Genuine Research Paper Examples

Lowell textile mills and mill girls

Despite the harsh working condition and stringent rules in Lowell mills, the overall handling of girls in the factories was fair compared to other fields. This was contrary to the long hours of unpaid labour in rural areas which the girls were accustomed to.

A prayer for my daughter

He says that the social and political winds of change are about to sweep Ireland and the only protection his daughter has is ' Gregory's wood and one bare hill.' Yeats believed that only aristocracy as represented by people like the Gregorys can effectively withstand the violent winds of change and protect traditional values andculture. →

Global information system – software piracy

Running Head: SOFTWARE PIRACY Global Information System Software Piracy and Section # of Piracy Rates in Asia The piracy rates in Asia Pacific increased to 61 percent in 2009 with the software companies bearing losses of over US$ 15 billion. Most of the firms and management in these Asian countries do not get proper education →

Five tips to make powerpoint business presentations

Once you have the starting point and destination, you can now plan the route that you will use to take he audience through your presentation. The success of your presentation is mostly determined before you ever get up to speak.

Managing people through change

There are various factors causing the vast and deep extent of the change, which are: the development of information andcommunicationtechnologies, the ageing population and the arrival of the European Monetary Union. In the case of IKEA, the company is trying to influence that culture by training and coaching.

Unconventional medical approaches

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health has defined complementary and alternative medicine as " a group of diverse health care and medical systems, practices and products that are not presently considered to be part of the conventional medicine". According to the NCCAM: Complementary medicine is applied jointly with the →

Foot binding

Toenails were cut back to prevent in-growth and infection.* Each foot would be soaked in a warm mixture of herbs and animal blood; this was intended aid the process by softening the tissue and bones of the foot to allow manipulation.* All the toes on the foot except for the big toe are broken and →

Enhancing the teaching strategies through innovative education in missouri

The main core of the program is the application of technology in different activities through the learning process to be able to enhance the learning experience of the learners. In addition, the program targets the improvement of the performance of the students, the involvement of the parents and the efficiency of the different instructional educational →

Bmw’s concept of product life cycle

For example, in terms of marketing objectives, a certain commodity which is at the introductory stage opts to " create product awareness and trial," while at the growth stage, it changes and shifts to " maximize the market share". In the implementation of a seven year product cycle, BMW has devised a unique system which →

Staffing and remuneration

Strategic human resource planning means the alignment between the human resource architecture and performance of a firm. Another common impact is the role of an effective and responsive human resource planning to meet the number of workers with the desire skills when needed by the organisation.

Baroque notes

Oldest of the three people known as the Carried * Cousin of Agitations and Enable * Studied painting in Florence * Taught his cousins Agitations * Known better as a printmaker rather than a painter * Did a lot of reproduced engravings; gave way to show famous pieces in print format without having to travel →

Consumer brhavior

A culture Is the complex of values, ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols created by people to shape human behavior and the artifacts of that behavior as they are transmitted from one generation to the next. The normative component is composed of the values and norms of the society which uides and regulates behavior.

Past, present, and future of the internet

Past, Present and Future of the Internet ID Lecturer To start with, the world of Internet has brought about a revolution within our lives for the better. A guide to the Internet and World Wide Web.

Vision and mission

Therefore, if one wishes to develop or execute a certain project, it is essential that he realizes the main purpose of the plan according to the organization's mission and vision statements. On the other hand, the mission of an organization can be considered the main system contributor of the institution which is composed of the →

A clinical psychology

The working conditions for a clinical psychologist is the same as a psychologist in any other field of study. In conclusion, clinical psychologists might have a rough time making it to the top, but once they do, it will be worthwhile in both pay and experience.

“details” monthly men’s magazine overview

The simple fact is that details magazine can inform you with Just about anything related to the social aspects for men, their health, or their social lifestyles. So if you want to be informed or up to date on the latest vehicles, urban wear, watches, electronic an wanting to stay physically an emotionally fit, so →

External business environment for the new entrants

The economy The global economic and financial landscape is important for any business just as it is for the music businesses such as record labels due to price setting and global nature of most music businesses. Monstercat has inspired a generation of avid and enthusiastic producers who want to get signed on the label.

Battle at the pumps: is there a solution for increasing prices?

If the price for gas continues to increase at the rate it is now, our children will be the one's finding humor in our silly rants of paying $90. As we wearily trudge to the pumps prepared to sacrifice our limbs just for a few gallons of gas, alternatives are being sought in order to →

The miracle league of el paso

The Miracle League of El Paso plans to advertise and campaign to raise the needed $350, 000 for the construction of the playground. The Miracle League of El Paso The Miracle League of El Paso is a non-profit organization that continues to grow with the community and the development through the innovative process of change →

Was the spanish-american war truly as john hay said, a “splendid little war”

The Spanish-American war was for the American government the first step on the road to becoming a " global, police power", for the Spanish it was the dissolution of Cuba and their empire, from said conclusion is it fair to name such a war a success, an aforementioned " splendid little war"? [1] This essay →

Segmenting in pharmasim

In the cold segment Allround is doing better than Besthelp in the perception of effectiveness for fever, cough, and chest congestion, but is behind Besthelp in nasal congestion and runny nose. In the cough segment, although they are under Coughcure and End in brands purchased and satisfaction of product, Allround is ahead of Coughcure in →

Life span development of martin luther king

Life Span Development and Personality of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.actions were influence by his father the Rev.

Research into the effects of privation essay sample

They were rarely visited and were not allowed to socialise with the rest of the family. They boys were found to be very small for their age and were suffering from vitamin deficiency; they were unable to talk and were terrified of things around them.

Effects of whey protein consumption on resistance workout recovery

How exercise can reduce stress levels for college Problem definition The issue I intend to research is how exercise can reduce stress levels for college students. Dependent variables in this study are the levels of stress and the hours of sleep students get after exercising.

Unit 4 discussion social problems

Obviously, the purpose of punishment is to make the offender and the general public aware of the " cost of crime" and to prohibit such future actions. In Banks, The Purpose of Caqpital Punishment.

Goqii scoops out funding from ratan tata

Speaking on the investment, Vishal Gondal, CEO and Founder, GOQii said " With the recent developments and tie-ups on the platform, the investment from Tata is a testimony to us being a defining player of services in our category making long-term impact in people's life. Headquartered in California with offices in Mumbai and Shenzhen, GOQii →

Types of positive reinforcement for children

For individual positive reinforcement, when a student is following classroom rules a student will get a token for great behavior throughout the day. This reinforcement provides the children with a reward for doing good and incentive to continue following the rules.

Commonly known

E-commerce is mainly considered to be limited to the sales aspect of the business, but it also entails the exchange of data and payment aspect of the transaction.1. 4 Consumer-to-Business: CB e-commerce refers to a setting in which consumers decide what they want to ay, and the vendors decide whether, or not to accept the →

Mba for engineers

Opportunity cost of a MBA degree: The total cost of an MBA, inclusive of tuition as well as two years of Oregon salary, has risen to 'four times the post-degree starting salary in the past 10 years" according to Fortune magazine. The MBA is also the most expensive degree to obtain on the basis of →

Japanese food, culture, and the tanabata festival

I went into the restaurant and gave the paper to the waitress. I did this and watched to my dismay as the sauce ran our of the bottom of the noodles, across the table, and began dripping onto the floor.

Citizenship during the great war

British society was transformed by the ensuing changes and one of the least understood changes, according to Gullace, was the restructuring of the political and economic roles thereafter played by women. Gullace makes a persuasive and detailed case that the British ladies of that era successfully fought their own war that led directly to women's →

Define individualism and explain its importance within liberal ideology

This is then split further into methodological individualism where the individual is placed at the centre of political theory and ethical individualism where moral priority is given to the interests of the individual. One place where individualism plays a key role within liberalism is in the role of the state.

The mayas and the incas.

The thought that the feeding of blood to the Gods would also appease and satisfy the Gods so that their children would be healthy and their crops would be good. The product that was limited in consumption to the nobles was chocolate and was referred to as the drink of the Gods.

Assess the view that life in a ‘state of nature’

It would create a state where all people would be able to act on their wants and desires without fear of punishment from a governing body, as there would not be one, and that man would only have to fear the retaliation from other people against their actions. In a state of war, man will →

Extraordinary tourism

The report will define and explore the different dimensions of the growing trend of extraordinary tourism and present different examples of this from a global perspective. Demanding customers and a growing global economy will re-write the market of tourism and the next innovative hotel idea is Just around the corner.

Eths week diversity

The women's role was to take care of all the chores within the home such as the laundry, ironing, cleaning of the home including dusting, taking care of the children and the mearnsresponsibilitywas all the labor chores of the outside such as the yard faintness, plowing thesnow, they would be the ones to go hunt →

Project for mgm development group

Leading the project for the MGM development group will be Rampages Campground's Project Manager in charge of overseeing the entire project development to fruition. The following areas will monitor the performance of the project after completion in an effort to gauge performance.

Dr. pepper

In this section of your marketing plan, detail the positioning you desire and how your pricing will support it. Promotions Strategy The promotions section is one of the most important sections of your marketing plan and details how you will reach new customers.

The change of video from analog to the digital

Data is recorded on the disc in a spiral trail of tiny pits, and the discs are read using a laser beam. To read the second layer, the reader focuses the laser deeper into the disc, where the second layer of data is recorded.

Research into epigenetic based cures for cancer

The Greek word ' epigenesis' summarises the study of the progression of genetic processes from a fundamental cell through development of undifferentiated cells to a fully functional organism.' Epi' meaning upon or in addition to and ' genesis' referring to origin or creation; in combination meaning on top of origin which we now know to →

Place i would like to visit or to live in

I would like to visit and travel all around the world, but the place which is most appealing to me personally is Coimbatore, which is in southern India. Firstly, the educational system is one of the best in the country.

Do we pay athletes too much?

To put it simply, it is a matter of personal opinion and knowledge on whether you believe professional athletes in the United States should get paid the level of wages that they do. In fact, the idea of a salary cap is off putting.

Trent lott

Trent Lott, senior senator from the state of Mississippi, is one of the foremost figures in the United States Senate and one of the most recognizable figures in all of politics. This recognition comes from the stances which he has taken, the fact that he has been a formidable figure in the Senate for many →

Bubble policy

Based on the concept of marketable pollution permits, emissions trading allows firms to adjust the levels of pollution control at each source of emissions as well as select the type of pollution control techniques to employ. An imaginary bubble is placed over the relevant emissions sources of the firm so that the total quantity of →

A scope for a new business in the local area

Northwich is quite a large town, which is already in development, with many shops already in the town. I have chosen an 'Outdoor Activity Centre' because the only type of leisure we have in Northwich is moss farm, which is a rubbishswimmingpool and an astro turf football pitch, I would open a good place with →

Elizabeth bathory research paper

Through my essay, I hope to give a fresh look at the life and death of Countess Elizabeth Bathory and pick out the truth from many myths surrounding her, due to the portrayal of Elizabeth Bathory's crimes in popularculture. Bathory was in charge of the house, making sure that everything ran smoothly while he was →

Constitutions and by laws of ssg

If the student fails to improve the science course grade to an 80 average for the second consecutive grading period, the student will be dropped from the club membership roll. The advisor must show an interest for the betterment of the club.

Igc nebosh

Identify key areas that should be addressed in the arrangements section of a health and safety policy. Example: Permits to work and safe system of work.1 1.) An employer is setting up a health and safety training program.

Learning new things

I do not want to do that forever I want to become something better. I do, but I want to work in a hospital I think that would be better than a nursing home.

Increase in the production of goods and services – economic growth

Economic growth is the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. The latter is the study of the economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries.

Justice is under threat in the risk society’, is barbara hudson right to argue this?

A fundamental concept in the risk society is that to avoid risk we can distribute the risk which is part of neo-liberalism. Hudson has highlight that towards the end of the 20th Century they was a move from risk management to risk control and it is now embedded in our society.

Ap european history timeline project

The Peace of Augsburg The Peace of Augsburg was signed in 1555, ending the wars of religion in the Holy Roman Empire. Peace of Paris The Peace of Paris was signed in 1763.

The shark net

The controlling nature of his mother contrasts to that of Drewe in his wish to embrace the unknown. So one must ask what is responsible for their behaviour in order to fully understand the definition of their individual reality.

Adr in an era of globalisation: an indian perspective

Some of the features of judicial review The words in Section 30 of the 1940 Act read " will not be set aside" took away the jurisdiction of the courts to set aside an award except on one or more of the grounds specified in the section. Ltd, the court commented on the nature and →

Art: birth of the virgin

The clothing of the figures are darker in shade compared to the background of the scene which is painted in tints of yellow and white. Lorenzetti uses the tints of white and yellow to contrast the the wardrobe and appearance of the figures.

Oil/gas pipelines: opportunities and challenges

This was evident in three world oil crises in 1973, 1979, and a brief one in 1990, which reversed the flow ofmoney, making the oil-producing countries in the Middle East the vital force that could change the direction of the future of the world. Retrieved 29 June 2007.

Romeo and juliet died of human action and not fate

Romeo killed Tybalt, true it was self defense but due to the choices of others previous to their encounter it was the last straw for the Prince who immediately banish Romeo even if he knew Romeo was a good person. Romeos banishment is what leads to the desperate plans of both Romeo and Juliet.

The voting rights act of 1965

Section 2 of the Act, which closely followed the language of the 15th amendment, applied a nationwide prohibition against the denial or abridgment of the right to vote on the literacy tests on a nationwide basis. Back to top The 1982 Amendments Congress renewed in 1982 the special provisions of the Act, triggered by coverage →

Planning of growth and long term employment

What this means is that, while top management and the members of the board may be taking a more tangential view of profitability, there is someone in the organization looking at the price of goods in the marketplace, the cost of making goods on the factory floor, and the inventory of finished goods in the →

Cert iv business admin

What constraints might Impact on the calculation and use of these resources? What constraints might impact on the acquisition and use of these resources?

Why lance armstrong was shunned

Lance accepted his reticule about being not able to compete anymore, as Hester did her punishment of having to wear the A. Just as Hester has to wear the A for eternity, Lance is not able to participate in his passion for the rest of his life, therefore they are both sentenced to their punishment →

Who am i?

From the " demonic possessions" of yesteryear to the sensationalized cases of today, DID is one of the most recognized yet controversial mental disorders in modern society. Despite the debate and alternatives, most DID proponents believe that the disorder is a prime example of the diathesis-stressmodel.

Darwin destroyed the concept of human specialness

It is the ability to see beauty in a sunset on a savannah, to hear the splendour in Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker, to read great works of literature and be able to travel the universe with our imaginations. Our ability to understand the universe and our position in it is one of the glories of the →


Our brain has the capacity for learning to the degree we do not know which means that our learning capabilities are endless and we can only limit ourselves with the amounts of information there is to know in a lifetime. The word mnemonic is derived from the Ancient Greek word mnemonikos and is related to →

Monsanto products v. caramandal indag products, inc.

FACTS: Monsanto Products instituted an action against Caramandal Indag Products for infringement of their patent covering Butachlor, or a chemical used for the production of a weed-killing formula that did not have any adverse effect on rise. HELD: The Court held that Caramandal was not liable for infringement, and in fact, that patent issued to →

Different types of paragraph

The president of France lives in the heart of Paris, in the Elysees Palace. The climate of this area is healthy.

Period herbal medicine

Although this advertising channel still subsists, a new trend in the advertisement of herbal medicine in modern times is the aggressive marketing drive in both the print and electronic media. According to him, the results of the investigation would enable the board to take regulatory actions, including request for the revision of product information and →

Immigration reformation

For a better picture, these include stern rules that these immigrants are in the country legally, that they are able to sustain themselves economically, that they do not become burdens to the society, that they are of good character and have no criminal records, and are contributors to the general wellbeing of the nation. Though →

The tragedy of romeo and juliet

The writing style of this Shakespearean play reveals the era of the play by highlighting the social classes. In the Renaissance Era, the separation of the social classes is prominent.

Bringing out the best in others

It felt as though I was on top of the world and the exhilaration I felt was intensified as I looked back to the years when I first set foot in America. To lead the team effectively, I knew that I had to know the members of my team on a deeper level.

Great improvements could come from mandatory service

Another way to avoid conflict over the mandatory military service idea would be for the service to be mandatory for all citizens. Mandatory military service would create the final equality that American citizens have been clamoring for and would improve the health of the nation.

Theory and empirical evidence

The vision of the team is to gain marketleadershipin the tiles business and to improve profitability of the company. Communication A well planned and creative communication process both to the employees of BATL and the customers is proposed.

Research methodology essay

These are some of the questions that I will be asking in this paper through examining concepts such as the symbolic order in research, the role of emotions in research, the grouping together of different methodologies to create a clearer picture of the research and the importance of reflexivity during the research process. It is →

Mathe n science in english

The first advantage of teaching Mathematics and Science in English is to allow the students to play on global platform. Therefore, it is a very significant advantage to learn Mathematics and Science in English as the students can cope with their further studies well especially in medical sector.

Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners

As my lessons are mainly practical the learners get plenty of hands on experience with tools and materials this is a simple way of getting them to engage in the lessons. Auditory by explaining in detail to the students the task they are doing and get plenty of Q&A.

The jmu mailroom case

The changes were brought about to accommodate the growing volume of mail that has come as a result of the increasing numbers of departments and students in the university, Woddward said. While Woodward acknowledged that the changing system is the cause for mail slowdown, he said he expects delivery to speed up as employees get →

Equal employment opportunity history and laws

Running head: Equal Employment Opportunity History and Laws Equal Employment Opportunity History and Laws Nickki LaCourGrand CanyonUniversity: AMP-434 Human Resources December 1, 2011 Equal Employment Opportunity History and Laws Many of us have heard of or have been made aware of the phrase Equal Employment Opportunity. The requirements of this civil rights act would allow →

Aztec and their city

Tenochtitlan was the main city and capital of the Aztec empire. Tenochtitlan was the largest city in Mesoamerica, but also one of the largest in the world.

James fenimore cooper

He is perhaps most noted for his greatest work of literature: The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757, a tale that chronicles the journey of several English people and a few Native Americans during the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Days War. This book was actually the second in →

The difference in living in the south

The difference is the fast pace of city life, and the slow pace of country living. It is very hard to live in the country, and most of all a big difference from the city.

Western culture in the united states

Someone from the United States may be stunned to learn in certain areas of China dog meat is the specialty, a woman from strict Islamic culture will find offense to the provocative dress of the United States and while we Westerners think cattle are to be used for food might look down on India's Hindu →

Online learning: the apus way

I think of my future experiences in APUS as events in my life that can help enlighten my understanding of the world and the ways to handle ordinary to complex situations in this modern time. Unfamiliar lessons and modules may come in my way, but these things are just forks in the road which I →

A brief description of aldosterone

The body's adrenal gland is responsible for the secretion of the steroid hormone aldosterone. Various mechanisms affect the disease and causes the imbalance of the hormone's levels in the human system.

Asda provides

The buy as you earn scheme allows employees to buy ASDA shares and save tax at the same time, it will allow the employee to buy shares from gross salary and save tax. They may prefer to have cash in hand rather than a share of ASDA as they may not truly understand the reimbursement →

How to be a porn star

And this fantasy is not so hard to achieve, thanks to the advice of porn stars Ashlynn Brooke and Shane Diesel who tell all you aspiring " performers" everything you need to know about how to audition for a porn and get your foot in the door. Performance Are you expected to perform on the →

No link between autism and vaccination

According to the WorldHealthOrganization and the American Psychological Association, autism is a developmental disability, manifesting itself before the age of three, and resulting from a disorder of the central nervous system. After it was discovered that parents had begun to fear the MMR vaccine because a debate had been waged with regards to the data →

Underlying issues of why teenage girls are having sex so early

However, even though many factors have been blamed for this reality, it is the belief of this researcher that the media is ultimately to blame for the reality of the seemingly ever-increasing sexualization of young girls. Wollek, T.M.

Research on fashion retail management flashcard

In order to achieve this goal, they have developed a comprehensive understanding of their needs, strive to win the confidence of the consumer and offer best in class products with affordable prices.* We will be in the forefront of fashion and our services by anticipating and exceeding the expectations of the customers.* Our leadership will →

Plato’s ideal city

The guardians of the city are placed in the gold category, the auxiliaries in the silver, and the farmers and craftsmen are in the bronze/iron category. The farmers and craftsmen are considered to be in the bronze/iron category, they are the producers of the city.

Research paper on thomas hardy

His first attempts at tragedy were The Return of the Native and The Mayor of Casterbridge, but Tess of the d'Urbervilles is the culmination of his efforts. In the hope of helping her family she agrees to live with him at Sandbourne.

The two faces of cheerleading

The season for a sideline cheerleader can start in the summer and is as long as the sports they cheer for. Members of the team can come from different schools and areas, while sideline cheerleaders are required to cheer for the school they attend.

Alienation in the 21st century is rife

Alienation between people of different cultures can lead toterrorism, racial and cultural prejudice and pre-determined assumptions and stereotypes of a particular ethnic group. There is no longer a sense of belonging in families and not many people feel ' together' as a result.

Jerome k. jerome “a victim to one hundred and seven fatal maladies”

We can feel it already in the beginning of the story: " I sat for a while frozen with horror; and than in despair I again turned over the pages. I made it a 100 and 47 to the minute.

Non-reactive techniques, observation, and experimentation

It identifies independent and dependent variable, required random assignment of research subjects to experimental and a control group so that both groups are the same, describes procedures for manipulation of the dependent variable, and requires development of pretest and posttest instruments and time frames. The " Classical" Experimental Design All experimental designs are variations on →

The true gospel of wealth: andrew carnegie.

S History September 17, 2012 The True Gospel of Wealth: Andrew Carnegie The True Gospel of Wealth, an article written by one of the richest, most powerful men of the 19th century, is a guide to a nation virgin to mass amounts of wealth, and power. Nonetheless, the third mode is which Carnegie beckons as →