Genuine Research Paper Examples

Conflict and stress management

Managing other individuals is very rewarding and demanding at the same time and transition from one job to another as a supervisor may pose a great challenge to many people (Drake, Mecker, & Stephens, 2002).. As a new supervisor in a new job, the two greatest challenges may be on how to manage employeesstresslevels at β†’

Physically visiting the markets and use of telephone/mobile phone

Objectives of the study The study addresses the overall fish marketing system of Bangladesh with particular emphasis to the extent of value addition during the process of marketing of rohu, catla, pangas, tilapia, hilsha and shrimp. The specific objectives of the study are to: i) identify different marketing channels and intermediaries β†’

Mobile phones: risk and responsibility

Around 1/4 of mobile phone users are under the age of 18 and the number of young users is expected to rise with the total numbers of users is meant to rise to 1. It is said that the closer the phone is to a mast the safer they are.

Research about u mobile

U Mobile entered the market with the objective to provide relevant mobile services to targeted customers in both the consumer and enterprise segments. U Mobile is currently the only 3G service provider in Malaysia to offer per-second billing for all its plans both post-paid and prepaid.

Cell phones – boon or bane

The greatest invention are those which affect the mass of people; and of those greatest invention is cell phones. Discounted cell phones accessories have made it even easier to keep the phone intact and give it a longer life. Undoubtedly , if cell phones are in right hands , then they are a marvel !

How are mobile phones changing the way people maintain relationships

Here comes into importance the technology of the mobile phone, as it gives the opportunity to talk to anyone, anywhere at any time. Since mobile phones have become an increasingly important tool in social interaction, the purpose of this research project is to gain insight into the mobile technology phenomenon and to β†’

Cell phone design operation management

Shortening the duration of the project As the duration of the project is directly dependent on the duration of critical path, we should make the critical path shorter; in this case we need to re-plan the project. Manager should shorten the duration or work on a task on the critical path, β†’

Mobile phones

Significance of the Study This study is significant to the following sectors of the society: Parents. The goal of this research is to inform the parents for the proper usage of mobile phone to let them guide their children to the proper usage of mobile phone and to set some limitation in texting via mobile β†’

Mobile phone and broadband network

Launched in 2000, StarHub has become one of Singapore's most innovative info-communications providers, and the pioneer in 'hubbing' - the ability to deliver unique integrated and converged services to all its customers. StarHub, listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange since October 2004, is a component stock of the Straits β†’

Mobile phone security

Introduction One of the biggest threats that a mobile phone user faces today Is loss or theft of the phone. Not only Is the mobile valued as a physical device, the phone may contain personal and financial data stored in the handset or in the phones subscriber identity module. Mobile phone users normally β†’

The micromax mobile phone

2 To Lock/Unlock To unlock your phone , press the small button on the top side of the phone. Or to unlock the phone slide up on the message displayed on the screen. 2 To View a contact Menu> Phonebook> Options> View In the contact list of the Phonebook, select to view the required β†’

Cell phone radiation

The radiation protection to be practiced > cell phone radiation During normal use, over half of the radiation transmitted by your mobile phone is absorbed by your head or body. Always use speakerphone or proven radiation safety accessories. Steps that should be take to reduce cell phone radiation : > use β†’

Mobile phone and children

Mobile phones keep children safe Mobile phones keep children safer, as it is easier for parents to stay in touch with their children and for children to contact someone in an emergency. Such manners are the direct consequence of familiarity with the device and an understanding of appropriate use in certain contexts. β†’


INTRODUCTION: Rationale of the Study Android technology is a type of OSS , which is a type of software readily available with a source code that is not held exclusive by copyright laws. Lastly, Android technology has improved mobile technology by forming the Open Handset Alliance, a group of handset manufacturers, service providers, β†’

What role do mobile phones play in society?

They help people communicate more efficiently, anywhere on the planet. Mobile phones have developed multi-features they are more than just a phone and can be used for sending text messages, taking photos, surfing the internet, playingmusic, using a calculator, setting an alarm, playing games, sending email, checking the time, calendar, maps, GPS, banking, radio, business's β†’

Bible and biblical/christian worldview

The biblical/Christian worldview of Identity is that men and women were created in the image of God. A biblical worldview should influence the way I think about, treat and speak to others on a daily basis in that God is love.

What is the meaning of the ninth commandment?

From these interpretations it is easy to reach the conclusion that the definition of both truth and lying is steeped more in the intention of the individual rather than individual acts or words spoken. Brevard Childs believed that the original idea behind the ninth commandment was a legal one, rather β†’

Clash of cultures in the film “witness”

In the film Witness the Western World influences and changes the characters through the new experiences they face and encounter. Throughout the course of the film the Amish boy, Samuel Lapp undergoes many changes as he is influenced and corrupted by the horrors of the Western World as appose to the Amish culture which dwells β†’

Baptist confessions

Although concerned with freedom of conscience they are anxious to let it be known that they will not support miscarriages of justice. This is in response to the fact that at the time of writing it Mennonites could be imprisoned simply for belonging to the group according to Cornelius Dyck in ' β†’

Islams early interactions with judaism and christianity

At the beginning of the 7th Century, the Byzantine and Sassanid empires were embroiled in a 26-year war for supremacy, which had a lasting cultural impact on the Arabs of the Peninsula eventually leading to the emergence and subsequent explosion of Islam into the monotheistic sphere. The interaction Islam had with existing β†’

Women role in christianity and islam

The modern womens rights movement has had a dramatic impact on the role of women in Christian churches." Women in Christianity" is a vast and complex subject with multiple dimensions as Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world practiced in different societies and cultures around the world. When we deal with the β†’

Pedro calungsod

But the end result feels more like a dispassionate history lesson than a compelling cinematic experience. PEDRO CALUNGSOD " The Filipino Saint" THE MOVIE BUOD Pedro Calungsod is a teenage Saint. The faith that was planted β†’

Satan in christian worldview and modern society

But, it is not the talk of Satan that is alarming so much as the type of attention and talk that he is receiving. But, when Satan decides to go ahead and keep the throne two of his children leave Hell to create their own version of Hell on earth; landing in New York City β†’

Real presence: eucharist

The Eucharist as the Real Presence of Christ can be seen through the Eucharistic dogma provided by the the Council of Trent, Vatican II. Certain excerpts from scripture can be used to display the consistency of belief in the Eucharist as the literal blood and body of Jesus Christ. The protest with β†’

St. francis of assisi

His father had been abroad, traveling for his businesses, while his child had been born and he came with the displeasing fact that his son was named after what the Italian thought of as the version for John the Baptist. One of the prayers he had written when he was nearing his death was the β†’

Leading a muslim to christianity

Millions of Muslims Converting to Christianity Thousands of Muslim turns to Christianity celebrated Christmas all over the world, according to the surveys of the many missionary organizations and media. The Salem Voice Ministries evangelizing Muslims in India and many of the other Muslim countries, there are approximately 500 evangelists ministering amongst Muslims β†’

Christianity vs. greek mythology

Both have similarities and differences in their religious beliefs that have been compared often and I have chosen to discuss the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Greek mythology. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, or belief in only one God, and spiritual practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus β†’

Christians living

The last major Crusade began 174 years later, in 1270. The word " crusade" comes from the Latin word crux, which means " cross." Members of the many expeditions sewed the symbol of the cross on their clothing. The declared motive for the Crusades was to take Jerusalem and the so-called holy β†’

What it means to be a pastor

Why is it important to consider carefully and prayerfully one's call, especially a call to be a pastor? I am convinced that to enter pastoral ministry without God's call is one of the greatest deceptions of the devil. This is so because the one who is deceived and drawn into pastoral ministry apart from God's β†’


Two Councils which maintain and promote these values are The National Council of Churches and the NSW Ecumenical Council. Through the projects and events these two councils undertake, they impact on the society around them by providing aid to the many communities that receive their service. The impact of the NCCA is β†’

Westboro baptist “church”

That the group uses the vehicle of Christian religion to frame their nonsense is offensive not only to those who would abhor an anti-gay message in general, but also to those who espouse true religion and, while they may not condone or agree with certain lifestyles, understand that it is, according to all Judeo-Christian doctrine, β†’

Romans seeing of christian worldview

Sins in Roman Sin is mention several times in Romans, Paul tells us that we all have sin and we all fall short of the glory of God. Paul also explained to us that through the away no one will be saved, but the law lets us recognize what sin is. Salvation In β†’

My fieldtrip

After his services and charge began, the charge was organized and passed on to the Reverend Thacker Muir. Reverend Muir cut the first log for the first structure known as the " Log Meeting House." In Reverend Muir's honor the name was changed to Muir's Chapel. In the fifties, The Smoak Building β†’

In paper for martin luther trial

He has given himself up to the authority of the Catholic Church to address the charges that he is a heretical revolutionist. Luther took the lightening to be a call from God, and to the disappointment of his father, who hoped he would become a lawyer, took vows at an Augustinian monastery to begin a β†’

Is christian morality today too lenient

A very common example in Belize is the willingness among teenagers to engage in sexual activity in spite of heir Christian moral values. Even though the Christian church has certain rules that its followers should follow, teenagers ignore them and turn on their good Christian morals. I believethat the Christian Church need not change their β†’

Christian attitudes to infertility.

Christian attitudes to medical treatment for infertility * Childlessness is a major problem for some Christian couples who believe that if they cannot have a child, they are not able to fulfil God's command to humans to be " fruitful and multiply" * Some may accept that it is God's choice for β†’

Judeo christian veiws on god

Explain how the Judeo Christian tradition shows the goodness of God The ' goodness' of God, as a concept, refers to the holiness and care that god himself initiates on his people, however the Judeo-Christian tradition hold that gods attributes cannot be a ' concept' as god is personal, and treats β†’

First great awakening

The next noticeable move of God was in Northampton, Mass around 1734 - 36. The final thrust of awakening took place in the 1740s with the arrival of the powerful orator and itinerant speaker, George Whitefield. A contributor to the National Humanities Center validates these claims by informing, " The earliest manifestations of the American β†’

William and the khans

However, In his encounters with Scratch, Abate, and Managua Khan the purpose of his visit is misunderstood by a linguistic misinterpretation. Despite his allure to convert many people to Christianity, his letter is significant in presenting some of the educational and religious movements occurring within Europe, and the relations that were emerging through β†’

Mia zentner

Hook Sentence * Religion is a system of beliefs, culture, and worldwide views.* There are millions of religions in the world today.* Believers have found success in life by following the tenets of the religions Judaism and Jainism.B. Topic Sentence * Judaism and Jainism both evolved in two different parts of the world.B.

Ministering to mormons

David Rowe's text suggest that individuals who would preach Christianity to Mormons should approach Mormonism as less of a cult and more of a culture and will less zeal than love, Section 1: Overview of Mormon Theology According to its founders, the Mormon faith is based on the teachings of the descendents of ancient β†’

Why i need a degree in christian ministry

AlthoughI believethat Christianity is a matter of spirituality and the Holy Spirit is largely responsible for teaching Christians and especially preachers and ministers the word, I appreciate the role of studying the Christian ministry. With an increasingly elitist society, more people turning lukewarm to the word of β†’

Shouter baptists

Speaking tongues is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit referred to in the Bible. The bell is used at the beginning of the service to call members to worship, at the end of the service or according to spiritual instructions.

Methodologies of christian social ethics

While ethics reflect on morality, morality describes the behavior of a person. Mackenzie A 19th century philosopher defines ethics as a study of what is right or good in human conduct or the science of the ideal involvement in human life Staunch Sinai says " Ethics is a normative β†’

Martin kuther king

Martin Luther King Jr., A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King Jr., TheAutobiographyof Martin Luther King, Jr." Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of trueeducation."?

Jewish, early christian, byzantine and islamic art

Architecture, as well as art, is influenced by a number of forces in society, in theenvironment, in thepsychologyof the people who produce it, and in different institutions. It is an expression of inner feelings and beliefs and so naturally is influenced by religion in many societies. With the adoption of Christianity as the official religion, β†’

What is civil religion and how does it affect christians

In the article " Civil Religion in America" by Robert Bellah, civil religion is defined as " the public religious dimension that plays a crucial role in the development of American institutions that is expressed in a set of beliefs, symbols, and rituals". Bellah argues that civil religion at its best is a genuine apprehension β†’

Life and ministry of a. j. tomlinson

According to Nienkirchen, the goal of Tomlinson was " to find the true ' Church of God' where the preaching of the word was being confirmed by miracles, signs, and wonders, together with gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the pattern of Acts ". The Church of God for All Nations describes Tomlinson's β†’

Vocation paper autosaved

Together my husband and I are in charge of bringing our children up in the Lutheran faith and showing them how to live in a God pleasing way. My husband and I have taken vows to be faithful and loving to each other and show our children what it means to submit to β†’

Swot of sony

Consequently, Sony Company be able to observe how their person odds execute in Japan, otherwise still atfoodon a quick look. InformationTechnologyas well chains Sony Company's well-organized procurement. Weaknesses: Sony Company is single of the globally major corporation within electronics and other than contain a feeble manages of its territory, β†’

The causes of inflation

Although inflation is generally thought of as an inordinate increase in the general price level, throughout the history of economics the causes of inflation and the definition of inflation itself remained as an unresolved issue. Furthermore, due to the unequal relationship in the terms of trade and the dependence - dominance role β†’

Pest totyoooota

GAP in Japan decreased meaning that the overall income level of population lowered causing people to buy less cars Japan's exchange rate One of the leading brands in cars around the world Japanese automotive industry is one of the most famous in the world β†’

Business strategy of f&n in singapore and malaysia

Its mission is to be a leading Asian-based company focused on a balanced portfolio comprisingFood & Beverage, Properties and Publishing & Printing, with significant business presence in overseas markets and renowned for its product quality, brands, sound management and reputation of delivering value to all its stakeholders. Whilst our three businesses may β†’

The disadvantages of using swot analysi

Other Planning Methods Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages of using a SOOT analysis comes when the organization makes the decision, whether conscious or not, to only rely on the analysis for planning. For the analysis to be successful and correct, management needs to keep reviewing the results of the model.

Home decision

Purchasing a home can have severe financial repercussions, thus making the decision to purchase a new home a daunting and challenging choice, so when making a large financial decision, the basic principles of economics along with one's relative needs you must closely assess. Many of the decisions we make as consumers directly relate β†’

Swot dropbox

Strengths: first one to have the idea of cloud storage with synchronization, accessible where you want from any devices, simple design easy to use, exactly same data everywhere you go principle of synchronization, saved in if your laptop is out of use you have access to your files online, enable β†’

Yuppie donut swot

In term of the legal, our business follow the legal and legislation that have been state in the government laws where we are operate the business follow the action that suppose have been done by the businesses. For example we as a Islamic person we are sold the HALLfoodand we also get the β†’

Swot au bon pain in malaysia

Meanwhile, Malaysia has one of the highest Gini coefficients in Asia, povertyrates also vary significantly from state to state. Weaknesses Au Bon Pain is a new brand while Malaysians term to put a Opportunities Increasing consumer awareness in nutrition value andfoodfortification for healthcare Malaysia's Economic Transition Plan calls for real GDP β†’

Volcom swot

Trademarks The company owns the Quicksilver and Rosy trademarks and the related mountain and wave and heart logos in every country in the world. Other trademarks it owns include and the DC Star logo, among others. Licensing Agreements and Patents The company owns rights throughout the world to use and license the Quicksilver β†’

Swot of coca-cola

It is one of the most recognized brands of moisturizer in the country. The target group of athletes is limited and does not cover the entire society.

China pestel

Government Encourages Entrepreneurship The government encourages the citizen to create the enterprise and cooperate with foreign-funded enterprises; it is a good opportunity for all of people and develops a new business. Impact on Open Economic Policy Albeit the competition will be strong as the foreign brands swarm into Chinese market this few years, we discover β†’

Swot of nescafe

Strengths As Nestle is a well known brand in the world, which means it has a certain and broad geographic coverage in world, so this is good for Nescafe to make any further development and it is believed that Nescafe is the major player in coffee market and it has a strong brand names because β†’

Cialis insead swot

Strength : Cialis is more efficient than other products already sold on the market and has less constraints Weaknesses * Lilly ICOS has very low financial funds compared to Pfizer.* The time needed to introduce a new drug on the market is high because it has to be tested to be sure it's not dangerous. β†’

Option pricing techniques are often considered among the most mathematically complex

The Black-Scholes model and the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein binomial model are the primary pricing models in the modern financial market. Financial analysts have reached the point where they are able to calculate, with alarming accuracy, the value of a stock option. By comparisons, most of the models and techniques employeed by today's analysts β†’

A weak fiscal lever

According to Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz, fiscal policy is the policy of the government with regard to the level of government purchases, the level of transfers, and the tax structures (Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz 199). With all its significance, Fiscal lever should be very strong for stabilization of economy. β†’

The friendly correspondence

On the afternoon of the 22nd of December she sat in her living room reading one of Krysta's recent letters in which she said that she had received her present and had told the authorities to not to give it to her until Christmas. She recalled how she had come there and how she spent β†’

Back to china: the reverse brain drain in china

Looking through this new trend, there are three main factors that may drive overseas scholars to come back to China: the growth of the economy in China, the support from the government to overseas scholars, and the bond between overseas scholars and homeland. Although the living condition in China is still not comparable to that β†’

Psychology of body language

Retrieved from | " Pitch correlates only loosely with height, but is closely tied to hormone levels meaning it's a good indicator of fertility or dominance, as well ashealthand attractiveness." In general, people with attractive voices have attractive faces," says David Feinberg, a psychologist at McMaster University." | This is interesting because well β†’

Abortion research paper

Among them considerable attention is to be paid to the control of fertility issues, which include such modern challenges as control of the nature of the family (e.g., selecting the gender of a future child), manipulation of the family genetic pool, as well as questions, traditional for philosophical and legal debate, such as usage of β†’

Feeding and eating disorders in infancy or early childhood research paper

Some of the factors that result to increase of feeding disorder include the inability of reading the hunger of a child, poor nurturing and failure to read the satiety cues correctly, mental illness in parents, or poverty. The information collection on the attitude of the children towards the shape of their bodies and intake of β†’

Fitness tests for a swimmer research paper example

This type of test would benefit swimmers since they need the strength and power for explosive start off the blocks and quick, powerful turns that the test would assess. Strength Endurance Test Strength endurance tests allow the athletes to measure their muscular endurance. Besides muscular endurance, the test can assess the athlete's anaerobic and β†’

2 body paragraphs- journey of the magi

In the first stanza the line " The ways deep and the weather sharp" an inverted syntax is used to put emphasis on the sufferings and difficulties of the journey. Along with this line in the first stanza a list of complaints are written, " Then the camel men cursing and grumbling/ β†’

Left brain vs right brain research paper

Right brain thinkers tend to arise at solutions based on their understanding of relationships. We will discuss how each side of the brain can have negative or positive impacts of solutions, and will give detail information on each side.The brain-dominance theory is the study of the relationship between the brains left and β†’

Description of nicaraguan photo

Roosevelt Campbell Professor Finnegan English 111 7 October 2012 The death of the young man in the Nicaraguan war The photograph by Koen Wessing, " Nicaragua" shows a group of people around a dead body on a torn up street in a tragic scene. Koen Wessing is β†’

Black body radiation and ultraviolet catastrophe

He had learned a lot from the journey and other people he met. The journey, indeed, let him realize his self-existence and learn some life lesson taught to him by some friends and other beings he had met, along them are his real parents that are the β†’

My hands that close to your neck

We do not have to like them for that to be true. So, this was a small town, as I mentioned, and I was set up to provide a service, and fully expected attend this public event, and that it might necessarily put me in a position to provide this service to B.E., should β†’

Bias: motor control and favorite color

Ask the participant what his or her favorite color of M&M is and write it on the baggie with a permanent marker. Replace the M&M's that the participant removed with the same-colored M&M's that the participant took from the bowl. Then move on to the next " Favorite Color" and do another tally, until you β†’

Perception and sensation

When a student who does not take the lecture walk by the classroom, the student may be focusing on the people in the room, who is theteacher, etc and not the same thing the student in the class. STRUCTURE OF THE EYEThe process of vision cannot be understood without some knowledge about the structure of β†’

Communication and body language

If you are lounging with arms and legs dangling, it is probably a sign that you are relaxed and feeling comfortable. If you are positioned on the edge of the chair with you legs stretched before you and your feet crossed it can signal indifference. When you are in such a position β†’

Mind or body philosophy paper

Without knowing what we are run by we can never truly reach our full potential because we may be limited by our physical or mental selves. The mind or body argument consists of arguments for the existence of only the mind, the body, and a combination of the two. Since the intellect β†’

Standard precautions research paper examples

This is because; in most cases it is difficult to identify who is infected with the disease. The most popular precautions include the use of surgical mask for respiratory hygiene purposes; this is mostly done in hospitals when a health worker is attending a patient. In this case, there is the need to wear gloves β†’

Swimming allows the body to burn calories

The timed breathing required in swimming conditions the body and allows a person to improve not only his endurance but also a person's lung capacity. Swimming is also a perfect complement for cross-training workouts. Swimming not only develops one's body but also helps people lose weight fast and helps keep people in β†’

Research paper on relationship between knowledge and virtue: socrates

Justice refers to knowledge of what is good and bad for others and finally, piety refers to knowledge of what is good and bad for the gods. Plato's Apology provides an important view on the relationship between virtue and knowledge. It is the wisdom of knowledge and knowledge of what virtue is that should be β†’

The body is a temple

Most people interviewed saw their body as fit, but wanted more change to their body. Others were content with their bodies; they knew they could change for better, but the change was something that was not important because they were set with the bodies they had. One definition was recognized as the β†’

Yoga as science research paper

It involves discipline of body and mind and these practices lead to internal and external cleansing of the system and finally through this balancing the seeker achieve self-realization through union of self with the creator., In ancient times the sages observed the animals, how they stretched and exercised their bodies, β†’

Eating disorders research paper sample

The next stage of the treatment process is to ensure the individual maintains a normal and healthy eating pattern. Eating Disorders: The Path to Recovery.

Body image

Even though it's important for some occupations to have the perfect body image like models, athletes and movie stars, it's virtually impossible for an average person to have a perfect body image because of psychological issues and physical problems such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The Media is responsible β†’

Real-life problem faced by the body shop

But behind the cuddly image lies the reality The Body Shop's operations, the Body Shop does not help the dilemma of the workers and indigenous peoples as well as put them on a pedestal in order to exploit people's idealism. Evidence from " What's wrong with the Body Shop" stated β†’

Stem cell research research paper

Other potential uses of stem cells are in the treatment of diseases like Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Multiple sclerosis and cancers. The stem cell controversy is concerned with the use of embryonic stem cells. The future of this source of stem cell seems to be guaranteed, as it does not seem to have a β†’

Sound body

The mind of a man with shattered body and health is always full of pessimism and sorrow. He is always complaining and grumbling.

Emotiv system

Portability2. The cost is reasonable| | According the table above, we knew EPOC is a new technology that is innovative enough for Emotiv to seek launching into market. Console-Enabled market Gaming market is certainly a giant market from which the company can earn amounts of money and creates much profit, especially for β†’

Neuron studying chapter conspect

chapter 2 chapter outline module 5 Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior The Structure of the Neuron How Neurons Fire Where Neurons Connect to One Another: Bridging the Gap Neurotransmitters: Multitalented Chemical Couriers module 6 module 7 The Brain The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating within the Body The Nervous System The β†’

Research journal about research paper

The paper is then organized into the introduction, body and finally the conclusion. Topic selection The choice of the topic of study should be based on the knowledge of the student in the research field. A prior idea of the topic is beneficial to the student since the process of writing the paper will β†’

Example of human circulatory system research paper

The lymphatic system is an extension of the human circulatory system and it comprises of antibody-mediated and cell-mediated immune systems. The major parts of the human circulatory system include the blood, heart, white and red blood cells, platelets, and the lymphatic system. On the other hand, the lymphatic system is accountable to operating on the β†’

Sample research paper on enzymes scientific paper

Calculations of absorbance are then established from the data obtained from the experiment and calculations from the graph by determining the gradient of the graph. Introduction Enzymes are natural catalysts in the body system which speeds up chemical reactions. The set of enzymes created in the cell of the body system determines the type β†’

Research paper on eating disorders are a widespread problem

The national eating disorders association estimated that about 8 million in the United States experience the symptoms related to the eating disorder. Thus, women are becoming increasingly accustomed to changing their eating habits in order to attain the cultural ideal of slimness. Similarly, the social structures like family and education play a significant role in β†’