Genuine Research Paper Examples

Example of research paper on access to healthcare across locations

Disparity is healthcare services is one of the problems that the national legislation is trying to address. The cost of healthcare in the region is funded by the taxes and wages of the residents within the Eastern region. The current healthcare system in the region is large out of unison from the Federal government's legislative β†’

Free new jersey no-fault insurance laws research paper example

The major differences in these car insurance types include availability of restrictions on the right to sue and if the policy holder's insurer pays first party benefits, notwithstanding which driver was at fault for the occurrence of a motor vehicle accident. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the no fault insurance is usually intended to β†’

Research paper on medicare

Considering the severity of her condition, durable medical equipment is required, and in this case being a walker, whose cost is shared between the health program and the patient on a 80 to 20% basis. Medicare part D would offer a cover for drug prescription for all individuals with Medicare legibility. Because of β†’

Marine insurance

Though the Marine Insurance Act is deep in its insurance coverage, it does not provide for losses that occur while the ship is sailing the waters. This has led to the introduction of another insurance called the Marine Cargo Insurance, which provides for losses to cargo while the ship is sailing the β†’

Estimated compensating wage differentials

Critically appraise the findings of empirical surveies that have estimated compensating pay derived functions. Compensating derived function is a term used in labour economic sciences to analyse the relation between the pay rate and the unpleasantness, hazard, or other unwanted properties of a peculiar occupation. One can besides talk of the counterbalancing derived β†’

The united states healthcare system situation in the context of the story mama might research paper example

Racial inequality is the primary theme in the story. Abraham used to write about health care; however, the story of Banes brings us to the other dimension of health care in America. In the recent years, researchers began to examine a broad range of other factors that may explicate the racial and ethnic differences in β†’

Risk assessment of a wind farm

1 Preamble This section of the report presents the background of the wind farm project, in particular offshore wind farm development, objectives, scope of work and the layout of the thesis 1. 5 Layout of the Thesis This section of the report describes the background of offshore wind farms and the objective β†’

Dhl tariff and trasit guide

5kg above 100kgs 0.5 2.55 3.80 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.65 7. 75 5 45.

The insurance companies and the crisis

In the United States the assets managed by the insurance sector are higher than the assets of the banking sector. Fall in the stock market, the limitations and difficulties in accessing foreign funding, weakening the financial situation of enterprises caused rapid deterioration of the global economy and have had an impact on the financial performance β†’

Pressure changes in hospitals industry

Better care has to outweigh more care and until that happens the nation will continue to face care costs issues. It is going to expand Medicaid, more people with insurance will cause more the core of the United States' long-term fiscal imbalance. Social Security costs, by comparison, are projected to increase from five β†’

One offers a sliding fee and charges $110 to $119 per session

Although therapy is expensive, there are certain measures that could be used as an alternative to therapy, but I would be more comfortable if she will go to counseling. This is why I researched a number of internet resources to really identify the best sources for reputable β†’

Free research paper on health economics

The single payer system in the state of Vermont aims at improving the benefits of the underinsured to include vision care, dental care and increment of Medicaid reimbursement to doctors. The implementation of the program does not face challenges because few disparities exist and many people are willing to give β†’

Good example of expenses projections research paper

Further, during the second phase and the final phase, the total expenses amounted to $299997 and $332950, respectively. All the projections every year were assumed with a growth rate in inflation of 1. During Phase II and the Final Phase, such expenses amounted to $851344 and $944860. All the projections every year were assumed with β†’

Quantum physics

However, it must be noted that the European Debt Crisis is still going on in most of the European countries, and thus, It might be more favorable for Ping An to focus on the Salsa- Pacific market where most of the markets are still emerging and most importantly, hose markets have low β†’

Healthcare in india research paper examples

In 2011, the Indian government introduced a healthcare scheme for the elderly called ' National Program for the Healthcare of the Elderly'. Despite several measures taken by the government, India still does not have a comprehensive healthcare plan for all the citizens, mainly because of the budgetary constraint of the government and lack of health β†’

Econ 256 final

How could the insurance company lessen this problem? Without knowing the background information on the potential clients, insurance companies are without the ability to see that while James is risking his life as a police officer, he is also a smoker and racer. Explain what is happening with Jane and how could we modify the β†’

The affordable care act research papers example

The key aim of this act is to ensure that health insurance is affordable to all individuals in the US. As much as this may not be fair for rich individuals in the society, the health the United States individuals is likely to improve through quality provision of health to all the fraternities despite the β†’

Health insurance in usa research papers example

This paper tries to understand health insurance terms in USA and the solutions offered by different experts. The essays for review on this topic added to the amazement at the facts of health insurance. In this process neither the patient nor his caregiver are aware of what is the actual cost of the visit to β†’

Impact of fdi in life insurance sector

The funds of the policyholders cannot be invested outside India. An insurer involved in the business of life insurance is required to invest and keep invested at all times assets, the value of which is not less than the sum of the amount of its liabilities to holders of life β†’

Example of christian dior l29 research paper

Due to the amount of fabrics used in a suit or a single dress, there was also some backlash to Christian's designs. The ' New Look' After World War II, Paris was reestablished as the center of the fashion world and the women's dress was revolutionized by ' The New Look.' In 1940s, fashion industries β†’

American fashion industry in 21st century

This increase in demand for individually tailored items including everything from clothing and footwear to makeup and body piercings is what gave birth to the fashion industry. The roots of this business can be traced to America in the nineteenth century where it grew rapidly and spread across the globe to become β†’

Teacher’s career: a research paper on theory and practice essay

Moreover, student assessment is also a good way for teachers to measure the effectiveness of their teaching methods and to determine appropriate measures to further improve the quality of education they provide to their students." Whenever we want to teach something, we should be clear on what we want to teach; and whenever we want β†’

1920s fashion abstract

As a result, many of the citizens who were able to reach new heights in dress and hair design also acquired a new attitude to accompany the new styles in fashion. Many of the elegant and expensive sacraments shared today by the modern bourgeoisie are direct results of the changes of the 1920s. More importantly β†’

Challenges facing fashion industry in ghana

CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Eusebio carried out a research on the topic " Internal key factors in export performance: A comparative analysis in the Italian and Spanish textile-clothing sector" The purpose of this paper is to analyze the key factors in the international performance of textile manufacturing companies. The study provided a comparative β†’

Free research paper on roberto cavalli: brand history

The label " Just Cavalli" found on some of his designs is in itself a brand that makes it easier for his products to sell. In a nutshell, the strength of Cavalli's brand has made him popular, his brands continuously sell.

Free research paper on faking out: counterfeiting’s effect on the luxury goods market and beyond

What few people predicted, however, was just how good at counterfeiting the Chinese would become, or the far-reaching impacts of the massive growth of the counterfeit luxury goods market. " Luxury goods" is a term from the field of economics that can mean anything from high-end electronics to designer fashion; in this case, the primary focus β†’

Britain and australia, the fall of singapore and the great betrayal in 1942 and onwards

It was something which they failed to do in a manner that did not provide the British with even a semblance of consolation, just mere indignation over what happened. Britain's surrender at Singapore in February 1942 can be considered as tantamount to the Great Betrayal of Australia's Empire because many critics and β†’

Trade unions in australia

Changes in legislation by the Howard government with the implementation of the 1996 Workplace Relations Act and later the Workchoices Act restricted trade unions in a large way therefore contributing to the decline in members. The increasing use of Human Resources within businesses is also impacting as employees are choosing to directly consult management over β†’

Australian contract law

Frequently, the common law right to terminate is the most important consideration. In classifying whether a term is seen as a condition of a contract; a term may be classified as a condition by statute, by the parties or by the courts on the basis of the construction of the contract. However, β†’

International: economics and australia

It is surrounded by the Indian Ocean to the west; the Timor, Arafura, and Coral Seas to the north; the Pacific Ocean to the east; and the Tasman Sea and Southern Ocean to the south. Australia has one of the highest percentages of shareholders in the world. Share market is one of β†’

Explain why overseas study at australian universities is popular

With the outstanding education system, the multicultural society and the range ofcareeropportunities Australia has to offer, students of different nationality, race andcultureflock to Australia hoping to achieve better academically. Australia offers a unique education system that most countries do not have. With a wide range of races in Australia, students would be β†’

Australian concepts: the merry go round in the sea

The concept of Australia from the viewpoint of six year old Rob Coral at the start of 'The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea', is not actually about the country itself, but one that Is solely based upon his Immediate surroundings. The security of hisfamilyand of the land that Is his home, are the things that provide β†’

Italian migrants to australia

History Assignment- Extended Response Describe the experiences of the Italian migrants from their arrival after WW2, through to the multicultural period in the 1970s The experiences of the Italian Migrants have changed from the time of their arrival after WW2 to the present day. Immigrationwas the only answer. On the border β†’

Comparative study of texts

In the play " Away", Gwen's obsessive longing for all things materialistic began to take over her life and affect the relationships she had with herfamily. The diminishing ideals of the pre-boomer generation are the resultant of the GreatDepressionwhich occurred in the late 1920's and early 1930's. Although Bobby Dazzler refers to β†’

Leadership challenges in the australian tourism industry

Recommendations for the Leaders in the Industry There ought to a lot of working together between the leaders and the other employees in the industry. Finally, the leaders ought to be able to be situational and adaptive.

Rabbit infestation in australia research paper examples

The rapid growth of rabbits has become a threat to the Australian environment and agricultural sector and the problem needs to be dealt with. Rabbit infestation became an environmental problem in Australia because its widespread caused a lot of havoc on the Australian vegetation. Livestock population and native plants are the most affected by rabbits β†’

New caledonia

The prison of ' New Caledonia', which housed thousands of French felons, would serve until 1897 when the penal nature of the island ended. In addition to its use as a penal colony, New Caledonia is also unique for its natural resources. However, as the world demand for nickel has declined, the economy has struggled β†’

Australia’s workchoices

Legislators and capitalists are enjoined to work hand in hand to promote a better future for its workforce thereby allowing a broader expansion of Australia's economicgoals. In 2005, the Howard Government and the Australian Parliament launched the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2005 " Workchoices" guide that announced series of amendments β†’

Korean culture vs. australian culture

Korean and Australiancultureseem to have only a few similarities, as Australia is a western country and Korea is an Asian country, and because of the different history, characters of people, and differences In surroundings. When they have the Grand Final of the Australian Football competition, thousands of people gather together in the β†’

Flora and fauna

Describe the threats to Australia's flora and fauna: Extinction Since European settlement of Australia began, a little over 200 years ago, 18 species of Australian mammals and about 100 species of native plants have become extinct. Currently about 40 species of mammals and many hundreds of species of plants are threatened with β†’

Australia short stories

Landscape is represented differently in each short story but it is used to compliment the strong women in A Gentleman's Agreement, The Drover's Wife and The Kangaroo. Elizabeth Jolley's A Gentleman's Agreement, tells the story of a working class single mother who fools a richdoctorinto letting her and herfamilylive on his land for the rest β†’

Australian federalism

This essay will outline the issues discussed during the ' Policy Roundtable on Federalism' hosted by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and the Institute of Public Administration Australia on the 17 18 May 2007 and will explore their impact on federalism and provide possible steps to overcome them. β†’

Australian media content is dependent on commercial success

Bigger competitive strain makes it harder for the media to preserve customary prohibition especially on the subject of politics. Last April of 2005, there is an alarming decline in the sales of newspapers. These forecasts, or ratings, influence the price of advertisements during the show and, in due course, whether the show β†’

Australia is physically and culturally unique

Australia's shape, size, and location also make it a continent, country, and also an island. The flora in Australia is truly amazing. These plants also make Australia a colourful and beautiful place. As mentioned in the above paragraph, Australian fauna is important to Australia.

Australian english

Australian English is the name given to the group of dialects spoken in Australia that form a major variety of the English language. General Australian English is the stereotypical variety of Australian English.

Example of ethics questions research paper

The social responsibility of organizations equally goes to the offering of equal employment opportunities for the locals in the community and ensuring that the industrial and organizational waste products are not released into the environment in a manner likely to cause pollution. DQ 2 The two organizations would differ β†’

Sustainability of the gorges project

The government of china is the sponsors of the building of an enormous dam that is intended to hold water that in the gores river. A thorough understanding of the economical benefits and the demerits of the project needs to be done so as to prevent a situation of confusion.

Building refurbishment and maintenance

The main bar and restaurant are a priority compared to the upper snooker and pool floor. It's also vital to create a reservoir for the buildings water on top of the snooker/pool floor. Another problem of building use is the generation of solid waste and wastewater in this time of fewer water β†’

Free research paper about delivering quick, cost-effective, sustainable building solutions in south england

The specific problems regarding the sustainable development of residential buildings and adherence to code will be discussed in the Literature Review section of this paper. The Passivhaus Project There are a variety of different projects that focus on sustainable development in Southern England, and the Passivhaus Trust is one of these projects. The Code β†’


The company's goal and vision is clear: " to provide solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market, including the software that allows the BlackBerry Smartphone to provide mobile access to email, applications, media and the Internet." (RIM website: Since the creation of Blackberry, it commands over 20% of the world's Smartphone sales, available in β†’

Microfinance, entrepreneurship and sustainability

In addition, the poorest of the poor including the sick, the mentally ill and the destitute cannot adequately handle microfinance projects which means that microfinance cannot be used as a means of alleviating poverty for this group of the population. The second school of thought on its part suggests that microfinance has a negative effect β†’

Research paper on scientific investigation and scientific inquiry

I learned the most by trying to make the experiment something I could handle give the time I had and the materials I had available to reach my goal. I enjoyed the lab a lot. And I understand why teachers need to teach students the scientific method.

Four challenges of sustainability

The concept of sustainability is the primary topic and goal in regards to the future of humans. The transition to sustainability requires more than education and critical problem solving skills.

Rei sustainability case

Their corporate mission emphasises this commitment: " At REI, we inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship" REI's stewardship priorities: * Encourage the active conservation of nature Inspire the responsible use and enjoyment of the outdoors * Enhance the natural world and our communities through responsible business practices * Foster β†’

Environmental protection and sustainability

With the recognition of the harmful effects of aviation on theenvironment, experts predict that " environmental factors will increasingly limit the expansion of air travel and the social benefit that it brings". Meridiana concurs that it is important to consider sustainability and environmental protection in aviation. Meridiana should utilise this mix and use it as β†’

Research paper on sustaining the biosphere essay

Secondary issues in this context is to make sure the productive coordination between the three groups such as national government, non-governmental organizations and scientists. Non-governmental organizations can also work as an intermediate hand between public and government. So, what is the role of scientist in this field.

Mechanics of basketball

Tino Estose WA #4 16 April 2013 Basketball (Mechanics of the game, College, and Professional)Social Media , Television, Basketball Video Games Factors about the medium| Factors about the message| Factors about the audience| -The most prominent characteristic of at least two of these particular mediums is the delivery of information. On television, β†’

“traffic congestion” and “the problems of urban life today”

Two article that are referred to In this paper from handbook include: Problems of arbitration In the CB - Traffic Congestion" and " The Problems of urban Life Today'. Consequently, the urban areas are growing in their sizes. The pace with which arbitration is taking place, it will urbanize 64% β†’

The witch by edilberto k. tiempo

Emerging into the stony bed of the creek, I saw Minggay's hut. The screen in the window waved in the faint light of the room and I thought I saw the witch peering behind it. I was about to run thinking it was the sigbin of the witch, but when I looked β†’

Ilm m3.01 solving problems and making decisions

In addition when asked about factors which significantly affect their quality of life sleep deprivation was one of the most significant factors right across the spectrum of need and demographic. There is a wealth of evidence to support the notion that sleep problems are far higher in the disabled population than in mainstream families β†’

The use of agent orange in the vietnam war research paper

The additional commonly used chemicals were Agent Blue and Agent White. In understanding the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War, it is important to comprehend how it came about. In April 1970, the US government limited use of Agent Orange in Vietnam and the US.

Media and the vietnam and iraq wars

As the link between those fighting the war and those at home watching and reading about the events of the war, the media played an important role in both cases. Relationship between the media and the military During the beginning of Vietnam there was no official policy ofcensorship. β†’

Mice in vietnam

First, I will start by giving you the definition of MICE to understand what MICE is; then I will analyze the potential of MICE for Vietnamese tourism, and I will finish the presentation by showing the potential of MICE for corporate entertainment.. If you have any question, feel free to ask! Well, you have heard β†’

ο»Ώhow significant was the vietnam war in stimulating the protest culture of the 1960’s?

Firstly, the Vietnam war was undoubtedly a very significant factor in the increased protests during the 60's. For example, the excessive bombing of North Vietnam lead in 1965 lead to many student protests, as so many civilians including women and children were being purposefully killed in order to ultimately, win the was β†’

Factors affecting women working in the kingdom of saudi arabia

While Saudi Arabia, as a large producer of oil, has a healthy economy, women currently play only a minor role in the work force, and of women available for work, nearly 30% are unemployed, although there are signs that women are starting to play are larger role in the economy. The study aims to examine β†’

American and north vietnamese perception of war

One was the type ofpatriotism, and the other was the consequences of choosing to not fight. The American soldiers were fighting with a different type of patriotism than the communist soldiers. The American soldiers left for Vietnam knowing that they have been the victors in all of the other wars and conflicts β†’

The political effects of the vietnam war on 1960’s pop culture

In fact, the Antiwar Movement as well as the protests had a large effect on the ending of the Vietnam war. In conjunction with the Antiwar Movement was the Civil Rights Movement. The clothes they wore and the music they listened to exemplifies the profound influence this had on the nation. The Civil Rights Movement β†’

A vietnam veteran opposes the war 1971

Relaying how the veterans feel after coming back from such a horrific war, the audience is sympathetic with those who return with such terriblememoriesthat they must bare for the rest of their lives. For John Kerry, it may be hard for him to describe such atrocities to his audience, and it may β†’

Flower festival in vietnam

On the occasion of this festival, there is a compelling chain of events that you can not take your eyes off. In preparation for the festival, the local people have to complete a lot of things. During the festival, tourists seems to be lost in an exciting world of colour and fragrance β†’

Place of buddhist education earliest and in present day in vietnam

The culture might makeup the identity of a nation. This culture is influenced by the education of the country and more importantly the higher education. Today, due to these missionaries and Buddhist schools, Buddhists are present in very corner of the world. Vietnamese Buddhist education leaders are very much β†’

The sociological reactions to the return of vietnam veterans

The Sociological Reactions to the Return of Vietnam Veterans Upon their return from theVietnam War, many veterans were shocked upon the reaction displayed by the citizens of the States who had remained on the home front. The experiences of Vietnam vets were simply viewed as a part of every-day life.

The communist victory in the vietnam war

This made the supply chains cheaper and more effective, creating a major factor that lead to the decisive victory of communist forces. Causality Tolerance A key factor that leads to the communist takeover of South Vietnam was the numbers of causalities that they were willing to accept. Kennedy β†’

Tactics in vietnam between 1956 and 1968

From the beginning of the war the Vietcong realised that in order to win they must win the " hearts and the minds" of the peasants. As well as these gestures of kindness towards the peasants, they would also educate them as to why they were so poor and, explain how much better communism would β†’

Vietnam research paper

As a result of growing French imperialism, it initiated the First Indochina War, and led to the U.S.involvement with Vietnam in a long and bloody war. Although the U.S.had reported that this battle was an important victory for the ARVN, two reporters at the scene reported that the battle was a decisive defeat for the β†’

Towards vietnam

This decision proved futile as it accorded the increase in the chances of success of NLF. As more and more news began to pour in, tension arose in Kennedy's government machinery and they escalated upon a plan of providing " Safe Hamlets" to the villagers developed by β†’

My hometown in the vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City is one of the biggest cities in the south of Vietnam, which provides people with a great number of various jobs; therefore, people from many different parts of the country keep on moving to this city, hoping to find out their ' paradise'. The second thing that makes Ho Chi Minh β†’

Research paper on operation rolling thunder: failure through mismanagement and implementation

One of the most spectacular failures of the Vietnam War was Operation Rolling Thunder, an operation whose mismanagement and faulty implementation provided American military and government officials important lessons for how not to wage war. Operation Rolling Thunder was the gradual and sustained air bombing of high value targets in and against North Vietnam. The β†’

16 year old drivers

You already have to take courses before you get your permit, and you have drive a year with a parent/guardian supervision before you can get your drivers licence. You also have to drive with a parent or guardian for a year before you can get your drivers licenses.

Drunk driver

A huge problem In the world today Is people drlnklng and driving.when someone Is under the Influence of alcohol they really do not know the right choices from the wrong ones. This is a good thing but we should try Life is all about choices and you need to make sure you β†’

7 speedy business tips from nascar driver dale earnhardt jr.

He gets his hands dirty. " I like to get involved in the day-to-day management aspects, putting the right individuals in the right places where they need to be to help my businesses grow," Earnhardt told Entrepreneur . You might know Earnhardt best as NASCAR's driver, but he's also the president of. It's important to β†’

Free research paper on hybrid cars

Here, we will consider some of the main distinctions of a hybrid vehicle over conventional IC engine vehicles. Supporting Greenhouse Effect Hybrid Electric Vehicles can largely reduce the significant use of energy in terms of fuel and oil emissions and hence can enhance the greenhouse effect relative to the use of Conventional vehicles but β†’

Renault nissan partnership

This eventually affects the general performance of the partnership as it divides and sets apart the two companies. The most probable set of recommendations that can be given to the Renault Nissan Partnership is for both sides to essentially take into account all the possible angles that will explain the problems that beset the other β†’

Second hand car market

Business description Mission The mission of Budget Cars will be to buy and sell a desirable mix of quality used cars, trucks, and vans, and to create a friendly atmosphere where Budget Cars will be known for being yourfamilyused car center. 3. But we also see few disadvantages β†’

The corporate rundown tesla motors

In an attempt to identify gaps and propose recommendations for future implementation an analysis of the principal forces of supply and demand on the industry / company is required. Tests Motors-? objective and Strategy Chant Nell Tests Motors eschews the traditional auto industry " dealership" model and bypasses dealers and reaches customers directly β†’

Carlos ghosn nissan ceo

As of 2004, Renault held 44%stake in Nissan and Nissan owned around 15%of Renault's shares.'Turnaround artist', as Carlos Ghosn was called was behind the industry's most remarkable turnaround at Nissan. After he became the CEO of Nissan in 1999, he had brought in many un-Japanese changes in the Japanese company and had β†’

Electric cars vs. traditional cars

The electric cars have advantages and demerits over traditional cars and vice versa. The rising intechnologyand the need to protect ourenvironmentis constantly supporting the individuals to buy electric cars as compared to the traditional cars. The Formation of Usage Intention of Electric Cars: A Comparative Study of Denmark, Belgium, and Italy.

Misogny in a street car named desire

The notion of women entering the workforce, she continued, threatened the ideals of true womanhood and masculinity. In other words the woman's foray into the man's sphere violated the separation of roles between men and women because the ' public sphere' was reserved for men. This is in keeping with the era β†’

Texting and driving should be banned

Suppose you are driving down the road and your phone alerts you that you have a text message coming in, when you grab for that phone you are a victim of visual, cognitive, and manual distraction. Before you text and drive again visualize a loved one in your life and ask yourself this question, is β†’

7 tips to keep business travel from driving you crazy

The return on investment in the business trip has to be there for more of this kind of travel in the future, so there is some pressure due to the expectations connected. Here are seven tips for traveling for business that can keep costs low and results high: 1. This means that your business can β†’

Texting while driving: overview

The term Text Message is defined as a noun, it is an electronic message sent over a cellular network from one cell phone to another by typing words, often in shortened form as " l8t" for " late" on the phones numeric or QWERTY keypad.Over the years text messaging to me has been taken out β†’

Research paper on factors affecting car prices

Our study will include only 2 main factors which are believed to influence price of the car the most its regular age and mileage. We realize that many other factors except age and mileage influence the price of the car, therefore, in order to reduce the variability in our measurements β†’

Imposing strict punishment for driving offences

The flow of conversation came to a halt as we turned our heads in unison towards the source of the noise. Besides that, a stricter punishment in the form of a heavier penalty will act as a deterrent to potential road offenders.

No texting while driving

This leads to a lack of visual focus on the road, one or both hands off the wheel and the mind thinking about the conversation on the phone instead of the surroundings of the vehicle: " For example, studies using a naturalistic methodology suggested that relative to interacted drivers, those drivers who text are 23 β†’

A street car named desire

Blanche is longing and wishing to start her life over in the town of Elysian Fields with her sister Stella. Blanche after the tragic death of her husband is in great search for a man who will fulfill her desire however, she seems to never get enough.

Enjoying your car and saving money

You can get higher quality oil and filters, which will help extend the life of your vehicle, and the longer you keep a vehicle the more money you save by not having to buy a new car. Also, while you are changing your own oil, you can check the other critical systems β†’

Street racing and li ping wong

There are several ways to prevent teenagers from being involved in illegal racing are parents need to play their role, organizing campaigns and talks, and creating legal racing area. II BODY A. Make teenagers realize the dangers of illegal racing. β†’