Genuine Research Paper Examples

To drill or not to drill: oil demand

The recent development and expansion of clean energy resources, although expensive, can end the battle over oil deposits and lead the country into a cleaner future. As I have grown up, I have seen countless news articles and broadcasts about the damage caused by oil drilling accidents, oil spills, and oil transportation →

Fast food restaurant description

The two year old cries and whines, putting his hand up to his mouth as if to say ' no, no more.' The group of young people to my right are laughing, shouting and flirting. One of the boys has stolen a girl's milkshake and she leans across her friends, giggling happily, →

Free research paper on impact of ict on french gdp

3% and is becoming an important contributor to the GDP of France even beyond other hardware in the economy. Introduction The impact that information and communication technologies to the GDP of France are of the order 0. In this regard, it is applied to the economy of French as a whole; there is also →

Free research paper about future challenges for the long-term care industry

Areas covered include a shortfall in funding needed to provide LTC of an acceptable quality, the fact that more and more people are requiring care over a longer period due to an increase of average life expectancy, a significant increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia variants, an infrastructure that is lagging the demand, →

Swot on american airlines

The employees did not want the company to go bankrupt so they offered a percentage of their pay. Prices of food/drinks. The prices of their airline food is so expensive that not a lot of people buy it, yes when they do it helps make a profit but maybe they need to work →

Why a low tech industry is going high tech

Restaurant owners and employers must embrace new streamlined technologies, specifically in the back office to help manage operations, foodallotment, daily delivery, staffing and sophisticated Point of Sale data to increase efficiency and eliminate the high cost of running their restaurant just to break even. Americans eat out on average 4. And, as more →

Mango (mangifera indica) leaves extract and coconut oil as an antibacterial ointment

Thus, the inhibition of the mango leaves extract and coconut oil in E.oli was slight and it is partial in S.aureus. The extract of Mangifera indica leaves and coconut oil can be made into an ointment for curing wounds.2.

Behind the scenes of how coffee influences a girl, times three

A bad coffee results to a bad-tempered girl and a good one resulting in a more positive way. One downfall to drinking coffee is the " caffeine crash." Girls' look past the negatives, drinking it anyway to get things done in a timely fashion.

Bless me ultima def

The character of Maria could relate to the nest and the baby bird to Antonio. The author is arguing that Antonio wants mature and become a man, but is fearful because this is something completely new to him.

Me talk pretty one day by david sedaris

He describes his struggles learning the language and the acquaintances he makes along the way, effectively engaging the reader's sense of humor. Sedaris appealed to Pathos by describing in detail what he felt on the first day of his class when he met his teacher, seeing his classmates being depreciated and becoming a target for →

Indo european folktales study guide

What function does this have? Functions happen in a certain order 31 possible functions, sequential, but not all functions appear in all tales Structuralism Levi-Strauss Myths reflect the logical structure of the human mind Binary opposition: two things in nature that are opposed See formalist and functions above Believed folklore is a special →

Pride and prejudice

Structurally, the first half of the novel traces Darcy's progression to the point at which he is able to admit his love in spite of his prejudice. He delivers the first at the mid-point of the novel, when he has realized his love for Elizabeth but has not yet escaped his prejudices against her family, →

Example of research paper on tender buttons

Scholars and acolytes of Gertrude Stein prefer to refer to her as " The Mother of Us All" as the attribution of her last dramaturgical opera inspired by the figure of the American feminist Susan B. After concentrating mainly on the biographical aspects, the studies about Stein opened the gate to the appreciation for →

A very old man with enormous wings by gabriel marquez

It's almost a dictatorial monarchy that could be likened to the story of Robin Hood and the problems he faced when trying to share the wealth with the less fortunate. In Marquez's story, he showed readers that the people of this simple Columbian village prayed often and deeply to God, praying for an angel to →

Death foretold by symbols

The data that is accumulated demonstrates thatsymbolismwas very prominent in the story and essential to the death of Santiago Nasar. But instead it is mentioned that she did not recognize anything ominous within them. It is also quite ironic when he mentions, the day of his death, that " it was a very beautiful day" →

Faminism in anna karenina

When she succumbs to an affair with him, she does so with open eyes, aware of all that she is sacrificing for the sake of love. And this is not the tragedy of the novel, of the situation. The tragedy is that she is a woman in a man's world: " It →

Explication of the storm by kate chopin

The ongoing mention of the color white symbolizes Calixta's internal struggle with her affair with Alcee. The white bed, couch, blouse, and skin and breasts of Calixta all have this seeming innocence about them; but then her passion is described as a white flame, which contradicts the previously established notion that white →

The crucible: elizabeth proctor

Elizabeth is taken to court due to her accusation and is then taken to jail. After months in jail, Elizabeth Proctor was called into the courtroom to answer a series of questions that could determine the fate of her husband, herself, and Abigail Williams. This is what happened in the Proctor's situation. John and Elizabeth →

The relationship between machbeth and lady macbeth

The relationship betweenMacbethand Lady Macbeth By Myra Civilly Macbeth, the play written by William Shakespeare in 1606, shows us the relationship that exists between the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and how it creates most of the actions, reactions, moods, feelings and attitudes. When she sees that he had not left the →

Love is greater than hate (tale of two cities)

After living a life of hatred and despair for 18 years, Lucie bringsDoctorManette love. The first glimpse we see of this love that will save Doctor Manette from himself is when Dickens writes, " His cold white hair mingled with her radiant hair, which warmed and lighted it as though it were →

The curious ncident of the dog in the night time

Mark Haddon's novel The Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-time which is written from the view of a fifteen year old boy Christopher who has Asperger's syndrome, not only does this book demonstrate how challenging life is for the disabled, but also for everyone. Having the main character Christopher narrate →

Brave new world of digital intimacy

Twitter appeared to be one of the most popular new tools. Twitter is a web-site that gives its users an excellent opportunity to communicate online with their friends. However, the popularity of Twitter can be hardly disputed. Thompson argues that weak ties are a very good thing as they →

Childhood in never let me go

This is similar to ' Never Let Me Go' as Kathy H and her friends at HailshamBoarding Schoolwere clones, and their purpose in life is to donate organs to their ' possible'(the person that they have been assigned), meaning that they have a specific person that they have to donate their organs to. Kathy deals →

The bean trees- outsider

Taylor is an outsider because she is just not a typical girl. For the first half of The Bean Trees, Turtle is silent. She cannot communicate with others, as her own words are trapped inside of her body, causing her to be an outsider from the ones who love and surround her.

The bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki

The atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occupy an important place among the most controversial events in the history of humanity. Second of all, I believe that the bombings actually helped save tens of housands of lives from both sides of the conflict by helping the US military to bypass the →

Knight templar

The Knights chose not to involve the church in the banking system to avoid complications, and specifically it did not involve the church directly in the building of the mortgaged assets. The banking system grew bigger and become more efficient, given that it took care and understood the needs of the communities →

Old mrs grey

Like many of her contemporaries in the Movement, she employed a vivid and descriptive stream-of-consciousness writing style that was rooted in the popular Freudian psychoanalytic theories of the day; and in fact, both of her brothers became psychoanalysts. Within her body of work, especially in her essay " Old Mrs. Grey", you →

Beowulf paper

Beowulf, for example does not use a sword in the midst of the battle between Grendel and he." He began to remove his iron breast-mail, took off the helmet and handed his attendant the patterned sword, a smith's masterpiece, ordering him to keep the equipment guarded. And before he bedded down, Beowulf, the prince of →

Biographical criticism: to build a fire by jack london

It is in itself, a combination of the writer's imagination and his real life. The story " To Build a Fire" is not just the work of imagination by Jack London.

Araby symbols

With attention to, the priest became the symbol for the unknown narrator in the story. For the time being, the narrator is eradicating in the room and he finds books.

Chronicle of a death foretold by gabriel garcia

" It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" (Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen) This essay will look at Gabriel Garcia's Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Mariama Ba's So Long a letter in relation to the topic 'Social and →

A night of suspense

I continued to walk, counting my steps, making sure I did not step on any cracks; believe me, I am not the superstitious kind, but, yet, I felt wary. I glanced back again, my rhythm faltering as I looked out into the haze that made the world shimmer and warp.'I am being paranoid' I told →

Most dangerous game

Suspense of in " The Most Dangerous Game" Suspense is when the reader anxiously want to know more but the author waits to give them further information. At the point when Rainsford understand the games being played on the island, he says, "'But you cannot mean - ' gasped Rainsford". The →

My lord the baby by rabindranath tagore

And so he thought that his son is the reincarnation of the young master. Raicharan gave everything and anything his son would want, he made his son live like a rich man up to the point that he is sturbing himself to death.

On (not) getting by in america

If the author/authoress is willing to live through the life of the subject matter of the book, and possesses the writing skill, chances are that it becomes a great book. Some comforts and luxuries apart, the total effect of this civilization on the inner world of an individual is devastating. The standard of living has →

Nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreich

However, upon reading Nickel and Dimed, a sad reality on the plight of the working poor or the low-wage workforce would wrenched anyone's heart thinking that if this one is happening in America what will happen to the rest of the other world for instance the poorer countries or we may say the fourth world? →

Pectoral’s eyes

These family experiences and situations all have a negative effect on Pectoral because she is not just the " ugly' girl now, she is the poor black girl who sees her father naked. As a member of a family that is part of the low society, Pectoral Overlooked, labeled as " ugly' trudges and fails →

Zeitoun: how americans treats muslims

He felt that he was unable to leave his business because he felt responsible for the damaged houses throughout the duration ofthe storm. Also, Zeitoun felt that his home was " worth fighting for" Zeitoun believed that by staying in New Orleans, he felt as if this opportunity was given →

Dr. faustus as a tragic hero.

Now according to Aristotle's definition of a " tragic hero" it is time to elaborate on the clues in details in order to conclude that Dr. Faustus as his ultimate intention to illustrate the downfall of a tragic hero.

Macbeth soliloquy

Macbeth's rhetorical questions share his lack of clarity and conviction to kill Duncan while the allusions represent his decision forming and becoming clear to him. At the beginning of Macbeth's soliloquy Shakespeare uses rhetorical questions to represent Macbeth's feelings about killing Duncan. Macbeth wonders if it is his fate to kill Duncan →

Cat in the rain by ernest hemingway

Here he applies it to reveal the relationship of the protagonist to the old hotel owner. As the verb " to like" is not used to characterize relations of the wife to her husband, this contrast is full of the concealed but easily read meaning. We realize that little, as if meaningless, →

Jane eyre and a tale of two cities: love theme

It has the power to make any given person do extraordinary things, the ability to transform or destroy anybody completely all in one emotion, one thing is for sure, it gives people a greater purpose for existence, a reason to live and die for, something beyond themselves to devote their life to. You can read →

American pageant

Denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. Berlin Wall In 1961, the Soviet Union built a high barrier to seal off their sector of Berlin in order to stop the flow of refugees out of the Soviet zone of Germany.

Alice walker life and work research paper examples

In 2003, she was part of the Women for Peace movement and Code Pink, which was a group of women against America's war in Iraq. In her personal life, Walker was married in 1965 and amicably divorced in 1976. She tells the stories of the struggles and achievements of her people in the pages of →

Adultery in madame bovary vs story of zahra

Emma commits adultery in order to escape the boredom of married life with her husband Charles as well as to seek true love which can only be found in the fantasy novels she has read. Zahra, on the other hand, commits adultery in order to forget her turbulent years ofchildhood, to deal with the ongoing →

A good man is hard to find by flannery o`connor: overview

When a passing car stops to help the grandmother quickly recognizes one of the men as " The Misfit", a dangerous man who has escaped from prison. The grandmother confronts him and he tells her " It probably would have been better for your family if you had not recognized me at →

Nickel and dimed: on (not) getting by in america

Achieving theAmerican Dreamcan be difficult, if not impossible for many people with stumbling blocks and obstacles along the way as portrayed in Nickel and Dimed, due to the cost of living in contrast to the wage of low or middle class earners. Nickel and Dimed is essentially a journal of the time spent by the →

Literary criticism technique in “young goodman brown”

Given Hawthorne's style of writing and this short story in particular, a reader or critic can benefit from analyzing his work with the Reader Response literary criticism approach. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms define reader response criticism as, " a type of literary criticism that focuses on reading as an active process →

Fellowship of ring book

The hobbies run into several conflicts with nature on their journey through Middle Earth. For example, as they are preparing to go into the Old Forest, Merry Brandenburg tells the other hobbies about the Bonfire glade saying, " The hobbies came and cut down hundreds of trees, and made a retreat bonfire inthe →

Racial segregation in brownies

The story is told in the perspective of Laurel, an African American girl who is known to the girls in her Brownie troop as ' Snot.' On the first day of camp the Brownie girls stumble upon a troop of white girls and claim one of their members had address them with a racial slur.

Contrasts in the great gatsby

One of them was the contrasting of the concept of the OldMoneylife style and the New Money life style. Among other things, Daisy is very statuesque and " up-in-the-air" where as Myrtle s pragmatic and " down-to-earth." Fitzgerald uses the concept of Old and New Money to contrast lifestyles and characters in the novel. Tom →

The morality in the selfish giant by oscar wilde

He uses many characteristics of fairytales to create a conscious fairytale about the problem that is to this day the reason why the world is the way it is. Last of the examples of symbols there is the little boy who could not reach the branches of the tree. It is a test to give →

Siddhartha climax apotheosis and ultimate boon

The climax of Siddhartha occurs in the chapter entitled " By the River," when Siddhartha hears the word Om while standing at the river as he considers drowning himself. One day Siddhartha's pain becomes too much and Siddhartha sets off in a desperate search of his son, but stops as he hears the river laughing →

Power is a theme widely explored throughout the play macbeth

Reinforcing the idea of power is Macbeth, " I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, that o'erleaps itself and falls on the other," through the use of personification, Macbeth's ambitious need for power is represented as something great enough to overthrow Duncan. Macbeth describes his ambition as →

Cry the beloved country, inherit the wind, julius caesar

It's a consequence of his choice to teach such a controversial subject and because of it his life is greatly impacted. In Julius Caesar, Julius' fate was definitely not of his own choice. He may have made the decision to look for his son and sister to protect hisfamily, but is not →

Bombing of hiroshima

A community that carried about as if the war was elsewhere became the center of attention as a mushroom cloud rose above the city on that unforgettable morning. As an American, I am unsure of my thoughts concerning this matter, but as ahuman being, the destruction and devastation that the atomic bomb, →

How the theme of kinship is dealt with in macbeth

Macbeth is not fit for the task: with his Scotland is " bleeding." The tyranny is reflected by the weather and bizarre supernatural events. He adopts thepersonalityof a man who is " not fit to govern and not even to live." Malcolm makes sure to not jeopardise his own life and the welfare of Scotland →

The great gatsby from daisy’s point of view

Myrtle then leaves the house to Join Tom and Nick on their trip to the city. The way he denied it and got flushed, it was worth to be seen and remembered when I want a laugh on a miserable day.

A good man is hard to find – selfish grandmother

She did not want to be left alone at home and wanted to keep the kids company on the ride to Florida. Throughout the whole story, the family experienced certain events that the grandmother is to blame for the family's fate and tragic ending. Her stories were far from the normal because →

Ballet don quixote

His first public presentation of ballet music was an e notracte included into a Moscow performance of Adam's Orfa. In1861 Minkus worked in the Bolshoi Theater, first as violin soloist, later he became a composer of the theatre and in 1864 he was became a ballet composer at the Bolshoi. Though the →

Tragic truth on how white people consider their supremacy over the blacks

As the book entails more of African-American history rather than just a pure literature ofsciencefiction since it deals slavery in the nineteenth century Antebellum South which unleashes the issue of slavery, its causes, effects and its evidences on a more modernized method and language to capture the interest of the reader →

King lear and a thousand acres

To highlight the actions undertaken by the main characters, both authors also develop a subplot focusing on a friend of the respective fathers and how he deals with his two sons. In King Lear, Lear's friend, Gloucester, debates upon the merits of his two sons, Edmund and Edgar, wavering in his decision →

A raisin in the sun – 2

Ruth has the determination to keep herfamilyin check, and to do what is best for them. Because of this determination to keep the family from fighting, and to keep them together, she goes out and buys a house with her insurance money that is in Clybourne Park.

“the boston photographs” by nora ephron

The Boston Photographs In " The Boston Photographs" by Nora Ephron, Ephron used most of the time writing about the reactions of the many readers all over the nation and world whom were shocked by the pictures that were published in their local newspapers. Ephron dedicates a large amount of writing telling the reactions →

Allegories in dr. jekyll and mr. hyde

First, there is the religious allegory of the devil and the lower self as well as the " hiding" aspect of Hyde. Jekyll is complex, and struggles with the evil part of hispersonality.

My fair lady – how is eliza transformed from a ‘squashed cabbage leaf’ into a ‘duchess’?

Eliza goes to Higgins's lab in Wimpole Street. Eliza tries to clean herself up by washing her hands and face and offers to pay Higgins for phonetics lessons all in the effort to make herself equal to those around her." Did you tell them I come in a taxi?" Eliza knows that she will have →

A doll’s house: the subordinate woman

Nora's characteristics pertain to the stereotypical image of the subordinate woman. However, Nora's contradictory actions -such as her spendthrift nature and her attempt to buy the 'cheapest outfits', and her ineffectuality yet her ability to save her husband's life regardless of her methods- shed light on these characteristics and show that they are products of →

Noli me tangere and el filibusterismo

I somewhat forgot the story of the two popular novels of Rizal that is why I was so excited to watch the play of the Dulaang UP, Noli me Tangere: The Opera. It made me realized the importance and the role of the two novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in helping the Filipino →

Monsters lesson 02 literary background for beowulf

Celts filled the land with the language of Ceitic and the religion of Paganism. Barbarians were jealous of the Roman's system and try to take over, so the Emperor decide to build a great wall around the land and the wall worked for around 200 years.

Foreshadowing a good man is hard to find

During the visit at the diner, the family discusses the Misfit with the diner's owner. The grandmother screams hysterically and tells the Misfit to pray.

Cinderella story

Cinderella lived in the darkness of her stepmother and stepsisters. In the early morning, the prince asked his deputy and driver to look of the owner of the shoe. When they arrived at the house, Cinderella's stepmother tried not to let the Prince meet her.

Sexuality in bram stokers dracula

The other female vampires appear to the reader to be even more sexual and the male characters are strongly attracted to them despite the ever-present realization that the vampires are foul beings. Sexuality in the novel There are many scenes in the novel which despite Bram Stokers →

Chivalric code in beowulf

In the passage fromBeowulf, the poet's interest in the duties of a loyal retainer and the duties of a great king are evident in the specific language he uses to describe Beowulf's encounter with the dragon. In one specific passage of this poem, Beowulf is portrayed as an ideal retainer by theloyalty, courage and fealty →

The things they carried by tim o’brien

In the short story " The Things They Carried," Tim O'Brien shows us the hell that our soldiers suffered. While the title relates to the story about things carried, but the soldiers carry more than just the physical burdens-in many cases, they are weighed down by emotional baggage.

The vampire(tm) by jack prelutsky poem

First of all, the most intriguing thing was how the writer had formed such a vast and intenseenvironmentwithin the space of merely a few words: as soon I started reading this poem, I had no problem whatsoever settling into its mood and setting; the other factor which came to my interest was how quickly I →

Chapters 4-6 of the great gatsby

The relationship between Gatsby and Nick changed a lot over these chapters. It is apparent that Nick lost somerespectfor Gatsby, once he began finding out some key details about his life and where he actually came from. Gatsby tells Daisy about how he always dreamt about having her love, and being together. Unfortunately for Gatsby, →


The necessity of brotherhood is also represented in going to school's like the Carolina Institute and going through a plebe year are one of the most challenging things you could do alone, in The Lords Of Discipline a breakable bond is created by four boy's being brought together during the cruelty of the plebe system.

The old man and the sea by earnest hemmingway, alternate ending

He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fishes agony and the fish came over to his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff, and started to pass the boat, →

The picture of dorian gray vocabulary list

All the candour of youth was there, as well as all youth's passionate purity." Sovereignty : Rightful status, independence, or prerogative." It has its divine right of sovereignty." Hedonism : Doctrine that pleasure orhappinessis the highest good. " A new Hedonism - that is what our century wants." →

Eating apples at night: a korean superstition

Eating Apples at Night: a Korean Superstition " An apple a day keeps thedoctoraway." This adage is taught to most western children as a way of verbalizing that apples are very healthy to eat. It's believed in Korea that eating an apple at night is actually unhealthy. Eating apples at night →

Scrooge’s change in ‘a christmas carol’

Bob Cratchit and his family all gather round and make a toast to scrooge, even though they know he is disrespectful and " the ogre of the family", they still thank Scrooge. The guests of Scrooge's nephew, Fred, also toast to Scrooge despite his cruelty. Scrooge vows to change and help people →

Show the importance of four women to jane eyre’s development

She was prone to giving Jane treats and creating songs about her, such as; " Poor Miss Jane is to be pitied". On the night that Jane was locked in the Red Room having her " species fit", it was Bessie who was at her side, making sure that the young girl was alright and →

Interior monologue in ulysses

It Is through Jockey's element of realism, he overall structure and the multiple modes of writing of his novel that suggests Ulysses is a significant conspicuous piece of modernist literature in its own right. In Ulysses Joyce discards the traditionalist convention of maintaining a narrative throughout the entirety of his novel by persistently →

Inferno canto x

Dante and Cavalcante know each because Guido, the son of Cavalcante is good friends with Dante and he married Beatrice. Cavalcante then asks why his son is not with him. I find the start slow and as the story goes on it becomes fast paced because of the way Farinata was introduced to Dante by →

Hermeneutic gaps in young goodman brown

Gaps can both be temporary and resolved at some point of the story or permanent and remain unsolved even after the end. Permanent gaps exist both in the story and in the text, for the information is never given and readers must take a dynamic participation to " reconstruct" and make the →

Prospero in “the tempest” by william shakespear

D Gooder, " The first is Prospero 's ambition to marry his daughter to the right sort of person; the second is his desire to be revenged upon his enemies". On the island Prospero and Miranda live among of his now servant Caliban, the son of a witch that was on the island before they →

A good man is hard to find: irony

The grandmother was constantly talking about the good in people, but was she a good woman? The first bit of irony the story throws at the reader is on the first page when the grandmother is talking about how she does not want to go to Florida because that's where the Misfit is headed. I →

Life of pi existentialist examination

Another way that Life of Pi is not existentialist is when he is on the boat, and commits acts of human instinctual survival. They all seem to counteract the belief in god, so in the atheistic sense, Life of Pi is not existentialist at all. He became a bit absorbed with himself, →

The cast of amontillado vs the tell tale heart by edgar alan poe

He knew that he had to be careful with Fortunato's power, and he had to take advantage of his sky high vanity of knowing a lot of wines. On the other hand, in the Tell Tale Heart the Narrator had trouble defining why exactly he wanted to kill the old man. The →

Allegory of the cave v pleasantville

After David and Jennifer are introduced to the peaceful, harmonious town of Pleasantville, however, the flawless, isolated, but ignorant community is turned upside down and ruined. Pleasantville exists in a delicate balance of perfect order, but when new things are introduced to throw off the balance, everything naturally turns to chaos and disorder.

Example of essay on single-case research design

Single-case research design refers to the type of research design used in used in sociology, human behavior, education and psychology in which the subject of research serves as his/her own control. Therefore, in such a case, it can be easier to ascertain the utility and functionality of the chosen methods used by the counselor →

Learned or inscrutable assessing the cognitive basis of second language acquisition research paper

Does the acquisition of a second language take place through the filter of personal experience, or does it fall into place by virtue of a genetically endowed trait that appears to give children a built-in advantage in acquiring their first language? It is a matter of scientific examination and intuitive →

Development as a dynamic system

A Dynamic System Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action: By Esther Thelen and Linda Smith. A dynamic systems approach to the development of cognition and action.

Research learning journal. research paper

Overall, module 2 has increased my knowledge in understanding research and its components that enhance development of theories that apply to behavioral trends in different societies. In regard to the subject, I learnt the different research instruments applicable in different scenarios in coming up with conclusions. What stood out in the →

Moral development: overview

4 to 5years- Is becoming aware of right and wrong; usually has desire to do right; may blame others for own wrongdoing. Wants to do what he/she believes is right and avoid what is wrong.

The formation and development of the fujian tulou

First, this paper introduces the basic information of Tulou: clip of Tulou visual aspect, the architectural image of Tulou, and grounds behind the signifier. The purpose of policies is to recognize the protection and renovation of Tulou by developing the cultural touristry industry.