discussed as shared values, which are values that people within the organization or work unit have in common and place near the top of their hierarchy of values. Two functions of countercultures: provide surveillance and critique, ethics source of emerging values Artifacts are β†’

Steadiness behavior style

The steadiness behavior style is a pattern of behavior where the person in question prefers a slower paced decision making process, he or she is focused on relationships in the working and socialenvironment, and avoids pushy or aggressive people. The personal weakness in people who choose the steadiness style of behavior lies in the ability β†’

Example of tiger woods research paper

The link between Wood's perfectionist behavior and social cognitive theory comes in the sense that he has set his goal to become the greatest golfer in history and worked consistently to achieve that goal. The elder Woods groomed Tiger from a young age and inculcated in him the desire to succeed.

Gender non-conformity

The question why parents are more accepting of a daughter exhibiting a liking for truck and sports rather than a son exhibiting a liking for playing dolls and cooking is that parents are more centered to a son's development rather than a daughter's. If a child is gender non-conforming, then he or she is likely β†’

Psychodynamic vs behaviourist theory

Such things are developed in the Oral stage of a child's development from birth to eighteen months where the mouth is the source of nourishment and pleasure an example of this is seen in anursinginfant and if deprived of nourishment will fixate their pleasure seeking energies on this stage, the need to constantly stimulate the β†’

Breaking bad behaviour

Whether it is good or bad habits, it is something that the person has to choose to change. This is the best way to stop this cheating, so this way we can make the company realize that they did wrong.

Consumer behaviour of lakme

Second, with little understanding of the income asperities and the willingness to pay, the players were caught unawares by the price sensitiveness and the heterogeneous sets of needs at different price points. The entry of Macs also helped the efforts of marketers and dispelled the notion that colors are harmful for the skin.

Types of cost and cost behaviour

A fixed cost refers to the costs that the company will incur, regardless of the amount of goods or products they produce. This would mean that there is a fixed cost that will be charged, regardless of the number of customers.

Managerial behavior

In order to imbue the proactive spirit among the employees you as first level managers must ensure that all employees working under you have the necessary resources to carry on with a task and that each is aware of the performance levels expected of them. After the merger the trained and experienced staff of both β†’

Border-line disorder research paper

The objective of this paper is to identify the relevant signs and symptoms of BPD used by clinical psychologists to diagnose suspected individuals with BPD, and to outline the different BPD criteria according to the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is also known as DSM IV-TR or simply β†’

Perseverance: a secret to success

It will be a compromise with the circumstance. At that time we must have the tenacity to restart our race, else we will be imprisoned in a suffocating career forever.

Impairing behavior disorder

Incomplete assignments the child brings home and the appearance of their papers is a good indicator that they rushed through the work without regard for quality. This is the document you will speak from.

Behavioral influences on health

Psychological factors are the human related factors that shape and determine the standards of ones health. The principal researches done on both clinical and health psychology has revealed various diseases that are psychologically related and which are of great impact to human health.

Managing and motivating cross-cultural employees

From a culture to another, even if they share the same language, the meaning of words change and does not convey the same ideas and the importance of non-verbal communication is not the same. Though understanding the differences that all of these fundamental patterns bear, it is not the principal and unique approach to a β†’

Organizational behaviour learnings

The trick was in assigning the high priority challenging tasks to the first kind and the mundane tasks to the other. Many a times during my work life I had to convince the team members about the importance of work they are doing and the impact it carries within the project.

Behaviour and perception

The merchandises besides have the added benefit of belonging to international trade names, where some of them have the exclusivity of non being available in India. There are many more but in the instance of exchanging from a trade name to a flea market the major factors which influence are: Monetary value Peer force per β†’

Difference of othello’s behaviour in act one and act two

Although he is being accused of kidnapping and raping Desdemona, in which the person who commits the crime would be burnt to death, Othello shows that he is unafraid of danger, ready to risk everything for the woman he loves, and is able to command others despite facing the serious accusation. Unlike the serious person β†’

Understanding consumer behaviour in business

According to Parkinson with the analysis of 16 British and German machine tool manufacturer and 129 of their customer, the consumer behaviour in Germany determine the business success of the German machine tool industry. In order words, the consumer needs to be motivated and satisfied with the product or a service for them to patronize β†’

Good the stanford prison experiment research paper example

The concept, organized and oversaw by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, of the experiment was to place a number of student volunteers to portray prisoners and another number to portray prison guards. Even the leader of the study, Zimbardo, was not immune to the roles that they were playing in the experiment.

Positive behavior interventions

The study was looking at the effects of teachers prompting appropriate behavior on the off task behavior of two middle school students. The dependent variable in the research was directobservationto document students' on-and off-task behavior and the independent variable is the verbal prompt addressed to each student.

Organizational behavior, mintzbergs managers

It is also the monitor's role to be the one to monitor the team in terms of productivity and the team's well -being to make sure that they always have productive and satisfied employees. In 1994, Disney moved to Broadway with their production of Beauty and the Beast.

Behavioral change

The managers need to work to provide the organization with the required knowledge and the productive results that at last will be a credit to their organization. If the policy if the organization is to change the managers way of adopting to different and varied values of their workers, then the organizations have to change β†’

Consumer behavior – chapter 1

Marketers and consumer behaviour researchers are constantly attempting to determine the similarities and the differences of the multifaceted global consumer. Consumer behaviour as it pertains to the marketplace is concerned with the manner in which consumers purchase and use products and services, and how these goods are incorporated into their lives.

Social influences on behavior

He took the word of the Bible and twisted it to make his doings the work of God. Albert Fish was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death by electric chair.

Productive and counterproductive behavior paper

The paper will define productive and counterproductive behavior; describe the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on the job performance and the overall performance of an organization. I will also recommend strategies to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior in organizations.* Productive behavior is defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the β†’

The concept of self

The Me-self can be considered the socialized aspect of the individual and represents a constructed self- image from learned behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and society. The Me-self has been developed by the knowledge of society and social interactions and is considered a phase of self that is in the past.

Extinction research paper samples

A study " Response variability in the white rat during conditioning, extinction, and reconditioning" undertaken by Antonitis under the observation of Skinner, in order to define the presumptuous relationship between the degree of variability of some quantifiable aspect of response and number of reinforced training trials. Lerman, Iwata & Wallace incorporated the different observation in β†’

Behavior of bud fox

The film questions the marketing practices of Mcdonalds and the contribution of fast food products to the prevalence ofobesity in America. In the documentary, Kerr describes fighting as orgasmic and claims that there is no other high comparable to that of fighting.

Difference and similarities in browning’s poetry

In " Porphyria's Lover" we know this when he tells us:" Give herself to me" this tells us that he only wants her to himself and no one else whereas in " My Last Duchess" we know this when he tells us:" since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I" β†’

Intellectual beauty

The speaker asks the Spirit, whose power descended upon his youth like that truth of nature, to supply " calm" to his " onward life" the life of a man who worships the Spirit and every form that contains it, and who is bound by the spells of the Spirit to " fear himself, and β†’

Andrew lang

The tone is didactic, " Money moves the merchants all" and " Money maketh Evil show" saying money is the start is a parallel construction. This line is saying that money will convince merchants to explore the sea because there is more money out there." Money maketh Evil show Like the good, and truth like β†’

How does owen convey negative feelings in the send-off

It is not glorious and honourable to fight in war but the people and soldiers going through it suffer greatly and most do not survive. In " The Send-Off", Owen conveys his feelings about the war and the young soldiers going off to die.

Poetry allusions of w. b. yeats and t.s. eliot

One is allusion, a literary device that lets the readers have a mental image of what the writer is trying to express in his article. The Isle of Statues, the Wandering of Oisin, and The Wind among the Reeds were among his famous works, to name a few.

Poetry from anthology

The poet has described the physical attributes of the majors who would stay at the base, because they were fat, short of breath. In the beginning of the poem the poet says that he would live in with the majors at the base.

Major concerns of simon armitage`s poetry

Poem" is one of Armitage's life problem poems When You do not remember the good things a person has done but the bad things a person has done you remember. Also he starts off the poem with " And if it snowed andsnowcovered the drive" which is like the poem is the second part of β†’

Frost’s writing career

Moreover, the two poems have stated that Frost has to go on with his life and work hard to fulfill his responsibilities in life and work. For Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening', Frost is Just attracted by the nature and stop by the woods to observe the beauty of the nature.

Poem introductions- stories of ourselves cie

The author uses imagery, personification and onomatopoeia to paint a picture of war, describe the dangers as " alive" and out to get you and reflect the quick and crude sound of bombs and bullets. The author might, to a degree, be scornful of his situation since he decides to, without much trouble, accept rejection β†’

Still i rise

Audience and purpose The tone of the poem suggests that she is determined to get to where she wants to go and that she is proud and sure of what she is doing. She silences all of her oppressors and shows them that she Whose point of view is represented in the poem?

The snow man by wallace stevens

Roberts Pack's essay on " The Snow Man" discusses the idea of perception, while David Perkins while focuses on the relationship between imagination and reality through the perspective of the snow man. In " The Snow Man", the atypical syntax and logic of the poem, as well as the usage of imagery, compels the reader β†’

Mary oliver’s wild geese

Take note of the rhythm in the lines starting with the word " You": " You do not have to be good," " You do not have to walk," " You only have to let." This rhythm is also heard in the lines starting with the word " Meanwhile": " Meanwhile the world goes on," β†’

Pretty flacko nigga

The speaker of the poem Is recalling all the stones of crazy things Hard Rock used to do before he left and telling the listener how much of a bad ass Hard Rock was. The situation of the poem and the whole reason why the speaker is even recalling all of thesememoriesis because it's been β†’

The cyclist poem

The use of time in " The Cyclist" is used to reinforce the notion that the pleasures of summer are temporary. Water is a symbol which is heavily used in the second stanza and the beginning of the third stanza.

Spirituality in swing low, sweet chariot

The poet uses the noun ' home' to make us conscious that the home that the slaves are from is not there for them is an example of a spiritual place like canen. The quote'I begin to change my calypso ways' is the alteration in the poem, from the leaving of a home to β†’

Kath walker’s we are gloing

In summary, the theme of this poem is the oppression experienced by the Indigenous population that resulted in a loss ofcultureand life for the Indigenous now " gone and scattered. They are the land, the elements, the fauna, the flora and the history.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the transformation

Thorsley, an influential researcher of Romanticism, gives the following account of the Byronic Hero:'...the Byronic Hero is the one protagonist who in stature and in temperament best represents the [heroic] tradition in England.' The image of the Byronic Hero is surprisingly controversial. The notion of hamartia is intrinsically linked to the early development of the β†’

Tears, idle tears

The speaker sings of the baseless and inexplicable tears that rise in his heart and pour forth from his eyes when he looks out on the fields in autumn and thinks of the past. It is as fresh as the first beam of sunlight that sparkles on the sail of a boat bringing the dead β†’

Is it truly difficult for any author to be purely objective?

I think that it is truly difficult for any author to be purely objective because the very act of writing about something already indicates a choice of topic and consequently a choice of message to share to the readers. In terms of forms, it is easier to grasp the author's message in non-fiction as these β†’

Comparing literature poems

" HAVISHAM" In the poem " Havisham", Carol Ann Duffy presents the subject of this poem as an old, embittered woman with " ropes on the back of her hands", while Browning presents the subject of his poem as a strong and determined but very jealous and embittered young woman. The poem is written in β†’

War poetry wilfred owen

But they still have a long way to go before they are safe, they are still within the range of artillery. The soldiers' reaction to this attack is described as " an ecstasy of fumbling", which is a great way of describing what is happening, the men are trying desperately to get out their gas β†’

Theme for english b

The fact that he only hears Harlem implies that he has lost touch with the feeling and visual context of the African Americanculturedue to the integration of schools. This point is emphasized by the speaker's epiphany that his paper will be a part of the instructor as he explains, " You are white yet a β†’

The fisherman

He opens the poem using a first person narrative, mixed with a simple monosyllabic dialogue " Although can see him till", in order to emphasis the simplistic nature of the fisherman, and Yeats adds to this effect by using a very regular rhyming pattern, and enjambment of the line in order to add a harmony β†’

Dover beach

Midway through the stanza, the speaker invites his love to ' come to the window' and listen to the grating roar of the pebbles. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Oct.2012.Web.

Isc english for 11 and 12 std

In " Church Going", the poet expresses the same disrespectfulness towards church as " In Westminster Abbey." The Church, also known as the house of God, is seen by the poet as a current building and all being alike, " another church: matting, seats, and stone." some brass and stuff" which gives the reader a β†’

Example of mgmt444 ip #5 research paper

The individuals also want to learn more about the other members that make up the team including have a good understanding of the task that is ahead of them and how best to approach it. The best leadership theory that ensures maximum productivity in a team is Relationship leadership theory as it involves all the β†’

Geography research papers examples

The tourism industry is a unique industry in the world since the production of goods and services occurs at the same time and place as their consumption. The differences between the visitors and the hosts are a vital reason for the tourist from the West traveling to Latin America and Caribbean.

Research paper on the group theatre and history of method acting in the usa

The Group Theatre was originally a company that was founded on the basis of a group approach to the theater and performing arts. The Fervent years: the Story of the Group Theatre and the Thirties.

Bohemian grove meetings research paper examples

The Reality Bytes has pointed out that " without certainty of the group's initial mission, the Bilderberg Group is currently a secretive and shadow world government", and also " The fear of many people concerning the Bilderberg Group is that they are a threat to the removal of our Rights to control our own future". β†’

Good research paper about motivation for sports participation in the community

The research was conducted in a group of adults who were actively involved in sporting activities at the time to determine the contributory motivational factors influencing the initiation and maintenance of the sporting activity. It also brings the desire to attain high levels of success in the sport, history of the family in the sport β†’

Benefits to the family, school, and community of school age program

Healthy living values, skills, and actions that promote healthy living and healthful behaviors of children are now being integrated in school age programs. The promotion of healthy living in school helps parents accomplish their primaryresponsibilityto raise their children in a healthy way.

A community foundation in lakeland florida and its projects

One of the most developed and sound of these organizations is sports and recreation since Lakeland has the best sceneries and attractions that make so suited for this the name suggests Lakeland Florida has so many lakes making fishing to be a recreational activity, fun and even a routine to both residents and non-residents. β†’

Concept of community

Concept of Community 1 Running head: Concept of Community Concept of Community Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of community. The focus of public health is the health of a defined population of community.

Healthcare needs in the lgbt adolescent community research papers example

The gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents face the marginalization and isolation at the time of the development of their individual and social identities. And should the knowledge of homosexuality be a part of culturally-competent or transcultural nursing care?" The lack of understanding and judgmental attitudes by the nurses may lead to alienating experiences for lesbians, β†’

Group interventions in ptsd treatemt research paper sample

The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes this as an effective form of therapy and is trying to make the use of CPT more widespread in the treatment of PTSD in its facilities. It is believed that this type of exposure therapy is a positive and effective mode of treatment in both settings, but especially effective β†’

Building community capacity

It is necessary to outline that the author is very persuasive as he uses logical arguments, opinions and suggestions to defend his position that community organizing should be promoted to bring people together, to foster interpersonal relations and to evaluate collective efficacy. The author reviews the main models of community organizing and I think all β†’

Amish culture and heritage research paper examples

This is the ability of an individual to practice the culture of other people when situation need an individual to act in that manner. According to the Amish community, health is the ability of an individual to work hard.