Genuine Research Paper Examples

Lost military id

Do not get me wrong a lot of bad things have the potential to occur if my Military Identification were to fall into the wrong hands, people could get hurt and it would be my fualt. Also what I am doing is not punishment, punishment is Uniformed Code of Military Justice, that's something totally different β†’

Military psychology

The application of psychological research or theory to the military can be used to analyze either enemy or friendly forces, exemplified by perfecting an attack on an enemy or strengthening the weakness of an ally. By extension, military psychology could be used to examine the differences in attitude to the battlefield in β†’

Basic military training

They are authorized to decide if anything can or should be done to resolve the matter. These superiors are specialists who are directly in charge of new recruits, and the CO generally are not involved in these matters. Recruits are not allowed to divulge any army secrets outside the β†’

Importance and valuability of military in us

People have forgotten how important and valuable the military is to the world that we live in. As part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, automatic sequestration calls for $1. In conclusion, the United States government should rethink the automatic sequestration toward the military funding and payroll cuts. β†’

Area 51 abstract

Area 51 is a very mysterious and unknown area that no one knows about. My fascination with mystical creatures and flying objects really sparks my curiosity about this area resulting in me researching area 51.

Military courtesy and salute

In the final analysis, military courtesy is the respect shown to each other by members of the same profession. Some consider it to be a gesture of servility since the junior extends a salute to the senior, but we know that it is quite the opposite.

Deviant behaviour research paper example

The four important reasons for military men having tattoos are as a sign of patriotism, an act of remembrance, rite of passage and a mark of identification. The first section briefly describes societal norms and deviant behaviour; the second section explains prevalence of tattoos in military with three sub-sections, history of tattoos in military, profile β†’

The war that never ends(veterans)

The military operation in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to raise important questions about the effect of the experience on the mentalhealthof members of the military services who have been deployed there. Department of Veteran Affairs PTSD Programs in the U.S.

Types of military leaders

These separate approaches can dictate the outcome of the work being performed by their soldiers which can either make or break their leadership role. Hands-on leaders are one of the most effective leaders in the military. Hands-off leaders take no guidance of the group and are very passive on work.

The ethical issue of sexual harassment in the army research paper examples

This paper seeks to explain the major issues of ethics in the military, the root causes of such issues, the effects such issues have had in the army and give recommendations and propositions thereof. Sexual harassment in the army There are many issues of ethics in the military profession and other armed forces of β†’

Military strategist and conflict

For the purpose of study here, we will take into account the military strategy and style deployed by Roman armies of 200 BC, at a time when they constituted most overwhelming military force in the contemporary world and compare them with strategy, styles, techniques used by 13th century Medieval armies of England, France and Saxony. β†’

Rommel and eisenhower

The battle was called the Battle of El Alamein and it held a high significance since it took place in Alam el Halfa, which is next to the Suez Canal that was the Allies' main means of transporting and receivingfood. This was essentially a last stand for the allies as the German-Italian β†’

Uniform code of military justice

We would like to trust in the honesty and integrity of the Soldiers who made that oath and put their lives on the line for their country. If each Soldier were accountable for paying for their appointments, there would not be another wasted appointment because the Soldier was forgetful. It is every β†’

Commentary for soldier’s heart

His name is Nelson, and he is shot in the stomach. Charley takes part in a battle near Richmond, Virginia where the Confederate Army uses its mounted calvary to charge Charley and the Union soldiers.

Complaint letter on noisy neighbours

I would like to draw your attention to some of the lewd and lascivious acts that take place daily in Park Hall. I would Like to recommend Implementing a local community watch program to help ward off some of the undesired traffic In our area.

The reasons why the us entered wwi

The US entered during the middle of the war and endured the bloody conflict to the very end. The first big incident that happens to the United States to join World War 1 was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania.

Should females in the military be excluded from combat

Women today have the opportunity to enlist in the military, they are not allowed to participate in combat units and fight. Another argument is by those who are against women serving as well as the existence of the women in combat units and how it affects the male soldiers and vice versa.

Should compulsory military service be abolished?

Although it has been claimed that the military service should be compulsory because of its benefits to governments, compulsory military service should not be abolished because of its limitations to citizens. It is commonly maintained that compulsory military service affects government's economy in positive way, yet military service is cheaper than mandotary in long-term.

The chain of command and nco support channel

Mission accomplishment depends on information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally among adjacent organizations or activities. NCO leaders work with and support the commissioned and warrant officers of their chain of command.

Military commission

For this reason, among many, I am seeking a commission with the United States Navy in this capacity. My strong work ethic, my adherence to the philosophy and ethics of both the Navy and the medical field, and my ability to work as a member of a team make me a successful candidate for this β†’

Good example of research paper on the history of the israeli defence forces

Israel has a very turbulent history, with the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Arabs seizing the lands and subjugating Jews who proved unable to withstand the onset of foes for want of a strong army. Hence, the role the IDF played in the Arab-Israeli War was immense, to say the β†’

Research: computer and video games

According to Admin , electronic gadget devices can have positive and negative effects on youth. Also, According to Jessy Norman , computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time.shadow66 has pointed it β†’

Example of the effect of video games in society research paper

In the event of such prevalence of video games in the lives of American kids, there are numerous studies conducted by different researchers with the intention to find out the impact of video games on the overall society. In the context of the effects of video games on the society, most of the researchers believe β†’

Hobbies: video games

In my lifetime I have had a lot of hobbies come and go. I am actually very thankful for all of the hobbies I have been able to keep and pursue throughout my lifetime.

Video games do not cause violence

Video games allow gamers to be more attune to their surroundings and " greatly enhance the ability to effectively distribute attention over space and time, as well as the number of items that can be attended". A press release from the American Psychological Association declares " Playing video games, including violent shooter β†’

Impact of video games in society

Regardless of which video game is being used, it has made a huge impact in life's of many children, as well as adults today. In the beginning, the games were user friendly and parents did not have much to worry about if they purchased a video game for their child. For today's β†’

The effects of video games

As a basketball player, I personally play a lot of video games to keep my mind " in the game" and still having a ay to practice while I am resting. Video games are a great entertainment source to me, it helps me learn and develop different skills. They develop notably a better β†’

Video games are not a bad influence on children

I believethat videos games do not have a bad influence on children. Parents need to teach their children that video games are only games and the thing that are done in the games are things that can not be done in the real world. Majority of the young parents accept the violence β†’

Why video games are good

Although many video games do include a substantial amount of violence, it comes second to the fact they can actually make you smarter according to many scientists and academics. They are seen to be good learning devices because of the problem solving and strategic thinking that is utilized to play video games. Video gamers must β†’

Violent video games are harmful to young people

I believethat young people do not always necessarily have the maturity to realize that video games are not real. It's at these young ages that our lives are shaped, and we learn by example to become well rounded adults. Therefore, it's wrong to claim that violent video games are harmful to all β†’

How do video games affect behavior research paper examples

The structural characteristics are the integral features in the video game and consist of: initiation, developing and the maintenance of the games. Other significant features will include the rapid absorption rate and the skills to modify the game. The effects of video games The negative influence of video games is determined by the personality β†’

Sony playstation being hacked

One thing that stands out the most is that they have to shut down the whole system, so by you having a Playstation 3 your internet is down. The new users would not trust the company, and probably go to a company that they will feel that their personal information will be in safe hands.

Research paper on build a computer

If the webcam will not have a built in microphone, I will have to buy it. Estimated Price for the webcam is $85.00. Now I need to choose Speakers. I will need to buy a cooler and install it on the processor.

Do video games enhance selective attention in children?

When one focuses on a specific aspect of a scene while ignoring other aspects, such as focusing on the video game you are playing in the same room as many people are speaking, a concept of selective attention is introduced. A normal attention p seems to develop in three stages in children. β†’

Violent video games are bad for you

As people play violent video games, it influences bad behavior in the player because when you play these games, you control the person who causes the crimes, shoot and kill your enemy, whether it is a criminal or policeman depending on the game you are playing. In the end, violent video games are harmful for β†’

Children and violent video games

A recent analysis shows that a majority of video games include violence and about half of the violent incidents would result in serious injuries or death in the real world. Violent video gamescan increase children's aggression. Children spend a great deal of time with violent video games at exactly the ages that β†’

Research paper on violent video games: can they influence behavior

Media literacy and the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality still permits people to act on their own recognizance, meaning that violent video games do not cause violence in and of themselves; it is instead caused by other intrinsic motivators like existing family violence and psychological disorders. Children and other youth spend a larger β†’

Does living in a same sex home effect how a child will grow up

I also choose it because I always wondered if it made a difference if a child grows up in a heterosexual home or living in homosexual home. Another reason why I choose to do this topic is because a lot of people believe that homosexual parents are not fit to rise their β†’

Sexual identity in the arab world

Because of this, Massad argues that the western influence completely transformed how Muslims understood their own sexuality. In the beginning of his article Massad points out how Arab and Iranian men would engage in both gay and heterosexual practices while simultaneously rejecting the ' Western identity' of gayness. While this opposes the β†’

Female sex offenders

Incest is a common crime among female sex offenders. Often these women are abused themselves." Women who molested children independently were more likely than women who molested with an accomplice to have been severely molested themselves prior to age 10". The females often have problems with social relationships." The families of the girls were described β†’

Importance of sex education in school

The overwhelming fact is that a growing number of teens especially are thinking about and even having sexual encounters. Should sex education be taught in school? More than 510 junior or senior high schools have school-linkedhealthclinics, and more than 300 schools make condoms available on campus.The following is a discussion of the many questions associated β†’

Why premarital sex should not be accepted

The morality of premarital sex is that it is wrong and it goes against our morals. The morality of premarital sex is that it is wrong and if we deny that then we will not reach our ultimate happiness.

Should be single sex education

How to structure and practices that attract men single sex education helps teachers adjust instruction to male model and facilitate the study rounded up, unnecessary for boys to choose the course of the area they will produced. Such as girls and boys will choose a topic that rarely exists in single sex Education.

Sex’ vs β€˜sexuality

Assembling an Understanding of ' Sex' Verses ' Sexuality' " Biologists and psychologists who have accepted the doctrine that the only natural function of sex is reproduction have simply ignored the existence of sexual activity which is not reproductive" Alfred Kinsey The terms ' sex' and ' sexuality' have not always had β†’

Sexual and reproductive health needs of sex workers in tanzania

Availability ofCondoms and their utilization among female sex workers in Tanzania is vital as many of sex workers are forced to perform unprotective sex by violent clients and the amount of money given. Establishment of clear policy framework for sex work It involves development of strategies , legislative changes and its implementation Healthcare access β†’

Sex education in malaysia

In contrast, sex education has been shown to reduce the number of sexual partners and the frequency of sex. It also fosters safe sex and responsible sexual behaviour. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to include sex education as a formal subject in bothprimary and secondaryschool curriculums in the country.

Unraveling of cultural meaning of sex and the city

Particularly the advent of a multiplicity in feminisms, from radical and Marxist to liberal and postmodernist, has translated feminist thought into an increasingly blurred and unfixed discourse. Given this hypothetical assumption of a cultural crisis in feminist practice and theory, this essay is concerned with the deconstruction and unraveling of cultural meaning and sociological dimensions β†’

Single sex versus co-ed

In Australia, the percentage of students attending single-sex secondary schools was 55% of boys and 54% of girls, in 1985. Communicationplays a big role in co-education schools. It helps pupils to communicate and socialize and it is easier for them in the future as they get to interact with others while working, in β†’

The first sex toy on kickstarter has landed

It's the first erotic product to tap into the site's nearly 12 million backers - a milestone that Fine credits to the vibrator's innovative and intuitive design. It helped that Kickstarter's offices were located down the street from Dame Products. It's good news for innovators in the space - and curious shoppers who β†’

Social issue

According to the survey reports conducted by TheFamilyPlanning Association of Hong Kong in 2011 and the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers and Therapists in 2009, 23% of school girls accepted compensated dating behavior with almost 24% among them accepted compensated dating with sexual transection; and nearly 5% of school β†’

Sex education should be taught in schools

As long as we have a internet connection with computer, we are connected to the world. It is an international network that connects all websites and search engines to give us information, new, data and entertainment. When we use a chatroom, we can talk to anyone in the world.

For single sex schools

This House believes single-sex schools are good foreducationCo-educational schools attempt to establish uniformity in the teaching of two groups, boys and girls, who typically learn and develop at different speeds and using different methods.'They do not develop in the same way or at the same time; boys favour visual processing and do β†’

Child sexual abuse

This form of exploitation occurs with children of all ages, in rural, urban and suburban areas and among all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups. Since the 1970s, the sexual abuse of children and child molestation has increasingly been recognized as deeply damaging to children and thus unacceptable for society as a whole. Child sexual abuse β†’

Pregnancy and little boy

Morning sickness began 24/7 the day after I found out to the day I went into labor. I talked to so many people, read so many articles and books, and just kept looking and waiting for that " Honeymoon Trimester," the second trimester, when everything was owing to get better, and it would β†’

Premature babies

Where as the term small-for-date refers to babies that are born at the desired due date, but are below the expected weight for the length of time spent in the womb. Infants born prematurely need more care after birth to make sure they are able to survive and they have to be accessed for any β†’

Understanding the symptoms of post partum depression research paper

Previous research shows anemia in new mothers as well as moderate iron deficiencies effect thinking and memory accuracy and therefore may provide healthcare providers and insight to a cause of PPD behavior in new mothers. Implications of Antenatal Depression Literature provided from a study by Faisal-Cury, Savoia, and Menezes discusses depressive symptomolgy β†’

Role of ultrasound in the early detection of an ectopic pregnancy.

For this case study I will discuss the essence of scanning women who present in EPU's with a positive pregnancy test and any symptoms of a possible ectopic pregnancy. CASE REPORT This is the case of 32yrs old primigravida referred to an early pregnancy unit by her GP with a history of irregular menstrual cycle, β†’

The challenges of the baby boom generation

To either retire early, and not have enough benefits and income to help them in their senior years, or to stay In their current jobs and not see retirement until they are well into their ass or even perhaps their ass This generation is the Baby Boomers. They arrived after a brutal world war, the β†’

Understanding preeclampsia disorder theory

The treatment of this disorder is geared towards management of symptoms, preventing seizures and controlling hypertension. I chose this topic because I am a labor and delivery nurse and find this to be a popular disorder of pregnancy. Pettit & Brown found that the placenta and the re-modeling of the β†’

Baby boom

Baby boomers have been different from their preceding and succeeding generations in their philosophical and political outlook and hence critically affect the US policy as they mature and take important posts inacademic, political and business realms. Baby boomers: Social and Political Outlook As the baby boom generation β†’

Free teenage pregnancy research paper sample

Study finds a positive correlation between family history of teenage pregnancy and chances of teenage pregnancy among adolescent girls. Mahavarkar et their study conducted a comparative analysis of teenage pregnancy. The author concluded that in developing countries teenage pregnancy often resulted into poor obstetric outcomes. Paranjothi et their study analyzed factors contributes towards β†’

Pregnancy and decisions women

I would not be able to get a job/careerdue to the fact that I am going to have to carry a newborn around. Women have enough reason to get an abortion, and it should not be legalized.

When termination of pregnancy is permissible

This theory states that any act is ethical and moral if it is done to benefit the larger percentage of the society and an act is unethical if it is done to the detriment of a larger percentage of the society. It this theory is brought into the issue of pregnancy it β†’

The baby boomers have squandered their children’s future

This vociferous claim is stifling nations as the desire to classify a diagnosis implants the division of ages through a unjustified mood. The baby boomer generation filled the hole opened by the wounded and dead, supplied a new workforce and bolstered prosperity, developing consumerist nations. There is always a collective of responsibilities β†’

Baby boom generation

People in today's society are mostly successful, but they probably would not be without the help of the baby boomers because they made a huge impact by starting businesses, and making new things so that people today could be affluent. Baby boomers have changed the world since they have all been born. Everyday, when new β†’

The baby boomer in the midst of the economic crisis

Many of the people, baby boomer and others, believe that the current recession is about to end and that more prosperous times are about to return are, what observers state, is sadly suffering from a near sighted view of the present economic crisis. In reality, since the peaking of the 2005 United β†’

Birth control devices and teenagers

Despite the widespread use, however, controversies revolving around the ethical and religious aspects of contraception remain intense ; and this remains especially true in cases of teenagers. Parents would probably be the last person that a young person would consult regarding the use of birth control devices, due to the inherent β†’

Marital bliss

The concept of marital bliss, Is n effective way of having a happy marriage, not only that but it can help save a marriages as well. In reality, this prenuptial agreement should not affect a marriage if it is tee love that they have most each other. Should engaged couples be able to β†’

The girls in their summer dresses

Who knows what he does when she is not with him, even though he says he has not touched any women in past five years since he is with her? He is not even afraid for a single minute that his wife is walking with him and he should not watch other girls.

Is divorce bad for children

I will explain how it feels to be a child in the middle of a divorce. My mother and father were together for seventeen years and they just recently decided to get a divorce. Under the circumstances I do not feel bad they there are now separated.

Living together

Moving in with someone is a very important commitment that is being made with one another and should be very a well-thought decision to make. Unmarried people that move in together run a higher risk of divorce, because they have experienced what it is to be living with one another without commitments β†’

The negative effects of divorce on children

The nonresidential parent is usually viewed as the fun, exciting one that the child wants to be with. This parent usually tries to give the child presents, andmoneyalmost like they are using it in an attempt to " buy" the child's love. The custody battle can be damaging, but the divorce of β†’

Impact of divorce in children research paper examples

Since children would not easily be able to cope up easily with the changes in the family due to their age and level of maturity, the problems would extend to various aspects of the child's life from their relationships to how they see themselves. Bernstein added that children would show signs of emotional β†’

The effect of divorce on children

When parents divorce, children are not always understand it. This omission can lead to problems with the child's perception of daily life. The impact divorce has on a family is more prominent to the children of the family than the parents.

Divorce rates in america

In Steven Nock's article, " America's Divorce Problem," he encloses the important point that " Divorce is not the problem, but rather a symptom of the problem". With varying symptoms such as the feminist movement in the 1960s, an increase in financial dependence, increasedcareermobility, and the overall changed perception of marriage, the β†’

Can divorce be beneficial for children

Especially, when there are cases of abuse both physical and emotional, or extreme contention within the home, divorce can have a positive effect on the children Involved. While I am only a witness to my own personal experience there has been significant research done on the topic of divorce and the effects, both β†’

Counseling techniques

The choice of the counseling technique to be used in a counseling session differs from the preference of a counselor to counselor but there are certain factors that influence the choice of counseling technique, a counselor is likely to apply in a given counseling situation.

Gerard egan

The Skilled Helper facilitates the client by helping them to formulate a plan of action, helping them accept theirresponsibilityfor becoming a more effective person and helping them to develop their own inner resources. The Skilled Helper also helps their client to transfer newly acquired skills and knowledge to fresh situations, facilitates them in establishing appropriate β†’

Describe the requirement for treating a client with that has anorexia

Building strong therapeutic alliances with clients is imperative. When working with a client who presents with an eating disorder it is fundamental that, as a counsellor, you do this in conjunction with a medicaldoctorand a nutritionist. The first step when someone presents with an eating disorder is β†’

Theory of cognitive development and children

Jean Piaget was one of the first researchers to develop a theory suggesting that children understand the world around them by actively seeking information from theirenvironment, and continuously expanding their knowledge by organizing, adapting and assimilating this information Berlin,. Piaget's theory known as constructivism theory, has undergone a high level of scrutiny, β†’

Integratron and giant rock, mojave desert, california

If you stand directly under the hole in the center of the room and say something the sound reverberates through your head and body and sounds like peaking to a large outdoor or indoor audience with lots of echoes and large speakers. There was a presentation that covered some of the history β†’

The homeless

A more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is therefore the number of people who experience homelessness over time, not the number of " homeless people." Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. As a result of methodological and financial constraints, most studies are limited to counting people who are β†’

Cognitive distortions

I believethat the use of Redistributing blame is a strategy that clinicians can use to aid in having the client focus on the root of the issue rather than attributing the outcome to a particular person or themselves." Through the use of dialogue and asking questions that get to the heart of the problem, clinicians β†’

The experiment research study: craik and tulving (1975)

At deep level they might be asked a question, such as 'Does this word fit into the sentence...?' At an intermediate level, they might be asked ' Does this word rhyme with...?' At shallow level, they might be asked, 'Is this word in capital letters?' Following the task, participants were β†’

Course description of general psychology

Week 11 Activities and Preparation Branches of Psychology View the " Branches of Psychology" video located in this week's Media Enhancements link. Activities and Preparation Complexity of Humans View the " Complexity of Humans" video located in this week's Media Enhancements link. Activities and Preparation Perspectives β†’

The mummy at the dining room table

One of the most helpful aspects of the book is that it can be used to prepare for a patient and condition, for which the therapist in not familiar.. The clinician learns more about human emotion from every client in which they come in contact. One of the aspects of this book β†’

Cognitive development and psychosocial development

The view of the situation that Piaget would most likely adopt is that Noah struggles to come to terms with the objects and relationships that exist within hisenvironment. The schema that he uses to understand the multiple rolls of his teacher is the fact that his own father is known to occupy the position of β†’

Boundary issues

Limits of inner boundaries Many at times we might argue but the truth of the matter is that generic inheritance is responsible for the shaping of our inner boundaries (this is meant to identify with individual neuro chemistry, how sensitive the amygdala is and the connection of various parts of the brains among other things).

Pressure measurement and calibration

In normal use the appropriate combination of weights is applied to the top of the piston, to generate the required predetermined pressure, and then the piston is set spinning, to reduce vertical friction, while the readings from the measuring devices are recorded. The operating range of the Dead-weight Pressure Calibrator and instrumentation is 20 kNm-2 β†’

Psychology experiment in laboratory class

This section of the laboratory manual is written so that the appropriate information is available to all students. The various areas ofpsychologytaught in PSYCH 109 have a long history of research. Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences Significant Differences In psychology, we are often faced with the question of whether or not the β†’

Out of the norm (breaching experiment)

It is impressive how within a few hours of doing this Project I carefully analyze and determine the acceptances and denials of society by doing Something out of the ordinary on a typical and current day. At home I created a colorful poster to call attention of the pedestrians, it was rare β†’

Last chance in texas

The staff at Giddings challenged offenders to step into their past and visualize their crimes before and after they were committed, as well as the impact of those around them. Different techniques were used help the students remember their pasts that most have tried to forget. It was an emotionally painful and β†’

Stanford prison experiment and hard-hitting local editorials

It might be internal to the business, in the form of new and more effective organizational structures or processes. By today's thinking, innovation can also be in the form of a significant improvement to an existing commodity.

John nash

John Nash is classified under Undifferentiated Type because he had a number of symptoms such as delusions, disorganized behavior, disorganized speech, and hallucinations. He believes he is being forced to work for the government to decipher codes. In his mind, William Parcher was black-mailing him to do as he was told, or the US government β†’

Behavioral and social/cognitive approaches to forming habits

A person will continue to perform a certain action because of the reward at the end of the action. This is not learned from observation, this is just her.of his is a good example of behavior of the family that influenced one of my habits.


Evidence shows that Holmes had personality disorders Like narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.H. H H Holmes had a lot of personality disorders that led him to become the monster he was.