Genuine Research Paper Examples

The development of greek and roman art

In the past, art was seen as a way to symbolize the leaders and figures of power. The many buildings that continue to stand today are and remain a symbol of how the ancient Greek and Romans lived throughout their time.

Example of research paper on does school lunch make our kids sick

This has led to varied opinion concerning the children's preference concerning the foods. One of the most essential things to note concerning the foods that children eat in schools in various regions and countries across the world include the fact that the respective schools' catering departments mainly focus on providing the stable and available foods β†’

Good example of florence nightingales leadership research paper

I will also give examples where she demonstrated leadership and will analyze the examples using organizational and leadership theories. Why I have chosen Florence Nightingale as a leader? The founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale was born on 12th of May, 1820 in Italy. For example, she was women the β†’

Developmental states in africa

Therefore, the creation of the developmental state concept leads to the formation of a interventionist state. Are developmental states emerging in Africa Several African states have endured a surge in development across the independence years, that started from the early 1960s onwards. The Developmental State in Africa: Problems and Prospects.

Good example of how ancient greeks literature influence modern life research paper

Introduction Ancient Greek literature refers to the kind of literature that was written in the language of Ancient Greece from the time of the earliest texts to the time of the rise of the empire of Byzantine. The period of Greek literature stretches from the time of Homer to the time of the β†’

Eight stages in the development of man

Even healthier individuals have a pessimistic outlook towards aging thus; influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to interact with the elderly. There are two conflicting traditions of thought that propose our ideas and attitudes about aging, the traditional Greek view of aging is β†’

Poverty and wealth inwashingtondc research paper

Finally, has a look at some of the theories presented by different economic experts on poverty. Introduction According the Washington post, about one out of 5 District citizenry resides at or beneath the line of poverty, an accomplishment that helps betrayal an addition gap amid the affluent and the β†’

History, theories, and models of organization development paper research paper example

The main reason why organizational development came into existence was because of the intensity of civil rights activities in the 1950s and 1960s. The Civil Rights Act, which was passed in 1964, is one of the most evident causes of organizational development. This paper focuses on some of the major theories and models that have β†’

Chinas foreign reserves between 1993-2013 research paper samples

China had a higher openness ratio in comparison to the rest of the other developed countries at 72% in the year 2007, (World Development Indicator, The World Bank), compared to India's openness ratio which stood at 50. Labor productivity is higher in China compared to India and the rest of the developed countries.

Scholar-practitioner model research paper example

In contrast, at doctoral-level learning, the model is focused at testing of theory and research. In contrast, at doctoral-level the model provides an opportunity for a scholar to provide ethical, societal, and economic challenges, which one encounters during the process of knowledge development and research.

Opportunities of introvert leaders research paper examples

An introvert or extrovert leader can change his personality albeit after a long time. Introvert leaders are those who do not know how to interact with other people. They can change and have a new character. Conclusion Therefore, introvert leaders face various challenges and opportunities.

Example of research paper on coco chanel: the true leader

Thesis statement: Coco Chanel was a True Leader. Coco was a pioneer in bringing positive change to the women in the society. Coco became a role model for them to look up to at a time when women was treated with disparity, She was a true rebel, believed in her and dared to do what β†’

History of programming research paper

With new applications being constantly developed to cater to people's different needs, programming languages also undergo changes, which allow programmers or software developers to meet the increasing complexities of these modern-day applications. With the long history behind the development of programming languages, which continues even to this day, this paper aims to present a brief β†’

Free research paper on the following will be the outline of my

However, despite their great significance in the society, it is crucial to note that there are a number of factors which affects the development of these community radios which in turn affect their impact in the community. 1 Introduction - Describe what community radios are and when they started. - Thesis: β†’

Example of essay on plagiarism: new age procedure of research among students

This is the reason why it is important for the students to note on how much worth these written activities actually have on their marks and the way they are going to be seen in the actual world when they are already specifically looking for a job or a profession β†’

Addiction research paper

As such they have full control over the money and resources spent gambling. Social Gambler- Regards gambling as a recreational activity and thus has control over the resources spent as they consider them as ' entertainment' expenses. Problem Gambler- Engages in gambling continuously regardless of the negative consequences. Compulsive/pathological Gambler- this is a severe mental β†’

Research paper on hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction

The external costs associated with the impact include use of high volume of water and water contamination reducing fresh supply of drinking water to the society, waste water disposal in disposal wells causing earthquake tremors, emissions of dangerous gas into the air causing diseases to the community habitats and damage to the scenic places and β†’

International development and development projects

The female education rate drops to 25 percent in rustic regions, and young ladies' school enlistment of fifty-five percent drops to 20% from Grade 1 to 6. For the reasons for these measurements, a proficient individual is characterized by Pakistan's Ministry of Education as one who can read a daily paper and compose a straightforward β†’

Leadership research paper

While I still strongly maintain some of the initial considerations about what leadership is, I have gained knowledge about new leadership principles and theories that shaped a new vision for me about leadership. Therefore, while I firmly support the fact that leadership defines people who can influence others, who can set themselves as models and β†’

Biology research paper sample

They help raise the testosterone levels in the body (Auyeung, Bonnie, Simon Baron-Cohen, Emma Ashwin, Rebecca Knickmeyer, Kevin Taylor, and Gerald Hackett, 2009). Testosterone boosters are used to boost the level of testosterone in the body. Increased testosterone levels as a result of testosterone boosters can give the sex drive of a man a new β†’

Good example of research paper on economic development in ghana and nigeria

In additional, the manufacturing as a share of GDP has declined over past 20 years. On the other hand, the economic growth in Nigeria in 2013 increased significantly compared to that of 2012. In contrast, the improved governance in Ghana over the income from natural resources has led to the reduction of conflict, which has β†’

Research methods online discussions 6 essay example

The first step of hypothesis development was comparatively manageable with the support of professors and the clear guidelines but the identification of variability and selection of the measurement instrument was entirely challenging for my understanding. At the same time, information over the percentage analysis techniques with the support of multidimensional scaling was also retrieved for β†’

Free research paper about literacy in america

Timothy Shanahan reiterates that literacy is important to the development of the society as the ability to read and write is fundamental to full participation in American society,". Still, while a number of individuals choose to ignore the problems associated with literacy, the problem is of grave importance to the overall growth and development of β†’

Baldwin park naval base redevelopment project

The city of Orlando saw a good chance to develop the base property into a mixed-use neighborhood and help establish It to become apart the community once again. During the meetings it was agreed upon that the base property would consist of public access to lakes, a variety of housing types, a β†’

7 ways to politely shut down a conversation

Set an appointment. You do not want to risk offending someone with whom you are trying to establish a relationship, so if you are too busy at the moment to chat, suggest finding another time, like lunch or drinks after hours, that will work for the both of you. The 'pass off.' When you are β†’

Interview a professor

What Is the name of the department In which the professor teaches 3. What Is the reason the professor chose this area In which to major 6.

Negotiating skills

Successful negotiation requires careful understanding of the perceptions and interests of each party and the utilization of surefire techniques of negotiation (Management Sciences forHealthand United Nations Children's Fund 1998). It is suggested by many that the hardest part in any negotiation occurs before the parties sit down at the negotiation table. This means that a β†’

Pecha kucha

I found myself wanting to look for more. Giovanni and I mutually decided that the most logical way to present our topic would be in the form of a photo essay. Content The content for the pecha kucha my partner and I designed included interesting facts about a variety of animals and β†’

Mix-method approach

I want to use quantitative approach to analysis the figures that I intend to get from the documents review or data bases to see the change of the trends in the cotton industry before and after the introduction of fair-trade. I will used this instrument to analysis the statics of cotton business before and after β†’

Interview with a senior citizen

I do not see her stopping what she is doing unless herhealthbecomes an issue, but she has her children that will be there as well as her husband to take her or do for her at any time. As for as environmental issue even the weather does not slow her down, she takes everything in β†’

Nurse betty, a movie

In this film a small town waitress named Betty fixates on onedoctoras portrayed in her favorite soap opera, " A Reason To Love". After witnessing her husband's murder while watching an episode Betty begins to become delusional, believing that she is a nurse in the hospital where the character of Dr. Ravell works the administration β†’


I personally enjoy doing distance learning; so far I have been able to easily concentrate on my work. The reason why I chose to do distance learning is because I really have a hard time attending regular face to face classes due to my work schedule, very much similar to the situation you are in β†’

Cognitive therapy for relationships research paper

Considering the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for couples as found by the researchers, a professional who is well versed in using cognitive therapy in relationships who can provide a neutral and mutual negotiation for a couple is one of the most effective ways for couples to find relief from marital distress. Cognitive Therapy for β†’

Information and communication technology

Spending on information and communicationstechnologyin 2005 Information and communications technology or information andcommunicationtechnology,[1] usually called ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), intelligent building β†’

Leadership communication

Among a number of distinguishing factors between anagement and leadership, which he de? nes, are: the manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people Journal of Communication Management 351 Clutterbuck and Hirst the manager imitates; the leader innovates the manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it the manager's eye is β†’

Examine the advantages of unstructured interviews in sociological research

However, group interactions can lead to demand characteristics in which the participant behaves unnaturally and may even lie during the interview, therefore reducing the validity of the interview. A final advantage is that unstructured interviews can be flexible, in which the researcher has no set questions and as the interview progresses more β†’

Nursing outreach program research paper example

The needy members of the community should also get the benefits that the hospitals give to the community. The stakeholders of the hospital include the hospital staff, clients, board members, donors, partners and the community where the hospital is located. The stakeholders should approve of the program after getting to β†’

Areas of feasibility

Pico De Lord to be well known, Wanderlust Sojourners will design a marketing Strategy that would help Mat. Pico De Lord) and Prints Ads are to be done for the intense promotion of Mat.

Communication between men and women

Tannen suggests that the way that men and women communicate is something that is learned from the early stages in life. Men are unable to express their feelings as well as women and this is why they go into a cave. Also men do not want to worry their partner.

Hcs 325 week 2 effective communication paper

Although, email is somewhat informal, it is the quickest and most effective method of sending and receiving messages and they can also be considered a formal method of communication, depending on the contents and whether or not there is any formal correspondence attached. Email can involve one-to-one communication, but it also supports one-to-many transmissions in β†’

Effective communication in the workplace

Second, communication skills in the work place prepare you to exercise flexibility. Last, communication skills form better relationships and understanding amongst other employees and managers. Communication skills prepare you to perform specific duties in the workplace making you a better employee. Effective communication also helps you to convince others to agree with you in a β†’

Scams are one of the most common types of fraudulent – nigerian scams

The messages are an opening gambit designed to draw potential victims deeper into the scam. Those who initiate a dialogue with the scammers by replying to a Nigerian scam message will eventually be asked for advance fees supposedly required to allow the deal to proceed. The major purpose of these scam messages β†’

ο»Ώcommunication skills

Typically, these included the ability to motivate and influence others, to give honest feedback sensitively, to empathise and develop relationships, to monitor ones own behaviour, to handle emotions both of self and others and to read interpersonal situations and organisational politics. However it is important to note that emotional intelligence, or the β†’

Consensus decision-making explanation

It is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision. Consensus decision-making is thus concerned with the process of deliberating and finalizing a decision, and the social and political effects of using this process. Consensus decision making attempts to address the problems of both Robert's Rules of β†’

Negotiating at the table

We also, came with some determination and the attitude that we were going to leave with what we anted and In the range that we desired. After arriving at the dealership, we quickly found the Explorer with the options positions. With some hesitation, he accepted our first proposal and we returned to the β†’

Revision strategies research paper sample

The writers look into the impact of the revision on the meaning of the work. 'The first article is by Lester Faigley and Stephen Witte and focuses on the topic revision itself and expounds on its meaning and the different types of the same. In the third article, Linda Flower her fellow writers give a general β†’

What do you consider are the essential attributes of an interviewer and why?

And without effective interaction, it would be difficult for an interviewer to elicit information from the interviewee or to assess them properly. It is therefore essential for interviewers to have people's skills, if they hope to be successful at interviewing. Through the art of communication, the interviewer should be able to gain the cooperation of β†’

The case of paula

The Case of Paula Assignment Paula is one of the 12 workers in Department X. In this case, the members of the group who are not given much opportunity would tend to deviate and would entail towards a difficulty in β†’

Information and communication technology (ict)

2) Other than using a search engine, give two ways the students could use the internet to find the necessary information.1.....................................................................................................................................2....................................................................................................................................18 Sample Assessment Materials Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank The teacher puts the correct answers to the quiz on the school intranet. Explain three β†’

English proficiency conclusion

When the respondents are grouped according to the variable gender, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. When they are grouped according to the variable type of high school attended, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. The β†’

The winter olympics

However, It seems that many people are uncomfortable with the 22nd Winter Olympics being hosted in Russia. Yet, according to some people and news blobs, the 22nd Winter Olympics will be secured.

Good example of the impact of technology in the society research paper

So, technology is used so to fulfil personal desires or the desires of other people, and have the lion's share on popularity and success. Positive Effects of Technology in the Society Technology can be a powerful tool to motivate ad engage students. The more educated are the people of a country, the better potentials β†’

Rivalry of existing australia telecommunication services

The aim of this report is to ensure that Millar Ltd has a competitive advantage to compete with the existing rivalry in Australia and also letting the managers know more about the different environments. Millar Ltd is well established Italy telecommunication services company which provides good quality of telecommunication services. In order to expand β†’

Uses of ict

This section will discuss the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the objectives of the study and the method and limitations of. The positive influence of ICT in schools continues to rise and can no longer be denied. Although, as yet, ICT is by no means at the heart of our β†’

The lake of isle of innisfree

The first sentence starts with " I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree." It's showing the readers that he is keen to go to Innisfree and is determined to go away. The next stanza shows how the main character will live in Innisfree, and is comparing to the life before he was β†’

Best digital tv standard

The aim of my investigation is to find out the development path of the digital broadcasting standard in Europe, USA and Japan. The technical parameter of the station resulting in different coverage area and quality of audio or video service appear to be important economic factor that are the vital to the broadcaster in which β†’

Want answer of these question

Long Answer Questions 2x20= 40 marks Discuss the rationale behind the ' capabilities and human development' theory propounded by A.K.Sen. Analyse the growth profile of India's industrial production by ' use based classification' over the period 1960-2007. B. Short Answer Questions 2x6= 12 marks β†’

Communication delay in children

It is therefore vitally important that child care practitioners are aware of the signs of communication and language delay in children and are equipped with the right tools and information to be able to help the children and their families. The practitioner will need to work alongside the therapist and the parents in order to β†’

Free research paper on sexual harassment or flirting: an egyptian dilemma

Literature Review The Interchangeability of Sexual Harassment and Flirting in a Social Context Conventionally, in the Egyptian society, flirting and sexual harassment have been viewed as " interchangeable". Thus, defining flirting and sexual harassment and the point where flirting becomes sexual harassment in the cultural context and social context of Egypt is important. β†’

Verizon communications inc.

WACC is equal to the weight used for debt multiplied by the after-tax cost of debt, plus weight used for preferred shares multiplied by the cost of preferred shares, plus weight used for common equity multiplied by the cost of retained earnings. Thus, the formula for WACC is as follows: WACC = wdkd + β†’

Communication studies introduction

Within Trinidad and Tobago, factors of the generation gap are quite evident in society. Several norms, mores and values established by the previous generations have been undermined and obviated by the current generation, the generation gap is also prevalent in today'smusic, fashion and the way we speak. This topic will help me β†’

Academic research akunna onyedum


Communication barrier

Some of the local students or the Malaysian students also have the same problems when speaking English with the international students. Most of the international students do not like to be friend with the local students.

Innovation in garmin global positioning system

Garmin is considered an innovator in the GPS market and doing a study based on a well known, high quality product, provided interest between our groups. Garmin focuses on embracing lifestyles of their consumers, whether it be Automotive; helping people reach their destination with ease, Marine; supplying essential charts and data, Aviation, Fitness, Outdoor Recreation, β†’

Kingdom of matthias

The book is an attempt to find meaning and relevance in the Kingdom of Matthias. The authors of the book, Paul Johnson and Sean Wiletnz assert that the Kingdom of Matthias cannot simply be called an evangelical movement for a closer analysis of the movement will reveal that Matthias' religious vision does not run in β†’

Difference between raising boy and girl research paper example

One is that the boys are easier to be raised; the second one is that the girls are much easier to deal with. So in order to raise a real girl and the real boy the borders should be settled, or in other words the main difference between girl and boy β†’

3 steps to get more done in less time

You have to calendar what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. We settled on 40 minutes and he freed 80 minutes each day. Related: It's not enough to just schedule, you need to be precise about the amount of time the tasks actually take.

Example of research paper on sociology of the internet

Crime by the internet referred to as cybercrime have been on the increase because of the widespread usage of internet technology. The games which have sexual and violence elements have an impact on the future behaviour of the youth. The last activity influenced by the internet is politics where the technology is seen as a β†’

How to use the power of facebook to make money The next thing you need to do is simply create your group. Now Facebook allows you to enter your Group name so people can find you and also description (now in this box you can enter your URL for any website or affiliate link if you have one). So β†’

Long term results of earning my degree

I have learned that if I am starting to lose my concentration I will close my laptop and save what I was doing and return to it later. I say this because I will want to make sure my information that I use is credible and accurate.

Dbq manchester advice

B) The rubric requires an " explicitly stated thesis that addresses all parts of the question." The prompt here is: Identify the issues raised by the growth of Manchester and analyze the various reactions to those issues over the course of the 19th Century. Here is an organization that tracks the prompt β†’

Tailwaiters final project

Being in the tailgating industry, there is a lot of responsibility that lies with the organization as they offer catering services providing food, snacks and required equipment and also help the customers avoid the hassle of having to clean up the tailgate before going to watch a game. Managers' Responsibilities in Making β†’

Free research paper on best practices for workplace diveristy

Organization - In the modern era of business environment, when people of all age groups, cultures and genders work together to achieve the same goal, it important to maintain a healthy respect for one and all. - Personal opinions about any specific religion or gender should not form the basis for taking a professional decision. - β†’

Integrated marketing communications imc and its effectiveness in organizations

As IMC has previously been defined, its definition will be shown in the differences of the two types of organizations as well as providing a current real world example for review. " IMC as the promotional mix - managing the P that is promotion - but blending it with the communications efforts of other β†’

Why a good sense of communication is important

Including important members of the community in different lesson plans, and evencareerdays can inspire and motivate a class. The last area that communication is vital is probably the most important. It is important for not only the families of the students to stay informed, but the student himself, the school, and the community β†’

Sammy’s behavior

He is hoping the girls would notice and like it but they do not notice. Sammy becomes very dissatisfied with his decision when he walks outside and notices the girls are gone. At the end of this story, he is a different Sammy.

Individual reflection : handling difficult conversation

This turned out to be a good idea as my aunt was able to relay my opinion concerning the company and its improvements and she helped to straightening out a lot of things also. Using my aunt as an intermediary between my mother and I was effective as it was able to β†’

Communication in marriages

I believeit has caused problems my marriage now is not my first and I know part of the reason my past marriages did not work was because of poor/lack of communication. I would have to agree that self-disclosure is important and directly related to satisfaction in relationships because of my own experience. Although people are β†’

Communication on the internet

Communicationon the Internet Communication before the discovery of internet is only imparted through auditory means, body languages and manual writing. However, man as rational and creative beings always seek ways to make something more beneficial to them even if it is immoral. Communication seems β†’

The white pages website in context of an information system

The general purpose of the website is to allow people to easily find others through search features, such as quick search and reverse lookups. This report will examine the purpose and its importance of the White Pages website, the information processes involved and the people who use it and also the participants β†’

Orientation to counseling theory

This could be due to embarrassment such as when use of substance is the only way a client can feel comfortable in social situations. As a counselor I would handle this resistance with understanding and assure the client that what they were trying to get from substance abuse is not unreasonable. Following β†’

How to prepare question paper generator

It works as an aid in avoiding redundant questions In the same test paper as well as reduces manual effort and utilization of paper to a large extent. This system will beneficial to testing service provider by saving lots of time to develop multiple choice examinations or hort question examination and also useful β†’


Wisped is a valuable research tool for university students How do I do my research: Online source Firstly, I openedGoogleSearch Engine and printed there the key words: Wisped - valuable - research. I built my statements: 1) Wisped AND credibility; 2) Value no Wisped; 3)Wisped AND credible OR valuable OR reliable OR β†’

Research and seminor

The IT revolution and globalization of business have brought technical communication to the forefront of academia and industry. It is the lingua franca of the world. The world is developing in field of science and technology.

The broad communications

However the media and its impact have radically changed and developed from that point forward, and it is the present print and electronic media that have gone under much feedback for their portrayal of the glorified self-perception. Johnson, Tobin and Steinberg express that the thin perfect self-perception which is depicted in the media β†’

Satellite radio: a closer look

The use of mobile satellites allows the radio system to cater to a wider audience since satellites have the capacity to transmit signal from all over the globe. Satellite radios allows the radio frequency transmitted to bounce off and reach the listeners. Entry into the database allows the sending of signal to the devise in β†’

Nonverbal communication: emotions

Hierarchy affects communication of emotions, because the fact that a person is a boss certainly creates barrier to open and sincere communication. Boss is responsible for determining rewards and penalties and thus he is often treated negatively. How To Dramatically Improve Communication in Your Relationship and Start Getting More of The Love You Really Want β†’

Barriers to communication in the health sector

Barriers in the health sector comes in either: PHYSICAL is when a person can not access the care they want or need because of a physical problem like a walking difficulty or a wheelchair access * EMMOTIONAL: The barriers in the care sector are emotions. It is important that workers within the health and social β†’

Commercial communications

At this level it is important to know that credit cards are the most popular method of payment, with credit card numbers being transferred over a secure Web connection. A new study by Booz Allen Hamilton identifies the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada as the nations with the β†’

The japanese quince

Before he can feel the special of the tree, he finds that his neighbor is also outside and eventually Mr... In the end of the story, he decides that It Is not worth stepping over himself to change his life and he reverse.

Telephone and fax machines

Memo A memorandum or memo is a document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. They are a form of mass marketing or small scale, communitycommunication. Office circulars are used in the company to convey the same information β†’

Daniel erasmus and the strategic merging of internal and external planning within organisations

Introduction Daniel Erasmus , stated that, scenarios is the process which merge inside and outside planning within organisations in order to create a new strategic planning to the future. However, scenario planning created in 1960 by shell group planning ina; order to become the eyes that perceive the prospect of the world β†’

Memorandum in university of phoenix

They can range from inform, such as the University of Phoenix Material: Accounting Memo, to the formal; which would be the reply memo that would be sent to the Vice President. The degree of their formality can vary widely, so in writing the reply the sender much pay close attention to various types of information β†’

Markting mix

2 Strategies?? I will start with the product market penetration used by Zara and more precisely with the product line stretching (one of the tactics allowed by the product market penetration) and we can see in OUR MISSION STATEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Through Zara's business model, we aim to contribute to the sustainable β†’

Mobile telecommunication

In some European countries penetration is in excess of 100 per cent as individuals have more than one mobile phone. This high level of market penetration in the developed world does not mean that the racket is saturated as the advent of 36technologyhas opened up the market and will lead to β†’

Why i should be on yearbook staff

Being creative and expressing myself is something I definitely love doing, and I feel that if I could be a part of creating the year book, I could show off my creativeness. Being that writing is one of the main parts of the yearbook, if I were chosen, I would try my best to make β†’