Genuine Research Paper Examples

Free decrease in forest area research paper sample

Greenhouse gasses have accumulated in the atmosphere resulting in a general rise in temperatures in the atmosphere; this is the basic description and explanation of climate change. The general gaseous exchange in the atmosphere is maintained between biota and the atmosphere. The trees reduce the harmful gasses in the atmosphere by absorbing and converting them β†’

New york and nebraska

New York on the other hand was dominant by the point of British and it was an important place in terms of the revolution for Independence. Comparisons between New York and Nebraska New York and Nebraska are both large states of America and have lot of importance to β†’

Economics of climate change released in 2007 insists

Reviewing several sources of alternative energy including alternative fuel for vehicles, solar energy, and geothermal energy and evaluating their impact on the public and viewing public opinion of alternative energy will help us have a better understanding of the concept of alternative energy and how we can benefit from using it. The β†’

Advance color photography

This is due to the fact that the shutter speed and exposure levels are the elements that gives better effects to pictures. Furthermore, to become a skilled photographer, one should be aware of the other equipment used. This means that in taking photographs, the composition of the shot includes balance between the β†’

Example of marketing good versus bad advertisements research paper

The qualities I liked were the simplicity of design, the practicality of the links and the eye-catching design. Simplicity. The simplicity of the design for the Sundance Film Festival is also very attractive.

Example of cancer research research paper

More significantly, the Society has been using photos as a way of educating the masses on the dangers of cancer, and providing information on the various measures that can be taken to prevent chances of infection. People should therefore take it as a precautionary measure and go for cancer checks. In the second photo, the β†’

The evolution of photography

To shed some light on this topic, the pros and cons of a 35 mm SLR over other film formats and image capturing systems have been detailed in this article. What is an SLR An SLR or Single Lens Reflex camera is one that has a ' reflex mirror' which allows the user to β†’

Alfred stieglitz research paper sample

He believed in the aesthetic value of the published work by the photographers. As a member of the New York Camera Club, he advocated information sharing, professionalization of the work and publications.

Photography research paper

Since 1990, I have always been interested in photography since the age of 10 and when I took up diving there was no question that I would be taking a camera in the water to bring back the amazing scenes and show people my discoveries. I live and work in the UK so it makes β†’

Unique photographers: their lives and their art

The print that he altered with his computer is one of his most famous prints which was created in 1976, and then resurrected in the year 2000 to modify he print by scanning it on to his computer and dding a shadow to the man walking on the desk. In the past twenty-five β†’

Research in sociology and pearson education essay sample

However, failure to familiarize with the ways of life, for example in a study of the Amish people, will result into problems, especially if the research is not an Amish. The Amish people, for example, are against active military service. This means that, if a research is to involve photography, the researcher may not β†’

10 ways how photoshop changed history of photography

When you think of the history of Photoshop and everything Photoshop did to change the game, it's pretty insane. In this article, I am going to cover some of the ways how Photoshop has changed digital photography forever.

The saatchi gallery

The gallery uses several methods to publish the creative work of the thousands of artists that utilise its services as a means of promoting themselves. In its online form, a wide variety of rooms exist in which artists may not only post samples of their work, but also interact with the other artists and with β†’

Don’t brush them aside: nebraska cities are building burgeoning startup communities

Today, it's the home of a startup collaborative. This Nebraska I saw is a world away from the place my grandfather finally arrived after Croatiandoctorbought him a one-way train ticket. In 2011, there was not a lot of venture capital investment in the Omaha-Lincoln statistical area.

Fedex: building a global distribution powerhouse

The question is: is it the most cost effective, and where does it lead them with the recession and FedEx being in a kind of Maturation stage. This could lead to a huge loss in market share and not to forget the union demands will increase every time the new contract is due.

Perfections beauty is beauty to perfection

Perfections Beauty's objectives are eloping our customers to build their confidence and bring the best to our customers. Hence, we have professional make-up artists teach and helps customers how to bring out their individuality and beauty by using our organic products. Therefore, we named it as Perfections Beauty. The meaning of β†’

American beauty – paper

Two people are independent; they each need something from the other, both parties blame the other or find fault with them for causing the problem, one or more of the parties is angry or emotionally upset, the parties' behaviors are affecting their relationship with each other and/or their relationships with others." In the movie β†’

How the building symbolized and facilitated the value systems of its users

Florence Phillips is the founder of the gallery and her reason for building this art gallery in Johannesburg was for her to bring modern art to the people of Johannesburg, she was able to do so through the help of her partner and advisor Hugh Lane, Marybeth McTeague. The stylistic manner of the building was β†’

Paper on the costs and benefits of building society

This assignment will examine the costs and benefits to the building societies as well as those to the members and staff. The Costs and Benefits to the Building Society Conversion to plc status is seen as having the major advantage that there would be freedom from the limitations imposed by the Building Societies Act β†’

Pearl & beauty brand

These insights ensured that the product that was developed was relevant to the market for which it is intended. The market research thus saved the company from a situation that was described by B2B international in which the an idea for the development of a new product occurs to or is presented to the chairman β†’

My best beauty pageant

As soon as the lights dimmed and the crowd settled in I knew I was going to be great. I composed myself, took a few deep breaths and waited for the song to begin. I remembered singing it to my parents at the dinner table the night before the pageant and them β†’

The concept of visit-ability in terms of disabled building access

The belief of the societal theoretical account of handicapped and elderly people have become the ideological hegemony of disablement policy devising and inclusive design practise in the 21 st century in the Earth. Inclusive design is borne out of and physiques on an earlier attacks to plan for chiefly disabled and aged people β†’

My beautiful place

But sometimes I think that I am the only person who likes this place and I am asking myself if this place will be as beautiful as I thought when I will go back to visit it again. The myth is that two enemy giants, Benandonner, who lived in Scotland, and Finn MacCool in Ireland.the β†’

The role of women in perfume and the assault

Therefore, since Truus seemed to represent a mother figure and Saskia is his image of Truus, the mother figure in this novel is linked with romantic interest. Due to all the events that had happened to Anton, the woman he encounters in the dark embodies his need for courageous, maternal and erotic love. β†’

Okc murrah building bombing

There has been speculation that the bombing of the federal building was to demonstrate the anti-government feelings over the 1993 government raid of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas. The bombing occurred exactly two years to the day after the compound burned to the ground killing 80 men, women, and children after a 51-day β†’

Free research paper on prostate cancer prevention and treatment

In prostate cancer, the goal of therapy is to normalize the urinogenital functions after performing other treatment procedures. Screening for prostate cancer: A review of evidence for the U.S.

The effect of vitamin d supplementation on breast cancer risk

The Mohr, Gorham and Alcaraz study argues that there is a direct benefit to the reduction of breast cancer by adding Vitamin D both before and after a cancer diagnosis. 2 Vitamin D and Breast Cancer supplementation in Women A wide array of professionals ranging across clinical applications, autoimmunity, cardiology, and cancer fields agree β†’

Treating cancer patients with the cyberknife

Introduction To evaluate the use of CyberKnife therapy in local cancer centres, an overview of the evidence needs to be obtained for the clinical and cost-effectiveness of such therapy in different types of cancer. Therefore, there is a lack of fairness and justice in the application of CyberKnife therapy in cancer centres in β†’

Can korean red ginseng increase the life span of cancer patients?

Besides that, Korean Ginseng Corporation has stated that Korean red ginseng contains anti-carcinogenic that aids in limiting or slowing down the spread of cancer cell growth. Hence, I feel that it is a sound claim that Korean red ginseng is able to deter cancer cell growth since Korean Ginseng Corporation has stated β†’

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women and is the second leading cause of death in women ages 35 to 54. This cancer begins in the lobules of the breast where the milk is produced, but it spreads to surrounding tissue or the rest of the body. This cancer β†’

Psychological and psychophysiological stress disorders

4) Trouble sleeping and increasedanxiety.2. What life events are most likely to trigger a stress disorder? The brain can actually be changed by traumatic events. Certainpersonalitycharacteristics make a person more prone to a psychological disorders.4.

Cervical Π‘ancer and screening

Knowledge of risk factors, early detection of symptoms and undergoing screening is the way forward for the prevention of advanced cervical cancer among Women who are sexually active. Papanicolaou smear and visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid wash are the screening options available with the latter β†’

Breast cancer signs guideline

Peeling, scaling or flaking of the nipple or breast skin, and Redding or pitting o f the skin over your breast. The most common breast cancers are breast cancer gene 1 and breast cancer gene 2.

Forms, symptoms and factors of breast cancer

Breast malignant neoplastic disease is a disease in which the tissues of the chest signifier malignant malignant neoplastic disease cells. It is common in both work forces and adult females ; male chest malignant neoplastic disease is rare although, it is considered a heterogenous disease differing by single, age group, and even the sorts β†’

Liver cancer or β€˜hepatocellular carcinoma’

The type of treatment utilized and the outcome of the disorder depend on several factors including staging and spread of the cancer and the generalhealthof the patient. If the disorder is detected and treated in the early stages, the outcome is usually better. Immunotherapy is still undergoing research for its effectiveness and β†’

Battle with skin cancer

I was in the last Semester of High School when I was diagnosed with stage 3 Skin Cancer. In the US skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer and malignant melanoma, which constitutes one of the most virulent forms of this disease. Chicago: Encyclop dia β†’

Corrution the cancer of indian society

The problem In our country is not the lack of knowledge or understanding about corrupt practices but the lack of courage to stand against such practices It Is very easy to target others including politicians but what about common man? We are ready to paymoneyin the form of bribe to get connections β†’

Excessive use of cell phone and its negative effect on teenagers health research papers examples

For instance, earaches, heat, headaches, irritation in the ears, and sensitivity are some of the health issues which have links to the prolonged usage of cell phones. Sleep Many teenagers are forced to sleep with their cell phones at a close range in case someone has to call them or text. Studies have shown β†’

Example of bone cancer research paper

The table below shows the frequency of occurrence of primary bone malignancies The table below shows the classification of primary bone cancers, peak age of diagnosis, and most common site distribution According to SEER pediatric monograph, bone cancer represents only 0. The mechanisms responsible for the growth β†’

The problem of skin cancer

Therefore, I have researched this cancer extensively. PREVIEW I. A PLAN TO PREVENT SKIN CANCER A.

The effects of tobbaco use

Most Physicians will agree that carbon monoxide poisoning does damage to the entire body and will encourage patients to quit. There are many program's available today for our youth and for people that are addicted to tobacco. There are prescription medications available today that will work with the receptors in your brain β†’

Lottery ticket’

Its concomitant mandate is as good as the universe itself has already firmly spoken on the matter. Both the short stories dwell on the central idea of lottery but the angles by which the scheme of it is scrutinized are in the opposite extremes. They were both thrilled with the prospect of being able to β†’

Magistrate power

Magistrate power to take cognizance of the offence After the stage of investigation is completed and the final report is forwarded by the police to competent magistrate, the second stage of fair trial begins that is taking of the cognizance of the offence by the magistrate. Cognizance of the offence: - β†’

Should black men around the world be placed

Only few Although at this time currently The International Union of Conservation of Nature does not have any human subsets listed on the endangered species list, the concept of the JINN is to protect species from potentially becoming extinct without gaining public notice. Many factors are reviewed when accessing the conservation β†’

Skull beneath the skin

It is part of the human condition to understand the world around us and from this desire stems an existentialanxietyand a fear of the arbitrary and inexplicable cruelty of fate. Life is fraught with moral ambiguities. Finally, Cordelia fails in her assigned task to prevent the murder of Clarissa and is indeed threatened herself with β†’

Prejudice in to kil a mocking bird

Also, Mrs Radley hardly ever " crossed the street for a mid-morning coffee break with her neighbours ", this is also deemed unfriendly and unforgivable by the people of Maycomb hence the isolated of the Radleys. A form of racial prejudice can be seen from the trial of Tom Robinson. That's what β†’

Sexual exploitation

Sexual Exploitation of Children As the use of Internet increases, questions are being brought up on how sex offenders, using the Internet, are committing crimes such as child sexual exploitation." Child sexual exploitation can involve the following: Possession, manufacture and distribution of child pornography; online enticement of children for sexual acts; child prostitution; child β†’

Pepper v hart

Since the amount paid by teachers covered only the extra cost rather than the school's fixed costs, the perk cost the school little or nothing, and so they maintained that they should not have to pay tax on its. Nonetheless the Inland Revenue disagreed and argued that according to tax law the β†’

Big brothers big sisters mentoring program research paper

According to the information, presented in the Annual Report , in terms of traditional mentoring program 96% of eligible Littles manage to graduate from high school; 98% of those, participating in the program for youth mothers, avoid a repeat pregnancy (whereas only 80% manage to do so in the national dimension); 98 % of β†’

The concept of justice

In the opinion of Socrates, greed consists of taking more than what is required to survive. He stresses the importance of prudence and temperance in the lives of a just person. Socrates believes that the virtue of justice is first and foremost beneficial to one's soul.

The port phillip prison

The prisoners trashed one of the sections of the prison in frustration to the treatment they are getting, the prisoners caused around $100, 000 of damage and nearly killed a guard. In addition to these deaths in custody there have been reports of at least one incident of self harm and/orsuicidesince the prison opened. The β†’

Jennings and armington

According to the text, the Fifth Amendment does not allow a person to be tried twice for the same crime. Since Jennings had a serious injury because of the intentional act committed by Armington, she should be able to receive compensation for her injuries.

Dont judge d buk by its covrr

It actually means that people cannot be judged by what they appear like to you at first, it is necessary to get to know them and " read" them before you can judge them It means not to judge people by the way they look or act. If you judge a book by it's cover β†’

Grievance procedure – delta digital

John Richards invoking the grievance procedure as regards to his unsuccessful bid to be given a senior position in the Marketing Department in the new structure at Delta Digital and his subsequent downgrade to Grade 6. Jones and the Manager of Marketing Operations should be interviewed both by representation of the aggrieved and the organisation β†’

Restorative justice

This program has many steps, and during the course of the process has the purpose to set things right between the criminal offender and the people affected by the crime that occurred. Restorative Justice Program conferences are usually facilitated by two members and attended by the offenders that committed the crime, all the people harmed β†’

Plato’s 4 virtues

By understanding the different classes of the city or parts of the soul, one will be able to appreciate how the virtues attribute to each one specifically. Book II of the Republic opens with Plato's two brothers, both who want to know which is the better life to live: the just or β†’

Youth justice education research paper examples

For the purpose of this research I will be focusing on the transitions from residential to mainstream schooling. Method My approach to this research is to inform and improve my practice within the transition process to meet the on going needs of my students. FGC allows the offender, the victim of the crime, their β†’

Differences between juvenile & adult justice system

Secondly, it depends on the type of crime or crimes that the juvenile has committed. Next, is the extent to which the juvenile will benefit from services through the juvenile court system versus the adult court system. Beginning with the juvenile's degree of criminal sophistication, whether the juvenile can be rehabilitated prior to the expiration β†’

Rules of evidence

An example of this would be the Supreme courts determination that a state rule requiring that a defendant wanting to testify In a criminal case must do so before the admission of any other defense testimony Is a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment due process clause. The due process clause protects β†’

Lecture notes: overview

Revenge Deterrence Get rid of them, get them of the streets Retribution Just desserts Justice, proportionate The punishment must fit the crime It must be proportionate Contravention of social order requires 'pay back' to society or volt Deterrence Threat of punishment will prevent future crime Hedonistic calculus If the pleasure out ways β†’

Leo xiii: rerum novarum

What did he want the working poor to understand? He wanted the working poor to understand that the lowest in society cannot be made equal with the highest and thatpovertyis no disgrace. To suffer and endure is human. The working poor are told not to injure the property or person of their employers and not β†’

The decree abolishing the feudal system, august 11, 1789

The president of the Assembly will be commissioned to ask of the king the recall of those sent to the galleys or exiled, simply for violations of the unting regulations, as well as for the release of those at present imprisoned for offenses of this kind, and the dismissal of such cases as are now β†’

Rodriguez v. attorney general of british columbia

Issues: The dispute between Sue Rodriguez and the Supreme Court of British Columbia Does sections 241 of the Criminal Code infringe or deny the rights and freedoms guaranteed by subsection 7, 12, and 15 of the Charter? The questions that need to be answered include, whether or not the appellant β†’

Othello and iago

In each generation people are trying to visualize the immortal theme of how manipulation and jealousy can change people's lives. For example, in the movie Othello Oliver Parker contradicts with the text and shows the audience his view and understanding of the literary text. In the movie Othello β†’

Characterization in the dentist

The setting takes place along the South China Sea, in which the men of the platoon are working in an area of operations called the Rocket Pocket. This story of Curt Lemon begins by telling of a visit by an Army dentist who was flown in to examine the men's teeth and perform minor repairs. β†’

How does iago convince othello to kill cassio and desdemona by the end of act three?

His complete certainty comes rather from the manipulative skill of his ensign Iago who uses three principal broad categories of tactics to convince Othello of Desdemona's culpability. Iago's first and favoured tactic at the beginning of Act Three, Scene Three (the pivotal scene in which he brainwashes Othello) is that β†’

Brutus as a tragic hero

He accuses himself for losing the love of his life, and this creates a sensation of pity. This is the turning point in the play where Brutus starts to believe that killing Caesar was not right. Although one could argue that Brutus is not the tragic hero, he best fits Aristotle's definition β†’

Character of iago in “othello”

Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about.

Tragic hero

Arthur did not ask to be king, he was still a child and did not feel he was worthy of such a position. Although technically Arthur was born to be king he did not possess the attributes to be one.

Characterization in β€˜house of spirits’ and β€˜perfume’

It uses its protagonist ' Clara' and ' Grenouille' as a medium of describing the people but in ' house of spirits' through the eyes of ' Alba' and ' Esteban' and in ' Perfume' through the narrator as he gives the reader two aspects both contrasting each other.' Perfume' a book with β†’

Why sherlock holmes is just as original as c. auguste dupin

The stories in question are " The Purloined Letter" and " Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Poe and " The Adventure of the Speckled Band" and " A Scandal in Bohemia" by Doyle. Dupin then gets the sailor to come to his house and gets him to admit that it was his animal that β†’

Brutus: the tragic hero

Brutus: The Tragic Hero " A tragic hero is a character who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice and depravity, but by some error or frailty." Brutus fits the definition of a tragic hero because of his lust for power, his tragic flaw, and his β†’


At the time the play was written, black people were treated poorly by white people and were referred to as " moors" as they were considered to be barbaric and brutal Just like the area of the moors in northern England. However, because he is black he is the subject of a lot of the β†’

Characterization of mr. jack stapleton in doyle’s hound of the baskervilles

Authors use the four methods of Characterization to develop and describe characters in their story by using the narration and the thoughts of other participants to show how the character looks, behaves, and sounds. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle utilizes Characterization to bring to life β†’

Bullying and true inner feelings

Verbal bully is known to be the most common type of is when you criticize someone because of their physical appearance.and physical bullying is a common everywhere you go whether it being at home or in genral public. Physical bullying can be influenced by a lot of things such as such β†’

Outlook on bullying- i have a dream

I have a dream that students have no fear in going to school because of peers. I have dream that people notice and lend a helping hand to a victim or a bully.

Example of research paper on aggression and attribution

The investigation will involve the use of children as specimen for the study of their characteristics and how they each showcase the cases of aggressive behavior. The experiment will involve the asking of questions and keen analysis of the answers that the children give in an aim to determine the aggressiveness they showcased.

Bullying: what can you do?

I want to give bullying victims a voice and bullies a shot at redemption. I want to give the average kid a leg up In the social hierarchy, and I want to turn the social hierarchy upside-down. I CAN love him, and do the best I can by him, and in so doing β†’

Bullying program

The reason behind this name change is that most of the areas around these schools that had the name park in them were populated by lower income people. When the city of Norfolk started rebuilding these neighborhoods with diverse incomes, the names of the schools were changed also to meet the rebuilding β†’

My ans to bullying

Not only does bullying harm both its intended victims and the perpetrators", say Limber and Nation, " it also may affect the climate of schools and, indirectly, the ability of all students to learn to the best of their abilities. Physical bullying declines with age, but indirect bullying increases. The risks of bullying to the β†’

Psychological trauma

Of course, the bullying would cause negative social views to the victims. They would not go out and socialize through any form because of the trauma anddepressionof being harassed online. The victims would oftentimes suffer to depression, trauma, misery, inferiority, rejection, distress, and a lot more of physical, emotional, mental, social main bullying β†’

Anti-bullying laws

To begin with, over the years the percentages of kids getting bullied are getting tremendously big. According to Winnie Hu kids think that there parents will laugh and teachers wont care that's the reason they will not speak up.everyday half a dozen of complaints said Dr. In conclusion, the anti-bullying law must β†’

Bullying and students

The students' answers should be posted in the classroom and then use websites such as to see just how many of the answers match the research. This website tells the educator what to do as well as the students. After the poems are read then the teacher should collect them and β†’

Factors of bullying

Key words: bullying, cartoon, factor analysis, parental physical abuse, risk factors The 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences April 10th, 2010 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University Beliefs Literature Lifestyle_002 1 1. Background and significance of problem Bullying behaviour in primary schools is well-known β†’

Bullying in nursing

The supervisor only spoke and behaved that way to nurses who were new to the charge nurse position. As it is a requirement for military nurses to act as charge nurse in order to getleadershipexperience, the supervisor liked to target the newer nurses because she could intimidate them. All workers have a β†’

Conceptual learning

Learners and educators will have the right of respect from others, the right to learn or to teach, and a right to feel safe and secure in their school environment. The study will provide the foundation for the special issue on bullying and peer victimization in School by highlighting some of the major findings that β†’

Bulling of teenagers in school

2 out of 5 teens feel that they are bullied because of the way that they look." Sanchez 2 Professional have asked students how do they feel and why do they think bullies bully others and that what they answer. If we were all to help out everyone that feels left out, we would see β†’

Victim by oliver smithfield

The main character Mickey is represented as valuing the outcasts of society. He is at an age where identity is important to find and seeking power to prove he can fit in. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society now days because people β†’

Effects of bullying

Bullying leads to the development of anxiety and other mental disorders because it plays on the mind and mentalhealthof the victim by downgrading them and making them believe that they are worthless. Bullying can affect a student to the point of dropping out of school altogether. They will feel like a lost cause because they β†’

Ways to combat workplace bullying

Furthermore, it is a feeling of being trapped in the situation and going defenseless. From an article that I studied about Industrial Companies, it says bullying occurs in a particular setting depending on the number of factors (some work-related, some more general or personal) such as gender, climate, rate ofpoverty, and the characteristics of the β†’


The best way to deal with bullies and bullying is to ask other people for help. After my mother found out about what was happening she talked to the bullies' parents and everything had ceased the next day. Another important part of dealing with a bully is remaining calm and not letting β†’

Research on case study 2 research papers example

Financial planning would help her to create a plan showing how to accomplish the goals and try to reduce unnecessary expenses, which could increase her income and have a lot to save and pay debt. She was supposed to understand her financial position by understanding her personal resources. However, the major challenges that individual face β†’

Why americans could benefit from universal health care research paper

Unfortunately, the United States in the only industrialized country in the developed world that does not provide Universal Healthcare to its citizens ; however, implementing a universal healthcare system could benefit Americans, in more ways than one. - Definition of a Universal Healthcare System Himmelstein and Woolhandler define a universal health care β†’

Research paper on benefits of strategic management in healthcare organizations

In dealing with a managed care organization, the following need to be understood and followed: - The physician of the patient must always work for the good of the patient and not intend or do any harm; - Patients interests and rights are prime to the doctor; - Patients need to be treated with respect, care and as β†’

Access to healthcare services research papers example

For this reason, it is important for the Government to set policies and standards regarding the appropriate access to healthcare services for all individuals of the society. Access to healthcare means that the person receives personal healthcare services in a timely manner and achieves the best health outcomes. There are three discrete steps to attaining β†’

Professional liability and malpractice research paper

The plaintiff must prove four facts to succeed in a malpractice claim; - There was a professional relationship between the plaintiff and the psychologist so that the psychologist owed a legal duty of care to the plaintiff - There was breach of the duty of care. This means that a standard of care exists and the β†’