Genuine Research Paper Examples

Arts marketing

Arts marketers play an important role of arts advocates and advocates of marketing who not only need to understand the cultural and environmental aspects of arts as a field but also need to understand what marketing is in order to enthuse their colleagues towards achieving their shared objectives. This paper →

Research paper on legal social and economic environments of business

Legal, Social, and Economic environments of Business For success in implementing a business idea, the right investment decisions need to be made at the start, since these forms the backbone for the company to start. In many cases, an investor may not have enough funds and technical expertise to run a business, but →

Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for u.s. intelligence

Yahoo Inc.last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers' incoming emails for specific information provided by U.S.intelligence officials, according to people familiar with the matter. The company complied with a classified U.S.government demand, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of the National Security →

Product testing concept: testing market research gaming – case study

We will create a concept test and product test for the new gaming product ' Kinect' and this paper will look at the various pre-launch objectives and market study for this product, the approach will involve a real time concept testing and product testing where we will be taking a feedback on the product and →

The copy platform selling strategy

Undeniably, selling strategies and related techniques depend on the nature of the marketing environment, the nature of products and most significantly the niche group or the target market. In order to create a brand for the fruit juices and smoothies, both hard and soft selling techniques will be employed.

Good research paper about online survey project

The report should have effective and complex statistical tools and models that will be considered by the respondents particularly. - Do you love Sports? - What type of Sports you would like to play and watch? - Are you willing to go in different sports events to attend the sports? - How much time →

Building a new supply chain

Some additional problems that this company have are elated to what its profit really is for each of its transactions, what challenges this company would have to look at alternative materials and markets and what the current competition is for his company's type of business and lastly what approaches this company should take to ensure →

What makes you beautiful

You are insecure Do not know what for You are turning heads when you walk through the door Do not need make up To cover up Being the way that you are is enough Everyone else in the room can →

Marketing plan for mcbride

The overall marketing strategy is to use the most appropriate media given strict financial constraints to gain maximum exposure for McBride to potential clients. Target Market Analysis Primarily, there are several groups identified as potential customers in the market where the product will be made available. It is →

Children in advertisements

They may not be able to grasp the full meaning of the scene but the focus on the product leaves enough impact on them. In an article on 'Children and Advertising, Dr. The last group corresponds to the role of the child as actor, participant and salesperson. In this →

Apple marketing strategy

Apple always lead the trend of the world ofcommunicationand entertainment by its product such as Iphone or the Ipad. The iPad does not have Flash Player, Flash is essential on the web and is used everywhere. Surfing the Web without Flash gives you big empty boxes in the middle of a page.

A relationship marketing perspective

The researcher identified a number of implications from this review of the literature, which included: Value is a broader topic than generally recognized in the value literature; There is a need to develop a conceptual framework which integrates the existing streams of value research in a more coherent manner; A relationship →

Psychological reactance theory research paper

It is healthy for one to think of what to do and where to do it because it gives raise innovation and growth of the societal systems. When a person's need is not met by the available means, then they have a chance to invent and create a niche in the market place.

Marketing plan for xx soup maker

Mission Statement " We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions." The Product The XX Soup Maker is the elite of all small kitchen appliances. It is made from the highest quality steel and fine metal elements available on the market. The XX →

Parle g: marketing

Of late, due to Inflation and evolution of economic factors, the Input of two major raw materials, sugar and weight which constitutes 55% of the manufacturing cost have risen provoking the management to rethink on the pricing strategy. The outcome of this inflation has resulted in the decrease In the margin It used →

Introduction to marketing mr b

Club Cards The creation of the Tests club card was a advantageous idea, but the club card can provide incorrect information about the customer who handles the art and give Tests Mobile the wrong image Of the customer, in terms Of knowing what that customer likes and want when they are shopping →

Marketing and department

Quality check When product finishes production and delivery to Hong Kong, will have a check in lab for testing its different kind of quality, like safety, health, practicability, etc. And they not only do the checking in lab, they also need to go to stores to have a random check to make →

Mini cooper – marketing plan

BMW, one of the monsters on global automobile market is going to push the new model of MINI Cooper, which have been already identified as one of the most popularfamilycar and sport car for years. MINI Cooper' s attraction goes successfully with its technical possessions as well as with association that →

Alcon gove pty limited

The company has been very much proactive with the program of Greenhouse Challenge and since 2001 they even voluntarily submitted its annual greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Since Rio Tinto Alcan Gove's operations as a whole expends a lot of energy they continuously identify energy efficiency improvement projects →

Five guys burgers and fries research paper

This makes the product the best for consumption and a favourite among customers. The fast food determine the price of the burgers according to the ingredients used in production. In that context, it similarly uses the demand and supply in the market for a particular product to vary the prices →

Nissan motors and globalization research paper example

The United States has a larger population with more of a need for cars, but the existence of such a large difference between domestic consumption and international consumption for Nissan Motors is indicative of the fact that Nissan Motors has truly embraced the need for globalization to survive in today's world. To mobilize production and →

The role of marketing

What the term market means A market is a shorthand expression for the process by which household's decisions about consumption of alternative goods, firms' decisions about what and how to produce, and workers' decisions about how much and for whom to work are all reconciled by adjustment of prices →

Marketing the public libraries

This helps the organization in analyzing the community, which is the environment, and also helps it know how to advertise their services. The writer ends by identifying any barriers to effective environmental scanning. This is because their biggest competitor is the Internet, which is deemed more convenient by students and researchers.

Coke advertising

Introduction The purpose of an advertising plan is to spend wisely the billions of dollars allocated by the company for the marketing of their product in the most effective manner so that the resources are directed towards the target market. The repositioning is done because the consumption of soft drinks →

Using the information below verify if there is an arbitrage opportunity clearly research paper sample

The second measure is to trace the extent of risk generated by derivatives in the market. If a trader would hold an asset, than there will be no opportunity for arbitrage trading. In the course of the study four new derivatives products were developed with regard to current derivatives markets demand and innovative propositions.

Integration marketing communication & integration marketing

It can also be stated that with the assistance of communication in social networking sites, Prada has been able to generate effective sales by identifying and satisfying the demands of the customers with quality product deliverance. It is worth mentioning in this context that through the IM approach, Prada has been able to deliver the →

The current marketing environment of the airline

In the leisure market, the availability of large aircraft such as the Boeing 747 made it convenient and affordable for people to travel further to new and exotic destinations. Distribution channels In all areas of marketing links must be made between the customer and the product. About 40% of all airline tickets in the →

Nintendo marketing mix

Either the Xbox or the PS3 could fail, and the parent companies would survive; Nintendo could not afford to have the Wii fail. The broader community, according to the case, includes doctors and therapists who recommend the Wii Fit to patients. Thinking outside thecase study, the community also includes the news media - like the →

A study of customer preference towards various stock brokerage

Alternate Hypothesis, : There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Stock-call precision.2. Null Hypothesis, : There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. Alternate Hypothesis, : There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to →

Lululemon’s marketing mix

Advanced fabrics that they currently incorporate in their products include: Luon is included in more than half of the products, wicks away moisture, moves with the body, and is designed to eliminate irritation. Luxtreme their inherently wicking fabric is used in their running lines and is silky and lightweight Silverscent incorporates silver directly into →

Herborist: marketing and skin care products

Since there are several major competitors and local players in the South Africa market, it is important to plan to have effective strategy especially for new player with limited budget. Herborist promotion strategies will emphasize promotional strategies that reflect the lifestyle of its audience, unique value proposition and the range of media →

Marketing plan for harvey norman

Brief background of the relationship between Harvey Norman and the industry context. Harvey Norman is a main brand name in the three brand names under Harvey Norman Holding Limited. Harvey Norman is the largest retailer of computer hardware and software products in Australia.

Impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media

The impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media Today many can say that electronic media is ruling the whole news arena. When we watch TV news, one can easily switch the channel with remote, the impact of what we saw in the news channel may easily be diverted In →

Time warner cable

Installing cable lines is an example of the high cost of starting a business in the television industry and a " first come, first serve" mentality for natural monopolies. Implementing the cable lines is considered a sunk cost and is one reason why there are such overwhelming difficulties to entry in the cable →

The hilton hotel marketing strategy

In a speech given by Hilton International Conserving President Of Marketing , Mike Gaston said that the reward recognized the newcomers brand promise to Pout back a little of what life takes tout and thephilosophyof Equilibrium which influenced how the hotels look, how they develop their products indicatives and the way they behave, both with →

Pest-c and marketing stratgy for appl company

Apple Marketing Strategy Apple Marketing Strategy In the recent years, technology has become a major driver in the telecommunication and computer industry, a factor that compels the Apple Company to develop new strategies. Apple unique marketing strategies have served to augment the company's focus on product design, which is a competency that has earned the →

Marketing research exam

A focus group Is a small number of people usually between 4 and 15, but typically 8-9 persons brought together with a moderator to focus on a specific product or topic. Focus groups alma at a discussion Instead of on Individual responses to formal questions, and produce qualitative data preferences and beliefs that →

Research paper on marketing strategies for over-the-counter otc medicines

In the developing countries such as Kenya, the market for OTC drugs accounts for a higher percentage of the total medicine sales compared to the developed nations like the United States where the market share for OTC is 8% while a country like Kenya accounts for over 60% of the total sale

Example of research paper on cvp and break even analysis

For this reason, franchise tax, which is determined by the value of a business, will vary, hence constituting as a variable cost. b) Utilities The proposed fitness centre business will operate with the aid of different utilities, which loose value over time. Therefore, acquisition of such utilities will be necessary, thus, costs for utilities →

Marketing research

Marketing research is the systematic and objective, identification, collection, analysis, dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing -Classification of Marketing Research Problem Identification Research: Research undertaken to help identify problems which are not necessarily apparent →

Marketing mix halal chips

The purpose of this paper is to presents the results of the comprehensive marketing analysis of the feasibility of introduction of Halal chips to Indonesian market. The study consists of the overview of the product (using certain elements of the Marketing Mix methodology) and the overview of the target market (a full macro environmental →

Int marketing

Pegasus has also developed a credit/loyaltycard which offers customers a range of benefits including insurance rate reductions and also developed a specific customer satisfaction guarantee policy to the customers. Pegasus also offers customer service experience at the airport such as providing exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a →

Why influencer marketing is great for your seo

Many marketers strive to align themselves with influencers because this kind of engagement has been proven to rapidly expand brand visibility for many businesses. With influencer marketing, a much larger audience is suddenly exposed to your brand, which often results in a significant spike in traffic that can lead to more subscribers, followers, and →

Limitations of marketing research

Another Limitation of marketing research Is reliability, which shows how reliable the information collected is and whether the information would be the same if collected from a different group of people. Tests should target he most suitable group of people to question in order for the information to effective and beneficial for the →

Additional marketing strategies

This proved to be an excellent choice that, even women nowadays are beginning to like the products of Harley-Davidson; may it be the accessories they are after or the bike itself; It just goes to show that the financial background of Harley would do well combined with its excellent marketing strategies and tactics on how →

Perrier research

The source is situated to the north of the small town of Vergeze on the way to Nimes and is surrounded by limestone. The carbon dioxide used in Perrier does not come from the same borehole as the Perrier water; the two are combined at a later stage of the process.

Women in advertisements

A social unequality between men and women is being used women and female figures in advertisements mostly. There are severeal reasons why woman or female figures are used in advertisements The fist reason to this is visuality. In these advertisements, women are regarded as housewife and role of women is to serve →

Integrated marketing plan

The brand will be easily recognizable, the logo will stand out to potential customers, and the beauty of the makeup work will shine through to customers. INTERNET MARKETING CAMPAIGN The internet marketing plan is the most important objective for Makeup by Jan. The company does not have a permanent brick-and-mortar location, the internet →

Services marketing

Hilton Hotels Corporation has been very successful in building and maintaining a steady relationship with its customers. By offering high quality of services to its customers as well as competitive prices, the company has attracted a large number of clients. Berry, Leonard L., " Relationship Marketing," in Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing, →

Marketing research analysis: santa fe grill mexican restaurant

To improve the performance of the restaurant, the owners have decided to analyze the situation further. This article will analyze the case to identify the main problems preventing the success of the business as expected, evaluate the possible solutions forwarded, and review the business' SWOT status. Quoting Nieschlag Bohm notes →

Marketing research essay

The main aim for PR is to have these prospects click through to the PR website and make a purchase. Research Objectives The research undertaken by PR will help influence the marketing strategy and business plan for the future. The research undertaken will aim to: Engage in a better analysis of the website to →

Amway marketing max

But in the india ther are so many person who are very poor and he has no house but some person who are rich and his income per month is 14000 they are using the amway products but the others are donot use the amway bproducts because they are satisfy with the other products because →

Kitty (nestle indonesia) marketing plan

We only use authentic green tea and to Just any kind of teas. It is healthy and it will be one of the healthiest snacks in Indonesia, because Kitty Green Tea can help people in dieting process as daily snacks, so they do not have to be afraid of getting fat because of →

Example of international production and distribution of uncle bobs products in canada research paper

Effective establishment of distribution networks in Canada should be measured against achievement of a certain volume of business and a specific geographical coverage in Canada, all within a specific period of time. It is important for the company to consider competition in the foreign market. What will be the cost of labor in the new →

Research paper on what makes advertising effective

11 INTRODUCTION Definition and Concepts of Advertising The word ' advertising' comes from the latin word ' ad vetere' and it means ' to draw attention'. According to the Webster's Dictionary, advertising is the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements by emphasizing the desirable →

Marketing mix ab bank limited

UAE incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 & started its operation with effect from April 12, 1982. Dubai Bank Limited (name subsequently changed to Union Bank of the Middle east Limited) decided to off-load their investment in AB Bank Limited with a view to concentrating their activities in the UAE in →

Outline for quiz

A culture which emerged during feudalism Answer Key: D Question 4 of 20 Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of the Storey book? A. Challenge cultural and social authority Answer Key: A Question 7 of 20 According to the culture and civilization tradition, which of the following is NOT →

Innovation performance in entrepreneurship

The supplier markets, recruitments markets, influence markets and internal markets or employees. For example The Word of mouth communication can be recognized as a valuable method in the marketing mix. That helped him becoming successful and a winner in the entrepreneurship and marketing world. Word count: 263 ?

Multicultural marketing is all about the metrics

It is essential to have specific data on exactly where buyers live and shop on a neighborhood level to build informed and personalized campaigns that speak to each customer. If we return to Alex from Mexico and Marie from Honduras, let's imagine that the two have both moved to New York City but live in →

Research paper on social media research

The number becomes 33% when we talk about seeking information on health related issues and goes down to 31% when it comes down to articles related to national information. The Rise of Social Media As we know that blogging has two basic aspects, information can be derived only from the blogs which are intended →

Promoting products through new market permeation: the value of cooperative marketing

This type of marketing is, also, less expensive, obviously and does not need to be restricted to one company or one type of marketing campaign. Advertising is the biggest venue for cooperative marketing and the biggest asset in terms ofsaving money. I believe that getting our products in new stores and offering →

E-marketing study notes

Owned Media: carrycommunicationmegs from the org to net users on owned channels Paid media: properties owned by others who are paid to carry promotional megs Earned media: when Individual's conversations become the channel Media type Definition: Examples: The role Benefits Challenges Owned Channel a →

Demand and supply research paper sample

The performance of the economy depends entirely on demand and supply of goods and service in the economy. For us to understand the microeconomics concept of demand and supply, we have to explore demand and supply individually. Demand can be define as the quantity of goods and services the customer →

Dollar general

This hiring of less skilled managers to Dollar General's store resulted to inefficiencies in aligning the operation of the company to its target customers; and to make things worst on the stores of Dollar General, its managers did not even know who their customers were. At the end of the day, tremendous →

Free research paper about ethical issues in packaging practices

This paper delineates the ethical issues in packaging practices and potential mitigation strategies adopted in the marketing. Important Elements in Packaging Practices One of the most vital goals of packaging is brand differentiation. In order to address the ethical concerns in packaging, it is very important to bring in the concept of sustainability into →

Marketing research

By understanding of the organization's business plans, goals and objective , we need to be able to identify long- and sort-term goals and the accompanying skills the organization needs to achieve them. Providing leadership training to an employee due for promotion Coaching and mentoring A valuable way of providing support to your team is to →

Analyse an parfume advertisement and discuss the imagery it contains

The advertiser has been successful by using a dark colour as the main colour for the advert as dark colours create a sense of sexual activity in the dark. The perfume bottle, for which this advert is for, is used to create the imagery of the moon in the sky as it is shaped like →

Nternational marketing and marketing research

An important goal of advertising is to influence customers' choices and buying decisions, which will lead to accomplishment of marketing plans of the firm. Advertising has to be visible, clear, and easy to take in. Price and non-price competition should be used at this point to keep the product at the market.

Method for women: put on makeup

Then after you do that, put a 1/2-inch line of liquid eyeliner on outer sides of eyelids to make your eyes look fuller and wider. After that make sure the lines are equal. Make sure you do not cover up the eyeliner with the eyeshadow. After that, take the →

Biodel inc

Biodel's Molecular Biology division used DNAtechnologyto gain 60% of the market share of growth factors and stock the largest collection of commercially available synthetic nucleotides, which was 50% of their sales. Biodel's research and development in Immunodiagnostics led to the invention of DEMA, a non-radioactive method for measuring a wide array of →


The last is a customer loss review survey that would help to identify the root causes of defections so that direct action can be taken to minimize the loss of customers in the future. Keeping new customers will be a top priority for CanGo. In order for the CanGo to get their products to the →

The decline of men research paper examples

However, the current figures from the department of labour shows that since 2010, the number of the female workforce surpassed that of the men for the first time in the US history, and for every two Americans who earn a college degree, two of them would be of the female gender. I intend to research →

Marketing simulation

In finding ways to incorporate the important factors that matter most to our customers is what will bring in new customers and keep our existing ones around for the long hall. My strategy for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc.that I have entered into the simulation game for 2015 Q2 were based on similar factors that I had →

Talking about publicity

The paper would highlight promotional mix of an apparel company ' Under Armour', its integration of the marketing mix, and description of competitive advantage that it has. Under Armour is an apparel company that offers a wide range of footwear, apparel, accessories, sports items, both for men and women. Consequently, →

Research paper on managed health care organizations

The coverage in the form of health insurance includes the preventive care, immunization for children, visits of doctors and hospitalization expenses. The network of each company is spread across the country and has many doctors and hospitals included in it. The plans offered by Aetna are Preferred Provider Organization Plan, Managed Choice Plan and Preventive →

Marketing the consumer society and hedonism

This article underlines connection between the consumer society, hedonism, and the lace of marketing being responsible or not for unethical behavior among consumers. The charge: A Hedonistic Society attributable to consumer marketing Modern marketing is charged to have an influence on consumer's society by changing it on a hedonistic society it is a →

New advertising tools and their advantages

The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and p multiple disciplines. The book explains the theory that there are four main elements that influence the spread of a new idea: the innovation, communication channels, time, and a social system. In the field of advertising characteristics, they are trying to inform →

Why are keralans better of than other indians?

Some of the reasons are to do with nature and some are to do with human decisions. The State of Kerala is good for farming. The climate is very humid and wet, which is perfect to grow crops. A map of India: The government of Kerala made some unusual decisions about how to run the →

Memo research paper sample

Highlighted herein is the analysis and report of the unplanned changes, the evaluation of the project quality, and the procedures to be implemented in handling change control issues. The team must always remain within the budget, within the timeline, and with maximum considerations on the quality and scope. In measuring the schedule, the team will →

Impact of culture on the international marketing mix

Competitive advantage on the other hand is a representation that the company or its products are each doing something better than their rivalry in a way that could profit the consumer. Elements of International Marketing Mix Marketing mix refers to a set of controllable tools that →

Most memorable experience with a salesperson that was positive and made you feel research paper examples

To establish this, the salesperson asked me questions that were tough and penetrating to ensure that I talked out. The salesperson was indeed a great person since his work was well complemented by his positive mood. The other great thing that I realised about the salesperson was how he kept in touch with me as →

Example of importance of communication research paper

It is ineffective as the content of the communication is lost in the reaction of the people. Aggressive communication may help an organization to win the moment, but causes it lose the situation and respect as a whole. The Passive-Aggressive Style: This is another style of communication essentially categorized as two faced.

Burt ‘s bees

I suggest keep our luxury lines products stay in the drugs store or healthy store, besides, we commend display our body and baby care products intoshopping mallsuch as Kohl 's and Macy's. In this way, Burst's Bees could remain a premium image to keep the good relationship with clients in the niche market. →

Customer service and marketing at mm

We chose to allocate 90% of our sales force to the large customers since nearly all our sales volume were attributed to them whereas only 10% was allocated to small customers to provide space for our distributors to implement their own marketing and sales efforts. As we progressed, the volume we received from →

Customer’s needs

However, I believe that receiving tips from the guest is not a crime if it does motivate them to provide the highest level of satisfaction to customer needs. I would say that it is a chain reaction as one satisfied guest generates future potential customers to the hotel.

Unit two: principles of providing administrative services

Ensure you are aware of the purpose of call and make a check list of the points that you will be asking. The main purpose behind while receiving or making calls is to portray a good and professional image of an organization is to retain the existence customers and attract new ones →

Mcdonald’s marketing challenges

What Marketing Challenges Does McDonald's Face in the Future? The market for McDonald's is going global and has been changed byhealthconcerns, introducing new marketing challenges. The European market led by France, Germany and Spain enjoys larger revenues than the US already, and the Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Africa markets are expanding rapidly. When →

Marketing management of lenovo’s photostat machine

No 1 know that the produst u R traveling to establish is traveling on top or it fails. Thoroughly my calling I have seen many new merchandises and talked 1000 of invitors who could hold saved themselves thousand of dollers and increase the likeliness of success if he had model for developing thoughts and fix →

Pop art was simply a reflection of consumer society and mass media

721) He adds that ' one thinks it has forty-eight stars and suddenly it has fifty stars; it is no longer of any great interest.' ' The painting of a flag is always about a flag, but it is no more about a flag than it is about a brush-stroke or about a →

William randolph hearst

Sometimes Hearst hired away the World 's more aggressive executives and reporters; sometimes he outbid all competitors in the open market. One of Hearst's editors was paid twice as much in salary as the sale price of the New York World. He could not grasp the basic problems the issue of the war →

Clearly highly consumptive

Well, the move to a culture of consumption was basically caused by the burgeoning needs and demands of production, the social turmoil and unrest resulting from a new industrial lifestyle, and the proliferation of advertising. Mass consumption did not spontaneously occur as a direct result of the rise of mass production. The thing was, an →

Viral marketing

The idea was to introduce " a global brand unit for each Masterband, entrusted with theresponsibilityfor creating its global vision and charged with inspiring cooperation from all geographic markets" to " winnow its more than 1, 600 brands down to 400". Several consultations with experts and market researches summed up to " The Campaign For →

Bellboy case research methods in marketing essay sample

BELLBOY CASE MKTG D50 Report Group 6 Questionnaire As the questionnaire was conducted in the form of a telephone interview, SWB interviewers who are administering the survey can employ a degree of flexibility and adaptability in the manner of the questions. And then it would be a good moment to explain what →

Limitations of ansoff matrix

Ansoff matrix is a useful framework for looking at possible strategies to reduce the gap between where the company may be without a change in strategy and where the company aspires to be. The Ansoff matrix which is the focus of this work is one of the models alongside others like the Porter matrix, BCG, →

Advertising and society

According to author the pluralistic positions focused on the usefulness of consumptions and options available for the consumers and the economy. Neo-Marxist views argued that advertising flatters to deceive. To elaborate his point the author added the analysis by Cronic in 2000.who argued about the imagination of audience and their relationship and →