Genuine Research Paper Examples

Survey of mathematical methods

In many ways, the results that are shown on the product could be exaggerated in order to get buyers to buy the product. It can be asked in order to manipulate the overall results.

My math difficulties began with pre-algebra and fractions

And worse, it went on until the end of the semester. My young freshman mind found it tough to adapt to such a demanding subject. It recommends that the primary pace is to identify that math anxiety is an emotional response.

Welfare and charity research paper example

In the wider spectrum of welfare, the issue of social responsibility is being raised such as the extent of care given to the less fortunate and up to what level is it ethical enough to give and when is it become a subject of self-defeating behavior. On the ethical issue →

Love and happiness

Happinessis an agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended with enjoyment. To love and be loved is the beauty of life; many people yearn for peace, love and happiness myself included. Happiness →

The short happy life of francis macomber

There was no man smell carried toward him and he watched the object, moving his great head a little from side to side. Then watching the object, not afraid, but hesitating before going down the bank to drink with such a thing opposite him, he saw a man figure detach itself from →

Incivility at workplace: how it affects happiness

Workplace norms are the norms of the community of which one is a part while at work, consisting of basic moral standards and others that have arisen out of the tradition of that community including those prescribed by formal and informal organizational policies, rules and procedures. As a key issue, incivility is →

The prevalent theories on the fortunate times of happiness in our lives

If she took a step back and saw how fortunate she was to be in Hawaii, she might have been happier. A prevalent theory that pertains to happiness would be the idea that a partner is needed in the equation of happiness. Philosophers such as Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas believe that it is only at →

The person whom i like most

I was able to succeed a lot ofgoalsin my life. My aim is to be such kind of a person in this society.

Happiness and christmas

Christmas is an opportunity for people of all ages to stop and think about the priorities in your life, about the people that matter most. This is why Christmas can be a painful time for some people because they see other people'shappinessat a time of badmemoriesand loss. It's a perfect time to →

Buying happiness: the depressing reality of materialism, written by peter dobson

His article is not specific to any one group of people but actually to everyone who is a consumer. Dodson is very persuasive in his argument and he is successful at dong so because of his supporting evidence. Dodson is persuasive because he takes a sensitive topic such as family and he breaks it down →

Comparing the ways

However, in both poems the physical and mental costs are all intertwined, and although they describe very different situations, in many ways the poems are alike in their portrayal of the consequences of war overall. The first ways in which we can compare these poems is by their content, language and tone. →

The happy prince

The book delves into a fairy tale of a swallow and a prince, it poetically talks of the time when the prince was alive and how he was such a joyful person. The people of the kingdom bestowed upon the prince the nickname 'The Happy Prince.' When the prince died the town councillors chose to →

The path to happiness and success

Moreover, my family members will give me advice if I want it, but they will not judge me or make me ashamed of my behavior. When I was a kid, I always see my parents working so hard to get what they want and that they could be able to provide for →

The decline of the west

In the short story " The Decline of the West", the narrator Mike lives with his family in the outskirts of London. The narrator in the short story is a first person narrator with a limited point of view to the father.

Family and happiness

Answer: I do not think so because what brings you happiness is from deep down inside and what comes from your soul. Question: Do you find happiness in the little things? I think happiness is the best thing that you can accomplished out of life.

The price of happiness

So does happiness have a price? it does, the price is the choices we make in our lives, the choice to travel the road of success of failure. Happiness cannot be bought with money, as cliche as it sounds it is absolutely true. Although the price of success may be rather difficult →

What is happiness research paper samples

After conducting its examination of happiness in different cultures, the article goes on to conclude that happiness is defined by those in western cultures more in terms of individual and internal concepts, whereas the people in the eastern world tend to define happiness more in the relational context. Happiness in the United States " The →

Their eyes were watching god research paper examples

Tea Cake had given her the true love that she was searching and longed for. All that mattered to her was self fulfillment and love and Janie found it in the many she ever loved Tea Cake. Works Cited Hurston, Zora, Neale.

Example of research paper on frequent interaction with pets improves mood and leads to better health

The aims of this study are to find out the correlation between pet ownership and health, the correlation between happiness and general health, and the correlation between being around pets and happiness. The research questions for this study will be what is the relationship between pet ownership and owner's health, →

The types and meanings of happiness

Some spend their whole life searching for happiness and others simply find it. " Happiness is a strong meaningful word that contains between it letters a lot of human's way of life, disappointments and rejoicing. " Webster ' →

Poetry and happiness

In the first two lines of the poem, " Happiness is a crystal/ fair and exquisite and clear" the feeling and emotion that the poet gives the reader, is peaceful and tranquil. And to not just look at happiness, but in all the elements of life.

Example of meaning of life research paper

There are many different ideas and philosophies of life that we know from ancient philosophers, and it is always interesting to consider them in today's modern circumstances, as I believe. Personally I have already thought about the reasons why I live my life the way I do and what is the purpose of my living, →

Money doesn’t bring happiness

Happiness is gained when u have fun in ur life withfamilyand friends. That in my opinion I can do without money. Happiness is a feeling the things that make me happy areswimmingplaying having fun all money can do is make a person live a life in a hard way without fun.nowadays rich →

Anney as a mother: a role dismally played

In this story, it is seen that the pursuit of happiness sometimes may result in the pain of other individuals: particularly the protagonist's pain which is indirectly inflicted by her own mother. The story is told by a girl named Bone , and she tells the →

Artificial intelligence

As such, David is an experimental model, since no other mecha had been built quite like him, and Cybertronics selected one of their employees, Henry Swinton from a list of candidates of possible parents-to-be to take in David and to treat him as his own son. Henry decides to take →

Example of research paper on artificial intelligence

Though, the topic has been in the minds of philosophers and mathematicians for centuries, the actual revolution in this field took place only in the 20th century. EVOLUTION: 1940-1956: It was a primitive stage of robotics. This was a great achievement in the field of AI.

Elon musk: artificial intelligence is humanity’s ‘biggest existential threat’

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made his deep reservations aboutartificial intelligenceabundently clear: In June, , he told CNBC " nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, but you have to be careful," and in August he that AI's applications could be " potentially more dangerous than nukes" via a tweet. Speaking at →

Is artificial intelligence better than human intelligence

And we believe that human intelligence is better than artificial intelligence because we created them and humans control the AI machines. Without the human intelligence or human knowledge their is no artificial intelligence.

Knowledge based systems

A system which is built around a knowledge base.i.e.a collection of knowledge, taken from a human, and stored in such a way that the system can reason with it. Knowledge may be: * specific or general * exact or fuzzy * procedural or declarative What is an expert system? * A particular kind of knowledge-based →

Discipline in high school and elementary education

A Functional Behavioral Assessment should be included within the special need students Individualized Education Plan at the beginning of each school year so that the general education teachers is aware of the students behavioral problems and is able to handle them before the student get out of hand and the other →

Liberal education research paper sample

Liberal education consists of education that is conducted in a spirit of free inquiry devoid of concern for a particular topic or vacation. In the past, I have been able to expand my point of view from a certain specialty to one that encompasses and appreciates different points of view owing to the liberal →

Research paper on liberalism and marxism view of ideal societies

According to Locke, the state is only functional if it had the will of the citizens behind it and that a social contract between the state and the citizens exists. He explains that these rights should be regardless of the other members of the society and independent of the society. According to the opening scenes →

Discipline in the public school

The only school resource which Justin even arguably involved in creating the web parody was a photograph available to the public on the school's website which the student cut and pasted into his website. School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders.

Osha and nfpa compliance research paper examples

In addition, it is the duty of all the employees to comply with OSHA Act General Duty clause that requires every employee in any department to keep the workplace free from the serious recognized hazards. On the other hand, NFPA 472 standard identify the minimum competence levels that are required →

Example of research paper on punishment/discipline during early childhood

- Thesis Statement: Punishment and discipline are very important during early childhood since it determines the future development and growth of a child. - Reasons for punishment/discipline during early childhood - Counterarguments on punishments/discipline during early childhood - Conclusion Introduction Arguably, early childhood is one of the critical stages in the growth and development →

Cognitive psychology research paper

The development of modern fields of cognitive psychology is marked by four major milestones: the shortcomings of the behaviorism psychology, the capacity to account for the shortfalls using abstract constructs, the possibilities of linking the abstract constructs with perceived mechanisms through what is known as artificial intelligence and neurobiology, →

Discipline and corporal punishment

Adults should understand the significance of recognizing corrective discipline instead of outright imposition of corporal punishment in disciplining children. Because children's ability to control their own behaviour is limited, corrective discipline is an important characteristic of adequate parenting for the reason that it generates the best preventive steps, which is reducing the →

Good theoretical and ethical basis for practice research paper example

This case is operating on the basis of certain women being held in regard of the physical and psychological requirements with the inclusion of desires as well as labor procedure expectations. Defining the Phenomenon of interest of the nurse as a patient advocate in labor and delivery The Phenomenon →

Self-discipline for the entrepreneur

" Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do, what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not".- Kop Kopmeyer The number one reason we procrastinate, or put things off, or skip them altogether can be summed up in five little words - " I do not →

Lack of proper discipline

This fear has led parents to allow children to control them, children who grow believing they can get away with breaking laws as they did parental rules, and a society of people filled with disrespectful people. In past generations, parents disciplined children when they misbehaved, thus teaching the children to follow the parent's rules and →

Nursing around the world research paper

The performance of the nursing staff dictates the quality of care for hospital patients. It also discusses the current issues in the Australian nursing and health care.

Free sanctions applied to sex offenders in united states research paper sample

However, it was clear that most of this regulations and laws were subject to the jurisdiction and the type of crime committed. The laws and regulations controlling the sex offenders in the society are good, but the issue of compliance has been a major point of concern. The coming of this act is a clear →

Good example of research paper on the historical schools in the united states between the 1800s and 1900s

The result of the establishment of schools in the early 1900s saw significant changes in an education system that was made available and accessible to the children across the nation. In late 1800 when it was now approaching the 19th century, it is notable that the number of public schools was mushrooming, and several nations →

Regulation search research paper example

The legal name of a dentist in California. According to the California dentist board, any person who is will to practice this kind of a profession in California must be registered and obtain a licence. The dentists are in a position to offer quality services and be able to comply with the California code of →

Employee misconduct and discipline

The decision of an employer whether to discipline an employee and the type of discipline that is appropriate for specific offenses committed by the employees are some of the inevitable issues that employers must face. The inability to adhere to the principles will be understood as the unwillingness to work under →

Unity, faith and discipline

Quaid-e-Azam once said, " The success of our achievement will depend upon our Unity, Faith, and Discipline." In this short sentence, Quaid-e-Azam has given us the guideline to make Pakistan a success. In many of Quaid-e-Azam's speeches, he has stressed unity and advised to be united in our work for the country.

Good research paper on quality water regulation

The paper seeks to compare the quality water regulations in Qatar and the UN water regulation, as well as quality water regulations in Canada. The government of Qatar came up with strategies, strict rules and guidance pertaining to the usage of water. The MAPROL established a regulation forestalling the releasing →

Should parents physically discipline their children

The history of the Bible says, " Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him". The Hebrew word for " foolishness" does not speak of " playful mischief." It speaks of " an inability to discern what is good." Children (with their limited →

Research paper on african culture vs american culture in regards to discipline

The following discussion will focus on the differences between the approach of discipline observed in the African and the American cultures. The main aim of disciplining the child is to instill the morals which according to the society are right The African form of disciplining differs from that →

Free research paper on information science

Information science is that branch of science concerned with the storage and reclamation of information with the aim that it can be useful at a time in the future. Some of them would be exposited below. the American heritage science dictionary defines information science as " the scientific study of classification, storage, and retrieval →

Focault- discipline and punish

Finally, in the closing sections of the book we reach the heart of the book where we see the introduction of the first prison- highly influenced by the panoptic, and the penultimate stage which Foucault dates February 22, 1840. In the section of the book titled " Body of the condemned", we see how torture →

Progressive discipline

For the achievement and success of Progressive discipline in the organization is the development of character, behavior and attitude. It includes the sense of duty, willpower, loyalty, responsibility, perseverance and positive attitudes. In responsibility the fulfillment of obligations to the society that surround the organization.

Flags of our fathers & letters of iwo jima

There were only three survivors out of the six that raised the flag, so they were shipped back to the United States. When they got back they travel the United Stated shaking people's hands and telling them about the photo in order to raisemoneyfor the war. Although two of the soldiers struggled →

Belonging: romulus my father and becoming jane related text

The fragility and labyrinthine nature of belonging is explored in Raimond Gaita's Romulus, My Father through the contrasting characters of the narrator and his titular father in their experiences to assimilate to Australiancultureand society. Contrasting, Julian Jarrold's biographical drama ' Becoming Jane' illustrates the influences of society on the development of an →

Godfather death

On the other hand the antagonist is the physician's godfather, Death. Death does not choose to let the king live, but the physician takes a chance and heals the king. The conflict between death and the physician is Human vs.

Good example of research paper on name

The aim of this essay is, to compare three such short stories, " The Story of an hour", " The Chrysanthemums", and " A rose for Emily", and explore how the quest, of the three female protagonists of these stories, to escape isolation and lead a more fulfilling life, is impeded by the established institutions →

Good research paper on all goodness come from god

This is the duty of every individual to believe in the goodness of the god and show veneration to the god for the same. This paper intends to discuss goodness of god and several other related aspects of the goodness of god along with discussing some literary works that corroborate that all goodness comes from →

Good example of conflicts in a rose for emily by william faulkner research paper

In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily, the principle conflicts in the story are; man, man vs.himself, in addition to the past versus the present, and man vs.the society conflicts. A Rose For Emily portrays two important conflicts, which are encountered by the reader. Emily's life was a life of misery because of how →

Founding fathers of united states

Together, their opinions and ideals helped shape the growth of our nation from domestic policy to the basis of the government's operation. George Washington was the first president of the United States of America as well as one of its founding fathers. He was the most influential person because he created a strong judicial branch, →

Why does hamlet delay avenging his father’s death?

Firstly Hamlet need to make sure that the ghost is a good spirit or a dad spirit and his story is good and to carry that it is a good reason to pose and delay his action of revenge. Hamlet has a doubt his perceptions of the ghost and its →

The relationships between the father and the son

Anil is very uncomfortable and scared with his father, we know this because in the story it says " his father was a burly man, a bully to hisfamily" this explains that the relationship between the father and the son is unsual and unsafe.the word " Bully" is used to show negativity and the harmful →

Day the earth stood still

Everything became an argument and it seemed like Becky and I had gone from being perfectly compatible, to mixing like oil and water. It's sad to say, but I must have been blinded by all of the " I love you" and " you are the only one I ever want to be with" comments →

Global warming research papers examples

Since the pretence that nothing wrong will actually happen keeps increasing on a daily basis rather than decrease to an all-time low, it is apparent that the world will face the consequences of global warming day in and day out without any repercussions just like people did not pay attention to the harm they were →

The day the earth stood still – 1951 vs 2008

These changes have had a huge impact on society, the way we view our lives, and the prospects of the future." The Day the Earth Stood Still" compares two versions of the same movie made 57 years apart: the original was produced in 1951, and the remake was made in 2008. The alien in this →

Apes chapter 3 questions

The lithosphere is the crust and upper mantle of the earth's soil. The biosphere includes most of the hydrosphere, parts of the lower atmosphere and upper lithosphere.

Restricted earth fault protection

On solidly earthed star windings, we will show that fault coverage is possible from the first turn above the star point, provided the REF element connects to a CT in the transformer neutral. This high winding coverage is possible because the relay operates on the high fault current in the neutral conductor →

Decision-making with a strategic emphasis: earth baby, inc.

10 per jar of baby food and would provide GDI a limited right to advertise the product as manufactured for Great Deal by EBI. Initial calculations determined that the direct materials, direct labor, and other variable costs needed for the GDI order would be about $2 per unit as compared to the full cost of →

Why winter is better than summer

The winter season has the most spirit, is the most comfortable, and is the safesthealthwise. In the winter we never have to face any of these problem, instead one can enjoy the hot chocolate once again by the fireplace with their family members and friends. The winter season is the most enjoyable →

The day the earth stood still

In most respects, Klaatu is the epitome of this fear, and the characters of the film react to the alien with fright, due to our perceptions of the unfamiliar. The scene where Klaatu is shot because the soldier does not know what the unknown device in his hand was is an example of fear in →

In the earth, the earth thou shalt be laid and answer the following questions

The first voice returns in the last two stanzas insisting that death brings complete annihilation and observes that the first speaker will be mourned by only one faithful individual. In the very first stanza, the first voice presents the second with the image of his grave: the laying of his body, the tombstone and the →

Earth layers research paper

The inner portion is the core, in the middle is the mantle, and the outside is the crust. Over the course of this paper, the composition and formation of these layers will be described more specifically. The iron located within the inner core is solid, despite the high temperature; this is because of the mighty →

Telescopes and their importance in astronomy research paper examples

His telescope also made a conclusion that the earth is far smaller compared to the universe which is very large than had been imagined and confirmed the Copernican theory that the sun is the centre of the universe and not the earth. With time technology has greatly led to change and modification of telescope designs, →

Example of research paper on why was the launching of sputnik important how did it affect the united states

The Soviet Union milestone launches of the artificial satellite lead to new advancements in science, technology, political as well as the military and consequently intensifying the US-USSR cold war. The first sputnik arrival on the earth's orbit was received by surprise in the US knowing it would give the Soviet Union superiority over the space →

Astronomy: from the earth to the end of the universe

Imagine a blind goldfish born and raised in a tiny fishbowl. For that goldfish, the universe is the gallon of water, the glass boundary, and the sand and ornaments sitting at the bottom. While it is apparent to us the universe is much larger than that, for →

Hong kong’s relationship to china research paper example

It was the plan of the Chinese government that the OCTS principle will cause the transfer of the administration of the Hong Kong to the people of Hong Kong. The OCTS has two primary objectives and they are: 1).to encourage the people of Hong Kong to inform the Chinese government →

Free research paper on soccer

Introduction - Soccer is the most popular form of sport in the world today and one of the most lucrative in the sporting fraternity. - Soccer has major health benefits for those who take part in the sport and has a number of rules that govern the playing of the sport. - Soccer has an interesting →

E-bay in asia

This became a precursor for eBay, an online auction giant in the United States, to join in the Chinese bandwagon and seek out to penetrate the Chinese market and get a hold of growing opportunities.eBay actually has a lot of things to back up the company decision in 2002. Retrieved April 12, 2007, from →

Hong kong style

In the second stage, we took the company's sourcing-agent strategy one step further and became a manager and deliverer of manufacturing programs. In the old model, the customer would say, " This is the item I want. We are starting down in South Africa and moving up to some of the equatorial →

Poverty, what makes people poor

The rich, the middle class, and the poor; are described by the way we live and the amount ofmoneyone has. There is relative poverty that can be measured to the rest of the population.

Three gorges dam: its background and relevance

Outgoing Premier Li Peng said the Three Gorges Dam would "demonstrate to the world that the Chinese people have the ability to build the biggest and most beneficial irrigation and hydro-electric project in the world". The Three Gorges refers to a 120-mile stretch of limestone cliffs along the upper reaches of the Yangzi River where →

Contrasting rich and poor in hong kong

The reason why I thought in this way is because that's what I see every day in the streets and my feelings. In Hong Kong, poor people are living in a confined space. At night the poor housing area is overwhelmed by darkness, but I know there are people living on the side of road →

Discuss how difficult would it be for hong kong to develop

The use of befoul Is not desirable, since It Is not commonly use. It would be difficult for the government to promote because not aspects.

Why a college education is important to me

The realization has swiftly set in that my choice to work right out of High School instead of pursuing a college education had just found its way of biting me in the back side. What I am now realizing is that by getting a college education, it will help to open so →

To what extent does sex education exert impact on teenagers in hong kong

Although a married couple is not wish to getting pregnancy, a normal sexual activity is still enjoyable for both of them. In the old Chinese society, most of the people were start to having the sexual activity after they were married because there may not know what sexual intercourse is as there are lack of →

Is it education – education in hong kong

The teachers there accompany the same group of students for a long time owing to the 9-year compulsory educational system. Hong Kong government has spent many resources on education, though, there are still a multitude of problems that the government has to solve.

Pakistan china relation development

The area in which the two nations reside has undergone numerous Geo-strategic changes namely Sino-Indo relations, the collapse of Soviet Union, 9/11 with Pakistan becoming front line state in the war against terror and so on. In context to all these developments, China and Pakistan find themselves on the same page , →

Year 7 history research task- ancient civilisations

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world today. Over 3000 people worked on the wall during the time of the Qin Dynasty.

Culture that makes me nervous the mosuo culture research paper examples

The Mosuo is an ethnic group in rural china residing around to the Lugu Lake near the border of China and Tibet. As was highlighted in the documentary, the Mosuo people are famous for what many authors refer to as the " walking marriages". For instance, I came to the →

Porter’s diamond model for china

Government investment in advance factors has also provided the industry with many educated workers, as result benefitting the assembly industry as a whole. If the domestic demand rises this will overall put the pressure on the assembly industry to come up with new designs and more innovative technologies to take →

Good example of research paper on tuberculosis in china

As the disease spread in the body, it encounters body immune system that prevents the entire spread of the disease to the other parts of the body. Most of the people are on the move migrating from one area to the other thus a problem in the detection and control →

The beautiful places in beijing

Beijing is situated in the northwestern part of north China. To the west, the northwest, and the south, the city is surrounded by mountain ranges. It is the only man-made structure you see it from the moon.

Is hong kong an ideal place

Owning to the scarcity of land and the large population, housing has often been a grave problem in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has best of the west and east blended here.

How should china establish the privilege of silence system in criminal proceedings?

This is how the privilege of silence was born in the judicial system. The Privilege of Silence contains the following connotations: First, the suspect has no obligation to say words which might be detrimental to his/her own, the prosecution agencies or the courts can not use inhuman or degrading methods to force him to say; →

The jade peony

At that time, there is just a war between China and Japanese, and Kiam-Kim, who is the main character in the novel, is collectingmoneyfor the donation of Chinese soldiers. So she said " Need soldiers in China! " because the culture of China has such a influence to her.

Free china’s rise and its global economic implications research paper example

Being an environmental tax, Carbon tax is a tax that is charged on the volume of carbon that is present in a given fuel. A carbon tax would also decrease the import of fossil fuels that increase the economic growth in the long-term.

Conventional high rise buildings in hong kong

Introduction Modernism ever emphasize that the signifier of infinite to be developed based on the nonsubjective conditions of the externalenvironment, the architectural signifier can be to the full reflected as a consequence of its map, nevertheless, such type of architectural signifier which dominated by functionalism was progressively being questioned in modern times, some →