Genuine Research Paper Examples

Implication of peter’s principle on hr manager

Furthermore, the possession of information about human resource planning put the Human Resource Manager in a good position to partake in the strategic planning of the organisation. For example, with the available information on human resource planning, this along side with the organisation strategy would bring the selecting of the best human resource that would β†’

A master of business administration degree will help to start a new career

The reason that earning a Master of Business Administration degree will help me to begin a newcareeris that it will reinforce formaleducationwith my existing work experience thereby increasing my marketability and success potential. Networking with my classmates will create an association during the program that will allow me to have access to resources and β†’

Nursing research research paper samples

The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of those specialized nurses in managing the patient with chronic diseases in the area of primary care settings. This is simply because of the fact that model 1 of the study reveal an efficient management of chronic patient when specialized nurse is found alone in β†’

Student service enterprise inventory system

To speed up the process of searching the data from the files.* To have a back up of data by creating a copy of database.* To ease process of monitoring the inventory of products by providing the system a normalized database system for storing all updated details on the inventory. Aside from this, the proposed β†’

Brand management mid term study guide

Branding Innovations and New Products: Issues in branding innovations; different options in naming a new product/innovation; becoming brand exemplars; first mover issues; reasons for new branding innovations to succeed versus fail; reasons for branding an innovation. Brands, Branding, and Meaning of Brands: Brands and competitive advantage; brand story/meaning; brands and competitive advantages; β†’

Exam notes

Agenda setting- Development of action priorities for ones job, includes goals and plans that p long and short Networking- The process of building and maintaining positive relationships with people whose help may be needed to implement ones work agendas STUDY QUESTION 5 Essential managerial skills: Skill-the ability to translate knowledge into β†’

Statistics: practice problems solutions

The actual sales for the past ten years and the forecasts from the vice president of marketing are given below. 500/20 = 25 boxes per hour Calculate the productivity of the operation for the three-shift operation producing 650 boxes.

Information systems management in practice

The concept of information system is now exploited to bring out exceptional variants of fetching intelligence out of information and better and stronger connection of resources for better business advantage. The idea is to encourage better process development which would ensure right judgment of the business advantage. From the transition of simple β†’

Link between pay and performance

The essay also suggests that since the duties and roles of managers and employees are different the remuneration strategy also need to be different. It is suggested that for manager level result based method is effective for remuneration strategy but for employees it must be behaviour based because in McDonalds' employees has less role in β†’

Hr management

Marie needs to provide an equal distribution of salaries based on the task given to them and the number of hours the employees rendered in a service. Marie needs to provide a business rules and regulations that could strictly be implemented to control the performance of the employees.3.

Time management for right-brained

One this aspect of the brain is understood, it is easy to interpret what goes on in the mind of a successful person who manages his time effectively. It is emotionally involved in the process of goal setting and will not give up.

Good example of network research paper

In the case of the connectivity between the two locations, it would be cheaper to make use of frame relay to connect Pittsburgh and Cleveland offices than other technologies. This is because it will enable the offices to be interconnected and yet at the same time have the connectivity using this technology.

Management is an art and a science

Art is therefore, a skilful application of knowledge which entirely depends on the inherent capacity of a person and is learned from practice and experience. It involves both the elements of art and science.

What is the impact of road safety on the design and management of road networks?

On the basis of the foregoing, when one is building a safe road, every factor of safety should be taken into consideration and at every stage of the process, including design. The main objective of this report is to show the impact of road safety considerations in the design of roads and the management of β†’

Free legislative, executive, and judicial authority in the hands of unelected civil servants research paper example

The history of the development of the political system in United States of America was one aimed at achieving an arrangement that is cohesive yet responsive. Placing judicial, legislative and executive authority in hands of unelected officials It is often the idea American laws are passed by the Congress and because the members of β†’

Example of special music school, new york research paper

The importance of the school is to produce professional musicians who would lead to the development of the music industry not only in the New York but also in the world. The main actors in the in the Special Music school are the parents, teachers, students, the government, private sector, and the society.

Argos donaldson case international management

This case takes place in 1995 and talks about the events of a globalization effort by Argos International, a holdings company based in the United States. The key players or main actors of this case are: The CEO and chairman of this holdings company, Bill Loun; Bert Donaldson, who was a rising corporate star in β†’

What is inventory management?

The aim of inventory management is based on the effectiveness from processes. Some advantages of an inventory management system are: meet customer demands, prevent loss of sales, and be prepared to meet unpredicted increase in actual demands. Final, " C" group will be monitored and ordered by β†’

Maybank: malaysia’s largest bank and financial group

Maybank is well known as the largest bank and financial group in Malaysia, with significant banking operations in Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. In 1974, Maybank introduced the Rural Credit Scheme which purposed its services to rural sectors and also to fulfil the government's objective which want to balance the economic among populance.

Ethics in public administration

Despite the increasing number of studies that have focused on the importance of administrative ethics, there has been very little effort spent on identifying what exactly constitutes the crux of ethics in administration. The objective of this paper is to review the implications of the basic principles of ethics for public administration β†’

Database management systems

Data processing Data processing is performing operations on given set of data and converting it into usable form. Operations performed on a given set of data to extract the required information in an appropriate form such as diagrams, reports, or tables. Data hierarchy is representation of data in pyramid format with smallest form β†’

Relevance of swami vivekananda’s thoughts in management education

He had said that education has more to do with assimilation of ideas and developing 'a mind of the same material as that of which the thunderbolt is made'. He suggested, was to be done with the help of 'Westernsciencecoupled with Vedanta...and faith in one's own Self'. The teacher has to carefully nurture the conviction β†’

Human resource planning research paper sample

Rothwell & Kazanas define HRP as the process followed by organizations in determining the needed staffing support so as to meet customer demands and the needs of the organization. Action planning is the responsibility of both human resource managers and staff.

Ethical decision making and behavior

For example, business ethics educators Charles Powers and David Vogel identify six factors or elements that underlie moral reasoning and behavior and that are particularly relevant in organizational settings. The first is moral imagination, the recognition that even routine choices and relationships have an ethical dimension. The second is β†’

Mgmt quiz

The objective of competitive strategy is to advantage in the marketplace by giving buyers superior value relative the offerings of rival sellers. 9. A competitive strategy of striving to be the low-cost provider is particularly attractive when E.switching costs are high, price competition is strong, and buyers tend to use the β†’

Management and leadership

Management controls or directs people according to reminisces or values that have already been established in an organization. The biggest deference between leadership and management arises from the way they nouveau people who work around them as this sets the tone for all other aspects of an organization. But they are necessarily linked, β†’

Management strategy

Operations: This involves the utilisation of infrastructure and human resources at ING Direct to deliver various financial products and services for their customers e.g.the processing of saving account application, mortgages. The use of coffee shops and its cafes to introduce ING Direct to new customers. Analysis of ING Direct value chain: The aim of this β†’

Battings state university research paper

The researchers have made a guide in the construction, validation, administration and scoring of the survey questionnaires. It is as follows: Construction. The researchers cannot guarantee that the data that will be gathered will totally and accurately represent the opinions of all the Filipinos nice the researchers have only selected students and employees in Battings β†’

Anger management

And finally, offering a plan that the patients can utilize to change the way they react to others and avoid situations that trigger the anger to begin with. If you are a yeller, these easy strategies to stop yelling at your kids may provide you with the help you need to change your yelling habits.

Decision making in manufacturing organization related to make or buy scenarios.

INTRODUCTION Manufacturing Organization in Today's world is constantly facing the challenges of making strategic decisions that affect the sustainability and profitability of the manufacturing Organization. This study will be exploring the aspects of decision making within a manufacturing Organisation as it relates to make or buy scenarios. In other for these decisions to β†’

British american tobacco

It began operating in 1902 as a joint venture of the Imperial Tobacco Company and James Duke's American Tobacco Company, and grew to be the major cigarette company in many countries - but not in the USA or in the UK, where each of the partner organizations had agreed not to compete with the other. β†’

Communication and management skills

The Public Relations Manager in any Organization is the key man; he has to present the best of the Organization, in all aspects to the individuals and Institutions he is called upon to deal. Theme: The theme of any public relations exercise is ' how β†’

Budget analysis research paper example

This paper will analyze the budget of the county concerning the amount and the sources of revenue and expenditure of the county. The principal reforms outlined in the budget include reducing the costs of the city pension, reforming the liability of the retiree health care, reforming the compensation of the county employees and reforming the β†’

Huntsville project

There are a few options that we can take to reduce the amount of time needed to complete this project by the proposed date of November 2013. I am proposing that we reduce all of the aforementioned items by a total of 0% will save us two-and-a-half months on our schedule and should provide adequate β†’

Resource management

Arising HRM problems are due to internationalization of the corporate world and the evolving of HRM strategies, policies and practices which corporations pursue in response to the internationalization process. The recruitment of an expatriate is a company's formula of exporting manpower and importing foreign technical knowledge of the country the expatriate is to work in. β†’

Multinational companies

Many believe that such practice is a direct and an indirect exploitation to such poor countries. But because of the poor societies, ignorance of the people and laxity of their governments, abuse are more likely. The multinationals are sometimes not considered by some as contributors to the economic development but rather than exploiter of the β†’

The roles of management in an organization

The first of the elements is planning; Fayol believes that planning " means both to access the future and make provision for it"[1] Fayol views the " action plan" as the most useful output of the planning process. He notes that this plan must consider the firm's resources, work- in-progress, and future trends of the β†’

Organizational management and operations paper

In the article Trends and Practices in Law Enforcement and Private Security by the Law Enforcement-Private Security Consortium. The Consortium defines law enforcement as the following agencies; Public law enforcement agencies, including local, state, and tribal police departments; sheriffs' departments, and federal agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation , β†’

Life can be beautiful for nightclub managers

Thus, the offshoots of their talents and strategies mean customer satisfaction and good business. In spite of the fact that a nightclub manager's job is a professional career it is still being questioned by few people. The concentration of this paper is not just the juxtaposition of the acceptable and unacceptable realities β†’

Simon decision making

The first three of these activities - fixing agendas, setting goals, and designing actions - are usually called problem solving; the last, evaluating and choosing, is usually called decision making. Nothing is more important for the well-being of society than that this work be performed effectively, that we address successfully the many β†’

Project management: briefΒ the channel tunnel

The success of a project that initiates technological advances is ultimately measured in terms of its contribution to the quality of life, to society, the economy, or theenvironment. The American Society of Civil Engineers has declared the tunnel to be one of the seven wonders of the Modern World. Introduction ; History The idea β†’

Capstone simulation round 3 research paper

The overall strategy for the Chief Information Officer is to maintain the balance in the budget while sustaining the allocated resources for the purposes of the positive decision making involved for the system. Given the Authorized Software Policy that has been upheld over the time of use by the organization the budget is maintained β†’

Lessons from enron: bad management, negative consequences

The dependence of the auditing firm on the management in essence creates the break in the accounting and auditing ethics: in order not to lose an all-too important account such as Enron, they would need to abide by the decisions of the management. The lack of willpower β†’

Psoriasis: treatment and management

Each case of psoriasis is different, and may require a certain form of treatment or a combination of treatments to obtain relief. Most of those available now work to lessen the redness and itching, but tend to be pricey and time-consuming. There was 90% clearance of the lesions, with a PASI (Psoriasis Activity and Severity β†’

Operation and productivity question

The continuance of quality throughout the manufacturing process, with statistical process control of product variables such as oil, moisture, seasoning, salt, thickness and weight. Quality continues when evaluations are conducted throughout shipment, receipt, production, packaging and delivery.2.)To determine the productivity of the production process at Fritos-lay you must look at the amount of production. The β†’

Planning for management information system

The operational-level IS characteristic are repetitive, predictable, emphasizes the past and detailed in nature just to name a few. The focus of the operational system is the daily tasks performed at the user level. The data input and the information produced as outputs differ from the type of data involved, tactical characteristics are periodic in β†’

Good us food regulation research paper example

Within these stories journalists tend to ask a several of the same question, " Is the US government doing enough to fight such outbreaks?" In order to answer this question is becomes necessary to delve into the history of the Food and Drug Administration, it's history, an understanding of what is currently being done, and β†’

Hr specialist at accountco

The information in the case suggests a close, trusting, family type relationship between the firm and its clients. Challenges Its major challenge is in the recruitment of new graduates and the retention of existing staff when large London-based firms offer much better terms and conditions of employment. Accountco is a small firm and obviously will β†’

Administration and politics dichotomy

Woodrow Wilson's essay, " The Study of Administration" , is about the separation of politics and administration in public administration. It could even be beneficial in a society that is evolving; such as Administration and Politics Dichotomy 2 ne coming out of a third world status, the fall of a β†’

Free predictive policing research paper example

Additionally, the technology aided the deployment of law enforcers in the foreseen areas to dissuade the intended criminal activity. The technology is fed by data whereby information implementation and the application of information system produces a systematic alert report for the police.

Organisational study at bhel

Birla Institute of Management Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bangalore-560001 2006-07 M P Birla Institute of Mgmt 1 Organization Study EDN DECLARATION I here by declare that the " Internship report on Organization study & Microscopic Study on Quality Management & Controlling" at BHARATH HEAVY ELECTRICAL LIMITED, Bangalore is a record of independent work carried β†’

Improving quality to improve profits

As a result, Schlumberger management authorized a study to validate their hypothesis and determine specific focus areas to place resources that will maximize the effort for achieving results. To start the validation, the research team decided to utilize the specific research process charted in Business Research Methods written by Cooper and Schindler. β†’

Benefits of corporate social responsibility (csr)

They are required to have strategies that take considerations about the employees, the society and the environment from their resources. The Benefits of CSR to companies: better business recognition, positive company reputation, increasing sales, loyal customers, fewer costs and more savings, better financial performance, ability to attract skilled and maintain workers, organizational growth, and easy β†’

Learning team skills assessment paper and matrix

The team's plan is to review the members' strengths and weaknesses and evaluate what type of consulting firm would best suited for the qualities of the team members. In addition, Team A will review the opportunities and qualifications the team believes are required to strengthen the management team and company. Team A believes the general β†’

Globalization of international management

On the other hands, If a certain nation is open to the funding for foreign companies, there will be some troubles with foreign companies about taxes and incentives.Q. Why, in your opinion, do the authors regard the use of the self-reference criterion as " probably the biggest cause of international business blunders"? Although β†’

California alcoholic beverage control

The restaurant is a good choice, and one has to understand the requirements and laws that govern the sale of alcohol and beverage at the premise. The fact limits the restaurant for both drink in the restaurant and take away drinks. Application of the liquor license is at the department that deals with alcohol and β†’

Event facilities and management

Moreover, officially the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics is primarily a major international multi-sport event, which required plenty of technical, marketing, and event planning. Hosted by the People's Republic of China however, the sporting event was also or perhaps translated into, a β†’

Shared services model for it research paper

Adapting the shared model in the department guarantees the objective criteria defined in a business as costs are reduced, quality improved, and efficiency ensured (Bergeron, Baker and Taylor, 2003). In a shared services organization, the scope of duties of relationship managers is more pronounced than in a traditional services organization (Bergeron, Baker and Taylor, 2003).

Information system management

Electro Deposition is a computer controlled process in which the Chasis is taken to a paint deposition in which it is dipped for four minutes. Each bearing has a code on it which needs to be fed on the computer which in return instructs the labor about the accuracy of the bearing and how it β†’

The global mindset research paper examples

Due to the high integration of global networks, interdependence also determines the success of a business that is operating on a global level therefore the expat should have knowledge on how to maintain the linkages as well as the factors that lead to the failure of the global linkages. Another barrier to the global mindset β†’

Global human resource management research paper examples

This paper will focus on how expansion of business and trade activities in foreign countries' affects the human resource management, business operations, and some of the challenges that the human resource face. Effects of International Business Activities in HRM Growth in international business activities has a major effect on human resources management. The human β†’


She very much enjoys her job and, although she has only been working for the firm for a few months, has already become a valuable and trusted employee. She has been asked by Jamal, the partner in the firm for whom she works, to organise the event that the firm hosts every β†’

The code of ethics in advocacy

This implies that the central focus of the concept of advocacy is not the advocate but the subject of his advocacy that is the achievement of the need of his client. By that, it is ore appropriate to call them as " partners" and not service-users. The Need for the Code of β†’

Management fraud

Loss of time or money from job Impact of Fraud Fraud is not unusual Most companies will have to deal with some sort of fraud at some time or another Financial Loss The money or items that have been taken is a loss for the company. Maintaining the integrity of the company is the main β†’

Good example of research paper on studies of change

Therefore, Grossman convened a meeting with the head of marketing Abby Kohnstamn and gave a detailed explanation of the importance of the internet. In this case, the change barriers were the investors and the employees.

Business information systems – knowldege management

The diversity and the dynamic evolution of tools and technologies from Business Intelligence category, represent a positive factor, wilt a decisive role, In the evolution of decision making systems and Implicit In Increasing quality of decisions. For an organization, Business Intelligence technologies are strong and complex tools for analysis, reporting and prognosis in β†’

Leadership management at kit

To understand the approach to be made in the current context, it is ideal to know the leadership concepts and theories.[3]. The Leadership Concept Influencing subordinates in achieving the objectives of the organization is the main criteria for leaders. The best leadership style identified is the participative or democratic model where the leader β†’

Management & organisational behaviour

In any case, the consideration of McLelland's theory reveals that money cannot be the only driver, and the management needs to account for a wide range of motivators, also considering their category and what is most typical of this particular group. The same refers to the strength of drives across cultures. The same correlation is β†’

Center for research on information technology and organizations uc irvine

4 Our research suggests that these poor outcomes are often due to failure to define clearly the intent and specific goals for outsourcing, to align the contract and relationship with strategic objectives, to make contracts flexible enough to adjust to changes in the business or technology, and to ensure that the vendor has the capabilities β†’

Strategic analysis : jp morgan chase

Morgan and Chase Supervisor] Environmental analysis of JP Morgan and Chase of Morgan and Chase: Morgan and Chase deal with a number of clients that work in various fields of finances. Using various data mining techniques the organization can extract useful data that would help the company in optimizing its performance. Competitors of Morgan and β†’

Global organization management in the year 2000

Communications, empowerment, and learning will be the three greatest deciding factors in the success of these new multinational firms." To be more successful in business in the globalenvironment, it will be necessary to expand to the global market. Maslow's theory suggests that an individual's motivational needs aspire to the next level once the lower level β†’

Factors affecting academicperformance

Christ the King College, specifically the College ofNursingshares this commonality which brings the researchers to wondering whether there are comparisons and differences among BS Nursing students living in their homes and boarding houses in relation to their academic performance. Statement of the problemThis study aims at finding the factors affecting the level of academic performance β†’

Fundamentals of database characteristics and structure research paper example

In environments of such a data-intensive system, quality information storage data serves as the database starting point, the foundation for the truthfulness of the data clients hope to get or exchange information and the fountain of reliable facts clients require in order to do analyses. From such developments come new responsibilities, like health data database β†’

Free research paper on cross cultural analysis

3% people are from the overseas. The management style of Australia is more similar towards the management style of Europe. The source of management style comes from the period of colony, and it is still changing with more people from different cultural group is migrating to Australia. The managers in β†’

Management and union relationships in an organization

The Role of Management in an Organization " Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizationalgoals". There are some who believe that labor-management relations are a relic of an era when rising standards of living and stable markets seemed to be predictable. According to the text (Creative β†’

Free research paper on wastewater treatment

The ozone is manufactured at the site and is said to be very powerful in killing pathogens that exist in the wastewater. It was stated that it is a cheap option that allows for the waste product to be usable on land as fertilizer. Guidelines for treatment of sewage The EPA has the authority β†’

Sony and features of japanese r&d management

In electronics industry rotation between R&D and manufacturing is common. Rotation of R&D employees to manufacturing helps to cut the time to market of new technologies. Typical forms of R&D collaboration are alliances and joint ventures , licensed and contracted cooperation tend to be undertaken in short term perspective.

Example of life for a correctional officer research paper

The daily schedule of a correctional comprise of delivering the following services; maintaining order and discipline, to transport inmates to federal courts, enforcing prison rules and regulations, to search inmates for contraband and lastly, to provide first-response in case of riot, assault, fire, and medical emergency. Prisons today are small societies that reflect the challenges β†’

Board of directors

1 I would require the board of directors degree of Involvement In strategic management be active participation (approves, questions and makes final decisions on mission, strategy, policies and objectives) or be that of a catalyst (takes the leading role In establishing and modifying the mission, objectives, strategies and polices). This would ensure that β†’

Management issues

Chrysler must consider the impacts of their company's reputation and labour unions reaction when they decided to outsource to TSC. For example, Chrysler can assign a qualified person or team to assess the quality and efficiency of TSC's technology and services.

Free research paper on parkroyal hotel

Parkroyal Hotel The centrality of asset management in the success of the hotel industry cannot be gainsaid. Renovation at the hotel involved upgrading the physical assets at the hotel to boost customer experience. Parkroyal Darling Harbour is a hotel built in the central business district of Sydney.

Research paper on why voting should remain compulsory in australia

The country is a constitutional monarchy and has federal government. The federal government of Australia comprises of three branches; the legislature (which is made up of the Parliament, the Senate and the House of Representatives), the executive (made up of the Federal Executive Council), and the judiciary (consisting of the High Court of Australia and β†’

Sun tzu strategic management

According to Synder and Neil their journal called ' Strategic Management Journal' , The school of strategy definition of strategic planning that are offered by Henry Mintzberg in 1981 concludes that strategic planning is a process involving all components of planning that integrated decision making, structured procedure with articulate results, and specific tactical objectives β†’

Total quality management: overview

TQM is an integrativephilosophyof management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes.[1] It is used around the world. Total Quality Control Juran, J.M.

Diversity management in japan and germany

Key factors of how to behave are age, gender and position. Behaviors other than the appropriate norms are being cancelled Japanese Management System Although some practices were brought from abroad, such as new organizational forms, due to the big recession in the asses Japan had to experience, Japan developed and created a very β†’

Graph 1: lulivo irving street research paper

Romanians working in Wild tree, Lulivo Irving, Lulivo Villiers and Piazza are 2, 2, 3 and 2 respectively. A comparison of Egyptians working in the four restaurants shows equality in Wild tree, Lulivo Irving and Lulivo Villiers. According to the manager, majority of employees in the business and restaurant are young making it difficult for β†’

The dawros bay

Therefore, to increase our working effecience and quality of restaurant proper training will be provided as first. This training manual will indroduce you with some new Standard operating procedures whichI believewill help us to become succesfull and profitable Restaurant. It will help you to become more efficient and productive if you β†’

Free research paper on cybersecurity against virus attacks

A computer virus can simply be defined as a piece of code or program that is able to replicate itself, runs on a computer against the owner's wishes, and spreads from one computer to another. All these measures ensure protection, readiness and solutions in case of an attack. Prior to cyber attack, various computer β†’

Management commentary

Management should present commentary that is consistent with the following principles: To provide management's view of the entity's performance, position and development; and To supplement and complement information presented in the financial statements. Five elements that the SAAB would expect to be include in management commentary: The nature of the business (e.G. Its β†’

Decision making for behemoth motors corp

Wizard quantifies the cost of sacrificing his workforce, in favor of obtaining the benefits of the FEE contract.Mr. Wizard will wake a sound managerial decision by opting for the FEE Behemoth Motors Corp.

Business and administration lvl 3, taking minutes

3 Explain the purpose of minutes as an accurate record of discussions and decisions The purpose of holding a meeting is to discuss topics that are relevant to the running of the business and to keep all working together towards the samegoals. 4 Describe the purpose of documents and terms that are commonly used in β†’

Research paper on negotiation

Ahram Online, Sunday 24 Apr 2011 Sharaf fails to calm crowds in Qena Egypt's prime minister visits Qena where protesters had brought the city to a standstill following the appointment last month of a Coptic governor but his words do little to ease sectarian sentiments Ahram Online, Tuesday 3 May 2011 β†’

Negotiation tactics

A portion of the class participation mark will be based on a discussion that will be led by a student-group and center on the topics delineated in the course schedule.b. A portion of the mark will be based on a discussion outline that must be created and handed out to the class preferably by e-mail β†’

Research paper on leadership

It is also the responsibility of the business leadership to do research. Business leadership must allow teams in the organization to help the achievement of the objectives.

Research paper on women owned businesses are more efficient than men

Women learn faster than men indicating that they are in a better position to adapt to the ever changing business environment in a more efficient manner. Women have different communication styles from men in terms of business operations.

Ethics in public administration and policy

It will equally address a good, clear research question based on ethics in public administration and policy. Ethics in public administration and policy refers to the determination of the right and wrong human behaviors in course of offering public services and leadership. Moreover, Ethics in public administration and policy relates to social commitment, ethical leadership, β†’