Genuine Research Paper Examples

Sample research paper on race bias, facial recognition and recall: the effects of race on memory

Using empirical evidences obtained from the current research's implementation, the researchers were able to verify that the respondents' ability to memorize, recall, and recognize faces were still significantly affected by the presence of own race bias; in this case however, the additional independent variable which was the school affiliation β†’

Psychological development: racism, affirmative action and health care research paper

Racism in America has been one of the most sensitive factors since it can be the source of a range of other negative aspects. America is one of the most diverse countries in the world due to the high number of immigrants recorded as from the 17th through the 20th centuries. This implies that affirmative β†’

White privilege: unpacking the invisible

I have chosen those conditions that I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographic location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined. As far as I can tell, my African American coworkers, friends, and acquaintances with whom I β†’

Racism issue and solutions research paper

I have always wanted to explore the subject of racism because it affects many people in every corner of the world. Racism in My Community and Life I have encountered several acts of racism in my community. People should become keepers of their friends, neighbors, and workmates to deal with racism. Creative Ideas to β†’

Good research paper on the psychology of racisim

In the first half of the 19th century the main stronghold of racist theories were the United States, as the result of intensification of the struggle between slaveholders and abolitionists advocates of the black people emancipation. It is the tendency of people to perceive and evaluate the phenomena of life through the prism of traditions β†’

Good example of racism research paper

The most famous of intuitional forms of racism occurred in the southern states of the USA and apartheid in South Africa. However, the further researches proved that there is no essential difference in the size of a skull between human races, and therefore the IQ in not linked with the size of the skull. Many β†’

Nationality differentiation and its effect

Most people will not directly discriminate other races, but that does not mean it does not happen everyday. Many will argue that their race is superior over another, or that the actions of a few individuals of a certain race determines how that race of people are, therefore making them unequal. I do not think β†’

Marriage and its characteristic in korean culture

While marriage is not necessary in order to beget children, it is necessary for the purpose of care and training of children. The welfare of the children then is the primary purpose of marriage. This is precisely why marriage by nature and by divine will is stable or permanent relationship since welfare of the children β†’

Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage

I think, that true love it is not feeling, but it is a choice. When we decided to get married, we gave a promise to love each other forever, and this means that we cannot stop loving one another anymore. However, if we will know that true love is a choice, we β†’

Legalize same sex marriages research paper examples

Those opposed to same sex marriages have stated that it is against religious teachings of more than 87% of Americans; it is immoral to society as a whole but most importantly they categorically state that same sex marriages threaten the existence of the human race through reduced childbirths. Though there have also been evidence to β†’

Marriage, a history

She takes issue with three " myths" she believes people hold: that the history of women contributing to the support of their families has a fairly short history, and that both love as a reason for marrying and couples aspiring to the marital form of husband as sole " breadwinner" have long histories.

Can we talk

It is hard to live with someone and not know that person in the relationship, intimately or sexually. My spouse and I find a common ground, if one thinks there is a problem let the other know so that we do not have to live with the problem.

The phenomenon of late marriage in china

According to a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of SocialScience, the number of marriage continues to decline especially in big city.(The Chinese get married late increasingly)But why does this happen? But the price of the house is too high to be paid by poor youths.

Sociological conflict theory

A con of this theory is that it does not address the issue; what motivated suicide may be a significant issue within society. Another con of this theory is that it fails to see global perspective and even afamilyview, thereby forcing society to use resources on family; this could be more costly β†’

Middle east conflict from a palestinian perspective

However, as it was mentioned above the core of the conflict is the land possession and Palestinians rejected the equal land division. The surrounding Arab states supported the Palestinian Arabs in rejecting both the Partition Plan and the establishment of Israel, and the armies of six Arab nations attacked the newly formed β†’

My passion in singing

When I was a child, I already use my talent in singing because one of my dreams is to make my name shine in lights and make my faces known to everyone in the world. I started singing in front of a crowd when I was 6 years old. That was the β†’

Mystery and fear in the withered arm

Through the story, Information Is drip fed to us as well as the characters which creates mystery, because we experience the consequences of the characters actions along with them. With the additional background knowledge of historical and social context, the reader is already in the loop, so they can gain a deeper understanding β†’

Socrates: guilty or not

He accuses Socrates of corrupting the youth and of not believing in the gods the city of Athens believes in. Socrates, not being familiar with courts, attempts at defending himself stating that is most likely to engage in a defense not using the language of lawyers, but in the way β†’

College hazing that changed my life

He showcases that by doing something out of the ordinary and joining the rowing team. Also another thing that I believe he tried to get across is to strive for what you want. Finally, he tried to get across that you do not have to be normal its okay if you are not.

Our emotions diary

To accurately identify the range of our emotions and to classify it correctly takes greater control and self-awareness that I could not possibly muster. On the other hand, I also felt confused on whether I got it mixed up; whether I experienced the situation and then the physiological arousal together with the emotion occurred at β†’

Example of addiction counselling research paper

In the program, there are twelve steps that are formulated by the counsellor that will be used by the addicts in order to overcome their addiction of sex. Interpersonal therapy for sex addiction Most sex addicts feel like they have a huge load of weight in their shoulders due to their addiction. In method β†’

Example of swimming research paper

Fangshicun Health states that the kicking motion of water can help facilitate the circulation of blood to the body's organs. Blood circulation to the body is crucial. Some of the disadvantages of swimming include chlorine exposure and water getting into the nose.

Effects of smoking

The lungs are one of the part of the body that most people think get harmed when a person smoke, but people do not think about the heart. Some smokers say that econdhand smoke is harmless, but that is a complete lie. Secondhand smoke can cause the same exacthealthconcerns from the lungs, to β†’

No cigarettes, no smoking

Smoking cigarettes may increase the risk of many health problems. According to the 1982 United States Surgeon General's report, " Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States." Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of 90% of lung cancers which is one of the hardest cancers to treat β†’

How smoking affects your body

Smoking and the Heart The effects of smoking on your heart are devastating. Nicotine raises blood pressure and makes the blood clot more easily. The tars in smoke can trigger cancer of the esophagus and throat. Smoking causes increased stomach acid secretion, leading to heartburn and ulcers.

Research paper on shakespeare

Stevenson English II November 6th, 2012 Shakespeare William Shakespeare is one of the most well respected and time honored man of all time. It is one of the first of Shakespeare's works to be printed and it was a very big success.

Characteristics of orsino in shakespeare’s twelfth knight

Some Notable Characteristics of the Duke of Illyria are his moodiness, selfishness and how he is a fool for love. Orsino is a gentleman who is in search of love, and while eagerly searching; his moodiness and foolishness is revealed. Orsino's selfishness is revealed in the way he pursues a countess that does not love β†’

Free research paper on the hamlet by william shakespeare

In the second appearance, the ghost of the King Hamlet leads his son to a secluded place and narrates of the murder. This makes the scene or that particular part of the play to have a lot of suspense since the King's ghost appears to his wife, talks to his son giving him a fatherly β†’

Shakespeare’s early life

In the sixteenth century, the town was an important agricultural center and market place." It is safe to assume that Shakespeare attended the local grammar school that was built and maintained expressly for the purpose of educating the sons of prominent citizens with the sons of burgesses attending free. " The King's New School was staffed β†’

Theme in β€˜shakespeare in love’

Through its two unfortunate protagonists, Will Shakespeare ' a lowly player' with writer's block and wealthy Viola De Lesseps whodreamsof ' love as there has never been in a play,' it explores the idea of ' the truth and nature of love' in the Elizabethan era. Madden portrays the harsh realities of β†’

Duncan’s room

Macbeth says that the sight of the blood or even the idea is so awful it figuratively hurts his eyes, indicating the extent of his stonishment. Macbeth not only is horrified by the murder, but also feels extreme guilt After the killing of King Duncan." this Is a sorry sight" , proclaimed β†’

Themes in shakespeare

Falstaff however does display being honest to himself but not to others this is evident when Hal and Points repeatedly insult Falstaff by saying " fat as butter you are Falstaff now to the common person they would deny these Insults but to Falstaff he accepts these insults, cops It on the chin, and accepts β†’

Perspectives on the individual in selected works by william shakespeare research paper samples

For instance, in the Hamlet article, he is trying to show how the human mind can work in complex workings.In this book, he is trying to express the work of the mind through the struggles of Hamlet. In this case, the author is bringing up the character of vengeance by human β†’

Shakespeare vs. tom stoppard

In a Midsummer Night's Dream, love is off and on going between most of the characters which shows that love was difficult and not too strong between the characters, while in the play Shakespeare in Love, the love between Shakespeare and Viola seems to be pure and full of passion. This kind of love is β†’

William shakespeare: greatest poet & playwright

England's greatest poet and playwright was born in Stratford, the son of a tradesman and Alderman of Stratford, John Shakespeare in 1564. He used some of these books as sources for his plays. One of his most prominent sources of literature was the book The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre families of β†’

Homoscocial and homoerotiscism in shakespeare

Consider the relationship between homosocial and homoerotic in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and A Twelfth Night." To talk of an Individual in this period as being or not being a ' homosexual' is an anachronism and ruinously misleading" Before a solid argument can commence the reader has to first distinguish β†’

Nature in shakespeare’s sonnets

In ' Sonnet 1' and ' Sonnet 3' it is clear that the speaker is attempting to get the point across that reproduction is life's only purpose. No longer is reproduction the main point, but it changes to death and its inevitability. Throughout the Sonnets, nature is used as a comparison to β†’

Figurative and poetic shakespearean language

Imagine switching the television on to hear a commentator calling a game of football: " Marry, In the very alarm he doth leap and Like the eagle he soars to grab the flying pig- skin. Your Job Is to write a two-minute scene in Modern English and then a Shakespearean translation of the same scene.

Hamlet research paper

He is not a student anymore; he ought to be the King and he is mourning for his beloved father. The soliloquy starting with " to be or not to be?" (Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene I, 58) is very important to the course of the play and to the philosophical development of the character itself. β†’

What drive individuals to commit crime

They had been under the influence when they committed their crimes, they had stolen to support their habit or had a history of drug or alcohol abuse that led them to commit crimes. In " The Drugs-Crime Connection" John Ball discusses the criminality of heroin addicts." There is a general agreement among criminologists that an β†’

People of colour and systematicall injustice

Although there are many influences that contributes to the Prison Industrial Complex, violenceagainst women, people of color, hatred and fear of immigrants are the secondary influences that primary influences, such as, the War on Drugs, the Stop and Frisk policy, etc. target. Different influences in the Prison Industrial Complex are being used β†’

Fraudulent investment operation of ponzi scheme

We learn the key elements in running a Ponzi scheme. We learn how a Ponzi scheme falls apart.

The effects of organized crime on russia’s economic reform

Organized crime promotes the overall performance of the economy in Russia, and it was also a problem during the rise of democratic Russia. The impact of organized crime on Russia's economic reform is significant to both the development and adherence of Russia's previous economy by incorporating elements of transitions such as corruption and revolutions in β†’

Atm skimming

These thieves selfishly used their knowledge of technology to take advantage of a system and profit from it at the expense of society and human well-being. The advantage that we have been given is to be used for the benefit of, and not the detriment of others.

Serial killer edmund kemper iii

His mother criticized Edmund mentally by having him sleep in the basement because she feared he would harm his sisters. Because of this he hated his mother and he also started to have darted toward all women. Occasionally Edmund would break off the heads and hands of his sister's dolls and play a β†’

Crime causation

The process gives juveniles the opportunity to stay out of the juvenile justice system, providing the juvenile stays with the program and all the steps required for completion. This paper will discuss the juvenile intervention contract program and SAGA camp. The juvenile intervention contract gives the juvenile a date to complete the β†’

Why torture is a good thing

There are those people who say that nothing good ever comes out of integration that uses anything that could be torture, but the truth is that is some of where our best intelligence in the War on Terror has come from the use of harsh integrating techniques. In a perfect world there would be no β†’

Natural crime and legal crime

There are crimes that are not wrong in itself, based on the nature of the act, but are considered crimes and therefore are necessarily punishable, once they have been covered by the criminal law. In discussing the difference between the two types of crimes, it is important that we first understood how β†’

Level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming violent

Nowadays, it is observed that the number of criminality is rising in several countries and is more violent. Drug lords and dealers must be imprisoned for life and be penalized. In the case of poverty, the government should provide more budget to the Department ofEducationand even provide subsidized tuition to students of β†’

Prostitution: sexual intercourse and strong religion conviction

People who work for prostitute is a kind of sex worker and it is one of the section in the sex industry. On another hand, in Germany and Netherlands it is a legitimate occupation, prostitution is regulated as a profession, everyone selling the sexual services on the street will not be commit as a crime.

Studying deviance from a socio-cultural stance

The strengths of looking at deviance in criminology are the boundless resources of sociologists and other social scientists such as Merton, Emile Durkheim, and George Herbert Mead. Their works are timeless and to the point as they do not need to reflect the current state of societies and instead only β†’

Current sexual offender restrictions

Section 3 Section 4I believethe best consequential theory to use in regards to theethical dilemmafacing Attorney General Abaca is the theory of rule utilitarianism. One of the major represents of Rule Utilitarianism John Stuart Mills states " The corollaries from the principle of utility, like the precepts of every practical art, admit of β†’

Definintion of crime prevention

Unit 2 Writing assignment CJ212 In the following essay I will discuss my own definition of crime prevention, the relationship of crime prevention to the criminal justice system, and talk about two or more institutions through which crime prevention programs and practices are delivered. The long explanation would be that I believe crime prevention β†’

Serial murder in america: case studies of seven offenders

CASE STUDYEXAMPLES Narrative accounts of each offender and his murders are important to consider in comparing the offenders with each other, and in comparing and discussing the murders of individual offenders. At other times, however, he did not know he would kill until just before the opportunity presented itself.(This assessment of opportunity included his evaluation β†’

Stopping injustice

This injustice was spreading across Europe. The United States found this to be unjust and had to interfere because they found this to be a threat to them. So Iraq's injustice to Persia was a threat to justice everywhere else in the world.

Which is more effective in fighting crime

In the study, identifying these balance or imbalance within individuals may help reduce the occurrence of schoolviolenceby early detection of symptoms thus, interventions may be employed coming from various strategic points like the home, and the school and the community. According to the Laub , the home and the school are β†’

Multispectral imaging

It started with NASA using the technique for satellite imaging using kilometer-length radio waves, to the technique being used by forensicscienceusing light in the visible to the near infrared region, to medical forensics using MeV gamma rays The use of Multispectral imaging in forensics and law enforcement for the examination of a wide β†’

Crime scene sketching

The components of crime scene investigation themselves can be rigorous and demanding depending on the circumstance. A vital piece of crime scene investigation is crime scene sketching; a tool that seems to be less in the forefront of modern television shows, perhaps because this is a less effective way to portray the β†’

Is white collar crime an inside job?

The documentary brings forward many thoughts about the types of white collar crime committed and how those that are guilty got away with it, how the victims were affected by the careless actions of the companies, as well as the reasons andmotivationbehind the crimes. While the documentary does not once mention the term white collar β†’

Deviance and crime (sociology)

These bonds that are presented by Hirschi are meant to represent that they control our behaviour through social contraventions and are not necessarily laws that are within our society. Basically, this theory best describes the reasons in which deviance is theorized because it takes into effect all of the reasons in which β†’

Injustice anywhere

As it is said in Quran: " God enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids indecency and abomination and wickedness." [Surah Nahl; 16: 90] Justice is perhaps the most important of the supreme values of Islam. In fact, it can be said that the main purpose of revelation and β†’

How prostitution is represented in british television

Recently, there have been many debates over the legality of it, and eventually stricter laws have been put in place to try and stop the act of prostitution. Under the 2003 Sexual Offences Act, it is illegal to incite prostitution or control it for your personal gain, banning the running of a brothel, making it β†’

Cyber crime and targets

The constitutional protections of free speech and requirements of specificity of regulations make the criminalization of inappropriate behavior. CAUSES OF CYBER CRIME There are many reasons why cyber-criminals commit cyber-crime, chief among them are these three listed below: Cyber-crimes can be committed for the sake β†’

Vandalism in street art

Depending on what street art genre is about to be create there is a need for different materials. The materials used to create a propaganda poster that will be placed on the wall are the poster , adhesive glue in a bucket and a rolling paint to the wall and the β†’

Cyber crime

Within this text you will find, the definition of cyber crime, the most typical types of cyber criminals, as well as the most common forms of cyber crime. The exact definition of cyber crime is still evolving.( ). People continue the spread of a computer virus, mostly unknowingly, by sharing infecting β†’

Uncle bob

In the 1880 the law enforcement used telephone handset which they plugged into a box to communicate with the headquarters." Early in the twentieth century in Washington, D.C., police officers began using a telephone handset, which plugged into the box for voice communication with headquarters, as seen here in about 1910 at the intersection of β†’

My research on al capone

Capone was one of the most feared man of his times, and still his name is one of the most recognized names in America today. Moran took off, not wanting to be caught up in the raid. In the end, Capone was indited and became a prisoner at the U.S.

The green mile

He then proceeds to talk about the amazing things that started happening in and around Death Row Block " E" like his bladder infection getting cured, a mouse coming back to life, a cure for a tumor, and finally the " insanity" punishment that one of the guards and a certain inmate so rightly deserved.

Faceless crimes

Since cybercrimes are considered " faceless crimes" where a criminal hacker can do their misdeeds miles or continents away, or set-up a logic bomb a few hours later, it has been more difficult to trace these malicious acts. In determining specific categories or types of IT-related attacks, it is noteworthy to examine the lists prepared β†’

Criminal prosecution and competencies

During this process, the charges to be filed and the penalty applicable once convicted, and the Constitutional rights are recited to the defendant. Foundational and decisional competencies can be related in criminal cases, especially ones wherein the defendant suffers from a mental disorder.

Increase in suicide and crime among youth

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 44 per cent of the arrested criminals belong to the age group of 10 to 30 years, which is the ' youth' There is a section of the youth who have been achieving theirgoalsthrough unlawful means. Like I said we all know what the symptoms are, but the β†’


Myers frankly discusses the consequences ofviolence, drive-boys and gang war through his articulate characters, but tempers these episodes with such a love of his fictional community that every character shines wrought with the hope and strength off survivor. Changing his point of view from teen to adult and back again through each vignette, β†’

Prostitution should be legalized

There are some countries, like Canada, most of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark and others, where prostitution is legal, but regulated (prostitution is allowed mainly in the form of brothels but prostitution outside these licensed brothels is illegal), while others consider it as a punishable crime. Despite the fact that prostitution β†’

Gun ownership

Although guns are used in some violent offenses, the fact remains that it is an American's constitutional right to own a firearm. Stricter gun laws will not promise a decrease in violent crimes in the United States, and may put the lives of innocent citizens in greater danger. The Second Amendment to β†’

Neonatal nursing

I would like to be a nursery/neonatal nurse because I love working with newborns, I want to be challenged in mycareer, and I want to have a rewarding/successful profession. I would love to become a Nursery/neonatal nurse. I love newborns, they are little bundles of joy and I can be trusted to β†’

Crime examined through four theoretical perspectives

Crime has been a part of society since the beginning and yet we have not done anything drastic to reduce or even remove it because it is needed for society to function normally. When a crime has been committed, it disrupts social by changing the normal function of society.

Fighting crime with the help of biometric technology

People are not perfect, and the world is a cruel place for people to live in now days. The future is what we need to look to, and our future is in the hands of ourselves. Nothing is easy in life, and we have to stand up and fight for the things we β†’

Example of research paper on the landing of the mars rover curiosity

The curiosity of the rover is five times heavy and twice long as the spirit and opportunity rovers which landed on mars in 2004. How fast was the Rover Launched? In April 2004 NASA gave defined proposals for the scientific instrument the Rover and among this eight good proposals were chosen in December of the β†’

Larry page

Page was first attended the University of Michigan for a bachelor's degree in Engineering and then decided to pursue a master's degree in computer science at the Stanford University, here is where he met Sergey Brin and started the project that would change his life forever. The idea began while searching a β†’

Was caesar a good leader?

They also say that he bribed the people to love him and he cheated the system. I believethat Caesar was a great leader for the Roman people because he created reforms to help the people, created a new government, and changed the course of history. Caesar was very helpful to the people β†’

Are leaders – born or made?

The most argumentative and the most widely researched topic in the field ofleadershipis if the leaders are born or made. A stabilized ongoing development of the intellectual growth and enhancement of various skills and talents at different levels of an individual development plays a pivotal role in the making of a great leader. Today's β†’

Individual management/leadership style

Leadership is the block at the top of the model of a good team, not because it is most important, but because it is the ultimate goal of an effective, efficient team. They understand that their route to success is, inevitably through engaging, focusing and mobilizing others' brainpower, horsepower and commitment. Team β†’

Leadership vs management

Gardner begins to challenge the idea that leadership exists within a single designated person and a situation. Instead, he positions leadership as moving toward and achieving a group AOL, not necessarily because of the work of one skilled individual but because of the work of multiple members of the group. A β†’

The importance of accountability

The United States health care system faces challenges in providing quality health care to diverse population. The effort to identify the culturally health care from the perspective of ethnically and diverse in detail to define cultural competence level of medical encounter are lacking the skills, and knowledge to identify the different cultural β†’

Leadership derailment

In this essay, I give an explanation of divisional manager of a certain motor vehicle workshop who derailed and as a result, he was demoted Thomas was the divisional manager of the automotive workshop which was the service center of the automotive company I used to β†’

Leadership is an abstract idea that accommodates many descriptions

In the social sphere, it can be regarded as the way in which some certain individual with desired characteristics like socialresponsibilitytake up the helms or control in social domains. This control is aimed at filling a vacuum that exists for the coordination of activities and the making β†’

Kant and leadership

I believethat a good leader is someone who is able to lead his followers on the basis of moral consideration for the life and welfare of each member of the organization, for instance. Without the moral consideration for the life and welfare of the members, the leader will hardly convince his members to follow his β†’

Leader interview

This paper discusses Shiela Moore, one of the Executive Directors of Casa Myrna Non Governmental Organization and herleadershipstyles in the organization. It also discusses her achievements and the challenges that she has faced, as well as her strengths and weaknesses and gives recommendations and a plan of action that explains how the β†’

Price leadership

The rivals will keep their prices constant in order to increase their sales at the expense of the firm that raises the price. That is, for upward changes in price, a firms demand is expected to be higly elastic, in contrast when the firm lowers it price, it is most likely that its rivals will β†’

Biblical servant leadership

Yet He is the master, the greatest? he has the power and the ability to stand on top of the crowd but He Is also the least and the lowest to be able to wash the feet to human beings. The whole point of being a servant leader is that you know God is the β†’

Pacetta’s leadership principles

Especially in cases of non-performing personnel, managers and leaders of businesses should display the will and the courage to implement changes and do what is necessary for the organization to thrive and overcome the problems it is in. The principles that Pacetta outlined can be implemented in both military and non-military situations because of the β†’

Tb leadership

Despite the corporate realities of greed, competition, and the drive to achievegoalsand profits, leaders can act from moral values and encourage others to develop and use moral values In the workplace.0 2. All of us have the potential to live and act courageously, If we can push through our own fears.

Laizzez faire

The Liberal reforms changed the economy, politic and social circumstances[l] , and lead Britain to a more well structuralizes and strong country. The reasons of the reforms were, changes in attitude, the Boer War, social reform, political changes and the fear of being overtaken.[4] The Ideology of Laissez fairer had assumed how a β†’

Nothing changes without leadership

Skill is the ability coming from one's knowledge, practice or aptitude to do something well; since leadership is a skill, there is therefore the need to learn and grow in the application of leadership abilities. Good leadership is a result of the active practice and application of the rights skills which can become a part β†’

Leadership qualities of harry s. truman

He was admired for his ability to maintain his Midwestern demure while being one of the world's most prominent leaders as President of the United States. Truman was a compromise candidate for vice president, almost an accidental president after Roosevelt's death 12 weeks into his second term. A Broadway play, " Give 'Em Hell, Harry" β†’

4 ways effective leaders deal with incompetent people

After all, even if a team fails because of a subpar member, it reflects poorly on the leader. Here are four tips on surviving as a leader when there are incompetent people on the team: 1. It's up to leaders to create an environment where everyone is on the same page, and there are no β†’