Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research paper on ancient near east and ancient egypt

The grove on the head represents a wig while the hair strands are carved in a metal fell which are also present in the forehead. However, in order to bring out the actual meaning of the painting, the artist employed several elements of art in this painting. Precisely, curved lines are predominately used in this →

The business of art: painting the startup ecosystem

And though it could do a lot better, India sure is getting there. A great industry Internet has revived for the world is the art business. It takes away the regret of buying an expensive painting and regretting later and the place gets a new look every time you rent a new one. What's unique: →

My significant other

My favorite kinds of art are expressed through drawings and paintings. When I have a strange dream I will take the most particular thing about my dream and turn it into art.

Face painting

On the other hand, it is okay for a little girl to have a masculine face painting in society is understanding of that. Well, when we walked to the another activity I noticed people looking at my son and then me. As I was standing in the line I started thinking about what →

Leonardo da vinci and his artwork research paper examples

A good example of the artwork that may be defined by these colors is the painting on the Mona Lisa. The other characteristic that defined his work is the soft, gentle lighting that he applied to his paintings. The Mona Lisa painting represents the wife of a leader in the society.

Hanging (out) with the masters

It is as if he/she has failed a mission. In the essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin tells us that "[Mankind's] self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order". If there is →

Peter paul rubens

He was also sent to Spain where he had an opportunity to study the enormous collection of Titian masterworks in the Royal Collection in Madrid. Copying the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance especially and the recently unearthed sculptures of classical antiquity, Rubens sketched and painted and encompassed all that was best in →

Sample research paper on subversion

The technique finds use in open sources coding platforms where the programmers may allow access to a repository and restrict changes. Subversion also takes the form of alteration of meaning of a particular piece of art from the original meaning. Art and design; The secret of Mona Lisa's smile in Leonardo's painting.

The kiss klimt

The Kiss Gustav Klimt The Kiss is a work that was painted by the Austrian artist, Gustav Klimt, between the years 1907 and 1908. Their gilded clothing beams as it pulls the viewer deeper into the center of the painting, the very essence of work, the kiss itself. It quickly lets →

Dali art

The name of the painting is The Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach. Like the water coming to feed the dry spot on the sandy and desert like terrain. I really think it is interesting as you look at the eye of the dog it acts as a peephole and →

20th-century western painting

Kahlo's artworks such as he " Self-Portrait as a Tehuana " and " Henry Ford Hospital 1932" provide an insight of her life and her obsessions with child-bearing and her husband, Diego Rivera. Likewise, Francis Bacon's " Three Studies for the Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion" and his " →

Why abortion is immoral?

Or when a mother's life is at risk with the pregnancy, is it justified to save her life and leave that of the baby? Just for a start, check out the following myths versus reality about abortion. Myth: Abortion does not kill anyone Reality: The infant is human Whether the infant is a →

Abortion research paper examples

Many nations have legalized abortion for women to practice it hygienically. Abortion was a private and secretive issue but now is being discussed in public in most States, with pro-life activists and some religious groups opposed to the legalization of Abortion (World Health Organization, 2011). - Termination of pregnancy act Ending of pregnancy →


Now let's say this person in high school was not in the position to have afamily, but decided to have this baby because abortion Is " bad". It is more likely that this person Is going to fall as a parent because they do not have the knowledge or the life experience to →

Abortion and women rights

Abortion is not a choice that is taken lightly by women, women seek abortion as means of a last resort. Usually when abortion is chosen it is due to the fact that the supposed mother has concluded that the life of the fetus if bourn will not be adequate and it is →

Research paper on abortion

Because an unborn fetus is considered to have a human life, abortion should not be legalized. It is a definitely a crime to kill a living and breathing fetus even though the embryo may not take the form of a human structure. If the reason that causing abortion is merely a problem of foster, it →

Deviant behaviors in society

It is however unfortunate that some states recognizes the practice and even legalize and license the practice with the excuse that it is a source of revenue. Offenders of these laws are punishable in the traditional court or the mainstream court. Sociologists have therefore designed theories that help us to understand why →

Abortion is a form of murder

The reasons included are abortion is a form of murder, causes many psychological issues, other means of contraceptives are available, legal view against abortion, is very costly, and abortion can cause medical complications." Abortion is a form of murder and demeans the value of human life. When a mother is carrying a child, she does →

Legalizing or not legalizing abortion creates

Some countries have gone to an extent of entrenching abortion legally in their constitution which has raised resistance from the conservatives. They claim that the constitutional laws legalizing abortion and penalizing murder are contradicting when they imposedeath penaltyon individuals who are convicted of murder but at the same time it legalize abortion →

Research essay on being pro abortion

If we do not allow for abortions to continue to be legal that simply means we are allowing for unfit parents to have kids and by doing this we are failing our children. I was taught to eliminate a problem before it escalates or before it becomes too late. If we become →

Abortion research paper example

The mother would have to pass a series of tests to ensure that she is capable of withstanding the procedure and have the permission of her family to undertake the operation. Many of the reported abortion cases involve young teenage mothers who are not ready for the responsibilities set by their pregnancies and once it →

Abortion in american culture

There are many ways that societies thoughts have been altered with the assistance of the media, one action that evolved the entire country would be the Roe vs. Wade ruling. During the 1960's women received better medical services because of the higher social status they contained. Compared to women →

In the footsteps of troy research paper samples

Findings included arrowheads that dated to the 12 Century BC. Nevertheless, the factual nature of Troy remains controversial; there are those who believe that the city, as part of the greater frameworks of the literary depictions of it in Homer's writings, is as fictional as the characters appearing in it. I believe these are reflections →

Aphrodite and helen

In the Iliad, the Judgement is the episode that drives the whole since it is believed to be reason for war. To tell the truth, Helen seem to often be associated with her divine sister in Homer which leads the audience to believe that she may possess some of Aphrodite's talent for manipulation. The argument →

Celebration of durga puja festival

The puja is held for the three consecutive days: the Saptami, the Austami and the Navami; and on the fourth day, the Dashami, the image is immersed in the water ofa tank or a river. The frame, on which the said images are installed, contains also the image of Asura and the lion, →

Disguise as an art form

While it is true that Dionysus being the god of the mask is the model for Pentheus, who would like to use the mask to enjoy life to the fullest, Dionysus as the god of the play must exercise his absolute authority. After all, the teaching of virtues is theresponsibilityof god. It →

Myth of sisyphus

Paragraph 2: Transition Statement: Focusing on the ideas of faith and the genuinehappinessgained from acceptance of it, The Myth of Sisyphus explores it with connection to the story of Oedipus. In accepting their fate, Sisyphus and Oedipus have abandoned hope, and so their fate does not seem horrible to them. These events show →

Exploring the greek mythology through the ‘odyssey’

In fact, politics and religion are also explained in the light of the Greek and Roman mythologies. In this paper, it will explore on the Greek mythology through the myth on the ' Odyssey'. Finally, this paper will also present the different key points of the myth. The Odyssey is an epic of Homer about →

Laocoon and his sons

Laocoon and His Sons is a marble sculpture representing a scene that is a part of the tale of the siege and invasion of Troy. Whatever it is, I am afraid of Greeks, even when they bear gifts.' The scene depicted is the wrath of the gods in action. The →

Should richard m. nixon visit red china?

However, to fully examine the decision made, one would have to look at many of the background information surrounding the voyage. This includes; Nixon's popularity with America as well as theVietnam War, which at that time had yet to be resolved, America's relationship with the Soviet Union, America's relationship with Taiwan and the Republic of →

Analyse the role of cuba in the development of the cold war

The Bay of Pigs invasion was a complete fiasco that made the Americans aware of the increasing power of the island under the Castro Government. The USA had to adopt the Monroe Doctrine once again; this doctrine states that the US has the right to intervene in Latin America to protect the Independence →

Truman, zhdanov, and the origins of the cold war

To see the Soviet counter-arguments is a revelation, and in many ways a surprise. Zhdanov's argument in his " The Two Camp Policy" speech presents an entirely different view of the world, and of world history, and the assumptions in his account were certain to lead to →

Research paper on bay of pigs

The principal argument is that the failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs was a terrible embarrassment to the Kennedy administration, and it is of the belief that the failed Invasion ultimately led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Bay of Pigs invasion is one of the significant events that marked the Cuban revolution. The →

Truman doctrine

These events prompted the development of the Truman Doctrine - the US foreign policy to contain the spread of Communism. Truman's 1947 Address that introduced the doctrine to the world, his own personal thoughts, and the support and criticism of the policy will be examined. The limitation of the source is that the book was →

John lewis gaddis and the cold war research paper examples

Introduction The Anglo-Americans and the Russians seem to be moving to attain the same goal to hold in their hands the destinies and fate of half of the world. He claims that Reagan was a vital part of the collapse of the Soviet Union and eventual collapse of the Cold War (rhapsodyinbooks, Review →

The middle east amidst the cold war

By and by, the US was attempting to extend its ace Western base and contain the Soviets. In spite of the fact that the tenet appeared to be fitting from the US viewpoint, it showed little enthusiasm for the worries of the Arab nations. Be that as it may, these arrangements affirmed the US promise →

Free research paper on american foreign policy on the cold war and modern russia

Both became the leader of the West and the East as the world's superpowers in the Cold War, with one becoming the de-facto leader of the international community and the other becoming a silent entity in the European region. However, while both countries had accepted a temporary truce to settle the war in Germany; upon →

Development of the war research paper example

After the Soviet Union the desire of the west, to control the Eastern Europe it precipitated the World War 2 in order to maintain its superiority in this area, the basis of the cold war became apparent. In 1926, Russia responded by funding a workers' strike in Britain causing the ties between the two countries →

My favorite coat

My coat is described in the words below and in the end, my coat and I grow. Description The coat I own is very cozy. The coat that I own is in my mind, that keeps me warm all the time.

Edgar allan poe and momentary satisfaction revenge

Many people live their lives with thephilosophyof " an eye for an eye", but as Mahatma Gandhi said " An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." When you think of all the little things people do to " get back" at those who hurt them in some way, you →

George orwell

While the officers are marching the prisoner to the hanging site, the prisoner comes to a puddle and side steps it. Orwell and some other officers are following behind them and that's when he realize how healthy the prisoner is and disgusted he was of the decision to hang a healthy man. In →

Oscar wilde’s dorian gray

The concept of Hedonism in the Picture of Dorian Gray is evident throughout, and was the root for it's criticism. Lord Henry is responsible for placing these pleasure-seeking ideas in Dorian's mind, as Dorian became obsessed with Lord Henry. I consider that for any man ofcultureto accept the standard of his age →

Rebellion or reason in amy tan’s: two kinds

This in turn, allows her to enforce her boundaries. Jing-Mei's mother wanted the best for her; she had very high hopes for her. Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen,' Adult Sibling Rivalry - How It Starts- Fighting With Your Grown Brothers and Sisters", Time Magazine, July 10, 2006. This transgenerational feud was at →

Maxim gorky

From the age of 10 Gorky was virtually on his own, and he worked at a great variety of occupations, among them shopkeeper's errand boy, dishwasher on a Volga steamer, and apprentice to an icon maker. At a very tender age he saw a great deal of the brutal, seamy side of →

Anne bradstreet

However, In dealing with the deaths of her grandchildren, It Is her intense grief and overwhelming sense of loss that compel her to question, and at times challenge, the meaning of God's will, consciously knowing this is against the Puritan doctrine. The elegies reflect Breadbasket's effort in trying to balance her struggle to accept, understand, →

Olaudah equiano: a man of many customs

105 18 October 2012 Olaudah Equiano: A Man of Many Customs The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano describes the life of a native African who was kidnapped from his homeland in the Eboe Province (which is now the Nigerian town of Isseke) at age eleven and thrown into the horrors of the →

Oscar wilde the selfish giant

By contrasting the children and the giant, the reader is lead to have a negative perception of the giant and sympathize with the children: " After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle". "'What are you →

Comparing frederick douglass and sojourner truth

For many reasons we can see how they are atypical from there fellow slaves and how we should be thankful for our freedom and take advantage of opportunities just like they did. Sojourner Truth, one of the elite black females in women history is atypical of her slaves because her name alone is still being →

Two kinds paper amy tan

Despite her best intentions, Jing-Mei always fell short of her mother's expectations and one night, she made a pact to herself that she would never allow her mother to try to change her. After her mother saw a young Chinese girl play the piano on a television show she decided that Jing-Mei →

Jane austen’s emma

This shows Emma as a strong minded individual and does not believe in the way society is governed, to me as a reader, it seems that Emma is restrained and held back by society. When studying at the character of Emma in the period of Austen, the readers may approach Emma differently. Emma's thoughts of →

Behind the success of jane austen

Jane Austen was a literary phenomenon due to her interesting portrayals of families of various classes, her comical renditions of the mercenary of people in the 18th century, and her original and refreshing take on romance. Secondly, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice brought her success because her comical renditions of the mercenary and ignorance of →

Why did harper lee choose to use a mockingbird to represent a harmless creature?

When referring to a mockingbird, they talk about a harmless creature that would not be worth killing, but is a mockingbird actually harmless? Is it harmless compared to other creatures? To test this out, I have decided to compare it to a whole other bird species called Northern cardinals. Northern Mockingbirds are said to have →

Never defeated

The struggle between Santiago and the humongous fish goes on for what seems like a never ending three days. Santiago is not Just up against the fish; however, but also is in a constant battle tit hunger, exhaustion, and deep cuts on his hands. After Santiago reels In the big fish, he faces →

Hemmingway’s lady brett ashley

Brett desired to be a self-reliant woman who had complete control over her own life but others were required to meet her physical and emotional needs. Throughout the entire novel, Brett Ashley pushes people away when they get too close in order to insure her freedom and power. She indulges in her →

Tennessee williams and his greatest work “the glass menagerie”

Tennessee Williams is of the greatest playwright of the American theatre and also the most important writer in the world of the twentieth century. While, when Jim broke Laura's unicorn horn and announced that he was engaged, the option of her helping him overcome his shyness and doubt was also defeated.

George orwell webquest

The bookAnimal Farmreflects on events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 191 7 and then onto the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. 36% of the communist party membership was purged.10.

The prelude – william wordsworth

This guilty conscience can also be interpreted as a consequence of the sexual seduction of nature and the boat as suggested by the author's syntax and tone. The author's mentioning of the boat as " an elfin pinnace" and the description of how he " lustily...dipped [his] oars into the silent lake" →

We all fall down

We all fall down centres on the story of four teenagers who vandalise a house and the effects after the trashing that not only have on the victims but also the trashers themselves, thus Comier is successful in creating a successful novel. The reader is drawn into the world of the " We all fall →

Anwar sadat and margaret atwood

Practice Essay These two speeches through their enduring power of intellectual and artistic qualities connected and compelled their audiences to reassess and challenge the message within their speeches." Statement to the Knesset" by Anwar Sadat, using biblical references, forces audiences to see and envisage the wonders of his unified narrative for social, →

Fences, august wilson

I will examine how crucial it is that the actors portray their characters effectively, and I will offer commentary to assure just that. On the basis of these findings I will determine the function of this scene in the whole play and how the characters and ensuing events of play are necessarily →

To ban or not to ban?

It helps them realize war is unacceptable along with everything that comes with it. In addition, Vonnegut wanted someone to, " tell him the secret so he can take it back to Earth and save us all: How can a planet live at peace? ". Therefore, when young adults read Slaughterhouse-Five they →

Social criticism in william blakes chimney sweeper

Tom's dream creates a bit of hope in the reader that Tom might be able to be happy and consoled by this dream but this hope is dismissed at the end of the poem. Though Tom is warm and happy inside, the cold morning shows that in reality the angel's consolation is not →

Kate chopin and the awakening

Edna even openly admits that the fact that Leonce is Catholic and that that would irritate her father is one of the reasons she agreed to marry him. The caged bird is a clear symbol for Edna as she feels caged in her roles of wife and mother and in the expectations that the Creole →

Na’im akbar is acclaimed as one of the leading writers today

He talks about the curse of slavery and its impact on the society, a society that was built around the disgraces of racism and that only recognized the master and the slave, not the life within. The depiction of the brutalities and the inhumanity of the custom of slavery, in the very →

Walt whitman- humans and nature

Whitman believes in the idea that humans never really die." I celebrate myself, and sing myself," is one poem that he relates himself and humankind to nature. Whitman talks more on this life after death in " The spotted hawk swoops by." He says that when we die, we turn to the dirt, and he →

The prince by machiavelli

Leaving out ethical consideration of the actions our President has taken and must take in the future, this paper will explore the relationship between the teachings found in The Prince and the current situation in Iraq and attempt to answer the question of what advice Machiavelli would give to President Bush to ease his current →

Sylvia plath poetry notes

The euphoria of inspiration is ' rare, random' and brief. By the time Plath Wrote ' Finisterre' four years later, she had ceased to seek or discern enlightenment or any transcendent reality in nature and the universe: ' Our Lady of the Shipwrecked...does not hear what the sailor or the peasant is →

Philippine writers before the coming of spaniards

Writing is perhaps the most complex of the communication skills and takes the most time to master. Poor Decoding This refers to a message receiver's error in processing the message so that the meaning given to the received message is not what the source intended.

Machiavelli vs lao-tzu

Machiavelli wanted to influence the monarch by showing him that he can better keep his power by judiciously usingviolence, understanding and respecting his subjects private property and traditions, and by promoting materialistic prosperity. Machieavelli believed that a political life is not governed by a set of morals or a religious absolute. He believed a person's →

Western political thought: machiavelli

Nicollo Machiavelli is one of the political thinkers that have contributed immensely to the development of the political thought. One of the political thoughts that were different from that of the past thinkers was on the morality of power.

Comparing william blake and william wordsworth

In the first and in the second stanza he develops the idea of summer: in the first stanza he wants to compare the young man to a summer day, but he also says that the man is more beautiful and more lovely than a summer day; in fact, he knows, summer can be →

Mirrors of sylvia plath and claribel alegria

The mirror is a second self of the woman, the self that was born in the course of some immense suffering. The woman is not replaced by a mirror but she is swallowed by it.

Harrison bergeron by kurt vonnegut

In the short story, Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, He covers the arguments of the need to be equal, this made me angry because that meant people losing their uniqueness and strength of an individual as well as the diversity of a person, which is a negative effect on the society today. Explanation: George →

Ernest hemingway’s the old man and the sea

Some of the metaphors Hemingway uses as symbols to relate the story to real life are the similarities between the marlin and life, life and the sea, and the poor and the rich. The marlin was tempted with the hook like Adam and Eve were tempted with the fruit from the tree of the knowledge →

Fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury

His wife is named Mildred Montage she is somewhat of robot, all she ever does is stay at home and talk to her " family" which is just programs on the television. Mildred is unaware that she is depressed because she has no flavor to her life, she thinks in her mind she is refectory →

A clean, well-lighted place

He feels comfortable in the bar because it is calm, clean, well-lighted, and quiet unlike the other bars in the area. He stays here until the wee hours of the morning and it can be seen that he does not fit well into the society at the time because he is well →

Critique of what i’ve learned from men

Let me try this again- We are still too damn ladylike" , using a swear word to break the existing female stereotype. The sarcasms was emphasized in the introduction, where countless differences between the genders have been listed, such a light hearted start give a sense of acceptance of →

O’connor and chaotic life

The grandmother is the most animated member of the family and is constantly reminiscing about the past and lamenting about the current state of mankind. Her life is in constant contrast with the lives of the rest of her family; her aloof son Bailey and especially, the →

Works of langston hughes

In his poem, Hughes personifies the American as either being black or white but have the same interests. Using the character of the instructor as his personification of the white people, the author is able to show that indeed blacks and whites share something in particular, they are both Americans. The line, As I learn →

The sensation of longing in ernest hemingway’s a moveable feast

His writings and his life was widely known because of the pain that he had experienced through his experiences in the World War, his alcoholism, three divorces, mental illness, self-destructive nature and finally hissuicide. However, more than all of these pains that were →

Commentary on robert frost’s ‘out out’

Another theme to the poem could be that ofchild labourin rural areas, and although the poem is set in Vermont, this is a universal theme, as child labour is known to exist all over the world. The first line of the poem, 'The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard' does many things for →

Mount plesant

The way the story is written makes you think of your ownchildhoodwhere ghosts and the darkness were the scariest things in the whole wide world. It is seen a couple of times in the story, at first it is kind of confusing, but the second time you read the story the meaning of it gets →

Elizabeth i versus the stuart monarchs

Elizabeth I versus the Stuart Monarchs Kayla Christie 3rd Block The difference between Elizabeth I and the Stuart monarchs defines the way they ruled and their actions. Elizabeth I was intelligent, and would work to keep her reign.

Representation of future in aldous huxley’s brave new world

The director states, " Offer them the flowers and the books again.' The nurses obeyed; but at the approach of the roses, at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-a-doodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep, the infants shrank away in horror; the volume of their howling suddenly increased". By raising the children →

The role of the writer in society

On the other hand, literature can be dangerous and also a source of controversy. The aim of this essay is to explore some of the key writers that portray this. References for Assignment 1 - Formative assignment: discuss the role of the writer in society, with reference to specific examples.* BBC..

Machiavelli and odysseus

Through Machiavelli's theory, on could also argue that because of the structure of Odysseus' kingdom in Ithaca, it resulted to the noble men in Achaea to take advantage of his absence, thus resulting to the exploitation of his land. The disobedience of Odysseus' crew members to his orders resulting to their death, →

Scramble for africa dbq

In order to better analyze this issue, it would be helpful to have a document that is a response from African merchants that detailed the possible e economic consequences of European Colonization. Many Africans saw that that their fate had been made as soon as the European powers marched in and began occupying →

Aids funding for africa and other countries

Almost all its countries are weighed down by the disease; and they have no resources to fund research on, and treatment of, the disease. Main Body The African Situation Africa is the region most badly hit by the AIDS phenomenon. 1%, repectively.(Kanabus & Fredriksson-Bass, →

Rift valley fever research paper

Out of the 684 cases described, only 234 cases were confirmed in the Laboratory while the rest of the cases were not confirmed (Rift Valley Fever Outbreak, 2007). On the other hand, a sum of 264 cases of RFV was reported in Tanzania between 13 January and May 3, 2007. →

Research essay examples

It is to imply that the objectives of the research would then be outlined and stipulated in this part or aspect. The objective of the research would then be centered and focused around this part where the research would decipher the possible reasons as to why, there is marginalization.

Imperialism in africa and india

David Livingstone traveled with group of Africans into deep Africa to promote Christianity Several years past and people thought he was dead Henry Stanley went to find him and succeeded Stanley wanted to trace course of Congo River In 1879 and 1882 Stanley signed treaties with local chiefs of the Congo River Valley Gave King →

American involvement in n. africa during world war ii (revised)

They wanted the Americans to clear the axis force in the Mediterranean shores of North America and open up that great inland sea for the allied convoys to move in. This culminated into a deadlock that made Brooke to consider switching the America army's emphasis from European theatre of operations to the →

Three west african kingdoms

One of the most commonly used and oldest trade routes in the world is the Trans Sahara route which crosses the Sahara desert and leads to the West African coast. As a result to the location of this trade route all three empires were located south of the desert to be the →

Essentialism: gender role

Thus men and women are subject to gender role that is their define occupation, behaviour and role in the society. Non essentialism is that difference in men and women behaviour and role is culturally and socially constructed. The article " Scrap that single woman stereotype" , illustrate the essentialist view of →

Good example of feminism in the woman upstairs by claire messud research paper

The novelist Claire Messud promoted The Woman Upstairs, in which the protagonist is a woman of 42 years who rebels against the role of a nice girl which society has given her. It is a book that humor dictates whether you like it or not and, like the sons of the emperor, create followers →

Theme of feminism in the women who walked into doors

She also stated that he had a criminal record as if it were a good thing and rather attractive. As the novel progresses a lot of feminist theories are presented such as the audacity is young women in the 90's and even in current times. One of the most important being the reliance →