Genuine Research Paper Examples

Brandwashed, martin lindstrom (zoom in- zoom out)

The most enthralling part of this is that hand sanitizer does nothing to prevent the H1N1 virus, because it is spread through the air in the form of a cough or sneeze from a infected individual! Well, Purell posted a statement on their website saying that " According to the Centers for Disease Control, one β†’

Pros to animal experimentation research paper sample

Animal research has played a significant role in every significant medical advance of the 21st century, for both human and animal health alike (Foundation for Biomedical Research). Benefits of Animal Research on Humans Among the numerous examples that demonstrate the benefits of animal research, one could refer to the very first vaccine for smallpox β†’

Should animals be kept in zoo

Ladies and gentlemen, Animals in zoos are real, which attracts the public to visit. Ladies and gentlemen, we have destroyed the nature enough since industrial revolution, it is time for us to repay and protect animals by simply keep Thirdly, animals in zoos obtain research values.

The giant panda

From their furry black and white body to their shy and docile nature, they are considered one of the most loved animals. Quick Fact The estimated number of giant pandas in the wild varies between 1, 500 and 3, 000. Intriguing Giant Panda Mysteries

World’s dumbest animal

I have read a few articles, watched a few videos, done some researches about pandas, and my conclusion is: Panda is the stupidest organism I have ever encountered up to this point in my life, they are thefailureof natural selection and evolution. They are slothful to the point of being circumspect, pandas loll around, knowing β†’

Example of research paper on wildlife photography

Some of the best schools include: the rocky Mountain school of photography , an ideal institution for all students learning digital technology, the New York institute of photography , and the Art institute of Chicago. These schools are well equipped with the modern camera equipment and students enjoy the benefit of the expertise β†’

Creutzfeldt – jakob disease research paper sample

This infectious form of prion protein is believed to be the main cause of CJD and other related variant diseases. Notification And Support for People Exposed to the Risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Through Medical Treatment.

Example of factors affecting the development of sexual orientations in human beings research paper

Of the several factors, the role of sex hormones has been extensively researched as a causative factor in the development of sexual orientations in human beings. For much of the twentieth century, scientists posed this as the hypothesis in the attempts to understanding the development of sexual orientation.

American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals

I have chosen the American Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals for its missions, goalsand achievements that it has achieved with regards to itsrespectto animal welfare. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is the oldest, non- profit organization which deals with animal welfare in β†’

Notes on horses of the night

He could afford to go to school to be an engineer if he saved the money from being a soldier. He had something to work for...

Example of research paper on coliform bacteria and their effects

If Coliform is present with water and food it reflect the quality of water and food. Various genera are: Total Coliform Bacteria: Total Coliform bacteria are present in water, moist soil and excreta of animal. Hence identification of Coliform bacteria in human body gives indication that other pathogens are also β†’

Horse whisperer

" Compare the wayspersonal experienceis presented in " Horse whisperer" and another poem of your choice" The poems " Horse whisperer" and " The ruined maid" portray a sense of personal experience in their poems. Andrew Foster's poem, " Horse whisperer" tells us about how a horse whisperer was used in his society when he β†’

Animal cloning for human consumption

The agricultural industry has observed a voluntary FDA moratorium on using the products of clones, but it has recently become clear that a few offspring of cloned pigs and cows are already trickling into thefoodsupply. Many in agriculture believe such genetic copies are the next logical step in improving the nation's livestock." β†’

Does covergirl test on animals

Top cosmetic companies that test on animals are Maybelline. Maybelline is one of the largest cosmetic companies that test on animals. Lancome has a market share of 4% of the world and, inappropriately, one of the cosmetic companies that test on animals.

Example of research paper on animal extinction

So when the members or individuals of a certain group die and cease to be present in the earth's surface then we will be in order to say that extinction has taken place. It is also possible to say that an animal can extinct when the available individuals of a certain species are not able β†’

Animal testing in us overview

The horrible scents fill their noses and they are compelled to stroll in their own pee and dung.these creatures are required to experience in these circumstances consistently, this is not accommodating, and it's far a moderate agonizing demise.keeping a honest creature contrary to their will and tormenting them with perilous materials is creature pitilessness and β†’

Killing animals for food

We should treat animals, as we would want to be treated. Animals cannot have the same rights as humans. They should have the right to freedom, just as we do.

Animals should not be used for medical research

However, experimental tests conducted to produce cirrhosis by excessive alcohol ingestion have failed in all animals except baboons. On the other hand, the case of polio research in animal models has directed to a misunderstanding of the mechanism of infection and it caused failed preventing measures and delayed the development of the β†’

An abundance of dog doodoo

They feed off of this pet peeve because homeowners that are frustrated with the amount of poop In their yard will pay for a Proteins kit. They collect a DNA sample of the feces and bring it into the lab to be tested. This is a major pet peeve of mine and many β†’

Elephant (2003)

This unconventional way of filming helps determine the atmosphere of the film as a whole. Van Sant takes the audience on a trancelike journey as the camera follows each character around the school. With these distinctive and realistic long takes, the scenes become preserved in the audiences memory due to what seems β†’

Good research paper on food, inc

As documented in the documentary film by Kenner, food production lacks quality standards that are necessary for the manufacturing and production of food fit for human consumption. Kenner exposes these in his film where he clearly shows how dangerous the foods we eat are harmful and not safe for our consumption. The refusal of the β†’

Wild at home

If do not believe me, by the end of this speech I will have hopefully convinced you that: Preview your main points: wild animals should not be kept as a pets, by first discussing why it is bad for the animals. Then why it is bad for the owner, and finally why β†’

Global warming effect on the tundra biome research paper sample

This paper will explore some of the effects that global warming will cause in the Tundra biome. Background About the area The tundra biome is mainly branded by its climatic extremes and multifaceted inter-affiliations between organisms and the environment. The melting of permafrost in the Tundra and its effects on plant life β†’

A change of heart about animals

Germany's government is urging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact everyday for nurturing purposes. Researchers were amazed more recently, with the discovery of the extent to which New Caledonian crows, attain conceptual abilities, Jeremy Rifkin said " In controlled experiments, scientists at Oxford University reported that two β†’

Mali of manila zoo-ir

He's still the same, never been uncared-for, only those People's Ethical Treatment of Animals people who are making slanderous statements about the condition of Mali are saying that she is sick, they are all untrue, Noel said. PETA embers brought Richardson, a California-based elephant specialist for 40 years, to see Mali β†’

Research paper on family and consumer science organic food

However, due to the extensive process and handling of these goods, these organic foods are usually sold in higher prices. In a study conducted by Davies, al , it was said that one of the primary reasons why people do not buy organic foods is because of the consumer's disposable income. However, they β†’

The dragon rises: china’s growing economy

In the past twenty years, China has been able to increase its Gross Domestic Product by four times, and now is recognized as a global economic power. China has quickly worked its way up in the global economic scene and currently stands in the sixth position of the top trading countries of the β†’

The lintel with yama riding on a buffaloΒ 

This marks the transition from the common space and the inner space. This lintel is a classic artefact dated to the Banteay Srei style. The whole composition of the lintel is well-balanced that signifies the Banteay Srei carving, which has been intact to show the survival appearance of a good quality of the sandstone being β†’

The two species of elephants

It was a small mammal that had a trunk and it evolved into the many different species of elephant. One of the first species that adapted from the Paleomastadon was the Delnothenum which lived In Africa and had tusks that pointed downward which helped it scarpe of bark from a tree. Stegadon which β†’

The rocking horse winner vs the destructor

The house was symbolic of all they, and most of the town, had lost to the war. So in the end, all his material belongings were gone, but he still had his life. The plot of both stories was about greed and resentment; Paul's mothers greed for more and more and never being satisfied and β†’

Animal rights final research paper

Through the 18th and 19th Century philosophers like Rousseau, Kant, Bentham, and Schopenhauer have produced different arguments in favor of the treatment of animals. Animal rights is the idea that nonhuman animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that they should be afforded the same consideration as the β†’

Proactive policy

This then suggests that there is room for improvement. Even though the ethics policy is comprehensive, it is silent on some other ethical issues such as the issue of executive compensation, animal testing, and certain aspects of director independence and conflict of interest; all of which are major issues in as far β†’

Animal rights issue research question

Research plan: I plan to conduct my research on the issue if animal rights organizations have gone too far in promoting a vegetarian diet. I plan to conduct my research on and if animal rights organizations have gone too far in promoting a vegetarian diet?

Abandoned dog’s 3-year wait for owners ends

Every morning, the dog used to walk his owner to the train station and expect for him to arrive back from work, in the afternoon. The dog kept returning in the morning and in the afternoon, waiting for the train to arrive and his owner.

How do humans reproduce?

This process of cell division is called mitosis for most one celled organism or binary fission for prokaryotic cells. As female and malehuman beingmate, the egg of a female becomes fertilized by the sperm of the male. Human eggs do not have yolk, after fertilization the developing β†’

Using animals in disease research

Scientists should use animals in disease research because nowadays it is the only right way to develop drugs, treatments and cures for diseases and to be sure that new products are safe to use. The first reason why animals should be used in lab testing is that it is the best way β†’

Four horsemen

Before this though, we get introduced to the next horse which is war. The next being war comes in when Pakhom gets his land. Though, the irony in that is the fact that he did the same thing when he had little to no land himself.

Is it ethical to feed live food to reptiles

The methods employed began to be subjected to greater scrutiny and criticism as a greater understanding of, and sensitivity to, issues of animal welfare evolved. Society of London) introduced a ban on the feeding of living vertebrate food to its captive reptiles and instead to train the latter to take freshly-killed prey or β†’

Animal organization and homeostasis quiz

The dermis ? a) covers the epidermis. b) produces melanin. c) contains nervous tissue and blood vessels. d) consists mostly of dead cells. 48. Which of the following is secreted by sebaceous glands in the skin? a) melanin b) sebum c) keratin d) sweat 49.

Plant and animal cell

Also plant cell have plastids and animal cell do not have. Plastids are small organs in the cytoplasm that stores colored pigment and food. Below are two pictures, one of an animal cell and the other from a plant cell. Reference 30 Sep.

Pros and cons of zoos

Most importantly animals in the wild are a part of the ecosystem and help out a lot, " animals are an integral part of theenvironmentand without them we ourselves would struggle to exist,. The overall census between animals in the wild and in captivity is that they intertwine and overlap, we need to manage wildlife β†’

A visit to zoo

As we reached the main gate of the zoo, we saw a huge crowd. As we approached the net, a lion rushed towards us and we were terrified.

Savannah cats

A Savannah Cat is actually a hybrid between a Siamese cat and a Serval The Savannah cats name is given to the off spring of a domestic cat and several medium sized, large-eared Wild African cats. He approached many Serval breeders to help to develop this new breed and finally garnered the help of β†’

Should animals be used for research purposes essay sample

This observation of humans about biological similarity and capability of animals to suffer same health problems as that of humans marked the beginning of usage of animals for research and experimentation. Although vivisection is regarded as an act of cruelty by many people on ethical and moral grounds and is not considered β†’

Mermaids existence

Scientist think mermaids were creatures who developed from our ancestors, who evolved to the sea habitat. Scientist think mermaids have been around for millions of ears, because of old paintings; drawings of them in books, and fossils they have found connect to the mermaids' existence. Mermaid experts say that the majority of mermaids β†’

Good research paper about why eating eat should not be banned

This is because they think that banning consumption of meat will interfere with people's freedom of choice on what to eat and what not to eat. This section of people is also of the view that, meat has been consumed since the origin of man. This section of people are of the view that the β†’

Research paper on global warming causes and effects

The increase in the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has resulted in the earth becoming warmer. Ocean currents are a means of heat dispersion and by extension determine the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Deep water circulation which is as a result of ocean currents results in movement of cold β†’

The hippopotamus

Through hoot the poem, the stanzas are broken up between the two symbols, describing the hi pop in the beginning of the stanza and The Church in the end. In the third stanza it says, " the hippo's feeble steps may err', meaning the hippo can walk astray. The Church represents two different β†’

The burmese python research papers example

The book is useful in that it gives the steps to manage invasive species. Introduction Numerous invasive species have now been recognized at most locations around the world, and the degree of new species invasions and accounts of new invasive species endure growing. The likelihood of competitive dislocation is a function of the compulsory β†’

Humans and bread

Bread, a food item was discovered primarily in the Middle East and the features of the bread were modified according to the regions it has been introduced. The English used to introduce wheat cultivation and bread making in different parts of the world.

Great white shark

The great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, also known as the great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, is a species of large lamniform shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. The great white shark is arguably the world's largest known extant macropredatory fish, and β†’

Animal kingdom 54

So why do we continue to consume and brutally murder, and torture animals for the means offoodand clothing when there is this claim to " love" and " care for" animals? For that reason we should treat animals with respect and kindness because they can show us the true beauty of life and I think β†’

Example of research paper on car engines

This paper explores the development of the car engine, its use in modern-day life, effects on the environment, and the solutions to reduce or control the environmental problems associated with car engines. History of car engines Based on the prevalent means of propulsion, the early history of the auto-mobile can be divided into a β†’

Reservoir dogs

The director has created a piece of art that removes the audience from the conventional and emotional bond to the subject, creating a new perspective. Postmodern films apply the usage of four concepts: simulation, reusing styles, typically drawing irony to the new style; pre-fabrication, drawing a closer attention to already existing scenes β†’

Anti animal testing of body shop

There are over 300 of The Body Shop stores in United Kingdom have launched pledge to ban animal testing on cosmetics around the world. We have a strict requirement of the human cosmetic standard which was set by the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection in order to ensure β†’

The rain horse

He uses the horse as a symbolic source of his feelings and describes them in figures of speech. The writer used the horse to strengthen the idea of the land to the young man rejection.

Tom regan’s animal rights, human wrongs

In " Animal Rights, Human Wrongs", the idea of animal rights is directly and thoroughly supported. Written by Tom Regan, the article presents a several cases of animal cruelty in a seemingly attempt to put the reader in a parallel perspective of each animal in attempt to cause the reader to feel β†’

Pit bull research paper

Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association tested 122 breeds of dog and Pit bulls placed the 4th highest with a 95% passing rate.With this fact it can β†’

Example of research paper on animal testing

The debate has continued for years and it still does, but over the years due to enhanced awareness for animal rights, the voice against animal testing has got louder and clearer. Though the supporters of animal testing call it an experimentation that is used to benefit humans since it saves lives and helps in improvement β†’

Good research paper about art and architecture

The mystical taotie is mentioned to appear in the bronze vessel consisting of a zoomorphic mask as well. Many of the bronze bells are amazingly heavy and the appearances suggest a high level of technology. The ritual bronzes continued and some went up to the late Anyang tradition. The bianzhong was found in a state β†’

Macro-scale modeling

Shi et al [124] have employed the macro-scale approach to predict the impact damage of composite laminates in the form of intra- and inter-laminar cracking under low velocity impact. Feng [126] examined the structural response and the failure mechanisms of the composite laminates subjected to low-velocity impact using the macro-scale technique in combination with β†’

Description of the lathe operation

Description of the Lathe used The parts of the lathe machines are: The Bed is a mounting and aligning surface for the other machine components. Viewed from the operating position in front of the machine, the headstock is mounted on the left end of the bed and the tailcoats on the right.

Consumer buyers behavioral characteristics

Different strategies were adopted to segment the market and attract and people from various parts of society. The mission of caf coffee shop is to provide best quality coffee with unmatched service at a price which is lower that the prices of competitors' products. Market Segmentation β†’

Organizational behavior defined

One of its modern developments includes the establishment of an equally comprehensive sub-discipline: industrial and organizational psychology where the focus of study is the application of principles and concepts in psychology to the industries/workplace and all forms of organizations. The concept of organizational behavior is examined and studied in various contexts. Organizational β†’

Group behavior

They fear that they will not be accepted or that they will be looked down upon. Many people feel that to befriends two people have to be the exact same. Many people are being diagnosed withdepression, caused by the way that they have been treated by other people.

Organizational behavior outline

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, or 2.

Nature versus nurture

For people who believe that nurture (or yourenvironmentyou are in growing up) is the only factors for personality development would have to argue that you are not born with your personality, that it is created from your own life expirience. This conclusion would make it very hard to show hereditary links between β†’

A meeting of giants

Imagine that you are a participant in a panel discussion with Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, Albert Bandura, and Albert Ellis. The discussion is facilitated by a moderator who asks questions for each of you to answer according to your different theories ofpersonalitydevelopment and β†’

Defining emotional and behavioral disorders

In order to move forward clinically or in research to address the problem of emotional and behavior disorders one must first have a solid definitive grasp on the nature of the problem and what it ultimately is, definitionally. The length or duration of the behavior.

Example of alternative therapy via electronic channels research paper

Many studies were held to test the validity of therapy and counseling sessions held over the phone or online video sessions versus traditional face-to-face sessions in order to test whether this method would work or not. This would make it easy for the patient to be coached when they are talking, making a script or β†’

Purchasing behaviours of three major races in malaysia

Based on the household expenses, the Malays purchasing behaviour are influenced by the Islamic religions needs and regulations which concern on the ' HALAL' label of the product. Islam constitution plays roles in the daily life of the Muslims. For instance, the more expensive of the products, the more it reflects to β†’

Use psychological theories to explain aggressive behaviour

Describe three method's a coach might use to eliminate aggressive tendencies of performers and to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.Aggression is the attempt to harm outside the rules of the game. Instinct theory was proposed by Freud and is the trait view of behavior and shows the drawbacks of this perspective, that behaviour is β†’

Behaviors of two revenue and profit maximization: a companion of two economic models

Revenue is often simplified in economics or basicfinanceprojections to " Price x Quantity" (the price of a good times the number of goods sold) though it is rarely this simple in actuality. Revenues versus Profit maximization: Differences in Behavior by the Type of Control and by Market Power Professor Baumol did β†’

Innate vs learnt behaviour

Aristotle on the other hand theorized that behavior and knowledge had to be learnt and that we were born as tabular Rasa' or blank slate and our behavior, thoughts and actions were learnt and acquired through experiences. Although nether Plato or Aristotle theories are supported today It Is still debated hat shapes us β†’

Behaviourist theory for atypical behaviour

For instance, if someone is scared of needles, it may have been because they had a bad experience with it as a child, thus causing a phobia. Therefore each of the neutral stimuli is then described as a conditioned stimulus because they trigger a learnt response.

Diversity and individual behaviour

The African-American woman has to be diligent in the efforts to contradict the assumptions. Just being female impacts a woman's behavior. In Judaism a Jewish woman's role in life is traditionally a wife, mother and keeper of the household.

The oxidation behaviour of welded 2.25cr-1mo (t22) boiler tube steels under cyclic conditions

This was considered while using scale thickness measurement as a tool for life assessment of high temperature welded parts. The difference in the oxidation behavior of the different regions was found to emerge from the difference in the Cr content of the inner layer of the protective oxide [4, 5, 6]. 6. The oxide scale β†’

The effect of external factors on purchase

3 The Effect of Group on Pl Group also affects consumers and their Pl. The SPAS software has been used to analyze the effects of external factors (demographic, geographic and group influence) on Pl. Consumers between 17-32 years old were selected as young generation.

Anti-competitive behavior: the case of allcare ipa

The FTC was originally created to prevent unfair methods of competition in commerce, but through the years, its role has widened to cover consumer protection in broad terms. It must be noted that FTC's Bureau of Competition promotes and protects vigorous competition by seeking out and challenging β†’

All public behavior is ultimately private behavior

People of today are mostly living in harried and often-times exhausted schedules. The pressure to juggle jobs, familyand other jobs primarily due to financial needs is a common experience of people today and this has led to a number of complications both to the mental and physical β†’

Productive and counterproductive behavior

It is up to the organization to make an attempt to identify what the causes of their employees' counterproductive behavior and attempt to find a workable solution. Sometimes the reason an employee is counterproductive are out of the employees' control. For situations that are within the employees' control, the organization must clearly outline their expectations β†’

Outline and evaluate research into conformity

Identification is conforming to someone who is liked and respected and Internalisation is accepting the group's beliefs and accepting it both publicly and privately. However this essay will be discussing the two main theories as to why people conform, Informational Social Influence and Normative Social Influence as well as other factors that β†’

Organizational behaviour

What do managers do in terms of functions, roles, and skills? Management is a process that is used to accomplish organizationalgoals; that is, a process that is used to achieve what an organization wants to achieve. What is organizational behavior ?. Organizational Behavior is the study of the organization itself and also β†’

My son, my executioner

The imagery helps Hall depict a father caring for their young child. Hall is first telling the reader that the father is with his child. The child seems to be very young because the father takes the child in his arms." I take you in my arms/quiet and small and just astir." β†’

Houshold gods

In stanzas two to seven, they speak as individuals, the first and third lines rhyme as well as the second and fourth. This personification of the gods allow them to identify with the reader at a more personal level and be able to connect with him, The first stanza is spoken by β†’

Commentary on three lunulae, truro museum

The poem consists of 14 stanzas but varies in length probably contributing to a shift in mood and tone of the poem. The poem begins with the description of the Lunulae as soon as the visitor walks in where they comment on the gold on the Lunulae and that it β†’

Themes in yeats’ poetry

Death ofPatriotism, leaving selfishness as the norm: ' Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave' [September 1913] Death as useless sacrifice, Home Rule might be granted: ' Was it needless death after all? For England may keep faith For all that is done and said' [Easter 1916] A β†’

You can have it

Its true that most people of this class do not know whathard workis or how it feels to have to struggle to find a job and care for themselves and a family. In the poem, What Work Is, Levine writes, " if you are/ old enough to read this you know what/ work is, although β†’

Hope is the thing with feathers meaning

Whatever is being said of the bird applies to hope, and the application to hope is Dickinson's point in this poem. Emily Dickinson's " Hope is the Thing With Feathers," is the VI part of a much larger poem called " Life." The poem examines the abstract idea of hope in the free spirit of β†’

Positive contributions of the aged to the community

In doing so, they are positively influencing society and guiding them to be better people and to live their life to the fullest. As young people are not aware of the consequences of some of their actions, the Aged can contribute their knowledge on this aspect of their lives, which minimizes the risks β†’

Research and analysis order # 314899 research papers example

0083413 Article titles - Increasing Coverage in Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in an Urban Setting: a Study of Malindi Town, Kenya - High coverage of mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in rural and non-rural settings in the Western Area, Sierra Leone The two sources are current and most of β†’

Acre woods retirement community

Acre wood retirement communitycase studyKimberly Woods HSM/230 Axia College at the University of Phoenix Acre wood retirement community case study he resident physical therapist Sara Armstrong manages the retirement communities activity programs, recently a pool was added to its rehabilitation center by they were some original design requests that were not met it has β†’

Free research paper on synagogues

The consequent invasion by the Romans and the resultant dispersal of the Jewish people led to the dispersal of synagogues to different parts of the world. Design of the Synagogue The design of the synagogue is categorical in nature as it is the same with the design of houses of worship for other religion.

Good research paper about mojave language

The California gold rush starting which began in 1848 led to a dramatic demographical and social change due to a large- scale immigration from various states inside the well as abroad. Embedded in this diverse pattern of people and their traditions, are the states original people, who are the many communities of the Mojave β†’

Victor: english language and white community

He made great efforts to transform himself to be like whites who he thought were the best." Anything and everything related to the whites was beautiful to Vickramadas." The author has painted a dramatic picture of sufferings and challenges of Victor in his course to attain a new identity - an Englishman. β†’

The motif of the road in the pilgrim’s progress, robinson crusoe and gulliver research paper sample

The Pilgrims progress, Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's travels take us through the life of characters and the journeys they went through just to find meaning in life. In this paper, we will be focusing on the pilgrimage trips of the characters and how each stage revealed their person and purpose. - First supporting idea: Robinson's journey β†’