Genuine Research Paper Examples

Notes on ethics and international human resource management

It is also about the rights and duties of people, the moral rules that people apply in decision making and the nature of relationships in a society. Businesses also should contribute to human rights, education, welfare, and vitalization of the countries in which they operate.

Basic knowledge of commercial bank

3) Cash The loan application centers should assess borrowing customers' ability to generate enough cash to repay the loan.) Collateral In assessing the collateral aspect of a loan request, the loan officer must ask whether the borrower possess adequate net worth or own enough quality assets to provide adequate support for the loan. 4) Adverse →

Social networking sites research paper examples

Most of the users of social networking sites discuss common hobbies with an aim of deepening their personal networks. The Reasons for Non-Use of Social Networking Websites by University Students.

Good example of the economic effects of legalization of marijuana research paper

Legalization of marijuana translates to the fact that; there would be an increased excitement on the usage of this drug. Secondly, prohibition of this drug will decrease the consumption level of the consumer, due to the fear of the possible penalty that a consumer can be subjected to in case one is found guilty.

Research paper on disciplinary rhetoric legal marijuana

This essay discusses two papers with strong opinions about the part the legal community plays in the marijuana ' controversy.' The papers use some typical methods of introducing the subject, discussing the legal issues, relating the subject to peoples' real life experiences and then they offer suggestions for making improvements. The working paper " On →

British rule in england

However, during the period of the annexation of the subcontinent, India was in a period of regional strife. English is taught in the college levels, it is the language of the educated in India.

Jealousy in othello: the cause of chaos

Iago said this to Othello, persuading him of the rumour between Desdemona and Cassio was due to Othello's race. When Othello believed that the affair between Cassio and Desdemona was true, he could have felt like he lost his identity, making him insecure and more vulnerable to jealousy.

Research paper on policy analysis paper

Raich, 2005, in which the Commerce clause and the Supremacy clause essentially allowed federal law to ban the consumption of cannabis, since federal law, was supreme and hence would be superior to state law. Raich, tends to suggest that federal law being superior to state law could override the laws of the state, the fact →

Othello explication

Yes, This text reflect in the passage and the rest of the text due to Iago urging and pointing out that Desdemona and Cassio are something more then just friends.4. In the passage both Othello and Iago are talking to each other.

Research paper on capitalism immigration socialism and america

It describes the squalid and hopeless living conditions of working-class families, especially the immigrants, the fights and failures of unions, and presents an alternative and negative view of capitalism as well as arguments for socialism. The terrible working conditions in France leading to the French Revolution were criticized by Blanc, who in 1839 published Organization →

Facebook considers opening site to children

Facebooks manager of privacy & safety had announced that the social network has " thought a lot" about opening up the site to children under the age of thirteen to get the opportunity to access on to Facebook. So if Facebook allows children access on to Facebook under the age of 13, it may effect →

Maya angelou: interpretation of poetry

Sandra Cookson is the author of an article featured in World Literature Today, published by the University of Oklahoma, who does a wonderful job of illuminating Angelou's impactful messages that lie within her poem " Still I Rise". Through the creativity of similes and imagery in Angelou's poem " Still I Rise" she is able →

How successful were immigration schemes in the british, french and spanish territories

Immigration was introduced in the hope of fixing the labor problems of the planters. The importations of the Mandeiran people began in 1835, but were suspended in 1839 because the British government was examining the conduct and morality of the schemes.

Fact sheet on effects of marijuana on the body

However, the question remains open as to whether this impairment is due to a residue of drug in the brain, a withdrawal effect from the drug, or a frank neurotoxic effect of the drug.3. The daily use of 1 to 3 marijuana joints appears to produce approximately the same lung damage and potential cancer risk →

Research paper on president franklin roosevelt, the great depression and the new deal, 1929-40

Never in its history had the U.S.faced an economic crisis like the Great Depression of 1929-41, and never had the federal government played such an active role in social and economic life prior to the New Deal. With the collapse of capitalism in 1929-33, though, these forces were temporarily discredited and the door was left →

Strategic plan part ii bus 475

The SWOTT identified locating a wholesaler for the merchandise as a weakness, and the legal and regulatory issues as a threat while identifying environmental conscience as a trend for the company to focus for the future. The future success for the company is reliant on a designer convinced in saving the environment and the designer →

Teaching english in the modern multilingual workplace research papers examples

Along with the advent of formal English instruction in the workplace, there has been a body of literature looking at the effectiveness of these methods and seeing what approaches work better in the teaching and learning of English in a work setting. Other issues that have been noticed with teaching English in the workplace besides →

Race in othello research paper samples

With his play Othello, the eponymous figure is a tragic one, in which the fact that he is of a different race leads Iago and others to plot against him and bring about his downfall. Shakespeare's Othello is shown to be a heroic African figure adopted by the Romans, perpetually battling the prejudices of others →

How banking affected the depression

Banking and the Great Depression The Great Depression can be considered to be the most economically significant event to occur in the financial history of the world. The Monetarist theory argues that the reason behind the Great Depression and why it lasted so long was the making of poor policies by the Federal Reserve coupled →

Frankenstein blade runner

You are my creator, but I am your master;-obey! ' ii) the still of Roy holding Tyrell's face Through the relationship between the characters of Victor and his creature, Shelley challenges nineteenth century values about the role ofscience, the benefits of ambition and fame and the dominance of nature by man. In Shelley's novel, Victor's →

How is brutus portrayed as a tragic hero?

The character Brutus in particular is a keypersonalityto the structure of the play in his fall from honour. This is the turning point in the play as the stepping stones begin to fall in place and Brutus reveals to the viewers his deep down uncertainty to the decision of Caesar being crowned emperor.

The role of dreams in the human psyche

In Christian tradition the dream was thought of as the word of God, or the work of the devil. In the Christian epoch the church and its scriptures supplanted the importance of the dream.

Comparing death of a salesman and fences

In Fences Troy treats his wife Rose with a certain amount ofrespectbut when he does step out of line Rose is not the one to take it. And even through it all she still chose to take care of the child he had with another woman, because in her eyes Troy was guilty, and not →

Similarities and dissimilarities between shelley and keats

Keats is the poet of senses, and he loves Nature because of her sensual appeal, her appeal to the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense of touch. The skylark's unimpeded song rains down upon the world, surpassing every other beauty, inspiring metaphor and making the speaker believe that →

Some companies prohibit their employees from facebook or twitter

The next reason for banning social websites at work is to maintain company's image. The image is one of the most important standards determining the company's success; thus, prohibiting social websites is very necessary.

Illegal immigration

It is because of this that they turn to a life of crime. The truth is that I have seen how people can come to this country and succeed, the right way.

Why is it important for banks to be regulated?

In doing so, the powers and responsibilities of the Financial Services Authority will be examined in order to decide whether the activities currently being undertaken by the FSA are sufficient enough to regulate the financial market. The powers and responsibilities of the FSA will be considered in order to determine whether additional powers ought to →

Rules of relationships in of mice and men and the breakfast club

Between us, we watched " The Breakfast Club", " Dead Poets Society", " Fried Green Tomatoes" and " Of Mice and Men." Today I am going to discuss how rules of relationships were used in " The Breakfast Club" and " Of Mice and Men". I think that " The Breakfast Club" and " Of →

Of mice and men commentary

Steinbeck exploits the theme of power and control in his novel through the extensive use of sexism, racialdiscrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak. In " Of Mice and Men", Steinbeck undoubtedly shows that the power is centered on the majority sex, which is the males, against the minority, the females, where →

The economy in saudi arabia

Nitaqat, the Localization System for Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: cause for denial of job opportunities for expatriates Guiding Principle In order to reduce the unemployment rate among the Saudi citizens, the Saudi government issued a new system for the localization of jobs in Saudi Arabia under the name of " Nitaqat". The →

Discuss naturalism and the importance of the dog to understand the theme in to build a fire

Both books were excellent and even share some similarities with the story, " To Build a Fire", which is the story we are going to discuss." To Build a Fire" is a story of a man fighting the harsh weather of the Yukon with only his dog, where he is ultimately defeated by it. The →

Marketing umpqua bank

If they have had a good experience of the bank the chances are that they will be able to make a decision based on that. After the purchase we have to look at the relationship that develops between the customer and the bank.

Portfolio diversification research paper

A portfolio is a set of securities and assets held by institutional or individual investors and diversification is investing these assets and securities in to a variety of instruments in order to reduce risk with affecting the returns." Investing in different asset classes and in securities of many issuers in an attempt to reduce overall →

The content marketing arms race — to participate or to not participate?

But it has caught on in the lexicon and is easy for most business people to grasp. When you leverage this it's arguably the most powerfulcommunicationchannel to bring in more leads and sales.

Pick any product and write a with the instructions attached

The product would mainly be sold in the showrooms and aggressive marketing would be done to ensure that the product does well in the initial few months. There is a possibility of the product engaging in price discrimination because the packages especially the higher end packages may not be affordable for everyone who buys the →

Passenger satisfaction survey

The Survey was restricted to some cities of northern parts of the Country, the observations and findings get limited to that extent and may not apply ipso facto to all Indian Railway Passenger Services. To asses the overall travel experience of the passengers in the Indian Railways and their perception of the organization.

Marketing management: overview

The Ulaanbaatar carpet factory is 100% private, shareholder based company that processes Mongolian sheep wool and offers high quality carpets in local and international market. Marketing Mix: Place: Local market and foreign market no direct sale for the end customer.

Online marketing agencies: love ‘em or leave ‘em?

Of course, you could have the world's most perfect, specific goal, and it would not do you any good if you failed to communicate it to your agency. By communicating why your expectations are what they are and asking why your agency makes the choices it does, you can start to develop a shared vision →

Impact of radio advertisements on buying behavoiur of customer

This study aims to analyze the impact of radio advertisements on urban customer towards buying behavior in retail stores and attempts to determine the role of radio advertising on broadcasting of information on the sales promotions. All India Radio - the national service provider owned and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under →

Nonprofit marketing

What the target audience members think, want, and how they act determine how a marketer tries to influence them Marketing research must find out What they are like What they will respond to What is keeping them from responding as the marketer wants them to Myths of Nonprofit Marketing Big decision myth: Sometimes the big →

Monitoring & evaluating marketing comm

The pre- test is an evaluation method but can be seen as a monitoring method in assessing whether the campaign at that time matches to the expectations of the set objectives for the campaign, objectives should be measurable in order to quantify the effectiveness of the marketing communications, the post-test could then help evaluate how →

The marketing mix of vodafone

This is due to the fact that doing research on a mobile phone company who not only started in the UK but have also ended up as the largest mobile phone retailer and one of the largest companies in Europe. I will investigate the marketing mix of Vodafone and evaluate its effect on customers, who →

Marketing plan innocent

We can also make a price for product in the rest of methods. Tired pricing: we can set a different for product, according to different sizes fruit or function, to name a few Some product product can reduce the price when the fruits in seasons.

Services marketing integrating customer focus across the firm

The service provided by the astrologers is an excellent illustration of the _____ of services.A. The people element of a service is limited to employees and customers.

Consumer attitude toward green marketing

According to him, Marketing is the process which begins with identifying the needs of the consumer and further includes product development, delivering products to the consumer and providing after sales service. The Masculine Mindset of Environmental Management and Green Marketing.

Marketing, finance and human resources

But this aim is achieved in a different way by each department The main aim of the finance department is to make a profit in order for the business to survive. A source of finance that is internal includes the business profits and selling assets from the business.

The paper emphases on the nature of the marketing plan as whole

The author is doing the research on the of the international branded and premium that is OSIM Company product on the uDivine Application massage chair. The goal of the company was to bring the healthy lifestyle to their consumers.

Business course quiz

Question 5 5 out of 5 points The four major categories of factors of production are: Correct Answer: natural resources, capital, human resources, and entrepreneurship. Question 7 5 out of 5 points During the marketing era consumers found: Correct Answer: more choices for goods and services.

Introduction to market research essay sample

Who provides market research and the importance of the market research industry. These reasons include the budget available for research, support for market research in the organization, and the research skills of the market researchers.

Advertising and older consumers: image and ageism

The Issue: This creates the issue to advertisers that they stereotype older generations and reinforce society's misconception that people over 50 are feeble, pitiable, or incompetent. Despite the importance of this product to seniors who live alone, the commercial quickly became the brunt of many jokes, including skits on Saturday Night Live and the Tonight →

Marketing research questionnaire design

Objective 1: To gather information from the rural Manitoba client population to determine whether rural clients presently serviced by Citigroup's provincial subsidiary, Manitoba Banking Central, would generally be supportive of a rebranding campaign which sees the provincial bank subsidiaries re-opened under the Citigroup national brand. For example, Manitoba Banking Central may have been historically better →

Education and the labor market research paper examples

However, it was observed by Wessel and Banchero, that the idea that " almost every generation has had substantially more education that that of its parents" is no longer true among the Americans; that is, the They asserted that the education slowdown poses a threat to the United States. This is followed by a review →

Random sampling and stratified sampling

Random sampling and stratified sampling Random sampling Random sampling refers to a sampling technique where the entire populationgets an equal opportunity to be chosen as a subject. As the names suggest, the stratum in the former technique is proportionate to the size of population, and the reverse holds true for the latter technique.

Big skinny

To be eligible to offer a Groupon, Big Skinny must discount the price of their wallet by at least 50%. This new price point will be conveyed in a message from the Director of Sales to Big Skinny's distribution channel.

Marketing math case: washburn guitars

After considering the aforementioned factors and pricing objectives, the actual price of the product may be calculated. In order to determine the best price for Starbucks' submarine sandwiches, a combination of the following pricing strategies should be applied.

Scotch whisky marketing strategy

The focus will also include the market factors affects distribution of the distillery's products, withrespectto the factors of the market, find the best environment, release the product and ultimately, formulate the necessary marketing strategies for the entry of the products of the distillery into the exploratory market of the countries mentioned above. The export market →

Product featured in advertisement

The nextadvertisementthat I am going to write about is one that is attempting to sell a product called " TheHealthBracelet", This product is said to help people who are suffering from different health problems, the advertisement contains many small pictures but is swamped with text, but the text featured on the advertisement is all positive →

Functional strategies

These strategies are limited only to the departments of the organizations where the initiatives to undertake a procedure is limited. Each of the departments is required to do its functions or jobs in contributing to the total goal of the organization.

Marketing plan for sprint communications

The company is run separately to the wholesaler and has it's own Profit and Loss accounts. The objective of the business was to supply mobile communications to a growing population within the area.

Advertising lexus in a luxury market

Advertising Lexus in a Luxury Market The new Lexus will be marketed an advertised as a more upscale car in the luxury market. This is simple: the consumer should know that the new Lexus is the epitome of luxury vehicles.

Employee behavior and customer satisfaction

In the paper The Impact of employee behaviour on customer's service quality perceptions and overall satisfaction by authors Kattara, Weheba and El-Said report that customer satisfaction relies heavily on their interactions with employees and perceptions associated with reactions to employee behavior. S, Weheba, D, and El-Said, O.A." The Impact of employee behaviour on customer's service →

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement

But her colleagues find she is unusual and come to ask the reason. In order to make the communications more effective, working at office and face-to-face interaction is necessary.

Script for presentation

They also preferred milk chocolate over white or dark which is why the product is milk chocolate, this way the product is most likely going to make more sales if t is up to the customers liking. Target market is used to paying this price- it is the expected price place Where will the product →

Veet promotion campaign

Brandpersonality: Veet relates to the personality of elegant, sensual, graceful and beauty.* Brand equity: The 3 green leaves on the Veet logo and the use of floral graphics on the product elude a natural feel to users.2D. This is primarily due to the relative ease of conversions of ' The Bladers' into users of Veet →

Conclusion: hotel and customer loyalty

Hotel finds the correct way to improve brand image, therefore the customer loyalty will increase. The important point of brand image in hotel industry is the customer benefit brought by brand.

Major aspects if the marketing plan

Further, it is the intent behind the formulation of this plan to make positive use of all the negative publicity targeted towards McDonald's by criticisms such as those raised by the documentary film " Super Size Me" and the book and film of the same title, " Fast FoodNation", as publicity although negative brings with →

Why has segmentation been a successful marketing strategy for nokia?

Market segmentation is essentially a marketing tool which purpose is to " allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are " most likely" to purchase your offering". Nokia understands this very succinctly by offering different product groups to the different subsets of markets.

Research paper on stakeholder analysis of jaffrey mines in canada

According to Payton, the Canadian asbestos Industry is a $90 million industry and therefore there is a high chance of livelihood of many people being taken away if the industry is shut down because of health concerns of Asbestos. The stakeholder is a moderator in the Asbestos issue since it seems to protect the →

Ontraport: marketing strategies research papers examples

The marketing strategies will be aligned to address the marketing objectives of Ontraport in relation to the place, which is one of the four aspects of marketing mix. Ontraport will offer to manage the social media profiles of the target clients and interact with the clients.

Marketing management week 5

At the division level, strategic planning involves the formulation of strategies to attain the divisional objectives and goals of the company. A marketing plan includes a situational analysis to investigate the internal and external environment of the company.

International marketing environment

The first of the eight O's is occupants which is the market the company intends to target. This describes the service or product that will be used to satisfy the target markets needs Occasions is the third of the eight O's.

At&t/cingular wireless marketing study

Although AT&T carried the most familiar brand name, a new brand, Cingular, was developed to highlight newtechnologyand services to customers of the old AT&T company who were more used to land line service and were likely to remember the demise of the old Bell telephone service providers and the " Ma Bell" monopoly which was →

Internaltional marketing

Facilities will need to evaluate hardware needs in a workstation to ensure that providers and other users of the ERR have access to the system at the point of service. It is a fully functioning computer that can be carried or placed on a cart and moved around the place.

Principles of marketing exam notes

The four Ps, or marketing mix, are the controllable set of activities that the firm uses to respond to the wants of its target markets.3. The part of the strategic marketing planning process when marketing executives, in conjunction with other top managers, define the mission or vision of the business and evaluate the situation by →

Dstv consumer behaviour

The customer may choose what they want to watch whenever they want to watch It, whether at home or on the move with various Innovations such as the decoder at home and the Walk which may be used on the move. DUST has created employment for people of Africa and opportunities for Africans such as →

Disadvantages of e-marketing outweigh the advantages

E-marketing is the use of information technology in the processes of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. However, e-marketing has one main obstacle which is the limitation of access to computer as the result of the costs of the hardware, →

Red bull’s marketing strategy

As it is mentioned in Red Bull official site, " Be the premier marketer and supplier of energy drink across the globe by building long-term relationships with the people who can make it become a reality" is the mission statement of the company; using the Red Bull's mission statement; we can understand the company's business →

Direct marketing – ethical issues

When certain consumer-direct channels are used to reach out to consumers and deliver the goods to them, the marketing practice is termed as direct marketing. In most situations, marketers and consumers have a symbiotic existence in this type of marketing with marketers having the benefit of increasing consumer awareness and consumers getting information about the →

Frizza – frozen pizza marketing plan

We then decided various characteristics of the product like toppings, etc. In terms of the place, we decided to launch the product only in cities given the infrastructural constraints at the beginning.

Intro to marketing

Marketing objectives Marketing objectives is when a business such as Jaguar set a goal to increase productivity and sales and for Jaguar to able to do that, it is important that the Marketing, Sales and Customer service to work together as one, for example if Jaguar goal was to increase sales for the XF type, →

A man of innovation: sam walton

In the 1950's and 1960's the great migration from the inner cities and from the rural areas to the suburbs had begun. Sam made a point to be in the store as much as he could, unlike many managers of today.

Good example of research paper on development economics

The policy does this with the aim of enhancing efficiency of the government, economic growth and development of the nation. With respect to the neoliberalism policy, the government is assigned to take care of limited range of sectors of the economy of the nation.

New product development research paper sample

Business analysis involves the development of a system of metrics that measures the progress of the various stages of new product development. Technical implementation of the product involves the real product production and marketing in order to create awareness of the existence of the project.

Profit leverage effect

A proper logistics management can have a greater impact not only in cost-cutting but also in increasing the sales of a firm. Thus, a dollar saved in logistics is already an increase in the profit of a firm.

Marketing – positioning a new product

So, in order for ForceX, maintain their position in the market place and to compete with competitors that do have a marketing arm. There is also a huge benefit that comes from the customers that can be reached and the convenience of potential customers to research ForceX, Inc.whenever it's convenient for them.

Asia paci�c journal of tourism research, vol. 15, no. 3, september 2010

The objectives of this study are: to identify motivational factors and marketing drivers across the two islands; to investigate measurement invariance across samples; and to examine the moderation effect of marketing drivers on the relationship between island tourists' motivations and their travel behavior, across samples. Eight hypotheses, based on the literature review, have been generated →

Foster’s beer – marketing plan

In this order of ideas, the purchase decision of a Foster's beer is given by the quality of the drink, the brand's reputation and the consumers' recognition of the brand, previous consumption and reaction to the beverage and several product features, including price. The benefits of the Foster beer are implied by the product and →

Example of great depression research paper

He argued that there should be a minimum government involvement in the economy to achieve the efficiency in the market. In his reaction to the Great depression, Hoover stick on his philosophy of minimal government intervention and dependency of private action in the economy.

Marketing your band

To do this, I thought of a stunt for my band, I decided to have them pull up outside the gates of Walton Prison in Liverpool, and perform some of their tracks. The image that my band puts across is a 'bad - boy' image which their influential bands, like So Solid crew, and Blazin' →

Palm inc – from handhelds to smart phones

Palm had no clear vision - of what was the picture of the future that the company wanted to achieve. The Innovation Is the basic power of the company, but Palm does not have the strong impetus.

Good monetary policy research paper example

Adjustment of the amount and structure of the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet is done to counter the pressure, especially on long-term interest rates. A change in the lending rate has a huge impact on the amount of money circulating in the economy.

Move n store inc.:pack and exhale

Understand Expectations The business must make an effort to discover the expectations of customers in terms of both service and products in order to ensure that their needs are met.3. For example, it would be useful for a firm to document differences between customer expectation and actual customer experiences in the delivery of medical care.

Managing hybrid marketing systems

At the heart of the problem of designing and managing hybrid systems is the fundamental question of what mix of channels andcommunicationmethods can be best to accomplish the assortment of tasks required to identify, sell and manage customers. This analysis of tasks and channels will identify the hybrid's basic components and permit managers to design →

Want to open a vintage shop? experts share their secrets.

Owner, The Rabbit Hole, Miami " The smaller your niche, the easier it is to connect with a core customer base. Owner, Los Angeles " The entire business of antiques, clothing or otherwise, is based on who has the most knowledge and the better contacts to resell at a profit".

Trade in argentina research paper examples

The sectoral allotment demonstrates a slow decline in the significance of the services sector ever since 2001 - a outcome of the conclusion of the privatization course - however as well, and principally, of the amplification in the number of regulatory disagreements subsequent to the 2001 predicament. The significant growth-rates attained are mostly owing to →

How shoplifters see the world: shoplifting within the area of consumer behaviour

Shoplifting has concluded to be one of the worrying and less understood in the area of consumer behaviour, which can come to surprise that of the literature being rather limited. In the area of shoplifting, the demographics that occur are the gender, age and race of the individuals.