Genuine Research Paper Examples

Psychological approach – wuthering heights

Conversely, because of Hindley's abusiveness, especially in the wake of the death of their father, Catherine had to turn to Heathcliff to fulfill her desire for love and belonging. Thus, as the result of her development of her id with Heathcliff and uperego with Edgar, Catherine is heavily entwined in her relationships between both of →

Political aspects of lord of the flies

The conflict between Jack and Ralph, and the said forces of savagery and civilization that they correspond to is exacerbated by the boys' literal horror of a mythical beast wandering the island. Of all the boys, only the mystic Simon has the guts to discover the real identity of the beast sighted on the mountain.

Simon from lord of the flies

When Simon is introduced in the beginning of the story, he is fainting. This is the beginning of Simon starting to foreshadow events.

Chapter 13 gryffindor versus ravenclaw

Oh, come on, Ron, get yourself down to Hogsmeade and buy a new rat, what's the point of moaning?" In a last-ditch attempt to cheer Ron up, Harry persuaded him to come along to the Gryffindor team's final practice before the Ravenclaw match, so that he could have a ride on the Firebolt after they →

Lady macbeth – human weakness

Through the discussion of characterisation and lkey scenes, I will reveal that Lady Macbeth's human flaw is not only a major contributor to the ruthlessness of her husband but creates a huge influence in how the play unfolds. As in the same soliloquy she states her concerns for Macbeth that his soul is ' too →

The life and work of william shakespeare: his contribution to the contemporary theater research paper

In addition, the plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare continue to set the standard for the study of the English language in its dramatic context in institutes of higher learning and performance training. In addition, the modern theater still looks to William Shakespeare's plays as the role model of poetic wording, the eloquent expression of →

Why could be considered a turning point in lord of the flies

It starts showing the savageness of the children and the loss of civilisation and also shows that with all this anarchy the children still have order in their souls whom they can not expel.the chapter also tells us how people ignore commands and follow a person just because they are afraid of him. The →

How does orwell explore the theme of education in ‘animal farm’?

This links in with the book in that the priests would use the fact that they were educated in their favour to brainwash these unknowing people just as the pigs did to the other animals in the book. Another element of education Orwell is critical of is the private education system.' The pigs and dogs →

The function of the soliloquies in hamlet research paper

This happens when it influences the plot, the characterization in the play, and the play's mood, on top of expressing themes that could be termed to be the main themes. Considering the effects of soliloquies in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, it is much significant to note that, plot fluctuations that keep on happening in →

Loneliness in hamlet

In Hamlet, much of the loneliness and suffering he endures is due to the secrets he is forced to keep. The loneliness and despair in Hamlet are factors that added to his suffering and caused his overall demise.

Maus vs. animal farm

Many children Just do not listen to their parents as a result, children need discipline. It Is a parent's Job to teach their chide the right and wrong thing to do In a situation.

Lord of the flies by william gilding

InLord of the Flies, by William Gilding, Imagery Is used to describe the Island and the characters themselves In dark and mysterious ways. The fear created on the island, in the form of the beast, is exposing Jack for what he really is, which is demonic and wicked in nature.

Lord of the flies web quest

The leader will wear the conch with its chain all week long.o The conch will be used by the leader to gather everyone, to quieten the group and to let somebody speak.o The conch symbolizesleadershipand authority. All the members of the island has to participate in the life om island * If someone breaks one →

Hu jintao

InGeorge Orwell'sAnimal Farm, one can compare the rise to fame, rules and policies, and cruelties and atrocities of Napoleon to that of the dictator Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao began his politicalcareerat the bottom of the ladder and eventually climbed his way to the top.

Chapter 6 the portkey

Weasley, heaving the large pot over to the table and starting to ladle porridge into bowls." So they can have a bit of a lie-in". Weasley, tucking the tickets safely into the back pocket of his jeans." The Department of Magical Transportation had to fine a couple of people the other day for Apparating without →

Dramatic and significant in act 2 scene 3 – macbeth

He dramatizes the scene by portraying the discovery of the King's body, by emphasizing the shock and disbelief of the characters, by the flattering description given of Duncan and by revealing to the audience the deceptive characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The audience is well aware that Macbeth was the one that killed the →

Images in lord of the flies by william golding

The object that gives the title to the novel is also one of the most important image. The hunters entered the forest and forced Ralph back tothe beachwhere he runs into the only adult in the novel." We saw your smoke" said the navy officer who is saying that the fire is the reason that →

Puppy love vs adolescent relationships

Primarily, there is not enough time for Romeo and Juliet's relationship to develop into true love, so therefore it is just infatuation. Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet constantly refer to each other's appearances instead of their true personality, which is a clear sign that they are only infatuated.

Expectations and blindness in king lear

The main character, King Lear, is the object of universal identification with his obliviousness as to who people truly are, and the discovery of truth. The issue of vision and insight, and the absence of it, is a major theme in Lear.

Madness in hamlet

Did Hamlet go mad in the end, or was Hamlet insane from the start of the play, and his mental condition only worsened as the play unfolded? Pessimism permeates the screenplay and the reader is led to connect the dysfunction with the resulting mental states of depression that infect Hamlet.

The destructors and lord of the flies

The Destructor and theLord of the FliesBeing a successful leader does not mean that you have to be aggressive and to use the power of authority. Both, in the destructor story and Lord of the Flies novel we could find some similarities in the way how the young children managed to be leaders and to →

Cathy and heathcliff

The novel is told through the eyes of several narrators and most of them do not understand the depth and intensity of Cathy and Heathcliff and so they cannot describe it. This shows Heathcliff is unwilling to let go of Catherine and this attracts our sympathy for Heathcliff as he clearly loved Cathy and she →

Theme of guilt in hamlet & fifth business

In the novel Fifth Business, guilt is a plague that has spread throughout the lives of Dunstan Ramsay, and Paul Dempster; both characters are drenched with guilt that was a result of a tragic incident caused by Percy Staunton Boyd when he threw the snowball and it " hit Mrs. Devoured with the guilt of →

Chapter 34 priori incantatem

Perhaps another little dose of pain?" Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was ready; with the reflexes born of his Quidditch training, he flung himself sideways onto the ground; he rolled behind the marble headstone of Voldemort's father, and he heard it crack as the curse missed him". It was the sound of →

By any other name

This is supported by the event from the first day in class when she is asked what her name is and she replies " she does not know". Even though she is very young, she knows her and the other Indian children must sit in the back of the class, because they are different then →

English literature

The story explores the theme of the ethics of the power of the state to ' control' its citizens.-Individual versus state. The story is futuristic and comprises the elements of science fiction.

Lord of the flies – piggy

Piggy, along with being the brains of the island, is also a very complex and misunderstood boy." Piggy is a much more complex character, than the simplistic interpretations so regularly adduced will allow". Piggy is the first to find the shell, and even states that it would be a great idea to use as a →

The blindness of king lear

When one reads the TRAGEDY OF KING LEAR, one can see that the curse of Lear is that he was blind to the full spectrum of the consequences of his actions. The character of the Fool often represents Lear's subconscious, as it is the character of the fool that impresses upon Lear the importance of →

Lord of the flies: the darkness of man’s heart

Golding uses the contrast of his characters Ralph, Piggy, and Jack to establish that with time, the darkness of man's heart will eventually emerge, master their life, and lead to the breakdown of society. Golding uses Ralph and the contrast of Roger's character and to portray the emergence of his beast and the affect Jack →

Bronte, the play

The idea of it was to provide the audience with an insight into the lives of the three Bronte sisters, Emily, Charlotte and Anne. It was interesting because it allowed the audience to genuinely watch the play almost like a critic and see the ways in which the actors and actresses depicted the lives of →

Fiar lawrence’s part in romeo and juliet

In the play, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence makes a huge impact on Romeo and Juliet, by deciding to marry them. This was a bad decision because this leads to the suffering of Romeo and Juliet, "...

Perioperative nursing

The increasing number of nurse retirees is also indicative of the positive career opportunities for those who seek to become operating room nurses. Becoming a perioperative nurse requires academic training, skill, presence of mind and the ability to handle stress well.

Example of research paper on panic disorder

The system has indicated that the occurrence of the disorder could be as a result of the physiological effect of direct use or contact of substances such as drugs or medication. Statistics indicate that there is a tendency of the panic attacks to be hereditary since people of the same families have been observed to →

Health care disparities in the united states

These strategies combined with others by the government are bound to be successful in eliminating health care disparities in the US. The similar theme is that exists in the assigned articles is that eliminating health care disparities is key in improving the general quality of health care provided in the US.

Nursing practice research paper sample

Grand, Mid-Range or Situation Specific Introduction Nursing practice is defined by its fundamental characteristics of having to be deliberative, goal-oriented and work coordination for the purpose of enhancing healthful living, in which the nurses and the patients embodies the realities of human life, features and human agency. Situation-Specific or Micro-Range theories This is the →

Example of research paper on bipolar 1 disorder

Studies have shown that more single and divorced people suffer from bipolar disorder, as compared to major depressive disorder; this could be due to the earlier onset of the condition, as well as the result of of the swing of moods on the relationship of a married couple. For the diagnosis of bipolar disorder I, →

Martha e rogers

Her view on what the requirements for nurses should be which had led her to her pursuit ofacademicachievements was rewarded with the position of professor of Nursing and head of the Division of Nursing a New York University in 1954. It is during this period that she developed a new theory - the science of →

Nursing care plan

DiagnosticProcedures: The physical examination and the history of the exact details of the injury are the first steps in caring for a patient with head injury. Treatment and Prognosis: The treatment of head injury may be divided into the treatment of closed head injury and the treatment of penetrating head injury.

Ethical principle of justice: how it relates to nursing research

Justice is important to research mainly because of the right to be informed and the fairness to be fully included/advocated for. Another step in designing a research study that includes proper justice consists of consistent privacy and the right to confidentiality.

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare environment

Cultural presentation about the Jewish customs in the healthcare environment Medical practitioners despite their proficient in delivering g excellent services to their patients, they should observe both cultural and traditional aspects of the patients. It is the mandate of the Jews to offer their patients the necessary pastoral care.

Nursing management

Some of my main responsibilities on the ward includes the assessment of care needs for patients, the development of programmes of care and their implementation and valuation and most importantly carrying out all relevant forms of care without direct supervision, and demonstrate procedures to, and supervise qualified and unqualified staff and contribute to the overall →

Necessity of nursing

The Necessity ofNursingAssistants to Improve the Quality of Patient Care Introduction The quality of care received by patients is of fundamental importance to healthcare organizations. Investing the time and cost to educate and develop the internal resources of the facility will increase the capabilities of the AN.

Nursing theorist grid

The nurse must explore these behaviors with the patient to determine the needs that must be met to resolve the problematic situation that the patient presents with. Validating the behaviors with the patient ensures that the nurse can fulfill the function of nursing, which is to find and meet the patient's immediate need for help →

Good example of psychological aspects of depression and patient perspective research paper

According to the author of the article, " to choose the correct way, it is necessary to know how people live with the depressive disorder, how they go to work, communicate with others, how they suffer from various side effects of the drugs. The treatment of the depression is often expensive, and not all patients →

Define the role of the nurse – 500 words

Berridge and Liddle demonstrate that the definition ofnursingaccording to the Royal College of Nursing is " the use of clinical judgement in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recoverhealth, to cope with health problems and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death." →

Informatics for nursing services

In addition, employees around the world also use computers for graphics and design, programming, calendar and scheduling. The use of computers can help in interpretatation and the monitoring of various Physiological Variables.

Protecting human research participants

Response Paper-Protecting Human Research Participants affiliation Response Paper-Human Research Participants Perhaps the most important parts of the human protection course is the chronological development of ethics in human research. The development of informed consent as part of protecting these participants from the cruelty of some unethical research in the past informs the need to adhere →

Historical development of nursing

The nurse shares the reaction with the patient, identifying it as the nurse's perception, thought, or feeling, and seeking validation of the accuracy of the reaction. Once the nurse and the patient have agreed on the immediate need that led to the patient's behavior and to the action to be taken by the nurse to →

Clinical practice guideline: diagnosis and management of acute otitis media

The article ' Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media' published in the American Academy of Pediatrics And American Academy of Family Physicians and the article Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media, published in Pediatrics is filtered. The second article ' Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media' from the →

Holistic wellness careers and healthcare delivery analysis research paper examples

Holistic medicine is a form of healthcare delivery that focuses on the patients' physical, psychological, and social aspects to deliver a personalized and effective treatment to those patients. The high demand for holistic healthcare practices apparently originates from the realization that all aspects and influences in life are responsible for the quality of health.

Good research paper on cognitive depression

Further sections analyze depression and cognitive outcomes, the negative cognitive triad, faulty information processing, the ways depression produces cognitive deficits, functional and structural abnormalities of the human brain caused by depression and associated with cognitive deficits, depression cognitive symptoms and cognitive abilities affected by depression. There has been a direct interrelation between the severity and →

A nurse is a nurse

The public and professional images ofnursingand the portrayal of nurses in the media have a great impact on several work-related issues - howhealthcare as a collaborative enterprise is provided to patients, the extent that nurses' work is valued, the participation of the nurse in healthcare team decision-making, the visibility of nurses in shaping national health →

Regional instituie for childern and adollescents,baltimore-future nursing research studies

The focus of the educational services and mental health treatment is to reintegrate the adolescents into the society. Emotionally handicapped adolescents who are in a condition to live in a community setting are assisted through measures that make them aware of the situation but live in harmony with the rest of the population.

Good research paper about extensive studies of schizophrenia

In as much, the genetic composition of the members of the family may be the same; there are chances that the environment where one lives can contribute to the development of this condition. But then, it can never be concluded that if one suffers from schizophrenia and so the other will; in this case very →

Heart/ a&p/ nursing

Chapter 19 The first heart sound is produced by the: closure of the AV valves. The jugular venous pressure is an indirect reflection of the: heart's efficiency as a pump.

Delivery of healthcare in the usa and the impact on licensed practical/ vocational nursing

This increase in the number of Registered Nurses within the hospitals according to the article is attributed to a number of factors. This therefore is interpreted in the article to mean that over these years and as unemployment rate improves, many of these Registered Nurses who have gone back to work will leave the workforce →

The roles of the mentor and of the preceptor in nursing

As a result of this great and continued need for the retention of new and newly advanced nurses, both mentors and preceptors are of overwhelming value to the profession. The learning contract is also a valuable learning and teaching tool that can be used to direct both the teaching process and the learning process, as →

Advanced nursing

Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a master's degree in nursing, current national certification in the advanced practice area, and approval by the board of nursing,". Unfortunately, inability of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles →

Mentoring to retain nursing staff

The purpose of the study aims to investigate the results of theeducation-based preceptor program of a community hospital intended to address the declining retention rate ofnursingstaff in the hospital. The primary strength of the study is the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to derive rich data.

Ventura county medical center expansion project research paper examples

Ventura County will benefit because the approval of the plan was driven by the increased need in improved medical facilities and attention. This is because the increased bed capacity and facilities in the proposed expansion of the county medical center will ensure more patients are attended to at a time.

Hypnosis research paper

While these media descriptions of hypnosis is somehow true given hypnosis' definitions, many are left unaware as to the true nature of hypnosis and how beneficial it is to the public in terms of therapy and understanding how the mind works under a trance-like state. With psychologists showing the capacity of hypnosis to target the →

Legal regulatory , and etical issues

Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace As a leader, I know for sure that discrimination in the workplace is one of the unethical and unlawful practices that should not be entertained whatsoever. This was an act of discrimination that directly violated Equal Employment Opportunity Act and Title VII of the Civil →

Historical figurs of nursing

Margaret remained dedicated to her commitment and established the first U.S.birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn, N. A key to Margaret's continued success with the clinic was her marriage to J.

Research paper on nursing

Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing Human Beings In nursing concepts, human beings are the most valuable as they need to be respected, understood and nurtured along with their rights to make some questions about the procedures and health care they receive. This is where the patient and nurse encounters care, health risks, and health's experience.

Community population health issues

Men and the youth are the dominant alcohol addicts in my community and this issue wages severe effects to children and women though the later only takes few amounts of alcohol as compared to men and the youth. Alcohol and Public Health in the Americas.

Nursing study guide block 4 final

You cannot memorize the answers to the questions and do well on the exam- the questions are meant to stimulate thinking, not to be answers. Review heartfailure: right-sided, left- sided, pulmonary edema, cardiomyopathy and management of the patients; remember to review the hemodynamic changes associated with right and left sided failure RIGHT SIDED HF: Corpulmonale, →

Nursing and nutrition

Yet the daily practice and the roles of nurses and doctors indicate that the nurses find themselves in the dilemma of making the decision more than other medical staff. In many cases where the withholding of nutrition is legally right and in the interest of the patient, the nurse still finds herself in the ethical →

Disaster preparedness and management

There are several measures that can be taken in order to minimize and prevent escalation of injuries, death, and destruction, including generation of medical and communication resources, provision of plans for the community's recuperation after the disaster, provision of early warning systems, and putting plans in place to aid in the post-disaster rehabilitation reconstruction. Responsibility →

Nurse manager and nurse practitioner

EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Evidence-Based Practice refers to the integration of the best research findings with clinical knowledge as well as the expectations of the patient. The final step is to foresee the implementation of the practice in order to establish if it is worth carried out as it is.

Free adolescent condom use research paper sample

The participants were briefed on what the study would involve since there were no serious risks involved in the research; it was a research based on free will from the participants. Use of surveys ensured that participants were able to provide research information at different stages in the research and to analyses, the consistency of →

Leadership vision: to have ehr (electronic health records) at 90% of healthcare facilities in 2015

My vision in nursing leadership is the use of technology especially the Electronic Health Records by the year 2015 and the healthcare sector in US can show a tremendous growth. It is quite evident that the use of computer and information technologies in the healthcare increase at a faster rate and this is in turn →

Introduction of the independant & independant variables

The cohort study of 2, 631 low-income children in 20 large U.S.cities obtained through FFS mother survey data, medical records, and in-home longitudinal study assessed the independent influences of homelessness and doubled-up episodes on the children's physical and mental health, cognitive development, and health care use. A, & Kaufman, J.S.

Good case study about there were four postulates that were researched upon using this experiment

By cutting the corpus collosum of the brain, the communication between the right and the left hemisphere of the brain is hampered. Will the right hemisphere of the brain be able to communicate with the left hemisphere of the brain if the corpus collosum was severed?- Will the patients with a severed corpus collosum be →

Madeleine leininger -transcultural nursing theory model

Keeping the theory of Trans-cultural nursing theory, it will also address the correlation that the negativity of attitude from nurses has on the recovery of children. D & Gossesns.

Notes for nursing eyes and ear

A: small ducts bring tears to the front and blinking help spread the tears over the surface Q: what enzyme inhibits the growth of bacteria on the surface of the eyes? CATARACTS * Pathophysiology: opacity in the lens that can cause loss of vision; light cannot get through to the retina * Ultraviolet rays damage →

Letter to state representative about comprehensive cancer care improvement act of 2011

Toomey, I am writing as a concerned citizen of our valued state urging you to support the Comprehensive Cancer Care Improvement Act of 2011 in representation of the people who are pursuing the enactment of this bill. The effects of cancer to the people afflicted with this grave disease and their families is one that →

Nursing sociology : how class affects health

The change of scale reflected the changing nature of occupations, the growth of middle class professions, the levels of social esteem that these jobs attracted and it ranked the occupations according to the level ofresponsibilitythat the job entailed. It demonstrated that although the health of the nation had improved since the introduction of the Welfare →

Research paper on data collection and analysis grid

Data for all patients who had undergone CC or PCI at the University of Virginia Heart and Vascular center from 2001-2003 was retrieved from a secondary source that is the Clinical Automated Office Solutions database of the institution. 5 whereby descriptive statistics were calculated for the characteristics of the sample, level of incidence and types →

West houston chapter of aacn professional organization assessment

The history of West Houston Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses was begun a few year ago in the year 1969 with the aim of helping -by educating-nurses who work in new and yet to develop intensive care units. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is believed to be one of the →

Nursing theory: overview

Nursing Theories a Companion to Nursing Theories and Models discussed many aspects of nursing theory along with the models. This website concludes that nurses are nursing possibly without the knowledge of theories, but theory and practice are related.

Middle-range theory continues to guide nursing practice

According to Sanford, A middle-range theory addressing the phenomenon of patient education through caring can add clarity and direction to this area of concern for nursing, and it can provide an opportunity to link theory, practice, and research. This course has brought to my attention the diverse ways in which I have used middle-range nursing →

Essay on research

On the other hand, is the substantive validity, which is the element that evaluates the substance of the interpretive work in research. This paradigm is one of the most recent research paradigms and it is based on the validity of interpretive research techniques and requires the best method of reviewing qualitative research.

Regulatory bodies

INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL ACT The Indian Nursing Council, which was authorised by the Indian Nursing Council Act of 1947, was established In 1949 for the purpose providing uniform standards in nursing education and reciprocity in nursing registration throughout the country. 3) It has authority to recognize programme for nursing education or to refuse recognition of →

Nursing theory as framework for research

This is because the theoretical framework gives a structure that guides the research by serving as a reference basis for observations, definition of ideas, research design, interpretations and generalization. Simply because a theoretical framework guides a research by offering a reference basis for the observations, definition of ideas, research design, interpretations, a lack of it →

Emma and clueless

The use of different techniques and medium allow Emma's themes of personal growth, social structure and the role of women in society to be conveyed in a more appropriate form in Clueless. Martin, a farmer, results in the loss offriendshipbetween Emma and Harriet as stated by Austen's authorial intrusion, " the intimacy between her and →

Charlie chaplin’s life overview

CONCLUSION THE IMPACT HE MADE TO THE WORLD AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIETY AND THE ART Charlie Chaplin was a man who dimpled millions of cheeks in the early 1900's. Charlie Chaplin marks me as a man who despite of great disadvantages faced when he was young, managed to transform the " nightmarish" situations →

Why world cinema is an important topic to study

Popular Hollywood films are usually number one choice, when it comes to choosing films as there is a limited number of choice and verity within the small section provided that under world cinema. There is no such thing as a typical world cinema film, as it is a collective term used for all manner of →

Research paper on film making in italy

The rise of fascism in the pre-war decades saw a different type of cinema school emerge and some great propaganda films were produced, mostly those which glorified Mussolini and the fascist dictatorship. Italian cinema suffered a crisis in the 1980's with the rise of the soft porn type comedy which gained in popularity and which →

Movie genre

Amanda Oman HUM 1900 Research Paper Dredd: Judge, Jury and Executioner In a dystopian era plagued by radiation, Dredd is one of the Judges, which is the only presence of law in the land. The most feared of all Judges, Dredd is on a mission to stop the distribution and use of a new drug, →

Memento mori

And yet, the amount of characters to keep track of was daunting in number as well as the numerous background stories and it was only by their ties to each other that I was able to grasp on to the plot-line behind it. I tried to look up a biography for her to see if →

Netflix vs blockbuster

However, the tide is changing at 2002 following the rise of Netflix, Blockbuster strategy to ignore and mock at the treat instead of tackling it, thefailureto understand the Netflix is giving customers feature which are lacking in Blockbuster's stores show of a company which lacks the innovation to face the new treat and the ability →

Movie au hasard balthazar by robert bresson

The plot intertwines the fate of both these elements, until finally the symbolic connection between the two is established. One is the separation of erotic identity of the subject, the viewer, from the object, the character on screen.

The secret life of bees by: sue monk kidd

Lily is outraged and saddened to learn that Deborah left her with T.Ray. Ray goes into a rage and beats Lily, all the while calling her Deborah, August and Rosaleen return to the house.

To what extent is chapter 1 of sense and sensibility a fitting introduction for the novel to come?

Although Austen shows the reader the downsides of both poles, sensibility is harshly and heavily punished and in the end sense wins out when Elinor gets to marry the man she wants and Marianne gives up sensibility and accepts an unconvincing happy ending with a socially respectable result. The first chapter so brilliantly allows for →

The landlady: overview

In my opinion, the writer is a genius as he managed to attract me to finish the story from the second I started reading it. The main character of the story is The Landlady.

Distinctive ideas in a film “run lola run”

In Run Lola Run, Tykwer is able to explore Lola and Manni's love through capturing their passion and love with the use of the red camera tinge. Further uses of techniques to emphasise the importance of love throughout the film are shown through the scattered use of close up's on both Lola and Manni's face, →