Genuine Research Paper Examples

Butterflies r us.

The target audience is the parents of the under-five children with special needs, schools for children with special needs, doctors and hospitals for children with special needs, special homes for children with special needs, various social service groups and charity organizations. By using e-commerce they can convey their business plan to a larger national/international target →

The dream of a new society: why paul berman was right

Jeremi Suri's The Global Revolutions of 1968 detail all of these events, but also provide three different interpretations of all of these events: Paul Berman's The Dream of a New Society, Arthur Marwick's The Consummation of a Cultural Revolution, and Suri's own Power and Protest. The Global Revolutions of 1968: a Norton Casebook in History.

Surface pressure measurements on an aerofoil

The purpose of measuring the pressure distributions is to assess the validity of the Prandtl-Glauert law and to discuss the changing chracteristics of the flow as the Mach number increases from subsonic to transonic. The reference staticpressure, p, is measured via a pressure tapping in the floor of the working section, well upstream of the →

Julius caesar seminar questions

Also, while Cassius is the one who originally comes up with the idea of the conspiracy and that he wants Brutus to be in charge, he thinks through the plan, yet does not want to takeresponsibility. In Brutus' mind, honesty and honor is all that is needed in a group decision to proceed with the →

The functionalist view on education (for as level sociology)

Interactionalists such Wrong also argue that the functionalist view of education is too deterministic: functionalists assume that students accept the norms and values they are taught in school, when they may reject them. It is clear that education does in fact create value consensus and prepare students for changing attitudes from school to the workplace.

Montgomery bus boycott

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a socio-political protest against the policy of racial segregation anddiscriminationcampaign in the public transport service of Montgomery city, Alabama in 1955. After the conviction of Rosa Parks, the local black leaders congregated to arrange a mass protest and an extension of the bus boycott.

Ideology of pakistan

Thus, this fundamental concept of Ideology led to the concept of two nations in the Sub Continent and resulted in the formation of Pakistan. In the sub-continent, Urdu was considered to be the language of Muslims and Hindi to the Hindus.

Legal research assessment

Westlaw Searching for Police Reform Act 2002 s41 accreditation under community safety accreditation schemes Applies where under s a chief officer of police has entered into arrangements with an employer for the purposes of carrying out community safety functions Schedule 5 sets out the powers that may be conferred on " accredited person" Under s41 →

Sampling techniques

For the first topic: Perceptions of jobstressamong correction officers, the probable purpose of the research is to contribute knowledge that will help people understand the nature of a problem so that there is some kind of a control on theirenvironment. If the objective of the research is to gain a general understanding of what those →

Nagorno-karabakh conflict

Introduction From the beginning of the 1988 a conflict lasts between the South Caucasian nations of Azerbaijan and Armenia over the ownership area of Nagorno-Karabakh. So the conflict has become one of the most intractable disputes in the international arena and it is also the conflict of the region which has the largest geopolitical significance.


Management wrote a clear and concise statement of the issue, the warranted termination of Mr. Chuckles 26 March 2013, In which he acknowledged that he understood the policy to include the repercussions for a breach of the policy which included termination.

Higher education and vocational degree

A vocational degree can bring just as much income sometimes even more than a four year college degree in half the time. As a society we look at the only way of becoming successful is going to a four university and look over vocational degree programs.

Timberline technology

Packaging of circuits X X X X X X X X X Accounting and Finance 1. Budgeting X X X X X X X 2.

The policy and practices

The clash between the political parties and the delayed In the peace process and drafting of the new constitution is also a challenge for business. The per capita income and the interest of bank In rural areas are attracting the frozenmoneyInto the market.

Northern ireland – source related study

1) Source A depicts the job problems that the Catholics faced in Ulster in the 60's. 3) The reason that Londonderry became the centre of acivil rightsmovement was that the Catholics got fed up with the living conditions and the voting system in the city.

Padma bridge

The bridge, which would connect the southwest region with the rest of the country, could be used for the trans-Asian route; the minister said adding " The Bridge will help gear up industrialisation in the region too. MAIN BRIDGE The total length of the main bridge is 6150m and the main bridge is connected to →

Disney case

Then the follow-up product development, the theme park is one, each put a cartoon theme park to add a new character, creating atmosphere in the movies and the park, allowing visitors to visit the theme happily Park, Disney thus earned the second round. The then branded products, Disney in the United States and around the →

Is voting for young people?

Wattenberg in Is Voting For Young People is that young people today do not vote during elections as much compared to other voting groups. The title of the book suggests that voting for young people is not a priority.

Probability exercice

If this letter is a U, what is the probability that the guest is from the UK? A jar contains 15 balls, 10 of the red, and 5 of the blue.

Contemporary issues in eastern religion – jainism

The core beliefs of Jainism focus on the existence of the soul for every living being, karmas, and the concept of non-violence, among others. By living in a community committed to peace and non-violence, the traditions of Jainism are manifested.

Uniform commercial code

The international business is affected by the US trade laws in the sense that the US is one of the major players in the international trade among different nations. That the US currency is recognized all over the world is a proof of the influence of the US laws in the international business.

Reconstruction era of the united states and new york times

There were much political opposition from the north and the south as well as from the republicans and the democrats, the entire nation was facing economic hardships, and the attempt to place the freedmen in the same social level as the white southerners caused so much tension that the efforts of the Congress' Reconstruction gradually →

Culture and gender

The Saudi government- through the religious police- is the primary proponent and advocate of strict laws and norms pertaining to women hence they should be dealt with sensitively. An example is on the awarding of contracts to bidders in government projects.

Traits: elections and voters

Because the media plays such a huge role in society it is hard for voters to move past a candidate's image and to the inside of the candidate as an everyday person. They should look at the candidates' background and their experience and determine how prepared the candidate is for the job.

The buying and selling of teenagers

In her book " Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers", Alissa Quart systematically demonstrates how generation Y is increasingly subjected to the companies' various marketing strategies in order to help teen to understand the unconscious negative consequences of materialism and consumption. Branded: The Buying and selling of Teenagers.

The precursors of today’s engineers

Working in the department of defense NAVY, I can attest to the fact that reduction in the General funds of the Department of defense will reduce the MILCO projects and then a reduction in the civil engineering work force can be foreseeing. We can simplify saying that depending whom and what are going to be →

A look at loblaws companies

As of 2005, the Company " believe that [they] are taking the significant steps required to ensure that Loblaw continue to grow, to succeed and to provide sustainable value in a changing landscape". They are one of the leaders in their industry and continue to operate as a standard setter for customer satisfaction.

Should we make lobbying in government illegal

Second, the argument ignores the constitutional basis of lobbying, which is free speech in the United States. The constitutional basis of lobbying is the First Amendment, which guarantees the right to free speech.

Matteo ricci

One major development in recent years is the historiography of the contacts between cultures, with a primary question of the perspective from which one needs to look at the missionary: from his own perspective or from the perspective of the receivingculture? The most obvious example of the interference of the Other in the field of →

Keeping the drinking age at 21

On the other hand the current law of the minimum drinking age at 21 leads to problems behind the scenes. There are many pros and cons to lowering the drinking age, but the most important reason not to lower the drinking age is to protect the lives of young adults.

Dramatic changes in the london areas

Of all the locations I visited in my opinion I found Wellington Way was the poorest. One of the problems of this type of housing is that off road parking is poor.

Why i want a wife

The humor of the essay lies in its structure: on the surface it seems to accept the criteria it puts forth, while the meaning actually operates in the recognition that the narrator is being sarcastic. And, to further express the overall satire of the essay, I will try to keep the hint of a smirk →

Change, challenge and strategic leadership

Issues concerning the type of the strategic alliance to be adopted and the number of alliance partners or alliances a firm may join is of high concern for managers. Pansiri contends that issues concerning the type of the strategic alliance to be adopted and the number of alliance partners or alliances a firm may join →

The berlin blockade

Essentially, The Berlin Blockade took place when the USSR cut off all access to Berlin in an attempt to force the United States, Britain, and France to the negotiating table for the purpose of discussing the future as well as the division of Germany. This move was opposed by the Russians because, according to them, →

That eye, the sky

Prior to Henry Warburton entering the life of Ort and educating him about God and religion, Ort sees the sky as an eye which looks over the world and sees everything. Throughout the novel the eye imagery signifies the spirituality and mysticism between Ort and Henry.

Media bias denial of what should be done

In the course of the continuous media presentation of different news, events and issues in the different areas of life, the media is said to seemingly affect the thinking of people. However, the question that is posted that is mostly raised is: " Is the presentation and the perspective of the media of the news, →

A piece of art

Mario is the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. What is different from the original painting is that, instead of pointing his finger toward the Kingdom, Mario holds a mushroom.

Year stpauls college

He knew from the start of his two life sentences what he wanted and knew exactly how to get it. He wants to be free but is bound by the beds and is incapable of being what hedreamsabout himself.

Challenges in international business

When the products are on the way shipping to the particular country, it may has the probability to encounter damage such as crushes because of the unpredictable cases and it is unrealized since the biscuits are packaging in a package, but even in a carton size. The Yee Hup biscuits are selling to the customers →

King louis xiv of france

The Age of Absolute Monarchs was a period of European history when monarch had total control over laws and the power of their nation. A positive effect is that Louis the Great had was that he reduced France's taxes and had a major impact on the arts.

Defining the humanities

The music of the '60s in America is the humanities or culture of the American people of that era. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from The music of the sixties - the psychedelic era.

Gawai day or gawai dayak

The word Gawai means a ritual or festival whereas Dayak is a collective name for the native ethnic groups of Sarawak: the Iban, also known as Sea Dayak and the Bidayuh people, also known as Land Dayak. The unwanted articles will be tossed to the ground from the end of the longhouse for the spirit →

Obtaining a sustainable society

A country such as Italy has low birth rates; in order to bring them back up incentives need to be put in place to insure that people will want to have children. Us as a world need to find some kind of happy medium, where the policies are not to strict for people with lots →

Business valuations

Calculate the value of the Dosed Co.based on the present value of the expected earnings? What is the value of a preference share?

Horace miner – nacirema tribe location

They are a " North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Creel the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles". This area is the United States of America and upon recognizing the location, the reader starts to become cognizant of the presence of an ulterior message.

Nandan nilekani introduction

Nilekani had a huge task of convincing ground level politicians and bureaucrats in convincing them about the idea of a unique identification system and garnering their support to the completion of the project. Nilekani ensured that he brought in the employee stock options plan to Infosys to add on to the employee satisfaction levels and →

Principles of research

The principles of research entail the following: identifying a broad area of inquiry; conducting a review of researchable problem from reviewed literature; and choosing a method and design for an identified problem. A competent research design ought to answer the formulated research questions and establish the relevance of the proposed research hypothesis.

Dry cleaning industry research

One of the problems facing the dry cleaning industry is the persistently diminishing demand for the service, and this has seen the industry shrink by the day. Another problem is the high cost of labor in the industry since the dry cleaning service is rather rigorous.

Gsh sushi hasn’t died

Harvey's work was crucial to the advance of medical science; for, as the Bible proclaimed more than 2000 years before Christ, the life of the flesh is in the blood. The great founders of modern science believe just the opposite: that the past-God's account of the creation-is the key to the present.

Tomb of shihuangdi

It is believed that Shihuangdi was father by one of two men, Zichu a son of the king of Qin at the time. The History of China.

Mediquip and thaldorf case

The major strength that Thaldorf possesses is that the model of the CT scanner is the latest one. He is the one who use the scanner so he cares the quality and functions the most.

Crohn’s disease: a patient education plan

Sarah is planning on going to college in the fall and will need a large amount ofeducationon nutrition, medications, and symptoms of the disease so that she can manage the disease independently. For Sarah, educational on how to best manage Crohn's disease and prevent flare-ups will decrease stress and help her live a normal life.

Codes of laws

The different laws include: The Code of Hammurabi, Draco's law, Law of the Twelve Tables, Justinian Code, Magna Carta, and Statue of Westminster. The laws of the twelve tables were written by ten Roman men to govern the Romans, which formed the foundation of modern public and private law.

What is medical diagnostic imaging and radiology?

Pediatric conventional X-rays and computerized tomography require special examining protocols and techniques sets by the radiology department that are suitable to the patient's age and to the indication for the study in order to prevent the patient from unnecessary dose. This article is to discuss the principles of radiation protection for pediatric in general radiography, →

Consent forms

However many of us may have a lot of questions that about signing a consent form at the doctor's office and we may not think that it is very important to sign and most of us do not want to sign that paper and they doctors may do something to you cells, and you did →

Kendle international inc.

The current financials of Kendle are as follows: Income Statement Quarterly Annual Annual Total Revenue 81. 57 Cash from Operating 4.

A person’s mind is a very simple venue for many interesting cognitive

They were initially made to believe that the persons who gave the speeches were freely given a choice as to what stand to make, the subjects naturally rated the persons who gave the pro- speeches as having a positive attitude towards Castro, and people who gave anti- speeches as having a negative attitude towards Castro. →

Advantages that multinations have over domestically focused companies

The reasons why companies seek to expand across borders are: to open new markets or to hold onto existing ones; to avoid tariffs or other trade restrictions; to tap new sources of raw materials and agricultural production; and to take advantage of cheap foreign labor. Multinational companies enjoy the advantage of having the choice to →

Support childrens and young people’s health and safety

Display boards-make sure they are up to date and display notices to the children, staff and visitors on how to be safe around the school environment. Sign in- when entering the school grounds you must sign in and out, you are issued with a visitor sticker to show the rest of the people in the →

A sad lonely day

I hate the fact that I do not know this and all I really need help Is with my History class, but that cannot even seem to be close to being done since all you do now a days Is Ignore me, The water was quiet so quiet that I could hear the ripples in →

Kant theory and justice

This belief is part of the " universal law theory" and states that to determine if an action is essentially " good" or " bad," one must essentially imagine a world in which everyone performed that same action constantly, and imagine if this would be a desirable world to live in. It is important for →

Editorial: intersectionality and identity development: how do we conceptualize and research identity intersectionalities in youth meaningfully?

While the concept of intersectionality helps us understand the spaces that youth occupy as a function of their unique personal and social identity configurations, further research and theory building on the development of identity intersectionalities and their consequences for young individuals' daily lives is needed. Azmitia, M, and Thomas, V.D." Intersectionality and the development of →

Contrasting organisations

A stakeholder is an individual or group with an interest in the success of an organization in delivering intended results and maintaining the viability of the organization's products and services. Conclusion Using my research I have been able to come to the conclusion that the NHS and Ford Motor Company havedifferent stakeholdersbecause of the way →

The engineer and his education

The functions of an engineer are to design, to construct, to advise, to operate, to investigate, and to supervise. Thus, a civil engineer ought to have knowledge inmathematicsto solve mathematical problems; knowledge of the practical application of engineeringscience and technologyand this includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various →

Visualising alternate futures of a city

The heritage of this modern-day signifier, born out of the extremist transmutations of the industrial revolution emerged in the mid-19 Thursday century as an intrinsic procedure in determining the signifier of the metropolis. The demand for happening an appropriate hereafter of the metropolis became a procedure of contriving the hereafter of the metropolis.

Developing a software program

If there are leaks in the design and programming tactics and technology implementation then there would be a lot of leak in the system as well that result in a very severe or drastic problem. If there are leaks in the design and programming tactics and technology implementation then there would be a lot of →

Ideas of marx, weber or durkheim

Introduction One of the main concerns of Emile Durkheim's body of work was the changing relationship between the individual and the society that they live in. Within an organic society, the individual is able to access a much more diverse range of opinions and experiences, and this has been greatly increased by the growth in →

Research paper first draft

Abstract We all know the Black Death was a devastating malady that struck the people of Europe during the Middle Ages and we also know the degree to which the plague wiped out at least one third of the population and the horrifying effects it had on the victims. In the years following the Black →

Suicide and adolescent psychology

These include the specialty of the therapist, the diagnosed underlying condition, and the severity of the depressive state. As complicated as the diagnosis and treatment of suicidal depression is in adults, it is even more so in the adolescent population.

Malaysian treasury bills and malaysian islamic treasury bills

Normal auction day is Thursday and the results of successful bidders will be announced one day after, on Friday. The bidders will subsequently sell back the assets to the Government at par based on credit term.

The ritz carlton hotel

The Ritz-Carlton is a luxury hotels, was established in 1983, it is the foremost name in luxury hotels worldwide, this success is largely due to the legendary Caesar Ritz who developed and operated two of the world's best hotels in Paris and London, the hotel achieved such fame in the marketplace till the point they →

Economic effects on easyjet

Coursework Two: Written report evaluating and commenting on the recent developments in monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policy in the UK and abroad and how these impact on easyJet With the newcoalitionGovernment of the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats gaining power in 2010, and almost immediately calling an emergency budget, as the Conservatives promised, declaring their →

Malayan high school of science

According to the Department of Parasitology of University of the Philippines Manila, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil are not effective as a mosquito repellent. The length of repellency time varies with the inert ingredients and the amount of citronella oil in the product.


You must create an analogy for all of the parts and organelles found in the cell type that you choose, making sure that your analogies are relevant to the location. In your brochure, you will draw, describe, and explain the functions of cell parts and organelles.

Business letters

On behalf of my institution, I would like to request you for a meeting appointment as per your convenience to discuss the areas and options where your organization could assist us. Santa: Please be informed that I will be traveling to Cube on March 5th, 2014 and I will be requiring a room at your →

Poverty no longer exists in britain today

In this piece of work it will be argued that poverty does affect many people in our society and the lack of resources of poorer people in society is at the root of inequalities inhealth. Furthermore it will be shown that the discrepancy between the standards of living that better off people in society enjoy →

Preventing and addressing problems

This is evidenced by the fact that he is usually engaged in solving numerous problems at the workplace and has to multitask in his working. Whenever there is a problem or misunderstanding among the workers, the administrator uses his administrative privileges to unify the staff together since cohesion in the working environment is the best →

Journal outline

A design for the cover of the journal including your particulars. Referencing: Include the references for all your research here.

Ned kelly-hero or villian

A the age of 12 John Kelly died and Ned had to takeresponsibilityfor the man of the house. It was this point in time that Ned was accused of shooting a police officer in the wrist and his mother was sent to jail for 3 years.

Government regulations

Keeping that in head, and the turning demands of the thickly settled, it is merely normal to believe that societal policy, and human services continuously change with the times and events of the people and state it serves. If they do not cognize what to describe things that need to be reported could perchance non →

The legacy and impact of the shinkansen technology

In thickly-populated cities such as Tokyo and the huge population of the country itself, the car was not the way to move forward. History of the Bullet Train Shinkansen is the name of every train that travels throughout Japan.

Dividend policy and share prices

Introduction In this paper the impact of dividend policy of the companies on the firm's share prices is analysed and different views in the context of the semi-strong form of the efficient market hypothesis are contrasted. The overview of the traditional and most recent empirical investigations of the stock market reaction to the dividend announcements →

Arab revolt affect on world economy

" A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence." As the above quote describes the revolt took place when the citizen of the country is left unsatisfied and there are demands and rights ignored by the →

Occupational psychology

Ajang also supports the theory that Maslow's hierarchy of needs have been useful in organisations in motivation, believing that in order for them to be effective and efficient, managers and the organisation must be willing to understand and provide factors that motivate employees within their roles and duties. Locke's theory is referred to as a →

Mystery story for english

When he was conscious, the detective Ford told him that he got shot. Well Sam was next to Max so when Greg pulls the trigger he missed and shot Sam by accident.

Does therapeutic touch reduce pain?: overview

A Cochrane Review in 2008 assessed 16 studies of Therapeutic Touch in relation to pain relief. The effects of therapeutic touch on pain.

The nature of educational research philosophy essay

What is Educational Research: Research is a combination of both experience and reasoning and must be regarded as the most successful approach to the discovery of truth, particularly as far as the natural sciences are concerned. According to Anderson and Arsenault, there are ten characteristics of educational research which can be grouped into three main →

Sarbanes-oxley whistleblower

Catherine Zulfer, a former employee of playboy filed a suit against them alleging that Playboy Enterprises violated provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Conclusion: In the end, the courts dismissed playboy's argument reaffirming that under the bylaws of employees are protected from employees from retaliation for reporting violations of " any rule of regulation →

What is wpa

The pro to this " New Deal" is the amount of jobs that will be created. And in Boston, the government sponsored a project to make fish chowder.

Huffington post

I will admit that I am rather new to the discussion on bigotry, privilege, and the various -isms. However, I will arbitrarily make the choice to begin by discussing perceptions of the average and see where that leads us.

Researching political films essay

The film, much of it situated in the Pentagon War Room, becomes a satire on the military, and leaves few unscathed as it presents a host of insane characters in the midst of the greater insanity of mutual extermination. This style dominates the beginning of the film, most of the scenes in the War Room, →

Governements use fiscal policy to help them achieve their macroeconomic objectives

The success is questionable as the incentive was supposedly directed at lower income areas to the North, the Midlands, Wales and Scotland where as, the majority of the benefits have gone to the richer areas in the SE. As this area in particular was hit by the recession the least and where the housing market →

Biomarkers in neurodegenerative disorders: translating research into clinical practice

The prevalence of ND is increasing dramatically and one of the major challenges today is the need of early and accurate diagnosis, the other is the need of more effective therapies -in turn the development of such therapies also requires early and accurate diagnosis-. Is the subcallosal medial prefrontal cortex a common site of atrophy →

Jetsmarter ceo sergey petrossov’s sky-high ambitions

As to travel to destinations around the world, JetSmarter has been described by many as the Uber for the private jet market- a comparison that Petrossov claims to be pleased about, but he admits that he's aiming for greater things than that." Uber has achieved a lot of great success, and I think that they →

Ridoran manufactoring

This paper will outline the compensation plan for Riordan Manufacturing and include an evaluation of current trends and predict future trends, internal and external equity, a wage management process and retirement plan, financial influence on the plan's options, and discuss the methods in which the plan will be communicated to members of the organization. A →