Genuine Research Paper Examples

Terrorism; security issue or crime research paper

The tribunals and commissions have been faced with widespread criticism and sanctions from the Supreme Court due to their blatant violation of human rights (Braswell, McCarthy & McCarthy, 2012). Discussion I am of the view that the United States of America ought to use the court system to deal with terrorists. The placement of β†’

Research paper on world war z: crisis preparedness of government

The NRF served as a guideline that was published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security to give insights on how the nation will respond to all types of crises and emergencies. Thesis Statement: The disaster management programs should focus on the deployment of physical and human resources β†’

Url sources research paper

The support for the Assembly grew stronger than that of the king. Additionally, the king sided with foreign powers to resist the Assembly. He also failed to support the Assembly which was a representative of the people.

Criminology and terrorism

Rational choice theory, in particular, has found a place in criminology, and holds that people will engage in crime after weighing the costs and benefits of their actions to arrive at a rational choice aboutmotivationafter perceiving that the chances of gain outweigh any possible punishment or loss. The second theory that can explain the motivation β†’

Radical islamic influence in the nation of somalia and its threat to the united research paper

The union's aim is to overthrow the TFG and to establish its authority over entire Somalia as well as the Somali-populated areas of Kenya and Ethiopia, and thus to establish an Islamic state. Thesis The radical Islamic influence in Somali politics threatens the global political interests of the United States. Introduction The United β†’

Is terrorism a serious threat to national and international security?

Having outlined some of the conceptual debates associated with the definition of terrorism, the following section will present some of the evidence which could suggest that terrorism should be taken seriously and prioritized over any other social problem on both national and international level. Terrorism as a threat to national and international security The β†’

The war on terror

The War on Terror, is it our war alone? From the beginning, the War on Terror was not only a physical battle, but an ideological battle a fight against global terrorists and their murderous ideology. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were acts of war against the United States, peaceful people throughout the world, β†’

Free research paper on the religious and political motivations anwar al-awlaki and osama bin laden for

ABSTRACT Suicide bombing and other forms of terrorism are tactics, not goals or strategies, and since the Afghanistan War began in 1979, the main political, religious and ideological purpose of men like Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki was to overthrow the regimes in Muslim countries that were allied with the Western powers β†’

Security organizations and counterterrorism

Counterterrorism efforts should thus not have discussion as one of the ways to manageterrorismsince the militias are not responsive to dialogue. The manual declares that Muslims can only resist the alleged condition of unawareness by being united and conforming to Muslim religious ideals. This implies that counterterrorism β†’

Have terrorism laws been helpful?

Such debates have always led to repeals or amendments of the laws in question, one revision of the laws has proved not to be enough as there is always a word or two to adjust to deem the laws plausible by the masses, the government and the observers. The security agencies have been unified by β†’

Example of reign of terror in the french revolution research paper

In his explanation with regards to the Reign of Terror, he cites that the la Terreur and the American War of Independence in 1776 are similar as they fought for the liberty and rights of the people and used potent power in influencing their competition away from the country. Bulliet, Richard., Crossley, Pamela., Headrick, Daniel., β†’

Research synopsis

This attention to the war against terror has first gained national importance after the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers on September 11 and continued to gain momentum as years go by. It will be interesting discussion to try to adopt competing policies on war and examine their consequences to β†’

Counter terrorism

The dawn of the 21st century have enormously occupied fear and uncertainty as it may seem to pass by time of the dark ages where barbarian swordsmen annihilate the villagers and sorcerers put into spell the weaklings. The aftermath of the terrorists attack β†’

Law enforcement research paper examples

Moreover, law enforcement agencies are persuaded to take aim at preventing measures in order to maintain the security of the community and that of the country in at large. The following discussion focuses on the use of racial profiling in preventing terrorism. Using policy issues in preventing terrorism Terror attacks have affected the growth β†’

War and alternative options to overcome terrorism

In comparing this to war noticed that these options are actually quite similar. By bombing the terrorist camps this would cause them to retaliate, and the end result would be a war. Options 5 and 6 involve outreach, meaning that instead of going to war we wow old contact and find out what β†’

United states efforts to combat domestic counter terrorism

On top of that, according to , combating terrorist requires a coordinated activity. The first step involves the use of al means in order to deny the terrorists the chance of committing the crime in other words decapacitating them, this is possible through number of ways which include, cutting arms supply, denying terrorists access to β†’

Free research paper on journalistic casualties of conflict coverage

The journalist who is the core of any story is always not regarded as much as the news reporters are despite the fact that they are the one who go to the ground to gather the news. This leaves the freelancers to deal with what sometimes is a lot more combat than enlisted soldiers are. β†’

Terrorism and society

MotivationOf Terrorism Attacks on 'collaborators' are used to intimidate people from cooperating with the state in order to undermine state control. This strategy was used in the USA in its War of Independence and in Ireland, in Kenya, in Algeria and in Cyprus during their independence struggles. Religious Terrorism Religious terrorism is terrorism β†’

Research paper on racial profiling

Racial Profiling Racial profiling is a term used to refer to any action taken by the police for reasons of safety, security or simply to protect the public based on race, ethnicity, or nationality of an individual. Racial profiling has also expanded to air passenger profiling as a result of rise in terrorism β†’

Example of research paper on george w. bush

The law of land warfare influences the operations administered by the president who needs to embody the highest altitude of organizational and personal discipline and ethical values. The Uniform Code of Military Justice, the law of land warfare and the conduct standards made the discipline very important, and the president β†’

The psychological assault research paper sample

Other essential facts about the attack remain hidden from many people; ranging from the physics of the WTC collapses to the investigations conducted about the attack, to who were beneficiaries of the attack. Worse, the media reports and updates filed the plot line with unfolding developments in the story of plan hijackers and replication of β†’

Can β€˜terrorism’ be justifiably distinguished from other forms of political violence?

The criteria for accepting the legitimacy of sovereign states into the legal framework of the international order is that they do not facilitate the operations of terrorist organisations, particularly those of Islamic extraction. The discoursive implications of the concept of terrorism Since the outset of the War on Terror in the wake of 9/11, β†’

Causes and motivations of terrorism today research paper

This part seeks to explain the primary causes of terrorism and the motivations of today's terrorists as well as the recommendations on how to address the root causes. The Causes and Motivations of Today's Terrorism According to Akhmat et al , the greatest cause of terrorism in the modern world is economic depression β†’

Theology, ethics and terrorism research paper examples

It is a premeditated form of conflict that seeks to influence the actions and decisions of the victims so as to exploit fear among the victims, coerce a target, publicize a cause or change a perceived status quo. More often than not acts of terrorism are marked by irrationality and β†’

Indus motors

The business life of the company is started by starting their Ist Dealership in Calicut in the year 1986. The sale of Maruti vehicle is soundly boosted by marketing intelligence of the Indus Motors. They will constantly keep the customer update about their vehicle status until the delivery of the Vehicle is done. In case β†’

Research planning uop res728

This change in funding has brought about the need to be responsive to the wants and needs of not only the victims but also of the donors that provide the funding for the shelters. The expectations of the donors with regard to the role of paid employees referred to as advocates and β†’

Overview of the main activities of centrepoint

The aim of this report is to conduct a financial analysis of Tulip Refractory canteen, based on financial statements , measuring the financial position of the business at the end of its financial year. This will also give an accurate interpretation of the financial performance of Tulip Refacactory canteen, providing MDs with β†’

Carter cleaning

1 -What would be the advantages and disadvantages to Jennifer's company of routinely administering honest tests to all its employees? Such an action will also send a message to the other employees that you will not tolerate theft of company resources.

Suicides in foxconn

FOXCONN Abstract: Principles of Organizational Behavior from the point of view, combined with Foxconn employees work attitude, job satisfaction and work pressure, etc., on a world-renowned company Foxconn consecutive suicides occurred in a comparative analysis to explain the business In the era of the development process need to strengthen the management measures. Keywords: Foxconn, β†’

Ethics, reliability and validity issues for vocational assessment research papers example

Vocational assessments are currently being used for a variety of purposes, including the assessment of children with disabilities and adults encountering vocational rehabilitation ; there are several changes that can be made to vocational assessment as it is currently used in order to increase its effectiveness and validity. Applicable Research Areas and FieldsVocational assessments β†’

Example of responce research paper

It sets out the framework for the implementation and actualization of the act specifying among other things the protected classes, the covered entities, the remedies and some of the landmark cases. I concur with the postulation of the paper and seek to submit that the ADEA law should be equally respected with the same vein β†’

Indian removal act

The Indian Removal Act The U. S justified in passing the Indian Removal Act forcing all Indians to move.

American history: 1912 election

As for the anti-trust legislation Republicans insisted on " the enactment of legislation supplementary to the existing anti-trust act which will define as criminal offences those specific acts that uniformly mark attempts to restrain and to monopolize trade..".(" Political Party Platforms in 1912"). Progressive Party declared in the platform that it was β†’

Obtaining objective truth in regards to martin luther king’s role in the fight for equality in the united states research paper

This research is focused on determining if objective truth is possible to obtain in regard to Martin Luther King's role in the fight for equality in the United States. Historians and scholars have made a lot of contributions to discovering the life of Martin Luther King and his role in the fight for equality in β†’

Jeffersonian vs hamiltonian ideals

The presidents of 1801-1817 made turnarounds during their presidencies once they saw contradicting actions became necessary for the country's welfare. Thomas Jefferson made moderate changes in his presidential behavior, resembling Hamiltonian actions, for the benefit of America while James Madison saw federalist Hamiltonian views as a better fit to the country's government β†’

African american history: tribute to sojourner truth

What is the title of the film you picked? The title of the film I decided to view is the " Tribute to Sojourner Truth".2.

Martin luther king junior is a giant in american history

Newspaper, radio and television accounts of the deprivations and inequalities suffered by African Americans helped to shed light on a subject that a good portion of the white community was not fully aware of and needed to be reminded if they were ever going to get involved themselves or at the very least, be sympathetic β†’

Political point of view of a students

Moreover, the boy led the way to find his father and pointed at a long box where his father was there and told he reason why his father died. The conflict is showed about the differences between rich and poor or knowledge between people who are on the outside and people who are β†’

American industrialization

Lastly, an analysis of how the Industrial Revolution in American history served as a benefit or a detriment to the nation and the citizens of America. American Industrialization Historically, industrialization of any society marks an experience and phase of historic significance. Modern American society owes a great debt to industrialization as it β†’

American history x vs. malcolm x

He was able to see the wrongs of what he thought was right, and because of that, he slowly distanced himself from the brotherhood and the beliefs that he catered for a long time. Malcolm X led a criminal life in his youth, and in the end, he was assassinated. The truth β†’

Alexander hamilton vs. thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson put this primary axiom when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, stating that governments created by men ought to protect the rights and liberties of an individual, moreso of the fecundity of every states under the protection of the United States confederation (that the state is the trustee of its citizens.

American history (1815-1820)

But the young nation bounced back and it was during the presidency of John Quincy Adams that the war of 1812 was declared successful. Jackson destroyed the Bank of the United States, a well established private bank that handled themoneyof the federal government, as it was run by his political enemies. There β†’

Art george washington

This is the first painting of George Washington however; the original Lansdowne is not in the museum. The artwork is a contention of being the best artwork in American History.

Source related work on prohibition

This is that if you go to the saloon, you will be robbed of all your money. The foreground picture is of a very poor women and her young child in a dirty room. The main point of this picture is that drinking and buying alcohol is harming families and this is the emotional part β†’

General george washington. life of the commander in chief research paper

He also loathed the restrictive British regulations and become a firm voice of resistance to the restrictions. The onset of the revolutionary wars saw Washington take the battle front line once again.notes that Washington was voted the Commander-in-Chief of America's Continental Army during the second continental congress held in Philadelphia. Barely two months into his β†’

Free history and economic impact: paris 1937 expo research paper sample

Most notable about the Paris 1937 Expo is the front view of the Eiffel Tower flanked by the pavilions of Nazi Germany, to the left, and the Soviet Union, to the right, which provides the impression of a magnanimous showdown between both nations providing a vivid prelude to the Second World War that started years β†’

Adolf hitler- outline

Hitler was known to have a keen interest in art and actually applied to an art school in Vienna but was turned down. He later began acareerin the military as a messenger to deliver instructions to generals behind enemy lines and return with feed back to commanders. During his time as a β†’

The july plot failed largely because of popular support for hitler

The Enabling Bill was passed in March 1933, with opposition coming only from the Socialists. This was due to the threat posed by the development of the Gestapo and of course, the SS, which had advanced " from improvised terror of the early years to the gigantic concentration-camp system of the extermination era." β†’

Select and explain the most important factors that led to hitler’s rise to power in 1933

The majority of the public believed that Germany had not lost the war but in fact were winning it before they were " stabbed in the back" by the " November Criminals," the politicians who signed the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles had been criticised for causing the continual economicdepressionin Germany Before β†’

Nazi propaganda research paper example

As to how propaganda was to be employed, he clearly stated, Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it isfavourable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favourable to its own side. . β†’

Adolf hitler final

In fact he was very hostile to his father who was an authoritarian but greatly attracted to his mother who was very hard working. His mother's death of cancer was a very big blow to the adolescent Hitler whom he adored very much in fact he went with aphotoof his mum wherever β†’

Reasons for hitler to become a tyrant

The people of Germany wanted someone who was brave, logical, and willing to stand up to his country. Hitler had all those qualities, and he was not afraid to speak. He thought that he needed to get the people of Germany to believe what was right and wrong.

Obama vs chamberlain

In comparison to Chamberlain's utterfailureat Munich, Beam's inability to impose his country will Is far more severe than what happened in 1938. While It Is rue that both Britain and the US practically surrendered to Germany and Iran, respectively, Nazi Germany was much larger of a world power In its day when compared β†’

John hicks theodicy research paper

Hick argues that " our theodicy must find the meaning of evil in the part it is made to play in the eventual outworking of that purpose". Furthermore, to a survivor of the Holocaust or of slavery, the problem of evil can present major faith dichotomies. The problem of evil is the question of how β†’

The nature and relationship of hitler and geli raubal.

The last time the public had seen Geli Raubal was when Hitler was heard to shout at h as he was about to get into his car: " For the last time, no! " She shouted. It has been said and believed that Hitler and his niece Geli Raubal were romantically involved; although there β†’

Why was hitler able to dominate germany by 1934?

The principal attraction of the many of its members was not the political ideology of the party for which it worked (although a great many of them were probably Nazi sympathizers), but rather its pomp, regalia and display (the S.A.wore the uniform of the defeated German army, evoking patriotic spirit among both its members β†’

How and why the nazis rose to power

In this essay I will explain how and why the Nazis rose to power, elaborating on the circumstances of thegreat depression, the Weimar republic, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. The anger and bitterness helped the Nazis to gain more support; in 1928, the Nazis had only 12 seats in the Reichstag and by β†’

Sydney sheldon’s master of the game: reaction

However, after nearly risking his life to find diamonds, he finds out that he has been defrauded and that the Afrikaans-written contract states that Jamie is merely a laborer for Van Der Merwe looking for a diamond mine and Van Der Merwe now owns the mine on his own. When Jamie attempts to β†’

Monopoly, perfect competition, imperfect competition

MC is the lowest price at which a firm would sell an extra unit, and when we remember the second rule above that the firm must obey to maximise profit, we have correctly identified the firm's short run supply curve.pic] The equilibrium of the firm The firm is in equilibrium when MR= MC. Section 2 β†’

Cricket a threat to other games

However, rarely expressed is the other side of the coin an issue of one man's extreme popularity killing the very identity and existence of all other players in the mix. No Doubt that the game's popularity has brought glory to millions of fans residing in India and worldwide, has instilled a sense of pride even β†’

Hunger games theme

The novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins has many themes, but the most important overall, is the importance of keeping dignity and humanity while fighting for our life. In the Hunger Games, a sixteen year old girl named Katniss and a sixteen year old boy named Peeta are chosen to go into the Hunger β†’

Game not over, not yet

EA's sales are down from previous years and they also missed the initial social gaming trend of which they are now trying hard to develop a digital platform for many of their popular games. The next perspective is resource-based view. EA was known for their resources because they had the human, physical, β†’

How has technology impacted on the olympic games

In the Olympics, technology has contributed to the performance of athletes greatly due to new training techniques through technology and the advancements in technology like clothing, playing surfaces and equipment. Technology has also allowed athletes to recover from injury faster through rehabilitation technology like fitness machines which isolate points of weakness inside β†’

The influence of the video game in children

In the last years if has been shown an increase of rebel children due to the content in the video game they play such as violence, sex content and murders. The influence of the video games in the children has effects with the time. Often we see that these games insult and β†’

Finance: free cash flow

Refer to Note on Sample Cash Flow Template. Question 1 The project with the highest IRR is always the project with the highest NPV. Your Answer - Score Explanation True - - - False ? 5. Ann Arbor does not pay taxes and the discount rate is β†’

The hunger games and child soldiers: the sad truth

Lastly, the children are alike because The Hunger Games is kind of like a realistic version of child soldiers. The Hunger Games and child soldiers are alike because children from both scenarios are fighting for their lives through brutality, hunger, and savageness. Collins) Child soldiers and The Hunger Games β†’

New revelations of pre-columbian america

However, the reality is that the Indian moccasins were far more comfortable than the boots of the European; and the canoes built by the Native Americans were speedier and more maneuverable than the small boats made by Europeans. Next, the author gets into a discussion about the reasons for the fall of β†’

Logistics a game changer for ecommerce

Best Shipping Partners: In order to provide trusted source of shopping and best customer experience to your customer, you should choose best shipping partner for perfect satisfaction in on time delivery of the products. Convenient Return Policy for Customers: Return policy is one of the most important thing that eCommerce company should necessarily improve in β†’

Economics effects of monopoly.docx uploaded successfully

However, for pure monopoly industry there is no entry and exit of firms as it is conquer by only one party. The marginal revenue curve lies below the demand and the produces output where MR = MC, so, the price exceeds the marginal costs and also exceeds the β†’

Bargaining power is the ability to influence the setting of prices

Buyer power refers to the ability of customers of the industry to influence the price and terms of purchase. The power of buyers is the impact that customers have on a producing industry. In general, when buyer power is strong, the relationship to the producing industry is near to what an economist β†’

Cash flow management

If they do you can quickly find yourself out of business. One way to keep that situation from happening is by tracking your cash flow results every month to determine if your management is creating the type of cash flow your business needs. You need themoneycoming to you in a reasonable amount β†’

A game of polo with a headless goat background

The writer's race to get the best pictures Emma a jornalist wanting to capture the epic moment of the race Yaqoob an unskilled driver he love the risk that donkey race give him Iqbal partner/ helper was send to find our who was the winner of this race Plot During a seven-year β†’

Gambling and public policies

The very idea that makes people gamble has been going on since the creation of men.This paper will focus on positive and negative effects of gambling, other forms of gambling like gambling on sports and finally after providing enough information about the different aspects of gambling as a whole and how public policies affect this. β†’

The cash flow statement

In other words, it answers the questions, " where did the cash come from? " and " where did the cash go? " Measuring Firm's Cash Flow You can explain the cash inflows and outflows of a business by looking at three cash flow activities. Cash flow activities: Generating cash flows from day-to-day business operations β†’

The hunger games

She is disarmed by his kindness and throws away the cookies his father gave her. She sees a patch of dandelions by the train tracks and they remind her of the day after Peeta gave her the bread: that day she had turned from looking at his bruised face and saw a dandelion, deciding to β†’

Tips in casino games

Blackjack is one of the most popular games played at the casino because it is a game where the player can have an edge over the house. Basically, the object of the game is to beat the dealer.

Show on a diagram how a monopoly firm will make supernormal profits by restricting ouput

The monopolist is a short run profit maximiser and due to the demand under a monopoly being moderately inelastic at any given price, the monopolist is said to be a price maker, unlike perfect competition where the firms are price takers. The diagram below shows the monopoly making supernormal profits by restricting output. If a β†’

Beneath the hunger games

Government control of people is the most prominent theme in The Hunger Games, as it is featured throughout the novel in a variety of ways. Propaganda, censorship, inequitable distribution of wealth, and manipulation are some of the many ways in which the Capitol controls people. The Games are enjoyed as reality television β†’

Power of cash flows

Neither approach emphasizes cash or the statement of cash flows. While auditors do use the cash flow statement to verify balance sheet and income statement accounts and to trace common items to the cash flow statement, their use of ratios for cash-related analysis has been limited to the current ratio (current assets/current β†’

Kashmir conflict

Cause of the Kashmir dispute :- India's forcible occupation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is the main cause of the dispute. India claims to have ' signed' a controversial document, the Instrument of Accession, on 26 October 1947 with the Maharaja of Kashmir, in which the Maharaja obtained β†’

Laws and politics of india

The order of 1986 purported to apply to the State Article 249, which empowers Parliament to legislate even on a matter in the State List if a Rajya Sabha resolution so authorises it by a two-thirds vote. But it so amended Article 249 in its application to Kashmir as in effect to apply Article 248 β†’

To examine the determinants of fdi in china and india and the causes for their difference.

If China, with its " new-found" belief in capitalism[2] can attract significant amounts of FDI, why India which is endowed with Western-type institutions and capitalist organizations cannotWhat causes the gap in volumes of FDI between the twoThis paper is going to address these questions by evaluating factors determining FDI based on current literature on FDI β†’

Kerala from sangam to dutch period

Arab and Persian writers and early Malayalam and medieval Tamil Literature say that the word kerala means the land of hills and mountains. Archaeological survey and excavations were started in Kerala by Ward and Conor in 1819.? there are 3 relics of the Historical period found in the various parts of Kerala.

Dharavi slum

Mumbai has thrived economically in the recent years and now has one of the highest property prices in the world. The project has a great prospect to improve the already large economy of Mumbai and huge amounts ofmoneywill be made in the selling of real estate in the Dharavi slum area.

What were the social and political impacts of the partition of india and pakistan?

This essay is based on books and articles I have read as well as interviews from myfamilymembers and detailed research through the internet. One source I mainly used was a book by Gyanesh Kudaisya and Tai Yong Tan: The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia, which gave me a good idea of the aspects that β†’

Uae india economic forum returns to strengthen economic ties between nations

Hosted by the and the Consulate-General of India, and held with the support of UAE International Investors Council, Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and Invest India, UIEF 2016 aims to bring together business leaders and government authorities to " discuss key opportunities for diversifying and deepening the economic partnership between the two β†’

Hinduism research paper

Sending I was not familiar with the practice, one of the Hindu swamis of the temple took a few moments to explain that the chanting was referred to as mantra. I recognize Hinduism as a religion and I understand that it suits others, but it was not until I left that I made up my β†’

Consumption pattern in india post 92

Since the beginning of economic reforms and acceleration in the rate of growth since 1990, the Indian economy has followed a growth pattern, which, on the face of it, appears to be different from the one observed in the historical development of today's developed countries and also from that being experienced by similarly placed developing β†’

A new supporter for narendra modi’s digital india initiative

This new supporter is thetechnologycompany Intel India, who has announced three innovative initiatives to strengthen the much anticipated programme. With the aim to promote and encourage innovation from the local level, Intel India launched three projects on Thursday designed to accelerate digital literacy at the grassroots level by reaching out to the population in non-urban β†’

7 inspirational quotes for business by abhinav bindra at startup india summit 2016

Winning is less-Winning takes a lot out of you and you cannot remain on top all the time. There is no short-cut to success and whenever you have a bad day go back to the place where you face defeat.

Sustainable fresh water supply for chennai city

The main sources of public water supply in the city are the three reservoirs Poondi, Redhills and Cholavaram with an aggregate storage capacity of 175 million cubic metres. The other major resource is groundwater from the well-fields in the Araniar-Kortaliyar basin and the southern coastal aquifer, and also a large number of β†’

Post colonial india english drama

The rise of Postcolonial Indian English writing was a significant aspect of Indian English literature. If we talk about the different genre of Postcolonial Indian English literature, drama became one of the best mediums for expression. Kumar gave an identity and a sense of direction to Indian English poetry in the Postcolonial β†’

What were the problems facing a newly independent india after the partition of 1947

After the Indian partition of 1947 was pass it gave princely states of India a choice to move to India or Pakistan or stay independent. The ruler of Kashmir wanted to remain independent which led to a war which is known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 which was fought between Pakistan and Indian over β†’

Wal-mart entry into india and its effect on indian retail environment

The Wal-Mart is world first retail store in the Effects of the Wal-Mart Entry: Negative effect on the Indian small scale industry Since many of the small scale department stores in India are the major contributors to the Indian economy, the entry of Wal- Mart into Indian market creates a lot of negative effect β†’

Early syncretism in india and china

These have to do with the adaptability of religion and focus on discipline and workculture. Not all world religions are equally open to economic changes. Aversion to modernization and trade would have resulted in the colonization and dissolution of these societies.

Transit facilities to india through the territory of bangladesh

Prior to the partition of India in 1947, the trade and commerce of the NEAR with the rest of India and the outside world used to pass through the territories of what is now Bangladesh. The connotation of transit is to be distinguished from that of a corridor. In the corridor, a country β†’