Genuine Research Paper Examples

Mis-566n-14021 informatics and applying systems in healthcare research paper examples

The study also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the solutions to the medical challenges and the whole process of implementation. Patient Safety in the Hospital The Business Scenario Ensuring the safety of patients and personnel in hospitals and other health institutions is an imperative practice. Gaps in the medical →

Resistance of change research paper example

The resistance of change is done in various ways expressed through the behaviour at work. At the work place, behaviour is adjusted to be in sync with the working conditions. Resistance of change is done because of reasons such as; The fear of uncertainty.

Research paper on how government agencies combat terrorism

Whereas the primary reason for the existence of the CPB is preventing acts of terrorism or terrorist weapons from finding their way into the borders of the US, it also has other responsibilities that it is charged with. It is also a component of the US Army and is absorbed into the National Guard of →

Emerging cyber security technology research paper sample

There is a lot of funding towards the handling of the cybersecurity threats and information. Moving target technologies This is one of the technologies that has been developed to counter cyber attacks. The moving target technology is also useful in the fact that it will reduce the area that is known to the attacker →

Research paper on virtual machine security

In this case it is important not to miss the issue of protection and pay enough attention to it. Among the issues that are unique for the virtualization area there is security of information that is stored directly on the host. Retrieved from Virtualization Support..

Free orlando police department research paper example

It is well staffed with a patrol team of about 700 trained officers. The department encourages the involvement of its citizens in maintaining security. They also have an academy for training citizens. The department is well organized in a way that ensures coverage of every area that requires the provision of security.

Good example of research paper on health care information systems

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was enacted by the 104th United States congress in a bid to improve on the portability and continuity of the health insurance coverage in group and individual markets. It is important that laboratory technicians are aware of the provisions of these rules to avoid legal penalties in →

Lightweight truss construction

The purpose of this paper is to discuss issues concerning the use of lightweight truss construction. This sentiment is further supported in the article Lightweight Truss May Cause Firefighter Death." Without training and building codes that specifically address the fire hazards and threats caused by lightweight truss construction, many civilian and firefighter lives may →

Research paper on hr performance issues and motivation

The level of performance of the employees of an organization has always been a great concern of the management. This is, therefore, seen as a main reason that the groups are occasionally less productive as compared to the joint performance of the members working as the individuals. Studies on Social Loafing Many researches and →

Marburg virus hemorrhagic fever research papers examples

A severe sore throat associated with marked edematous swelling of the soft tissues at the back of the throat is the most common feature of the Marburg viral infection. It may result in the death of the patient or a prolonged phase of recuperation. Diagnosis Diagnosis of Marburg virus disease involves detection of antigens.

Free research paper on the challenges for homeland security: a study of extreme islamic terrorist groups

Throughout this paper I will do a comparative study of some of the most well known extreme Islamic terrorist groups, including the nature of the groups, the threat they pose to homeland security, and recommendations to homeland security to try to mitigate the danger of these types of extremist terrorist →

Free research of robot as pet for old people research paper sample

A culture that trains one to be tolerant of others usually implants good moods or predictable emotions in the individuals that grow in that culture. Surroundings also have a profound effect on human emotions. Sunny weather, especially in the morning, is pleasant to the human eyes and soul.

Importance of health and safety in early childhood

The environment needs to be set out in a way that is appealing to children and offers a range of activities, a space for quiet activities, room for physical play and spaces for a range of group and individual learning experiences that are age and ability appropriate for all children's learning, also making sure that →

Employee privacy rights

The employer's e-mail, internet systems and the hardware used in handling them is the property of the employer. Employees currently have little or no privacy in their electronic mail communications. Employers feel the monitoring is important to avoid liabilities stemming from such abuses as economic espionage, harassment and →

Network security issues

Top network security threats, security laws that protect networks and proposed processes and procedures for disaster recovery, data backup and data restoration are included, with attached articles sourced from scholarly journal in order to accurately support the choices for the processes and procedures proposed. TOP THREE NETWORK SECURITY THREATS

Physical privacy rights in the workplace

There are some I agree with and some I do not; never the less I support the military's general reasoning. I support the right to privacy, and the military in most cases try to comply with the privacy of individuals.

Mechanical engineering; machining devices research paper examples

In " forming" the geometry of the cutting tool creates the shape of the work-piece. Figure 1 showing a generating process Direction of tool movement tools with different shapes Figure 2 showing a forming process Formed surface Shaping tool - Describe three work holding devices used on a centre lathe. - Explain →

Example of gun contol research paper

Finally, some laws state that if guns were left in the hands of the citizens, it would be a complete breach of the law since everyone will take the position of a security officer and still others would participate in such criminal acts since they have the authority to use the guns. My Evaluation of →

5 ways workplace safety is shifting in the digital age

In the work category, one thing definitely undergoing change in this digital age is workplace safety. Related: Fortunately, many of the issues we used to worry about have faded because we now have updated the ways we stay safe in the workplace. When you walk through one of these metal detectors with something you should →

Good example of research paper on technology selection

There has been the act of this innovation away gadgets whereby they have all the information aside from the discriminating information is put away in the cloud. Cloud computing is one of the quickest developing advances that has seen wide appropriation due to the viability in expense. It is important to have detection of the →

Example of quid pro quo harassment research paper

11 occur when: Rejection of or submission to such conduct by a victim comprises a basis for employment decisions that do, or may affect an individual, and The said conduct is intended to, amounts to, or has the effect of causing unreasonable interference with a party's work performance, →

Good example of field of system safety research paper

However, there is always the need to have safety precautions to ensure safety of the equipment and of the personnel. A safety model is a must for every organization to ensure safety and security of their equipment and of their working personnel. Before looking into how a safety model can be prepared, this report will →

Juvenile rights research paper examples

One of the key protections offered to the juvenile at the time of the arrest encompasses the right to receive the Miranda warning. However, the protection seems to serve less the purpose of criminal and social justice, in that most of the juveniles are immature and incapable of understanding these rights, thence making erroneous decisions, →

Hipaa: as it relates to it research paper examples

Abstract The following article is a brief discussion over the subject of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Of 1996, as it describes the use of Information Technology in the field of Healthy Care and dictates the security issues that IT must keep in mind for the general public →

Teacher of year

Fleming is more than a teacher to me; she is a person you could go to with a problem and she would try and help you find the answer. Fleming have a way of teaching her student's on how to write a splendiferous essay.Ms.

Homework research task

To teach the children they will go through each value with them at the beginning of every school year. They teach them about healthy lifestyles with their school lunches and the importance of drinking plenty of water by allowing each child to have their own water bottle in class.

Assessment methods 3

This helps to know when a concept is understood or not, whether you have re-teach a topic or can move on, allowing teachers, pupils, and parents to make judgments about the pupil progression.When choosing assessment items, it is useful to focus on the immediate task of assessing student learning in that particular unit of study. →

Theories and practices of teacher education

It is sad to say that many colleagues view professional development as a work procedure but not as a continuous development of competencies to deliver ones roles and responsibilities. The fact that they the majority of the teaching profession do not understand this is not because of a poor quality of teachers →

Wealth of teaching

This is the reason why my students and teachers love me not as a business partner as well but as a relative ready to love them the same way. In the same way, Just recently, I saw some of my students who graduated last year. Thus, great risk, greater returns. Contrary →

Roles, responsibilities, and boundaries as a teacher

English and ICT at levels 1 and 2, and Employment Rights and Responsibilities. This I deliver both in the workplace and in the classroom. This would be to show our potential students the benefit of taking up training with our company. Whilst attending these kind of events I will →

Example of should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted research paper

As long as you do not get caught" - Trickster Brainscan was great nineties film starring Edward Furlong and the reason the film really interested me was because it laid bare this vital truth about films and videogames and most media really that is they are all about murder. My hypothesis is →

Good research paper about does feminism create equality

In Britain, the rise of Socialism a political philosophy dependent on equality and of the Labour Party, drew similar parallels between the lack of women's rights, and those of the poorer class. As Feminism gained some successes, the nature of the thinking changed. Radical Feminism, on the other hand, advocated a return to the roots →

Effect of violence in the media

Of special concern has been the portrayal of violence, especially given psychologist Albert Bandura's work on social learning and the tendency of children to imitate what they see. As a result of 15 years of consistently disturbing findings about the violent content of children's programs, the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social →

Spousal abuse research paper sample

The factors that contribute and perpetuate spousal abuse are explained, and the conclusion synthesizes the paper. Definition of spousal abuse. Abuse is defined as " physical abuse or threat of physical abuse; using violence or carrying out violent acts". For those who cannot, the cycle of abuse can continue with their children, and the →

School crime and violence

The terms " school violence" and " school safety," are still terms that need to be commonly defined. The authors maintain that " Multiple approaches can prove beneficial as each discipline brings to bear the full force of its knowledge and experience, but they complicate the task of summarizing the state of school violence. At →

School and workplace violence

Just like any other act of violence in the community, law enforcement agencies are bound to safe the life of the victims and arrest the offender for interrogation. Due to our nation's concern for the sustainable safety of the people, many rules, regulations, and practices have been developed to mitigate the problem. A discussion on →

The role of violence in beowulf

The events in Beowulf's life are strongly connected to combat: he saves the Kingdom of Denmark by defeating both Grendel and his mother; he serves as the King of Geatland's advisor and champion; he is elected King of Geatland after the former king and his son are killed in battle and successfully for fifty years; →

Research paper on superhero play

This has caused many parents and teachers to fear the play for the safety of the children. This is the reason most people are encouraged to educate their children in order for them to be able to know the difference between the superhero fiction and reality. The answer to this is to properly supervise children →

2014 research papers example

However, intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence against women and girls prevailing in the world. Sexually transmitted diseases and infections, high consumption of alcohol and tobacco are other concerns of the violence. The data mostly deals with the health issues of women.

Film noir and its criminal influence research paper example

In order to understand the influence of media, particularly film noir, on violent offenders, it is vital to understand the psychological and filmic frameworks which result in media that glamorizes or fetishizes the act of violence - the casual and alluring depiction of violence that triggers our tacit acceptance of said acts as a normal →

Violence in tv and society

The exposure to violence at such a young age alters values, and norms. Children begin to perceive violence as normal, and as a solution to everything. The " cool" factor of these shows is actually kids becoming more and more desensitized to violence.

Workplace violence in abc corporation

The director of finance and her administrative assistant were shot and killed by the employee exhibiting strange behavior; the employee committedsuicideprior to the arrival of the police. I think that drug testing should be mandatory for security officers because their job is to protect and they cannot do a good job if they are under →

Gang violence

When you are in a gang, you also have rival gangs that you constantly have to fight, just because you do not want another gang in your territory. I know many people that do not need to be in a gang.

Example of why people are against the welfare research paper

Other welfare programs assist homeless groups, migrants and the disabled. In 2011, the 126 welfare programs received approximately $668 billion dollars from the federal government to help fight poverty. In addition, the strategies employed by the welfare programs are ineffective and; therefore, the aid is received by those above the poverty line.

Violence, older peers, and the socialization of adolescent boys

He uses primary data collection from 60 adolescent boys in three Boston neighborhoods to " understand the causes and consequences of these interactions and relationships". In the journal article " Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods" by David J. Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of →

What is the purpose of the daily news?

Most of the news that is shown on television is shown in less than two to three-minute segments; a person cannot become informed on certain topics in that little amount of time. The three-minute segments of news that are displayed on television only give the viewer a watered down version of information from a biased →

Negligence law in high school sports research paper

I hereby say that as a first party in this case, I stand to defend myself and say that the injury was not as a result of my negligence. He felt a mild pain in his right knee, but instead of reporting to the physician on time, Mr.

Female offenders

Estimates done in the United States show that fifty-eight percent of women are rearrested, thirty percent return to prison within three years, and thirty-eight percent are reconvicted. In Kruttschnitt and Gartner's review of the literature they suggest that the demographic plays a major part in a female's recidivism. In this hypothesis due to the lack →

The development of aggression and violence in the american youth

Theoretical Framework ~ Factors influencing Aggression Explores different perspectives in the understanding of Aggression II. Summary of findings Provides a brief summary of the study's findings. IV.

Example of gulf war research paper

The United States of America knew about the strength of the relationship between Iraq and Soviet Union in the Cold War and this deep relationship was behind a lot of decisions made by the American government during the Gulf-War era. Gulf War was intense in a sense of killing of →

Wars during the post-napoleonic period of the hundred year peace research paper

The case was also same with Russia, the French rivals who were also a part of this war. It is important to look closely at the participants of the war since these are some of the strategies applied to look at and analyze the effects a war had in the country which the battlefield was →

Chicano /latino cultural life from 1960-1980 research paper examples

The success of this great party was felt in the following years as it led to several election victories for the Chicano/Latino people. La Raza Unida party got tasked with fighting for the improvement of the social, economic and political interests of the Chicano/Latino people in the entire Texas state. The formation of the La →

Negligent tort research paper sample

Introduction Negligent tort refers to the harm caused by a person to another due to the failure to act reasonably towards a person to whom a duty of care is owed. Negligent acts lead to personal injury to an individual or individuals and in other cases monetary damages. →

Media violence and society

The development of media is further evidenced by the emergence of the Internet and DVDs, which sophisticated the way an individual receives information from media worldwide. The most well-known premises about the influence of media on the society are those related to theories having a passive audience. This can be related to the effect of →

Good substance abuse portrayal in the media research paper example

In this regard, the youth gets mixed messages on the use of substances while the media cultivates such contents, considerably contributing to the risks that the youth may engage in (The Council on Communications and Media, 2010). Schools and the federal government have tried the track of advertising through campaigns against substance use for decades. →

What can parents do to protect children from the bad influence of television violence?

Children tend to develop emotional numbness to all the horror seen on the screen, and gradually accept violence as a norm and a way to solve problems. Parents can protect their children by engaging them in different after school programs, paying attention to the television their children are watching and try to block some channels →

Violence in television creates aggression in children

Many parents sit their children in front of a television for hours just to keep them occupied, but they are not aware of the damage they are doing to their kids. Movies like Who Framed Roger Rabbit may seem like a harmless movie to us but it portrays violence with guns, arguing →

Free research paper on ethical dilemma analysis paper, public policy: gun control

In order to comprehend the different viewpoints concerning the future of gun control, it is crucial to explore the arguments on both sides while considering the ethical principles and common implementations of this constitutionalized right. As mentioned earlier, in order to comprehend the ethical concerns of the issue of gun control, it is essential to →

Bystander intervention

Most research on bystander intervention has found that the size of the group greatly impacts the likelihood of intervention. Too big of a group and everybody shiftsresponsibilityassuming that someone else will help but the more people the less likely that any individual will help. The bystander effect is described as the idea that individuals are →

Research paper on history of kuwait

According to the tradition of the locals, there was a migration of the Sabahs from the south. This was due to the fleeing of the Sabahs from the drought in Najd in 1710.

School violence: cause and remedies

Studies examining characteristics particular to the schoolenvironmenthave found that a weakly structured school and a student's pooracademicperformance, low commitment toeducation, and, perhaps most important, poor attachment to the school are all strong indicators of potential violence. In addition, schools that tolerate physical and social aggression, especially when perpetrated by elite student groups →

Gender and sexuality across the african continent research paper

The author rules this as the main cause of gender based violence which can be traced virtually in all races across the world. Another source of violence is as discussed in Poll's article on ' being the butt of the joke: homophobic humor, male identity, and its connection to emotional and physical violence in men'. →

Free research paper on a discussion of school uniforms

However, there are significant advantages to instituting the use of school uniforms in American public schools, and these advantages definitely sway the debate towards the use of school uniforms in public schools. However, in recent years, more and more schools are adopting uniforms for use in the public school system. In many places around the →

Treatment of obesity research paper examples

Obesity is a consequential condition of positive energy balance in which the quantity of energy supplied to the body is far much more than the amount required by the body to complete assorted physical tasks. Gastric-bypass surgery is one of the methods that can be used to treat obesity.

Cruddy by lynda barry

The spree ended with her father as the prime suspect in the Lucky Chief Motel Massacre and with Roberta walking through the Nevada while covered with blood. It is unclear however whether either of the plot threads actually occurred within the world of the novel or whether they are the imaginings or →

Violence towards women research paper

This is a problem that needs the help of everyone; we must become our sis Violence Towards Women In spite of the fact that we are in the twenty-first century, society still lingers in the dark- age and still thinks that women are unequal to men. Chalata Casar says in her →


Such a distinction is difficult to pin down, but it is a crucial part of activism, manifest in the breaking of " unjust" laws, and passive resistant behaviors which, if not violent, certainly imply action by the participants. In order to shed light on some of the more challenging aspects of non-violent →

Justification for torture

The lives of Americans should be the most important priority of a nation. Torture is justified as long it is for the safety of the people and not for the mere cause ofviolence. The use of torture in terms of water boarding on terrorist can be another matter. Torture without a doubt is a cruel →

Domestic violence and children research paper samples

In a direct level, domestic child abuse would bring children vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse by the perpetrators while in an indirect level, children to experience physical, mental, emotional and social turmoil that can affect them through their lifetimes. Direct Impact of Domestic Violence to Children Children who have witnessed or were →

Research paper on reflex sympathetic dystrophy

In some instances, the patient may experience insomnia due to the aches and other changes occurring on the body. The onset of the syndrome can occur rapidly or gradually. Symptoms of RSD and the stages of the symptoms are the basis for diagnosis of the syndrome.

Domestic violence: beyond patriarchy

This theory views all social relations through the prism of gender relations and holds that men hold power over women in patriarchal societies and that all domestic violence is either male physical abuse to maintain that power or female defensive violence used as a self protection.developed through the anti-rape and battered women's movements. This perspective →

Example of the impact of new jersey upon world war ii research paper

Furthermore, many social and political battles were being fought in New Jersey as a result of the change in demographics in the war, including women's rights to work. In particular, New Jersey proved to be a very important supply and storage point for soldiers and goods during the war. Because →

Family violence in new zealand

The role of the adult is to protect their children from any harm or dangerous situations and have a safe positiveenvironmentfor the child to be in. The adult's role is to care for the child and ensure that their well-being is being met and that they are nutured. It will discuss the →

The effects of xanax abuse research paper

Released in 1981, it is meant to deal with panic attacks and anxiety disorders, calming the patient through releasing itself as a sedative and muscle relaxant. Xanax abuse is rampant in this country, with a great number of people becoming dependent upon it and abusing it in conjunction with other →


This is demonstrated in the song Zombies' by the band The Cranberries, creating a public protest song about the reciprocal acts ofviolencebetween the AIR and the British Army.'Zombie' is centrally about Irish society normalizing war and young children losing their Innocence due to the Intense violence. In Ireland, violence was accepted as normal →

Research paper on should video games be censored

I do not know about you but when I play GTA I do not feel the need to follow the speed limit, because it's a waste of time, so why should I obey any other laws in a virtual world centred on crime? The police in the game do not chase you if you drive →

How to treat violent young offenders

For example, John Hubner's book, Last Chance in Texas: The Redemption of Criminal Youth, describes how experimental treatments at the Giddings State School in Texas can change the lives of violent young offenders for the better. However, as Hubner shows throughout the book, the therapists, corrections officers, administration, teachers, and coaches who →

Free the declaration of olympe de gouges research paper sample

Her ' Declaration of the Rights of Women' was just a tip of the iceberg in her fight for the rights of women. The Declaration of the rights of Women was more of a copycat of the Declaration of the rights of Men.

Example of research paper on the rights and roles of the moroccan women

There has been a transformation in the rights and the roles of the women in Morocco over the years, and this can been contributed greatly by the advancement in technology and the increase in the literacy levels in the societies. Therefore, the women could not contribute to the development in the society since; they had →

Analyzing timo

When the team was first introduced to Carter and the new regulations he brought Cruz revolted against Carter's authority. Doing this by roaring vulgar threats towards Carter and claimed he was not aware of the struggles that accompanied living in Richmond. Now accepted, polarizing where Cruz was at the beginning of the movie, he is →

Breaking the cycle of violence

It is becoming almost commonplace to hear of pre-teens who have committed acts of violence, and we now are beginning to hear of children as young as six and seven committing violent acts. It is a fact that violence begets violence, and our children are exposed to →

Key words research paper sample

In attempt to bring an end to the persistent crime rates, the government officials in the rural areas have focused on programs that can reduce the crime rates. The studies further indicated that high poverty levels and unemployment rates together with other factors like law income and population pressure results to even higher rates of →

Violence is not the solution to people’s problems.

Is violence, the answer to people's problems? Punching and kicking is not the way to solve problems.

Battle of fallujah research paper examples

The fourth segment was the fall of 2004 in which the Marines returned to Fallujah. Fallujah was in anticipation of the Marines with thousands of fighters from every part of the world.

Sample research paper on sports science: boxing

24, 2013 Goldberg, Alan." Boxers and Peak Performance".Web.Jan. Br J Sports Med 2003; 37: 321-324 doi: 10.

Free research paper on critique of north country

Female employees of the coalmine are attacked and beaten by the male employees of the coalmine. In the minds of the male supervisors, the females are perceived as the troublemakers whenever they do risk complaining about the sexual harassment.

Advantages of women in combat research paper examples

There are those of the view that this called for as it will serve to balance the rights that women have and also there those who argue that this will weaken the military given the strength of women in , military and those of men. This is another way of strengthening the men in the →

Violence in media

Secondly, the studies undertaken to date on the effects of media violence influencing hostile behavior, seem to be more noticeable for the earlier years with once again only touching the boundaries In regards to adolescents. This study will analyses behavior and affects as not been fully investigated & recorded in the past due →

Free research paper on a psychoanalysis of minnie wright from a jury of her peers

The dichotomy between male and female perception of the crime is one of the fundamental thematic ideas present in the story, and essential to the understanding of Minne as a character. The reader is not introduced to Minnie Wright's character throughout the story, although the plotline centers around her character. Hale," he said." I am →

Free research paper on a roman fight for territorial control

Thesis: In essence, the Roman Empire and the Chinese Empire show similar struggles in the fight for dominance, but their religions are miles apart. Conflict in Rome and China. Historically, the term conflict refers to a condition of prolonged fighting, that is, a war or battle. The first →

Honor and glory in the iliad research papers examples

Honor and glory were central themes in the Iliad, this was displayed by how the readers are to perceive the heroes in the story. This example shows that the honor and glory of a certain person can very well contribute to the respect and influence of his commands, no matter how irrational they were. →

The role of women in 20th century europe research paper example

The fact that the men expected to be able to take their jobs back from the women after the war was indicative on how the woman was viewed in this period. They believed that with voting they could find an in into the other facets of society that they were excluded from. Men on the →

Workers compensation in california research paper examples

The personnel managers should establish good relations with their employees in order to learn of employees' predisposition to lie in case of an injury. In most cases, failing to meet the timeframe may result in denial of the claims. Question 5: A number of employers also collaborate with employees in compensation fraud.

Workplace violence and employer liability

As a result they are not considered for any promotions or positions that require greaterresponsibility.( Workplace ethics today has become a common phenomenon. It has become one of the most critical issues that is being discussed everywhere from newspapers, magazines to televisions. This is because much of workplace ethics rely on honesty among people including →

Good research paper about ku klux klan vs. hamas

Ku Klux Klan is the name of the movements that formed in United States and had a vital role to play in the Reconstruction Era of 1860. The basic reason behind such costumes of the members of Ku Klux Klan was to hide their identity and in order to bring strength to their first movement, →

Example of child sexual abuse michigan criminal justice research paper

622 , as enacted under 2000 PA 45 stated that the term " Child Abuse" will refer to harm or threatened harm that may be caused to the health and welfare of the child by his or her parent, a legal guardian, or any other individual who is accountable for the health or welfare of →