Genuine Research Paper Examples

The 4 c’s needed to build a strong startup community

Once created, startup communities help spur entrepreneurs to build new businesses, connect investors to new opportunities, bring members into the community to support startups and celebrate the success as entrepreneurs excel. Entrepreneurship is a special kind of sport and startup communities provide the network to make your city innovative, vibrant, and a hot bed for β†’

Seattle central community college

My parents have been imparting me important values that are necessary in dealing with life and to be a better person. In going on with my journey, I desire that the Catholic institution will continue to guide me. This will not only strengthen my faith but will also remind me of the β†’

Rebuilding a community: the buffalo creek case

The concept of corporate veil implies that the law recognizes difference between the corporation and its shareholders by recognizing that a kind of ' veil' separates the corporation on one side and its shareholders and controllers on the other side, meaning thereby that the owners of the business normally do not hold personal liability for β†’

Free research paper on andrew jacksons position on native americans

Jackson took this stand prior to his presidency, as he was involved in negotiated removal treaties, and when he became the President he supported and implemented removal policies. Jackson's presidency is marked with the controversy of his policy concerning the Native Americans. For many years, prior to his election as president, he was an influential β†’

Good example of cultural anthropology: maasai moranism research paper

That is the image that comes to the minds of many people when the word Maasai is mentioned. Moranism is an important institution among the Maasai because it symbolizes and offers actual security as well as continuity of the Maasai people. Morans are the physical guardians of the Maasai society.

Research paper on african-american and the criminal justice system

Further, the gap between the whites and the Black inmates has also been widening, and the prison expansion involving black folks has been in discordant numbers. According to Mauer , the increase in the rate of Blacks imprisonment over the years, is mainly ascribed to a plethora of poor β†’

Community problems

Creates trouble for all the stores around, for people traveling at night and so on. Every weekend, a specific parking lot in the town of Formidable is filled with Hot Rods, college students, high school studentsand even adults, not to mention, cops too. I heard a lot of stories about this location and β†’

Free research paper on follow-up compliance with pre-arranged primary care providers post emergency room

Participants in the standard group were given the phone number to the hospital's referral service and instructed to schedule their own follow-up appointment. Measurements: One month after the discharge of each subject from the ED, the outpatient clinics were called to ascertain whether the patients followed-up. A larger study incorporating several centers is required to β†’

Health care organization apollo group of hospitals research paper sample

A vast network of top primary, secondary and tertiary clinics and healthcare institutions are owned and operated by AHEL across India. Today, the Apollo hospitals groups comprises of More than 8500 beds across 50 hospitals within India and abroad, Local clinics and diagnostic centres Chain of Apollo Pharmacies β†’

Building community

Elements of Servant Leadership that can be Instrumental inCareerSuccess The encouraging words of Covey would influence anyone to delve deep into the concept of servant leadership, and to satiate that quest, one can find the starting point in the book of Larry Spears , CEO of the Greenleaf Center for β†’

Research paper on professional development planning

By enrolling in the MSN program, I feel that I will have the chance to develop new skills that can launch my career to a higher level of success. Academic Coursework in Other Fields Foundations of Graduate Studies will give me the skills I need to be successful in this endeavor. These providers often β†’

Good example of how the diverse cultures contributed to the louisiana we know today research paper

Fred Kniffen documented the settlement patterns in this region and formed the basis for describing the different cultural entities in the region. With the mention of Louisiana, a lot of people focus on New Orleans and tend to ignore the other regions in this state. The Creole community came about with the intermingling and blending β†’

Community facilities

Those on web sites, call centres and digital TV have already been published atwww. The underlying principle is to promote collaborative approaches to the use of these media across the public sector in the interests of accessibility, quality, familiarity and ease of use and establishment of coherent branding. E-fire will elevate Humberside Fire Brigade into β†’

Wal-mart’s positive effect on a community

Although many people believe Wal-Mart shuts down and overruns small businesses, what Wal-Mart brings to the table is that it employs a vast amount of jobs. Instead of trying to battle with them, they claim that Wal-Mart is bad for communities and small businesses.

Teen pregnancy and infant mortality research paper example

Ultimately, their study found no real differences in the levels of neonatal complications in the adolescent mother category vs.the older mother category finding that the main difference was in fact one of economics (i.e.the lack of insurance, education, marital status, etc). Another trend of note is that adolescent mothers are more likely to have a β†’

Updated marx and weber research paper example

Generally, people of one social class can be observed to interact more so with members of the same group. Marx believed that the alienation of the worker was brought about by his creating a product that existed outside of him, was independent or alien from him and belonged to a power other than him. For β†’

Learning in an inclusive classroom community

Even though Sapon-Shevin states, " the primary justification for inclusion has traditionally resided in the belief that disabled children have a right to and can benefit from inclusion in a regular educationalenvironment," I believethat the ' regular' classroom has the right to benefit from having a diverselearning experienceas part of theireducation. " Research β†’

Free case study on understanding research methods in education

The literature review likewise makes the researcher build on what has already been done. Specifying a purpose and developing research questions are the steps that enable the researcher to identify the boundaries of the study. The questions also dictate the kind of methods that will be carried out to collect data. Data-collection methods depend on β†’

Free reliability and validity of data collection tools research paper sample

It is very important to ensure the reliability and validity of the data collection tools in qualitative research because the researcher's skills and biases can affect the quality of research data. Such descriptions also contribute to the reproducibility of the study. The quality of results from qualitative studies is very much dependent on the β†’

Community policing problem in the united states

While community policing is in theory a very effective way of combating crime, yet in reality there are many practical problem that have to be overcome. Community policing is generally seen as a system of policing that requires optimum cooperation between the police force and the public so that the most effective methods of crime β†’

Park and sprague

Definitely, the challenges that are distinctive of the senior years include first and foremost the physical decline of the elderly. This alone cascades into several ramifications including the loss or diminished use of some sensory capacities such as loss of touch and impairment of hearing and visual capabilities (" Factors in the β†’

Julius ceasar’s greatest achievement research paper sample

Indeed, of all the Gallic communities still not participating directly in the uprising, Bellovaci were the most dangerous opponent. Except the Bellovaci in the fight against the Romans, were attended other tribes of the Belgians. In the camp of the enemy was then convened a meeting and they decided to send ambassadors to the Romans β†’

Good research paper on discourse analysis paper

One such discourse community that I am going to talk about is defined by their course, that is the African and African American Studies discourse community. While observing the going on in this disciplinary community, it is evident that the community is composed of persons whose major interest surrounds the evolving of the African American β†’

To serve and protect

The credibility of every police officer and of the entire police department is directly affected by the performance of the police agents. As the performance of these agents builds the corresponding image of the police department, it should be the case that the police agents should strive to attain a good performance β†’

Missouri division of youth services research paper examples

This paper summarizes the history of the Missouri Division of Youth Services , examines the beliefs and philosophies behind its programs, provides some explanation of the Dual Jurisdiction system, the treatment programs available through the DYS, the prevailing recidivism rates, and how DYS compares to the programs in other U.S. An β†’

Free film critique of devil’s playground research paper sample

The Amish community is more established in terms of the values than the community that the teenagers decide to move to. When the people become indifferent from what is conventional, the resultant factor becomes a culture shock. The events in the film are testimony of a community trying to readjust from a situation that delicate β†’

Example of research paper on mining group gold

This entails the process of outlining the objectives and laying down the aims of the meeting prior to allocation of duties and responsibilities to be observed during the meeting. The fourth step is setting the agenda, a comprehensive statement of the major objectives of the meeting which connect the purposes of the session to the β†’

Example of research paper on recognising the value of public health will come a long way in paving way for a

This needs serious equipment like ECG, echo cardiograms, find out where exactly the problem lies in.(21 Belongia EA, Sullivan BJ, Chyou PH, 2001) A proper problem would aid these people who cannot afford to waste time or money, in just checking the causes of their ailments. Though community health β†’

What makes a true community

Catholicism and Community Presentation T: According to the secular definition of community; Is It a group of people living In the same area with particular characteristics In common. G: A community is a gathering of a group of people that come together in solidarity to shape the world through the common good.

Good example of research paper on norm breaking experiment and analysis

One of the ways in which the expectations of the society become clear is through the changing and varying roles of people in society. The norm is that the process of facing those in the room is a common principle or respect for those who are already in the room.

Example of reduction of heart disease in finland research paper

However, the early 2000, the number had reduced drastically by eighty percent as a result of reductions in the risk factors such as high cholesterol, smoking and high blood pressure. There have been comprehensive interventions on the community level as part of World Health Organization inter-health as well as the CINDI programmes in the North β†’

Research paper on statistics

Significance of the standard deviation Standard deviation is widely used in the measurement of how a given set of data is varied. Since the value of the standard deviation is slightly high, it shows that the values are spread over a slightly bigger range. 3.

How did the beatles influence society essay

The Beatles were the definitive musical equivalent of such films' working class protagonists. The popularity of the Beatles became central to many debates. 10 March.2011. " The Beatles' Musical Footprint".

Understanding organisations and the role of hr

Enterprise as a Private organisation has a purpose of providing a financial return to its Stakeholders as well as surviving and developing if possible. Enterprise has a set of driving principles that define the goals that work towards delivering the Enterprise vision which is; "In our chosen markets of utilities and the β†’

Good research paper about a study of the effect of aliens on culture

In this case, the nature of communities will be identified in regard to the extent and emphasis that follow the advent of Aliens. It is in appreciation to the act that Aliens have actuated aspect of human beings.

Movement for aboriginal land rights research paper examples

The paper will also detail the people who greatly influenced this movement. Land Rights In order to understand the intricacies of the movement for Aboriginal land rights and as such answer the question at hand, it is important to understand the differences in perspectives between land rights from the Aboriginal perspective and that of β†’

Intelligence community

TheCold War, which emerged in the 1940's, was the start of the usefulness of the US Intelligence Community in battling against Communism. The result of the Second World War is like glue attached to each country involved therein. On 1950's, National Security Agency, under the Department of β†’

Describe the extent of diversity that exists in a community

Using one of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the range of services and agencies that exist within your local community to support Wigan Leisure andCultureTrust is committed to equality and diversity and in an ongoing process continues to develop and improve services to everyone in the community for β†’

Should a business be political research paper examples

This paper is going to focus on the reasons for and reasons against business participation in politics. Secondly, it is evident that business and politics are closely related. In this case, many businesses actively participate in politics in order to provide fund for their campaigns. While it is important for the business to participate in β†’

Mining and its affects on the community

Rio Salado College Online.> Tom Arrandale, a CQ Researcher contributor from Albuqueque, New Mexico, uses congressional hearings and senate records to provide an unbiased documentation of the raging battle over the Clinton administration's plans to up user fees and implement stricter control in the use of public lands which yield gold, timber, and livestock feed. β†’

On the concept of national community

First, the defects of their educational training at home and in the schools and second is the lack of the national sentiment. How the educational system stifled the development of every Filipino which would have become productive and progressive. The second that was discussed which covers almost entirely the whole piece was β†’

Community and social structure

In order to actually fill your position in the group you need to have a working set of ideas and concepts to get the job done. This working set of ideas is actually formed by the interactions that you have with other people who have the same position as you. It illustrates how we are β†’

The development and effects of race and ethnicity research papers examples

Concrete examples of ethnicity are the Japanese and the Chinese ethnics in the Asian race. An online Encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, has identified numerous theories about the development of the race. One of the notable and the most rational theories, I believe, is the theory of Hippocrates who mentioned that the race is a product of environment, β†’

School community leadership

In the end, school communityleadershipis the way a principal or head balances the challenges of the school and community to provide changes for the better by possessing the skills and traits to do so. Looking at the concept, school community leadership can be defined to be a process wherein the principal addresses the issues surrounding β†’

Free research paper about quasi-experiment and the ethics of the irb

The details to be considered are the participants, materials to be used and the procedure to go about through the research. The first step will be to choose the participants of research and the appropriate number. The next step will be to carry out the actual experiment and recording of results.

The history of the asian community in britain

The migration and settlement of the Asians in the land is also found ample to present in order to enhance the understanding of the history. The recent years have been characterized by rampant migrations of the Asians into Britain and other area. The migration and settlements of Asians to the Britain The emigration policies β†’

Good example of research paper on global citizenship program

In brief, what is ethical ought to be fair, acceptable and permissible to the human race regardless of the circumstance or the location of the persons affected. People or the customers and the clients who use Cisco in the long term may lose confidence and trust because their security and privacy is not guaranteed. A β†’

Who made the mistake

The group did not tell him the specific woman involved. The whole group has acceptedresponsibilityof the event. The woman concerned tried to resign from work but her coworkers coax her back again, the groups is aware that she is new and they did not help her enough or look out for her or see that β†’

Free racism and appearance in the bluest eye research paper example

This study will try to understand the themes of racism and appearance in The Bluest Eye. The thesis will use the following literary works to find the manner in which the writer has been directly and indirectly displayed the vices of appearance and racism in The Bluest Eye Kuenz, J. This journal focuses on β†’

Example of the boys are one with the brown birds research paper

Immediately after circumcision, the boys are no longer boys and assume all the rights and responsibilities that are associated with their new position in the society. The people who fear the kikuyu were therefore mocked, and this is meant to elicit pain in the young boys so that they would want to prove that they β†’

Difference between the two states of the community surrounding education

This is why many states spend a large amount of income and resources for enhancing education to meet the demands of the population in general and the current trends in today's society. Another major difference is the statistics and numbers present as far as literacy rate is concerned. The United States educational β†’

Couples therapy research paper

The interlocking of the emotional disorders and neuroticism of both spouses tend to contribute to the formation of dysfunctional marriage. Indications A broad variety of situations in which relational dysfunction or symptomatology is present, or one of the spouses is disabled, indicate the need for couples therapy. Research on the relative effectiveness of different β†’

Good results research paper example

It is important to note that, these results is based on the 31 questionnaires turned in by the participants subsequent to the datum that three of the participants initially perceived to participate failed to fulfil the objectives of the research. The mean age of the participants minus the three participants β†’

Good example of essay on nursing research literature critique

It is important to note that the control group did not receive any form of the comprehensive nutritional protocol and this goes a long way to prevent ambiguity in determining the impact of the treatment under observation. However not all extraneous variables have been controlled, for example, the time period for the control treatment differs β†’

The batek of malaysia research paper sample

Over the years, people ascribing to foraging as a primary mode of subsistence have now become part of a larger system with social, economic, and political relations extending far beyond regional and national boundaries. This paper identifies and classifies the primary mode subsistence among the Batek people and its impact on economic, social and political β†’

Community participation in forestry

Results from the two-stage least squares model also verify that participation in forest management determines the level of benefits received from the community forest. The study suggests that participation in common property resource management is based on the socio-economic profile of an individual and the level of participation is determined by the β†’

Ethics & culture: which comes first; how are these related or are they not related research paper example

As such, ethics and culture are so much related from the point of view of an individual living within a particular community. Nietzsche's " Morality as Anti-Nature," World Ethics, and Cultural Diversity Ethics sometimes overlap with culture in the sense that different peoples/races/ethnicities have different views about what good, right, proper, appropriate, taboo, etc.are. β†’

Meisner and stanislavski research paper examples

Both the Meisner and Stanislavski methods of acting employ psychology to help actor's break down the acting process into manageable and relatable step. The actor is encouraged to identify with the character by looking at the character's objective and their method of obtaining this objective.

Dilemma of international community

No intelligence service possesses the resources to monitor all of these linkages, to construct the life history of every terrorist, or to compile comprehensive sociograms of the radical Islamist scene. International community's willingness to assist in the struggle against terrorist organizations to the major degree has depended on Al Qaeda's record and β†’

Introducing sociology research paper sample

The importance of socialization in examining interaction between social groups provides us a clue of the common patterns in their social behavior, their differences and the conflicts that may arise due to those differences. - What role or function do the social groups that an individual belongs to, play in terms β†’

Sexual discrimination in the workplace

No organization can afford to lose the talent of its female staff because of outdated attitudes, the imposition of higher standards for women, or afailureto give women the opportunity to acquire relevant experience in key areas of the organization. There is a need for employers to take a hard look at lingering stereotypes and misconceptions β†’

Gender discrimination in the workplace

One of the most direct effects of sex discrimination in the workplace is the stereotyping that occurs. The difference in payment of men and women is a significant problem that needs to be paid more attention to.

Grey market

The parties most concerned with the grey market are usually the authorized agents or importers, or the retailers of the item in the target market. This can be done directly, without the involvement of legal professionals.eBay , for example, will remove listings of such products even in countries where their purchase and use is not β†’

Example of prison programs research paper

But, as the case of the essence of the Baptist practices, he believes in the use of force and literal extracts from bible to use as a primary weapon to deal with criminals. It claims that through the implementation of such Baptist system from the start of a person's grooming and training, such heroes that β†’

Public pension replacement rates

The employee in this case is faced with the peril of the employer not honoring the pledge whereas in the agreement the employer is saved the expenses that cold be incurred through the purchase of insurance policies. This is in terms of electoral levels and the government. In the US there is β†’

Current issue research paper samples

The main focus of this paper is the rates of crimes among the young people and the influences behind such acts. Discussion Newspaper Articles All the articles used in this paper show the range of the crimes that these people commit. Others are used to show the range of crimes that these young β†’

Family law contemporary issues

However, over the recent years the changes in each area of family law has shown some changes have been effective and others demonstrate the need for law reform. This is due to the rapid change of the law and changing social standards, therefore the law is attempting to balance the rights and interest of the β†’

Research paper on paraphrases

This implies that marriage should not be based on love. The love factor should not be the driving force behind the couples who are married. It is therefore true to say that marriage should not be based on love. Although some people believe that marriage should be based on love, I think, this is not β†’

Institutional discrimination

I was not taught the necessary skills needed to be successful in college. As a student who took all of the AP classes offered at my school, I was not taught to the level to pass these AP test to test out of college general education classes and I was not taught β†’

Socio-cultural psychology research paper example

Socio-cultural psychology A new thinking about the culture and society started to develop among a number of psychologists in the 1980s. Of importance in this case is the cognitive aspect of the nature of human in relation to the society, as well as how social situations influence human behavior. The central point of β†’

Women’s right to be educated

Now that the men were gone fighting, the women had no choice but to take over the responsibilities of supporting the family. There was a need for women to come out of the home and into the workplace.

Kibera slum

Kibera case study Kibera is a slum division in the City of Nairobi, Kenya. Resulting from a 2000 meeting between President Moi and the UN Human Settlements Programme, KENSUP aims to improve physical structures in Kibera and other slums through a process called " slum upgrading." The program calls for the temporary relocation β†’

Today’s prejudice racial discrimination in everyday life

But the fact of the matter is institutionalized discrimination has a negative effect on minorities who suffer it. Discrimination in the learningenvironmentis more evident than ever. In conclusion, part of the name of this paper is titled " Does it still exist? " a question which pertains to the topic of discrimination.

Discrimination and prejudice

A common mistake is the concept that both prejudice and discrimination are only negative, as in a derogative notion of someone (such as the treatment many minorities were subjected to), but, in truth, positive discrimination and prejudice are both possible, if there is a preconceived notion in favor of someone. β†’

Social problems of the institution of family

But according to Eitzner's book " Social Problems", the actualization of how a family looks under one roof is based on economic conditions, and the typical family portrait never applied to immigrants and racial minorities because these people were denied equal opportunities to earn a family wage, and denied support of such grants as the β†’

Free research paper on same-sex marriage

Marriage between the two created a legal responsibility and status. According to various religious groups, same sex marriage argument is backed by the words of God from the scripture. As a result, some Christian denominations support same sex marriage and thus carry out public weddings of the same. According to various groups proposing same sex β†’

Gender wage discrimination in pakistan

Literature Review The basis of this paper is the work done by Oaxaca and Blinder in 1973 about wage discrimination models. In the paper ' Interpreting the Decomposition of the Gender Earnings Gap' this method has been applied to find out how different characteristics change the discriminatory behaviour of employers β†’

Discrimination in the workplace: overview

According to Oxford dictionary, discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather on the individual merit. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to get β†’

The concepts of equality and non-discrimination in europe

This study aims to identify the extent to which such discrimination still exists and consider how effective the ECHR has been in preserving these rights. Introduction It will be examined the extent to which the European Court ofHuman Rights case law has recognised and protected the right not to be discriminated against on β†’

Gay rights understanding the lgb t community research paper examples

It is now a public discourse. The Pew Research Center for People and Press pointed out that in a research carried out in October 2011 that the American public is torn right in the middle about legalization of gay marriage. Through this paper, I hope that I will make a change to the β†’

Is patriarchy the main cause of gender inequality?

This view is held by Radical feminists, they believe that patriarchy is society is the reason that women are oppressed and exploited by men, and Marxists for example hold the view that the capitalist system is the reason for the gender inequality. The Patriarchy ideology present in society enables women to β†’

Comparing media on trangendered people and social issues

One stemming from great power and position, and the other from a small local community organisation, showing the different strategies and contexts in which they report, how and who they influence and what factual information they use to back up their statements on the topic of transgendered people. Before examining these differences, β†’

Free research paper on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender

California is one of the most liberal states in the United States where the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people received tremendous recognition. Some of the significant laws that were passed include same-sex marriage in 2005 where California was the first state to pass a bill β†’

Disparity and discrimination

Criminal Justice System has long been established in order to guide all law enforcers and legal officers in the implementation of laws and order in achieving justice. Exercising Discretion: Decision Making in the Criminal Justice System and Beyond.

Inequality in the workplace, still- harriet martineau

Martineau stated that, " an American woman's life is equal to that of a slave's, they were both given indulgence rather than justice." Harriet saw that women were denied education and had only one option and duty in the United States: marriage. Her attitude towards the injustice of women would most β†’

The long campaign against social security

Bush has proposed allowing workers to invest some of their federal retirement taxes themselves to earn a better rate of return - a partial privatization of the 65-year-old retirement system. For such a long time the Social Security have been viewed by most β†’

Disability discrimination in the work force

Employers are usually prejudiced and end up turning off disabled persons even when they qualify for the jobs. This has led to high levels of unemployment for the disabled persons,. This poses a major obstacle even to the potential employers. In the jobs however, the situations are not much β†’

Sex discrimination at walmart

The financial impact a law suit of this magnitude might have on Wal-Mart would be loss of business, loss of millions of dollars paid to the women and the majority of shoppers that frequent Wal-Mart are women and if they are found to be discriminating against women of course other women will not shop there.

Workplace discrimination against women

In most cases, the higher a post is, the lesser the chance of a woman occupying it. This is irrespective of the educational level of the woman. When women are discriminated against in terms of less payments and lack ofcareeradvancement, they lose their leverage to gain the power which is to the β†’

Good research paper about human trafficking forced marriage

It requires the help and support of both government and non-government stakeholders' in order to bring a positive impact on the issue of forced marriage. The addition of forced marriage in the whole concept of human trafficking will help ensure protection to the victims.

Discrimination in virtual organizations

Gender Discrimination Though the prohibition against sex discrimination is applicable to both men and women, a majority of the sex discrimination cases are brought by women (Henry R. The role of a manager is critical in ensuring that there is no discrimination occurring inside the organization. His legal and ethical duties pertaining β†’

Does inequality in school system funding contribute to the cycle of poverty

Although all children are required to attend school until age 16, there are major differences in schools and they appear to be drawn along lines of race and social class. Kozol examines how the unequal funding of schools relates to social class divisions, institutional and environmentalracism, isolation and alienation of students and β†’

Changes to womens rights since 1945

Social change was a major change in women's rights from 1945 as different ideas and views were being voiced to force change. In 1961, the introduction of the Birth Control Pill was a major event that affected many working class women. The introduction of the pill and new laws gave women more β†’

Common law marriages research paper sample

For this, some couples will want to live together so that they can share the daily costs and help each other whenever they can. It is possible that a young couple that is dating will opt to have a common law marriage if the woman happens to get pregnant. This means that the common law β†’

The long history of racial and sexual discrimination

The people that defend it say that the playing field is not level, and that providing advantages for minorities and women is fair considering the discrimination those groups tolerated for years. This paper will discuss the history of affirmative action, how it is implemented in society today, and evaluate the arguments that it presents. Its β†’

Policy for dealing with social issues

Social problems affect every society, part of this is due to the fact that any members of a society living close enough together will have conflicts. The list of social problems is huge and not identical from area to area. Economic freedom is one of the strongest tools available to fight poverty β†’