Genuine Research Paper Examples

Dear doug 1

It is also a relief to hear that you and your roommate seem to be getting along and I hope that yourfriendshipwith Nathan will grow. A Christian worldview is typically a brighter more positive outlook on life rather than a worldview not based on Christianity; it gives you more of a purpose and reason for →

Examination of the operation of the market economy

Central to this module is an examination of the operation of the market economy, and how the price mechanism works to answer the what, how and for whom questions. Different types of markets can exist, all operating along the same principles: Product: the market for goods, eg market for oranges Factor: the market for resource →

How i have spent my summer vacations

When the boat reached close to the bottom of the falls everyone could feel the power of the falls by the incredible mist and loud roar of Subholong fall. After visiting the place and the fall we decided to make our way to my grandmother's place.

The reason of ball mill’s uneven discharging

If the water into the grinding material is too much, you can reduce the feed rate of ball mill, dry grinding materials, strengthening ventilation in ball mill, and join the way such as grinding material processing. In the usual operation, we will strictly control the water into the grinding material and the temperature of the →

Shottky diode

The Schottky diode is used in a wide variety of applications. The Schottky diode is used in logic circuits.

Martin luther king v. malcolm x

He was not the type of leader that resorted toviolencein order to get the equality that he fought for. King has been known for moving people by the use of his speeches like King's I Have a Dream and Vie Been to the Mountaintop speeches.

Brazilian independence

I will go through the economic situation Brazil was facing in terms of export and imports, followed by the installment of Portuguese Dom Joao in Rio de Janeiro, because of the Napoleon wars going on in Europe at the time and finally concluding on what finally gave Brazil independence in 1822. The moving of the →

Managing across borders and cultures

Cross cultural management places great importance of four aspects; the need for open and constantcommunication, the need for sensitivity to be respectful of another culture, the importance of flexibility in being patient with understanding another cultures and the reduction of conflicts througheducationand abandonment of generalisations and stereotypes. Even though Fontaine speaks specifically of the importance →

Passenger ships issues in philippines

Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the compliance of selected passenger ships berthing in Lillo Domestic Port on ML 2006 Guideline, 83.1. 11 Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question: 1) What is the percentage of compliance of the selected passenger ships berthing and ship visit arrangement)?

Kimpton hotels’

Recycling of glass, bottles, paper, and cardboard through back of house operations.* Auditing and retrofitting back of house lighting to ensure energy efficient bulbs are in place.* Using low flow systmes for faucets, toilets, and showers.* Encouraging guests to recycle with in-room recycling bins.* Stocking the honor bar with organic snacks and drinks.* Encouraging guests →

Null and alternative hypotheses

The decision was to recommend the alternative hypothesis and support the plan that allowed cash back when the consumer makes an online purchase. We felt that it was in the best interest of Armed Forces Credit Union to proceed with offering cash back on all purchases made online.

Should boxing be banned?

Many people also believe that amateur boxing is the same as professional boxing, but people involved in boxing would know that that's not true. It is for these reason and many more that some people think or say that amateur boxing should be the only kind of legal boxing allowed in any country.

Busy busy barcelona

It seemed that the rest of the city was moving forward so blindingly fast that that these endless vagabonds are left in a sea of no hope. We had reached a completely different part of Barcelona which we had looped around the city to get to it in the bus, but we had ended up →

Economic problem: overview

This essay will explain the economic problem and answer the question how do markets attempt to solve the problem of water scarcity in Australia, focusing on the economic problem, water scarcity in Australia, the role of markets and water market in Australia. For instance, the Australian Governments is restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin →

Business simulation game

Generic strategy Despite evident success, there was a huge potential for more growth and development in the provision of on-farm waste management services and in the revamping of differentiation strategies clearly putting the company in its own niche aside from the organic fertilizer market in which it initially competed. Company overview With the adoption of →

Human capital management

I will be glad to tap into the institute's over 50 years legacy of research and teaching about the changing world of work and employment and discover how I can apply the acquired know-how in the Chinese business terrain. However, for companies that want to stand the test of time and survive the vagaries of →

The arctic national wildlife refuge (anwr) in alaska

The oil industry would still like to drill in the 1002 Area, an area of 1. The musk oxen would be forced off of the 1002 Area by drilling, and the Department of the Interior thinks this would lower their population 25 to 50 percent.

Pre writing, writing and revising

In the Pre-writing phase, the writer needs to know what he aims to communicate and what the message is about. The writer also needs to identify the best medium for the message and what's the best way to deliver it.

Mas 500 operating system

The software is dependable and reliable and covers all areas of e-business and can support large volumes of data and respond to growth in the business. MAS 500 is user friendly and allows most companies to run it quickly in less time than previous soft wares.

Renaissance period

This is the ideology that people under mental disorder or people who are mentally ill are those who were casted by or cursed by evil spirits. As a result to lack of care and attention for seeking cure, people who are mentally ill during the renaissance period are experiencing difficulties which cause their mentalhealthto be →

Relationship between social class and crime

Gordon in 'Class and the Economics of Crime' argues that crime is a rational phenomenon. For the Marxists, their political views result in condemnation of ruling class crime and a sympathetic treatment of the crimes of the subject class.A.W.

Black plague

The Report of the Paris Medical Faculty states another perceived cause to be the configurations of the heavens and the major conjunction of three plants in Aquarius to be blamed. Furthermore William Zouche, an Archibishop of York, wrote to his official that he believes the plague was surely caused by the sins of men so →

People who have unhealthy habits should not pay more for health insurance

Hence, once addicted, a persons capacity to choose not to smoke or eat or drink is further diminished by the physiological, neurological, and psychological nature of the bad habits. Punishing justice states that an individual should be responsible for the results of his or her actions, except when the person is ignorant about the action →

A modern day transcendentalist

Thoreau writes " I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life." Chris McCandless fits this idea because he goes into the woods to find inner peace after college along with other adventures in the desert and Denali National Park. Based on his belief in →

Important events in contemporary history

Significance on contemporary history: The Berlin Wall symbolized the acceptance of the status quo in Europe by both sides. Internally, the revolution gave rise to the improvement of healthcare andeducationwhile also, eliminating secularism and the American influence in the government.

Card 405 career research

Average database administrator salary in Omaha, NE = $68, 000 Average salary of jobs with related titles range between $58, 000 and $96, 000 q1= Database+Administrator & l1= Omaha%2C+NE The following graph shows a wider range of salaries, giving me a better idea of the actual possibilities of obtaining employment that will adequately →

Animals should not be used in scientific research

Well the one im referring to is the Animals such as Rabbits, Cats, Dogs, Rats and Mice And so on are widely and cruelly used in various kinds of scientific researches, millions of them die every year. People in America need to come together, and Stop the Labs from testing these poor animals.

Multicultural research methods in methodology

However, when a multicultural researcher attempts to answer a question or reinforce a hypothesis he or she will quickly find out that they must perform their research in a way that is very different from those in the traditional field. Traditional researchers are much more likely to use a blunt research tool, and use it →

City life verses country life

City life v/s Country Life Many people would rather live in the city rather than the country to the fact that the city has more jobs, bus lines to commute to and from. First of all, I love the country life because I am able to grow my own garden, raise farm animals compared to →

The influence of constructivism

Determining the Influences of Soviet Propaganda on Contemporary Advertising and Promotion The purpose of this study is to look at the representation of political ideology on Soviet posters and the ways in which this style continues to influence today's advertising and popularculture. I am going to investigate the idea that soviet Marxist ideology continues to →

Methodology – research study essay sample

Methodology is the part of a research proposal in which the methods to be used are described. Data gathering and procedure A qualitative research design, guided by the philosophy of phenomenology, was selected to guide the study.

Principles of business: overview

Setting up my business near a main road, will be an advantage for both employees and customers to travel to and from the business which will be located near a transport center which makes it easy for employees to travel Selection of appropriate labour Extraterrestrial fashionz will be employing persons who have a passion for →

In the lake of the woods by tim obrien

In the book " In The Lake Of The Woods" by Author, Tim O'Brien, the author was able to convince me that I was there on September 19, 1986, when the woman disappeared close to the lake in Northern Minnesota. Was she a part of the magic that was inside or was she at the →

Torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information

For most of us, our gut Instinct Is to say 'no' and studies have shown that Information obtained by the use of torture is unreliable. Here's a news story clip about the effectiveness of torture: It's become the conventional wisdom that the tortured will say anything to make the torture stop, and that " anything" →

Advantages and disadvatages of going on an organised

They take you door to door to different locations, not the life you have to find transportation or renting a car. 0 You are always linked to the timetable set by the trip and the planned order.

Environmental science: skills lesson: conducting valid internet research

Which of the following options would be the best way for her to conduct an online search about her topic? d When researching online, as long as the gathered information is the result of a valid Internet search engine, it is not necessary to analyze it for bias.f When conducting scientific research, any information that →


The system will help the company ship products on time; it will also reduce the time between orders and shipments and costs associated with the expediting shipments. They are also used to their style of functioning and they considered it to be superior over the new system. & technology

The customers in the stores are able to feel the book and read excerpts of the book. With time, the internet is beginning to change, and many of the manufacturers are beginning to show case the product and actually permit the customer to sample it using the internet.

Irene rosenfeld – ceo of kraft foods inc

Irene Rosenfeld is a name to reckon with as far as the working terrains of Kraft Foods are concerned. I believe that Irene Rosenfeld is one of the smartest persons around when there is the essential talk of bringing in revenues and upping Kraft Foods as one of the leading food brands in the world.

Plato research paper

It is the realm of forms, perceived through the mind that is permanent and immutable. It is the realm of forms, perceived through the mind that is permanent and immutable.

Virtual business solution

2 Analysis of Issue McKinney & Company propose lean management is described as Focus on the delivering the maximum of value, trust and enable the team to organize their operation, implementing a continuing improvementcultureand with a shared vision. Consistency is the key to making customers happy, which is the aim of this organization.

Sustainability and travel modes of the children and adults

Since travel plans has played a major role in delivering benefits to the regional and local authorities by enchanting accessibility and deducting the level of traffic has brought role of travel plans into a limelight of developing importance which can be achieved through a planning process under a national policy where travel plans can be →

5 lesser-known online directories where your website should be listed

DMOZ was founded in the spirit of the Open Source movement, and is the only major directory that is 100% free. Every time a new site is submitted to the directory, an editor will visit the site to make sure that it is appropriate for the directory and for the category that it was submitted →

Atkins and south beach diets according to dr. michael greger

Michael Greger later when he said the following: " Atkins Diets" is said to be the " most dangerous" kind of diet that has been introduced to people in the past fifty years.Dr. Moreover, the " American Dietetic Association" states that " the Atkins Diet is a nightmare of a diet" because it encourages eating →

Aes cost of capital

Firms will undertake projects if the return is expected to exceed the cost of capital Return = Cost of Capital: value unchanged Return > Cost of Capital: firm's value increases Return When a firm has both debt and equity financing, the weighted average cost of capital: K = K+? i K = KL +? i →

5 common issus encountered in downloading electronic

The Canadian Special Operations Regiment " is a battalion-sized high-readiness special operations unit and is capable of conducting and enabling a broad range of missions, including direct action, defense diplomacy, and military assistance, and special reconnaissance" CSOR began its recruitment in 2006, with 175 candidates. Each of the 4 members of the group has a →

Ways to generate awareness among the people about oil conservation

Therefore in order to generate awareness among the masses about the urgency of conserving petroleum products, the celebration of an Oil Conservation Week, with the participation of the Petroleum Conservation Research Association and the entire oil industry under the guidance of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, began in January, 1991. Considering the overwhelming →

Osi analogy paper

This is the interface between the communication and the entire process as it is in how a computer works. This is similar to the transport layer of the OSI model.

Social science theorist: karl marx research paper

According to Marx there are two major classes of people in a society; the ruling class and the subjects. The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx.

Material religion

Within the body of this paper, we will explore the influence of Buddhism on Chinese Culture, Christianity on American culture, and the role of the physical senses in one's experience of the divine. In the twentieth century, the rise of the natural sciences and Communism pushed religion into the background, however with the terrorist attacks →

Should atheltes have to go to college

The big benefits would be that you will have a fall back and you will be able to get a higher pay in the pros. If an athlete were to compete on a professional level were the speed of the action is moving faster than a hurricane, that athlete would almost be guaranteed to suffer →

The kidnapping of charles lindbergh jr

Norman Schwarzkopf of the New Jersey State Police was nominally the lead investigator in the case, control of many of the details was ceded to Lindbergh. Despite the command center Police failed to secure the crime scene and kept no record of who was in the home at the time of the kidnapping nor of →


He is the son of Alan Alexander Milne the author of all the Winnie the Pooh stories. To me he is kind of like the hero in the story.

Jodi arias

According to Arias, the dysfunction of their relationship reached its climax when she killed Alexander in self-defense after he became enraged following a day of sex and a gun accident, forcing her to fght for her life. Arias defense attorneys requested that the death penalty be aken off as a punishment due to the defense →

Ap english certainty vs/ belief

Certainty is the inner strength that everyone has, just not many want to express, that is why there are leaders and followers, strong and the weak, living and the dead. Doubts are what control you from succeeding, they hold you back, tie you down, and strangle you from what you want, and just in the →

Mud crab

An evaluation of the temperature effects on the rates of embryonic development of mud crabs was also conducted. The induction experiment was started with the random selection of mature subjects with Setups with 200 eggs were used for the evaluation of temperature effects on development of the embryo.

Indian premiere league controversy

He gradually worked his way to become the President of the most powerful board in the world of cricket. Srinivasan differs with the ideologies and values of the BCCI this can be recognized as conflict of values.

Health provider and faith diversity

A description of what is important to their healing and what is important for the healthcare provider to know in caring for people of these faiths. It is important that the family be involved in the treatment and care of the patient.

Panic or use of fear

These immature male childs hence grow with a negative attitude towards these states and by the clip they attain the age of about 18, they normally have to the full formed attitudes towards these states that they are willing to give their lives in the name of supporting their faith, every bit good as assisting →

Example of research paper on nursing informatics pioneers

She started back in the early 1980's when she designed a computerized educational program for undergraduate programs and to the nursing students to enhance nursing diagnosis clinical support system for the research and education of graduate students especially in the practical nursing and nursing practice as a whole. In addition to this elaborate discovery, she →

The use of depth perception in advertising

2 Djuice Retinal disparity: The positions of the characters relative to the buildings give a sense of the whole picture being seen by the right eye. The relative size of cars is used to show distance.

Importance of data collection

The department started to scan those documents and upload them to the virtual data base to ensure a friendlierenvironmentand for security purposes.* Electronically: * The main system used in the organisation is SAP.* Storing data electronically via SAP is highly efficient as the data is integrated.* The program needs to be updated only once to →

Data warehouse

The Enterprise Data Warehouse Bus Matrix is the data framework for the enterprise data warehouse. As provided earlier the fact table is the central table within star schema of a data warehouse.

My location

Visibility under the water can get to 30 to 50 feet on a clear day and sometimes it depends on the weather and tide prior to the day you dive. Either sitting on the Seawall or sitting from one of the restaurants and enjoying the sound of the ocean, the waves crashing against the wall →

Virginia woolfe’s professions for women

The first is the Angel in the House, the Angel representing the image of the stereotypical Victorian era woman. To reach out to the women in her audience, Woolf uses anaphora in her conclusion.

Outline and evaluate research into cultural variations in attachment analysis

Overall the SSC is shown to be a good way of measuring infant's attachment types across different cultures, despite the suggestions in the studies above. However in cultures like Japan, dependence rather than independence would be a sign of secure attachment, which was most likely the case with the Takahashi study, in which infants showed →

Poem templates

The form of an English Sonnet allows for the writer of the poem to establish a strong theme and description of the theme because of the amount of lines the poet has to use. The structure of the Sonnet is almost like a brief essay, the first quatrain is the intro of the theme, the →

Medicare and medicaid

Medigap helps to pay some of the healthcare costs that are not covered by Medicare such as prescription drugs, long-term custodial care, and catastrophic illnesses. Medigap are policies that help fill the Medicare ' gap' and pay for medical expenses not covered by Medicare.

Chapter 2 of k-12 research paper

The immediate cost for the program will not be needed until 2016 when the first year of the two additional years is implemented.2. Meanwhile, we will continue to close the resource gaps in basic education the President ordered DepEd to its close resource gaps in 2 years.

Trace the treatment of the jews by the nazis between 1933-45

The hegemony was unprecedented in the annals of history in that the murder of these civilians had its roots not in the causes of the war, but simply in the prejudice that lay at the heart of the political system that had spawned the war, namely the Nazi ideology formed in the insane minds of →

Market research case study spaghetti fettuccini s.a.

Finally, they need to establish a marketing strategy in order to know what kind of advertisement is the most suitable and effective for their equines, and the way In which they want to transmit their messages. Through the Internet, conduct a research to determine the secondary market for fresh pasta and define the main competitors →

Bangalore comes to a halt : how are startups and mncs coping with this turmoil?

Bangalore and surrounding cities, that house a number of startups and MNCs continued to face the brunt of the situation as employees were mostly asked to work from home or in some cases take the day off. Santosh Panda, Founder and CEO ofExplara, said that companies who have built 'productive' team remotely are back to →

Philosophy paper

The recognition by the law of the patient's right is so strong and resolute, such that the disregard of the patient's wishes through the administration of medical treatment despite his refusal would amount to battery. However, despite the legal principles allowing, in certain circumstances, the decision to curtail a life or to halt the provision →

Why do some parts of the world develop more quickly than others

With this argument, the professor of geography argues that demographic factors contribute to the rate of development of regions possibly explaining the disparity in the rates of development in different regions throughout the world. Additionally, the subsequent development of both industrialization and urbanization followed the patterns of the availability of the natural resources.

This is what’s next now that the gig economy has changed everything

The technology has caught up to the need and desire for AI, and the next logical step is automation, eliminating the millions of dollars spent on flesh and blood workers. Every driver will need to be educated in something new, and the same will be true of many jobs in the next few years.

Purpose and history of education

Several trends are innovative and are a result of the economy, while others are escalating as a result of new regulations, new types of degrees and education, and the type of people employed. The first duty of a woman is to be a good daughter.Th.second is to be a good wife and the third is →

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Wolraich and Baumgaertel in " The Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Based on the New DSM-IV Criteria" observe that ADHD is " the most common mental disorder in children". Hyperactivity is one of the symptoms in determining if a person has the disorder.

Motocross: overview

The theme of my IA is motocross but today I will speak specifically on the topic " The development of motocross as an established sport". The British continued to show their dominance in the sport as they went on to win the motocross des nations 15 times in the first twenty years of the event.

Business: information technology malware

When examining this issue one of the overarching concerns is the intention of the technicians involved in the creation of the malware. There are a variety of concerns related to the future of malware.

Alcoholic drinking age should be lowered to 18 in the u.s

In 1980 the minimum age of drinking in the United States was raised from 18 to 21. That is the reason why drinking age must be lowered to 18 because an 18 year old individual is considered to be an adult in United States because 18 is the legal age of adulthood in United States.

Literary criticism to: little red riding hood

It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood".during the initial paragraph the author allows the reader to make up a beautiful girl in their mind to focus the story around. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, →

Psychodynamic theory in psychology

The psychodynamic theory is an evolutionary theory and attachment theory is a psychological theory. That goes for attachment theory as well, because attachment theory is the ability to bond to other people has important lasting psychological implications across someones life p, so this is the outcome of previous behaviors and attachments with people in ones →

Minor parties

However, in the United States, minor parties sometimes have a huge impact on politics and elections, whether it's just getting their word out there and the major parties actually listen and discuss their issues, or they can even change which major party wins the election. There is nothing wrong with minor parties in this country, →

St. augustine’s ‘the city of god’

Augustine wrote the treatise as a general defense of Christianity, that is, to admonish the assumption that Christianity was the cause of Rome's downfall. In addition, Augustine stated that the state is a necessary object of man's existence.

The developement of polyphony

A History of Western Music [ 4 ]. A History of Western Music [ 5 ].

Chapter 27 padfoot returns

One of the best things about the aftermath of the second task was that everybody was very keen to hear details of what had happened down in the lake, which meant that Ron was getting to share Harry's limelight for once. Madam Pomfrey gave us both blankets and then he sort of pulled me away →

History of the united states: world war i

OI think when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was when the United States could no longer avoid being involved in the war. OI think when the Lend-Lease Act was involved the United States was no longer neutral.3.

My favorite season of the year

Something else I get to see in nature while hunting in the woods is the different beautiful colors of the leaves both up in the treetops and down on the floor of the woods. Another way I like to see the beautiful leaves that autumn has to offer is to just ride around and take →

The fall of the mayan civilization

The Fall of the Mayan Civilization Elizabeth Putman Professor Jennifer Adrienne Humanities 111 January 26, 2012 Mashkan-shapir was a typical Mesopotamian city, located about 20 miles from the Tigris River, and connected to the river by a network of canals. Decline of the maya.

Semiotics in product design

Thus, according to this definition, product semantics is concerned with the relationship between the user and the product on one hand, and the importance that objects assume in an operational and social context on the other hand. The signified is the content, the meaning of the object; what we experience, think and feel when we →

Battle of the bulge

The scale and range of military strategy and operations seen in each of the war had been hitherto unprecedented, and with introduction of motorized units, battletanks and aircrafts, the very core of military strategy changed for forever. The remarkable successes of Germany in the initial period of the Second World War and in the Operation →

Poverty reduction in uganda

This paper therefore reviews the economic background of Uganda; examines the trends and patterns of poverty; the government strategies to reduce poverty and concludes with challenges in sustaining the poverty reduction achievement and policy recommendations. The trends of poverty in Uganda changed differently in the next period from 2002 to 2010 compare to the previous →

Lethal alleles

That was because the longer that the egg fell, the more momentum the egg gains. I would add more side sponges because when we did the actual dropping of the egg, I noticed that the whole basket fell to its side when it reached the ground.

Cricket history

During the 17th century, numerous references indicate the growth of cricket in the south-east of England and it is believed that the first professionals appeared in the years following the Restoration in 1660. MCC quickly became the sport's premier club and the custodian of the rules of the game known as the Laws of Cricket.

Costcp vs sams club

The Warehouse floor plans are designed for economy and efficiency in the use of selling space, in the handling of merchandise, and in the control of inventory. Costco and Sam's Club, both have websites, which allow them to sell products that are typical not in the warehouse.

The many faces of american identity

From the racial segregation anddiscriminationof African Americans from the time ofReconstructionthrough theCivil Rightsmovement of the 1960s, the plight of the poor and the politically disenfranchised, the struggle for equal rights for women and homosexuals, and the post-Cold Warissues ofglobalizationand economic viability in a changing world, the concept of what it means to be American has →