Genuine Research Paper Examples

The ethics of belief

Furthermore, I will show that the primary issue is not the belief but the results of the belief that is important and that all judgment and interpretation should be based upon said results. Clifford introduces his argument by using the example of a shipbuilder who allows his ship to be used on a transoceanic voyage β†’

Functions of research to health and social care essay sample

The information which are being collected help the professional to make correct decisions about treatment or care to meet the individuals need. The main needs of an individual can be the same to those of others but, before a new treatment or care plane is being introduced for everyone, it is very important to β†’

Ethics and law

The reason this patient is refusing to have blood transfusion is because of his cultural differences and beliefs, the health care professionals should respect his cultural differences, beliefs and his own values towards this treatment. The NMC Code of Conduct states that the health care professionals should listen to the individuals and respond β†’

A study of human flesh search and its social and ethical issues

It is defined as a Chinese internet phenomenon that uses massive computer mediated participation to purify the information from search engines and internet media. What is revolutionary is the way that humans, instead of machines, actually deal with the search questions and therefore there is increasing accuracy in the search results. Studying the advantages and β†’

Bus ethics

The industry is not responsible for the amounts of sodas consumers drink; the consumers are! All businesses strive to gain profit and target markets where sales will be higher through advertising and marketing; however, consumers are important. Coca Cola is one of the giants in the soda industry.

Ethical behavior

It may not be harming any individual, but more than likely the consensus would be that It Is improper use of company property. In this instance, the improper use of the company vehicle was the individual's poor and unethical decision. All in all, the deciding factors in ethical behavior can be a tough β†’

Possession of knowledge tok

How can one know when they are ethically responsible? How do you know how big the impact of the knowledge you are giving will have on the recipient? You use reason to decide how the knowledge you have will affect the recipient and if it is ethically responsible to do this.oEmotion Emotion β†’

Cross cultural ethical perspectives

Consequently, these organizations have to consider cultural perspectives of the country in which that plan to operate. McDonald's, established in 1954 by Ray Kroc in conjunction with the McDonalds brothers and with over 30, 000 restaurants in more than 120 countries, is one of the world's biggestfast foodrestaurant chains employing 1. This β†’

Is routine circumcision of infants ethical?

According to the governing doctrinal resource for Catholics worldwide, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the explanation for Old Testament circumcision is in section 1150. The Church sees in these signs a prefiguring of the sacraments of the New Covenant." The circumcision of Jesus in the New Testament explains that when Jesus came, as the β†’

Ethics in psychological research essay sample

Many of the scientists, researchers and people that are for animal testing do not think that the practice of animal testing is unethical because the animals cannot speak or verbally express if they are in pain or feel poorly about what is going on. The debate as to whether animal testing is unethical and β†’

Unethical practices

Despite the fact that technology has led to high productivity and efficiency during task performances, it has had negative impacts on the privacy of the workers, customers as well as the businesses which have been as a result of dwindling and degrading business ethics. Businesses have become more reluctant to enforce ethics β†’

Ethics of observation

By doing this, we are able to make their first years within a learning environment proceed to their best potential. Read on to learn about Ethical Issues Ethical Issues Before carrying out an observation on any child, make sure you have received permission from β†’

The ethical dilemma

The case study presented identified that I am friends of someone within my command who has asked me to withhold information while the relationship with the accused is displeasing. Whether it is a moral obligation or the duties and right to aspect the rights of people, the obligation in the relationship are affected β†’

Work place ethical dilemma

As a project assistant one of my job responsibilities was to locate youth with disabilities and invite them to become part of the group. Part of our initial protocol was not to use the stipend as the initial incentive to join the group but rather to make the youth group more appealing β†’

Five ethical approaches for companies

The object of a business is to produce products that consumers have faith in and have confidence that they are getting the best deal with no hidden inconveniences. To more thoroughly detail these principles, Apple has drafted a code of business conduct that applies to all its operations, including those overseas". Enron, Aig, and Fannie β†’

Background of the ethical issue

Resolving the problem using the five ' I' format Identifying the problem From the report, the care and the management of the wounded men and women in uniform is underresponsibilityof unqualified people. S government as it is the sole agent for the care of the soldiers. Investigating the β†’

Patterns of knowing

Chinn & Kramer mention an additional pattern of knowing labelled emancipatory knowing The fundamental reason for developing knowledge in nursing is for the purpose of creating expert and effective nursing practice. Chinn & Kramer statesfailureto develop knowledge integrated within all of the patterns of knowing leads to uncritical acceptance, narrow interpretation, and β†’

Ethical for carmine

This is not the proper way a company runs, Carmine should have shared the news about the company and its profits improving at the shareholder's meeting. Yes it is ethical for Carmine to let his relatives know that the company is doing well and that they will β†’

Parable of the sadhu

The man who found the sickly sadhu grew irritated, as he wanted to continue on because he "[did] what he [could do]." He left soon afterward, leaving the sadhu in the hands of Buzz, Stephen and a few other hikers. We are all less likely to take charge of a situation if β†’

Research paper on epistemological metaphysics of plato

Greater knowledge is found through enlightenment and a comprehension that the objects of the world have a greater metaphysical component to them that cannot be discovered through the human senses. 2)a) The Theory of Forms is particularly interesting and evocative when you consider Plato's application of these principles to Man. The first is the Form β†’

Organizational storytelling, ethics, and morality

Poulton Abstract In this article it is argued that codes of conduct may be a starting point in examining the ethics of a business organization, but a deeper understanding of the ethics and morality of a firm may be found in the stories that circulate from employee to employee and, more specifically, from one generation β†’

Ethical computing

Intrusive software such as " worms" and " viruses" which are destructive to the computer system is also illegal.Congesting somebody's system with a lot of unwanted information is also unethical. Hacking a system to break and bypass the authorization is unethical 4

Ethical dilemmas can international psychologists

The medium of exchange for the host community is mainly English and say the immigrant is from a Chinese background. The children of most immigrants tend to adjust quickly in terms of linguistic abilities and therefore are most often interpreters for their parents. The dilemma here is the international psychologist is bound by β†’

What do you think is unethical?

The countrywide approved everyone to get their loans, no matter they have jobs or not, no matter they have income or not, no matter they have assets or not. They do not care whether the documents are valid, whether they can verify the income, whether the appraisal is any good.

Ethical norms that muslims are expected to uphold

The name of religion which we practice is " ISLAM" meaning " PEACE", but unfortunately this is one thing which is in a serious lack in our society , rather if I say that this is one thing which is lacked in almost every society of the world, I do not think that I would β†’

Tony blair: life in iraq 10 years on not as i hoped research paper

This lack of support from what may be regarded as the moral compass of the society attests the fact that the invasion was not morally just. The invasion of Iraq was not financially viable as the cost of the war has far exceeded the initial estimates. This is based on the fact that the invasion β†’

Case ethics

2D 226 Facts: McNeil PPC, Inc., the market leader and manufacturer of dental floss, is challenging Pfizer Corporation's claim in its marketing campaign that their new mouthwash Listerine is equally effective as floss in cleaning plaque and gingivitis present between the teeth. The studies conducted by Pfizer excluded people suffering β†’

Lack of motivation/ work ethic in american youth

To understand the cause of failure, the emotions that contributes and results to failure, entails a sense of lack of interest for the individual to pursue hisdreamsor aspirations in life. Or the absence of which defines the lack of motivation. The paper will explore the concept of motivation.

Lehman brothers ethical reasoning

However, for an ethics code to be effective, the tone at the top executives needs to be set right so that the entire organisation can feel connected to the firm's ethical values and beliefs. The obviousfailurewe witness in Lehman's case was that the top management, led by Ruld and Erin β†’

Kantian ethics

The Kantian point of view is completely different from the Utilitarian point of view because the Kantian point of view deals with the individual, whereas the Utilitarian point of view deals with the group and the needs of the group. When you hear the words " basichuman rights" or the word " right," normally that β†’

Administrative thought and ethics

The realities of these things are inaccessible to us. According to Plato, what are the " Forms?" How does Plato's doctrine of the forms tie in with the Allegory of the Cave? The " Forms" for Plato is a unified theory of reality, knowledge, and value. What we see β†’

Accounting. how to prepare income statements

For example: the income statement of a merchandising company consists of Revenue, Expenses (related to the sales volume through the Cost of Goods Sold and General & Administrative Expense , which all result in Net Income. Another way to look at it is that inventory never leaves the balance sheet β†’

Internal control research

To critically analyze the To evaluate the importance of having Internal Control procedures within ' The Bargain Centre' Aims: To investigate the number of different internal control procedures used within ' The Bargain Centre' To gain knowledge of how the different internal control procedures help secure the business against theft and β†’

Balance sheet of afc enterprise

The company's Income Statement shows that almost 36% of the total revenue represents cost of revenue and 69% represents operating expenses which resulted to a net operating loss of 5%. The Balance Sheet of Marten shows that the financial condition of the company is good. The equity amounting to $ 193.

Bus 642 -ethics in business research essay

Cooper and Schindler states that" the goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities". She must decide if she uses this information if she will debrief the company on the deception of the research since it unauthorized. Formal studies are another β†’

Comprehensive balance sheet and income statement

Course Project Comprehensive Balance Sheet December 31st 2012 Assets Current Assets Cash $42, 485 Account Receivable$165, 824 Allowance for Doubtful accounts 1, 850 Net Accounts Receivable 163, 974 Inventories 499, 493 Securities (available for sale/at fair market value) 28, 250 Notes Receivable 23, 000 Prepaid Expenses 16, 252 Total Current Assets................................................................................................$773, 454 β†’

Case 12-05

MEMO: LabCo must determine if their accounting policy for the revenue treatment of its construction contracts is reasonable, if it is appropriate for LabCo to change its method of accounting for the Halibut contract from the percentage-of-completion method to the completed-contract method and how the change should be treated on the basis of the β†’

Kudler accounting system paper

I think legal requirements and government regulations are becoming more demanding as to what they expect to see if someone such as the I.R.S.were to show up and ask for an audit. I would like to talk a little about a few of the key features, coretechnology, benefits, and costs of installing and maintaining an β†’

Accounting test solutions

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a liability? A.B.C.D. The rate of interest printed on the face of a note payable is called the: A.B.C.D.

Accounting information systems solution trial exam

A) MIS B) ESS C) DSS D) TPS The Smart Site Solution system used by Johnny's Lunch to help identify the best locations to open new franchises is best categorized as a _ A) POS system B) KMS C) CRM D) DSS Which of the following occupations would NOT be β†’

Mulberry group plc accounting

Mulberry Group's business mainly focused on the UK market, and the revenues of this company comprised retail and income of design, as the demand of its products increased strongly during the past financial year, the sales raise rapidly. In this part, we will try to analyze the core ratios of the company β†’

Mission readiness

Proper gearaccountabilitycan range from the most important pieces of gear such as my rifle all the way to my Several. I have to start getting Into the battle rhythm now of checking my equipment every time I take It out Into the field, range, or for something simply as a detail.

Characteristics of an effective system of internal control

The internal controls are the checks that are placed in the system by the company's own management to prevent the intentional misrepresentation of financial data for one party's gain at the expense of the organization. Another reason for the division of duties is to prevent the organization from becoming totally dependent on the person controlling β†’

Age of accountability – psychology

At the age of the child provided for this case study, he seems to be at the norm for brain development. When the media is the " parent" of the child, television used as a babysitter, the only role model they have are the actors on television to mimic and model their behavior.

Current trends in accounting information systems

But what is AIS and how does it make costing better and margin determination more accurate? This paper presents integrated information based on at least ten scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, mostly from business/finance/ accounting-related journals that generally or specifically discuss about current trends in Accounting Information Systems , the relevance of costing β†’

Barriers of implementation of accounting information system

AIS can helps business units and solve short-term problems of managers in the areas of final price, cost and cash flow through providing information to support and supervision of companies in the dynamic and competitiveenvironment, and to help the integration of these companies and the operational considerations and strategic programs in long term. Test of β†’

Restoring balance lab

Ammonium chloride will be more soluble in hot water as in an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature (which is the same as adding heat - one of the reactants) will cause the position of equilibrium to shift towards the products to compensate for the change. More products are a result of increased β†’

Abstract: considers what are the researches carried

Also, this paper stating the theory andequations involved in predicting the mechanical behaviour, availableexperimental support to validate the research carried on the micromechanicalmodelling and discuss the limitations and shortcomings of the methodologiesused in the previous researches. Keywords: Classical lamination theory; Wovenfibre composites; Mechanical behaviour; Non-linear bending; Micromechanical modelling; 1. This paper presents an introduction to β†’

Ph balance in human body

Another one of the leading causes to acidity in the body is emotionalstress. What is the only food that has the ability to absorb light and energy from the sun and transmit this energy to our bodies?

Accounting equation

Retrieved July 28, 2008 from AccountingCoach. Retrieved July 28, 2008 from AccountingCoach.

What is accounting ethics

Dyson, believes that " accounting ethics relate to the moral code or principles expected to be adopted in the preparation of accounts". It should be noted that the importance of accounting ethics cannot be underestimated as it plays a vital role in the daily professional activities of an accountant. Origin β†’

Accounting entity

Rights of the stakeholders of an entity. Stakeholders are individuals and groups that are affected by an organization's policies, procedures, and actions. For the reason that reporting and providing information about social and environmental performances of an entity increases the trust that communities have in the organization.

Inventory management and simplified costing methods objective

Answer: B Diff: 2 Terms: inventory management Objective: 1 AACSB: Reflective thinking 2) The costs of goods acquired from suppliers including incoming freight or transportation costs are: A) purchasing costs B) ordering costs C) stockout costs D) carrying costs Answer: A Diff: 2 Terms: purchasing costs Objective: 1 AACSB: Reflective thinking β†’

Capacity balance problems

The main challenge is to increase the productivity of the airlines without comprising the quality of service. Meanwhile for a university computing center, a capacity balance problem arises when the data processed is lower than the amount of time spent processing the data. In this type of industry, it is necessary to β†’

Balance sheet and regulatory features paper

When an investor goes to an investment securities firm to either buy stocks or to put some money in commercial papers, they know that their money is placed in the company that issued the securities. They will therefore be concerned with the financial well-being of the securities issuer, and not so much β†’

The difference between economic profit and accounting profit

According to the text, Economics Today- the micro view, explicit costs are defined as the ex-penses that business managers must take account of because they must actually be paid out by the firm.The second term from the same text is implicit costs which is defined as expens-es that managers do not have to pay out β†’

American election

First the distribution of Electoral votes in the college tends to over-represent people in rural states. This is because the number of Elector for each state is determined by the number if members it has in the House (which more or less reflects the state's population size) plus the number of members β†’

Cash basis vs. accrual basis accounting

This is the difference between cash receipts and cash payments from transactions related to providing goods and services during a reporting period." Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid".." When transactions are recorded on a cash basis, they affect a company's books only once a completed exchange β†’

Generally accepted accounting principles and accounting pronouncements

For example, if the replacement cost is in the middle of the ceiling and floor that figure will be the market cost. If the cost is above ceiling, the ceiling will be the market value, and if the replacement cost is below the floor, the floor amount will become the market value. β†’

Evaluating rule based and principle based accounting approaches

GAAP uses the Rule - based attack whereas IFRS uses the Principles - based attack in constructing accounting criterions. Harmonizing to one belief accounting rules and criterions should alter with the environment, fiscal conditions, and as new issues arises in the field of accounting. The system which needs to be now incorporated in the houses β†’

Basic accounting equation

The basic accounting equation upon which the final accounts are prepared encompasses the following: Assets minus Liabilities = Ownership Interest The Balance Sheet is the key financial report that portrays the accounting equation, which will be utilized to compute the accounting equation for β†’

Big bath accounting

The Positive Accounting Theory establishes that a company's management would naturally make decisions that are bent toward maximizing their own utility and not necessarily the company's profits.. To counter these managerial tendencies, the Agency Theory is primarily focused on establishing ways for a principal to motivate an agent β†’

The ascent of the rich in accounting

How people getting richer impacted the accounting proffession and accountants. Over the last few hundred years the world saw the rise and evolution of the accounting profession, a profession that was greatly impacted by the increase in personal wealth of people, particularly during the industrial revolution. In the β†’

Generally accepted accounting principles and contribution margin

Sales : 764, 400 Variable expenses: 445, 200 Contribution margin: 319, 200 Fixed expenses: 250, 900 Net operating income: 68, 300 If the company sells 8, 200 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to: Merchandise with a sales price of $500 is β†’

Audit syariah

Therefore, Audit Syariah is the process to analyse, check, investigate and to make sure the operation and the management of Islamic Financial Institution is accordance to the principal and the Syariah's guidelines, mainly for the production of a product. Syarikah al-Rajhi al-Masrafiyyah LiL Istismar has define the Audit Syariah as β†’

Crisis blown over

The discussions centred around two major issues restoring normalcy, and determining the amount of compensation to be paid to the dependants of Murthy. Luckily for the management, the accident took place on a Saturday. To this was added Rs 2, 50, 000 at the intervention of the union leaders.

Worldcom accounting failure

This research paper will seeks to discuss accountingfailureat WorldCom by trying to understand the nature of fraud committed, the perpetrators who caused the failure, the lacking controls that may have caused all these problems and the intentions of the perpetrators as would be revealed by the extent and frequency of manipulation done in the β†’

Moon micro

The two options to capitalize on the situation are to either expand the plant to a capacity of 20, 000 units or outsource the process to Molectron, an independent assembler. On the other hand, Molectron's prices are fixed for the first year but have a 50% chance of increasing 20% the second year and a β†’

Accounting for decision-making

It is also referred to the study of morality which represents the standards that the individuals have about what is right or wrong and defines the norms and values that can be defined as statements that describes objects or features of objects that are worth such as " Honesty is good" or " β†’

Importance of financial structure and statements

The profitability of a company is dependent on the financial structure as a company would not be able to operate without finances and it would have nothing to offer or sell to its customers. Profitability and Value Creation The objective of company management is the creation of value β†’

Bernie ebbers and scott sullivan

Evidence suggests that Ebbers and Sullivan help considerable power and influence that prevented accouting staff from complaining, or even knowing, about the fraud. Ebber's group also restricted distribution of company - level financial reports and prevented sensitive reports from being prepared at all. Accountants did not even have access to the computer β†’

Accounting information system and special journals

The person that records the incoming cash receipts should not be the same person that is posting the customer payments to their accounts. Jeff is the custodian of the petty cash fund, and he should be the only one responsible for that petty cash fund.

Should ministers or senior bureaucrats be held accountable for the department?

Accountability should be the responsibility of those who have the greatest opportunity to control departmental situations. Therefore, it is not reasonable to blame Ministers for the actions of their Department, as it is the Deputy Ministers and Senior Bureaucrats who run the day to day operations of Ministerial departments and influence not β†’

Analyzing financial ratios

The goal of the Review Project is to take you through the full accounting cycle, allowing you to practice each step and use it as you move on to the next step. This project, on the other hand, will help you to consider a series of individual situations, how they should be β†’

Fables and short stories. the fox and the grape vs. a pair of tickets

In this essay, I will be talking about Aesop's fable, " The Fox and the Grapes" and Amy Tan's short story, " A Pair of Tickets." I will try to explain the morals for each story and how the author portrays these morals. This is why I think ' plot twist' is the most important β†’

The effects of animal cruelty and abandonment

Due to the lack ofeducation, shelter, financial and other resources, cats and dogs are first on the list to be housed In a shelter of the shortest amount of time and first on the list of animals to kill. It is one of the best protection agencies for animals all over the world, raising over β†’

National parks of |ethiopia

In the park's interior, the river forms a waterfall underneath which it is possible to walk and enjoy the exceptional view of a great numbers and variety of birds. The park is interesting because of the uniqueness of its endemic animals, the beauty of its flora, and the majesty of its impressive landscape.

Snake venom

Methods of production While getting bitten by a snake might strike fear in people, the fangs are not where the venom comes from, they are mearly methods of transfer. The place where the venom is made is in special glands located on the head of the animal. A lumen is located at β†’

Toefl treating pets like family members

However, in the final analysis, I think that pets are good friends of people and will be treated accordingly. One reason in support of my thinking is that pets like real family members spend together with their families a great amount of time. When there is a child in a family pets become his little β†’

Animal rights: pros and cons of animal experiments

To some lenght I do agree with animalactivists when they say that " we" kill the animals for no reason what so ever, but at the same time I do not think they realize that it's thanks to this that many of them are alive today. So they have done som painful and cruel tests β†’

Marine species research paper examples

It is the second largest in the dolphin family after the killer whale in terms of size. The evidence of this is found in the blubber of the pilot whales.

Is euthanasia as an ethical alternative to living a life of suffering or for those research paper examples

Kant would certainly not condone the extension of Terri Schiavo's life because it's not really a life, the only thing that is alive is the hope of her parents that she will eventually recover, which is a hope that is always alive if you believe in miracles but it's just not reality. Terri Schiavo, due β†’

The ethical research of animal testing

As long as the animals are treated humanely, I believe that it would be inhumane to the human race to stop animal research. Thanks to animal research, the advancements in disease control have been beneficial and should be able to continue in the future. Inhumane or not, thanks to the research of β†’

Research on primates at the zoo

I am now going to tell you what I learned while at the zoo and I will start that with the gorilla's social behaviors. First off the gorillas were in the back of the park in the Ford African Rain Forest. This brought me to question why and I was assured it β†’

Research paper on animals amusement parks: rare species retention sanctuaries or lifetime top security

In order for rare wild animals that are on the point of becoming extinct to be saved they are placed in sanctuaries, zoos, and theme parks where they are put on display. According to Stark., animals given birth, raised and then kept in captivity for the better part of their lives are often released; still β†’

Wild animals trade in the united states

According to HSUS, the human society of the United States, wild animal trade is a multi-billion business, following to drugs and weaponries on the black market. Some owners are afraid to bring their wild pet to the vet because it is often banned to have them in the first place.

European integration

In the eleventh century the whole country were controlled by the church, the king and the overlords and they converted to Christianity. Norwegian companies are major producers of ferry-alloys and, in particular, of aluminum. Norway is the main source for the EX.of primary aluminum.

Research paper on ecosystems

Identifying the boundary of an ecosystem is a difficult process as it requires the selection of an appropriate scale which usually differs on the basis of ensuring ecological diversity and providing a proper habitat and ecological conditions for the survival of the species. Moreover, it is also essential to know the purpose and the function β†’

White sharks

If you are sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle, moving or not, and have too much alcohol in your system you canget a fine, lose your license and face other penalties. Do not ever sit in the driver's seat unless you are physically able to drive. Make sure that if you β†’

Evil: mark twain and higher animals

For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that the theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man β†’

The unique abilities of the chameleons eye research paper

The Chameleon has one of the unique eyes among the reptiles. The eye of the chameleon has a 360-degree arc view.

Oscar wilde poems and its adaptations

See The Happy Prince. Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child presented a version of the title story set in New York City featuring Ed Koch as the Happy Prince (who was the statue of the city's previous mayor) and Cyndi Lauper as a streetwise pigeon named " Pidge".

Observing animals and documenting specific animal behavior patterns

The null hypothesis is that squirrels apply the snake skin scent randomly to parts of their body. My prediction of my hypothesis was that squirrels apply the snake skin scent to body parts that they find prove to be advantageous when trying to escape their predators. My partner and I chose to β†’

Overpopulation of animals

These groups agree primarily on the idea that yes, animal over population is a huge problem, and that spaying and neutering is the number one way to stop domesticated animals from creating more and more offspring. The second solution that many of the authority groups share is the fact that pet owners are not always β†’

Dr. jane goodall research paper sample

Her work bypassed the more traditional procedures of standing in the background to observe these animals and instead lived amongst them to learn their behaviors. In 1977 she established the Jane Goodall Institute, which continues her research in the Gombe and continues the effort of protecting the chimpanzees. Goodall's work has today has lead scientists β†’

Wild horses

Once they finally dominated the basic tune they could fusion it with the Bruit rock creating the base for their up coming albums and influencing numerous new bands in England and the rest of the world. Wild horses theme is written by Mica and Keith on 1971. In my opinion, the lyrics make β†’