Genuine Research Paper Examples

Good sexual deviant behavior research paper example

This research study will analysis significant changes in sexual deviance, and bring out a clear understanding of causes, effects, and how some of these deviant behaviors can be mitigated. Research Problem Sexual deviance is a kind of sexual behavior that is defined in different aspects such as moral, medical, and in legal terms. Passage β†’

Gender inequality: overview

The glass ceiling effect also indicates the limited chances of women for income raises and promotion or advancement to more prestigious positions or Jobs. As women are prevented by these artificial barriers, from either eceiving Job promotions or income raises, the effects of the inequality of the glass ceiling increase over the course β†’

Working class and racial discrimination

Unlike Sinclair's The Jungle, Moody's Coming of Age in Mississippi is compelling autobiographical narratives in the African American literary tradition. In a voice that is as subtle as it is insistent, as unpretentious as it is uncompromising, Moody maps her coming of age in Mississippi during the repressive 1940s and 1950s and β†’

Example of research paper on jewish marriage

It marked the beginning of the acknowledgement of the union of a man and a woman in marriage within the Jewish law. The following is a generic translation of the kettuba. On the __ day of the Hebrew month__ in the year ___since the creation of the world, according to our way of reckoning here β†’

Gender inequality in “to kill a mockingbird”

In the late 1920s and early 1930s many women began to make a strong effort to gain rights in The United States of America. Because of the efforts of these women, during the 1930s women began to receive more rights. The rights that women had in the 1930s are shown in Harper β†’

Non-discrimination in the workplace

W's employment with the Customs and Excise Department was conditional upon results of a medical examination and he was dismissed shortly after the results revealed that his mother suffered from schizophrenia. Both the Fire Services Department and CED applied a policy of rejecting job applicants with a first degree relative suffering β†’

Inequality and its effects in the workplace

The problem of inequality in the workplace has become one of the most important and vital issues in our society today. In order to understand fully the reasons for these inequalities, one must try to understand the factors that cause gender, ethnicity, and racial issues within the workplace, yet in this case, β†’

Age discrimination

For examples, if all the old people have no job, they will be thought to be a burden of the society, as they do not help with the GDP. Also, old people will feel meaningful as they can contribute their stength to the society. Summing up, an aged person is not " a tattered coat β†’

Connecting sociological theory and social issues

The functionalist perspective is described as " a sociological approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability".On the topic of HIV/AIDS, a functionalist will most likely focus on how this issue has affectedhealthcare for those infected with the disease. Without proper healthcare, β†’

Issue of poverty in a society of america

Being so that most people that are in these conditions will not get any further because the economic resources and standards of living are extremely low and have no intentions of bettering. The truth is the true issue of poverty has never been dealt with since most Americans and politicians have focused their point on β†’

Gun control research paper

The methodology used in this study will be in thorough in order to get the facts of the issue of gun control as discussed. It is also vital for individuals to be aware that the gun control allows them to be in control of their guns rather than illegalizing guns.

Example of curfew for minors research paper

Despite the existence of such oppositions, there is a need to comprehend with the fact that there are various reasons that justify juvenile curfew. Discussion Proposing Views The first reasons as to why curfew placed for persons aged seventeen years and below are justified is the fact that the juvenile crimes have become β†’

Video shot boundary detection based on color histogram research paper sample

3 Fade and dissolve detection Finally, the fade and dissolve boundary detection is carried out and helps in detection of smooth shot boundaries. The aim of this detection is to be able to detect within a video susceptible frames.

Discrimination in text and discourse

These two approaches in discourse analysis are relevant for the explanation and interpretation of a text or verbal discourse and in the study of linguistic as a whole. In the same manner, discourse analysis in the study of language through the use of different theories and model is a powerful tool towards achieving language competency.

A public policy research paper on contemporary issues

A policy on the other hand according to the context of contemporary is a program of actions adopted by person, government, the set of principles which govern the program. In the modern times in the USA, when the issue of contemporary matter is talked about, the mind is automatically pointed toward the β†’

Service learning reflection

Being that it acts similarly to a daycare it gives children the opportunity to work on homework or projects they might need to finish, or just to have time to interact with other children and enjoy games and activities. In addition, they are taught scripture in fun ways that they will enjoy. Children must be β†’

Free research paper on kurpius r stanford m e 2006 testing and measurement a user-friendly guide new york

If the norm-referenced form is used during the test, the criteria of evaluating discrimination indices and item difficulty changes. Item difficulty This is the percentage section of respondents in a test who pass the test. If the norm-referenced approach is used to measure item difficulty, the value of item β†’

California pizza kitchen

The values that make the company what it is and the end state or goals that it wishes to achieve are equally important. In looking at these factors I will identify the following where possible: What is California Pizza Kitchen's vision statement and is it relevant? When people have a clear understanding as to what β†’

Research paper on gender, employment, age, ethnicity and educational factors influencing robbers in the state of massachusetts

Educational Background RESEARCH QUESTIONS What gender is more often arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What ethnicity is arrested for robbery in Massachusetts? What age category is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What occupational status is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What educational background is β†’

Principles of literary criticism

Rosales Still I Rise by Maya Angelou: A Poem Overcoming Prejudice " Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is a courageous and inspiring poem written about the emerging prominence of African Americans published on the year 1978. It may include the belief that a human of one sex is intrinsically superior to the other.Maya Angelou, β†’

Dealing with limited resources

By carefully identifying the patients that badly need quality healthcare services and attending to their needs first, the task to provide healthcare is not compromised. On the contrary, the provision of quality healthcare is still a priority so that the patients will not suffer from unwanted consequences from the limited resources.

What is the western scientific paradigm, and what are its implications for health care in the u.s.?

In the western scientific paradigm, education, professionalismand scientific thinking have a very important role to play. Today the western scientific paradigms may be working successfully in various areas such as epidemiology by which the ways of causation of an infectious disease is understood and means of preventing, β†’

Adult learning theory on healthcare organizations

This instructional designs or curriculums are much needed to inform the manpower of the organization on recent developments on technologies and applications on cases and situations, new regulations needed to be implemented or any other pertinent information for the organization's and its staff's needs to know. However, β†’

Health social care

Making sure they have their fluids I set my standards very high and undertake all of my tasks for my service user to a gig standard even down to their cleaning, if standards are not set high then this can cause problems with the service user for example: - if you do β†’

Our family business

Those two toxins are responsible for the damage to the colon, and that damage ultimately causes the symptoms of C-Diff. Soap and water is a must, as the alcohol-gel based hand sanitizers do not kill the spores.

Facility planning part i

The planner must evaluate the community to find out what type of community the facility is located in and if the facility is serving the needs of the community. This paper will take a look at a community in on the south side of Chicago and the new development of a long-term care facility in β†’

Strength of human emotions in poems

Emotion Is defined as a " strong feeling" and this will be explored in the paired poems: 'Having' and 'Remember'; 'A Mother In A Refugee Camp' and 'Mother Any Distance'; 'Sonnet 1 16' and 'If. The key themes in these passages are the universal feelings which we all experience, such as love and β†’

Substandard patient care of health care delivery

In the worst of the cases patients may end up in an emergency room and occasionally become a victim ofdiscriminationbecause they have no resources to pay for the services. In regard to these facts, the following information aims to describe hospital emergency rooms compliance with standards of services. How Substandard Care Relates β†’

Health care utilization

Qualifies for Medicaid but lives in a rural community with no public transportation to travel to access his benefits due to provider office hours and the distance he must travel to the location. 2011)," blood pressure is when blood is forced against the artery walls to disperse oxygen and turbines carried in the blood to β†’

Preventive care

The government is still quite hesitant to allocate funds for several reasons: the estimated costs of spending is different based upon the type of preventive care that is provided, lack of evidence to show the effects of a decrease in rising health care costs due to preventive measures, and the evidence shows that the actual β†’

The professional role of a nurse

The outline of this essay will be in six parts, an introduction, the main body which will explore the role of a nurse, conduct and the requirements for the effective delivery of care, responsibilities and work of a nurse , ethical, moral and social care β†’

Healthcare management

The speedy shifts in the healthcare system, the opportunities to advance or develop mycareer, and a wide-ranging business edification which is helpful in facing the " real-world healthcare industry" are only some of the major reasons why I extremely want to earn a masters degree on Healthcare Management.

Kinetics chemistry lab

Research Question: How does the surface area affect the rate of the reaction? Varaibles Independent: Surface Area Dependent: Rate of Reaction Controlled: Water temperature, Volume of water, Concentration, Still water, and One tablet. Hypothesis: Increasing the β†’

Chemistry: study guide

Answer| | | | | Selected Answer:| Cl2O| | | | | * Question 2 10 out of 10 points | | | According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular shape of SiCl4 isAnswer| | | | | Selected Answer:| tetrahedral.| | | | | * Question 3 10 out of 10 points | | β†’

Organic chemistry lab

Pure substances are not only important to chemists in their studies of matter but also are vital in other areas of study such as medicine where those substances might be used as medications Crystallization is based on the principles of solubility: compounds tend to be more soluble in hot liquids than β†’

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

The intensity of absorption peaks is related to the change of dipole moment and the possibility of the transition of energy levels. Therefore, by analyzing the infrared spectrum, one can readily obtain abundant structure information of a molecule. Rather than shining a monochromatic beam of light at the sample, this technique shines a β†’

Bunker gear fabric

It is a requirement for firefighters to be able to put on all of the gear in no time, and in this set up, all they have to do is to step into the boots and pull the pants up. It is made of fire-resistant materials and they are easy to put on with Velcro β†’

The bio-oil over the catalysts of ni-cnts

Upon the process of reformation of the bio-oil over the catalysts of Ni-CNTs, the authors studied the reforming temperature influences, the molar ratio between the steam and carbon fed , as well as the current conducted by the catalyst with the help of the carrier gas of stream inside the β†’

Gas chromatography

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY EXPERIMENT The purpose of this experiment is for the student: 1)to learn the general theoretical aspects of gas chromatography as a separation method, 2)to learn how to operate gas chromatographs specific to COD, 3)to become familiar with using the gas chromatograph to qualitatively identify components of mixtures, 4)to be introduced β†’

Kinetic chemistry

The name of the course: Kinetic Chemistry The student name : Wejdan Mohammed Al-OtaibiTeachername : Razan SnariGroup namber : 1The year : 2017/2018Spectrophotometry: is a device to measure the amount of light in the material used. This device consists of two parts: the first is the light source, and the second is the β†’

Outline of carbon and molecular diversity of life

Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Lecture Outline Overview: Carbon The Backbone of Biological Molecules * Although cells are 70 95% water, the rest consists mostly of carbon-based compounds.* Carbon is unparalleled in its ability to form large, complex, and diverse molecules.* Carbon accounts for the diversity of β†’

Wind river hotel and casino research paper

Additionally, the casino has bus tours that bring the guests to the casino and return their homes, a service that other casinos do not have. The amenities offered at the casino include the following: Fitness center guests have the opportunity to enroll at the casino's fitness center for fitness exercises under the guidance of experienced β†’

Water level indicator

This circuit produces alarm when water level is below the lowest level L1 and also when water just touches the highest level L12. When water in the tank just touches the highest level detector strip L12, the DC voltage is developed across capacitor C2.

Lake wobegon effect research paper examples

An illustration of the Lake Wobegon effect is in the salaries of CEOs. CEO pay and the Lake Wobegon effect.

Free research paper on evidence based practice on the effects of hand

In nursing the principle is based upon the fundamental notion that all decisions that are made should be based on studies that are research based, the research studies based on a set of specific norms as well as their interpretation. This essay paper considers the evidence based practices that are fundamental in hand washing as β†’

What is the difference between fat- and water-soluble vitamins?

Vitamins are nutrients essential to the human body because their presence in minute amounts enables the completion of important physiologically related metabolic processes. Vitamins are grouped according to the liquid or substance medium that is required for the body to be able to absorb these nutrients. Herein, water-soluble vitamins contrasts with the other β†’

The marine pollution

This shows that the problem of ocean dumping is not a small one. The ocean is deserving of muchrespect.

Free research paper about archaeology; geology and the environment of the uae

The Hajar Mountains, an important resource in Oman, emerged after the separation of the African and the Asian plates marking the onset of the Trucial Oman region. Environment in the Sultanate of Oman.

Saving water

This essay portrays a great understanding of how humans can change the water scarcity problem in remote places, such as villages in India and Africa, by just spreading their knowledge and showing methods that will decrease the effect of this ceaseless issue. Some of us do not have the capacity and resources β†’

Zeolites are just like clay minerals because both are composed of aluminosilicates

These minerals occur in nature in sedimentary deposits and can also be artificially made in the laboratories [6], pore sizes being determined by intended purpose and application, in fact this is one of the advantages of the synthetic zeolites. The structure of the zeolite is not affected when elements and ions are removed from their β†’

Cutting down trees

Trees should not be cut down because most of the paper used is not RECYCLED so therefore it is a waste of time from God to make and plant the tree! Well it has air and oxygen and if u are cutting the trees down u re hurting the enivorment and animals that live near β†’

Vitamin b2 (riboflavin) research paper examples

In order to avoid stunted growth, it is imperative that children feed well on foods that provide the body with riboflavin because this way, one can be sure of proper growth when of course it is well balanced and used together with other food nutrients The history of riboflavin β†’

The water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can come and go. The water moves from one reservoir to another, β†’

Alternative energy research papers example

The problem of providing electrical energy to many sectors of the world economy, the ever-growing needs of the world's population is now becoming more and more essential. Our Sun is a huge glowing ball of gas, in which complex processes occur and the resulting energy is released continuously. Such systems are also classified as passive β†’

Microenvironment in australia

Manipulations are made in ways to achieve the objective of the organization. In other words, we can say that microenvironmentprovides the force with which organizations act towards customer satisfaction; any change in any of these forces would lead to the re-studying of the marketplace. Nevertheless, the issue behind this study is to check how it β†’

Free research paper on global warming

It describes the risks and impacts that global-warming has on the environment, and the negative effects it has on the future economy. The state of global warming is at a hazardous state because of its adverse influence on climate. It is evident that the expansion of greenhouse effect is the cause of global warming on β†’

Leaf water repellency

The author's hypothesis that cloud forest zones are characterized by higher leaf water repellency failed to be proved as leaf water repellency appeared to be higher in tropical dry forests and temperate foothills- grassland zone. Water repellency is defined as adaptation on the surface of the leaf in habitants which are constantly subjected to daily β†’

Why diamonds are more expensive than water?

A) Use economics to explain why diamonds are more expensive than water when water is necessary for survival and diamonds are not. We are led to believe that water is abundant and of little value as a commodity while diamonds are treated Just the opposite.


Fluorine is the chemical element of atomic number 9, a poisonous pale yellow part from the halogen series. It is the most reactive element and is composed of diatomic molecule F2. One of the most common uses of fluorine is that it is found in toothpaste and mouthwash.

Scientific paper on a water flea

Erika Huizenga Ashley Kofahl The Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on the Heartbeat Rate in Daphnia Magnus Abstract The projects purpose was to determine the effects of alcohol and caffeine on the heartbeat rate in Daphnia Magnus. Our hypothesis is alcohol causes a decrease in heart rate, whereas caffeine causes an accelerated heart rate, predicting β†’

Height: width of limpets across different zones

Middle to Upper Shore My hypothesis was that there would be a significant difference in the height to length ratio of limpets found between the mid and upper shore. Found on 20.10.12.[16] - Knox G.A.The ecology of seashores.

Research paper on the importance of water thermodynamic properties

This is the reason as to why the world would be different as there is absence of thermodynamic properties of intensive and extensive properties. This will enable us to be aware of the magnitude of water thermodynamic properties in the world as a whole.

History of troy new york water supplies research paper examples

These three reservoirs had a combined capacity of one million gallons. The amount of water supplied was insufficient; this led to the realization of the need to increase of the supply by 1838. It was called the Brunswick Reservoir. Towards the end of 1860, the Oakwood reservoir was constructed increased the supply of water to β†’

Water fluoridation

It is besides a normal constituent of tooth enamel and bone surveies have shown that the calcified tissues of both enamel and bone are made up of a combination of hydroxyl- and fluor-apatites of changing composing depending on the copiousness of fluoride at the site of formation. The prevalence of dental cavities in a population β†’

Relaxation destination

My lake house has two screened in porches; the one on the back of the house is used for entertaining and cooking. The second porch is on the front of the house. Our porches are where I usually hangout and spend most of my time when I visit the lake house.

Jordan boettcher research paper sample

The effects of sonar system on the marine ecosystem is largely undocumented but most of the recent studies have discovered the staggering effects of sonar systems on marine life. This review documents the existing information on the effects of sonar on marine fauna. The use of navy sonar testing is a tactical necessity for US β†’

Good research paper about chemical pollutants in the gulf of mexico

The objective of the paper is to study the background of red algae, and why the downstream red tides have only increased over the last couple of decades. The decomposition process needs huge amounts of oxygen, and this can lower the level of the dissolved oxygen than necessary. One of the major source of nutrients, β†’

Phase change lab

Hypothesis Based on prior learning, I predict that the graph of the water phase changes will not be one straight slope, but instead will plateau, or be flat, and then slope between the change of ice to water, plateau and slope once more between the change of water to steam, and then plateau once more.

Teton dam

A description of the engineeringfailureIt was on 3rd June of 1976 when it was noticed that there were small seepages in the north abutment wall of the dam. The responsible department pictured the wall and it was taken to the Bureau of Reclamation which was to take the necessary action from then. β†’

Civilization in egypt research paper

The Chancellor led to the emergence of the world war in Egypt. Some of the famous recognizable symbols of Civilization in Egypt are the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. The conditions along the Nile River Valley had a significant impact on the success of the ancient Egyptian Civilization.

The case of water wheel holdings: a slippery tale

Despite rising from humble begins and being a prosperous company for many years, the group ultimately ran into significant trouble resulting in the halting of trading on the ASX, the appointment of Administrators to consider the group's financial affairs, a successful action being brought about by the regulators against the executive and non-executive directors for β†’

Sample research paper on exploration on mars

Ezell & NASA, 2012). Upon the discovery of the evidences that support the claim that water existed on the surface of the Martian planet, theories began to appear how water shaped the surface of the planet and how the abundance of water is not visible today. Therefore, the abundance of explorations on Mars could be β†’

Ultraviolet (uv) light research paper examples

Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to determine how light intensity affects rate of photosynthesis using seaweed. Introduction In the process of photosynthesis there is combination of water and CO2 from the environment to form oxygen and sugar, mainly glucose. These β†’

Water scarcity

Agriculture is a significant cause of water scarcity in much of the world since crop production requires upto 70 times more water than is used in drinking and other domestic purposes. The report says that a rule of thumb is that each calorie consumed asfoodrequires about one litre of water to produce. β†’

Waves as natural phenomena

The movement of waves includes information about how waves form, how they move, what happens when waves interact, and some of the effects of waves. Therefore, the pull of the moon causes tides and these tides produce waves. Waves are the forward movement of the ocean's water due to the oscillation of β†’

Exam paper model answers s

Firstly it is made clear in the heading that the article is about water and the concerns that are related to it. Q2 Explain how the headline , sub'heading and picture are effective and how they link to the text The headline , sub-heading and picture are very effective to the rest of the article.

Water spouts

The second way a water spout can form is like a regular tornado, it will form from a cloud and descend down but will touch water's surface. It is not as common for a water spout to form from a cloud, but when they do, they are typically more destructive than a water spout forming β†’

Air base research paper example

The state has since sought the services of environmental consultants to do remedial investigations to assess the full impact and effects of the damage or determine the nature and extent of the contamination (confirm whether it poses a risk to the environment or the public). The results of the remedial investigation found some levels of β†’

Sample research paper on maritime disasters

One of the biggest drawbacks of maritime transport is the astronomical losses that can be an experience in the wake of a disaster at sea. It was intimated in the report that the accident might have been a cumulative result of human error and bad weather. 1998: MV Princess of the Orient The loss β†’

Use of adobe in cyprus

The deepness of the excavated country depends on the local features of the land and the frost degree of the dirt. Mud plaster which is a breathable stuff that can let the wet of the adobe walls to vaporize ; is used to stick on the first bed of the adobe walls.

Americans are wasteful people

However, the government is taking measures to fix the problem, and Americans are contributing to reduce this problem. Of course, the government wanted to reverse the problem and implemented measures. These measures were implemented to promote everyone to recycle.

Lithospheric flexures creating the mariana trenches research paper samples

Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling. Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling.

Laboratory work about ice and salt

Something that would give too low a temperature is if the thermometer bulb was directly on the test tube, and the temperature decreased because of the ice/salt mixture instead of the alcohol/water mixture. That aspect of the experiment was successful.

Reearch paper

Also pure acetanilide is are five major steps in the recrystallization process: dissolving the solute in the solvent, performing a gravity filtration, if necessary, obtaining crystals of the solute, collecting the solute crystals by vacuum filtration, and, finally, drying the resulting crystals giving us the pure sample of the compound. The β†’

Safety on water refilling station

Aqua Sure, a water refilling station in Metro Manila, can deliver 5, 500 gallons a day to its 8, 000 household client. Introduction Problem Statement The proponents want to know how dirty water is being processed in the water station, what processes does the water β†’

How permanent are permanet markers

First, the barrel of the marker is molded out of a plastic resin. Screen printing is added to the barrel, including information such as the description of the color of the ink and the Sharpie logo. The cap is placed on the Sharpie marker and the permanent ink is slowly absorbed into β†’

Beach house research papers examples

A common feature that runs across the beach houses is their use of local materials, native plants and the fact that they are usually situated in open areas, for ambience and breeze that emanate from the sea or the ocean. For the purpose of this essay, I will use pictures to help demonstrate the architectural β†’

Hardness removal

The percentage removal for total hardness was 74. And in the case of Magnesium, the concentration was reduced to 25mg/L versus the limit of 10mg/L.

Phloem and principal water-conducting elements

In the cross section of a young root of Helianthus, the epidermis is uniseriate. What do you call the outgrowths of the epidermis? Companion cells have nuclei and ribosomes that also serve the sieve-tube cells but do not themselves take part in conduction. What are the principal water-conducting elements of the xylem?

Brisbane floods: how minimised the outcome in future

This speculation further leads to the investigating of whether the Wivenhoe Dam helped or hindered the floods. The Wivenhoe Dam opened in 1985 after the great Brisbane floods of 1974 occurred and were seen as a solution to prevent further floods from happening again. Throughout this essay, it has been concluded that β†’

Example of the warriors ofancient japan and their legacy in research paper

Warriors in Japan may be killed but they do not ever lose their moral stance for justice. The first section is about the weapon the nagamaki which is one of the first weapons know to be used in Japan and is still being used in modern times. Nagamaki Japanese warriors were first described in β†’

Ganges delta problems

The water supply of Ganges is shrinking and the river Is going to dry out In the future, because the meliorate from the mountains Is gone in 20 years and then there Is no water anymore from glaciers. The foundation gives awareness on the need to protect the Ganges River. β†’

Bicarbonate system in the blood research paper examples

As carbon dioxide levels decrease due to excessive exhalation, the concentration of carbonic acid and hence hydrogen and bicarbonate ions decreases. The ratio of bicarbonate ions to carbonic acid concentration is hence lowered.

Immigration: racism and greece

The first section of this essay is about theimmigrationto Greece, and it explores the reasons of the increasing immigration to Greece, the second explores the attitudes of Greeks towards immigration, whereas the next section highlights theracismand xenophobia in Greece's society. Section four is about the ethnocentric school curriculum in this country, whereas, β†’

Good race and ethnicity in literature research paper example

Nadine Gordimer's " Country Lovers" and Patricia Smith's " What it's like to be a Black Girl" illustrate both concepts, such that they are different types of literature but an analysis of these two focuses on human nature in relation to the influence of a specific period of history, specifically during the decades that racism β†’