Genuine Research Paper Examples

Introduction to risk assessment – hazard identification

Most of the time we relate risk to natural disaster, which is unpredictable and we are unable to identify the major destructions happed after this. The general lack of pesticides and their harmful affects is adding to the already aggravated issue.

How american hisotry x relates to political science text think american government

It is a story of how afamilyis affected by one son's view of the history of race roles in America, his life within the neo Naziculture, and finally, after resigning himself to such a lifestyle due to prison reformation, his attempt to pull his younger brother from the same way of violent life. With that, β†’

Modular vs. integrated software systems

Integrated software packages can use data from different programs that has common commands and nature of files to create multiple applications at the same time without greatly affecting the efficiency of the overall system, the integrated software package is most efficient where identical information is supposed to be used among various activities for different purposes β†’

Bantay-dagat program (unfinished)

In connection, we, the students of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas of the NSTP-CWTSprogram AY 2012-2013 heed to the call of the world for a new wave of young people who can bring change towards their fellowmen in the context of environmentalism, envisioned to do our part in the fruitful conservation ofMother β†’

Borohydride reduction

The chemical process studied in this lab was reduction, the process of reducing the number of bonds to oxygen and increasing the number of bonds to hydrogen. A decent percentage of the original sample was lost throughout the reduction process of vanillin to vanillyl alcohol.


In " Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria" by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the writer tries to show part of her life and how people in different countries acts in the situation of having someone in front of them with a differentcultureor skin color, in this case Latin woman. In β†’

North and south in the civil war

At the onset of the AmericanCivil War, following the secession of the South from the Union to create the Confederate States of America, the North and South were two completely different worlds in terms of their way of life. When the Civil War began in 1861 the two armies that would meet in battle after β†’

Economics chapter 1

4 The categories of scarce resources and the nature of the economizing problem. The slope of the graphed budget line measures the ratio of the price of books to the price of DVDs; more precisely, the slope is 1 _, or.5.

Learner-center educational plan

Proctor et al discusses the requirement for planning, and opens with the idea that no planning can take place without a clear idea, on the part of the teacher, of what the children in the class are going to learn. The planning process requires the identification of the learning objectives in detail; in reality, meeting β†’

Today, the status of gold mining

Placer gold mining has two mining and artificial gold mining ship, the former is used in eluvial zone and the presence of a large number of coarse gravel riverbed areas to dig for gold richer artificial horizon for the purpose. Some gold mining river boat is larger, more stable gold grade gold layer, artificial profits β†’

My trip

The next day, we will go to the Basilique Notre-Dame. The next day, we will go to the Mont Royal.

Covid-19 and food: challenges and research needs

Study to understand the factors and conditions that impact the survivability of SARS-CoV-2 in food, drinking water, and food surfaces.2. Innovating and better understanding and advanced technology platform for virus inactivation on food and packaging materials, and to understand the principles of mode of actions.5.

Experimental hypnosis

But Erickson knew that changing is easy; the way to make it happen is for the person to believe they can change and to make a " choice," to make the " decision" to change. The truth is that every form of hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis where the hypnotist just guides the client β†’

Economic icon: chris biehler

The law of Demand states that the quantity of demanded of a good or service is inversely related to the price of a good or service. A final determinant is population, the quantity demanded will increase if there are more people in society that are willing and able to buy McDonald's.

The 13th amendment

I believe we would not be a developed country and very weak to a lot of countries. I would not be able to imagine us if we did not have the constitution or what type of rights would be in place instead of the Amendments.

Because of postmodernist changes in economic conditions

The advantage in managing change under the framework of the balanced scorecard is that this process emphasizes the interconnectedness between different process chains. This also leads to the development of a sustainable competitive advantage.

Modern education is a needs in the future

The development of modern education in our country will give a huge impact in education sector especially to the students in primary school, secondary school, IPTA and IPTS. From this we can see that the developed education will give a lot of beneficial to our country in all sectors.

Health care system and the lifestyle of the americans

Sociology According to functionalist theorists, both race and ethni has a functional relationship and combination of both of these concepts lead to the creation of a harmonious society and for the creations of a society it is necessary to assimilate both the racial and ethnic minorities. On the other hand the Pluralism rule of politics β†’

Success goals program introduction

The persons undergoing this training are in great demand due to their special feature of job and also provide them opportunity to grow big in the respective industry. The providing of training at university and college campus is very intelligent decision to tap the young talent in this field which is emerging field.

Impact of events on our lives

Then this chapter life had to close with the open of new event that was to enter collage this event again added to my experience, knowledge and skills, with the placement of colonization abilities and confidence to meet new people and face new challenges. The arrival of Ramadan and the celebrations of two aids are β†’

If potus is america’s ceo, then this needs to change immediately

And of those, few have one of the founders still at the helm as CEO. If we want America to run like a business, and we want the president to be our CEO, then let's see how our candidates' executive skills truly match up.

Cross-docking: state of the art

For instance, to coordinate the inbound and outbound trucks to the appropriate docks, the arriving time and the destination of the freight need to be known before the physical arrival of the goods ). For the papers included in the literature review, the characteristics of the considered cross-docks will be listed in tables according to β†’

Tanglewood case 2: overview

Since Tanglewood has a policy of promoting internally, most of the positions that will be filled will be store associates. In order to meet Tanglewood's needs, here is the plan of action: -Tanglewood will hire 3, 995 employees to fill store associate positions.

Spanish-american war causes

The Spanish-American War occurred as a result of various influences, including American religion, a sense of mission, political tensions between the U.S.and Spain, Spanishviolenceagainst the people of Cuba, and the Cuban desire for freedom from colonization. The spreading influence of the Cuban conflict on America prompted the United States to go to war with Spain.

Jack mapanje as an imbongi.

Writing in the time s of " Kamuzuism" a term assigned to symbolize Kamuzu's oppressive acts, Mapanje secured the role of an imbongi as his writings circulated against Kamuzu's leadership with criticism, disagreement and at the same time praise. As an Imbongi the poet in the first two lines of the poem praising his chief β†’

The story of arthur

He had to show he would meet their morals and standards as King, which ultimately leads to Arthur pulling the sword out of the stone. The Nobles did not know that Arthur was Uther's heir, so before he arose to Power he first had to prove that he was Uther's son so he had to β†’

Contract la w

It has a wealth mastication function also since it is an exchange of goods and services to someone who values them the most such as one values the object In a store more than themoneyin ones pocket and the store values the money In ones pocket than the object they have in their store. A β†’

Free research paper about greek and roman theater buildings

Despite the fact that the Greek theater used soliloquies and asides, the Roman theatre was the first to use them. It was after the introduction of soliloquies and asides by the Roman theatre that the Greeks also decided to add the same in their theaters.

Internet-based research

Which of the following on-line research strategies raises the most concerns regarding the ethical principle of respecting the autonomy of research subjects and the corresponding federal regulations requiring informed consent? Which of the following examples of using the Internet to conduct research meets the federal definition of research with human subjects?

The impact of scale on francesco borromini’s sac carlo alle

At the time it was argued that building proportions should be derived from the proportion of the body of a man, the proportions of the Vitruvian man, as it was argued that the proportions of the man was modeled in the image of God. As a result of Borromini's freedom to create in the image β†’

Power shifts in queen kong

This concept Is developed when queen Kong refers to the helicopters as " dragonflies". In this light, instincts and desires of Queen Kong are notable on several occasions in the poem." The long nights in the heat" reveal her physical reaction and emphasizes her annalistic behavior in that it is her natural instinct to mate.

Why is cheating wrong?

Cheating is unfair to you. When others hear about your cheating, their opinion of you will be compromised.

Solid waste generation

Agricultural wastes are solid wastes that contribute to the amount of accumulated solid wastes in many parts of the world. The effects of accumulated solid wastes in the environment are becoming one of the major concerns of the country and worldwide.

Why do we need laws

Laws are needed to protect the values of the community and to reflect the society's beliefs of what is acceptable and unacceptable. The law protects society Laws are needed to protect society as a whole from the prospect of danger, harm and fear.

It should be mandatory for everyone to donate one of their organs when they die

Secondly, people should have a meaningful way to die, by donating their organs, so people who are needing organ transplant will have the chance to live. In many religions, people are not allowed to donate their organs.

The causes lead to healthy life

First of all we can establish that a healthy lifestyle by following a good diet, sleeping well and exercising. Furthermore, there is another aspect of healthy living that should be sleeping well for the most part we all consider sleep as a good thing to do, but we do not really know how this activity β†’

Short information on great economists

Histogram recitalists Father of Economics/ Father of the classical school of economic thought- Adam Smith According to Smith, self interest was an invisible hand which would work for the common benefit of the community. This resulted in an increase in income - increase in demand- production and supply increase Keynes also suggested 'Pump Priming' which β†’

Global era

We need a team that is culturally diverse that would be able to meet the requirements of the business on a global level. Geert Hofstede's culture helps the management team to learn how to adapt to several situations that one may come across in a culturally diverseenvironment.

Use seo to create a strategic advantage for your website

Create a profile for your ideal consumer and use this to inform your strategy and meet their expectations with your website. Your website is the pillar for your digital marketing strategy.


Although she tries to make others believe that she is a liberal, in fact she is traditional. She's passionately fond of her father and she has a tattoo showing her father's date of birth on her leg.

Open science for private interests? how the logic of open science contributes to the commercialization of research

As the philosophical analysis of this paper shows, if advocates of Open Science promote the openness of publicly funded research to foster, at least in part, new business opportunities and joint private-public ventures, as well as new markets for the development of online information and communication technologies, then Open Science ends up contributing to furthering β†’

A critique of 205 easy ways to save the earth

A Critique of " 205 Easy Ways to Save the Earth" by Thomas Friedman Foreign affairs columnist for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman, is a man who wants to try to change the world by trying to convince people to go green. Friedman has a natural writing style and he conveys what he is β†’

A fortune by joy monica

The meaning of the title " A fortune" is that the teenager is not his father's fortune, but the money is. And when the narrator where a kid, he was not his father's fortune.

The shoehorn sonata

The Shoe-Horn Sonata by John Misto The opening scene, with Bridie demonstrating the deep, subservient bow, the kow-tow, demanded of the prisoners by their Japanese guards during tenko, takes the audience straight into the action. This scene establishes who Bridie is, and introduces the audience to the situation: the recall and in a sense the β†’


During my research for this paper I was surprised to find that two of the interviewees, a couple, not involved in the lifestyle in any way, for the Brames' and Jacobs' book referenced the same Donahue show in their testimonial: " We saw a [Phil] Donahue [show] about infantilism and were amazed at the outrage β†’

Chapter 17 the four champions

After what seemed like an hour, he was right in front of Dumbledore, feeling the stares of all the teachers upon him".Well.through the door, Harry," said Dumbledore. He saw a wizened witch flit out of the frame of her picture and into the one next to it, which contained a wizard with a walrus mustache.

Editorial: current meg research in psychiatry

This special issue on " Current MEG Research in Psychiatry" provides a state-of-the-art overview of the potential and scope of MEG, ranging from recent developments in MEG methods to the study of cognitive and sensory dysfunctions in ASD and SZ including functional connectivity in psychosis, to the role of alterations nervous system activity in major β†’

Mary seacole

When she was older, Mary opened a hotel in Jamaica to help care for the sick. She travelled to England in the UK but no one was interested in taking up her offer to help the ill and wounded soldiers.

Part one tuesday

Alison Jenkins from the Yarvil and District Gazette.' The young woman's jaunty voice was as loud and horrible in Mary's ear as a triumphal fanfare; the blast of it obliterated the sense of the words.'Sorry?"Alison Jenkins from the Yarvil and District Gazette. Then she remembered that most of Barry's last day on earth and their β†’

The moral obligation to prioritize research into deep brain stimulation over brain lesioning procedures for severe enduring anorexia nervosa

Whilst the risk posed by DBS for movement disorders is generally deemed to be acceptably low, the potential risk of surgical complications and non-compliance may be exacerbated in the context of DBS treatment SE-AN, due to patients' severe chronic malnutrition. However, the justification for this claim is that reversibility and adjustability are particularly valuable in β†’

Conflict between medical research and ethics

In this paper I will be disclosing the facts concerning the study and its significant influence on the culture of Black American culture during the time of the study. I disagree with various aspects of this study, such as how the study was handled, how the patient was uninformed along with lack of consent, and β†’

Every culture has a different set of traits and habits

Thus the idea of pure business relation seems odd in East which is a normal thing in West. The reason for such cultural attitude is the status of economies in the East and West.

Boston massacre propaganda

Although they were quite justified in doing so, the townspeople of Boston severely over exaggerated the events of that day in order to gain public sympathy and pit more colonists against the British regime. In this regard, the colonists used The Boston Massacre to encourage the spread of outrage among the colonies against the British.

The paradox of inquiry

But if you do not know who you are, how will you know when you " become that person? " Any paradox is a confusing subject, and they are all created to make you think about what's going on, who you are, and what the purpose of life is. It really is a challenge for β†’

Buying vs renting

In renting a house or a property, the price of the rent depends on the owner of the said property or house. Renting is given to the owner of the article or the property at a certain time.

Dying to live in paul’s case by willa cather

Paul consciously acted higher and mightier than his peers as well as his teachers because he was well aware of himself and of the fact that this life was not the one he wanted to be living. Paul reached New York with a plan to kill himself at the end of it and he leaves β†’


Question 4 Which of the following factors are most likely to bias an individual's selection of cues? Question 5 Which of the following statements are False?

Conflicts being a college student

Patrice Williams November 12, 2013 Conflicts of A College Student The daily life of a college student is filled with many conflicts. Having everyday issues such as these can cause stress on the mind of a student that he or she does not need while attending college.


Towards the beginning of his essay, Saenz feels like he belonged to America and he had a positive view about everything around him, special is the nature throughout his desk view. Saenz's lifestyle has been an ongoing struggle for him because of all the harassments and discrimination he encountered in El Paso.

Case: problem in pay system

Choose a pay policy and develop a pay structure: decrease the number of the employee and pay the higher salary. What was the least satisfying about your job?

Education on occupational health and safety issues

9 % in total of cases. 2 % respectively with total recordable cases of 0.

The brief history of the elderly barriers

Deficiency in the treatment of mental illness in the elderly emerge to be a considerable factor in the enhancedsuiciderates among the elderly population along with the premature or unsuitable placement of elderly persons innursinghomes. Even with the attention that has been accorded to the prevalence of large number of patients with Alzheimer" s disease, funding β†’

Why has not there been more research of concern?

The next section recounts the recent history of attention to the security implications of the life sciences, with particular reference to the identification and assessment of " research of concern" and related designations. Through the sorts of initiatives mentioned in the previous paragraphs emerged a sense of the potential security implications of the life science β†’

Body alterations

So far, it's true that having a foreign tattoo or a piercing in a society that does not originally apply them commonly makes a person looks out of the box. I personally believe that the decision of having a permanent tattoo is based on mood or temporary convictions that can collapse with time.

Log mgmt

Log Management in the Cloud: A Comparison of In-House versus Cloud-Based Management of Log Data A SANS Whitepapers - October 2008 Written by: Jerry Sheen Sponsored by Alert Logic Basic Practices Questions for the Cloud Provider Considerations for In-House Log Management Executive Summary In the 2008 SANS Log Management Survey, 20 percent of respondents who β†’

Physical activity, sports practice, and cognitive functioning: the current research status

A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults.J. The effect of acute and chronic exercise on cognitive function and academic performance in adolescents: a systematic review.J.Sci.Med.

Snapchat’s spectacles: not just for millennials

In an with the Wall Street Journal, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel recounted using an early Spectacles prototype during a 2015 hike." When I got the footage back and watched it, I could see my own memory, through my own eyes - it was unbelievable," he told the paper." It's one thing to see images of β†’

Dependency theory

Al Murrah is the people Cole focused on, they are a small society that resided in the heart of the desert in the country of Saudi Arabia. The rich and powerful Saudi government then recruited Al Murrah males into the national guards work and then the leader of the Al Murrah, as known as the β†’

Sox research paper

The most significant provision of the Act is the requirements in Section 404 the reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls over the financial reporting. It should also contain, an assessment at the end of the most recent fiscal year as to the effectiveness of internal controls and the procedures for financial reporting.

Midnight in the garden of good and evil archetypal project

Once the tour was finished, Berendt decided he would like to stay longer in the grand town of Savannah, and booked a room in the second floor of a carriage house. Joe describes the aspects of Emma's life to Berendt and he is throughly pleased to listen.

Being and becoming

In order to be human, not only the idea of reflection upon life is necessary but in emphasizes of the use of the Socratic method in that reflection and in the course of finding the truth, questions are paired with such reflection. It is not then self-interest that leads a person tohappiness, and there is β†’

Mrs. kr

Ans: Key Largo is known as the driving capital of the world 4. The elevation of the rider is controlled by the speed of the boat and the amount of cable.

Feasibility study research paper

Packaging and branding and latter transporting to the market The plant will have its own sugarcane plantation near the firm as it is budgeted that about 2/3 of the total land area of the firm will be used as the plantation square and the rest will be for infrastructure. The establishment of this firm will β†’

Japanese and american business behavior

The acknowledgement given to Japanese culture and their influence is overwhelming in many parts of the world. Another argument in awe of the Japanese business culture is the fact that most Japanese managers prefer to look into the roots of the problem before making decisions, judgments and strategies.

Styrofoam as glue

Introduction Background of the Study: We chose this project because a mosquito coil made up from natural mosquito repelling plants will remove the health problems caused by commercial mosquito repellents.oregano and lemongrass are easy to find and very common and also if this project succeed this can be profitable for business and can encourage others β†’

Need and new faces

In the same token, the old and the established stands for ' the familiar and comfortable', ' knowledgeable and therefore able', ' mature and therefore trustworthy',' rugged and therefore reliable.' But all this goes with accusations of ' stagnation and staleness',' out-of-date and outmoded ness' and ' the slow and the stumped'. Our country has β†’

Dental fillings: a threat to your health or harmless?

However, the F.D.A.stills deems amalgam fillings safe for adults and children over six, leaving the general public with the question, " Do amalgam fillings pose a significant threat to human health? " Since the F.D.A.eemed amalgam fillings safe for the public, many people hold the view that the mercury used in dental fillings is safe β†’

Market research brief of toiletry company

Our overall objective for the research is to examine attitudes to the use of zoom antiperspirant deodorants and body sprays and recommend a programme of research to guide us through the launch successfully. To examine and measure the effectiveness and reliability of the chosen promotional platform for the product.

The art of washing dishes

The first step is to clean all the dishes from leftovers; then the plates are arranged by dimension and they are piled up carefully without making a lot of noise, then all silverware is put together and finally glasses are picked up. Next, all dishes are taken to the sink; the amazing part is that β†’

Research paper in society and culture

The reunification of the Low Countries as the United Kingdom of the Netherlands occurred at the dissolution of the First French Empire in 1815, after the defeat of Napoleon. And in 1830, the Belgian Revolution led to the separation of the Southern Provinces from the Netherlands and to the stablishment of a Catholic and bourgeois, β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of starting up a business

Advantages of Starting up a Business Advantages of starting your own small or medium business can include: Being your own Boss - You can make your own decisions, keep your own time and not have to answer to " The Boss" Hard Work & Know How - If you are a hard worker and / β†’

Am i eligible for student finance?

How do beat the shortage of financial aid and funding Qualifying for a student loan depends on many factors including where you live, which university or college you have chosen to attend, which course you are studying, if you have studied before, and your age. Generally speaking, you will need to be a UK resident β†’

Day dealings

In particular, a team leadership is one where the burden of fulfilling the task at hand is not primarily and solely on the leader but is shared with the rest of the team, seeing the same vision and having the same mission. The team is not treated as composed of individual employees as in the β†’

The international business division

On the output side of the supply chain, middlemen were firmly positioned, chipping in, the profit margin of the farmers and buyers like ITC. The site was in Hindi language and was accessed by the sanchalak in his house or e-choupal, and coordinated between the ITC and the farmers.

The thunder and lightening crashed over my head and made me very afraid

I heard that the newspaper reporter was going to come and write an article about the foster home where I was living. Slowly as my eyes began to see the details I was able to distinguish a man's frame.

The research approaches adopted and methodology

Firstly, according to Alan Bryman, the quantitative research can be construed as a research strategy which emphasis the quantification in collection and analysis data and involves a deductive approach to the relationship between theory and research which the accent is placed on the theories testing. Secondly, qualitative research can be construed as a research strategy β†’

Engeneering implemented in k-12 classroom

In this she saw an opportunity to combine the project with teaming up with students and teachers in K-12 schools to get the students more involved in the project and to increase interest in engineering. The basis of the project is to incorporate the research that her engineering students are working on and encourage the β†’

Keynesian vs monetarist economy

However, the scarcity of natural resources and the awareness of the negative effects of economic activities suggest that humanity may live a long period of stagnation. Friedman, who is the leader of this ideology, will be advocating the stable growth in the money supply, which means that the Central Banks have to maintain a regular β†’

The invasion in afghanistan was consistent with the brezhnev doctrine

The invasion in Afghanistan was consistent with the Brezhnev doctrine that relied on the concept of socialist internationalism that involved help to states that have already joined the bloc of Communist states. The departure was difficult because the Soviet leaders probably felt the need to bring the war to a victory because of the enormous β†’

Chivalry codes

Generations of dishonesty of corrupted knights from the contemporary times to modern caused the neglection of chivalric duties to collapse. As more degraded knights ascend the line of modern time, they carry a burden on their shoulders, which is symbolized by chivalry.

The boarding house

Mooney, her daughter Polly and Mr. There is no reference to many of her outward appearances, the author probably thinks it is not important and he leaves the picture of Mrs.

The four deadly sins of implicit attitude research

For example, responses may or may not be fast and efficient, respondents may or may not be aware of the purpose of the measure, may or may not intend particular outcomes on the measure, and may or may not be able to intentionally alter responses on the measure. This suggests that the evaluations resulting from β†’

The economic concepts in the production possibilities frontier

The alternative A shows that the production is seven thousand tons of food and 0 million meters of clothing, while alternative B shows that production is 6 thousand tons of food and 33 million meters of clothing, and so on. At this stage of discussion, it can be deduced that the change in production of β†’

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs)

Therefore studies have been carried out on laboratory animals such as rats, mice and rhesus monkey and analysis carried out in order to find out the effect of the chemicals and how this in effect can possibly affect humans. In contrast, this kind of experiments cannot be carried on human beings thus results to the β†’

8 tips for making your business travel worth the hassle

After a few flights, take time to reflect on what's working for you and what is not, so you can make adjustments. Pop the hood, test the radio and use your driving time to get a really good feel for whether it's the car for you.