Genuine Research Paper Examples

Social control theory vs. conflict theory

Before one can apply the Social Bond theory, they must first have a firm understanding of its definition, which can be accurately described by Hirschi as, " Elements of social bonding include attachment to families, commitment to social norms and institutions , involvement in activities, and the belief that these things are β†’

Which strategies for conflict resolution would you employ?

This essay will attempt to determine the true meaning and motives for ethnic conflict. It will then examine what the " strategies" for resolving ethnic conflict are, and examine the application of these strategies as the causes and resolutions to various conflicts throughout the globe. Furthermore they are likely to want this β†’

My lai – culpability of guilt

Most of all, would these factors absolve them of guilt? In order to understand the culpability of guilt, one needs to clearly understand what actually occurred in the village of My Lai on the day of the incident. March 16th, 1968: A company of the 23rd Infantry Division commanded by Lt. This description of the β†’

The attitude of confucius towards women

The Attitude of Confucius towards Women Introduction No one would not recognize that Confucius until now has a great impact not only to China and to its neighbors such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam but as well as to other countries that his teachings had traveled through. According to β†’

Primal fear reflection

A serious bipolar disorder would cause me to struggle with their emotions and be able to understand what they were doing and how I could help them. My family members are very important to me and I would go out of my way to help them if they were diagnosed with a serious mental disorder.

Sample research paper on single subject research

In this study the measurement of Inter observer reliability was redundant as the dependent variable was simply a numerical value that was calculated from the facial expression signals of the participant. Independent variable In this study, the independent variable was the speech that was recited by the actress during the study. - The independent variable β†’

Believe: positive psychology and positive attitude

Chat with a smile on your face, let people around you know that you are confident and enthusiastic. All this needs you to " believe in yourself".

Just be nice

He believes that society as a whole group must work together to handle things better, so that society may learn to love each one another again and not just tolerate other people. Carter also believes people are mean to each other because they have the right to be and can get away β†’

ο»Ώliterature of singapore

While Singaporean literary works may be considered as also belonging to the literature of their specific languages, the literature of Singapore is viewed as a distinct body of literature portraying various aspects of Singapore society and forms a significant part of thecultureof Singapore. Literature in all four official languages has β†’

Respect and disrespect in the united states army

When a person enlists into the military life, they swear to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over them, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Therefore, military discipline should be a priority in every soldiers life to give respect to β†’

Living in fear of ourselves

In Lord of the Flies it clearly shows how fear led to the death of Simon, the death of Piggy, and how fear can lead to savagery and chaos whether on a deserted island or in every day life. Instead of exploring the island and finding out what they were afraid of , Ralph and β†’

Sociocultural influences on a person’s attitude towards physical exercise and heath

Much of what we say and do is motivated by a desire to appear likeable, to gain social approval, to solidify group membership, to manage self-image, or to gain social support. Sociocultural factors that influence a person's attitude towardsHealthand Physical exercise can be classified into three groups: Self-presentation;

To what extent is this true and how important is this conflict to the novel as a whole?

Despite this being the primary theme of the novel we are also presented with a number of conflicts of a different nature. The main conflict of the novel is that existing between sex and religion, as embodied by Catherine and Michael. Michael admits to this failing in Chapter 16, " Michael was aware now...that it β†’

Deception, greed, and extreme pressure

This is based on the ability to anticipate the effects of an action as the pick that succumbs to the greatest benefit, to the bulk of people, is the pick that is ethically right. Beenen and Pinto place that corrupt administrations, such as Enron, act unethically by determinations, that are normally, made by β†’

Courage and heroism in the battle of gettysburg in “the killer angels”

" The Killer Angels" written by Michael Shaara in 1974, published by Ballantine Books, is a story showing the courage and heroism of people involved in the Battle of Gettysburg that took place in 1863. In other words, the characters have been brought to life and the audience not only gets to β†’

Leadership and emotional intelligence

Social Awareness is the existence of sympathy in a person to sense other person's emotion, understanding their point of view, organizational awareness about the changes and events occurring in the organization and a sense of service for meeting client's requirements and needs. Finally Relationship Management is having inspirational leadership, which would motivate team members, influence β†’

First impressions

As the day went on at work and it became necessary John went to the store to buy stationary. Just the simple act ot getting up and going out demonstrates that John had an interest in his job and anted to get it done, Along the way John took every opportunity to enjoy β†’

Within approach literary researches seek indications of unsettled

In the field of psychology this theory is used as a means of treating patients with mental disorders as it is generally acknowledged that mental disorders or neuroses do not happen without reason. In this respect psychoanalytic criticism is much like that of new criticism, concerning itself not with seeking what was intended by the β†’

How to resolve conflict in the workplace

It may be difficult from some to work in multigenerational environments, making it important for the nurse leader to be able to identify the five stages of conflict and swiftly intervene if conflict is suspected. Firstly conflict begins with the awareness of the conflict. Once a nurse manager is capable of identifying and recognizing the β†’

Psychological perspective on assisted suicide

It is " intended to end the life of the competent, terminally ill patient who makes a fully voluntary and persistent request for aid in dying." 8 Voluntary euthanasia is when the patient requests the action, and it is involuntary if the patient is not mentally competent enough to make the right choice. Passive euthanasia β†’

6 tips for goal-setting that, trust me, they don’t teach you in college

Much of that advice was predictable, as is so often the case when the equivalent of garbage is neatly wrapped in a floor tortilla to look like a tasty burrito: i.e., a lot of inedible crap. I have since made a study of goal-writing, and it's worth pointing out that unless you have goals, you β†’

Main body research paper example

The urge of the addict to consume more of a drug may be explained with close analysis of the addiction chain. B. Scope of impulsivity The urge for drug addiction and impulsivity is strongly correlated in animals and man.

The ripple effect of smoking

Secondhand smoke is almost as harmful to the non-smoker as the firsthand smoke is to the smoker. It is unfair to make those who choose not to smoke be damaged by the secondhand smoke of a smoker.

Example of research paper on the business benefits of banning smoking in restaurants are confirmed by numerous

Smoking ban may be declared owner of the premises or to the laws of the country. The main objectives of the smoking ban are fire safety and protection of health smoking. The survey consisted of the following questions: - Total level of satisfaction - Food quality satisfaction - Cleanliness - Courtesy of the β†’

Drug research paper

One of the long-term effects that is very serious and is from excessive inhalants is the break down of myelin. The use of inhalants among teens and adults is very high due to the easy access they have to wide varieties of them.

Adolescent (youth) substance use and addiction research paper sample

Regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs, they are also prohibited by the schools in the developed countries and in many of them there act different drug prevention programs that involve classes informing the youth about the consequences of substance use and addiction. Individual Characteristics of High Risk Youth Intoxication at the use β†’

Treatments for heroine addiction

The treatment for heroin addiction also coincides with the stages of addiction so that during the initiation of use and continuous craving for heroin, the treatment is crisis intervention. In the stages of detoxification and relapse, the treatment is cure of heroin addiction, patient care, and cure of co-occurring physical and mental disorders.

Impacts of casinos

It is a widespread belief that with the casinos will increase the " crime, suicide, addiction and human misery'. It is believed that casinos will be able to draw in tourists and more income to a city through marketing and incentives to those across the U.S.

Research paper for computer game addicted

As such, parents may lack accurate and/or helpful information on the signs of computer game addiction, the risk factors for video game addiction, and strategies for helping teenagers addicted to computer games after the problem develops. As more therapists work with teenagers addicted to computer games and more researchers study the problem, they are becoming β†’

Smokeless tobacco vs smoking tobacco research papers examples

Although studies show that smokeless tobacco only triggers health risks similar to smoking tobacco and cause users to switch to smokeless tobacco, they are still better alternatives to smoking traditional tobacco since it would no longer cause severe health risks for both user and public and is a great cessation tool for heavy smokers or β†’

Considering the present

Finding out I was pregnant started out as a veryscary experiencebut ultimately was one of the most positive and rewarding experiences I have ever endured. After the fear settled a little bit I was able to really start thinking about my life and what I needed to change. I knew that my β†’

Research paper on preventing the use of tobacco among youth and young adults

Department of Health and Human Services and academic researchers who have published in peer reviewed journals. The dependent variables Dependent variables that have been considered in this research are adolescent tobacco-use-behaviors, exposure to tobacco advertising, media exposure to tobacco use, age tobacco use initiated, β†’

Research manuscript: literature matrix research paper examples

Age and treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer: a database analysis in elderly patients. Long-term survival in small cell lung cancer: a case report and review of the literature.

Research paper on electronic cigarette

They have found that many young people appeal to this new looking way to smoke." The FDA is concerned about the safety of these products and how they are marketed to the public, " said Margaret A. They are concerned because the product does contain nicotine the FDA believes that it could appeal even to β†’

Why smoking should be banned in public

The most obvious reason is second-hand smoke and the damage it causes to others who do not want to be exposed to cigarette smoke. A ban on all public smoking would improve the air quality in each town, spare people from smoke exposure, decrease the overall amount of smoking, and make it less visible to β†’

Cancer research paper examples

This paper intends to show how risk factors induce different types of cancer, treatment and disparity of cancer in a population. What Shift In Health Behaviors Has Changed Incidence And Mortality Of Cancer? The consumption of saturated fat and calorie-dense food and physical inactivity leads to obesity which makes an individual susceptible to cancer. Exposure β†’

Research paper on smoking

I used the study to establish factors that influence smoking cessation. Weden, Margaret and Jeremy Miles." Intergenerational Relationships Between the Smoking Patterns of a Population-Representative Sample of US Mothers and the Smoking Trajectories of Their Children". This study can be used by any person who is interested in knowing the mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of β†’

Mechanisms and difference of addiction and dependence research paper examples

Behavioral addictions The phases of the addiction of gambling and the impact that the addiction has on themselves and the family. Other mechanisms of tolerance are identified in the changes of the pharmacokinetic and dynamic of the drug (changes of the rate of elimination or metabolism of the drug by up-regulation of the dominant β†’

Legalizing the use of drugs

Although, legalization will increase use of the drug a majority of use will be by those who already use drugs not by new comers who might only try it once out of curiosity. Proof of this can be found in Holland when in 1970 the government legalized the use ofmarijuanafor adults. If this is true, β†’

Addiction and genetics

These physical effects, combined with the lowering of inhibitions, contribute to alcohol's worst consequences in America, the more than 100, 000 lives claimed annually in alcohol-related car accidents and violent crime. This paper scrutinizes the relation of alcohol abuse of an individual to genetic factor. II. Negative effects of β†’

Stop smoking right now

In fact, Secondhand smoke is the smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled out by the smoker. However, many people still do not realize the dangers of secondhand smoke. Actually, secondhand smoke also affects non-smokers, and it is very harmful to human body.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy

Acquired on 22 June 2005. " Prenatal Smoking Data Book: Smoking and Reproductive Outcomes" Acquired on 22 June 2005. Schonfeld, Amy Rothman PhD." Dreading the 'Terrible Twos'? 13 April, 2000. Acquired on 22 June 2005.

Authoritarian pmr screed

Now you are going to relax your mind and body by allowing any tension to flow from your head, to the extremities of your toes... You are now feeling the benefits to you and on the way to achieving your goal...

Free research paper on drug abuse in italy

Italy provides a landscape for studying this menace in the context of the Eurozone. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction is an agency involved in the addiction field in the Eurozone. Though there are well known effects of drug abuse in the long term, not much effort has gone into β†’

Addiction to science fiction

The scent of her blood is extremely strong and desirable, and Edward is afraid that the natural instincts of a vampire he is would take over to a point that he would not be able to contain himself and would harm the woman he loves. The rest of Cullens joins in to fight the tracker β†’

The disadvantages of smoking in facilities

This has removed the common issue of an untidy, reeking fire hazard waiting to happen. I could not be happier with the idea of walking into a room and not dealing with the sight of ashtrays piled in every corner, and the walls drenched in brown tar. As a child I remember β†’

Phobias and addictions research paper sample

The possibility of a reward motivates the children to do well in exams, and this stimulates positive operant conditioning in the children. In operant conditioning, extinction occurs when a certain behavior is not reinforced, or when the process of reinforcement loses value to the subject.

Smoking ban: good or bad?

Foodestablishments that do not permit smoking as according to the law may not discriminate against employees who do smoke.Below are a list of state and local laws that pertain to the United States and the participation of this policy. At the same time, smoking is a great health risk, which endangers not only the user, β†’

Republic act 9211: the smoking ban

The purpose of this act is to protect citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke, to regulate all tobacco advertisements and sponsorship, to promote a healthfulenvironment, and to assist Filipino tobacco farmers in cultivating alternative agricultural crops to prevent economic dislocation. The Republic Act of 9211 is an excellent law because it does not strip β†’

Why smoking should be banned

Like my great uncle in the past, many smokers think they could do whatever they want because it is their body, but to me, their right ends where myhealthbegins. I believethat smoking in public places should be banned at a federal level because even the smallest wisp of smoke can do a lot of damage β†’

Nonsmokers: a prospective study

In 2006, Rudolf bertagnoli and his team published a study investigating the effects ofsmokingon patients who have undergone Lumbar total disc arthroplasty." Smoking has always been considered to a negative predictor for fusion surgery". Not many studies have been undertaken to observe effects of smoking on the procedure of Total arthroplasty and the recovery β†’

Methamphetamine abuse

With its root in the Hawaii, it has gradually spread to the Southern and Mid-west part of the states; and is increasingly associated with unsafe and frivolous behaviors that predispose to transmission of infectious diseases like hepatitis B and C, and even the dreaded virus, HIV. It is equally a headache for every member of β†’

Smoking among college students

I would like to learn if they are educated about cigarettes and the harm they can do to their body. Demand Media, Inc.Web.

A description of a tranditional elt classroom in korea

After he looks through the schedule to find out which class he has to instruct next, Mr Jo is checking up the word quiz papers which will be used to see whether they have reviewed the words that they learned from the last English class. Now he β†’

The roles of nigerian association of model islamic schools (namis)

3PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The main purpose of this study is to investigate and examine the contributions of Nigerian Association of Model Islamic schools to the development of education in Egbeda Local Government of Oyo State. The research work, precisely, has the following objectives: a) To evaluate the contributions of NAMIS in upgrading β†’

Commodity school

With two dimensions of that matrix, commodity school is one concept of noninteractive and economic approach. The commodity school concentrated on the physical characteristics of products and the related consumer buying habits for different categories of products. He emphasized that convenience goods and shopping goods can be defined accurately only from standpoint β†’

Ending school shootings

One of the most saddening things is the fact that often times, the attacker is a victim driven to these extremes. There are many things that can be pointed to as the cause of school shootings, including mental disorders andfamilytrouble, but perhaps the largest contributor isbullying." One-third of U.S.students have experienced bullying, β†’

Last day at school

I got lip early in the morning thinking that I should go to college early and stay there latefinally to say farewell to the mother of knowledge, that is, my college. When I reachedthere on the sunny April morning, the flowers were smiling and the trees were welcomingme by stretching out their β†’

Can illiterate students graduate from high school?

No one likes to fail, neither do illiterate students; therefore, they regard cheating as a short cuts to pass their exams to earn a high school diploma. Another way that illiterate students graduate from high school is thanks to social promotion, the practice of promoting a student to the next grade only β†’

English lesson plan

Ask Ss to add the types of natural disaster and jot down the effects they have seen from the video to their mind map 4. Ask Ss to complete the table with similarities and differences of the other types of natural disaster 8.

Public schools in jordan

It Is fairly disappointing to realize that the majority of Jordanian students are much more concerned about scoring high grades than about learning. Public schools are falling their students and are considered inferior because of three major issues: individualized teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and the negligence of creativity and individuality. One of those problems β†’

Evaluating the results of school administration and supervision

It plays a very important role in helping the managers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. It can act as an instrument to create confidence and generate support of the people for research programs, and put forth their activities in a transparent and effective way to its shareholders. Evaluation β†’

Year-round schooling

Although there are many positive innovations to year-round school, the advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages of cost, breaks, vacations, employment, and scheduling. The traditional school calendar as been the same since the 1800s. If students were in school for the greater part of the summer, it would make it very difficult for families to β†’

Study case of high rate of dropouts in highschool

Based on the rate profile of the school, there are several factors and reasons that affect the students in the community.C. Significance of the story This study aims to know the reasons of the students why they leave school and scoping out ways to resolve the problems stated in our full β†’

Observation of elementary school room

As I observed part of her math class, they were learningmoney. She gave them a worksheet to work on after she taught the lesson. Coles desk was placed behind the students, their cubby's' were as soon as you walked into the classroom to the left, and they had a restroom and computer β†’

Nursing school barriers

Therefore, the work schedule and hours, interferes with the amount of time the student can dedicate to studying. Students can face ridicule from family and friends because there is a lack of understanding as to the amount of time and dedication needed to complete a nursing program successfully.

High school drop out rates

The effect of the drop out rate is financially devastating on the individuals who dropout. Programs are being used to help decrease the tendencies forstudent to dropout. The national dropout rate has become common for teenagers.

School unifoms

School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that comfort is important and creativity is not, that authority is allowed to abuse its power and constrain our constitutional right of free speech and expression. Students learn from uniforms that their individuality, political opinions and religious rights are unimportant, as is theireducation; β†’

Why we shouldn’t have more school days

It is all about what we doing the time we have not the actual amount. In summation, school can be stressful, we should cherish family time, and it is all bout quality over quantity. You can be the smartest person in the world, but if you do not share your intelligence, it is β†’

High school vs college

What many people do not realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and different from college. When attending high school you wake up, go to school for a couple of hours of your day, and leave.

A lesson in life

My grandmother was the one that watches me grow up and takes care of me when I was a little boy because my parents had to work and were away from home. She loved me so much that she would do anything for me but I did not realize this until she β†’

School play – heroin lies

Our play performed in class is called " Heroin Lies" and this will be compared to " Junk" a book and then tv programme also running on the theme of drugs." Heroin Lies" the play was written by Wayne Denfhy in 1991, compared to " Junk" written by Melvin Burgess in 1996, and as research β†’

Advertising – poverty appeal

I planned out how I would approach my media marketing campaign, to reduce the risk of any problems such asking the wrong questions in my survey. The background research which I did was to do a target audience survey where I asked twenty people [who fitted the criteria of my target audience] questions and from β†’

Mass incarceration in poor urban communities research papers example

In order to fight effectively and overcome its effects on the living standards of the citizens, they have opted for education as the only very known tool to fight against this dreadful " disease" that exist among the children and the young people. SECTION ONE: Children's' outcomes due to incarceration of their parents The β†’

Sense of identity

Negara, sense of place, is a word of great importance that contains both physical and metaphysical connotations. Unraveling these apparent contradictions reveals a distance dimension of the Aboriginal world view and sense of identity. Place is used here to describe a belonging to and knowledge of country and kinship to its people.

Ethnicity and policing

Over the recent years the New Orleans Police Department had a discreditable record for police brutality and many incidents were reported to the department Internal Affairs Division and the Office of Municipal Investigations. The New Orleans Police Department has a history of police brutality cases including the case of Robert Davis. Robert β†’

New identity

She told me that she was at the path of the infamous Death March of prisoners-of-war from Bataan to Tarlac, more than 150 miles apart. Not enoughfoodwas available, the currency was of no value, and worse, the Japanese soldiers kidnapped local women and brought them to the garrisons and held them as sex slaves, locally β†’

Media influence and ethnic identity

I propose that the research tends to center on tabularize the under-representation and misrepresentation of ethnic minorities. Media Influence and Ethnic Identity The depiction of ethnic minorities in Canadian media serves to play an alarming part in determining the structure of Canadian minority identities. It has been recommended that in countries where official multiculturalism β†’

Fashion, gender and identity

From the days of stays and petticoats to corsets and crinolines and now with padded bras and Spans, fashion has seen centuries of shrinking and augmentation of the body to achieve the sexualities, feminine' shape. The communicative function' of the body and they way in which it is molded is like a 'language' β†’

American authors and their identity (martin luther king jr sojourner truth and thomas jefferson)

Although they shared this common identity, their various ways of implementing it were quite dissimilar. In 1776, the second year of the revolutionary war, Thomas Jefferson, a Virginia congressman, who dared to speak out against the rule of the tyrant, King George III, wrote " The Declaration of Independence" which would come to β†’

Adolescent identity exploration: a test of erikson

The Ego Identity Interview was based on Marcia's operationalization of Erikson's theory regarding adolescence as a time of increased exploration and commitment. The semi-structured interview was designed to gather evidence of exploration and commitment in six domains: occupation, religion, politics, friendships, dating, and sex roles. This β†’

Race and identity in richard wright’s black boy

In many instances during the work, Richard breaks from this identity to which he is assigned in order to create his unique identity and grow into the person he wants to become. In Richard Wright's Black Boy, Richard's past experiences with both white and black individuals, family, and race issues shape his true identity and β†’

How language shapes thought

Shaped by Language: What Comes First the Thought or the Language Language, due to its specific properties, is one aspect that makes human beings unique in comparison to other animals and species. Drawing on our experiences we must contemplate the original theory that language shapes thought. The hypothesis introduced by Benjamin β†’

Postcolonial language debate

Some African writers believe that the culture of the African people is disappearing because all of the history books and novels written about African history and culture are in the English language. He refuses to write any of his books in English and wants people to learn the native language because that is the only β†’

The power of language

Malcom X's autobiography tries to tell us that no matter how hard it is to learn a new language , it makes you feel satisfied and free after you know you have finally understood it. David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day also describes how he painstakingly learned a new language the French language β†’

Importance of spoken english language: overview

The effects of that time can still be felt in the number of English speakers in India, select parts of Asia and Africa, and North America. The influence of English grew stronger in the 20th century, with the increased mobility of populations, the growth of the United States as an economic power, β†’

Elc1013 unit 1

The questionnaire required the respondents to indicate the frequency with which they speak, listen, read, and write in English outside the formal setting of the English-medium classroom. The first section of the questionnaire asked the subjects to indicate on a six-point scale how often they speak in English in a range β†’

How to learn a foreign language

So, we need to learn the foreign language step by step until we get used to it. We can start by reading the easiest and fun book such as comics and then we try to get the feel of the language.

English phrasal verbs translation into russian and finnish

The article is a short review of English phrasal verbs and their translations to Russian and Finnish. Conclusion English phrasal verbs usually have a single-word translation equivalent in Russian and Finnish.

Language variation and change in sultanate of oman

Arabic, the sixth largest spoken language in the world, which consists of 186, 000, 000 speakers around the globe and being the central language of the Middle East, is one of the most significant languages in this century. Addition to that during the 19th century Oman took a lot of influence from East Africa, β†’

People whose native language is not english

But people whosemother tongueis English do not have to go to school to learn these things, they learn it automatically, from their parents, their relatives, their friends and from everyday life. For example, they do not have to 'learn' the grammar structure, or the various forms for past, present and future tenses; β†’

Sheltered instruction and the english language learner

When be aftering lessons around content constructs, the followers should be considered: the pupils ' first linguistic communication literacy , their English proficiency degree , their reading ability, the cultural and age rightness of the L2 stuffs, and the trouble degree β†’

Universal grammar

Grammar, while varying by language, is understood to be a systematic and proper for humans to communicate with each other and its use a result of natural selection given the youtube video, " Charles Darwin's Legacy". In " Charles Darwin's Legacy" Richard Levins, a professor at theHarvardSchool of PublicHealth, stated that, " β†’

A jack of all trades

I went to Westwood high school, which is one of the best schools in the US, and I found out that the curriculum there challenged me intellectually and physically. I decided to quit sports when I went to junior high because I took up 5 AP classes. Thus, I am very proud β†’

How and why it is good to se goals

It seeks to broaden students perspective on the world outside of the o en they live in and shed light on the mannerisms and way of life of other cultures, with the help of unique the projects and Nicolas lessons. The first project the students will take on is figuring out how to create year β†’

Voice and language in their eyes were watching god

In particular, I will address the issue of narrative voice, the shifts between first person and third person, and I will also include in my analysis some aspects related to types of language variety and style variation. I have chosen this text because generally it is considered Zora Neale Hurston's most important piece of fiction, β†’