Genuine Research Paper Examples

Status of women in the united states

The status of women in the that women are getting some of the same benefits as men. There are many organizations that fight for theequalityof women and they are succeeding. There may be a small percentage of males that may feel that women are not equal to them, however, the larger β†’

Am gov 2010, texas edition

According to the Tenth Amendment, any powers not delegated to the national government by the Constitution a.can be claimed by the national government as necessary. b.belong exclusively to the people. c.belong exclusively to the states. d.are denied to both the national government and the states. e.belong to either the people or the states. Answer: β†’

The modern problem of the historical context of a right to bear arms research paper examples

This essay analyzes this phenomenon with a view to the historical context behind gun control and laws that regulate gun ownership in the United States. Everyone who has engaged in conversation or argument on the issue of gun control has heard the second amendment quoted as the justification for the β†’

Progress for undocumented students in the united states

This is the place where I have been raised since the age of two, till today at the age of 17 even knowing that I am undocumented. I love the fact knowing I amMexicanand will always be by mycultureand by a large majority of myfamily, but that's not the place I know β†’

2000s eminem research paper example

He was also declared " The King of Hip Hop" by the same magazine. The album that was declared as one of the best in the United States was named " Curtain Call: The Hits". The soundtrack was the best when it came to the character. The song shows the β†’

Moving to united states

Nine months later, my father tried to take us to school, but they did not accept us because we did not have any documentation that would allow us to go to school because we were illegal in the country. It was very hard and difficult for our father to see us not β†’

From anxiety to power: grammar and crisis in crossing brooklyn ferry

Whitman really thought out the title of the poem. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" is a crisis poem because of his need to " overcome the deathliness of writing and to return to the spoken idiom that is Whitman's truest mode". Also after Whitman talks about the sunset and falling back to sea, you can see how β†’

Free music from the caribbean and latin america research paper sample

This paper seeks to explore a descriptive analysis of Tango and Nuevo Tango of Astor Piazzolla, Brazilian Bossa Nova Movement and Afro-Cuban Music from different orchestras such as Machito, O'Farrill styles among others. In addition, the paper will also explore Latin Jazz such as the ones by Gonzalo Rubalcaba and Chucho β†’

The importance of labor unions in the united states

The main goal of the labor movements in the United States is to improve wages and working conditions for their membership and representing their members if the employer attempts or actually violates contract provisions. Laws have been passed and the rights of workers for better working conditions, just wages, and the like have been properly β†’

Example of wars in the world research paper

At this moment, the American people began to view the war as a blessing in disguise. It had created new opportunities, broke the stigma that existed within women and getting jobs, brought to light the subdued African-Americans and thus began to establish America as an economic giant. The growth in economy had its consequences.

Reflection essay on microbiology research paper

When researching this topic many questions arose and they were all addressed with further research. Things addressed in this paper are: how many people the disease effects annually, the cure for humans infected with the organism, where in the world people are affected, whether the number of infections is increasing or decreasing, β†’

Example of obsessive compulsive disorder research paper

Introduction Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder of the brain and behavior which causes severe anxiety and involves both obsessions and compulsions which may interfere with the normal activities of a person. As years passed and more research was conducted on OCD's etiology, biological factors were recognized to be contributory to causes β†’

Chemotherapeutic agents of control

This way we can evaluate the antimicrobial's reaction to different chemotherapeutic agents. This will be the best chemotherapeutic agent to treat this certain antimicrobial disease.

New respiratory poses potential threat to humans

However, when the Adenovirus, the causative agent of the common cold, which is not a lethal illness to most people, mutates into a new form and mysteriously kills a lot of people, this is a cause for alarm. In this connection, according to an article written by Associated Press and was published in Quad City β†’

Re-circulating aquaculture biofloc systems in deserts

It is as well considered to be very expensive and intensive at the start of commercial development. Bio-floc Shrimp Farming and the way it Works Mostly, farming of shrimp is carried out in outdoor ponds which are known to depend on robust algal community as well as sun for nitrogenous wastes processing from the β†’

Mona lisa, ginevra da benci research paper samples

This also means that the subject has a certain brilliance about her which is instantly recognizable in this sense as well as a directness which is rather magisterial. The identity of the woman in the painting has long been the subject of intense debate and this also means that the speculation on it will continue β†’

Information technology careers

If being an IT professional does not satisfy someone as a career such as being a network administrator, he or she can change the field of his or her profession. That is Renadi 3 one of the advantages working as an IT expert. In conclusion, the development of information technology has transformed itself into a β†’

Music: important part of modern life

To live without my music would be impossible to do in this world of troubles, my music pulls me through" (Miles John}. Music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continues, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. This β†’

The enlightenment research paper ap us history essay

It focuses on the rise of the ideas of the Enlightenment and how these ideas were relevant in the American Revolution, and the creation of the modern American Society. Lastly, it also depicts how the colonists were mistreated and mocked by the British Empire before the ideas of the Enlightenment hit America and cause the β†’

Section dedicated to 20th century music

It will be necessary to study these chapters, as well as the listening examples contained within, to achieve full comprehension of these sections. Twentieth-Century Overview Within the music of the twentieth century can be seen influences of folk and popular music, Asian and African music, and European art music from the Middle Ages β†’

The life story of edvard grieg

He is best known for his Piano Concerto in A minor, for his incidentalmusicto Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt (which includes Morning Mood and In the Hall of the Mountain King), and for his collection of piano miniatures Lyric Pieces.[1] Biography Edvard Hagerup Grieg was born in Bergen, Norway on June 15, 1843. 23 β†’

Literary genres

MusicAll the compositions of a certain kind or for a specific instrument or ensemble: the symphonic literature.1. written material such aspoetry, novels, essays, etc., esp works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression and by themes of general or enduring interest 2.the body of written work of a particular culture β†’

Also by amitav ghosh the hungry tide incendiary circumstances

Sexy? He reflected on that for a moment, and said, no, she was not sexy, not in the ordinary way she was thick-set, with broad shoulders, and not very tall. She was not beautiful or even pretty in the usual sense, for she had a strong face and a square jaw, but β†’

Prominent composers research papers example

Many of these composers have even been able to cross the divide between these different styles, being representations of multiple genres of their period. In understanding the backgrounds of these composers, the biographical information about their lives and times, their music and compositions, as well as reflections upon their work β†’

Impact of new technologies on the music industry

The presence of radio and digital radio, digital television, mini discs and the Internet has created challenges and opportunities for the BPI and RIAA (Record Industry Association of America) alike. Radio works in parallel with the record industry because airplay determines to some extent, the chart position of an artist or group. This β†’

Concept of dynamics in music

Musichas the ability to produce feelings and energy that few things are capable of reproducing. There are any different elements that bring life to these feelings, but dynamics are something that possess the power to change the mood of a song, and the person listening to It. The song says, " Do not β†’

Dysfunctional relationships between sonny’s blues and shiloh

In Mason's " Shiloh", the relationship between Leroy and Norma Jean was off to a good start. In contrast to the relationship between Norma Jean and Leroy, Sonny and his brothers relationship is able to rebuild after a time of hardship between the two. Sonny is able to recover fully from his β†’

Romance movies are favorite movie genre

Horror movies on the other hand have a lot of scary things in the movies. Their big thing is that the more blood they have the better it is to the audience watching. In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie.

Effects of music on the unborn child

Some people believe that music has no influence while others believe that if they introduce their unborn child to classical music the baby will grow up to be smarter than the kid who either listened to other types of music or no music while in the womb. Studies have been done on how music can β†’

Comparing dada to pop art

In this essay I will compare the Dada and Pop Art movements by depicting the characteristics of each art period, their style and social conditions that may have influenced the creation of each movement. The essay will show their similarities, differences, and the reason why Pop Art did not continue with β†’

Good marshall bruce mather iii, eminem and slim shady research paper example

The objective of this essay is to analyze the influence of Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Slim Shady or Eminem to the issues of gender, race and class. The interpretation could change if the analyst could add irony and hyperbole in the evaluation of his songs. One critic can simply put allegations to Eminem if β†’

An analyses of when the saints go marching in

Regardless, the original lyrics contain many spiritual references, particularly to heaven and the coming of God's kingdom. In one of the verses, the author writes " Oh when the trumpet sounds its call, oh when the trumpet sounds its call, I want to be in that number, when the trumpet sounds its β†’

Critiquing the instrumental music in a film an officer and a gentleman

The choice of melody in the film, " An Officer and a Gentleman" is fabulous. This has been superbly noted in the instrumental music in the film An Officer and a Gentleman.

Causes of absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism may also occur if the classroom atmosphere is not reinforcing or is threatening to the child. If the student is nervous or anxious about the classroom, he or she may try to avoid coming to school. If the parents have discussed the problem with a nurse ordoctor, suggest that they follow the guidelines β†’


In a recent article published in the journal Active Learning in HigherEducation Bantram and Bailey explored the responses of students to this very question at a university in the UK. Four predominant themes were noted (in relative order of importance): 1. Teaching Skills: Students felt that an effective teacher explained ideas β†’

Implication of research on teacher belief

These beliefs can be stronger than knowledge in determining how teachers will behave in the classroom, since these beliefs are rooted in ourculture; they start to form early in life, and they are resistant to change. Proposed research problem The beliefs of EFL teachers about the use of L1 in the teaching of English β†’

Roles & responsibilities in lifelong learning

In this essay I will cover some of roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the relationships between teachers and the the various stakeholders in the LLS. A, An effective way of promoting consensus in ground rules and compliance is giving the learners the opportunity to devise the rulebook themselves.

Teacher in america

There are so many different learning styles that I have to accommodate for, different activities I have to come up with in order to spark the students' interests, and behaviors I never dreamed I would have to deal with. Starting off with the same expectations that my teachers had for me is not feasible where β†’

Legal and regulatory requirements of my role as a teacher

It is important to understand the needs of learners so that we can give them the best experience in the learningenvironment. If I have a student who uses a wheelchair, then I must ensure that access to the learning venue is suitable and that any portable ramps etc are available. Explain own β†’

Teaching: a noblest profesion

In this study, we will learn about the teachers, and the nature, history, the art, essentials, strategies, cycle and imperatives of teaching. Teacher The teacher is a person who provideseducationfor pupils and students. Planning effective learning and teaching experiences are one of the skills the teacher has to β†’

Years old female

The NC requires practice teachers to support learning for several reasons one of which is to provide support and guidance to the student when learning new skills, applying new knowledge and competence to a new context of practice, and act as a resource to the student to facilitate learning and professional growth. Standard to Support β†’

The effects of cramming for an examination

The effects of cramming for an examination You are a student, have you ever heard someone to complain: " oh my god, I have only one day to review for the final test? " In the fact, they knew schedule exams from a month ago, but, they do not care it until the last β†’

Learning programs in the american express learning network

The first level testing reaction from the learner, the second was the retention of the knowledge, the third was the behavior towards improved learning skills, the fourth was how it impacted the company, the fifth was the cost effectiveness of the learning style, and the sixth the application of the information into the actual job.

7 activities that sharpen your practical intelligence

Even if it is just to understand how a computer works, to make your job more efficient or to add some common knowledge and a cool hobby on your list, coding can provide value. You are locked in a room and have to solve puzzles and clues to get out.

Enabling learning and assessment

This could, however, be a bad thing in a higher level course as they may not include the correct amount of information within their writing, but for my level 1 course, and the worksheets that I create, I make sure that I have explained what the criteria is that the student needs to complete. For β†’

Curriculum development observation

How are children's interests incorporated in the materials tottered in the classroom? During the class she adds the material for new project, makes copies.; How are the children encouraged to use the materials? Is the teacher directing how they use them?

The painted veil – presentation note

To cause any scandal - when he's discussing about the dealing with strikes / boycotts in Shanghai with businessmen in the Colony Club, he banned the suggestion of seeking help from Chiang Kai-Shek as he knew that he's a nationalist that must stand on the side of Chinese, he will not help them suppressing the β†’

Advantages of cooperative learning for english language learners

Concerted acquisition is a successful instruction scheme in which little squads, each with pupils of different degrees of ability, take part in a assortment of larning activities to better their apprehension of a topic. The group must prosecute each member in acquisition words through an mixture of methods of comparison, analysing, and utilizing mark β†’

How i first arriving in haiti

The blast of heat stepping off the plane, cramming onto a mini school bus, and staring out the windows at the outskirts of Cap Haitian and the rural road to Milot." I am in Haiti..." , I kept telling myself, trying to absorb all that I was seeing. We walked the streets of Milot that β†’

A learning experience

From this experience, the author of this paper has seen the value of time on which it only gives a single opportunity for an individual to succeed in a scenario for a moment. As the proverbs of wise always say, time is precious with worth as of gold. Given this in an β†’

Research in social stratification – description of the object

These embrace the descendants of free slaves from the America, however most Canadian blacks are not from Africa however from the Caribbean a region of Brits Empire that was free from slavery since 1833.therefore folks could believe, on the surface, that there's no racism in North American nation as a result of there ar fewer β†’

Systems theory paper

The ripple effect is a strong element that can be a good or bad thing for groups. Another element that is important in groups and systems is dynamic equilibrium. If there are four people in a group who all agree on one idea and the fifth person has a good idea also, β†’

Clear light of day

Their struggles with autonomy and independence are echoed in the backdrop of the newly-partitioned nation Plot summary The book is split into four sections covering the Das family from the children's perspective in this order: adulthood, adolescence, childhood, and the time perspective returns to adulthood. The book centers on the Das family, β†’

Detection of backlash phenomena in induction motor

The main problem are vibrations from motor as a result of high ripple torque in the motor. The motor is a kind of an AC machine in which alternating current is supplied to the stator directly and to the rotor by induction from the stator. In a poly phase motor, the three phase windings are β†’

Research and discussion: politics and the environment

This process involves the use of biological methods to handle oil spillage in water. It is less harmful to the environment as compared to partial combustion of spilt oil.

Nature valuable resources

The purpose of this essay is to happen out the causes behind the publicity of these energy beginnings, their restriction and impact on single footing to happen out why and how the recreation towards these energy beginnings can be expensive and to propose the better manner to conserve energy for future. Causes behind the publicity β†’

Asch’s study on conformity

In later experiments, Asch slightly varied the conditions of the experiment where one of the confederates answered correctly, agreeing with the real participant. This broke the group's unanimity and conformity dropped to 5%." Apparently, a single ally is all you need to " stick to your guns" and resist the pressure to β†’

Consumer behavior ritz

So keeping it next to the crackers ensured they would bring a strong presence in supporting their new product, as well as making it packaged in a bag rather than a box to represent a different product. How did language affect the marketing of the new Ritz Chip? The new Ritz β†’

Research presented by beck, rauch, baker and williams (1999) present that the

Studies by Roth show that missing a rolling retest not to be a significant predictor of recidivism. The studies conclude the significant indicator was the initial BAC when the individual attempted to start the vehicle." All variables , except test refusal (interpreted in the study as a missing a rolling retest) were β†’

Sleepwalking: causes, treatment, and prevalence in the population research paper example

According to the National Sleep Foundation, anywhere from one percent to fifteen percent of the population presents with sleepwalking at any given time; the numbers are not solid because the individual often has no idea that he or she is participating in sleepwalking behavior, and the behavior requires reporting from a third party to be β†’

How religion and ethical issues affect modern business operations research papers examples

One of the major factors that affect business operations is the concept of religion and ethics. Discussion Religion and ethical issues are intrinsic and inevitable in our social lives. This research topic, therefore, aims to explain the relationship between religion and ethics and business operations and how ethics and β†’

Buyer behavior

The process of planning and implementing the concept of price, promotion and supply of products and services is very complex and requires a plan; market planning. Marketers use a variety of means to describe how, when and where information on a product is presented to the customer. The decision making process can β†’

Organization behavior

Indeed it is the followers or the junior workers who do the work (they are the bakers of the cake) so ignoring their abilities is tantamount to the failure of the organization; thus it is paramount for a good leader to recognize this and ensure that indeed his/her followers' issues are taken into consideration in β†’

Add and adhd research paper

This means a keen comparison of the habits of the child to that of other children of the same age. This is rather easy to establish and parents must be ready to accept the situation to enable a prompt treatment and management procedure of the disorder.

Free policing subculture research paper example

The beliefs, attitudes and values that can be observed commonly in a majority of the police officers working in various sectors of the law enforcement can be termed as police subculture. The assumptions had the general idea that the problems being faced between the police force and the public were due to lack of diversity β†’

Cognitive term of behaviour

One of the most famous case studies of amnesia in the history is HM who was suffering from epileptic seizures and had a surgery when he was only nine years old that removed 2/3 of his hippocampus, medial temporal lobes, parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala. The operation was successful in its primary goal of controlling his β†’

Behavioural studies

With regard to the self-monitoring, it is the extent to which people monitor and control their expressive behavior and self-presentation. High self-monitors exert more expressive control over their social behavior and tend to adapt their appearance and acts to specific circumstances. These people are called the high β†’

Positive behavior interventions

A research was designed to show how a specific management strategy helped decrease inappropriate behavior and increase appropriate behavior. The research combined with my experience in the classroom helped me come to the conclusion of how to promote positive behavior. The study was looking at the effects of teachers prompting appropriate behavior β†’

Youth risk behavior surveillance system

All this information points to abstinence-only plans being uneffective and merely supplemented abstention plans seem to hold a desirable consequence in the public schools in the United States. Abstinence plans day of the month back to the 1980 's, the epoch of the Reagan disposal. In a magazine published in 2007, 94 per centum of β†’

An insight into addressing behavioural problems

The team must also be multidisciplinary, one which probably call for the involvement of a behavior specialist with expertise in the practical approach to behavior as a member of the team employed in addressing behavioral issues. Intervention plans based on the practical behavior evaluation of target behaviors have a higher probability of β†’

Free shaping research paper sample

The study on reduction of smoking and that of treating the phobia seem to agree on the need to inculcate the help of other stimuli during shaping. The study of treatment of the phobia also incorporates the help of preferred stimuli. Shaping is the process used to develop a terminal behaviour through reinforcing its successive β†’

Managing behaviour in organisations

One of the most popular process theories is the expectancy theory and that proposes that motivation depends upon an individual's expectations about their ability to perform their tasks well and expect appropriate rewards. Here managers are expected to identify the skills and the capabilities of their subordinates and then motivate them β†’

Free oppositional defiant disorder research paper example

From the emergence of the disease in 1968 as a subtopic, through a specific diagnostic code and classification of its own, the evolution of this once-ignored disease has been rapid yet undertaken with a great deal of conscientious effort by those who develop the manuals and standards the entire mental health community follows. Oppositional Defiant β†’

Blake’s poetry is multivocal, allusive and intertextual rather than directly expressive

The two poems are clearly inter-related as they both seem to offer contrasting opinions of the nature of beings and their creators, and because of the direct reference made to the lamb in the poem 'The Tyger'. Upon closer inspection of the poem 'The Lamb', we see, in lines 5 to 8, Blake offering an β†’

The power of poetic discourse

Upon examination of the verses, however, the reader understands that these examples are not illustrations of injustice; they are instead illustrations that God is wise enough to render entities and events in their current state. It is only right for the mole to be blind, because his natural task is to burrow β†’

Appearance of pre-hispanic filipinos

Clothing The natives of the Philippine islands already wore different types of clothing and ornaments before the arrival of Spanish colonizers. Tattoos were considered to be the equivalent of medals, one had to work for and earn it.

Mark mcwatt’s anthology “the journey to le repentir”

However, the only variation between the two is that the genesis of the first stanza takes place physically and the other takes place in the mind of an individual. Another poem in which we can see a transformation and genesis by an individual mentally is in the poem " Anatomical". The poet β†’

Chaucer’s humor

His humor is not constrained to his emotions but it encircles all of his interests, his beliefs, his whole being and his everything. If he manifests his knowledge and information about a wide variety of things, he also mocks, creates caricatures, parodies with the help of same β†’

Protest poetry

Composers utilise the medium to make meaningful comment on the issues of their era in an attempt to influence viewpoints and bring back change.' Dear Mr President' by Pink criticises the presidency of George w bush and the issues he raised with his decisions. The effect of this is to show how unfair the President β†’

The importance of poetry

The importance of poetry in today's literary society is substantially important because it has an ability to express the thoughts and emotions of a writer through flowing words. It's the origin of songs, and is an indispensable way to express one's self since it is unbound by rules on grammatical clarity and precision.


The purpose of the readings is to outline the importance of a Catholic tradition and make the presence of God in the marriage clear. The declaration of intention is also an important part of the wedding. The pronouncement of marriage is the stage where the change in status is almost completed. β†’

Living together before marriage

I really do not like it when my husband forgets to fill the ice trays, forgets to replace the empty toilet paper holder, or leaves the toilet seat up; I, on the other hand, tend to forget to put perishables in the refrigerator after I take them out for cooking, and I leave the clothes β†’

Describe the marriage of paulina and gerardo

He is very manipulative, such as in the beginning of the play in which he is unsatisfied with the response he received, he continues to convince Pauline until he gets the answer he wanted, also going behind her back. He acted as though he genuinely cared about her opinion in the matter of β†’

Disadvantages of early marriage

Instead of a 9-to-5 job, you may want one that allows you to travel the world, for example. If your spouse is not keen on going with you, it may spell trouble for your marriage. You may find that when you are alone together - without the benefit of common pursuits - that your true β†’

American government research paper

Using the bible as a reference, the church states that marriage's purpose is to procreate a family in the eyes of god. Marriage has and always will be, one of the most fundamental principles in our nation.

Themes of chopin’s writings

W- Chopin also uses dialogue to show a passing of time, advancing not only the plot line, but the progression of the storm as well. W- Chopin wanted to give the readers a further idea of the setting, and timeframe of the story. She was a revelation in that dim, mysterious chamber; as white as β†’

Divorce: marriage and progressive beautiful life

It is bad for couple to divorce if they have children, in fact that will be a bad result for them to take care of them with their hard life after the divorce. In conclusion, the divorce has a lot of troubles according the misery, which damage the children and the beautiful life. People have β†’

Early marriage

Are girls withdrawn from school to marry, or is lack of schooling for girls part of the pattern of traditional expectations and roles? The removal from school of a young girl to marry, or to work in her parents' or another household in preparation for married life, limits her opportunities to develop her intellect.

Love and arrange marriage

Love and marriage are inseparable from each other in any kind of marriage. Just the time factor cannot be the major reasons behind the success of marriage. So married couples, stop comparing love marriage vs arrange marriage and search for new ways to develop relationship with your spouse and not sticking to the question of β†’

Group research

Do students enter relationships for companionship, because of love, because they want to secure future partners, because of all the above mentions and once they are in the relationship what will cause them to be unfaithful to their partner and how does it affect the relationship. The research is also being done to find the β†’

A temple dress and a wedding dress

Of course, that kind of love and affection will not end on that day, Nonetheless, it is also vital that on that day, the bride should be a wearing a dress or a gown that will let her stand out. It is typically recommended for a bride to wear a modest wedding β†’

Marriage in pride and prejudice

However, in Jane Austen'Pride and Prejudice, the author defies the view of the ideal marriage of her society by giving her own perspective on an ideal marriage. In the time period of Pride and Prejudice, society viewed ideal marriage as one based on financial stability and socialequality. Jane Austen's ideal marriage is β†’

The impact of emotional intelligence on sales and business

In a world that continues to innovate technologically, businesses are constantly looking for new ways to try to remain ahead of the competition, and it is clarified with this paper that one way to do this is by understanding how to use emotional intelligence to establish customerloyaltyand good brand appeal. The interaction β†’

Causes of frustration

The frustrations are of 2 types 1) Internal 2) External The main hypothesis we concluded is that people in Pakistan, especially our youth has developed a psyche to transfer their burden on others and criticize others. According to our findings and research we have find that frustration could of 2 types 1) Internal 2) External β†’

Does she encourage thinness?

Little best examples the detrimental results of Barbie on children than the reputed decision of one adult woman to request that a plastic surgeon recreate her body and face to mirror Barbie's. When examined closely, however, the woman and, eventually, society learned that Barbie, if created as ahuman being, would have feet β†’


One way Amir confronts his fears and acts courageously is when he puts his own life in danger to save the life of a child. He overcomes the fears and failures that haunt his past, and becomes a person of great courage, one who is truly respected because he is willing to do what others β†’