Genuine Research Paper Examples

The social responsibility of business is to increase profit

Businesses have a responsibility to their stakeholders and/or their shareholders to increase profits, but socially they are required to do so much more. In terms of " social" responsibility, in this current day and age, businesses have a responsibility to society. It is the social responsibility of a business to be socially responsible, in all β†’

Global ethics and social responsibility

Corporate or Business ethics is the study and examination of moral and social responsibility in relation to business practices and decision-making in business. BP Public Relations survey the situation, waited for more facts and then after the some of the smoke cleared made a statement as early as possible. The first items β†’

The responsibility project

The job looks dark at times, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or in this case, a light in the top of the lighthouse. A well-organized company will work with ease, and if the equipment is well maintained the company is productive and more efficient. If the β†’

Glucose regulation

25g/kg. Each subject had to weight the sugar out into a plastic cup using the scales provided and then dissolved the sugar into 300ml of water. Each subject took the initial blood sample and measured the blood glucose using glucose meter. The blood glucose measurements were noted by the helpers or inputting data β†’

Diabetes mellitus-shared care model and ict

The feedback mechanism of the body is alerted to reduce this level to tolerable levels by the body by the conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage under hormonal influence particularly insulin. However, in the fasting state, glucose is produced from glycogen and other substrates and released into the blood to maintain β†’

Care support

I take my client to the bathroom which is nice and warm. He walks with his walker till there. As my client is shy in front to me I respect his privacy and wash him quick but properly in the mean time.

Sample research paper on does the socioeconomic position (sep) determine the incidence of diabetes

Conclusion Looking into various sources, both primary and secondary, revealed information that led to the formation of the research hypothesis: it is possible to mitigate incidences of diabetes among the black communities, especially if the factors increasing the chances of diabetes are handled effectively. From the findings, it was clear that diabetes was β†’

Diabetes mellitus (dm)

Type 2 DM is a relative lack of insulin or resistance to the action of insulin; usually insulin is insufficient to stabilize fat and protein metabolism but not deal with carbohydrate metabolism. There are a lot of people who are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Clients, who can religiously follow administration β†’

Using ecersise to combat diabetes on children

Diabetes is separated into two types, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune chronic disease in which the body's pancreas produces little to no insulin and fails to adequately regulate blood glucose levels, on the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is when the body gains a resistance to insulin and glucose levels become elevated within the β†’

Living with type 2 diabetes

She is aware that in order to better manage this disease she needs to eat well, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight. Mrs. It makes her feel proud, loved, and special to know she has a family she can depend on, regardless of the situation.

Diabetes research paper examples

It is also termed as ' juvenile-diabetes' The other type of diabetes, commonly known as type 2 DM is caused due to the failure of cells in the body to utilizer insulin. Some of the drugs that have been used over the last 10 years are mentioned below: Sulfonylureas: The major target in type 2 β†’

Role of nurses in gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, distinct from the condition that already existed. It is defined as a glucose intolerance of variable degrees with onset or first recognition during pregnancy; it will generally develop in the latter half of the pregnancy and will improve after delivery. β†’

Social behavioral and psychosocial causes of disease: type 2 diabetes (t2d) research paper example

The difference between this type of T2D and the diabetes mellitus type1 is that in diabetes mellitus type 1 there is absolute insulin deficiency due to the destruction of islet cells located in the pancreas, that aids in insulin production. Global survey indicates that the diabetes type2 diabetes is β†’

Diet treatment for diabetes

Glucose which are not transported to the cells are being stored in the liver and muscles called as glycogen. The liver releases it into the blood when needed. Fundamental problem of diabetes The fundamental problem of diabetes is the body's inability to metabolize glucose fully and continually.

Puerto rican health research paper examples

In the United States of America and from all over the world, people call the Puerto Ricans living on the mainland " mainland Puerto Ricans" and those living in the islands " island Puerto Ricans" although the two live in the US. The main purpose of the survey is to monitor the prevalence of common β†’

Good research paper on nsg 331 contemporary professional nursing practicechange your world: nursing and

The nursing leaders and the involved patients are also major stakeholders in the change process as well as the government. The consultants and the resources required for this process include the information pertinent to diagnosis, interventions and outcomes of diabetes, the leadership responsible for the planned changes and implementation and the funding of the same. β†’

Samoan culture is greatly respected by its people – obesity

Parents could help prevent their children from having such diseases by Limiting the amount offoodgiven to their kids, having them on diets, reducing the amount of sweets given to them, and talking to them about these diseases and their uniqueness. Not all Samoan have obesity and diabetes but, most of them do. If β†’

Type-1 diabetes and nutrition

NUTRITION ANDDIABETES The purpose of this paper is to define diabetes and see the impact different factors like breastfeeding and nutrition have on it state. DIABETES Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to β†’

Examining the use of social media and its impact on corporate

Assessment B - Examining the Use of Social Media and its Impact on Corporate Commerce How can social media sites help us build our brand? How can we use customer comments to improve our corporate commerce?

Social media and social change

Social Mediaand Social Change: A Closer Look at the Revolutionary Qualities of Social Media In Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, " the medium is the message". Social media possesses the intrinsic power to change the world even in the most marginal of ways. A closer look at the β†’

Social media advertising

One of them is the Internet and its conversion into a new medium for marketing and the use of socialcommunicationin advertising. In traditional media, newspapers, radio and television can cause information overload and change the perception of the audience. The Internet is not exempt from this danger, but has the potential to do something different, β†’

Oncology and social media

The foundation fights to improve the lives of people affected by cancer and works in two areas: One by directly supporting survivors(people facing cancer and theirfamily) and the other is by creating a global movement to battle the disease. Although the organization is relatively small with fewer than 90 employees based in β†’

Running head: research

Last will be the analysis and critique of the monitoring and how these results connect to or challenge the major findings of the literature review. Getting positive feedback and positive results through the implementation of a social media sites is in the hands of the organization itself and it will strive if it advances with β†’

One-dimensional man

Marcuse also believes that the media, in all its forms, influence what the individual believes to be " true needs." Throughsocial media, we are convinced that we must have something, therefore we go out and get what we want. All of the advertisements that you see are purposely developed so that you β†’

How social media does harm to the world

However, teens are the main source of addiction and this can take up to 8 hours a day. They are spending too much time on social media because they are chatting with their friends and searching for unnecessary people which prevents them from studying. There is a great concern about these chats on the social β†’

Effect of social media to the students

In conjunction with the increase in online activity, there are concerns about the ways in which the personal information that is shared by social media users may be collected and analyzed. This paper gives a brief overview of the evolution and development of social media, looks at how their attributes β†’

How values are mediated through policy, social experiences

Another position will be what kids will larn from analyzing citizenship instruction in schools and how the instructor can efficaciously learn citizenship in schools. There are figure of definitions of CitizenshipEducationwhich include: the Crick Report 'citizenship has meant engagement in public personal businesss by those who had the rights of citizens: to take β†’

Too connected to social media

Digital Libraian and fournder of the Internet Archive Brewster Kahle explains, " A lot of our brain, a lot of our worth to the world, a lot of ourmemories, are actually not in our heads anymore. They are actually in the Web, in the weave, in the interconnections, the friends that we β†’

Role and function of art

While discussing assigned roles of today's art and design, the subject will be clarified with author's personal opinion. The core aim of this paper is to answer the question of " What is the role and function of art in the 21st century? " 21st century art is a growing field of β†’

Social media: positive or negative?

When he was let go from his position, Dimitar stated that he was not the only member of the committee to play the game. The companies polled stated that they looked mainly for references to substance abuse, posts of inappropriate pictures, bad grammar and negative comments about former employers. One third of β†’

Social media and network technology

The surrounding community will also have the availability to interact with the students because they will be able to show the students the history of the area, and support the college with financial scholarships and the sports arenas. Most of the surrounding community makes up the professors, educators, the educator families and friends. β†’


The benefits of the social media platforms will provide contrast to determine whether these media channels take advantage on the development of modern technologies in the virtual world and just simply produce the impact that would lead to the association of depression and anxiety. The traditional forms ofcommunicationare in the modes of television, radio, newspapers, β†’

How social media has a bad effect on society

Now of course I do not mean this literally, and in many ways sites like Facebook and Twitter promote to teenagers about making friends and widening their friend circles which is excellent-in theory. This has in my opinion got out of hand and scientists have been able to come up β†’

Free research paper on effects of social media on youth perceptions of political participation in australian

Young people are particularly prone to alienation from the process of civic engagement, and one of the struggles for many multi-party governmental systems, both within and outside of Australia, struggle with the best way to encourage civic engagement in young people. Research also suggests that the face of political and β†’

30 tips to grow your audience and stand out on instagram

And as Instagram has grown over recent years, that's left many business owners and marketers with one very clear and important question: How can we use Instagram for business? Related: Well today, we would love to dive head first into that topic and share: How to set up a killer Instagram profile The importance β†’

Nescafe and social media

In its first phase, choosing the value, the strategist " proceeds to segment the market, select the appropriate market target, and develop the offer's value positioning. The formula - segmentation, targeting, positioning -is the essence of strategic marketing.". SEGMENTATION Market segmentation consists of β†’

Research paper on nuclear power in usa

In this paper, it is going to be argued that the United States of America should build more nuclear plants as a solution to the increasing problem of energy crisis and also as a solution to the problem of global warming that is currently affecting the world negatively. There is also going to be using β†’

Alternative energy resource research paper sample

All of these have not been proven; it is crucial to be aware that there is no one theory for the origin and subsequent evolution of the solar system that is accepted. The efficiency of solar cell is, therefore, the ratio of maximum electric power output to the incident solar radiation, for example, max= /. β†’

Instructors name research paper example

The invention of the solar energy dates back to 1767 when Horace-Benedict de Saussure, a Swiss scientist invented the first solar collector which became widely known as the first oven using solar energy. Solar water heating system is also a form of sun radiations harnessing which involves the heating of water using the solar energy. β†’

Research paper on the significance of benjamin franklin inventions

He was also an inventor whose theories form the foundations of the inventions that are used today in the world. In the US today, the fireplaces in most homes are in the shape of the Franklin stove. Odometer: He was the general postmaster in Philadelphia.

Ms syllabus

MELTI ZG621 VLSI Design 5 Introduction to NMOS and CMOS circuits; NMOS and CMOS processing technology; CMOS circuits and logic design; circuit characterization and performance estimation; Structured design and testing; Symbolic layout systems; CMOS subsystem design; System case studies. MELTI ZG625 Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal Design 5 Design of high speed β†’

Solar and wind energy as alternative sources to crude oil research paper sample

This shows that the cost of crude oil fuel resources is not just the price paid for this fuel itself but also the external costs paid in terms of global warming, emission of greenhouse gases, geographical dependence of energy, limitations in the supply of oil and price shocks as well as the new health risks β†’

Alternative renewable energy solar panels research paper examples

The ideas of these three inventors inspired the creation of the solar panel which uses light energy to generate electricity through a photovoltaic cell. According to the Colorado River Commission of Nevada , the world's fossil fuel reserves are consumed by three countries: the United States, Russia and China. Depending on the capacity of β†’

Free research paper on firstname lastname

The first step of the project is to collect information about the solar and wind resources in the region. This program will position SA as a solar energy leader. UAE is also interested in the benefits of solar and wind energy.

Blood collection monitor

It activates the clamp and stops the rocking movement of the plate when the weight in the blood bag is presented. It is approximate to the actual design but more function of the instrument by extra features like flow detector, flow rate measurement, etc. The requirement of the project: As we all β†’

Geothermal heating research paper examples

Introduction The geothermal is the type of ground energy, which is used to produce heat by using the earth's geothermal heat. The thermal efficiency is high because no energy originates from the heat retained within the earth from the original formation of the earth.

Effect of wireless power transfer using research paper

Transfer of wireless power using strongly coupled electromagnetic resonators is a newly discovered technology.even though this technology is capable of transmitting electrical energy over a long distance than most of the traditional field methods, its effective distance is not sufficient in some appliances. This approach considerably perks up the performance of the current two-resonator system β†’

Research paper on the energy source is cheap as it is readily available with initial capital also

Outline Wind energy can be used as an alternative energy source but the question is whether it is really cheap, effective, and practical. Science is of wind energy is by convention where cold air moves down and hot air up causing a cyclic motion that can drive turbines. It is also very effective β†’

Example of research paper on adoption of solar panels

The U.S.government embraced the use of solar energy by launching the Solar Energy Research Institute in 1977 and in 1981 Paul Macready produced the first solar powered air craft.d. With the introduction of solar energy, the nations that do not have oil tend to encourage users in the exploitation of solar energy. b.

Conservation of electricity

Electricity is a controllable and convenient form of energy used in the application of heat, light and power. As responsible home owners and consumers, we should take the initiative to conserve energy. We need to be aware of our options and make our homes energy efficient.

Research paper on general electric

Therefore, these activities help them to cure the world through developing health technologies and building better homes. General Electric has a branch referred to as the GE ventures that utilize both capital and technical expertise to promote growth and development in the world. Further, through these networks, General Electric can β†’

Private peaceful

The story is written from the point of view Thomas " Tommo" Peaceful, a young man born around the turn of the 20th century who is, for reasons unknown until the end, reliving his whole life in one night, with each chapter beginning with a different time reference and a short passage from the present β†’

World peace

To me peace is not about looking at places of hostility around the world and saying there must be peace there. In honor of International Peace Day 2009, I have created ten affirmations for personal peace within you, and ten affirmations for peace around the world. In a country, Peace is a term that most β†’

The origins of war and the preservation of peace

Kagan is a classical scholar who hopes to get politicians and statesmen to understand history so as not to repeat it. He reminds that this was the intention of Thucydides of ancient Greece who wrote a history of the Peloponnesian Wars for " those who wish to have a clear understanding both of events in β†’

An overview of peace and conflict

Hence the definition of peace as the absence of war, and that of war as the absence of peace The problem with this definition is that it does not explain everything about peace and war For example even in situations of war, some conditions of peace still spite the long years of hostilities between β†’

Peace between major religions

However, we have already reached our first differentiation between the religions; their view on what peace is and the source of it. Peace Is a fundamental aspect of all the religions and fleetly Christians would not be able to follow the 10 Commandments if peace was not portrayed through their actions. Buddhists believe β†’

A gun- never friend with peace

Some gun owners abuse the use of their guns. Since the early times gun abuse is already present. In the 19th century and early 20th century cheap revolvers are called " SuicideSpecial". They might even corrupt and supply guns to the black market. Kleptoracies is a β†’

Peace in multicultural society

There is great lack of justice, tolerance and accommodation around the world. As a result, the life of modest, peace loving and normal common person is disturbed. Justice is the firmest pillar of a government. We must define public and private affairs and make sure that no one is β†’

Peace on earth

Creeping up slowly with a jar in one hand, lid in the other, I zoom my vision to the vicinity around me, wait for the bud of the insect to light up, and snatch him up inside the jar. Then I lay myself down, pull the covers up to my chin and tuck myself in.

How entrepreneurs maintain steady and peaceful state of mind

So, it becomes all the more important to not get carried away with these daily turmoil's, stay grounded and maintain a state of sanity amidst all the confusions. On the International Peace Day, Entrepreneur brings to its readers some tips by the business owners to maintain the steady and peaceful state of mind while running β†’

A seperate peace-leper leppelier, ptsd

This is what acted as the little piece of glass which was left in the foot that leads to massive infection and eventual amputation. Goes to boot camp and finds rules he did not want to follow, a new way of life he was not used to, such as: not sleeping in β†’

Liberal peace

The idea that Liberalism will inevitably lead to peace and security was based on the ground that Liberal democracies naturally seek for peace, the spirit of free commerce, the interdependence among states and the principle ofHuman rights. The second key assumption of liberalism on which peace and security can be achieved is the practice of β†’

Good example of research on human subjects essay

- Anthropology by definition is the study of human beings present and past life with an intent of deducing ways of evading problem and ensure development of the human population. - In respect to the main objective of anthropology research done in this field ought to ensure that humane methods of conducting the same are well β†’

Jeremiah as a christ figure in peace like a river

Jeremiah as a Christ Figure in Peace like a River In the novel Peace like a River, Leif Enger creates the character Jeremiah Land as a Christ figure in order to convey the character's role as a person whose life is spent serving others. The intent of making Jeremiah a Christ β†’

Best alternative to a negotiated agreement

In negotiation theory, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement or BATNA is the course of action that will be taken by a party if the current negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached. Historical Theories The Nash Equilibrium as developed by John Forbes Nash, the father of Game Theory, is described in β†’

Peacebuilding as the focus of importance by the united nations

Collective security can be understood as a security arrangement, political, regional, or global, in which each state in the system accepts that the security of one is the concern of all, and therefore commits to a collective response to threats to, and breaches to peace. Since its creation, the UN has often been called upon β†’

Advantages of credit cards

Mailing a wad of cash in an envelope to the seller might not be such a good idea, as mail do get lost from time to time. And so the credit card plays the role in rectifying this problem. Using the credit card we can pay the seller using borrowed funds from β†’

Merchant banking

It is a registered commercial bank that's established in Malawi Stock exchange. So, in short we can say that Merchant bank is the bank that engaged in providing the business of issue management either by making arrangements regarding selling, buying or subscribing to securities as manager , consultant, advisor or rendering corporate β†’

Different areas stores logistics

Provide customer service to customers In store at all times. Inventory of products before and after sales and record numbers to marketing firm.

Waiting for the phone call

She listens to the awakening of the new day: the clock on the dresser ticks hurriedly and the letter box snaps awake. Dorothy walks to the hall and picks up bills and ads that promise discounts and holidays abroad, Dorothy has never been out of England, never been on a plane. She picks up the β†’

Boom of credit cards

Nowadays, the " plasticmoney" occupies a very important place in the economy of the country." Settlements indicates that the number of credit cards in circulation increased 34 percent between 1988..... The data also show that the value of credit card transactions increased 98 percent during the same period". The most important step was the introduction β†’

Commercial banking and finance

This shifts the demand function for oranges to the left and the demand for more goods to the right to restore the people's holdings of money in real terms to its former level. Concept Map There is no truth to the notion that debtfinanceand equity finance are similar to one another. Securities then β†’

Bank of america banking center

I realize that our meetings are short and to the point, but it is positive to know that you are able to apply the principles we discuss into your daily activities. As a branch manager, my purpose and goal in having staff meetings is to provide employees with a sounding board for β†’

The popularity of credit derivatives first came into play at the early 1990s

Also, it improves their liquidity by providing secondary markets for credit risk. Credit Derivatives and the Financial Crisis It is often argued that the flip side of credit derivatives played a major role in the collapse of the financial market. The supporters of the credit derivatives believe and agree with other critics that these β†’

Banking system and financing system: sudan

The Sudanese Central Bank is located in Khartoum. The main role of the National Bank of Egypt as bank of commercial banks and of course they are used to manage the banking activities of the government. British had govern the Sudan for 12 years and they have restores the role of Egyptian officials β†’

Banking system stability

Therefore the remaining of this study will draw upon various studies previously conducted by institutes such as The World Bank, The ECB and Academic Organisations and aim to answer the question proposed above. Empirical Analysis: In this section various empirical findings will be consulted which will assist in answering the question proposed in the opening β†’

Development of islamic banking and finance in singapore

In Islamic finance area, Singapore, through the integrated financial and economic development, can create new opportunities for Islamic finance and other financial products. Monetary Authority of Singapore has recognized the characteristic of Singapore policy approach has been to align tax treatment of Islamic contracts with the treatment of conventional financing contracts. β†’

Suntrust bank, inc

While the first terminology highlights the roles if hardware or infrastructure in communications, the second term reveals that contents and applications play important in enriching the features of the hardware. When computers have not been mandatory in banking, employees used to enter and maintain this information in books then the employee had to look up β†’

Research on bankruptcy in the united states of america research paper example

Alternatively, the individuals can create a repayment plan. Bankruptcy Basics is a publication of the Bankruptcy Judges Division of the Administrative Office of the United States' Courts. The road out of debt: Bankruptcy and other solutions to your financial problems.

Impact of applied agro-cooperative credit and banking on farmers and farming

This genuine situational scene has a power to present an impact of applied cooperative credit and banking on farmers in farming from the point of origin of the Indian Cooperative Credit movement from the period of working of NIDISH in Madras Province in 1882 to 1904 till date. This is a good Genesis β†’

A call- centre of lombard bank

Due to financial service law 'scripts' are highly relied upon for the calls which sets the boundary and does not allow flexibility to play resulting in loss of identifying customers needs and offering other products too. Sean Guilliam, Head of the call centre is not very pleased with the controllingcultureand wants to make every attempt β†’

Water billing system with short messaging services notification

In terms of billing process, the company's meter consumption analyst goes to the house of all customers to read the water consumption. After five days, the MCA delivers the water bills to the customers by riding through motorcycle. Objectives of the Study The general objective of the study β†’

Mis credit card

Analysis of the information in the credit usage record enables credit card companies to evaluate the purchasing power of different customers. Credit card companies can use the important information to control the credit card user credit usage and therefore lower the company loss 3. Are these practices by credit card companies ethical?

Effects of online banking on commercial banks

The other feature commonly used now is online banking. Online Banking Online banking is based on the technology of the internet and the usage of personal computers. It is planning to offer certain features in the online banking such as Transfer funds between accounts β†’

Bank alfalah limited

The bank is engaged in commercial banking and related services as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962. Bank Alfalah is the 5th largest bank of Pakistan in terms of its assets that are 6% of the total banking sector assets. The banking sector has expanded rapidly in Pakistan along with the fast paced economic β†’

International bonds: credit ratings

Credit rating Is alma to show the size of a credit default risk the rating object, rating agencies focus on financial conditions and historical data to give the overall valuation of object. Currently, credit rating on the issue of international bonds is the popular investment risk valuation method in the international capital market. β†’

Cypriot banking crysis scr

It had also causedanxietyin other countries for setting such an extraordinary and threatening precedent.* March 19 the Cyprus Parliament rejects a 10 billion Euro bailout package (lawmakers voted 36 against 19 abstaining) arguing that it is unacceptable to take money from regular account holders. The chairmen of the Cyprus Investor Association said β†’

Bankruptcy laws

But if the " current monthly income after subtracting allowed deductions is enough to repay 25% of the debtor's unsecured debt over the next 5 years, the debtor is not eligible for Chapter 7". However, a person has to go through a long and grueling process to be even considered for Chapter β†’

Papa geo’s – restaurant vision

5% of credit card sales is paid to the credit card company in fees. 5% of sales is paid to the credit card company in fees.

Regional impact of the new bankruptcy law

Bankruptcy law in generality was formulated to protect persons who cannot pay up their debt due to insolvency thus the intention of the law is that it should be used as a last resort. According to statistics, the old bankruptcy law in its nature defeated this maxim in the sense β†’

Factors affecting customer loyalty on banking service

It is the degree of overall pleasure or contentment felt by the customers, the results from ability of the service fulfilled the customer's desires, expectations and customer's needs in relation to the service. In recent study, service quality is considered from the view point of the customer who is estimated of the service " external β†’

Theme of the road not taken

The words that rhyme in the first stanza are " wood/stood/could" and " both/undergrowth". These rhymes give the poem a sense of connectivity and flow. The poem explains that in life there is not a right or wrong path.

Pragmatic ways to prevent road crashes

The highest number of fatalities per accident occurs when vehicles collide head on and killed predominantly young persons. The causes of Road accident are identified from the studies are 1.reckless driving; 2.over- speeding; 3.over- loading; 4.vehicular defects; 5.lack of knowledge and consciousness of the road users; 6.hazardous roads & road environments; 7.lack β†’

Favorite trip

The majority of people in the United States, even internationally, know what Beverly Hills is. It is the place to be for amazing shopping, fancy cars, big houses, and the place to go to see celebrities. It was and still is my favorite place to visit in the United States.

10 ways to prevent accident

After waiting for traffic from the left to clear before you make your right-hand turn, do not forget to look to the right again just before you proceed. You might have to turn to look directly into the lanes beside you to avoid missing something left undetected by your mirrors.

Develop road safety culture

However, there are traffic laws that may prevent these kinds of accidents to happen, but it is still up to the driver to follow these rules. The only solution to avoid these kinds of problems is to develop a road safety culture in general people so that they follow the Safety rules and obey the β†’