Genuine Research Paper Examples

Financial management – kingfisher plc

The first part will include an analysis on the financial ratios of Kingfisher for the years 2004 through 2008 as basis of knowing how the company performed financially and the results of the analysis will used as proofs or in evaluating the company's financial policies and practices. 2.and 3. β†’

Example of statement of the problem research paper

The excess sugar is not only found in the blood it is also found in the urine, diabetes is also known as pissing evil in the 17th century. Lifestyle modification, compliance with medications and being physically active. Review of the Literature Eye and foot problems in diabetes Changes in the retina β†’

Axiata strategic management

In addition, more than 20, 000 employee are working at this corporation through Asia. Vision & Mission One of the main Axiata's visions is to be the top regional mobile telecommunication operation by 2015 by piecing together the best within the region in connectivity, technologyand talent, uniting β†’

It management

The primary aim is to evaluate the Starbucks website and the Greenmountaincoffee website to discover the major customer related activities and their support by the latest informationtechnology. It includes the business models adopted for servicing the customers. The first section deals with the Starbucks website discussing the services it provides β†’

Wireless network management

Otherwise, the medium is free and the station is allowed to transmit the desired information. The problem with the CSMA protocol is the case where a collision occurs. If the medium is free then the destination station will respond with a packet called CTS which will include the same duration β†’

Printed circuit board and acme

This paper examines the differentgoalspursued by Acme and Omega, their impact and strategies used to achieve the goals. Acme's president credited his organization's success and effectiveness to the high degree of efficiency they were able to achieve. This was because employees had clear cut responsibilities and narrowly defined jobs that led to high performance.

Security and privacy grading criteria research paper example

HIPAA regulations govern not only issues of information confidentiality, but also the integrity and availability of information In order for the reinforcement of the HIPAA to be effective it is necessary for all the members within the health care institution to be actively involved. The most important course of action is to equip the employees β†’

Cyber security policy research paper example

It is mandated that all Federal agencies including the Veterans Affairs are required to implement a level of sensitivity to all critical information held by the agency by means of best management practices and to be documented using a system security plan. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION/SCOPE OF Assessment System Name/Title/Unique Identifier - System Name: Cyber Security β†’

Research paper on big five worksheet

All these factors have an effect on the daily operations of the business as they lower performance of the employees, productivity, and cost effectiveness and efficiency of the business. This infers that employees differ in the way they react to issues, interact with others, perform, and control their emotions, attitudes and behaviors because they have β†’

Project management triangle

A risk that becomes a reality is treated as an issue". Project environment and risk Kathleen Schwalbe : p6 suggests: The project management environment directly affects a project The environment affects HOW a project should be managed Projects are influenced by stakeholders and issues The Project environment has two main β†’

Free research paper on 3 discussion questions

Management Q1 Some of the generational differences in my organization include people who have been in the service for a long time and those who are immediate graduates. The young leaders are risk takers and bring about new value systems into the organization according to the prevailing trends in the society.

Mismanagement of customer

The paper " Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions n service environments" by Cronin, Brady and Hult attempts to conceptualize the effects of quality, satisfaction and value on consumers' behavioral intentions. This paper identifies this gap and aims to examine the direct effects of β†’

Management decision and control systems

Spoerry has served in the positions of Head of Industrial & Retail divisions for Mettler-Toledo in the past. They assist the decentralized business units to coordinate their R&D, marketing, and customer support functions in product development and customer service. PRODUCTS & SERVICES The products and services of Mettler-Toledo can be broadly categorized into Laboratory Instruments, β†’

Government laws for hiring and firing

The paper " Government Laws for Hiring and Firing" is a wonderful example of a management research paper. This research paper would focus on understanding the government's role in controlling hiring and firing in organizations. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2009). From the review of the literature to fulfill the requirements of the current research paper, β†’

Mobile knowledge management: systems and policies

Although some of the features of the big system are conveniently packed into the miniature system, there will always be a trade-off between the capabilities of the big system and the portable small system. This proposed research will look at the plight of the small system, the size of the mobile phone or hand-held computers β†’

Participative management in india

Defective form of participation : Councils should be formed to participate as decision making forms and not as consultative bodies because it is this form of functioning that enables worker participation in its true sense. Most of the models of worker management in India are considered to be those where the primary β†’

Why i chose construction management

And that started my life in construction. As I furthered myeducationND my experience grew In the construction field I also started to dabble in the business word. I even owned a contracting company where I had contracted independent contractors to drive for a transportation business I ran. In my search for β†’

Outline the importance of production functions in management decision-making

It is usually presumed that unique production functions can be constructed for every production technology". We also define management decision making which simply means that people in charge of the management of the firm must attain theirgoalsof delivering the needs and want of it customers not only in the short-run also in β†’

Example of research paper on medical organization development

This implies that change is inevitable and that any organization desiring to transform into learning and dynamic organization should be ready to change. Change agents carry the vision, mission and objectives of the change plan and disseminate it to other employees.

Management information systen use by kfc

The development and management of informationtechnologytools assists executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the processing of information. MIS and business systems are especially useful in the collation of business data and the production of reports to be used as tools for decision making. Not only do MIS β†’

Management during low sales volume

The Organization and the HR Department What should be done in light of low sales numbers? PAC Resources is a small manufacturing organization which is facing low sales volume during the recent years. Anticipatory sales data should also not to be included in the financial statements of this organization.

Research paper on nursing informatics competencies

Technology has been integrated widely in clinical practice and practice nurses need to develop skills in information management and technology application in nursing practice. Nursing informalities competencies applicable in this functional area include basic computer skills, information management, and information literacy.

Management paper

OPPOSITION: Although Also does not give much word to the opposite end of the argument, he does say that "[Managers] will benefit from this generation's best and brightest." Due to the millennial generation's excessive educational training with today'stechnology, social outworking, and multitasking, they will bring a lot to the table. He Includes with β†’

Time management and transition

Planning for your transition from school tocareer, familyhome to own home, family to community, or others care to self care will ensure that you will have a successful transition from adolescence to adulthood. The transition from school to career can be extremely stressful for students, particularly if the student still has not chosen β†’

Ahima code of ethics critique

The AHIMA Code of Ethics is extremely necessary because of the following reasons: First of all, it sorts out the ethical characteristics on which the " HealthInformation Management" is based upon. Second, it focused on the major points of the wide-ranging ethical standards β†’

Project manager

A company may run into several errors before, during, and after a system is implemented it is critical for a plan to be formed and followed to try to reduce the amount of errors. To begin the process of implementing a system the project needs three major components completed in the establishing plans and controls β†’

Understanding organizational diversity management programs: a theoretical framework and directions for future

They state that different organization has different cultures and operations and diversity management should be conducted while given emphasis to these elements. Their research even proposes that the approach of diversity management can help in identifying the nature of the effect of diversity on the performance of different organizations. Lastly, the research even provides insight β†’

Management and organization

And also knowing how the way this two values bring good influence of high performance. The main objectives in the essay is to show people what is the connection between organizational culture, strong organizational culture and commitment of the organization and how they are closely related to the overall performance of a β†’

Health care reform research paper

The reason for this is that the high cost claims are making the contribution of the employer to the health insurance of the employee to increase greatly. However, according to Treitman1 , what was hard to find in the search was anything linked to setting up a " safe and β†’

What should be project management

IT Project Manager- CRM Implementations- 6 months contract * IT Project Manager- Extensive CRM implementation experience * IT Project Manager- Vendor management/ off shore experience * IT Project Manager- Based in Mascot- 6 month contract IT Project Manager - You will plan, scope and own the end to end β†’

Shell corporate social responsibility

Therefore, shell is actively engaged in areas such as microfinance and entrepreneurship which are a means towards achieving the millennium development goals. Shell has launched a microfinance program in Nigeria which helps to promote small and medium enterprises by providing them with adequate capital. It spent around $134 million by donating it β†’

Problems encountered during implementation hr

2% of private sector trade organizations meeting quota targets. It would show that numerous private organizations are unconvinced of Emiratisation policy and are of the opinion that UAE nationals have requirements and demands in terms of employment conditions and benefit packages that are just too complex to meet plus the reality that β†’

How far do you agree the period between

In the Renaissance, people still believed in Galena's Theory of Opposites which is an example of continuity rather than change because people believed in this a long time before this time period. I believethat this period was a time of change not continuity.

Nursing code of ethics

In deed, it is in the understanding of the need for a more diversified an ready to serve call that led the University of phoenix to develop a code of conduct for students which guides the nursing students and indeed a the whole university community into understanding how best to deal with the issues of β†’

Delegation: management and work

Perhaps the most important benefit for the company is a higher quality of work. Delegation can improve quality of work by allowing the employees who have direct knowledge of products and services to make decisions and complete tasks. The importance of confirming/clarifying the work required of the team with your manager and β†’

Indus valley civilization

Identify and analyze the criteria necessary for a community of people to be characterized as a civilization by comparing and contrasting how well the societies of the Indus River Valley and the Huanghe River Valley meet the criteria. The Indus River Valley shared many characteristics of a civilization. This civilization had political β†’

Classroom management and discipline in regular classrooms

Using the three measure theoretical account taught in The First Days of School by Harry Wong, Fenton taught these processs to her pupils by explicating each process, patterning and practising them with the category, and implementing a method of follow through to reenforce each process. Once Fenton created a new degree of direction and organisation β†’

The concept of corporate social responsibility

Findings It is undoubtedly true that every organisation operates in a physical environment with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and are likely to be affected directly or indirectly by the operations of such organisations. It has been noted that there is need to establish goodwill with the values and norms of any given society the β†’

Water management issues of mexico city

Another unfocused point is the condition of the surrounding states or regions around the mega cities. The current waste disposal management is concerned about driving the waste and garbage out of the cities and caring less about the nearby rural areas where the garbage is dumped. Mega cities are generally facing the β†’

Line managers support hr initiatives

Last year, the HR department was tasked to write the unwritten policies of the company and to review and revise all of the other written policies. HR was able to complete the required revisions within the time frame to the delight of members of the Executive and Management committees.

Abc buildcon

With the cognition of the present tendencies, we help you to acquire the best trade of your investing in the targeted way. A squad of dedicated professionals is headed by: Shri RP Agarwal, Anil Gupta & A ; Bimal Gupta under dedicated and committed stewardship with more than 5 old ages of experience in existent β†’

Cadbury csr

They started sponsoring community-focused events, training or employing the community people, donating the materials, products, promotional materials, equipment and furniture. The actions of Cadburys social actions are: Cadbury Schweppes' Community Investment Programme was developed by management and staff to help support three principal areas of focus: educationand enterprise; health and β†’

The hardest decision i ever made

I opened the letterbox and there it was: the leaflet that changed my whole life. That leaflet was not any leaflet: it was a publicity leaflet for the best rhythmic gymnastics club that was moving its training location to the public school near my house. On the leaflet there was a name β†’

Sainsbury operations

There is also a scope for SAINSBURY'S to meet its target growth and regain its position if it is ready to make a few changes in its operations in terms of a better inventory management , Robust technological advancements and creating a better customer base. The report discusses the various successful implementations and certain flaws β†’

Safe administration of intravenous medication and management of central line

This literature review will provide important information regarding the safe administration of intravenous medication and the management of the central line. Safe Administration of Intravenous Medication. The first step in safe administration of intravenous medication is assessment of the patient's condition and satisfying the 5 Rights of drug administration; Right Patient, Right Dose, Right Medication, β†’

Employee turnover research papers examples

The assistant manager position is the second position with the highest turnover although most of these employee turnovers are recorded in the Westchester region than in the Bronx. The turnover in the shift supervisor's position is equal in both regions. In social services, the data presented is as follows Broken down further, we have β†’

Management control

1)By control of management we mean the processes in which various scopes of business standards are developed with the aim of providing the most appropriate performances both in the human capital as well business processes for the most adequate and optimal business function. This is through providing a subsequent difference in the nature of β†’

Crm tools

However, it is not on the same level when it comes toacademicresearch, marketing professionals, and large corporations. This does not demean the book, it only assures that it is useful for small businesses or beginners because it really encourages and helps the reader to start implementing CRM to make a business value β†’

Credit disbursement management og habib bank ltd

In this part of the paper, the credit management of Habit Bank Ltd is to be discussed.3. The personnel of Habit Bank Ltd.

Laboratory management- general functions of a laboratory manager

They must promote the continuing professional development of staff and oversee the training of trainees. A lab manager must therefore make risk assessments for the laboratory and ensure that the company'sHealth & Safety policy is observed. The lab manager may also be involved in the development of new products and service to β†’

Msc in information management

NOT means that the terms that user specifies 'not' must not be contained in the retrieval of records. A Boolean search system accepts Boolean queries as input and uses the normal interpretation of first-order logic augmented with proximity operators to select a set of documents that satisfy the query. In a best match retrieval system β†’

Accounts receivables management

Receivables management, also termed credit management, deals with the formulation of credit policy, in terms of liberal or restrictive, concerning credit standard and credit period, the discount offered for early payment and the 156 collection policy Ana procedures undertaken It does so In suns a way Tanat together these policy variables determine an optimal level β†’

Free research paper on bridging cultural differences and conflict resolution

The rise of telecommuting and improved technology has led to emergence of virtual teams within organizations. - The definition of a virtual team - The scope of work done by the virtual teams - The presence of various cultural backgrounds in workplaces Types of Conflicts There are various types of conflicts faced by virtual β†’

Leadership styles research paper

The most important responsibilities of a leader include: - Bringing new ideas and plans for the development and achievement of the organization's goal is one of the most important responsibilities of a leader. - Another important and crucial responsibility of leader is to maintain the confidence level of the employees and to encourage them at every step β†’

Free research paper on leadership vs. management

Major functions of managers are: - Planning: Effective planning of different type of resources and work activities to produce desired results. - Organizing: Organization of supporting functions and processes in an effective manner. - Budgeting: financial limitations are critical to projects and common to occur. They coordinate different tasks in manner to maintain smooth flow of activities. - Resource β†’

Emergency management

Its main focus, just like that of the emergency management is also on the protection and safety of the civilians mostly from the perils caused by natural and man-made disasters. The process of having an effective emergency management depends mostly on the leaders of the groups or communities that are specially tasked β†’

Herzberg final exam management

Introduction In order to solve the problem of absenteeism in the company, I intend to come up with twomotivationtheories to enhance the employees' work enthusiasm and therefore Improve their work performance and efficiency. The existence of these two theories is necessary and served mainly to prevent dissatisfaction and improve employee engagement, thereby β†’

An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility

The public contended that the payment of taxes and the fulfillment of other civic rights are enough grounds to have the liberty to take back from the society in terms of CSR undertaken by other stakeholders. Some ten year ago, what characterized the Nigerian society was fragrantpollutionof the air, of the water β†’

Details about hrm

Organization consists of the combination of different resources, among which human resource is the superior. But how did these people come to be employees in the organizations; How were they found and selected? Simply, management is the act of allocating scare resources to achieve goals and getting required activities completed with and through other people.

Leadership in people management in hospitality and tourism

Having goodleadershipskills to lead a good team of hospitality professionals is absolutely necessary and quite a daunting task. A hospitality team leader has have a good sense of judgement and direction and he has to be an inspiration to his team to make their true capabilities prosper. Be a people's person: a hospitality team leader β†’

The integration of sustainability initiatives (green) and performance excellence intiatives

The sustainability and performance initiative that the company employed assisted the company to prevent the use of 1000 barrels of lubricate. The other initiatives that the company developed include utilization of seed oils in the production of polyurethane foam, and use of sugarcane in the production of polyethylene.

The features of hrm

In short, it tries to integrate human assets in the best possible manner in the best possible manner in the service of an organization. It is a process that involves determining and communicating to an employee how he or she is performing the the job and ideally, establishing a plan of improvement. Performance appraisal could β†’

Retail store manager

The first is conversion rates, which means if a sales associate talked to 10 customers, how many bought something? " If you sold two out of the 10 people you talked to and you can bump that up to three of the 10 people you talked to, you have just increased your sales 50 percent," β†’


CareerObjective Seeking for a challenging position in an organization that will allow me to display my xperience and good problem solving skills to make a company grow by solving their problems. Looking forward to, use my skills for the betterment of the company and to increase my potential as well. Deloitte honed me β†’

Globalisation and cross cultural management

Globalization of production: refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of differences In the cost or quality of the factors of production. Increasingly companies are taking advantage of modern communicationstechnology, and particularly the Internet, to outsource service activities to low cost producers in other β†’

Balanced score card

This could only be fostered though the employment of high performing management system, whereprofessionalismand legal requirements by the auditors are maintained. The management has thus appointed a management and decisions and control consulting team to design and that a balanced scorecard would enable them measure accurately and more efficiently the performance of β†’

Strategic management ansoff matrix

MARKET DEVELOPMENT The option to develop a market is recommended by Ansoff to organisations that aim to offer an existing product into a new market. This strategy entails a moderately high risk due to the level of product development and research required to develop a new product for a market that is already used β†’

Good example of effects of stress among workers research paper

In that duration they were engaged in their respective assigned activities in various fields. Materials The data was collected through the use of questionnaires which had different questions on the effects of stress among workers. Calling as well as printing charges were incurred during the process. Procedure The questionnaires had a bunch of β†’

Management development/ organisation development at ukaea

Selecting the appropriate models, tools and techniques available to the management, consultants and practitioners of MD/ OD is crucial to the overall success of any intervention. UKAEA background : UKAEA is a world leader in decommissioning and regenerating nuclear sites. 9 billion. The assignment on β†’

Rmit mba timetable sem 1

009 013.03. 009 013.03.

Research paper on power and politics

The change in the rules is obvious due to the nature of the work in different companies but some of the rules are universal and are necessarily adapted by all the firms and organizations. The importance of the organizational politics has increased manifold with the passage of time and it requires future employees, the students, β†’

Ventilator associated pneumonia protocols research paper sample

Army Institute of Surgical Research for the prevention of VAP. 2012 Weinert, C." Health Care Protocol: Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia" Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Nov.2011.Web.

College management

This should Include: the purpose and objectives of the report an outline of the conclusions any recommendations made Contents Page Include the mall sections and page numbers, using the same wording as the mall body of the report.. Conclusion A summary of the report, identifying lessons for the future and any possible recommendations to be β†’

Global warming research paper examples

Global Warming: Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis Introduction This research paper highlights the application of cost benefit analysis in global warming with the aim of improving environmental decision-making in practice. It draws on experiences of applying economic analysis to global warming matters. Contributions of Economics Global warming The UN reports that global warming β†’

Lack of diversity in management & coaching in sports

Despite the large number of Black representing the athletes in collegiate sport, the percentage of African Americans in coaching and administrative position were very small. In 2005 roughly 7% of all head coaches of men's teams at the nation's largest universities were black and only 6. What tends to help the racial β†’

Oakhills faciities


Staff development and performance appraisal in a brazilian research centre

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Abstract Purpose The aim of this paper is to analyse the staff development and performance appraisal in a Brazilian research centre. Design/methodology/approach The key issues of thiscase studyare: the main organisational changes which have taken place over the last decades; the aspects of the organisational β†’

Conflict management in the workplace

Conflict Management Training Program Our consulting firm, Conflict Professionals, specializes in training all levels of managers (executive, mid- and entry-level) in the art of managing conflict within their teams and organizations. What is conflict and how does it arise? Effective Conflict Management is the process of identifying and addressing those differences that, if left unmanaged, β†’

Agencies helping businesses and how to regulate them research paper examples

They help businesses to have strategic and tactical sales options to compete favorably with their competitors (FitzRoy, Hulbert, & Ghobadian, 2012). Regulation of businesses by agencies and fiduciary duties Agencies have an obligation to act in the best interest of, and for the benefit of the businesses that they are representing and offering professional β†’

Employee portfolio management plan

Amber scored the highest at 73 points. Amber is a highly motivated employee, but complains very openly when she is upset. The higher the score, the more engaged an employee. Taylor scored the highest on this assessment with a 35.

Dream job research paper sample

He is responsible to the Board of Directions for the organization and management of the hospital in accordance to the policies and directions established by the Board. He is tasked to maintain a positive relationship and effective communication with the governing body, medical staff, employees and patients of the hospital. Aside from the management of β†’

Environmentalism and pollution management issue

Explain the statement, " decision-making about environmental issues necessitates the maintenance of a fine balance between the effectiveness of measures and the public reaction towards them. These include deteriorating infrastructure, increasing traffic congestion, declining air and water quality, and the loss of open space. The City Council has charged you β†’

Management skills you need to be the next great entrepreneur

A first-rate entrepreneur thrives in his business strategy by abdicating the traditional ways of management and infusing innovative managerial skills. It is extremely important for an entrepreneur to blend in the traditional management skills with new models and modernized techniques. An entrepreneur must possess certain managerial skills - Optimizing the use of scarce resources β†’

Research paper on health care management

Health Care Management If you are dealing with these challenges: You face a dynamic industry, under different types of pressures because of the social, political and economic context; You face an increased demand for quality health services at optimized costs; You face the lack of resources and the customers' value for money request; β†’

Advanced practice nurse business plan research paper examples

The number of older people is expected to increase in the future, which implies that this population will make up a bigger market for the APN. The market segment has been designed in a way that it will meet the different needs of the patients and their families. The APN will make sure that they β†’

Management consultants

With this function it is possible to observe predictions of the number of passengers to a specific degree of certainty which is about 90%. This exponential function is a good alternative to the given one. It is probably possible to produce a model that is way more accurate than the provided one in this assignment.

Management problem that apple may have

Incrementalism: the management problem that Apple may have The kind of problem that Apple may have is the shift of its leadership style that could lose its competitive edge in the market. Apple's phenomenal success is attributed to Steve Jobs management style of structured leadership and organizational behavior that has been both criticized and lauded β†’

Basic functions of a network management system.

Well-known network management protocols include the Simple Network Management Protocol and Common Management Information Protocol. Its network management model is the primary means for understanding the major functions of network management systems. Management entities continually monitor performance variables. When a performance threshold is exceeded, β†’

The challenger and three mile incident memos research paper sample

The style of this memo is written in form of a letter. The voice of this memo is remorseful and cautious as Roger wrote it to caution the Vice President of Engineering of the danger which was posed by the O-ring problem in the SRM joints.

Online tracert study of bs in information management and information technology

By way of this pioneering tracer study, the researching intends to locate where the graduates are and how well they are doing in their chosen career. Statement of the Problem This study aims to locate and identify the work status and professional development of PhilSCA graduates under the β†’

Managing and improving performance quality in a clinical organization research paper examples

Notably, at the time of training, the organization remains operational. Thirdly, proper planning is another important aspect in developing a good maintenance of the systems and to ensure that there is a good flow of errands within the organization. In a health organization, information is very vital; therefore it is important to ensure that the β†’

Network management of the college

Problems identified affecting the network Insufficient resources Under this there is limited human resources which include support staff and network administrators.there are only four network administrators for the whole college of which some of the are incompetent or not always available. Limited number of Computers, most of the computers in the labs β†’

Example of problem statement: under managed pain in adults with chronic pain in outpatient research paper

Consequently, the study investigates the various strategies of chronic pain management and formulates an effective approach for addressing under-management of chronic pain. The formation of the management program is significant to the advanced nursing practice because it has the potential to ameliorate the care of all patients at a system level. β†’

Constructive controversy

The value of constructive controversy lies in the thought process it induces when participants adapt to and accommodate the perspective of the other (Johnson, Johnson and Tjosvold, 2006). In Deutsch, M., Coleman, P.T.& Marcus E.The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice, 2nd edition.

Management of bipolar (manic depression)

Maybe I can bring understanding by showing and providing insight into the life of a child struck with mental illness and hopefully people will realize that my child is just as special as the next. They dream of friends who don" t abandon them when their moods change; and look for a miracle in the β†’

Internal; external factors that affect management

Communicationon a real-time level can be difficult by collaborating with people in different time zones and languages. This could be helpful though as well because of all of the different backgrounds and diversity in the countries that Google operates in can give strong ideas to plan upon. Although again this could be β†’