Genuine Research Paper Examples

How chhattisgarh and uttarakhand are creating business opportunity for entrepreneurs

The Report states that India has made the most improvement and with major reforms setting in from this year, the ranking is expected to further improve, leading to significant benefits for doing business in India. Although this sounds good, still there is lot more to be done for India to continue rising up and investment →

4 attributes that set entrepreneurs apart from employees

Almost every hand shot up, and a few people even stood and clapped. Leaning to the edge of the stage, I whispered, " That's called an employee". I did not mean it to be rude or condescending. In truth, I wanted to be an entrepreneur but still have the security of an employee. It does →

Online grocery store – why the business idea is catching the eyes of most entrepreneurs

To name a few, Instacart, FrestDirect, Bigbasket, PepperTap, and many others Furthermore, many big names of ecommerce industry (Amazon, Google, more recently Ola an India based cab booking service) have also entered the online grocery shopping arena, which further cements the fact that the sector is full of opportunities. If we talk about stats, →

Unleashing india’s innovation and entrepreneurship potential

According to one of the findings the output of economy could increase more than five folds if each enterprise could absorb knowledge existing in India and achieve the level of productivity of top enterprises in their sector. By applying knowledge in new ways to production processes, better and new products can be produced with the →

This engineer-turned-entrepreneur spends half his workday hiring the right people

When I interview someone, I take them to lunch to make sure they are the right personal and cultural fit for our company. I learned to not beat around the bush and give my feedback straight and clearly.

Know your strengths to get ahead as an entrepreneur

Of course, your shortcomings need attention and we can all always get better on them, but we are entrepreneurs- we have a million things to do, and only 24 hours in a day, so choosing where to is key. So, now that you have your list of what you " dominate" at, take a good →

Research of an innovation. innovation cooperation, which measures

Introducing innovative ideas to the market through patenting helpsimprove the EU's competitiveness and productivity, which underlie economicgrowth and employment, and brings long-term benefits to the economy at largethrough the wide diffusion of knowledge. Thus, it is a major, long-term challenge for a country to identify, design andimplement reforms needed to improve the quality of the →

Harley davidson, inc.

0 | | Marketing | 0. 1 | | offerings | | | | | Female riders are on the rise | 0.

Millennials may not be ‘the entrepreneurs of today’ everyone thinks they are

This perception, to a large degree, has come about because of the immense success of Mark Zuckerberg, a member of the millennial generation. Related: After all, Zuckerberg dropped out of college, moved to Silicon Valley, created Facebook and became one of the richest people in the world by the age of 31. While this was →

Needed technologies has developed a diagnostic device

Their continued challenges occurred due to the changes In the market direction of venture capital opportunities and the funding available, all due to changes in the economy at that time. Due to the lack of funding, and a continued decline in Venture Capital funding along with a downturn in the economy; I believehad →

How can entrepreneurs offer 360-degree solution to corporates

No wonder that their counterparts, who have a ' growth mindset' and believe in the power to transform and an endless possibility to learn and grow, excel. To address the handicap of having a ' fixed mindset' there's a new wave of entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing the executive education space vis- -vis their →

7 reasons why entrepreneurs should go skydiving more than once

When you are an entrepreneur, you have no alternative other than to trust your instincts and make a risky determination on a consistent basis. You will continue to feel like you are more of a professional skydiver than a mere businessman as you continue on this entrepreneurial path. But you have to trust the process, →

This entrepreneur is building a matchmaking service for pen pals

People like you and I refuse to believe that it'ssocial media's world and we are just living in it. There's a market for any business assembling like-minded people and creating a mechanism for them to share what they love about their involvement to their friends, multiplying the fun and evolving the community. In the case →

How to become a successful entrepreneur

The aim of this paper is to show how we, a study group of five students could come up with an idea in an entrepreneurial way and go through an elaboration process toward the realization using the theoretical frameworks. In the first part I will describe how my group went through the idea →

3 entrepreneurs on their first big mistake

I never heard back from that buyer, but Bloomingdale's is now one of our biggest customers". Jason Horvath Cofounder, " After 10 years of growing slowly and deliberately, in 2013 we got a $500, 000 investment in and did some marketing, and the following year we sold $10 million. We had no background in this →

Discuss the aphorism small firm growth being the only measure of an entrepreneurs success.

Thus, the aphorism of small firm growth being the only measure of an entrepreneur's success should be looked upon from different perspectives. The dimensions of small firm growth and also the perspectives of entrepreneurial success will be analysed to see the degree of its correlation and to judge how true the mentioned →

Immigration population and workforce in usa

The article focuses onMexicanbecause they are the it's largest immigrant group. They have the highest rate of employment and are more likely to hold a Job compared to the typical New Work's native-born population. There are several reasons why illegal immigrants are the targets and ideal workers for most employers. This →

Example of research paper on qualifying citizenship

In a violation of due process, this move to redefine what it means to be an American citizen is a legal matter, requiring the amending of the Constitution itself. Keywords: 14th Amendment, Citizenship Clause, Constitution, illegal aliens, due process. QUALIFYING CITIZENSHIP Qualifying Citizenship: The 14th Amendment and the Protection →

Immigration senior project

And they hope that this immigration reform can be done in 2013 that's will be the priority in 2013. Conclusion In conclusion yes should be an immigration reform because those immigrants that came for a better life have the right to seek a better life. Citizens' people should agree with this immigration →

Research paper on 19th century – kaiser von wilhelm and immigration to america

The royal setting enabled Wilhelm to interact and relate effectively with princes and monarchs across the region; a situation, which enabled Wilhelm understand the ruling system. Wilhelm 11 and Germans Immigration to America Immigration of Germans to America existed before the neo-colonial period. Under the rule of Wilhelm 11, the relationship between Germany and →

Latinos in america research paper examples

In deed the term Hispanic was coined in the 1970s to add a new race to the existing two, and effectively lamped all people with a shared origin. Delgado in providing what he considers a good definition of the term, states that the term is used in reference →

Immigration in the united states from mexico research papers example

The length of the border between Mexico and the United States is about 2000 miles and the number of crosses of the border is the biggest in the world. These expenses include border security, content of the different services that are engaged in verification of the identity and the past of Mexican immigrants, the payment →

Example of research paper on should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants?

This is the issue of education where it is not clear as to whether states should be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants. This Act holds that the children who came into the country illegally before they attained the age of 16, and have lived in the US for at least 5 years, →

Bracero program

The Bracero Program The Bracero Program was a temporary contract labor program initiated in 1942 by the United States and Mexico. Along with opposition from Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the United States determined that the program was no longer vital to the American's; it discontinued the program in 1964.

The problem of illegal immigration in the united states research paper examples

Yet, it can be determined that the most fundamental crises facing the nation today is the influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico into the U.S., taking jobs and using-up resources meant for its own citizens. He continues that the current situation is not fair to those companies and immigrants who are trying →

New immigrants vs. old immigrants

The New immigrants and Old immigrants differed greatly in their behavior and qualities which was also pertained to the America they found between 1880 and 1940. It is also important to mention that the New immigrants were reluctant to blend in and they were very ethnic in their ways.

How a limited english proficiency affects the lives of immigrants research paper example

The particular centrality of the fiscal, societal and educative development related to with the skills of the United States immigrant often evades these people This reported information and remarkable change of the language skills in the states immigrant's ranges from the United States associated with an origin. S Immigrants , one's language capability →

The dream act research paper examples

This bill is intended to address this mischief and gives a clear and favourable verdict on the case of the students. Alternative proposals to address the issues The problem of undocumented students from the reading of the bill would be addressed mainly through two ways. In addition, in implementing these provisions, fidelity to the →

History of latino immigration to the united states research paper sample

The majority of the Hispanic is composed of Mexicans Americans most of whom were incorporated in the USA after the Mexican war of 1848. The history of their immigration to the United States is different depending on the cradle of the community. Mexican Latinos Mexicans make up the biggest chunk of the Hispanic population →

Middle eastern american research paper

They have largely contributed to the growth of the American society and as well as the economy of the nation due to their entrepreneurial traits. After the enacting of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East countries was witnessed.

Wwii and immigration

Furthermore, in 1907, adding to the isolationist stance of the U.S., the city of San Francisco attempted to remove Japanese students from white schools and put them in segregated schools with Chinese students. The Japanese government was infuriated by with this comparison to the Chinese; this led to the establishment of the →

Example of research paper on laws/regulations that apply with regards to employment of aliens

Evidently, there are certain protocols that must be adhered to by business seeking to hire immigrants as part of their workforce. The laws and regulations that apply in cases of where a business employs illegal immigrants are clearly spelt out in the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that was instigated in the year 1965. In →

The immigration of indians in the 19th century

These Africans and those from the African lineage became slaves on the plantations where they were not seen as humans and were treated as animals or property. After the freedom of the enslaved population in the 1830's, the planters were faced with irregularity of labour on the estates. As a result of →

Solving america’s immigration problem through integration

If there is to be any solution to America's immigration problem it is necessary to address the fears associated with immigration and the threat they pose to integration. It is imperative to recognize that economical, social and cultural integration of this section of our population are crucial to the future well being of the American →

Lebanese americans

Lambert to assimilate with UScultureand people, what differences she has found between two cultures and how different cultural norms influence her living in the new for her country on the daily basis. Immigrants in America A lot of people from different countries come to the United States in →

Irish immigrants and their struggles

The Irish were brave, courageous, and hardworking and made it possible for all Irish to live happy and free lives in America. The Irish immigrated to the United States starting in 1820, more came after 1820 due to the potato famine which started in 1845, rotting of the potato crops caused thousands of deaths due →

Dominican republic research paper

In the 1980s, immigration to the United States from the Dominican Republic rose to unprecedented levels. Of the 169, 147 Dominican-born persons resident in the United States at the time of the 1980 census, only 6.

Example of research paper on italians migration to australia

Introduction The Italians movement to Australia can be dated back in the late 19th century and 20th century, a period in the history of the world that was characterized with enlightenment, liberalism, industrial revolution, and the fascinating and challenging experience of the world exploration. However with the outstanding achievement and settlement, they faced →

Research paper on hispanics

The Mexican War led to the immigration of the first Spanish-speaking group of people in America. The increase in population of the Hispanics has led to a heated debate about their identity within the American Population. As discussed above, the Hispanics are comprised of several groups of people with diverse historical backgrounds.

Example of anchor babies and the 14th amendment research paper

Steve King , one of the most vocal dogmatists on the issue of immigration, has placed on the House floor that would seek to define these " categories of individuals [who are] born in the United States and citizens of the United States at birth". In the argument of the Supreme Court, those that →

Changes in immigration at canada on 20th century

Immigrationhas had a strong effect on Canada's historical development, from countryside in the early part of the 20th century to the building of Canada's largest cities. By 2006, the most numbered of immigrants coming to Canada originated in Asia, most especially in China and India.

The worker next door

The first paragraph of this essay is a rhetorical question that asks how different life would be if illegal immigrants were not in the country doing low-class, low-skilled, and low-wage jobs that most Americans would not do. This question is a good way to start the essay, making the reader think a little, and get →

African kingdoms and empires

The empire was situated in the vast Savannah area between the Senegal and Niger Rivers with its authority extending from the frontiers of Futa Toro to the Western banks of the Niger, and from the Mandinka area in the south to beyond the fringes of the desert in the north. With the introduction of the →

Changes to the american empire during 1790 to 1850

American imperium alteration from the 1790s to the 1850s The unusual struggle that split American life in the 1790s concentrated on conflicting position of the significance of theAmerican Revolutionand the manner its tradition could be developed into a new province. The profound misinterpretation of the 1790s inspired the growing in American political relations. →

Free research paper on mathematical and scientific achievements of the roman empire

This paper will delve into the contributions of the Roman Empire to the world in the form of science and mathematics. Mathematics Contributions from early philosophers of mathematics provided a resource for scientific exploits and engineering. However, the Romans contributed to the specialization and the perfection of the weaponry →

The united states: an empire in denial

America today is a colossal empire and as such, she has in her power the capacity to shape the future by creating a worldenvironmentconducive to profitable economic relations (especially to third-world countries) and international peace, both of which are in short supply, these days. What the world needs, according to Niall Ferguson →

Research paper on the fall of the roman empire

Examine the fall of the Roman Empire in detail, focusing on why and how such a powerful and strong empire collapsed and ultimately what were the main reasons and factors that led to its decline. More than just a powerful empire, Rome was a uniting force bonding under the famous pax romana almost all →

Middle east empires

Few of them were : Economic : Discovery of new trade routes to Asian countries and the vast continent of America, slashed the monopoly of the middle east empires as a important junction between the continents of Asia and Europe. This was the base of certain amount of deafness to the changes occurring in Europe.

The foundations of roman empire’s success

The Roman Republic played an important role in the empire's growth. Once and for all, the institution permitted the fusion of the government and the military rule. On the other hand, it was not only the benefits of being a military man that inspired the Roman Army to win.

Will iphone 7 help ressurect apple’s wanning empire

Entrepreneur reviews Apple's latest and much hyped iPhone 7. PERFORMANCE The new phone is packed with the custom designed Apple A10 Fusion chip which will provide longest battery life ever in an iPhone, the company claims. In this model, Apple has done away with the 64GB variant and introduced a monster 256GB alternative.iPhone →

The differences between the empire state building and burj al-arab hotel

The differences between Empire State Building and Burj Al-Arab Hotel There are two celebrated edifices in the universe, called Empire State Building and Burj Al-Arab Hotel. But the expensiveness is sensible, because the installations and helping of Burj Al-Arab Hotel are the best in the universe.

The indus and aryan civilizations, and the maurya and gupta empires in india

Its origins traditionally were viewed as the result of the diffusion of farming andtechnologyfrom more advanced cultures in Mesopotamia and on the Iranian plateau to Baluchistan and ultimately to the Indus Valley. One of the most important centers of Indus civilization was Mohenjo-Daro, situated along the west bank of the Indus River. Like most cities →

The empire company limited

The Wolfefamilyowns 100% of the voting shares of the company, and not only know the value of their company and expect to receive at least that much, but also a premium on top of that. Greg Rudka is the Managing Director at Scotia Capital; he has extensive background in the history of →

The western roman empire – the rise & fall

In the fourth century B.C., Rome began to expand and Romans came into greater contact with the Greeks, which suggest that Aeneas has a role in the creation of the great city. In the first century B.C., the Roman Poet Virgil developed the Aeneas myth in his epic poem the Aeneid, which →

How significant was slave trade in the growth of the british empire

The slave trade was mainly involved in two key aspects: the growth of the sea trade and maintenance of existing settlements. Even though slavery was considered of great importance, there were other key factors involved with the expansion of the British Empire. Trade was one of the main key factors that allowed →

The effect of the portuguese encounter on the songhai empire research papers example

Sonny Ali was the creator of the Empire and also the one who expanded the borders of the state. The book contains the history of the Songhai state in 15th and 16th century, with a brief excursion into the preceding period. In 1460, when the Europeans entered Africa, the continent was divided into a number →

History of songhai empire

The Songhai Empire Alex Beffa Global History April 9, 2012 Beffa 3 The Songhai, also known as the Songhay, was not only the last, but also the largest and greatest empire of western Africa between 1000 and 1600 ce.i The previous empire was the Mali empire. When the Mali empire started to decline in →

Byzantine empire

Justinian helped rebuild the Roman Empire by the many contributions he gave to the empire; he was able to rule a well-structured empire. What this really means that in eyes of others, Justinian was seen as a godly figure himself, in that he would tell people how to live. Justinian more than →

Economic factors in the decline of the byzantine empire

" Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire" In this article taken from The Journal of Economic History, Peter Charanis discusses the factors that economically affected the decline of the Byzantine Empire. For example, in the seventh century, the Sarcens, Slavs, and Bulgars reduced the empire greatly, but the seventh →

British empire

After the discovery of the colonies, England established trading posts. The most important companies were the " East India Company", which had been found in 1600 and the " Virginia Company" founded in 1606. The Victorian Empire But in order to get a new empire, England had to expand the colonies in →

Downsizing: layoff and employees

Additionally, trimming the payroll liability seemed an easier way to increase profits in the short term. The payroll is basically a current liability, and to the extent that workers are not engaged in long-term contracts (or to the extent that a long-term contract with a substantial number of employees is soon to expire), the firm →

Performance appraisal and employee motivation

Other than the traditional goal of accessing the performance of the employees, Performance appraisals and reviews can be used as a tool to reinforce the desired behavior and competent performance of the employees. In an organization it is necessary to measure the performance of their employees and success of any organization can →

Impact of employees turnover

Due to the relatively high frequency of expatriateturnoverand the associated costs, the international business literature has been punctuated with efforts to isolate the factors causing difficulty in cross-cultural-adjustment. The three areas receiving the greatestinteresthave been the selection of the " ideal" expatriate manager [Abe and Wiseman 1983; Church 1982; Mendenhall and Oddou →

Costs of employee assistance program

But if the employee is doing poorly at work due to life's pressure out of workplace, then the employer should help him or her cope more effectively and restore the good work performance. This is done through this program whereby Employee Assistance Program counselor at this point helps both employer and employee →

How employees and managers see things differently — and how to fix it

Here are some ways HR and leaders can bridge the management-employee gap. Innovation vs.status quo Managers will say they look to their employees for innovation, but according to the VitalSmarts survey, employees feel that their leaders really value obedience. When the survey asked respondents to identify which norms reflected their company culture, employees were →

Resistance from the employees

With the implementation of supply chain systems that involve the use of internet technologies, another critical success factor to the implementation of the system is the resolution of security risks that such technologies expose the company to. To ensure that systems are successfully implemented therefore, the authors state that a high level of data security →

Improving employee productivity

Momentarily, the demand for employee productivity Is Increasing more and more, making this a feature that Is actually missing In todays workforce and also leaving most of the managers wondering what they should do next and what the causes are. This is the result of all the distractions and all the separate activities →

How to get the message out to all employees

What the career development program is expected to do It should improve both the adermic level of students and vocational skills It should help to accomplish the objectives set by the advisory of career development It should improve the knowledge in the use of the availabletechnologyIt should set a role model and create a →

Us employment laws research paper sample

With these issues and complications in mind, the US federal government and the US legislative assemblies had created several laws, which not only gives power to the employment sector, but also outlines the rights, benefits and services that should be given to the labor force who makes the country progress. →

Difference between adverse effect and disparate treatment research paper examples

In Ricci v Destefano, the employer (the New Haven Civil Service Board was unable to prove that the selection criteria for the selection of firemen and women was justified and non-discriminatory hence the judges' decision that the criteria was discriminative. On the other hand, disparate impact refers to the singling out of a one or →

Other research paper samples

Accountability in the healthcare industry not only applies to the course of medical practices of the professionals being administered to the patients, but it also applies to the whole areas of the industry including the business itself. Accountability will let the health care staff to become more competitive as they will have the opportunity to →

Employees with work

Purpose Statement The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that inspire workers employed by small businesses, with 5 years or less service and 5 years of more services, to remain loyal to their employer. Some small businesses do not have the benefit packages and the retirement plans to offer their →

Maslow’s theory and employee motivation (the punishment system)

Such include withdrawal of the employee's privileges in the organization and fining for any loss brought by the misconduct. For crime activities involving an employee, legal charging and conviction can be employed. However, all should be imposed upon adequate proof of the claimed misconduct as well as →

Responsibilities and rights of employees and employers

Within our area of work we also have the Disability Act, Manual Handling Operations and Regulations, Data Protection Act, The Medicine Act, General Social Care Council code 2001, RIDDOR 1995 and more. List the main features of current employment legislation Pay Being paid and payslips

Secrets of finding and keeping good employees

On the other hand, Interviewing is an important process in the preselection of good employees and so opening a gate to have the right person in the right position. Interviewing is an art of gathering information and trying to learn about candidates before selection. Finally, companies should be aware of matching the right person to →

Good research paper about use of contracting services for school transportation and custodial services

Many districts are struggling financially and service providers tout a huge savings while saving the school district's administrative and other headaches in the process. Relieving some of the headaches from administrators might sound well and good, but in truth, however, that in some cases, the subcontracting of services does save school

Free research paper on howard schultz followers and followership

This theory, if applied by the leader would ensure that they are highly principled and effective. Howard Schultz is an example of a leader who acts his leadership role based on influence of the time matrix. He plays various leadership roles within the organization and thus, the achievements and productivity within the organization are as →

Sexual harassment at work research paper examples

Looking at the problem from a new perspective may lead to better results when communicating and therefore in finding solutions to the problem. Behavioral Objectives Define Sexual Harassment Understand the imbalance in power that can cause the behavior Learn how to identify the behavior Learn how to report an incident →

Research paper on credit suisse: corporate culture and ethical leadership

This is a criminal offence in the United States of America, and consequently after taking the matter to court, the bank was charged with the crime of aiding and abetting evasion of tax payment. Further information indicates that the bank has already pleaded guilty of this charge. Secondly, the bank →

Career development plan summary research paper

As outlined in the paper, the employment process is a crucial precept that requires apt transparency and accountability. Essentially, the organizational pinnacle necessitates an exhaustive investigation and comprehension of the team.

5 things that an employee shouldn’t share with his or her boss

Treading a fine balance between having a friendly relationship with your boss/manager and also maintaining a professional distance can sometimes be tricky, especially if your boss carries a candid demeanor, expresses interest in honest one-to-one conversations and likes to joke around. However, it is always important to remember that no matter how friendly you →

5 hr strategies to promote employee health and safety

Managers should fully utilize all the resources to create and maintainhealthand safety standards for an organization. Below are the 5 strategies that can be implemented to encourage and sustain employee wellness and safety. Establish Open Communication A key component in maintaining the trust of the employees is to encourage opencommunicationon any health or safety →

Impact of employee motivation on performance

Corporate performance and revenue growth are challenge by Internal and external operatingenvironmentfactors. To survive in profitable way in the highly challenging and competitive global market economy, all the factor of Employee Retention & Production - machine, materials & men, should be managed in a impressive way Among the factors of production the →

Example of leadership styles and job satisfaction research paper

According to scholars, transformational leadership style helps in enhancing the moral values and attitudes of the subordinates. Transactional leadership style There are certain situations in which the transactional style of leadership helps in motivating and attaining job satisfaction. This style of leadership has also been associated to contribute in the aptitude of leaders in →

Motivation vs employee performance

The literature review was structured in the following form: Introduction, motivation, the early theorists of motivation, and contemporary theorists of motivation. Area of Study 1: Motivation Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. The employee performance management →

Impact of motivation on employee performance

However, for the existing business too market acceptance of a new product is risky. For the growth direction issue the synergy is searched in the areas of product and market.

Infographic: how to give constructive feedback to your employees

An highlights the best practices to follow to provide constructive feedback, noting that it's important to understand the issue completely before sitting down for a chat with the team. The infographic urges managers to focus on both the successes and the negatives, and also offer ways of improvement to In addition, make feedback sessions a →

Free research paper on homeserve training program assessment

Rewards for the training would be put in place so as to support the learning process. EMPLOYEE READINESS AND CREATING A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT This simply means determining whether the employees have the abilities, attitude, beliefs and necessary motivation required in learning the program and using the knowledge acquired and apply it practically on the →

Data of an employee from the human resources department

The Human Resources Department is the one responsible of holding and filing all the related information about an employee of the company such that the file of the employee's biographical data. Qualities, strengths and weaknesses of the employee is also being included in the biographical data in order for the employee to let the company →

The involvement of employees

Unions being the part of the modern organizations often seem to resist the technological changes mainly due to skill obsolete created by technology. The existing research focused on finding the employee relationship in relation to the technological change and how the unions, as institutional mechanism can interfere into such process of change →

Being self-employed vs. working for someone else

This will be a great disadvantage because not only is the person not able to be self-employed but they might have been out of the work field for a long time and did not gain much experience in a field that they would go out and try to work in after they figure out that →

Good example of political science research paper

The accumulated unused sick leave which goes beyond 24 hours if unused, will be carried over as part of the sick leave from year to year. The law only allows that employees to use their accrued sick days from the start of their 90th day of employment. It is beneficial for some of the employees →

Motivation in economic downturn for surviving employees

Open-book management, a strategy that is designed to help facilitate the communication process, is widely adopted by many recognizable corporations such as the HSBC Group and Cathay Pacific during downsizing. Through disclosure of the detailed business and financial information, the practice provides employees with insights into the company's situation and hence the →

Loss of freedom through apathy

It is the American vote and in this Presidential election it is a right 250 million chose to ignore. It startled and in a way disheartened me, the way many of the people I polled seemed totally apathetic to the political world around us. To me, spending a minute answering questions about the future of →

Perspectives on free-speech zones on college campuses research paper examples

Evaluate which person made the stronger argument. Greg Lukianoff argued that a policy on free-speech zones is a curtailment of an individual's or group's freedom of expression given the fact that " only a tiny portion of the campus" is allowed for use during protests/rallies. The reason for my choice is that liberty does not →

Recruitment research paper examples

In certain rebel and militant groups, girl soldiers are recruited for the sole purpose of providing sexual services to the soldiers. Conclusion The use of child soldiers in warfare has resulted to deaths of children reaching millions. Print. Tiefenbrun, Susan." Child Soldiers, Slavery and the Trafficking of Children".